General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Right curves or Left curves?

Message started by Boofer on 09/15/10 at 19:48:39

Title: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Boofer on 09/15/10 at 19:48:39

Hey people. I was on here before, but it got too rough for me. It seems to have become more civil now. My question is this: Given 2 curves one right and one left with the same slope, radius, sight you prefer to take one faster than the other? I nearly always feel safer leaning left. Please, no political jokes.    

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by bill67 on 09/15/10 at 19:55:58

left curve for me seems better.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/10 at 19:57:03

Me too...  I think it's somehow natural to our being....

Ever notice horse races, dog races, NASCAR, track meets, baseball bases... all run counter clockwise?....  figure skaters always do spins and axle jumps counterclockwise...
I've even read, that rabbits and other animals fleeing danger will eventually veer into a counterclockwise loop...

We're all lefty's at heart...  ;)... sorry, had too... ;D...
... and welcome back Boof...

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Boofer on 09/15/10 at 20:19:09

You made it worse! Now I've got to wondering, does this have to do with our northern hemisphere and the rotation of the earth? Do riders in Australia feel safer in a right hand curve? I won't sleep a wink tonight worrying about this. STM (STM is "smiling to myself" I rarely LOL when typing)

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/10 at 21:19:43

Any left handed folks here?I want their answer to this.

When I was a kid & wanted to slam on the brakes on the bike, Id always finish the J hook w/my left foot down & turned left. The pedals on the 10 speed show more asphalt scrapes on the left side & I feel more stable in a left turn, but I get both pegs down hard enough to fold them up far enough to make it hard to keep my foot on them.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/10 at 22:33:44

I'm a total oddy,... I was born a lefty, but because of a family proclivity, and their knowledge of the ways of the right-handed world, I was forced, as an infant, to be a righty....
So,... I ended up right handed, but left footed (soccer), and left eyed (shooting, and video)...

So,... instead of naturally veering left, like all of natures normal creatures...
I stagger in a zig-zag...

...or maybe it's just the booze?...:-?...

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 09/16/10 at 00:49:55

I'm mostly a lefty ... though ambidexterous when it comes to many tasks ... am right-footed and swing a hockey stick (baseball bat, golf club, etc.) from the right as well as throw a ball with my right arm ... though use a pool cue from the left and shoot a rifle from the left shoulder ... Where were we?? Oh yes ... preference for curves going left or right? I would have to say that I probably am capable of making a left curve on the Bike faster and with more lean angle than a right one ... so left!

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/10 at 02:29:16

Dangitt, Id give my right arm to be ambidextrous...

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by bill67 on 09/16/10 at 04:35:47

I never had any trouble switching hands. ;D

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by runwyrlph on 09/16/10 at 06:06:14

well if it's the same curve in the same road,( right curve going to work - left coming home )- you're on the outside of the turn going left = not as tight = can go faster.  Also you're in a better mood coming home  ;D

if it's 2 diff curves with identical radii - i dunno i'd say no diff.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by babyhog on 09/16/10 at 06:07:52

Absolutely left for me too!  I'm naturally right-handed but have plenty of left-dominant things too.  My husband is left-handed, so I'll ask him about the curves too, and ask the guys at work that ride also.  

It is an interesting phenomenon.  I bet it does have to do with earth's rotation, etc though... (and Bot's drinking problem  ;)) 

And I was gonna tell you we had a boofer before...  but welcome back!  

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by runwyrlph on 09/16/10 at 06:10:47

as for the racing direction - it was my understanding that the British raced horses clockwise in American colonial times.  The Yankees switched to racing in the opposite direction to show their disdain for all things Hanoverian!

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by bill67 on 09/16/10 at 06:23:59

I think left works best because when your in a car you can see the road out your window but not on the other side.I think we get used to that over the years.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Arnold on 09/16/10 at 06:37:42

I dont think I have a preference, but if I had to choose I would say left as well because the muffler's on the right.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by LANCER on 09/16/10 at 06:45:45

072A2A232037450 wrote:
You made it worse! Now I've got to wondering, does this have to do with our northern hemisphere and the rotation of the earth? Do riders in Australia feel safer in a right hand curve? I won't sleep a wink tonight worrying about this. STM (STM is "smiling to myself" I rarely LOL when typing)

Watch the water drain out of the sink or tub; it swirls CCW, as do storms in the northern hemisphere.
Go south of the equater and everything spins CW

It is the natural flow of things and so it does feel better for us to go L vs R in this hemisphere.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by cursal on 09/16/10 at 07:03:47

I prefer the lefts mostly, but if I were going up a steep hill I like the right. I feel like I'm really digging into the turn.
I guess cause I'm more comfortable with the left that the right is more "exciting" when I find good right curves going up at steep angles.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by babyhog on 09/16/10 at 07:16:45

I took a survey at work.
6 riders (5 Harleys, 1 GSXR) - 4 said left, 2 said right.  Of the 2 that said right, 1 is left-handed.   

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Arnold on 09/16/10 at 07:18:41

I think that survey was on family feud last week. :)

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by lukeduck on 09/16/10 at 08:02:50

If you keep your eyes closed really tight ;), you won't know the difference [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]. OK, I don't notice much difference, generally focused on which SUV is going to run over me ;D. I had better leave this to you folks who have some brain cells left. Ride safe, far, and often---Luke

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 09/16/10 at 08:56:26

Maybe most motorcycle-Riding folk in North America (and other countries that drive on right-hand side of road) prefer left curves over right because right curves tend to be tighter than left ones while preference may be the opposite in countries like U.K., Australia, Japan and Thailand where they drive on the left-hand side of the road and tighter curves are to the left? I dunno for sure ... sheer speculation on my part! LOL!! :)

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Skid Mark on 09/16/10 at 09:13:58

Left turns form me. As to why, I have no idea. I guess I'm just wired that way. I'm right handed.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by youzguyz on 09/16/10 at 09:42:36

If I am really slamming the curves, I prefer right hand turns (and I am right handed, not that I think that makes any difference at all).

I feel more secure starting my turn at the centerline (or.. ummm... further left..   :P ) and clipping the shoulder than the other way around.
Usually there is that little bit of extra camber/slope right there on the shoulder that you can ride to tighten the turn if you need it.  Hitting those road marking poles and mail boxes with my shoulder can be painful though.  :o   ;D

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/10 at 09:53:30

Consider this,...

You are riding a 2-lane, and an oncoming car suddenly spins out to stop, blocking your forward path completely...
The only option is to lay her down, and slide... (I know it's not the smart move, but it happens instinctively)

Most people would lay it down on the left side...
North or south hemispheres...
Bettcha' a donut... ;)...

I still have no idea why,... :-?...

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Lupo on 09/16/10 at 10:08:51

This topic has come up in many circles and to me the most reasonable theory is you control throttle with the right hand and have better counter steer (push) control with the left hand.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by runwyrlph on 09/16/10 at 10:21:21

5543544951444952260 wrote:
Consider this,...

You are riding a 2-lane, and an oncoming car suddenly spins out to stop, blocking your forward path completely...
The only option is to lay her down, and slide... (I know it's not the smart move, but it happens instinctively)

Most people would lay it down on the left side...
North or south hemispheres...
Bettcha' a donut... ;)...

I still have no idea why,... :-?...

you're right - i picture going down on my left - right seems wierd !

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/10 at 10:59:03

... or try this,...
You are going to attempt to do a donut burnout to impress a group of admirers...  (you're probably going to embarrass yourself, but never mind that...),... which foot do you put on the ground?.... The left?...
You are going to go counter-clockwise...
... Betchha' a donut,... again... ;D... (anybody disagreeing with me, is going to get fat!) ... ;D...

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by spacepirates on 09/16/10 at 11:03:21

i think left turns are easier, on bicycles and motorcycles, and i am right handed.

i once heard about it having to do with the spin of the earth, but i don't know about all that. all i know for sure is my left peg has a lot more metal missing off the bottom of it than the right one...

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/16/10 at 11:21:23

2724353731243D2635203127540 wrote:
all i know for sure is my left peg has a lot more metal missing off the bottom of it than the right one...

probably due to the road crown.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by bill67 on 09/16/10 at 11:22:42

If I were sliding in to home plate I would have my left side down,I just did that 2 days ago they called me out but I don't think I really was.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Starlifter on 09/16/10 at 11:31:37

So,... I ended up right handed, but left footed (soccer), and left eyed shooting.

Hmm, I have always been right handed, but always shoot left eyed. I can't even imagine shooting right eyed.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/16/10 at 11:35:48

2E382F322A3F32295D0 wrote:
Consider this,...

You are riding a 2-lane, and an oncoming car suddenly spins out to stop, blocking your forward path completely...
The only option is to lay her down, and slide... (I know it's not the smart move, but it happens instinctively)

Most people would lay it down on the left side...
North or south hemispheres...
Bettcha' a donut... ;)...

I still have no idea why,... :-?...

1) lay her down and hope you slide under?
2) turn into it and hope the last place it would be is where it should be?
3) do nothing and hope the a hole misses you?
4) indian larry and hope you don't break you neck when you touche down?

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by bill67 on 09/16/10 at 11:47:11

A buddy of mine does everything right handed but writes left handed.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by jsarsfield on 09/16/10 at 12:30:20

262B24292F38787D4A0 wrote:
[quote author=072A2A232037450 link=1284605319/0#3 date=1284607149]Serow,
You made it worse! Now I've got to wondering, does this have to do with our northern hemisphere and the rotation of the earth? Do riders in Australia feel safer in a right hand curve? I won't sleep a wink tonight worrying about this. STM (STM is "smiling to myself" I rarely LOL when typing)

Watch the water drain out of the sink or tub; it swirls CCW, as do storms in the northern hemisphere.
Go south of the equater and everything spins CW

It is the natural flow of things and so it does feel better for us to go L vs R in this hemisphere.[/quote]

I can't believe that people still believe that myth regarding water going down the drain in the southern hemisphere is opposite of the northern hemisphere.   But its not true the Coriolis effect is what you are describing and it is only found in storm sized events and long range rifle fire, not plumbing.   The way the water goes down your drain is caused by nothing more than the shape of the bowl and the water hitting it.   Don't believe me?


Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Tom K on 09/16/10 at 12:41:46

I really haven't noticed which way I prefer to turn. But if you look at my bike the right peg is scraped down way more then my left.  ;)

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by bill67 on 09/16/10 at 13:12:05

524B594A4B5E515D545C380 wrote:
[quote author=262B24292F38787D4A0 link=1284605319/0#14 date=1284644745][quote author=072A2A232037450 link=1284605319/0#3 date=1284607149]Serow,
You made it worse! Now I've got to wondering, does this have to do with our northern hemisphere and the rotation of the earth? Do riders in Australia feel safer in a right hand curve? I won't sleep a wink tonight worrying about this. STM (STM is "smiling to myself" I rarely LOL when typing)

Watch the water drain out of the sink or tub; it swirls CCW, as do storms in the northern hemisphere.
Go south of the equater and everything spins CW

It is the natural flow of things and so it does feel better for us to go L vs R in this hemisphere.[/quote]

I can't believe that people still believe that myth regarding water going down the drain in the southern hemisphere is opposite of the northern hemisphere.   But its not true the Coriolis effect is what you are describing and it is only found in storm sized events and long range rifle fire, not plumbing.   The way the water goes down your drain is caused by nothing more than the shape of the bowl and the water hitting it.   Don't believe me?

I have a shaped kitchen sink square like with a jog in them,I tried the water drain deal one spins one way the other the opposite way.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by weracerc on 09/16/10 at 13:37:43

born left handed writer, rt or left hand ball throwing - left foot kicker - but when i first got my bike a fellow rider following me told me i took the left handers better than right handers (looked more comfortable) almost 6 months of riding exp. and almost 1000 miles - i think i am just as comfortable RT or LF.....have not been riding with anyone lately to confirm this - but next time I do ride with a buddy i will get them to analize my turning skillz and let you know.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Lupo on 09/16/10 at 22:56:12

...and I have another one. Road race bikes are set up with the shifter opposite road bikes meaning ,1 up 5 down (most). The reason is your foot is above the shifter during extreme lean angles. Now..on a road bike during  (our) extreme lean angles we can feel the left with our toe to gauge our lean. I'm just throwing out a personal feeling but, I am more comfortable going left.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by babyhog on 09/17/10 at 05:44:12

I asked my husband and he said right curves are more comfortable for him.  This actually makes more mental sense to me, after talking about it.  When you are turning right, if you take the curve too fast, at least you always have the opposing lane to go in to if you HAD to.  Hopefully there's nothing coming the opposite direction.  But if you take a left turn too fast, and lose it, you're off the road!  I guess dangers in the other lane and off the road could be high or low, depending on where you ride, but its a thought.  Are you more scared of going into the opposing lane or off the shoulder?
I'm still more comfortable with left turns, and thought about it this morning on my 60° ride to work, but I think this discussion might just help me feel better both ways!  

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by cursal on 09/17/10 at 06:39:27

514C56595C4D3A0 wrote:
This topic has come up in many circles and to me the most reasonable theory is you control throttle with the right hand and have better counter steer (push) control with the left hand.

This kind of makes sense to me. Pushy on the right gives more power, not the thing you want headed into trouble.

Also, I have always thought if I were to go down (knock on chrome it never happens)  I pictured left side down as well. Same for baseball and soccer. I am right handed/footed :)

curious topic to think about

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/10 at 09:10:42

464544494B51280 wrote:
...Are you more scared of going into the opposing lane or off the shoulder?

As a rider who has been hit by a t-t-truck,...
I prefer to slide of the road...  :-?...

Nothing hurts more than an instant reversal of momentum... ;)...

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by klx650sm2002 on 09/17/10 at 10:44:41

I like rights,probably because we have a lot of roundabouts here which are right handed and by the time you are exiting on the left turn the road is opening up so accelerating hard and not leaning so far.
Thats my theory for what it's worth.
Clive W :)

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/10 at 11:17:06

I wish I had a big , clear area, with a good surface so I could just go play & try both sides.I know when I was riding a 10 speed,myleft pedal took more of a beating as I pedalled thru turns.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Boofer on 09/17/10 at 12:50:17

677176776568040 wrote:
I prefer the lefts mostly, but if I were going up a steep hill I like the right. I feel like I'm really digging into the turn.
I guess cause I'm more comfortable with the left that the right is more "exciting" when I find good right curves going up at steep angles.

Been busy a couple days. Boy, you guys have some good answers. I didn't realize it until Cursal said it, but I feel secure climbing up steep, tight curves. I can picture the very place with a good grade and sharp "S" curves. I always kick her down to 3rd and hang on. If this was "Family Feud" I'd say, "Good answer" like that guy does. Thanks for the great comments.  

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by mick on 09/17/10 at 17:18:33

55425C52525E48310 wrote:
as for the racing direction - it was my understanding that the British raced horses clockwise in American colonial times.  The Yankees switched to racing in the opposite direction to show their disdain for all things Hanoverian!

I learned to ride and drive in England ,as you know we drive on the left. So I thought it was just natural to prefer  left turns. Not true,I still
can make left turns with way more confedence than right,
Now I want to know how Auzzies feel ?
Before my hand problem ,and after I got my Ninja,I found that right or left made no difference, So ! could it be the bike itself ?
When I jumped on that little ninja,I already knew they were noted for there handling,the more I rode it the more confidence I got ,later I could corner ether way without a problem. I did do alot of practice making right turns on the Ninja,I was thinking of racing it at Portland meadows,a clockwise track. our little local track here in McMinville is also clockwise.And so is the Isle of Man,And Brands Hatch,outside London.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by mick on 09/17/10 at 17:39:32

6E7369666372050 wrote:
...and I have another one. Road race bikes are set up with the shifter opposite road bikes meaning ,1 up 5 down (most). The reason is your foot is above the shifter during extreme lean angles. Now..on a road bike during  (our) extreme lean angles we can feel the left with our toe to gauge our lean. I'm just throwing out a personal feeling but, I am more comfortable going left.

The shifter on race bikes is just put on backwards,so to get the riders feet farther back.and on English bikes the shifter is on the other side.
Also on some Italian bikes the shifter is a rocking type,use your heel or toe.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by bill67 on 09/17/10 at 19:01:09

Today when I was riding I was thinking about the lefts and rights and It really makes no difference to me.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/17/10 at 22:18:18

prefer left and right curves, matching on both sides.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by Lupo on 09/18/10 at 09:03:46

The shifter on race bikes is just put on backwards,so to get the riders feet farther back.and on English bikes the shifter is on the other side.
Also on some Italian bikes the shifter is a rocking type,use your heel or toe.[/quote]
No I'm afraid you are wrong. Perhaps in the early "cafe" days it was the case but with modern GP bikes and modern superbikes the shift pattern on most is reverse.

Title: Re: Right curves or Left curves?
Post by kimchris1 on 09/18/10 at 21:09:47

It makes no difference  to me which way the road curves.
I enjoy the hell out of the "S" curves.  ;) kim » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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