General Category >> The Cafe >> polish your car.

Message started by mick on 10/19/10 at 15:44:29

Title: polish your car.
Post by mick on 10/19/10 at 15:44:29

Most of you guys and gals have a car I want to give you all some pointers on getting a like new look to your car,First wash it ,in and around the wheels as well,this will take all day so relax, now polish the car with Meguiar's deep crystal Polish as per directed,use a buffer if you have one,this first polish is prior to waxing it, now buff it up as best as you can,   Have lunch.    now get some Meguiar's  polishing clay,pat it and shape it should look like a thin bar of soap.
Now spray some Quick delailing polish ,once again Meguiar's it's very thin and looks like water ,use it for a lubricant for the clay, spray half the roof or hood and rub the clay firmly on the paint surface,then wipe it dry with a flannel like material, run your fingers over the part you just did,it should feel like glass,do the rest of the car, take a short break,                 Now get your bottle of Meguiar's Deep Crystal carnauba wax, follow instructions ,if you have done every thing right your car will look like new, take your wife or GF out for dinner , Now two things might happen the parking lot attendant at the restaurante will run into a jaguar just as you get seated or it will rain,or both,
I'm kidding I'm kidding.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by Charon on 10/19/10 at 16:26:55

Why go to all that work? After all, it is only a machine, not a priceless work of art, and as soon as you use it it will get dirty again. Run it through the car wash and call it good.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by mick on 10/19/10 at 17:37:39

7F545D4E53523C0 wrote:
Why go to all that work? After all, it is only a machine, not a priceless work of art, and as soon as you use it it will get dirty again. Run it through the car wash and call it good.

Sorry charon I wrote the above for people who care about there car.and to tell you and others about the clay I have been using.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by Edgar on 10/19/10 at 18:18:50

3D39333B2438353C393D3529500 wrote:
[quote author=7F545D4E53523C0 link=1287528269/0#1 date=1287530815]Why go to all that work? After all, it is only a machine, not a priceless work of art, and as soon as you use it it will get dirty again. Run it through the car wash and call it good.

Sorry charon I wrote the above for people who care about there car.and to tell you and others about the clay I have been using.[/quote]

Yup I can vouch for that clay, my dad uses it and swears by it

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/19/10 at 18:28:56

Ive been in clay, after a rain, & thats a bad thing.

I dont spend too much time washin & rubbin on stuff. But, I gotta admit, the 87 pikkup makes washing a ride just OOOKay.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by bill67 on 10/19/10 at 19:04:33

I polish every thing I own ,Always have,Its stays newer looking and will be worth the extra money you will get when you sale it.But I've been using Zaino Bros Show polishes for about 20 years it not cheap ,I read about in a motorcycle magazine and it won as the best shine in their test. I use it on guns, guitars,and many other things.Its very easy to use and comes off easy.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by kennycreed on 10/19/10 at 20:32:41

I don't polish anything, maybe the bike now and then, I suppose I'm kind of scruffy anyway, the wife says it comes naturally to me when she tries to tuck me in and comb the little hair I have left. But then again, at my age I can't see any change in the foreseeable future

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by kennycreed on 10/19/10 at 20:39:44

OK! OK!! my shirt tails

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by Lupo on 10/20/10 at 22:42:27

Thanks for the tip. I've never tried the clay being the cynical cheap bastard I am :-? I'll put it on my "hit list".

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/10 at 03:55:32

Im all good with putting enuff time into something to keep it from rusting or simply degrading too quickly, BUT, & Im being serious here, I think we all have to really think about how much rubbin & buffin time is really a smart, from a purely business perspective.

IF Bill Gates had a Savage ( well, Id sell mine or burn it, but thats beside the point) & HE spent a minute polishing it to protect his resale value, he would be going backwards, cuz in the few minutes he spent waxin & buffin , he Coulda earned a bazillion dollars if he had worked.

Okay, that was a huge stretch, but it was meant to illustrate that IF someones time is valuable & marketable then its quite possible that they could be a bit neglectful of the spit & polish that keeps the resale value up & actually have more $$$ at the end of it all, B/C he used his time to make $$$ instead of spit & polish. Not to say "Neglect the bike" & let it go to crap, thers gotta be a middle ground. I think Ive found it for me. The value of time is the variable we all have to look at. Its different for all of us & its different for all of us at different times in our lives.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by bill67 on 10/21/10 at 05:17:24

You like a pretty looking girl why not a pretty looking bike.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/10 at 05:56:10

Didnt say I didnt like a nice looking bike, BUT I DID say theres some thot that needs to go into just How Much time gets spent on rubbin & buffin & I explained some of how & why thats reasonable, then you chose to ignore everything I said & just boild it down into something I NEVER said.. You waste my time with such foolishness..

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by youzguyz on 10/21/10 at 06:13:13

One of the silliest (to me) things I have ever heard was "I can't go riding today, I need to polish the bike first".
So.. he would rather polish it than ride it?  Or he won't be seen on the streets unless the bike sparkles?
I told him he would never want to ride with me anyway, as I don't worry about it if I need to go through water or a bit of dirt or gravel.

Do I wash my bike?  Yes, but I'm not a fanatic.  Normally just take to to the car wash place and spray it down.  About once a month I will jack it up and give it a good cleaning at the house.  That is also when I look for things coming loose.

Washing, waxing, polishing.  All well and good if the machine is expensive and you want to show it off and keep it pristine for resale.
Me.. "I just wanna ride man."

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/10 at 08:43:20

3D2B313E23313D3E440 wrote:
One of the silliest (to me) things I have ever heard was "I can't go riding today, I need to polish the bike first".
So.. he would rather polish it than ride it?  Or he won't be seen on the streets unless the bike sparkles?
I told him he would never want to ride with me anyway, as I don't worry about it if I need to go through water or a bit of dirt or gravel.

Do I wash my bike?  Yes, but I'm not a fanatic.  Normally just take to to the car wash place and spray it down.  About once a month I will jack it up and give it a good cleaning at the house.  That is also when I look for things coming loose.

Washing, waxing, polishing.  All well and good if the machine is expensive and you want to show it off and keep it pristine for resale.
Me.. "I just wanna ride man."

What? Sensible maintenance & priorities? You are a Maniac!

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by mick on 10/21/10 at 08:54:57

when I brought my Miata  I did not trade in my Ford taurus,the ford is my every day go to town car ,or rain Miata ,I like to keep spotless for car shows etc; I wax the ford once a year.
The Miata is my hobby, with my bad hand I cant fish,cant play golf,cant build model airplanes and I cant ride a bike.
So my car is my hobby ,and I can polish it with one hand.

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/10 at 08:59:59

I am glad you chose a car to polish with that hand .

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by splash07 on 10/21/10 at 11:35:45

you know some people (and this is going to sound crazy) really enjoy maintaining their belongings. I dont polish my car and bike to impress those who see it riding around, I do it because it gives me satisfaction and peace of mind. I never avoid riding/driving in the rain or dirt/gravel, but I know that when I am in rain or dirt that the half an inch of polish and wax on the vehicle will make the next wash and wax that much easier. Also I just plain enjoy cleaning things (yes I am very OCD!).

Title: Re: polish your car.
Post by kimchris1 on 10/21/10 at 12:12:39

I was taught from a young age to take care of your belongings. I wash and wax my bike as well as 4 wheel vehicles.
And yes I can do it one handed and with my left as right has limits for now.
Mick, thanks for taking the time to give us that advice of how well to polish and clean our cars, bikes, trucks and motorcycles.
Keep working that hand.. Hugs.. kim :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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