General Category >> The Cafe >> Spyware tracking cookies

Message started by Oldfeller on 10/09/10 at 13:31:01

Title: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Oldfeller on 10/09/10 at 13:31:01

Spywares and tracking cookies are starting to get freeking ridiculous.   I can remember scanning my C:/ drive every other week and getting 15-20 spyware tracers or tracking cookies off my machine.

This morning I did my weekly scan and pulled off 674 tracking cookies and adwares.  I cleaned and scrapped them all.  Ran it again for the shits and giggles of it and got zero spywares and cookies, so the anti spyware was consistent at least and did remove what it had located.

.... browsed around a bit on line, check an item on ebay, used a little bit of simple Google and Dogpile searches, came on here and teased Bill a little bit and then quit for the afternoon.

Ran the antispyware package again, just to see how many cookies and spywares you will pick up in a single afternoon.

Expected a few but got 274 ???

This is getting freeking ridiculous -- no wonder people complain about their PCs acting slow all the time.

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by bill67 on 10/09/10 at 13:36:52

Thats what you get for teasing me ;)

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Oldfeller on 10/09/10 at 14:35:34

Oh God, red magic oil tracking cookies ....

Quick Bill, go to RSD top post and tell the newbie girl to go fill her carb bowl and gas tank up with Seafoam ....

I'm gonna have 1,000 tracking cookies fer that one

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Demin on 10/09/10 at 15:20:49

That's what happened to Bill's battery,all the cookies escaped. ;D

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Charon on 10/09/10 at 20:41:13

Just from curiosity, which spyware scanning program(s) do you use?

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by cornfuzed on 10/09/10 at 21:57:57

them are only half the worries... adaware se is a fine product for free, however most of your antispyware is not proactive...
is an excelent addition to your arsenal, the scan feature itself is slow but its the Immunize feature i like... Warning, do not play with Tea Timer or any other option they provide, simply install run the update, pick a spot, make sure to run the Immunize.. what it does is simple.. Adds gangs of "Bad redirects / malware sites/ blah blah" to a redirect found in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts ... an example:

what this tells your Winders Pc is that anyplace trying to slip you a redirect or point you to  is going to go into nothingness... the ether.. a loopback address that does not go out..

this is why i like it.. creates blackholes for you ... proactive like..

additionally you can add to your own hosts file... its able to be opened by notepad and add the other baddies .. like all the ads redirect sites..

found here for an idea what im blabberin about:

and here for copy / paste to your own hosts file... good stuff..

WARNING   start your copy / paste into your notepad from that site at the line that states:
all the way down... will not hurt your own hosts file..
paste it into your hosts file at the end... it does not care .. winders that is...

will go along way to help...

ive paid my debt to Ol Feller! wooo! ;D ;D

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Lupo on 10/09/10 at 22:12:52

I got this thing that keeps flashing across my screen in big yellow letters and says >>>OIL-WORM<<< I've been wondering. What is the best oil for worms? Castor or mineral? Yea I know, it's an oil thread.

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by cornfuzed on 10/09/10 at 22:15:53

DOH!  sheesh i forgot after you change your host file... MAKE SURE TO reboot...

ps... Im happy to explain step by step for those who are not comfortable doing what i just blabbered about... no worries...easy peasy.. trust me you do NOT need sandbox i.e. unless you dont want to do all this stuff... Now sandbox I.E. is THE way to go if you dont wanna mess around like what i explained and you are running windows... which i dont like but hey... im not here to convince you to run a platform that will never crash and never get viruses and... you dont wanna hear the rest...  8-)

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by cornfuzed on 10/09/10 at 22:17:01

3A273D323726510 wrote:
I got this thing that keeps flashing across my screen in big yellow letters and says >>>OIL-WORM<<< I've been wondering. What is the best oil for worms? Castor or mineral? Yea I know, it's an oil thread.

;D ;D ;D
Try Bills Klotz for Worms...
;D ;D  too funny

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by verslagen1 on 10/09/10 at 23:17:26

6168766D673334040 wrote:
Try Bills Klotz for Worms...

Becareful, when you use bills klotz, it'll get rid of the worms alright... what's the phrase?  'this too will pass'?   all too quickly   :o

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Oldfeller on 10/10/10 at 02:16:54


Did you finish up the case of Klotz?   If so what was the final usage rate compared to RotSyn?   Very important now that it is all over to collect all the final bits of information for Bill to suffer over all fresh and new again.  

Salt, you know -- sprinkled periodically over his multiple oil war boo-boos.


I currently use old XP computers and I have found that simpler faster freeware anti-virus and anti-spywares make my scan times be lower and my life more appealing as I periodically dump my way through the 6 boxes/laptops I have to take care of.  (Wife keeps a main machine and three laptops -- she teaches in college and keeps a separate world for each course).  I got 4 xp, a Vista and a Windows 7 to take care of.

Anti-Virus is Microsoft Security Essentials, XP 32 bit version or Win7 64 bit depending on the machine.

Anti-Spyware is SuperAntiSpyware

I have tried most all the freewares and found that the good ones have picked up a lot of program mass to handle Vista and Windows 7 (bloatware breeds bloatware) so I picked me a pair that run as small and clean as possible.  

I was amazed to find some freewares use 100% of your processor to run themselves (fans a whirring and Task Manager performance bars fully pegged).   I can't be having that ....  I have to use the stupid things while they are scanning themselves.

Cornfuzed -- you must be an IT professional.  I couldn't even follow what you were talking about hosts and all -- never been a Catholic either so I have very marginal understanding of hosts, holy or otherwise.    ;D

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by sjaskow on 10/11/10 at 10:45:51

Actually, I have 2 simple steps to make your life easier:

1) Download Firefox (

2) Install ad block plus (

That'll get rid of about 99% of the issues caused by browsing with IE.  In recent times, I've only run into 1 site that doesn't work with Firefox and that one runs the web version of Microsoft Exchange.

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/10 at 11:24:07

656C7269633730000 wrote:
and here for copy / paste to your own hosts file... good stuff..

WARNING   start your copy / paste into your notepad from that site at the line that states:
all the way down... will not hurt your own hosts file..
paste it into your hosts file at the end... it does not care .. winders that is...

will go along way to help...

I did what you said...  I have no clue what that does, or why I needed to, but I did it anyway...
PS.. (That's the biggest drag n' drop I ever did!... ;D...

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by cornfuzed on 10/14/10 at 22:28:28

392F38253D28253E4A0 wrote:
[quote author=656C7269633730000 link=1286656261/0#5 date=1286686677]and here for copy / paste to your own hosts file... good stuff..

WARNING   start your copy / paste into your notepad from that site at the line that states:
all the way down... will not hurt your own hosts file..
paste it into your hosts file at the end... it does not care .. winders that is...

will go along way to help...

I did what you said...  I have no clue what that does, or why I needed to, but I did it anyway...
PS.. (That's the biggest drag n' drop I ever did!... ;D...

;) Great for you!  ;)
Now to more understand what youve done, go to the hosts file
right click with mouse and choose Open, Windows will ask what to open with .. Select the notepad. Go down to where you see       <>
and try to go to the website in a browser
for example try to go to
your browser will comeback with more than likely a blank page... Reason... Your pc now knows that this site is addressed to A loopback address.... Congrats you now are more safe than you were before you did it... 8-)
now go out to and download spybot s&d - install - do NOT choose the Tea Timer or the System Protector blah blah.. just install... run updates ... Run Immunize... you will be better off..

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Serowbot on 10/15/10 at 00:01:18

You're not near as "cornfuzed" as your name would imply...

I tried your test and think I understand a bit better now,.. and I'll do Spybot next...
Thanks... ;)...

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by bill67 on 10/15/10 at 05:14:18

I use Trend Micro for spyware,Ever so often another spyware comes in and say I have 100 or so problems and Trend Micro will clean it and say I have none,Yet it the other spyware comes back and says I do,In a day or 2 the spyware goes away I don't know were or why its gone,I think it gos to OF computer.

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Oldfeller on 10/15/10 at 05:25:19

Warning -- what follows is stated in Billish

Bill, have you ever had squirrels get into your attic?

Btw, glad you are feeling all frisky this morning -- it is a nice day, crisp and fallish outside to be sure.


Everybody,  some food for thought, read this

I got botted at least once that I can remember -- would put the stupid machine into sleep mode and it would wake itself up every few hours to go "do something".   Applied Conflicker worm removal tool to fix that particular funny acting thang as Conflicker was going around heavy at the time.

Odds are about a third of the people reading this are sitting in front of a zombie bot and don't even know it ... commercial zombie bot writers are hard to catch as they have learned not to use your machine when you are moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard, -- they now reserve their activity to when you are idle for more than 30 minutes.  

And the really smartest of the lot shows you a Microsoft Update download symbol on your tool bar when your PC is actually busy attacking the Pentagon's secure servers or spewing out porn on preschool children's play sites.


Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by wolfmrp on 10/15/10 at 19:22:23

The best anti spyware and anti virus software on the market.  Ubuntu Linux.   ;)  Oh its not on the market...  its FREE!  I run three machines one with xp, one with 7 and the only one I never have to worry about is the one Microsoft has nothing to do with. ;D

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by cornfuzed on 10/15/10 at 22:45:50

30282B212A3537470 wrote:
The best anti spyware and anti virus software on the market.  Ubuntu Linux.   ;)  Oh its not on the market...  its FREE!  I run three machines one with xp, one with 7 and the only one I never have to worry about is the one Microsoft has nothing to do with. ;D

;)  Dangit I was trying to keep this simple  ;)
Ok yes it is good but there are differences out there based upon your hardware, what you are attempting to do what you currently are used to etc.. Now Wolfy is right that Linux as the base is very very good ... BUT will not bore with details..... Ok for those interested please: to get an idea... Now for those who just wanna say EEEFF it! What can i use instead of Windows without havin ta lern all this fangeled doodads!  Please:
Whats nice is that you download the NEW AWESOME no virus never will have it not hackable Operating System that can run windows software right out of the box... Burn it to dvd and run it to see if you would like it without installing it WHATSOEVER... cool eh?
Youll thank me later.. Oh an Wolfey you can run all yer windows pcs virtually from that debian based distro simultaneously on 4 different desktops or from a cube if you like ...   :P sooo much for keepin this simple like our bikes!!  :P  Im duckin for cover now!!!
examples of what we talking about:

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by cornfuzed on 10/15/10 at 22:51:50
sorry fergot to add them.. anywho... keep it simple use what you like... dont stay in micro$oft$  back pocket!!
Bust out!! BE FREEE!!! that way you can ride more   8-)

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by Oldfeller on 10/16/10 at 02:08:41

I've looked at Linux for years now and have to admit the only thing that stops me now is laziness, some favorite games and my wife's school computers which have to remain MS to match up with the University's standards.

Linux Mint has all the "proprietary drivers" already in it and they are working on NOT driving off Ubuntu but going directly back to Debian Unstable and running as an automatically self-updating version of Debian.

This means no releases to chase, ever -- all change is incremental and seamless.   I like this idea as I despise the thought of going through full OS reloads and fudge fixes every 6 months to a year.

The Mint folks are getting tired of chasing after Ubuntu's release cycle as of late the Ubuntu releases are too buggy and too little real meat in the upgrades -- too much flash & fluff stuff that they have to remove and fix.

Looks like Ultimate is trying to provide all drivers and all the Wine all together with all the Compriz and other neat stuff all at once (which is a hell of a LOT of work) -- but they will get caught up by the 6 month Ubuntu release update cycle and get wrung through the wringer like everybody else that bases off Ubuntu releases.

Manning to do the new releases is the issue that Ubuntu based distros have to deal with -- to refix every new edition requires a lot of work and man-hours.   And it never ends.


BTW, bot writers have branched over into Linux, but they aren't attacking distros yet (because they are many many distros and added all together they only cover 2-6% of the PCs in use) but they are writing exploits against your very common D-Link router's internal linux software which allow them to use your internet connection directly through the router itself (a D-Link router is a complete linux operating station) to execute their bot software.  

Pretty slick actually, and you would never ever see it except as a slow down of internet service.   And it is impossible for anti-viral or anti-spyware softwares on your PC to detect or stop as they don't go upstream to your router to check anything.

Title: Re: Spyware tracking cookies
Post by cornfuzed on 10/16/10 at 23:02:58

76555D5F5C55555C4B390 wrote:

I've looked at Linux for years now and have to admit the only thing that stops me now is laziness, some favorite games and my wife's school computers which have to remain MS to match up with the University's standards.

Linux Mint has all the "proprietary drivers" already in it and they are working on NOT driving off Ubuntu but going directly back to Debian Unstable and running as an automatically self-updating version of Debian.

This means no releases to chase, ever -- all change is incremental and seamless.   I like this idea as I despise the thought of going through full OS reloads and fudge fixes every 6 months to a year.

The Mint folks are getting tired of chasing after Ubuntu's release cycle as of late the Ubuntu releases are too buggy and too little real meat in the upgrades -- too much flash & fluff stuff that they have to remove and fix.

Looks like Ultimate is trying to provide all drivers and all the Wine all together with all the Compriz and other neat stuff all at once (which is a hell of a LOT of work) -- but they will get caught up by the 6 month Ubuntu release update cycle and get wrung through the wringer like everybody else that bases off Ubuntu releases.

Manning to do the new releases is the issue that Ubuntu based distros have to deal with -- to refix every new edition requires a lot of work and man-hours.   And it never ends.


BTW, bot writers have branched over into Linux, but they aren't attacking distros yet (because they are many many distros and added all together they only cover 2-6% of the PCs in use) but they are writing exploits against your very common D-Link router's internal linux software which allow them to use your internet connection directly through the router itself (a D-Link router is a complete linux operating station) to execute their bot software.  

Pretty slick actually, and you would never ever see it except as a slow down of internet service.   And it is impossible for anti-viral or anti-spyware softwares on your PC to detect or stop as they don't go upstream to your router to check anything.

Lotta good points in there, yep bots will come, only issue is how far the end user will let it go like with not keeping up for updates. I agree that the endless 6mo upgrade is tiresome so its why i only do every now and again when the whim hits me to do it.. i lookit like this with M$ how many times will you rebuild it in a year or 2? its about how long i go unless im bored with a distro for some application or appliance... now im still using technically 'old' distros but it comes in real handy to have a live bootable linux watch on hand when you need to address virii or blah blahs and thats less than 128mb in size... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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