General Category >> The Cafe >> A thought

Message started by kennycreed on 09/23/10 at 18:37:20

Title: A thought
Post by kennycreed on 09/23/10 at 18:37:20

There's a treasure called kindness, that will always shine brighter than gold

Title: Re: A thought
Post by bill67 on 09/23/10 at 18:47:51

I gave a girl $10 today in the wal-mart parking,Her car broke down and after paying to get it fixed her credit card was used up and she didn't have money for gas to get home 150 miles away.She ask me for a dollar and said she was asking other people for a dollar but wasn't having much luck,And no Mick I didn't get nothing in return.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by Phelonius on 09/23/10 at 18:54:03

Not even a smile?


Title: Re: A thought
Post by kennycreed on 09/23/10 at 18:54:43


Title: Re: A thought
Post by mick on 09/23/10 at 19:42:24

717A7F7F2524130 wrote:
I gave a girl $10 today in the wal-mart parking,Her car broke down and after paying to get it fixed her credit card was used up and she didn't have money for gas to get home 150 miles away.She ask me for a dollar and said she was asking other people for a dollar but wasn't having much luck,And no Mick I didn't get nothing in return.

Probably not Bill ,that's one of the oldest tricks that you have fell for.
Haven't you been conned before ? if you haven't ,you have now.
her boyfriend was very close, keeping an eye on her,she drove 150 miles to go to a wall mart,if she baught anything she could have taken it in and got her money back for gas.
Oh well ten bucks aint gunna kill ya. She will do that all day and make more than you did today.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by Demin on 09/23/10 at 20:17:59

Yep,con job.Panhandlers(fake ones)in Texas mke a bundle.Thet ruin it for the ones that really are down and out.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by mick on 09/23/10 at 20:24:53

next time you are approached ,tell the girl you have a cell phone and you can call a friend for her.maybe bring some gas,?

Title: Re: A thought
Post by Dj12midnit on 09/23/10 at 21:06:27

you say where is your car I have a gas can.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 09/24/10 at 05:48:30

My suggestion is to help the working poor when you can, not the panhandlers.

For instance, cab drivers - give them a nice tip, not just a buck or two.

The single mom working as a waitress in a modest restaurant could sure use more than a typical 15% tip - give her 20 - 25% and make her day in addition to a little extra cash that she sorely needs.

These are the folks I try to reward.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by bill67 on 09/24/10 at 06:02:29

I believed her I'm sure she wasn't a panhandler.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/10 at 06:27:20

2A2124247E7F480 wrote:
I believed her I'm sure she wasn't a panhandler.

He knew she was his kinda person when the Klotz flier fell outta her purse.

Just playin Bill, you did a fine thing. If ya got took,, ya got took, if not, you made a Big Difference in her day. Its the same $$$ either way & how you feel about your act of kindness is what matters to you. I woulda done it, too, even if she did have a Klotz flier in her purse.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 09/24/10 at 06:41:41

I have some unique attitudes about organized charities.  I can't stomach United Way, and won't give them a cent.  Look at their office buildings and executives running the place.

Regardless of your religious beliefs or denomination, Catholic Social Services gets a good bit of my charitable contributions because they have next to no overhead, and about 98% of what you contribute actually sees its way to people in need.  I think Lutherans do the same.

But a word of caution - one of my best friends in life is a gazillionaire with whom I went to high school.  About ten years ago, he went down to the homeless shelter at Christmas time with a wad of money as big as a basketball, thinking that he'd be a truly charitable person by handing out cash to the poor souls in the shelter.

The manager of the place headed him off, saying that was the exact wrong thing to do - the residents would probably spend the money on cheap wine or whiskey.  Instead, my buddy saw to it that all of the people in the shelter were provided with a first class traditional Christmas dinner, and a new winter coat and gloves for every man, woman and child in the place.  The total bill for all of that was in the thousands.  And the kids, especially, got a Christmas present that they really needed.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by bill67 on 09/24/10 at 08:39:59

I don't give to any charity's your lucky if 10% gets to the cause,the other is picked up my high paid executives along the way,I know that girl got the money.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by buttgoat1 on 09/24/10 at 09:08:20

whethwr she was a panhandler or not doesn't matter.
Bill did what he was led to do, and what she does with it is up to her.
good for ya Bill.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by kimchris1 on 09/24/10 at 09:41:35

At some time in life we all may have or have been in dire straits. I once was driving this old pickup truck. The gas guage did not work and I ran out of gas. I had no money on me and went to a place near by. The nice older gentleman gave me a can of gas. I said I would bring it back to him. I got home and husband arrived home from work. We got some money and went back with a full can of gas to the nice gentleman. Husband shook his hand and thanked him for helping me out. The man could not believe we had returned not only his gas can, but a full one as well. He said we had shown him that their are still honest people in the world. He had loaned several people gas in the past and never had it returned.
So Bill you did what you felt was right to do. If she tricked you shame on her, yet if she in turns someday remembers the kindness you showed her and passes it on, then all is not lost... Hugs to you...:) kim

Title: Re: A thought
Post by weracerc on 09/24/10 at 09:56:03

once back in the day when i was much thinner man i walked almost every day - i got ambitious one day decided to walk from my house to the college about 5 miles away - i started out fine and as I got closer to my turn around point i got very weak and felt like i was going to get sick (turned out to be low blood sugar - things you learn as you go thru life)...well in my desperation i asked God to help me find a dollar on the ground so i could get a coke or candy bar something to make the hooey's go away....i was approaching the bus stop where i had planned to stop and set for a minute before heading back - well there on the ground was a $20 bill - I said thank you God went across the street to the gas station and got a candy bar and a coke and gave the change to a lady with 4 kids driving an older car who was filling up her car.....God takes care us if we ask.

Title: Re: A thought
Post by mick on 09/24/10 at 10:04:37

6669656F6469626E697E6B697E0C0 wrote:
My suggestion is to help the working poor when you can, not the panhandlers.

For instance, cab drivers - give them a nice tip, not just a buck or two.

The single mom working as a waitress in a modest restaurant could sure use more than a typical 15% tip - give her 20 - 25% and make her day in addition to a little extra cash that she sorely needs.

These are the folks I try to reward.

where were you when I was a chauffeur ? Mr High Roller  ;)

Title: Re: A thought
Post by tcreeley on 09/24/10 at 10:20:06

In Boston I was heading to a sub shop with my sons. I saw a homeless guy who looked out of it, felt bad for him- being so well off by contrast- gave him a 5 dollar bill. We went on to the sub shop ordered and sat down to eat. A few minutes later the homeless guy comes in and orders a sub. I bought his dinner I guess.

Another time I saw a homeless guy in Cambridge sitting on a hot air vent by the subway entrance at Harvard Square. Beside him is his dog on a leash. Sitting on top of the dog is his cat. They looked cold, (December). They looked like a small family. I was proud that they stuck together.
It is a crazy world we are living in...and somewhere there are 28 hedgefund managers that made a billion dollars each last year, (only 200,000 dollars an hour!- In three hours they earn more than the president makes in a year.)
Things like this make me begin to hate. >:( » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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