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Message started by mick on 11/03/10 at 14:21:54

Title: live from London
Post by mick on 11/03/10 at 14:21:54

This is a letter from my cousin who lives just outside London,I thought you might find it amusing, She is a great gal she must be about 75,
her Daughter is a Doctor, and she comes to the US twice a year to give lectures on lung cell blankety blank, also a real nice gal
From: molly roberts


Hi Mick, just wondered what your take on present-day American politics is as I know you are something of a political animal. With this mid-term voting about to go on.

From this side of the pond I have been fascinated by the pronouncements of The Tea Party and thought they sounded so cranky. Must admit that the USA is sometimes very enigmatic - so modern, thrusting and get-up-and-go yet, when we get a whiff of that o' time Religion and Politics, it seems extremely old-fashioned and unsophisticated to Europeans and their dread of anything like national social responsibility for certain areas of life is next to paranoia. We manage that stuff without being communists. But yesterday we listened to interviews with ordinary Americans from mid-American towns about how they feel things are and how they have, or have not, improved with Barak Obama and it was easy to understand how and why they feel so disappointed and let down so I had to modify my impressions quite a lot, really. Giving it some thought our greatest presentations of the USA are such that we tend to imagine everything from the Las Vegas/Florida/Washington DC/New York persepective that we are served with in films and TV programmes; that, of course, has to be pure theatre and not reality at all.

So how is the real flesh and blood old U S of A? Oh, I could kick myself, ya know, for not coming over when I was sprightly enough to do so, because I am fascinated by it all and some first-hand experience would have been so good. Never mind. My latest joke (ironic) is that having gone from being a Catholic to an agnostic to an atheist I am now a Buddhist. They offer a chance to do it all again, only better! That's for me, kid.

How are you, my old fruit, I hope you are well and that arm continues to improve. May you outlast your suit for damages to the medics who let you down. Angie said they are a bit long-winded.

We are OK. Joe is now suffering from occasional breathlessness, which almost certainly is connected to his heart. Trouble with getting old, mate, is that there's no future in it. Another trip to the doctor.

Take care. Be  in touch.

Love. Mol.

Title: Re: live from London
Post by mick on 11/03/10 at 23:55:01

Jerry,did you read this ?

Title: Re: live from London
Post by mpescatori on 11/04/10 at 02:36:54

I read it, and could only smile.

You cousin is a fine and fascinating lady - and has great wit !  :)

Title: Re: live from London
Post by mick on 11/04/10 at 08:37:16

283520362624312A372C450 wrote:
I read it, and could only smile.

You cousin is a fine and fascinating lady - and has great wit !  :)

Thanks, I always look forward to her mail,her brother Bill was my best friend,he died a couple of years ago,to me he was the funniest man that ever lived,His sister Mol isn't so bad herself,I keep inviting her out ,but her husband Joe cant be left alone,and he's to sick to travel.

Title: Re: live from London
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/04/10 at 11:53:24

Mick -

I read it and agree with Col. Pescatori. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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