General Category >> The Cafe >> BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??

Message started by kimchris1 on 10/13/10 at 06:41:07

Title: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by kimchris1 on 10/13/10 at 06:41:07

Omg it feels more like Winter than Fall.. It is 37 degrees out herer.. I am getting ready to head out for my morning walk.. May have to take some hot coco along with me. Than that would defeat the walk..lolol.
Is supposed to get upwards to 70 with rain coming back tomorrow..
So while it seems Fall took a morning off, it is on the way back for the afternoon.
Silly Wa. State weather... ::) ::)

Title: Re: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by EJID on 10/13/10 at 08:09:54

It was a COLD 30o on my ride to work this morning, but it's supposed to hit almost 70o later today. Beautiful day, just cold to start.  :D

Title: Re: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by verslagen1 on 10/13/10 at 09:07:30

Yes, it was cold this morn.
and I was concerned about the fog...
til I lifted the shield..
darn thing fogged up...
but by the time I got to the gas station, it was froze over.
so there I was at the gas station
washing my window, inside and out.   ::)

Title: Re: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by Bug Chaser on 10/13/10 at 11:00:38

In South Florida the leaves don't change color in the Autumn, the license plates colors do.

Title: Re: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by kimchris1 on 10/13/10 at 20:34:30

As I walked the 6 miles this a.m. the air finally seemed to get a lil warmer, of course that was after the first 3 miles.. hahah..
I did my 6 miles in the usual time of 1hr 45 mins. I sure wished I
had taken a hot cup of coffee along at first..
Had to pull the sleeves of my sweat shirt over my fingertips till
I started the 4 th mile. By the time I was finished with my walk, the body was warmed up. The nice crisp air felt good to walk in actually.
Is a good way to wake the body up and get me energized for the day.. :) kim

Title: Re: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/10 at 07:22:45

Is a good way to wake the body up and get me energized for the day.

Im afraid a 6 mile journey would be the end of my day..

Title: Re: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by Phelonius on 10/14/10 at 09:01:22

What is the problem? it's still summer here.


Title: Re: BBuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr  What happened to Fall??
Post by kimchris1 on 10/14/10 at 11:00:18

Phelonius, that is because your in Hawaii.. Go ahead and rub it in.,,

Today started out cool again and not much fog at first. By the time I finished my 6 mile trek, the fog had rolled in. I am still awaiting for it to burn off and then rain later this afternoon. :(
I can do the cooler temps, the rain could stay away a lil longer though... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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