General Category >> The Cafe >> Piper (my cat) just loves my new guitar

Message started by Midnightrider on 11/23/10 at 14:58:18

Title: Piper (my cat) just loves my new guitar
Post by Midnightrider on 11/23/10 at 14:58:18

Well not quite. If I close the case she scratches on it until I open it. My beautiful new dark blue guitar is gonna be light blue from all the sunlight  [smiley=cry.gif] 

Title: Re: Piper (my cat) just loves my new guitar
Post by mick on 11/23/10 at 15:07:28

"Case in point"       very cute mike.

Title: Re: Piper (my cat) just loves my new guitar
Post by Paladin. on 11/23/10 at 17:22:14

I have told that a bagpipe looks and sounds like a piper squeezing a cat under his arm while biting on it's tail.  Is that where she got her name?  She looks that she likes her new case you bought for her.

Title: Re: Piper (my cat) just loves my new guitar
Post by Midnightrider on 11/23/10 at 17:48:06

She was a wild stray cat that stayed in my drainpipe at the end of my driveway. Thats why my wife called her Piper. My wife would carry a bowl of food and set it out for her every night for months. One night back in Feb I went braindead and decided to catch her. She literally tore my a$$ to shreds. I looked like a wild tiger had mauled me. Put her in a cage and took her to the vet to get her checked for diseases and get her fixed. He had to gas her to check her. He called her the cat from Hell. Well it kind of obvious a lot has changed since Feb. She doesnt want to let me out of her sight now. Never had a cat as attached to me as Piper is. She's one of a kind, guess I am to. Maybe thats why we get along so well. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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