General Category >> The Cafe >> Snow

Message started by mick on 11/22/10 at 23:15:04

Title: Snow
Post by mick on 11/22/10 at 23:15:04

It's snowing big time at this very moment ,it got kinda quiet outside ,looked out on a couple of inches so far,
Phelonius ,  If you read this you should know that your old home is inder at least 6 inches so far,I have a nephew who lives in Seattle,says it's nasty out there.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by John_D FSO on 11/22/10 at 23:56:22

We've got the cold on this side of the river (25°), but not really any snow yet... :-/

Title: Re: Snow
Post by sluggo on 11/23/10 at 02:21:03

six inches and the blizzard continues.  dog just craps on floor and taKes the punishment.  verbal, i can't stand to hit an animal or anyone else who does.  

Title: Re: Snow
Post by stinger on 11/23/10 at 02:29:21

your friends crap on your floor too?

Title: Re: Snow
Post by jef.savage on 11/23/10 at 06:11:56

Currently 52 in Boston with a forecast high of 60.  Chance of showers later.  I'll be riding today.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by bill67 on 11/23/10 at 06:25:12

High here yesterday 62 to day 34 for a high,Genoa City Wi.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by babyhog on 11/23/10 at 06:27:47

I actually got to ride yesterday!!  We've had plenty of days that were warm enough, I've just needed my Jeep most days, or haven't had time to ride.  Yesterday was about 70° and I knew I had to take it out, although it was only for about an hour.  But worth it!

Today is nasty rainy, we might see some snow Thursday or Friday, I think, but the weekend will be warm again.  Crazy weather, no wonder I can't seem to feel 100% healthy.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/10 at 08:31:04

I spent time outside yesterday, dressed ( if you can call it that) in only a pair of shorts & some shoes. It was comfy

Title: Re: Snow
Post by mick on 11/23/10 at 09:05:07

504F5644444C230 wrote:
six inches and the blizzard continues.  dog just craps on floor and taKes the punishment.  verbal, i can't stand to hit an animal or anyone else who does.  

Sluggo I bet you can hit a person who hits an animal,I know I can,and will.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by Serowbot on 11/23/10 at 09:07:00

Title: Re: Snow
Post by mick on 11/23/10 at 09:07:56

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
I spent time outside yesterday, dressed ( if you can call it that) in only a pair of shorts & some shoes. It was comfy

I'm sure glad I didn't come by for a visit.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/10 at 09:46:51

3422352830252833470 wrote:

Rowboat, How DO you do it? Thats just hill, hila, crap, man, thats funny. Mick, I wish ya woulda shown up. I woulda put a shirt on just to make you comfortable. Then we could have had some time to get to know each other.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by Southpaw on 11/23/10 at 11:30:30   ;)

Title: Re: Snow
Post by kimchris1 on 11/23/10 at 13:33:11

Mick, John, sluggo, while I am here in Ca tending to Mom. I have been keeping up to date on the weather back home in Wa. Hubby says we have several  inches and it is very cold. Tonight's lows may even hit single digits.
I will enjoy the sunshine here and think of you guys in the snow.
Hopefully the storms will be over with and I will catch a break in between them when I travel over the moutain passes next week..  
Phelonius you enjoy the islands and we all know you miss the snow.. Hugs.. Kim :)

Title: Re: Snow
Post by EJID on 11/23/10 at 13:46:32

We've received about 6" here in the last 2 days, while most of it is snowing sideways!!! Tomorrow's high is only supposed to be 7o!!! Doesn't look like I'm going to be riding the MC for a while  :(

Title: Re: Snow
Post by mick on 11/23/10 at 14:27:05

2220242A213B203A78490 wrote:
Mick, John, sluggo, while I am here in Ca tending to Mom. I have been keeping up to date on the weather back home in Wa. Hubby says we have several  inches and it is very cold. Tonight's lows may even hit single digits.
I will enjoy the sunshine here and think of you guys in the snow.
Hopefully the storms will be over with and I will catch a break in between them when I travel over the moutain passes next week..  
Phelonius you enjoy the islands and we all know you miss the snow.. Hugs.. Kim :)

still have light snow falling here in N Oregon at 32 degrees. you should call highway patrol and check the passes before you leave,good luck.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by Max_Morley on 11/23/10 at 17:22:57

Got a call from Shari's sister today and our WA house sitter wondered when the plow was coming by. Eastern WA has blowing snow and drifts, house sitter said he couldn't get out as he didn't know where the road is. He is from Spokane (which generally has worse weather than Moses Lake)  and has a new jeep 4 by and the road is laid out E/W and pretty obvious due to the line of trees. O well.  Farmer B-i-L will be by with the tractor and box scraper before too long. Today was a closed school and CC day according to the e-mails. 65 deg in Phoenix here today and cloudy and the locals are complaining.  We used the truck to go to the oncologist in case she changed the meds formula and I would have been unable to drive the sidecar, but same meds only tomorrow due to no on the shelf, so I'll drive the sidecar then. Have run 3 tanks of gas through the sidecar already and 2 through the bagger. Max  

Title: Re: Snow
Post by John_D FSO on 11/24/10 at 05:20:52

282B2A27253F460 wrote:
I actually got to ride yesterday!!  We've had plenty of days that were warm enough, I've just needed my Jeep most days, or haven't had time to ride.  Yesterday was about 70° and I knew I had to take it out, although it was only for about an hour.  But worth it!

Today is nasty rainy, we might see some snow Thursday or Friday, I think, but the weekend will be warm again.  Crazy weather, no wonder I can't seem to feel 100% healthy.

I actually got the bike out early this morning.  Haven't rode in a couple weeks, and it was getting to me! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]  So I fired it up and headed to town to drop a DVD in the return box.  I'm sure I got some strange looks from the other 3 people on the road, considering it was 3am and 17°! :o  At least the roads were dry, or I wouldn't have tried it.  Found out my newer warmer gloves are not up to -9° of windchill! ;D

Title: Re: Snow
Post by stinger on 11/24/10 at 11:42:22

Sometimes when I ride for any distance in cold weather, I fill one of those rubber hot water bottles with hot water and stick it down the front of my jacket. Makes a great hand or butt warmer too when I pull over. Take a packet of hot chocolate or instant coffee and have a nice warm drink on the side of the road. Sounds goofy but it works great. Bought a small one at a dollar store for a buck.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by verslagen1 on 11/24/10 at 12:03:31

Somewhere, I heard that they attach a cup to the exhaust pipe to heat water for tea.  If such a bracket were to hit me eye, I'd pick one up.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by kimchris1 on 11/24/10 at 13:23:25

Stinger that is a great idea and one I may use myself.

Mick my Mom's neighbor is a Deputy Sheriff and I will have him find out the pass and road conditions for me as he will be able to talk to the DOT first hand, before I venture home next week. If I didn't have a Dr's appt on Dec 3, I would not have to venture back. Then again the bad weather is just starting and could get worse.
I will let you all know when I start and finish my adventure thru the mountains..

I did tell my Mom I would find a trucker with an empty trailer, he could put my lil suv up on his trailer and drop me off on the other side.. hahaha,.. Hugs all.. Kim  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Snow
Post by tcreeley on 11/25/10 at 15:54:37

No snow in Maine- just rain! :D

Title: Re: Snow
Post by piglt on 11/25/10 at 19:51:04

Snow and Cold are four letter words for a reason!  :)

Title: Re: Snow
Post by piglt on 11/26/10 at 07:26:06

Woke up this morning with snow on the ground YUCK!!!

Title: Re: Snow
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/10 at 08:09:56

I had a friend who worked for Halliburton in Denver. His job was to sell & maintain gas flow measurement equipment. He had to drive thru the mountain passes thru all seasons. Told me he woke up in fear all the time, having seen people die in crashes & from exposure after getting stuck because they slipped off the road. He was happy to get transferred back to Odessa, Tx. It HAD to be bad to be happy to go back to Odessa,, Ugghhh,, ugly is a permanent & accurate descriptor for Odessa. as is nearly fatally boring.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 11/26/10 at 09:52:16

243B3D3A2720112111293B377C4E0 wrote:
I had a friend who worked for Halliburton in Denver. His job was to sell & maintain gas flow measurement equipment. He had to drive thru the mountain passes thru all seasons. Told me he woke up in fear all the time, having seen people die in crashes & from exposure after getting stuck because they slipped off the road. He was happy to get transferred back to Odessa, Tx. It HAD to be bad to be happy to go back to Odessa,, Ugghhh,, ugly is a permanent & accurate descriptor for Odessa. as is nearly fatally boring.

I remember Odessa TX. When I was moving from California to South Carolina I got pulled over just outside of Odessa. But to be fair I was doing 93mph in a 55mph zone in a 91 Saturn SL2 or SR2 I can never remember if it is supposed to be SL or SR.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/10 at 10:13:59

I remember Odessa Texas,,

Yep, trauma is hard to forget.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by piglt on 11/26/10 at 11:07:17

anyone remember the old VW Bug commerical. Did ever wonder how the snowplow driver got to his snowplow. ;D
Sure miss my old beetles some days, had a 68, 71 and 73. they were the only thing I owned wasn't a truck or motorcycle

Title: Re: Snow
Post by kimchris1 on 12/01/10 at 18:47:37

Happy to report I made it home safe and sound yesterday afternoon.
Plenty of snow on the side of the roads coming thru the passes yet none in the lanes.
Plenty of State Troopers thru Ca, Or and Wa. Their were 6 Wa. State Troopers my last hr on the road. That made me have to slow down for sure. ;)  Travel time from Mom's door to mine was 12 hrs..
Needless to say I was beat.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by John_D FSO on 12/02/10 at 05:01:10

6567636D667C677D3F0E0 wrote:
Happy to report I made it home safe and sound yesterday afternoon.
Plenty of snow on the side of the roads coming thru the passes yet none in the lanes.
Plenty of State Troopers thru Ca, Or and Wa. Their were 6 Wa. State Troopers my last hr on the road. That made me have to slow down for sure. ;)  Travel time from Mom's door to mine was 12 hrs..
Needless to say I was beat.

Glad to hear ya made the drive ok. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]  It's been mostly steady rain around here for the last week now. :P

Title: Re: Snow
Post by wayne929 on 12/02/10 at 17:17:42

we had a bitter cold evening of 60 last night, and comfortable riding in the high 70ds today. the joys of Florida!

Title: Re: Snow
Post by kimchris1 on 12/02/10 at 18:51:42

Wayne a lil fyi for you. I was born and raised in Panama City, Fla. We had snow twice before I left there in 1974.. So enjoy your warm sunshine yet don't think the snow can't find you there..  ;) kim

Title: Re: Snow
Post by babyhog on 12/03/10 at 11:11:18

We've had a few flurries the last couple days and its been cold.  25 at night, 35 or so highs during the day.  Tonight is supposed to be our first measurable accumulation, maybe a couple inches.  Brrrrr  I want my warm sunny riding days back....

Title: Re: Snow
Post by wayne929 on 12/03/10 at 20:12:13

Well im down in ft.myers and when i lived in sarasota we had a flurry one time last year for the first ever. i think im far enough south to be safe now ;D

Title: Re: Snow
Post by kimchris1 on 12/03/10 at 21:11:21

Well the weather is getting strange all over. You may be lucky enough some day to get a flake or more.
I will send some your way the next time we receive it here. Take care.. :) kim

Title: Re: Snow
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/04/10 at 03:54:20

Still no snow here in Newfoundland ... we did have some last Monday which caused a few traffic snarls around the city of St. John's for a few hours, but by Tue. morning it was all melted away. This Fall has been slightly warmer than normal for here and until last week was relatively dry too ... but we've had a LOT of rain in past 6 days days or so.
Make no mistake, we WILL be socked in with snow for a solid 3 1/2 months at the very least ... won't be long now ... :(

Title: Re: Snow
Post by odmanout on 12/05/10 at 06:14:57

The weather channel says we are to get 33" over the next week!

Title: Re: Snow
Post by bill67 on 12/05/10 at 06:28:36

We had our first snow yesterday 5 inches.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by mick on 12/05/10 at 18:24:14

545F5A5A0001360 wrote:
We had our first snow yesterday 5 inches.

5 inches, Wow ! that means you could lay face down nakid and no part of you would touch ground.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/06/10 at 06:58:32

heartless Mick,, just heartless, man..

Maybe Bill shoulda bought a hat.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by kimchris1 on 12/06/10 at 20:41:44

Hey Wayne, by the looks of it, your freezing down there in Fla.. Your lucky in some ways though, as the cold doesn't last there as long as it does here up north. kim :)

Title: Re: Snow
Post by bill67 on 12/07/10 at 03:50:59

2F2B2129362A272E2B2F273B420 wrote:
[quote author=545F5A5A0001360 link=1290496504/30#37 date=1291559316]We had our first snow yesterday 5 inches.

5 inches, Wow ! that means you could lay face down nakid and no part of you would touch ground.[/quote]
I wouldn't do that Mick I'm afraid of heights.

Title: Re: Snow
Post by odmanout on 12/07/10 at 15:13:07

28" in 2 days here in London Ont. Schools have been closed for 2 days , and will be closed tomorrow , malls are closing early, buses have been taken off the road. As a supply teacher (we don't get paid for snow days) it will cost me at least $660. :( » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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