General Category >> The Cafe >> Cuba

Message started by mick on 09/17/10 at 18:13:44

Title: Cuba
Post by mick on 09/17/10 at 18:13:44

How about that ,another country just found that communism doesn't work,laying of thousands of workers and telling them to grow rabbits to eat, Do you think the pheasants will revolt ? I guess they could try Capitalism ,but even Americans know that doesn't work anymore,
to many crooked polotitions,like there woulden't be in Cuba,it would be like another Mexico.
If Raul had a brain he should get all the workers involved in making Cuba a tourist atraction ,Lots of casinos,night clubs, bring the old cococabana back,wasn't that in Havana ?.
then again they just not like Americans, Wouldn't it be great to have a Cuban Romeo en Julietta cigar, not me I've quit,I'm just thinking of you guys.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/10 at 03:40:16

Mick says

I guess they could try Capitalism ,but even Americans know that doesn't work anymore

Weve never experienced Capitalism. Not in its proper form.The banking system is rigged, our political system has been used to take $$$$ from the people &put it in some little bureaucrats pocket, or into the pockets of dictators & other heads of state.

Taxes, what exactly do they accomplish? IDK what ALL they do, but every ONE of thgem accomplishes this.

$$$ in some petty bureaucrats pocket. That means bureaucrats want more taxes for me & you, so they can have more, too.

Democracy doesnt work, either. & WE are Not a democracy, but we sure are looking like one.

Odd that we can see how silly Castro was for believing he could tax the people &provide for them,much like a tyrannical father could send all his kids out to work, take all their $$$, pay for thier homes,food, transportation, health care, etc, eyc, AND give them a small allowance for walkin around $$, & build hospitals & deliver mail & put sewers in the cities & water & gas & build all the States infrastructure & NOTgo broke...

Buuuut, our Govt is supposed to provide health care for me,,

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by buttgoat1 on 09/18/10 at 04:43:49

I'm sorry for you JOG, and the rest of the country.........
at least we have Faith.
but November is coming!!

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mick on 09/18/10 at 08:14:15

5B4C5F4A4C4B4C5F402D0 wrote:
I'm sorry for you JOG, and the rest of the country.........
at least we have Faith.
but November is coming!!

That's right November is coming, Yipee my birthday month.
and so is Nov 2012. you might get real lucky and get Sarah Palin as your pres. You think it's bad now,you aint seen nothin yet.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/10 at 08:26:18

Ive been watching as people set records for greater & greater performances since I was a kid. Strange, while kids who are "going nowhere" riding their bicycles & skateboards grow up & set records & get medals, our politicians & their ways are continually setting performance records, too, getting worse & worse

What Freaks me iut the most is people who say theyre Democrats,,, or Republicans..

How in Gods name can anyone stand either party at this point? Which group of thugs, creeps & criminals do You like?

You stand with the Gotti's or the Sopranno's?

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by Starlifter on 09/18/10 at 09:09:01

I'm sorry for you JOG, and the rest of the country.........
at least we have Faith.
but November is coming!!

...ha ha, Undoing Bush's damage isn't going fast enough, so lets bring back the morons that dug this hole and ruined the country in the the first place.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mpescatori on 09/18/10 at 09:44:56

"If Raul had a brain he should get all the workers involved in making Cuba a tourist atraction ,Lots of casinos,night clubs, bring the old cococabana back,wasn't that in Havana ?.
then again they just not like Americans, Wouldn't it be great to have a Cuban Romeo en Julietta cigar, not me I've quit,I'm just thinking of you guys.

I feel sorry for you guys, I really do, the US put an embargo on Cuba, and what does Europe do?
;D ;D ;D
The US has no authority over Europe, and Europe has been doing GREAT business with Cuba ever since the US dropped out of the market.

Cuban cigars ? by the ton.
Cuban tourist attractions ? By the mile.

The funny thing is, the US Gov.t IS doing business with Cuba, because Guantanamo is on lease... you PAY to keep your soldiers there.
you spend millions to keep your tourists out.

European Tour Operators are extremely grateful.
If anyone of you wishes to enjoy a holiday in Cuba, just buy a Thomson package, fly to London and then to Havana, it's that easy...

Suntan not included/ all extras not included/ some rain may happen/ rain generally accompanied by some thunder and lightning/ check the fine print for other speial conditions

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mick on 09/18/10 at 10:43:32

looks like another case of the US cutting off it's nose to spite it's face.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mick on 09/18/10 at 14:52:25

Mpescatori, the europians don't seem to be helping the Cubans to much , If as you say they have all these beautiful tourist places at very reasonable rates why are they in such a big hole ? 70% of all there workers will be out of work next week,raisin rabbits for food,I guess chickens are allowed as well.
For some reason that I cant really explane,I would love to see Cuba rise from the ashes so to speak. beside the resorts it is a very nice country. A shame Castro and his brother somehow got stuck in the 60s.   I did like Chi  he cant be all bad he rode an ES2 Norton in his younger days, he gave alot of his time to poor people in the way of medical help,although a rebel ,still a nice guy,or was.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mpescatori on 09/18/10 at 16:37:24

6D69636B7468656C696D6579000 wrote:
Mpescatori, the europians don't seem to be helping the Cubans to much , If as you say they have all these beautiful tourist places at very reasonable rates why are they in such a big hole ? 70% of all there workers will be out of work next week,raisin rabbits for food,I guess chickens are allowed as well.
For some reason that I cant really explane,I would love to see Cuba rise from the ashes so to speak. beside the resorts it is a very nice country. A shame Castro and his brother somehow got stuck in the 60s.   I did like Chi  he cant be all bad he rode an ES2 Norton in his younger days, he gave alot of his time to poor people in the way of medical help,although a rebel ,still a nice guy,or was.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara was, IIRC, a doctor... but so was Yasser Arafat, founder of the PLO.

Che Guevara was also a staunch eugeneticist and established the first concentration camps for political dissidents.

I am tired of teenagers who chant the Che's name, 90% of them would be doing hard labor in his days. :P

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by buttgoat1 on 09/18/10 at 20:49:15

put anybody on a shirt and stupid kids will follow them.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mick on 09/19/10 at 00:32:33

All I knew about Che I got from the movie "Motorcycle Diaries"
So I guess I was ill informed,sorry bout that.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mpescatori on 09/19/10 at 03:21:02

NOT what I would call a role model for the teenagers of the free world  


Title: Re: Cuba
Post by Starlifter on 09/19/10 at 09:50:49

Thank God we'll never see Bush on a shirt. ;D

...he makes Che look like Mother Theresa.

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by Ed L. on 09/19/10 at 15:20:15

If I see Sarah Palin on a tee shirt I think I'll move to Cuba, eat rabbits and smoke cigars.  ;)

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by bill67 on 09/19/10 at 15:37:22

Sarah Palin can sit on my tee shirt anytime shes wants. :)

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by mick on 09/19/10 at 17:31:56

5B5055550F0E390 wrote:
Sarah Palin can sit on my tee shirt anytime shes wants. :)

since when do they call your face a T shirt ?

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by bill67 on 09/19/10 at 17:42:43

Its close enough  :)

Title: Re: Cuba
Post by Ed L. on 09/20/10 at 16:00:00

LOL  :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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