General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.

Message started by BarneyBWilde on 09/15/10 at 12:02:21

Title: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by BarneyBWilde on 09/15/10 at 12:02:21

Whens the last time your heart jumped out of your chest when you were out riding?

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by 04 Savage on 09/15/10 at 12:30:42

Last week when a ford truck pulled out in front of me, back tire ended up locking up and it was a squeelin'

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by babyhog on 09/15/10 at 12:50:45

A few hundred miles ago, early August, got a new rear tire.  Folks warned me that new tires can be "slick" for the first few miles, and not to go cutting curves hard until it gets broken in.  There is a little "S" curve near my house, with a railroad crossing in the middle.  I can run it at around 25-30 mph, but on the new tire, I was cautious.  Slowed down to about 20 and it still felt like the back end was gonna slide out from under me.  Yep, heart jumped a little....

Left turns are fine now, right turns still make my heart race a little.  

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Tom K on 09/15/10 at 12:56:59

Earlier this year on my way home from work at 3 AM.  Passing a car on the super slab, I'm right next to the car when a deer jumps out.  I was really hoping the car didn't swerve.  He didn't, and the deer gave us a dirty look.  LOL

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by BarneyBWilde on 09/15/10 at 13:02:57

3A2038252B203721204E0 wrote:
Earlier this year on my way home from work at 3 AM.  Passing a car on the super slab, I'm right next to the car when a deer jumps out.  I was really hoping the car didn't swerve.  He didn't, and the deer gave us a dirty look.  LOL

There are a lot of deers that scamper out every now and then on my way to work.  I see more possums and hogs though.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by jsarsfield on 09/15/10 at 13:09:32

the other night coming home traveling 100 km/h see two sets of lights coming straight at me .... Think to myself "must be an optical illusion"  he still wouldn't be in the passing lane ... Boy I was wrong had to go around him on the unpaved shoulder was doing about 70km/h by then but almost shat my pants .... The guy never seemed to have seen me had to pull off the road to have a smoke get the shakes out.  It was a very close call.   Never have I wanted to have a handgun so bad.  

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by CalisOsin on 09/15/10 at 13:37:55

Today on my way to work, somehow the snapclip that holds the gear shifter on came off and the gear shifter followed. It was dangling below the bike. Gave me a start but it turned out to not be a big deal, was able to put the shifter back on the post and hold it in place with my foot until I made it to Checker for a new clip. Only 45 minutes late for work.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by ralfyguy on 09/15/10 at 14:26:47

21030E0B112D110B0C620 wrote:
Today on my way to work, somehow the snapclip that holds the gear shifter on came off and the gear shifter followed. It was dangling below the bike. Gave me a start but it turned out to not be a big deal, was able to put the shifter back on the post and hold it in place with my foot until I made it to Checker for a new clip. Only 45 minutes late for work.

That's strange. I tried to take the shifter off before, and I couldn't because it hit the frame half way. I wanted to grease the pin that way.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by mornhm - FSO on 09/16/10 at 06:11:39

Day before yesterday, coming up on a highway intersection with a side road with trees blocking the vision to the oncoming road, lady (on cell phone I realize as I pass - left hand up to the head, she can't really see anything to her left - direction I'm coming from) doesn't stop or really slow down, just pulls onto the highway. Unfortunately since I didn't have time to adjust because of the trees blocking my vision, timing put her right beside me. I swerve to the left and roll the throttle and swerve to right back into my lane. Now I realize she's behind me and probably still not paying any attention. Luckily it's only a few more miles till I turn off so I just maintained my speed until I got far enough in front of her that she wasn't a danger to me - aparently she was also driving slower than traffic because in my rearview I can see cars starting to pile up behind her as I turn off.

Times like these that keep your heart pumping  :P

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Skid Mark on 09/16/10 at 09:20:31

Two weeks ago some jerk switched lanes without checking. Lucky for me there was room on my left to just move out of his way. It wasn't a close call, but it did get the old heart into high speed mode.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by bill67 on 09/16/10 at 11:17:25

When I hit the first good bump with my S40 when I was driving it home when I bought it,I'm used to a windshield and not used do holding on tight,I thought I was going off the back.I bought new shocks the next day.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by weracerc on 09/16/10 at 13:25:48

newby mistake only been riding less than 50 miles - never had a bike before - was doing a Sunday morning ride to get some experience with lite traffic conditions (or so i thought).....back to the newby mistake - came up to medium heavy traffic intersection geared down (thought all the way to first)....tried to time it so i could keep rolling and not have to start off on an uphill......well that did not work too good - so after coming to complete stop at the head of the line 4 or 5 cars behind and more coming - i let the clutch out - gagged it - stomped it (gear shifter - now in 2nd was in 3rd) gagged it cussed it stomped it now in neutral - reved it rolled back cars wizzing by on the right side - stomped it now in 1st now light is red again......guy behind me laughing his a$$ off - i am cussing and embarrassed - and now thank God it is in 1st gear and I only have to negotiate the clutch out gas on uphill take off.....gagged it - cussed it - cranked it and finally by the grace of God it got it moving as more cars coming wizzing by and showing me I am "number 1" in thier opinion.......that was a real attention getter and ran my blood pressure up!

this was in June 2010 now i have 1000 miles under my belt and i can get it in gear pretty good and take off uphill no gagging......

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by BarneyBWilde on 09/16/10 at 14:08:46

656A2F3D2A3D3B39323F6D5C0 wrote:
newby mistake only been riding less than 50 miles - never had a bike before - was doing a Sunday morning ride to get some experience with lite traffic conditions (or so i thought).....back to the newby mistake - came up to medium heavy traffic intersection geared down (thought all the way to first)....tried to time it so i could keep rolling and not have to start off on an uphill......well that did not work too good - so after coming to complete stop at the head of the line 4 or 5 cars behind and more coming - i let the clutch out - gagged it - stomped it (gear shifter - now in 2nd was in 3rd) gagged it cussed it stomped it now in neutral - reved it rolled back cars wizzing by on the right side - stomped it now in 1st now light is red again......guy behind me laughing his a$$ off - i am cussing and embarrassed - and now thank God it is in 1st gear and I only have to negotiate the clutch out gas on uphill take off.....gagged it - cussed it - cranked it and finally by the grace of God it got it moving as more cars coming wizzing by and showing me I am "number 1" in thier opinion.......that was a real attention getter and ran my blood pressure up!

this was in June 2010 now i have 1000 miles under my belt and i can get it in gear pretty good and take off uphill no gagging......

Lol, im sure that will happen to me lol I havnt even rode a mile on my bike  haha...glad to hear that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by John_D FSO on 09/16/10 at 17:47:44

Lol, I don't feel too bad now, that happened to me the first time I rode into town and had to stop at a light.  Mine was on level ground though, making a right turn.  Eased out on the clutch, but didn't gas it enough, splut, died.  Embarrassing! :-[

My last heart jumper was in my car on the way to work last week.  30 mph on a twisting industrial area street behind a semi.  Saw a minivan stopped on the sidestreet on the right, cellphone glued to his head.  Soon as the semi passes him, here he comes! :o  Utilized my antilock brakes and horn, and had the satisfaction of seeing him freak out enough to jump the curb. ;D  Hope he dropped his phone in his coffee! :D

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Phelonius on 09/16/10 at 18:17:32

Just last week when I was riding through down town Kona this sweet young eye candy in a bikini danced across the street on her way to the beach!
Oh My Gawd riding is dangerous for the ticker for an old fhart in Hawaii.

Phelonius 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by stinger on 09/17/10 at 01:36:28

It wasn't the day I was riding but the day I bought my Savage from the dealer. It was raining and I had to drive to the coast so I went in my car. On the way back all I could think about was how much fun this ride was gonna be on my bike in the summer when the weather was nice. Just then a deer bounded down from this hillside right  into the front of the car and totaled it. Of course it killed the deer. His head was in the radiator.. I almost sold my bike before I even rode it. All I could think about was what would have happened if I had been on my bike.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Phelonius on 09/17/10 at 04:11:11

Yesterday we were off loading my newest sidecar rig (750 Honda Aero)
from out of a shipping box on a semi.
I had a belay with rope in my hands and one of my friends was in the saddle. As it started out and down' he hit the brakes and one of the ramps shifted to the side.  I clamped down on the belay as the machime hung precariously over the edge.  Tom climbed out of the saddle and three of us were able to get the machine back up into the truck.
Repositioning the ramps we again tried with no brakes at all using only the belay.  This time all went well and the machine was lowered to the ground safely.
Had the machine fallen it would have most likely hit nose first then gone over forward upside down. In all likelyhood it would have resulted in terrible injury or even death for Tom.

Phelonius :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by jrm8486 on 09/17/10 at 11:15:37

Every day on my way to work! if it is not the old people,its the kids on cell phones,welcome to Florida!

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Skid Mark on 09/17/10 at 15:30:39

Yesterday we were off loading my newest sidecar rig (750 Honda Aero)
from out of a shipping box on a semi.

Good to hear the bikes are arriving ok. Also good to hear no one got hurt unloading!!!

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/10 at 04:00:43

A real man woulda just rode the thing out the truck, Wide Open. Seen so much of that stuff on TV that im sure it woulda worked out just fine..
Oldmilitary sidecar rigs have made plenty of safe landings.

Well, unless a bad guy was on it, then it exploded when it left the ramp.

Maybe you shouldnt try it,,

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Routy on 09/18/10 at 05:55:09

So many close calls w/ deer,.... sometimes even standing in the roadway when I round a bend, that my heart is getting tough to it anymore.
But,.....that rock in the belt at 50 mph probably topped the list !

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by BarneyBWilde on 09/18/10 at 12:20:21

Jinx! First time riding it to work, first week of riding, first time riding it in the rain.  When I was leaving the parking lot I drove into the fence going - 5mph.  Kind of bent the bracket that the front blinker bolts to inside the rubber housing nothing serious, kind of embarrassing but better then crashing on the highway!

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by the kler on 09/18/10 at 13:37:44

I was riding on a hwy at 65mph on a really hot day, too hot for the pavement i guess cause it buckled upward about 5 inches and almost threw me from my bike.  luckily I have some experience with bikes in the air and didn't screw up the landing.  I landed on the passenger seat in the almost superman position and promptly pulled over.  Change of pants and a cold glass of water and I was back on the road.

They fixed that bump later that night after another motorcyclist crashed.  

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Tanker2Biker on 09/18/10 at 16:13:10

This morning, part way through a morning ride for the pure enjoyment of it.

Riding on a 4 lane, about 65 mph, about a half hour after sunrise.  I look down the road and see a small dark lump a little left of center of the lane I'm in.  I think it's tire debris, so I move over to the right to clear it.  No problem till I'm about 50 feet away, and the darn thing moves!! :o

It was a squirrel and the little sucker decided to go back to the side of the road, right in front of me!  I'm sure it probably would have been OK if I had hit it, but it was a real shocker to see something suddenly there in front of me, when I thought it was a chunk of rubber.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Digger on 10/17/10 at 21:52:11

Am riding south on a small, 4-lane arterial with no divider.  The posted speed limit on this road is 35 mph.  The shoulder of the road has a bicycle lane, so it is fairly wide.  There is a right turn lane up ahead that I’m planning on using when I get closer to the intersection I want to turn right on.

I’m riding my Savage (see signature).  I’m in the right-hand lane.  As I near the intersection I want to turn right on (which has a traffic is currently red), I activate the right-turn signals, wait two seconds, then begin drifting right in my lane so that I can enter the right turn lane that is just now beginning.  As is my habit (even in seemingly innocuous situations like this), I check my mirror and then do a “head check” as I prepare to enter the right turn lane.

I’m startled by a whoosh of air and a red blur!  A driver in a red Toyota pickup truck with a topper, Colorado truck license plate number 531-BSM, has entered the shoulder BEFORE the right-turn lane began and is travelling at least 20 mph faster than I am.  The driver is crowding into the right-hand edge of my lane.  I instinctively swerve to the left to avoid the truck.

Yep, THAT got the ticker to thumpin'!

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by JohnBoy on 10/17/10 at 23:04:15

In 2001 a Knucklehead passed me on the right as I was turning "right" into a parking lot. He actually drove up into the grass trying to get around me. The result was some broken bones a broken Goldwing and a wild windshield ride. Now every week or two I hear the brakes lock up behind me while I am waiting at a light ,and my heart leaps into my mouth. It has been ten years and even after living through worse accidents this one haunts me. I don't like being scared but I am not ready to quit any time soon.
Ride hard, live hard

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Oldfeller on 10/18/10 at 00:51:22

Watching Lancer thread the needle between two on-coming cars on a narrow mountain road ....

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by drums1 on 10/18/10 at 06:37:00

The other day, just after dusk, while cruising down a dark country road at about 45mph, when not 1 or 2, but 5 dear decided to run across the road about 30-40 yards in front of me. I just missed the last ones ass by several feet. SE Wisconsin during the rut. You gotta luv it.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by B1-66er on 10/18/10 at 06:42:07

Mine was the first time I rose a motorcycle. Of course that was just three and a half weeks ago. Haha.

Luckily I haven't had any scary experiences yet, but I know they're on their way.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Angie on 10/18/10 at 07:10:02

My worst scare was the morning I got into heavy fog, then had 2 deer jump across in front of me and then had a truck pull out in front of me.  Sheesh!

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by OntheBoulevard on 10/18/10 at 10:01:43

Was riding last week, and going past the off ramp to a roadside rest. There's a sort of wide "Y" there to the right with the cross hatched yellow paint. I see a flicker to my right, as a new maroon Camaro blasts through those cross hatches on my right. I'm on a 4 lane doing 60 with traffic on my left, and no place to go. Obviously, he missed me, or I wouldn't be writing about it. There's got to be a special place in hell for people like that.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Howitzer on 10/20/10 at 19:27:38

Two weeks ago, as I'm riding down a 2 lane 35 mph road with a bike lane on the right.  I'm riding on the left lane, near a car on the right's blindspot(my mistake, now I know to avoid).  I see up ahead that we're approaching a cyclist in the bike lane, so I keep my eye on the car to my right.  I shift to the left side of my lane, in case the car is gonna shift left to give the cyclist some space.  Turns out the car not only shifts left, he flat out changes into my lane, forcing me into the oncoming lane.  It's a good thing that I checked for oncoming traffic before I shifted to the left side of my lane, otherwise this could have turned out badly.  

I should have A) not ridden in someone's blind spot, and B) instead of being pushed into the oncoming lane, I should have braked to get behind the impeding car.

Good thing I'm learning this early on.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by OntheBoulevard on 10/21/10 at 09:15:07

It's great to read about the newbie experiences. Maybe I should rephrase that... It's eye opening to see other people are having the same growing pains, and that I'm not the only one. The first few times I rode it was an absolute miserable experience. You have all your appendages doing something they've never done before, and all at the same time you're vulnerable. When I went out my third time, my wife says "Nice evening for a ride, you ought to go". To me, it was almost like she was saying "you ought to go ahead an climb up the face of that cliff with no gear, that you've always had your eye on". I figured that after that evening, I was either going to get passed the fear of riding, or the Boulevard was going back on Ebay! I rode 86 miles that afternoon, and by the time I got back, I had gotten past the primal fear, and actually had a certain amount of automatic dexterity. Right now, I still plan out every curve, and I really don't like curve riding cause it scares me. I make myself do it, because I have to get passed it, and make the whole sequence of events getting in and out of them, a natural thoughtless process. I have also made myself go into towns, where I know I'll have stop and go traffic, so I have to practice stops and starts, and making them smoothly. The thing I'm the worst at doing smoothly, is slow 90 degree turns onto a side road, or actually taking off, and making the turn. That seems to take more effort and skill, then all of the rest of the maneuvers I do combined, especially the short radius right hand turns.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by EJID on 10/21/10 at 12:56:27

Had one today on the way back from lunch. Came to a round-a-bout that was not too busy so I decided to push it through at a higher than normal speed. Lean right, lean left, lean right ride back out. Was going smoothly until I leaned too far to the left and dragged my left peg. Startled me a bit, but at the same time made me think about all the "Dragon" riders and them saying how they are dragging pegs all the time. One of these days I'm going to find a road similar to the dragon and drag the pegs on alternating sides one right after another  8-)

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Lupo on 10/23/10 at 01:40:04

O.K. you really want to know eh?
It was in 1982. I was lying on my back with an ER nurse cheek to cheek as she was telling me not to fall asleep and over and over was saying "you'll be fine". I felt calm until she yelled to the doctor " hurry, he has no blood pressure". That is the last time my heart jumped out of my chest. She was right because here I am but I'd had a ruptured spleen removed and had broken my right ankle, pelvic, 3 ribs, right shoulder, torn my kidney and collapsed my right lung. Other then that I was doing pretty good :)
You asked. Stupid motorcycles >:(

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by kingart3 on 10/29/10 at 20:45:38

WOW, one thing you see again and again in these threads are RAIN, DARK, DEER and CELL PHONES.

I try to avoid riding at night and in rain, (but of course get caught in both sometimes).  In Florida where I live deer are very rare, I have never seen one cross the road here ever.  On the other hand cell phones are alive and well.

While I haven't had a scare on the S40, back when I was on the 150 cc scooter there were several surprises.  I use to joke it was a self-propelled lawn chair but that is not far from the

One day I was going up a major road at about 45 or 50 when a car decided to just ...slow roll.. into 3 lanes of oncoming traffic, (one of them mine).  I stood on the brakes and the horn.  By the time the scooter stopped I could have reached out and touched the left front quarter panel of the car with one hand.

Tinted windows, but I am guessing cell phone.  Now when I hit an intersection, one hand rests lightly on the clutch lever and one hand rests lightly on the brake ...LOL.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/10 at 23:11:10

On a daaark & Raaaainy night, be caaaareful! Ohh be caaareful.

bambi mite be on the phone & run right into ya!

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/10 at 23:25:05

2 years ago,... on a dark and stormy, (okay,, summer?) day...
I became intimate with a Toyota front grill...
I'll never forget her... :-?...
(My heart didn't jump out of my chest,... but it got very squished)...

This thread is like a Disney Halloween fright ride for bikers... :-?...

I think,.... I'm getting close to buying a Volvo... :-?...

Lupo,...      ...tell me a happy story,...
... did you nail the nurse?... :-?...

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Lupo on 10/30/10 at 18:55:40

495F48554D58554E3A0 wrote:
Lupo,...      ...tell me a happy story,...
... did you nail the nurse?... :-?...

No romance or even sleaze for that matter. I did learn I'm not as tough as I would like to think I am and I really love motorcycling regardless of the risk  ;)
I think someone once said " it's better to have ridden and crashed then to have never ridden at all".

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by roosky on 10/31/10 at 18:12:13

A couple weeks ago a burgundy minivan slowly turned left in front of me into a McDonalds parking lot. My back wheel started to lock so I let up a little and squeezed between the back of the minivan and the next car that was in the left turn lane waiting behind the minivan. I immediately launched into an extended prayer/praise session concerning my deliverance from an oblivious driver that maybe didn't even know they almost killed me. The next day I wasn't sure I wanted to ride. Even now, weeks later, I've become more nervous about people turning left as I approach. Instead of flashing my brights  twice, I flash them repeatedly until I'm beyond them.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/10 at 07:03:23

The ( OMG how funny is THAT?) HURT REport, IIRC, explains the best & worst places to be in traffic. Following a long line of cars is dangerous, cuz people get impatient & GO at the end of the CARS. Being in front? Not much better. I Weave & flash my light when I see someone who looks dangerous.

Weaving forces their eye to move to see the light. I think it helps.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by Boofer on 11/02/10 at 20:30:07

The LAST time was when we had sweet taters for supper (Dinner) and sitting in church that night my wife said, "OH, Oh." Turns out she just remembered she left something at home. Before that it was about 10-12 teen girls on cell phones putting me in danger in various, left turn, pulling out, merging scenarios. And only ONE old lady merging on me as I rolled past her left door. Just moved into turn lane at about 30 mph and braked to let her by. I bought my '01 in March 2009 with 7400 miles. Now has 13,800. Teens on cell phones are by far the most dangerous in the South for me.

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by SavageDanny on 11/04/10 at 11:04:41

Two weeks ago at 5:00 AM on a four lane freeway in the left lane doing 70 mph and everything goes dark and the engine quits. Traffic is just heavy enough to keep me from getting to the right shoulder.  As I pull into the narrow left shoulder everything lights back up. I hit the starter and took off before anyone catches up to me. I get back into my lane and ride to work without a repeat event. Later I found a loose wire connector. I then went over the whole bike looking for more loose wires (and bolts).

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by danDmen on 11/04/10 at 11:49:18

this morning ...when this crazy laide >:( decided to slam her brakes in the fast lane another car can overtake the bus ...that just stop for people i hong at her for like a block and then i give her the finger as i flu by  ;D ;D >:(

Title: Re: Last time your heart jumped out of your chest.
Post by SavageDanny on 11/04/10 at 12:09:07

54515E745D555E300 wrote:
and then i give her the finger as i flu by

Please don't do that. I have seen people swerve at a motorcyclist who did that. I have also seen them swerve at the next motorcyclist (me) that came along just to prove their point. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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