General Category >> The Cafe >> Christmas is coming

Message started by mick on 11/23/10 at 13:05:20

Title: Christmas is coming
Post by mick on 11/23/10 at 13:05:20

Christmas is coming,the geese are getting fat,
please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you don't have a penny a Ha-penny will do,
If you don't have a half penny ,then God bless you.
Just a gentle reminder before you all go running and spending all your mony on kids toys that will be broken in 10 minutes, We have a wonderfull site here that needs a little green injection from time to time, Our fearless leader "the mysterious Johnh" uses his own mony for the most part to keep this going.And you all must admit it is a heck of alot of fun, just about any subject is open to discussion, within reason. So before you spend all your penny's ,donate a few this way for some cheap entertainment, you can even advertise stuff for sale.
and wish all your friends a merry Christmas, just click on donate at the top of the page, On behalf of Johnh and I thank you.

Title: Re: Christmas is coming
Post by drharveys on 11/23/10 at 13:25:46

Here's a traditional English Christmas melody for ya, Mick!


Title: Re: Christmas is coming
Post by mick on 11/23/10 at 14:18:02

53455F564541524E44370 wrote:
Here's a traditional English Christmas melody for ya, Mick!


thanks doc,I could not understand one single word,that is why i never listen to music with lyrics,although I can understand the beatles.
My favorite and the only music I buy is "David Garrett"
So was the music your donation?

Title: Re: Christmas is coming
Post by Starlifter on 11/23/10 at 18:04:50

I have that CD and another by Steeleye that music (Irish too.)

Title: Re: Christmas is coming
Post by mick on 11/24/10 at 09:42:45

Happy thanksgiving guys and gals,this is an all American Holiday it is not celibrated anywhere else in the world, Although I think the brits say a little thankyou prayer on July 4th ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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