General Category >> The Cafe >> this one for believers,are there any left ?

Message started by mick on 09/01/10 at 01:43:42

Title: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/01/10 at 01:43:42


"It appears to me (whether rightly or wrongly) that direct arguments against christianity and theism produce hardly any effect on the public; and freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of men's minds which follows from the advance of science." [Darwin]
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." [Voltaire]

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism." [Einstein]

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]

"I cannot believe in the immortality of the soul.... No, all this talk of an existence for us, as individuals, beyond the grave is wrong. It is born of our tenacity of life – our desire to go on living … our dread of coming to an end." [Edison]

"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma." [Lincoln]

"Religion is a byproduct of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?" [Arthur C. Clarke]

"Religions are all alike – founded upon fables and mythologies." [Thomas Jefferson]

"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile." [Kurt Vonnegut]

"Religion is based . . . mainly on fear . . . fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand. . . . My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race." [Bertrand Russell]



Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by stinger on 09/01/10 at 03:48:44

The sky is deep, the sky is dark.
The light of stars is so darn dark.
When I look up, I fill with fear.
If all we have is what lies here,
this lonely world, this troubled place,
then cold dark stars and empty space...
Well I see no reason to presevere,
no reason to laugh or shed a tear,
no reason to sleep or ever to wake,
no promises to keep, and none to make.
And so at night I still raise my eyes
to study the clear but mysterious skies
that arch above us, as cold as stone.
Are we there, God? Are we all alone?

Book of Counted Sorrows

Better hope your right Mick!

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by prechermike on 09/01/10 at 06:46:21

Yes, there are some believers left; in fact, I would say there are many of us.  I am one and am thankful for my relationship with God.  As Forrest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that."

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/01/10 at 08:21:01

The bible was written by men if women had written the bible it would have been way difference.Anyone can write what they thing that doesn't make it right,The bible was written by top men at the time,Top men now is congress,They would write what laws that are best for them and keep them in power,not the masses,And the bible was written the same way.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by weracerc on 09/01/10 at 08:21:10

me too - well put Forrest

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by buttgoat1 on 09/01/10 at 09:37:04

one right here.

looks like someone can't even wait for a thread to hijack,

speaking of, how is the incompetent barak hussein obama?
Looks like he is leading his party into a ditch, guess a lot of the suckers woke up, but not all of them.

I guess 41% dont even believe in what they see, much less faith in the unseen

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 09/01/10 at 18:59:13

I believe. I put my faith in God. Everytime I put faith in my fellow man, I am forever disappointed.  

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/01/10 at 19:03:30

You mean your disappointed in god's children!

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by kimchris1 on 09/01/10 at 19:17:35

+1 PreacherMike...

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Serowbot on 09/01/10 at 19:32:02

Prechermike don't count...  
It's like workin' for Ford,... you have to drive one...

;D... Kidding Preach... ;)...

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/01/10 at 19:52:21

033E3624340E12393435353023510 wrote:
I believe. I put my faith in God. Everytime I put faith in my fellow man, I am forever disappointed.  

So please tell, what happens when you put your faith in God ?
does he speak to you ? Did he ever tell you about the time he had a poor old guy put to death by Stoning for picking up sticks on the Sabeth ? another person put to death just for looking at another man.
This is old testiment stuff ,I believe Mike the preacher has offered to give some sermons from that very book,He will Cherry pick and will not tell you all those barberic things that went on in that first bible.
So they wrote a different one.
No more Adam and eve, who had three children all boys,Cain killed Abel, they did have three more boys between them. so far we 5 kids and one commen law husband,Now Eve must have sex with her own children for the sons and grandsons become fathers.
One more thing what form do we take when we die,what age will you be when you die ?What wife will you live with ?  Will that gal be there that you got pregnant in high school,I'm kidding about the pg girl.
if you have no answers for the above,tell me again why do you follow the lambs ,Get yourself FREE .

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/01/10 at 22:52:59

As usual I never get answers when I ask the above questions.
I think deep down in your heart you know I am right,
Even Preacher Mike ? think out side the box Mike,I know you are a smart guy ,probably a degree in theology,I think if you put enough thought into it you will agree. Com'on Mike think about it.................
What kind of after life are you all dreaming about ? You die your mortal body is buried or insinerated. So what goes to heaven ?
A Sprit you say, ok, So you cant see you have no eyes no digestive tract so you cant eat,you cant hear or speak all that hardwear you left in your grave,that will one day turn to dust.
Com'on guys get real Besides you Mike how many of you believers go to church every Sunday,now be honest honesty should be your Forte.
Mike have you ever read "A letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris ?  Or "the God delusion" Dawson.
He does seem to pick on Muslims quite a bit.
All muslims are not terrorists,but all terrorists are Muslims.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by grandpa on 09/02/10 at 00:50:31

Mick - I tried to debate you a year or two back but realized I was not going to change your mind. Yes, the bible is full of examples of how men (and women) relied on themselves and did things their way. God gives you a choice, believe or not believe. I fail everyday but my God does not give up on me. My friends, families and co-workers are just like me. We all fall short. I am not going to debate you now either. The difference between what I was once and what I am now is that I lay my head on the pillow every night in complete peace. You my friend, display quite the opposite. You are racking your brain and looking at all avenues for the answer that you will not accept because you will loose control and give it up to a higher power. I will keep you in my prayers everyday that some day you will have the same peace that passes all understanding. There is a song out there (can't remember the name) that goes something like 'everyone will believe, it's just a matter of when they change their mind'. I sincerely hope that your time is before you pass into eternity. I believe and trust in what my God tells me, therefore I can lay my head down everynight in complete and absolute peace. My prayer is that you will as well one day. I am open to discussion in pm's but I will not debate you in an open forum. My mind is as set as yours. Thanks for listening Mick! Will be praying for you as will/are all the other believers here on this forum who love you as a human being in spite of all the bravado you can put up. Inside of you is a tender heart evidenced by how you talk about your family. Put your faith in God, not a religion created by man, and live in true peace the rest of your days.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Wolfman on 09/02/10 at 01:43:09

I usualy avoid religon and politics discussions like the PLAGUE!!

But i got to toss this brain teaser out for mick...and others.
What if there is a god?
But god did'nt put us here to rule the earth and all on it.
What if its all a cr@pshoot?
God created all things equal in the beginning.
And through evolution over many centuries we just happen to be the ones that have come out on top right now?
If not how is there evidance pointing both ways. Religon and the bible(koran ect) and Darwinism, evolution?

Here's another for you. Most, christians especialy, beleive animals have no souls and know nothing of god.
Some peoples like the american indians beleived animals did know god and had souls. They were all brothers.
Buddahist(some) think we come back as animals and bugs untill we reach enlightenment. Then we go to heaven.
Heaven would be kind of empty to me without my beloved pets.

The bible was written 600 years after the death and resurrection of christ. Written by monks. Supposedly directly from his teachings.
My problem there is when has man had an opportunity to insert his own thoughts/beleifs when given the chance??
The essance is there but the words may be twisted around a bit to suit.

For most its all about fear and faith. They fear the fact that there MAY NOT be anything after death but nothingness. Wormfood.
So they have to have Faith that there is a god and that one day they will all see their loved ones again. To live an eternal life without sickness, or death. Otherwise some might not make it through life and its trials.
Some have to have the faith to function, get through life. Others make do without it.

If there is a god he's a fickel god and has a warped sense of humor.
Inquisition, & major Crusades and what, 13 small ones? Eboli, spanish flu, Aids, Down syndrom, muscular dystrophy, War, i could go on.
Some even beleive the life we live on earth is he!! and we all go to heaven sooner or later depending on how we live our life(lives) on earth.

Just some odd thoughts on a subject WE ALL will learn the truth about one day. One way or another.
To each their own beleifs and respect the beleifs of others. ;)

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by JohnBoy on 09/02/10 at 10:01:20

Mick, I don't see any quotes from Martin Luther or Dr. Martin Luther King?

Do I personally believe in a 'God ', or a 'great plan' that created all this, You betcha.
Science now shows us of the vastness of our universe, and the possible existence of parallel universes. That is a Hell of a lot of coincidence and accidental connections of random particles.
Do I believe in 'Any' organized, not really.
Do I believe in an after life? Yes! The alternative is just too sad. The few atheist that I know are generally bitter people that have a fear of life and their own mortality.
I choose to believe in better worlds, and greater adventures to come. I say to my creator on a daily basis, Thank you show me what you got! If that view makes me look foolish in the eyes of others...well, I can live with that.
Look me up when you cross over and we can go riding together.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/02/10 at 11:17:20

I don't know about that after life,theirs been a lot of people that have died in the last 100 of thousands of years,We probability want be able to find in one we know. :(

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by JohnBoy on 09/02/10 at 12:36:26

Bill that might be a good thing :)

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by prechermike on 09/02/10 at 14:26:58


Let me answer a couple of your questions.  Adam had other sons and daughters (Genesis 5:3).  While it might seem odd for us to marry our sisters, things were not always like they are now.  In the beginning, with a limited population, that was necessary for the population of the earth.  Later, God did forbid close relatives marrying, Leviticus 18.

What form do we take in the afterlife?  I honestly do not understand all about it.  Paul writes about the resurrection body in I Corinthians 15:35 and following.  He tells us there that we will be changed, that what is now is not what will be.  He uses the illustration of planting a seed, that seed dies and a plant comes forth, not another seed.  He points out that different flesh is different; animals, birds and fish.  Heavenly bodies are different from earthly bodies.  He tells us the bodies we have now are perishable, the bodies we have then will be imperishable.  After his resurrection, Jesus as able to enter a room with the doors locked, John 20:19.  He also ate broiled fish, Luke 24:42.  I guess we will have bodies like Jesus did, but I do not know or understand it all.

Which wife will you have?  Jesus was asked that very same question in Matthew 22:23-33.  He said that in the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage, they will be like the angels.  This goes back to the answer above.

Others have mentioned the Crusades and other atrocities done in the name of Christianity.  I agree many evil things have been done in the name of God by people claiming to act for him.  However, much evil has been done by atheists as well.  That just shows that people are people, we are all capable of perverting anything to our own ends.  Maybe there is something to the fact we expect more for Christians.  I am appalled and shamed by some of the things done in the name of God.  It was Gandhi who said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  Shame on us as followers of Christ, we need to live lives worthy of our calling, Ephesians 4:1.

I cannot say I have read the books you mention, but I have read others like them, as well as books examining the evidence and reaching other conclusions.  I am certain you are as convinced of your beliefs as I am of mine.  I see the world around me and conclude this did not just happen, there had to be a creator behind it.  That is one of the reasons for my faith.  I will gladly continue this conversation in personal messages with anyone who is interested.  The offer for devotions is still open, just give me an email and I will gladly add you to the list.  If you later want to be taken off, just let me know and it will be no problem.  

And Serowbot, I am not a Christian because I am a preacher.  I am a preacher because I am a Christian.  ;)

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by forrest on 09/02/10 at 18:08:20

Mick, why are you so concerned about this?  You obviously do not believe so it should not be relevant to you.  Yet you spend so much time trying to convince others that there is no God.  Does this mean you are subtely questioning your athiesm?  Or are you just a cantakerous old fart with too much time on your hands?  ;)

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/02/10 at 18:56:17

252C3131263037430 wrote:
Mick, why are you so concerned about this?  You obviously do not believe so it should not be relevant to you.  Yet you spend so much time trying to convince others that there is no God.  Does this mean you are subtely questioning your athiesm?  Or are you just a cantakerous old fart with too much time on your hands?  ;)

Cantakerous,lots of time to read and become more and more convinced that I am right.   I know you don't need it but I truly feel sorry for you,you must spen alot of time praying and going to church,all wasted ,what do you think when you die you will turn to me and say "
na na na na naaa na. I was right,it's not going to happen.
When you die you just close your eyes and go to sleep,no more no less.
Here is a little stat for you ,Of all US voters (no children) 17.1% are atheist.  Of all the members of the National Academy of sciences,
93% are atheist,what does that tell you ?  that 93% of scienctist are stupid ? I don't think so.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by MMRanch on 09/02/10 at 20:27:02


The ansure you ask for is recorded three (3) times  by three different people .   Could it be the Holy Sprit is reaching out to you ?    

Your ansure:
Matt. 22: 23-33
Mark 12:18-27
Luke 20: 27-40

Their is only Two (2) forces in the World

Be carefull which one you aline yourself with !

And Bill your to far along in years to be slapping the Holy Sprit around and keep getting away with it .

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by savagedml on 09/02/10 at 21:06:47

Aside from the scientific trend towards the adoption of the "theory of Intelligent Design" I would ask: "What's the downside of believing in eternal life by salvation through Jesus Christ?" Death and decay in the ground like Mick believes is man's ultimate demise anyway? The UPSIDE is a promise of eternal life! Now, if one chooses to believe and Mick is right, well, we end up as Mick predicts anyway. HOWEVER, if you choose NOT TO BELIEVE, and there IS salvation and life-eternal by accepting that Christ died for our sins, then you're doomed to eternal regret because you would not believe. Personally, I'd rather gamble on the rewards of eternal life and be right, than gamble against it and be wrong. No one has ever been able to articulate an explanation to me of the benefits of gambling AGAINST God's promise as written in John 3:16.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mpescatori on 09/02/10 at 21:32:48

OK Boys and girls, haaang on a second !!!

252730363D3027383C3E30550 wrote:
What form do we take in the afterlife?  I honestly do not understand all about it.  Paul writes about the resurrection body in I Corinthians 15:35 and following.  He tells us there that we will be changed, that what is now is not what will be.  He uses the illustration of planting a seed, that seed dies and a plant comes forth, not another seed.  He points out that different flesh is different; animals, birds and fish.  Heavenly bodies are different from earthly bodies.  He tells us the bodies we have now are perishable, the bodies we have then will be imperishable.  

 I am appalled and shamed by some of the things done in the name of God.  It was Gandhi who said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

If only KJV Bible were an accurate translation (there are appalling mistranslations which have caused great grief) we would read Jesus never ever preached the resurrection of bodies from the dead, he preached the reincarnation of the souls of the just into new bodies... which, if you will allow, is a wholly different matter.

Incidentally, this matches Buddhist and Hindu teachings...

I am not a Christian because I am a preacher.  I am a preacher because I am a Christian.  ;)

This is a wonderful declaration of faith, and I cannot but agree to it.

An 18th century philosopher said "Difference in opinion does not defference in values".

Remember this.

Today I happened in a "Bible Study Store" searching for a funny birthday card for my kid brother, who is a Catholic Priest.
(Me, I'd give him a card with Pamela Anderson on it, and he'd understand my humor, but would the parishioners? So, lt's find something ... sensible...)
Well, I happenend to find a T-shirt with a quote from Matthew's Gospel praising those who are persecuted because of their faith...
...and I remembered the Brou-haha because somebody wants to build a Mosque in Tennessee???

Tell me, guys, how long is a piece of string ?
How long must a piece of string be to measure the distance between here and the stars?

Get it ?

if somebody has had a different Revelation, but abides by the Natural Law (also known as The Golden Rule) just leave them alone and make them friends !!!

Now, about Precher Mike's dilemma:

Can a fish concieve the reality of a bird ?

just because a fish cannot concieve the principle of a bird, does that mean birds do not exist ?

Can a caterpillar concieve a butterfly ?

What the caterpillar calls "death", the world welcomes as "butterfly"


Why should we be afraid of... death ?

It isn't death, it is merely a metamorphosis...


Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/02/10 at 22:44:25

the golden rule "he who has the gold rules"
Are Cathlics against incineration ,why ?
So where is heaven ? and what size is it ?   who will feed all these dead people that have become alive again,? who will quench there thirst ? I sure hope we all don't have to start work again,another 75 years in another hell ?
And the biggie ,who will be making motor cycles ?
And if we cant have a nice woman,a decent bike,and some very old scotch whisky,I really don't want to go

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/02/10 at 23:11:11

524052404D5E515C571F0 wrote:

The ansure you ask for is recorded three (3) times  by three different people .   Could it be the Holy Sprit is reaching out to you ?    

Your ansure:
Matt. 22: 23-33
Mark 12:18-27
Luke 20: 27-40

Their is only Two (2) forces in the World

Be carefull which one you aline yourself with !

And Bill your to far along in years to be slapping the Holy Sprit around and keep getting away with it .

Well Matt,Mark,and Luke were just ordenary guys adding there 2 cents worth in the old bible ,the same book that was not even started until 600 years after JC died .  Just look at American history look at the stories of Jessie James,Billy the Kid, the Daltons,bonnie and Clyde,
every story you read about those guys,they have been turned into folk hero's,rob the rich ,give to the poor,kinda like robin hood.
So given that I suppose you think the bible is gospel (pun intended)
truth,per leez.
PS, I am older than bill ,haven't you noticed the older and wiser people get, the less they believe in fairy stories, look at the 97%
of scientists who are wiser and atheist ,the general public 17% athiest
My local cathlic church had 5 cars in the parking lot last Sunday morning, bad example,cathlic priests are very naughty.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by MMRanch on 09/03/10 at 06:11:07

the same book that was not even started until 600 years after JC died

Corection :  the books were started befor the ones who walked with Crist died,

So did thay live 600 years ?

And the fella who started the most churches , then wrote letters to them was a bigger atheist before God brought him down   than you are my friend.

Sometimes I think there are way to many of those letters recorded in the collection called the Bible.    And it seem like Paul's personality show through way too much.   I tend to think some of Paul's letter turn people off with some of his ideas.

But a personal relationship with the Holy Sprit , and reading Paul's letters are two different things  without compair.

I suppect everyone has experenced the Sprit of God moving in their life at some time or another.   Question is did you reconize it ?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/10 at 10:14:53

The Old Testament existed prior to Jesus' birth. His coming was spoken of.
If a mans heart isnt touched by God, then how will he believe? How can anyone believe something exists when theyve had no reason to? I know people who claim to be Christian, whose lives, actions, words, etc, would make anyone just watching them doubt God is real. Ive met a devout Atheist who was one of the most honorable, honest, clean in words & actions man Ive met. Last I talked to him, he was starting to question his atheism. I HOPE I had something to do with that.

Ive seen so many regular church attendees, people who say theyre Christians, who I dont trust for anything. They say one thing & do another. Kind of a dilema for the war hawk Christians. Self defense is okay in the Bible, & protecting ones family is called for, not allowed. If a man wont take care of his family, hes worse than the infidel..

I can understand how someone who doesnt believe in God would use the sorry examples of Christians as proof God doesnt exist. Sadly, that wont make God go away. Choosing some mans behavior to prove or disprove whether or not God exists is pretty dangerous. The safe thing to do would be to pray to God for an awakening, to pray for the ability to see the world thru eyes that see the hand of God in action. Asking for wisdom & clear eyes, to see? Imagine the heart of a father whose son came to him & asked his Dad to help him know the truth. If a Dad had the ability to give his knowledge of the world to his son & save him so many "hard knocks", wouldnt he do it? OUr Father will answer such prayer. Is my lifescrewed up? Yep, why?, Cuz Im not a good listener.
Please, let me assure you, God is very real. I discovered that truth at age3. I wasnt taught it by Mommy, something happened to me. Took me till I was 21 to even remember what happened & another bunch of years to get prayers answered & problems solved. Ive had way too many spiritual things happen to not believe in God,. Even IF what happened at age3 hadnt happened, had I never remembered it, just based on a couple events in my life, if I had been an Atheist , I owuld have to really sit back & consider that.

Seriously, is there nothing in life that makes you wonder if atheism is correct? Seriously?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/03/10 at 11:02:55

The only day of the year I pray is Halloween because of scared of the HOLY GHOST.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Jive on 09/03/10 at 14:14:44

+1 Mick.  

I'll say that I have been involved in the church a good part of my life (Baptist), but the older I got, the more things just didn't make sense to me.  The more questions I asked, the more confused I became.  Finally, I just realized the right path for me was to chose D) None of the above.   8-)

The one question I had asked, that no one was able to answer was:  What if I go to Heaven, yet for some reason my wife or son does not go. How am I supposed to live happily ever after knowing that they are in internal pain and suffering?


Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/03/10 at 14:37:20

I went to Sunday school from 4 years old,Was in the Junior choir when I got older,Went to Bible camp for a week two years in a row,Had free movies at the church every Saturday afternoon,Had Youth fellowship every Sunday night from 6th grade on,When I was 45 my wife had the Mormon people come to our house once a week for a little over a year,The more I learned the less I believed,Sorry but I cannot lie I don't believe in the it at all.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/03/10 at 14:41:00

282326267C7D4A0 wrote:
I went to Sunday school from 4 years old,Was in the Junior choir when I got older,Went to Bible camp for a week two years in a row,Had free movies at the church every Saturday afternoon,Had Youth fellowship every Sunday night from 6th grade on,When I was 45 my wife had the Mormon people come to our house once a week for a little over a year,The more I learned the less I believed,Sorry but I cannot lie I don't believe in the it at all.

Don't be sorry Bill,just be happy you are FREE !

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/03/10 at 14:52:19

To add to this my best buddy all threw grade school and high school became a Lutheran minister.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by lukeduck on 09/03/10 at 15:27:31

This thread is intresting. Kinda like a discussion of the best oil or countersteering. Very intresting reading. Ride safe, far, and often---Luke

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/03/10 at 20:45:04

637A646A6B7A6C640F0 wrote:
This thread is intresting. Kinda like a discussion of the best oil or countersteering. Very intresting reading. Ride safe, far, and often---Luke

Well gawd love a duck luke,my sister married a Luke.he is from Jackson Mich.
So you want to talk about countersteering ,and oil ?
So go ahead I'm sure you will have lots of people wanting to ask you all about that stuff. I think that might be better in rubber side down,a place where you rarely see me. The Savage is a very simple bike and low maintanance if you stay on top of it. That's why we have the cafe.
Besides it's much more fun trying to get you guys to see the light,and become atheist. I think the other side is having just as much fun trying to convert me to Christianity,we don't get nasty ,it's allot of fun seeing other peoples ideas and why they have them.
Please don't worry none of us are going to he11,there is no such place,
I don't remember seeing he11 in the bible,or the Devil for that matter.
What say you Mike the Preacher ?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/03/10 at 21:20:50

A few devotions from the other side,is that ok Mike ?

Man will never be free intil the last King is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.    Denis Diderot

Religion is regarded by the common people as true.
By the wise as false.
And by the rulers as useful.  E Gibbons

It's an incredible con job job when you think about it,to believe something now in exchange for something after death,even corporations with there reward systems don't try to make it posthumous.     Gloria Steinem.

All thinking men are Atheists, Ernest Hemmingway

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by MMRanch on 09/03/10 at 21:22:33

I'm going to Paise God ,  live a blessed and happy life , and praise God even more in the next life (there woin't be much else to do unless I get  to relive all my experences over and over forever).

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/03/10 at 22:34:46

77657765687B7479723A0 wrote:
I'm going to Paise God ,  live a blessed and happy life , and praise God even more in the next life (there woin't be much else to do unless I get  to relive all my experences over and over forever).

And how boring is that ?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/03/10 at 22:43:10

Religion is a masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think. Arthur Schopenhauer.

I cannot believe in a god that wants to be praised all the time.

Religions are founded on the fear of many,and the cleverness of the few.
               Mick the free thinker.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by cornfuzed on 09/03/10 at 23:28:05

Woah! i take a ciesta and comeback to mick being bored an pokin the friends around him..
Hey guys been a while... I will not deny that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and has been since i can remember and always will be... He loves you Mick weather or not you wanna His Love or no.... You seem to know the bits in the Bible so you know what the great commsion is about... dont remember that being condemnation... An yes i still like to thump... thump peoples hides if they cross me ... thump on the thumper an live life the best way i know how.. Oh an remember:
6:24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:  
6:25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:  
6:26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
I aint sayin the book in the old testament thats soooo nasty to say that.. ooh i gave a clue!  :P

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/10 at 09:09:21

4B4F454D524E434A4F4B435F260 wrote:
Religion is a masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think. Arthur Schopenhauer.

I cannot believe in a god that wants to be praised all the time.

Religions are founded on the fear of many,and the cleverness of the few.
               Mick the free thinker.

You fail to understand, Mick. There are loads of people out there who have had REAL EXPERIENCES & Prayers Answered. That youve never is sad, indeed. As I Stated, I wasnt TRAINED to believe in God, it just happened, because of something that happened when I was just 3. I have No Choice but to KNOW God is real, because what happened, Happened & it proves his existance ,. & its Way too personal to explain in detail here. Deny God at your own peril. The smart thing to do would be to pray for an awakening to him.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/04/10 at 09:57:45

514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 wrote:
[quote author=4B4F454D524E434A4F4B435F260 link=1283330623/30#37 date=1283578990]Religion is a masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think. Arthur Schopenhauer.

I cannot believe in a god that wants to be praised all the time.

Religions are founded on the fear of many,and the cleverness of the few.
               Mick the free thinker.

You fail to understand, Mick. There are loads of people out there who have had REAL EXPERIENCES & Prayers Answered. That youve never is sad, indeed. As I Stated, I wasnt TRAINED to believe in God, it just happened, because of something that happened when I was just 3. I have No Choice but to KNOW God is real, because what happened, Happened & it proves his existance ,. & its Way too personal to explain in detail here. Deny God at your own peril. The smart thing to do would be to pray for an awakening to him. [/quote]
Justin, I contend that we are bpth atheist .I just believe in one fewer god than you do.When you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods,you will understand why I dismiss yours.

All thinking men are atheists, I love that one by Earnest Hemmingway

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/04/10 at 10:19:46

I walked across the street today and didn't get run over,Praise the lord.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/10 at 10:56:24

I know why I dismiss all other"gods". Simply because there is one & one only who created all, including us.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/04/10 at 12:27:49

Although the time of death is approaching me,I am not araid of dying and going to hell (What would be considerably worse) going to a popularized version of heaven.I expect death to be nothingness and,
for removing me from all possible fears of death I am thankful to atheism.
                       Isaac Asimov
Is it me or do most if not all athiests seem to me to be way smarter than the average person.
People like Alburt Einstein, Bill Gates,I could make this page go on for ever.
Earnest Hemmingway,= All thinking men are athiests,works for me.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by lukeduck on 09/04/10 at 16:14:14

Ahhhh Mick, can't claim any relationship to your sister's Luke. Too bad, you sound like someone who would make a good inlaw. This thread (along with another on a different forum) will keep me occupied for a bit. ---Luke

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/04/10 at 16:32:47

Not only do religions want your money and control you,If your Catholic you can go to confession and tell them what you did that was bad,Now people 2000 years ago might have believed that,But I don't think todays people would believe something like that.Kids today don't believe nonsense like that and don't go to church.Catholic don't believe in divorce but,but they can have it annulled,Even after 4 kids and 25 years of marriage.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/04/10 at 17:36:24

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
I know why I dismiss all other"gods". Simply because there is one & one only who created all, including us.

And who created the creator ?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/04/10 at 18:06:48

674663405F4C290 wrote:
+1 Mick.  

I'll say that I have been involved in the church a good part of my life (Baptist), but the older I got, the more things just didn't make sense to me.  The more questions I asked, the more confused I became.  Finally, I just realized the right path for me was to chose D) None of the above.   8-)

The one question I had asked, that no one was able to answer was:  What if I go to Heaven, yet for some reason my wife or son does not go. How am I supposed to live happily ever after knowing that they are in internal pain and suffering?


that's a good thought , Every year I live for July because I go to visit all my children and grand children,I can honestly say that is my favorite time of year.
So if I was good christian and went to heaven,I would be really pissed off if my kids didn't pass muster.
Religion is just so stupid.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/04/10 at 20:16:27

676369617E626F6663676F730A0 wrote:
So if I was good christian and went to heaven,I would be really pissed off if my kids didn't pass muster.
Religion is just so stupid.

cheer up mick, those that don't rate heaven go back to hell.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by tcreeley on 09/04/10 at 20:29:19

Christianity, as so many other religions are, is about death. Jesus is a dying god.

what a waste! :'(

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by LostArtist on 09/04/10 at 21:45:06

53445542424B425E270 wrote:
Christianity, as so many other religions are, is about death. Jesus is a dying god.

what a waste! :'(

what a weird misunderstanding. . . nevermind, not getting into this, not getting into this . . .    

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/04/10 at 22:55:35

1734282F1A292F32282F5B0 wrote:
[quote author=53445542424B425E270 link=1283330623/45#49 date=1283657359]Christianity, as so many other religions are, is about death. Jesus is a dying god.

what a waste! :'(

what a weird misunderstanding. . . nevermind, not getting into this, not getting into this . . .    [/quote]
That's what i was thinking too, JC is about rebirth.  the church is about managing the flock, or fleecing as the case may be.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/10 at 23:35:19

383C363E213D30393C38302C550 wrote:
[quote author=7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 link=1283330623/30#42 date=1283622984]I know why I dismiss all other"gods". Simply because there is one & one only who created all, including us.

And who created the creator ?

Asking the unanswerable question means you win? If I say I know 2+2=4, does it mean I Dont know that when you ask me a question I cant answer? How is what I know made null by asking a question I cant answer? Thats a sandbox grade level approach, Mick.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by prechermike on 09/05/10 at 04:48:06

363238302F333E3732363E225B0 wrote:
I don't remember seeing he11 in the bible,or the Devil for that matter.
What say you Mike the Preacher ?

In the King James Verson of the Bible the following words are used this number of times.  This does not count the times those things are spoken about or described.

Hell 54 times
Devil 57 times
Satan 50 times

Quoting "intellectuals" does not prove anything, there are as many quotes from other "intellectuals" that make the opposite point.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by MMRanch on 09/05/10 at 05:27:11


You seem to have forgot the order of things :

Love order :   1 Lord your God
                     2 Wife and Family
                     3 Big Single Cylinder Motorcycles and the people who ride them.

Just remember which one comes first.

I saw a Man slowly die about a year ago.   The last 36 hours or so he couldn't talk , had the look of shock on his person , it was like he had been given  a glimmise of HELL and was in shock.   All he could do was to Grunt and shy away from people.  
I though I knew the look of Terror till I looked into his eyes those last few hour, then I realized I had no idea what terror was !  

It was darn-right spookey.  Like a see it to believe it thing !

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/10 at 09:04:14

6F7D6F7D70636C616A220 wrote:

You seem to have forgot the order of things :

Love order :   1 Lord your God
                     2 Wife and Family
                     3 Big Single Cylinder Motorcycles and the people who ride them.

Just remember which one comes first.

I saw a Man slowly die about a year ago.   The last 36 hours or so he couldn't talk , had the look of shock on his person , it was like he had been given  a glimmise of HELL and was in shock.   All he could do was to Grunt and shy away from people.  
I though I knew the look of Terror till I looked into his eyes those last few hour, then I realized I had no idea what terror was !  

It was darn-right spookey.  Like a see it to believe it thing !

Id be happy if you could expand on that.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/05/10 at 09:12:47

He was given a glimpse of heaven and all he saw was hungry  dinosaurs.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/10 at 09:40:54

0B141215080F3E0E3E06141853610 wrote:
[quote author=383C363E213D30393C38302C550 link=1283330623/45#46 date=1283646984][quote author=7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 link=1283330623/30#42 date=1283622984]I know why I dismiss all other"gods". Simply because there is one & one only who created all, including us.

And who created the creator ?

Asking the unanswerable question means you win? If I say I know 2+2=4, does it mean I Dont know that when you ask me a question I cant answer? How is what I know made null by asking a question I cant answer? Thats a sandbox grade level approach, Mick. [/quote]

didnt want you to think I didnt reply..

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/05/10 at 11:05:08

77657765687B7479723A0 wrote:

You seem to have forgot the order of things :

Love order :   1 Lord your God
                     2 Wife and Family
                     3 Big Single Cylinder Motorcycles and the people who ride them.

Just remember which one comes first.

I saw a Man slowly die about a year ago.   The last 36 hours or so he couldn't talk , had the look of shock on his person , it was like he had been given  a glimmise of HELL and was in shock.   All he could do was to Grunt and shy away from people.  
I though I knew the look of Terror till I looked into his eyes those last few hour, then I realized I had no idea what terror was !  

It was darn-right spookey.  Like a see it to believe it thing !

I too saw a man die very recently my Dad to be exact,
the day after fathers day.I had wheeled him out for a cigarette a few times that afternoon,finnally he said ,"Mick, it's time to go" I said ok thinking he just wanted to go in for dinner,he refused dinner and asked to go to bed.that is where I took him.
He said he had a nice time the day before seeing the whole family.
I sat on the bed with him,his eyes closed ,his monitor was steady,he said several times "Lets go" .................."Lets go", he never opened his eyes again as far as I know. I was not there when he just went to sleep,his nurse told me it was absolutly painless . he just went to an extended sleep.
My Dad being an atheist had no fear ,there is nothing to fear ,we all die ,some sooner than later,he did good ,lived until 95 .
One of my Dads favorite quotes was " I cannot believe in a god that want's to be praised all the time"  talk about your ego maniac.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/10 at 11:12:23

I cannot believe in a god that want's to be praised all the time"

Finally, something to actually think about. Ill be interested to see how other believers address this. Im gonna need some time to think about it.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/05/10 at 11:16:10

4A4E444C534F424B4E4A425E270 wrote:
He said he had a nice time the day before seeing the whole family.
I sat on the bed with him,his eyes closed ,his monitor was steady,he said several times "Lets go" .................."Lets go", he never opened his eyes again as far as I know. I was not there when he just went to sleep,his nurse told me it was absolutly painless . he just went to an extended sleep.

Is that what he said mick? "Lets go"?  which is a contraction of 'let us go'
Would he have just repeated himself as earlier, "time to go" if he were going by himself?
Which brings to my question, who did he go with?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/05/10 at 11:29:30

52415657484543414A15240 wrote:
[quote author=4A4E444C534F424B4E4A425E270 link=1283330623/45#58 date=1283709908]He said he had a nice time the day before seeing the whole family.
I sat on the bed with him,his eyes closed ,his monitor was steady,he said several times "Lets go" .................."Lets go", he never opened his eyes again as far as I know. I was not there when he just went to sleep,his nurse told me it was absolutly painless . he just went to an extended sleep.

Is that what he said mick? "Lets go"?  which is a contraction of 'let us go'
Would he have just repeated himself as earlier, "time to go" if he were going by himself?
Which brings to my question, who did he go with?[/quote]
I guess we will never know for sure,he was an atheist ,perhaps the devil himself. or any one that promised him a motorcycle.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/05/10 at 11:35:56

Vers,it was an old habit,before he went into surgery he always said "lets go" ..   I just asked my Sister she said he was always in a hurry ,no matter the situation it was always "lets go  lets go "
He hated just waiting around, he walked of of many doctors offices,they knew after a while if my Dad had a 9:30 appointment that is the time you call him in.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/05/10 at 11:43:30

0C08020A1509040D080C0418610 wrote:
I guess we will never know for sure,he was an atheist ,perhaps the devil himself. or any one that promised him a motorcycle.

Looks to me that even if you don't believe in god, you do believe in ghosts.  My sister occupies a 100 year old chicken ranch.  My grandfather bought intending to retire there, never made it.  Some 30 years after his death, grandma is in the grips of the last stages of alzheimers.  My sis says grandpa spoke to her, gave her a message to tell grandma, "I'm waiting for you"

So, no matter what you believe mick, there's a place to go, and you have a choice of when and with whom you go with.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/05/10 at 11:54:26

After my wife died I spend many hours at the cemetery seeing if she are some of my relatives would speak to me. After about 5 weeks someone spoke to me it wasn't a relative. It was the guy mowing the lawn,He said if you don't get out of my way you will be the next one buried here.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/10 at 12:28:19

595257570D0C3B0 wrote:
He said if you don't get out of my way you will be the next one buried here.

;D ;D...

If I were a wandering spirit,... you'd find me in the ladies shower at the fitness club...  
Probably a lot of spirits there... :-?...

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by LostArtist on 09/05/10 at 22:46:39

554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 wrote:
I cannot believe in a god that want's to be praised all the time"

Finally, something to actually think about. Ill be interested to see how other believers address this. Im gonna need some time to think about it.

it's not praise, it's love

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/05/10 at 22:54:43

Its fear

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/05/10 at 23:02:24

64475B5C695A5C415B5C280 wrote:
[quote author=554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 link=1283330623/45#59 date=1283710343] I cannot believe in a god that want's to be praised all the time"

Finally, something to actually think about. Ill be interested to see how other believers address this. Im gonna need some time to think about it.

it's not praise, it's love[/quote]
coming from the middle of the bible belt (Texas) your answer doesn't count,you have all been brainwashed for too long.
Or I could say I cannot believe a god that needs so much love all the time,he must have a very low oppinion of himself.
Ever been out with a girl that asks "do you love me" ? all the time,
drives you nuts don't it ?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/10 at 23:41:58

it's not praise, it's love

...but, time and again,... it is demanded...
I mean,... an all powerful being would perhaps accept it,...
...but not demand it...

... an all powerful being would have no need...

Most atheist's call themselves agnostic,... you know, just in case...
Like you can, maybe,... fool a god...
I'm an agnostic that calls himself atheist,... just looking for a whiff of proof... I've never got a one...
...but, I'm not so stupid as to think I could lie to a real god... so,... atheist it is...
I just don't believe...

I think most "believers" are only covering their asses, and are really agnost's...
Why would any priest molest a child, or evangelist preacher have sex with a male masseuse or boy-toy? or steal from the needy, or embezzle funds?... or have a fling with a young innocent?...
If I really believed,... you could disassemble me, bone by bone, and I'd never give in...( but, I don't, so don't touch me or I'll kill ya')...(funny too, how many bible folk love guns)...
...not knockin' guns,... I have some, and can use them very proficiently,... but, if I believed in an immortal soul, I would be more forgiving... (yunno',...just in case)...

I think most any atheist,... given an ounce of real evidence, would flip on a dime, and believe...  
... but, the question is... would a believer do the the same?... or,... just continue to cover their ass... just in case...
Like any real god would buy that anyway.... :-?...

Really,... can you fool a god?....

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/10 at 00:46:42

Sposed to protect your family. Its demanded of us.Self protection is a right all enjoy.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by drharveys on 09/06/10 at 06:05:38

"There are no proofs of God's existence -- only witnesses."

I can't pin down this quote -- it's either Soren Kierkegaard or Abraham Joshua Heschel.  

Actually, there's no shortage of smart people who are believers.  As well as Soren and Abe, there's Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Buber and a whole bunch of others whose books are darned difficult to read.  I still haven't decided whether Alan Watts was a "believer" or not.  He was an Episcopal minister, but he was also one of the folks who brought Eastern philosophies to us Western audiences.

Oh yeah, this guy: Bradley Artson:

Here's a quote:

One cannot consider the existence of God from a neutral position.  One can act as a believer and see if the promises made to a believer are true, or one can act as a non-believer and judge the merit of non-belief.  Experience is rich and divergent enough, filled with wonders and horrors to the point that it's testimony is eloquent in both directions--regardless of one's religious assertions.

Here's a link to the whole discussion:

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mpescatori on 09/06/10 at 08:23:07

Let's consider this:
The caterpillar knows all there is to know about eating leaves, and spinning a cocoon.
Then he dies.

The butterfly knows all there is to know about flying from flower to flower, and finding another butterfly to mate with.
Then she dies.

We all know the puffy caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly, but do they know about each other?
They certainly don't.
Actually, not only do they NOT know about each other, they can't even see each other, because each has senses to live in its own world.

Only we know better.

Now, anybody on this Forum willing to prove there's nothing other than this world?

The Qabalah describes a world in 10 dimensions, each one a manifestation of one revelation of spirituality.

You only have to try, and read it.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by LostArtist on 09/06/10 at 09:26:36

6D66636339380F0 wrote:
Its fear

that's sad

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by bill67 on 09/06/10 at 09:34:29

6D4E5255605355485255210 wrote:
[quote author=6D66636339380F0 link=1283330623/60#67 date=1283752483]Its fear

that's sad

Lost be good now are the devil will get you.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/06/10 at 09:48:18

4D5045534341544F5249200 wrote:
Let's consider this:
The caterpillar knows all there is to know about eating leaves, and spinning a cocoon.
Then he dies.

The butterfly knows all there is to know about flying from flower to flower, and finding another butterfly to mate with.
Then she dies.

We all know the puffy caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly, but do they know about each other?
They certainly don't.
Actually, not only do they NOT know about each other, they can't even see each other, because each has senses to live in its own world.

Only we know better.

Now, anybody on this Forum willing to prove there's nothing other than this world?

The Qabalah describes a world in 10 dimensions, each one a manifestation of one revelation of spirituality.

You only have to try, and read it.

Are you comparing caterppilar to a human being ?
I know my Dads body was donated to a local med school for at least 3 years ,after that we get his ashes back.
The same thing will happen to my body when I die.
My Dad did not break out like a butterfly, not much of a life what is it 6 - 8 months.
An ex wife (the mother of my children ) died a year ago while she was dying she signed an agrement to donate any parts of her body ,the rest to a med school ,she died of lung cancer ,a chain smoker.
But I remember she had the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen they looked gread against her red hair,she looked typicly Scottish.  Anyway her heart beats in another person,and another both those beautiful eyes,If the person ever walked past me I will recognise those eyes.
She was only 61 years old.
So how many of you christians are giving away your body to science ?
The same amount who are against stem cell research.
And then there is those who think there body floats up into space looking for the heaven that is not there.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by LostArtist on 09/06/10 at 09:54:58

65616B637C606D6461656D71080 wrote:
[quote author=64475B5C695A5C415B5C280 link=1283330623/60#66 date=1283751999][quote author=554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 link=1283330623/45#59 date=1283710343] I cannot believe in a god that want's to be praised all the time"

Finally, something to actually think about. Ill be interested to see how other believers address this. Im gonna need some time to think about it.

it's not praise, it's love[/quote]
coming from the middle of the bible belt (Texas) your answer doesn't count,you have all been brainwashed for too long.
Or I could say I cannot believe a god that needs so much love all the time,he must have a very low oppinion of himself.
Ever been out with a girl that asks "do you love me" ? all the time,
drives you nuts don't it ?[/quote]

you think I'm brainwashed, haven't we been over this before??? you think I'm an idiot and a fool for believing so nothing I can say will change your mind. and not about God but about me, so why should I talk to someone who thinks I"m a fool?   So if you wanna keep talking down to me, that's your choice. I know you don't care what I think but I was starting to like you. . .  but anyway, Praise is one of those things you do because you love, not demanded or you go to hell, kinda like doing the dishes when your gf or wife or whatever is having a hard day or something. or buying them flowers or jewelry to show them your love. now some guys just do those kinda things to get laid, well, that's sad.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/06/10 at 10:49:22

Lost, unlike your god I don't care if you like me or not, and I do not need reassuring all the time.
So go ahead worship the big guy in the sky ,Strange as it may seem to you I don't dislike anyone,if you ride a motorcycle you have to be ok. If I ofended I apologise ,I realy should not say those things about Texans,I did know a very bad one and I guess I painted you all with the same brush.
So I will just go back to god bashing,it's more fun anyway.  
Religions are founded on the fear of many,and the cleaverness of the few.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/06/10 at 11:25:47

And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/06/10 at 11:38:02

25212B233C202D2421252D31480 wrote:
And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

check your quote mick, it makes no sense.

wikipedia...Irreligion is an absence of, indifference towards or hostility towards religion.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/06/10 at 12:58:10

706374756A6761636837060 wrote:
[quote author=25212B233C202D2421252D31480 link=1283330623/75#78 date=1283797547]And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

check your quote mick, it makes no sense.

wikipedia...Irreligion is an absence of, indifference towards or hostility towards religion.[/quote]
read it again mate ,makes perfect sense to me, how about I say his parents were Areligious,or unreligious. the above was a quote from Mr Einstein himself.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/06/10 at 13:20:04

5C58525A4559545D585C5448310 wrote:
[quote author=706374756A6761636837060 link=1283330623/75#79 date=1283798282][quote author=25212B233C202D2421252D31480 link=1283330623/75#78 date=1283797547]And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

check your quote mick, it makes no sense.

wikipedia...Irreligion is an absence of, indifference towards or hostility towards religion.[/quote]
read it again mate ,makes perfect sense to me, how about I say his parents were Areligious,or unreligious. the above was a quote from Mr Einstein himself.

I came--through the child of entirely irreligious... (jewish)
---contradicting terms, anti religious and jewish? Does that means they hated their religion?

...parents to a deep religiousness,...
---again, contradicts the previous statement and who is religious, him or his parents?

...which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .
     Albert Einstein.

However much I respect Einstein, I suspect something was lost in the translation, unless he wrote that at age 13.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/06/10 at 14:51:14

6E7D6A6B74797F7D7629180 wrote:
[quote author=5C58525A4559545D585C5448310 link=1283330623/75#80 date=1283803090][quote author=706374756A6761636837060 link=1283330623/75#79 date=1283798282][quote author=25212B233C202D2421252D31480 link=1283330623/75#78 date=1283797547]And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

check your quote mick, it makes no sense.

wikipedia...Irreligion is an absence of, indifference towards or hostility towards religion.[/quote]
read it again mate ,makes perfect sense to me, how about I say his parents were Areligious,or unreligious. the above was a quote from Mr Einstein himself.

I came--through the child of entirely irreligious... (jewish)
---contradicting terms, anti religious and jewish? Does that means they hated their religion?

...parents to a deep religiousness,...
---again, contradicts the previous statement and who is religious, him or his parents?

...which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .
     Albert Einstein.

However much I respect Einstein, I suspect something was lost in the translation, unless he wrote that at age 13.[/quote]
could he have written that just after his cicumscission,Barmitzva,or what ever,on the other hand his parents might have hatet there own religion because about the time they immigrated from Germany the Jews were already being persicuted in there home country ,but here in the US as well,try joining a country club with a name like Einstein,Cohen,eichenburger. etc.
Ether way he was a very smart man,they even have his brain preserved somewhere, Smithsonian ?
I would much rather go along with his way of thinking that any one else on this forum.Even today his theories are rock solid.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by stinger on 09/07/10 at 01:36:35

Once again, only idiots say they don't believe in something they can't prove one way or the other.  A smart man would say I don't know.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mpescatori on 09/07/10 at 03:10:06

Mick, I'm not comparing human beings to caterpillars, I'm using that example as a metaphore, and assumed you would understand the metaphore.

It seems you haven't ?

I find it extremely difficult to believe that sentient beings such as ourselves will simply wither away, fade and die like a candle that consumes itself to the very end.

It would be an unacceptable waste of intelligence.

I prefer to think that, just as the caterpillar evolves into a butterfly, and to each his own dimension in this universe, we too may evolve into "something - whatever" after the body dies.

Else, what would the point of your very own existence be ? Just whine and pine away at old age ?  :-?


Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by drharveys on 09/07/10 at 05:08:46

777379716E727F7673777F631A0 wrote:
And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

I think the quote has one typo and is short on punctuation:

I came -- though the child of entirely irreligious (culturally Jewish) parents -- to a deep religiousness; which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of 12.   Albert Einstein

In other words, though his parents were not religious, as a child he came to a deep religiousness.  Reaching age 12, he changed his mind and became an atheist for the remainder of his days.

I'd like to know what happened that caused that transformation.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/07/10 at 06:05:34

37213B322125362A20530 wrote:
[quote author=777379716E727F7673777F631A0 link=1283330623/75#78 date=1283797547]And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

I think the quote has one typo and is short on punctuation:

I came -- though the child of entirely irreligious (culturally Jewish) parents -- to a deep religiousness; which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of 12.   Albert Einstein

In other words, though his parents were not religious, as a child he came to a deep religiousness.  Reaching age 12, he changed his mind and became an atheist for the remainder of his days.

I'd like to know what happened that caused that transformation.[/quote]
He probably figured out by that time,it really is a no brainer.
At the time of the quote his English wasn't that good.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/10 at 06:09:55

Even smart people can be wrong. Im going with MY Experiences, which have made it impossible to deny the existance of God.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/07/10 at 06:10:41

6A6D70777E7C6B190 wrote:
Once again, only idiots say they don't believe in something they can't prove one way or the other.  A smart man would say I don't know.

Now another one calling Einstein an idiot.
On the other hand you cant prove he existed .
All thinking men are Atheists.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/10 at 06:21:13

Aaaand, once again, I dont HAVE to "think" about it. I know. I dont even GET to think about it. I have no OPTION but to believe. When a person has an experience that proves Gods existance, then where is Faith? I dont HAVE faith. I have knowledge. I dont "believe",, I didnt Choose to "believe", I have experience that proves his existance, so, I cant get involved in the average debate, because Im not one of the debaters. I have no OPTION but say "God is real".

All that said

Serowbot said tuther day, something along the lines of
" IF I believed in God I would live my life by his rules & to sway me from that would require hurting me terribly" or something along those lines.

Be aware that Paul spoke of the struggle to do what is right. He said, of his inability to follow Gods laws

" I do what I would not do & I dont do what I would do"

Peter, who hung out with & knew who Jesus was, denied even knowing Jesus 3 times in one day, after  swearing his loyalty & willingness to die for him.

One of the things that bothers me deeply is the part of the Bible that says, referring to the newly saved man,

& all things become new

& the way Iread it, Itseems to me to mean that all the old ways fall away & righteous ways replace them, but, my experience doesnt fit that./

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/07/10 at 10:54:38

Justin,there are 6,697,254,041  people on earth.
there are 6,272,640,000 seconds in 200 years ,so for god to spend a little less than 1 second with you you will have to wait 200 years,and all during this time he checking everyone out to make sure they are praising him ,and praying to him,and adoring him,as in "come let us adore him", So there is a good chance you will not see him at all ,seeing the average age of a human is three score years and ten.
that's 70 for people who don't know what a score is.
So how much time did jesus visit with you ? or was it god,or the holy ghost,I guess if you are a catholic jesus could send his Mum down ,they seem to love Mary as much as the late JC.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/07/10 at 11:41:44

363238302F333E3732363E225B0 wrote:
And here is one from a nice Jewish guy.
I came--through the child of entirely irreligious (jewish) parents to a deep religiousness,which,however,reached an abrupt end at the age of 12 .      Albert Einstein.
Now which one of you guys will say he is /was stupid ?

here's a quote for you mick...

"In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views."  Albert Einstein

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/07/10 at 12:30:00

WoW I have never seen that one, you got me there .
Did he change his mind ? he is listed in all athiests lists that I have on hand and I have thousands of em,most of them are very smart,a few "Bs" Billy Joel,Bill gates,bruce Willis,Brad pitt,David Farrety,Dian Keeton,William Chatner, Mick Rowe,just a few more free thinkers.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/07/10 at 15:11:45

JOG: One of the things that bothers me deeply is the part of the Bible that says, referring to the newly saved man, & all things become new
& the way Iread it, Itseems to me to mean that all the old ways fall away & righteous ways replace them, but, my experience doesnt fit that./

Here's one way to explain that: the wise captain of a last place football team, facing long odds against the league champions, is not going to say to his team: "go ahead and play the game, but face it guys, we don't have a snowball's chance of winning."    No, he'll deliver the pep talk, lead by example and fight all the way to the end of the game.

So it is with your experience about an instant change. It doesn't exactly work that way and I know some preachers say it does but they are wrong.

To continue the sports analogy, strive to "win" every second by your carefully thought- out definition of what winning means to you. Acknowledge when you lose, but then put them behind you and fight on. When you do lose, becareful calling that loss anything other than what it is, faiure.  In other words, don't justify failure by expanding your defintion of winning and losing without long and careful thought. The rules of this game never change, its just from time to time we realize we misunderstood the rule book the first time we read it.

And remember, you don't get to see the clock in this game. Keep playing until the game's over. You'll know when it is.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/10 at 15:38:32

Thanks for your reply. Its refrshing to see that someone actually reads & thinks about a post like that.,Good answers.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/07/10 at 23:19:23

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
Thanks for your reply. Its refrshing to see that someone actually reads & thinks about a post like that.,Good answers.

they are only good refreshing answers if you agree with them.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/10 at 04:05:01

51555F5748545950555159453C0 wrote:
[quote author=27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 link=1283330623/90#94 date=1283899112]Thanks for your reply. Its refrshing to see that someone actually reads & thinks about a post like that.,Good answers.

they are only good refreshing answers if you agree with them.[/quote]

You didnt even read my reply correctly.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/09/10 at 14:28:06

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
[quote author=51555F5748545950555159453C0 link=1283330623/90#95 date=1283926763][quote author=27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 link=1283330623/90#94 date=1283899112]Thanks for your reply. Its refrshing to see that someone actually reads & thinks about a post like that.,Good answers.

they are only good refreshing answers if you agree with them.[/quote]

You didnt even read my reply correctly. [/quote]
your stuff usually goes on forever and I loose interest.
All thinking men are Athiests,and so are thinking women.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Reelthing on 09/09/10 at 18:18:55

Horse pucky - the most arrogant among us believe there is nothing more than themselves that's not all the thinking people.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/12/10 at 01:18:49

685F5F564E5253545D3A0 wrote:
Horse pucky - the most arrogant among us believe there is nothing more than themselves that's not all the thinking people.

it was a quote from Ernest Hemingway,also an athiest.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Reelthing on 09/12/10 at 13:48:43

You mean the wild old fisherman with a ton of 6 toed cats that thought his way through to putting a gun barrel in his mouth?

You tell me - would he have been a little better off to believe in something a little more than himself if it gave him comfort or not?

Seems all he had left was to eat a load of buck shot.

Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by Phelonius on 09/12/10 at 19:57:24

For a man like Ernest, Who lived a life of high adventure making his own choices and paying his own dues along the way, the prospect of a long slow decline of health to an ignonomus death in a sick bed had no appeal whatsoever.   He lived, loved, laughed, fought, and died on his own terms.
I have read most of what he wrote but the one that stays with me the most is "For Whom The Bell Tolls".  I think that is how he would have preferred to go but he simply lived too long for it to be that way.


Title: Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Post by mick on 09/12/10 at 20:45:14

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