General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> deer+bike= total

Message started by alcoa on 10/27/10 at 07:21:46

Title: deer+bike= total
Post by alcoa on 10/27/10 at 07:21:46

:'( One week ago today I was comming home from work 10:20pm turned on to my road one mile to home . I am going about 40-45. From my left 3 deer noise to tail fly in front of me i hit the brakes. This is what I remember one deer I hit broadside came up to headslight now I am on my back in the road in a lot of pain, I might have been there 5sec. or 5min. , rolled over and crawled over to the side of the road car came by and asked if i needed help they called 911. 5 hours latter i was in ICU dislocated right thumb ribs 2 -3 broke in left front ribs 4-5 broken in left back badly sprained left foot and damage my spleen over the next 3 days they almost took it out. Bike was totaled. NOW ALL THE GEAR I WEAR WHEN I RIDE WAS DAMAGED HELMET, JACKET,PANTS, GLOVES BOOTS, BUT I WALKED AWAY. I HAVE NO ROAD RASH. WHEN ASKED IF I WAS GOING TO GET ANOTHER BIKE I DONT KNOW I AM SPOOKED ABOUT ONE RIGHT NOW. MANY WHO LOOKED AT THE PLACE THIS HAPPEN TELL ME HOW LUCKY I AM NO I TELL THEM GOD AND MY GEAR SAVED ME. RUBBER SIDE DOWN

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by mornhm - FSO on 10/27/10 at 07:31:14

Absolute bummer. I know deer are beautiful animals, but when they get on the road they become pests. I suppose better a deer than a moose, or an angus bull DAMHIK.

Here's hoping and praying that you get well soon.

I'm guessing that if you enjoyed riding before, you will enjoy riding once you settle down and recover. I'm saying "guessing" because I've never been taken out by a deer. Close a couple of times.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by weracerc on 10/27/10 at 07:59:11

hate that happened to you - i just started riding this summer - and recently have become very aware of the critters that move around on or near the road...hope you get better soon and get back on a bike eventually. I really like riding but cant say if i would get back on right away if i had this ahppen to me

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by babyhog on 10/27/10 at 08:19:19

Very sorry to hear about your accident.  Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.  You will know in your own time if you will ever ride again.  My guess is that I would ride behind hubby, but doubt I'd ever ride on my own again....  but one never knows until its actually presented to them.    

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Southpaw on 10/27/10 at 08:30:34

Glad you were able to walk away from that and pray for a quick and total recovery! Fall is bad time for deer. Changes in temps and length of days have them moving earlier in the day. Something we all have to be more watchful of. Your post will serve as an extra warning to the rest of us. Take care and heal quickly!


Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by on 10/27/10 at 08:53:49

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I don't mean to sound pert, but I would like to make an observation.  I have known many people who have been in car accidents, quite a few of them where people have died, and I have never heard a single person say that they would never ride in a car or drive again.  If riding gives you pleasure and fills a need, as it does for so many on this site, then you should plan on riding again.  

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by drums1 on 10/27/10 at 09:22:25

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Be glad you had on the protective gear that you did. Could have been a lot worse. I hope you make a quick and full recovery. I've crashed before ( many years ago ) but I hope this doesn't keep you from riding again. If you enjoyed it once, you will enjoy it again. Maybe just a little more cautiously.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Phelonius on 10/27/10 at 09:54:09

Deja Vue,  Been there done that woke up three and a half days later in I.C.U, eight ribs with multiple breaks, punctured lung, broken clavicle and shoulder, stitches, some skin loss.  Did not suffer loss of face, good helmet I guess.
I have moved to a place with no deer.
Heal up, it takes time and attitude.
Encourage your friends to eat more deer.
If you are driving a truck and a deer walks out, hit the SOB, it helps train the others to stay off the road and helps with population control.


Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Fuschia on 10/27/10 at 10:12:18

So sorry to hear of your accident. I also had an accident 3 weeks ago where I too hit a "deer" but of a different sort (my husband!). I understand about you being spooked about bikes now. I'm also a little spooked but am determined to get back on the bike. I rode on the back of my husband's for 17 years and always wanted to ride myself but was too afraid to learn. When my sister was diagnosed with cancer (never drank or smoked) that was when I decided I wasn't going to let fear dictate my life.When my time comes I don't want any regrets that I didn't learn/do things because of fear. There are people telling me I'm crazy because I plan on riding again but I just ask them if I had my accident slipping in the shower,do you want me to stop taking showers? ;D No need to make any decisions right now,just take your time and get to feeling better. :)

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by lukeduck on 10/27/10 at 10:51:35

All the gear you had on worked. glad you came through as well as you did. Helmet, jacket, gloves etc. all easly replaced, body parts no. i think the term used by the MSF folks these days is "risk management"(that's as far as my wife got in the MSF course this past summer). I wish you a speedy and complete  recovery. You will decide when you are ready to ride again. Heal quickly and keep us posted---Luke

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by alcoa on 10/27/10 at 11:49:35

I am 59 and do I feel it.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Wolfman on 10/27/10 at 13:15:15

Did you at least get the venison?
Brush yourself off and get back on the horse. Would you quit if you had gotten smacked by a car? Wrecked it in loose gravel? Cant live in fear or your not liveing at all.

Thats the bad thing about rideing a smaller bike though. When meeting fuzzies on the road your both about even. A v2k would of cut em in half and barely scratched the paint.

Baby steps. Heal up, get back on and ride a lil at a time untill your comfortable again. Baby steps. Other wise your always going to wonder. And yeah age dont help them bumps n bruises. :(

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Paladin. on 10/27/10 at 13:41:44

In three weeks I turn 64 years of age.

Over the past year I got to watch father-in-law to die after years in pain in nursing houses.  My mother-in-law died in pain in nursing houses.  My Godmother died in a nursing house.

I will keep riding.  It is FAR better to die on a motorcycle.  I do NOT want to in pain, drugged, suffering as they see how long they can keep me alive.

What are the ODDS?

For 2006 for 55-64 years aged, death of cause:

Malignant neoplasms (Cancer) 36%
Major cardiovascular diseases  29%
Motor vehicle accidents . . . .   1.606%
The Kicker:  Suicide . . . . . .    1.629%

Worried about riding?  MORE likely to do suicide.

My heart is partially dead.  My brain is partially dead.
But I can still Ride and enjoy life.  THAT is what counts.

You MIGHT consider deer hunting.  

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Lupo on 10/27/10 at 15:23:55

Sorry to hear and right now it's normal to feel gun shy. If you truly have motorcycling in your blood it won't go away. Get well before making any commitments.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by bill67 on 10/27/10 at 15:50:20

7A4B464B4E43442A0 wrote:
In three weeks I turn 64 years of age.

Over the past year I got to watch father-in-law to die after years in pain in nursing houses.  My mother-in-law died in pain in nursing houses.  My Godmother died in a nursing house.

I will keep riding.  It is FAR better to die on a motorcycle.  I do NOT want to in pain, drugged, suffering as they see how long they can keep me alive.

What are the ODDS?

For 2006 for 55-64 years aged, death of cause:

Malignant neoplasms (Cancer) 36%
Major cardiovascular diseases  29%
Motor vehicle accidents . . . .   1.606%
The Kicker:  Suicide . . . . . .    1.629%

Worried about riding?  MORE likely to do suicide.

My heart is partially dead.  My brain is partially dead.
But I can still Ride and enjoy life.  THAT is what counts.

You MIGHT consider deer hunting.  

Well at lease after you heartattack you had no change in your brain.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Boofer on 10/27/10 at 20:21:45

I know this started out as a deer wreck, but something must be said. I have Type II Bipolar Disorder (Manic is less than Depressive), I am a certified support group facilitator. There are several on this site, including me, who are at higher risk for suicide than the general population. My Bipolar is hightened by chronic back pain gained the old fashion way. I worked for it. Many won't believe this, but men over sixty years of age are in the high risk group. Add alcohol abuse, drug use (Prescription, many times), divorce, loss of a spouse, withdrawal from society, and loss of income and it quickly becomes a problem. If you are having a problem, keep going till you can find help. Mental disorders take around 6-8 years to accurately diagnose and treat with the proper method. Look up NAMI or NIMH on Google. Please do not discourage those on here by telling stories of those who couldn't or didn't get help. There is hope. It's just an illness. Find your cure. I think what Palidin said is true for most of us. We have a little 650 cure, or at least some good therapy. And to clarify, I don't think Palidin is mentally ill. I just read what he was saying through the eyes of someone who is mentally ill. Thanks for reading.   Boofer

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Paladin. on 10/27/10 at 20:56:43

7E7570702A2B1C0 wrote:
[quote author=7A4B464B4E43442A0 link=1288189306/0#12 date=1288212104] ...My heart is partially dead.  My brain is partially dead.
But I can still Ride and enjoy life.  THAT is what counts.

Well at lease after you heartattack you had no change in your brain.[/quote]
Actually it has been.  Three weeks after my bypass I had a stroke.  I now have aphasia and apraxia.  I yesterday I went over to see my supervisor.  He told me my usage is not needed.  Took my ID and keys and said to go back home.  I lost language.  Six months ago I was relearning 'tree', 'orange'....  Not good for a communications technician.

Bottom line -- You get broke, you get fixed.  If not fixed, you compensate.  Life might be fair, but it is not only game available.  This is why people aged 45-64 have more deaths from suicide than motor vehicle accidents.  This is why having an accident is not a reason to stop driving or riding.

Reasons for stop riding?  Physically cannot.  No longer enjoy.  (In California 39% of riders stopped riding after the helmet law.)

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by kimchris1 on 10/27/10 at 21:11:25

I am relieved to read your post and hear your on the mend. Take some time and recover.
Then do what I am planning on doing. Get back in the saddle.
My accident took my freedom away and I am going to gain it back.
Oh yeah I have friends as well as my Mom that think I am crazy for wanting to get back on the bike.
Well ok so I am crazy. At least if I go out of this world while having been riding my bike,  I will have been doing what I enjoy and not standing along the side lines wondering what if..
Hugs and get well soon.. :) kim

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by ncron1103 on 10/27/10 at 21:13:22

i would have punched every deer in the face. lol but its a good thing that your doing better. just remeber that almost everyone goes down atleast once.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/27/10 at 21:16:28

Paladin is a fighter. Been down, just not about to consider not getting up. I was gonna suggest taking up hunting, too.

Ive hit 3 cars w/ bicycles & totaled 3 motorcycles. Last one was about 3 years ago. Im 55. Ive never even considered giving up on riding. Should you?

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by OntheBoulevard on 10/28/10 at 14:00:20

I live in Southern Ohio, in the height of deer country, and believe me, it's on my mind every time I get on the road. I have had a million near misses in my car, and only one hit with my Buick. I've had to stop 3 or 4 times for deer so far on the bike, but have had plenty of time to do it in. One thing I can tell you for sure, is to wait after the first deer to crosses the road (if you get that luxury), because 9 times out of 10, they have a buddy in tow with them. Right now is the absolute worse time for them, because they're in rut and stupid. I can't imagine what it would be like to smack one on a bike, and I don't ever want to know. I wish you a speedy recovery!

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Phelonius on 10/28/10 at 14:17:42

It smarts real bad.


Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by mick on 10/28/10 at 23:30:12

I think it's a good idea to get back on ASAP, they say to do that with a horse, I think a M/C accident is about the same.And definatly do at least one season of deer hunting just to get some revenge.
get well mate.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/10 at 03:30:48

If youre not into pulling the trigger, you could post a pic up & offer a reward.


Wanted, dead or alive, reward $100.00 alive, $200.00 DEAD!

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by kingart3 on 10/29/10 at 18:53:22

Back in 1984 I was 24, had a Yamaha 400 twin and not as much common sense.  I rode the bike 2 years then put it into the side of a Chevy Bronco II that was dead stopped in the road and turned left into a driveway as I started to go around it.  

The entire accident happened at less that 20 mph and about 2 miles from my house.  I broke my right leg completely (both bones) about midway between ankle and knee.  It went instantly into shock, never hurt a bit.

To make a long story short, surgery, pins  for 3 weeks, cast for five months, limped for a year.  I didn't get another bike until I got 150 cc scooter at around 48.  I drove  the scooter 3 years then got a 2009 Suzuki S40.  

I am way more cautious now than I was at 24 (uh-duh) and mostly don't ride at might but I do ride.  I have had several friends and family members pass on.  I will take my chances there are worse fates than dying on your bike.  

I live in Florida and this year a guy drove his bike at night into a black bear.  There are worse things to hit than a deer...LOL.

I hope you feel better soon and I hope you ride  again.  Safe biking is a skill, but in this life nothing is better than being Lucky.

           Take care and best wishes,


Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Skid Mark on 10/29/10 at 19:50:34

Bummer about the accident but good hear you survived. Heal up up quick ly and completely. Give yourself time to decide if you still want to ride.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Trippah on 10/30/10 at 20:00:50

My neighbor just arrowed a 5 pointer this week, I suggested that he go out and  get a few more in revenge for motorcyclist hit this year.  Hope you mend quickly and well. :)

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by 99savage on 11/07/10 at 08:06:28

I hate to hear about this happening and hope you make a full, quick recovery. You probably still have many usable parts to sell to recoup some of your money. Are you located in Blount County, TN?

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/10 at 10:07:32

Bike + Deer = Total

But, Bike + Bear = Fun for all, at the circus.

Title: Re: deer+bike= total
Post by Oldnewguy on 11/07/10 at 10:22:23

Maybe put on a Voyager kit and make it a 3 wheeler. It won't stop u from hitting a deer, but it might keep u off the blacktop.  :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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