General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> WHOOOOPPSS?

Message started by Wolfman on 08/26/10 at 01:03:52

Post by Wolfman on 08/26/10 at 01:03:52

Was recalling a couple of threads on another site i frequent.
Dummy drops(no kickstand ect) low speed layovers, those lil mishaps.
Was wondering who had and what

And if before it happened you 'had that feeling' so many riders talk about where you felt like maybe you should of stayed off the bike that day?

Post by LANCER on 08/26/10 at 02:57:02

my only drops have been when trying to load a bike in the back of my truck by myself ... gotta work smarter, not harder   ;D

Post by Routy on 08/26/10 at 04:26:37

Teach you !...............quit loadin, & start ridin ! ;D

I drop twice in a year and a half.
Once checkin the oil the stupid book way, and once making a u-turn w/ gravel over pavement going downhill, and I think I touched the front brake:o

5C515E5355420207300 wrote:
my only drops have been when trying to load a bike in the back of my truck by myself ... gotta work smarter, not harder   ;D

Post by on 08/26/10 at 04:37:10

Early on, started to get off the bike without first putting it into gear, and had it roll off the kickstand as I was swinging my leg over the backrest.  I ended up on the ground wondering what had happened.  The backrest is gone, and I have made it a habit of putting the bike in gear as soon as I turn the engine off.

Post by ralfyguy on 08/26/10 at 04:37:52

I tried to move the bike around underneath my back porch, and I lost balance. My equilibrium is handicapped, because I am deaf in my left ear since I was 5 years old. So while I was trying to move it between two 4x4 poles I stumbled and the bike pulled me over to the starboard side and hammered in the pole with the side of the tank, leaving a 2" long vertical crease from the edge of the 4x4. I am not going to repeat and translate what I was shouting after that.

Post by Bubba on 08/26/10 at 09:01:54

Spiffy new bike lift from craigslist..35 bucks...perfect.
First time I tried it out I rolled it underneath, lifted the kickstand and started pumping it up. Worked great and was really happy with my purchase. I went to the right side of the bike, hit the stomp pedal to lower it while holding the handlebar.
Everything was going peachy until I started to lean it over onto the kickstand which wasn't down...needless to say, there was a point where I thought "I can hold this thing!" but I couldn' broken rear taillight and some gas on the garage floor... :-[

Post by lukeduck on 08/26/10 at 09:11:24

Let me see here. Dropping the bike. Long ago I was told by a rather well seasoned rider that if no body saw you do it it didn't happen. I believe this to be true ;)---Ride safe, far, and often---Luke

Post by BurnPgh on 08/26/10 at 09:20:22

parked on a slight downhill in nuetral. Got about 20 feet away when i herad the fall. No damage except to my ego.

Post by babyhog on 08/26/10 at 10:04:58

1st one - on my driveway.  Its almost flat out of the garage about 3 feet, then slopes down pretty good.  I was backing out of garage, turned as I started down the slope, cut the front wheel, and over on our side we went.  broken left rear signal, small mark on tank.  Scraped side of helmet too.

2nd one - Riding along, went to make a left turn, sharper than 90°, probably 125° and uphill.  Cars were stopped at the bottom.  I made the turn, didn't throttle enough.  Panicked, fell over on the right side.  Broken right rear signal to match the left.  

3rd & latest - pulled off the road into a little gravel, too quick...  front brake...  light dump, basically caught it.  no damage.

All of these happened in the first couple months of having it.   <knock on wood>  

Post by dvansyck on 08/26/10 at 10:50:13

I dropped the bike when I was looking to buy it. It was on the down slope of a driveway and when I swung my leg over to dismount I caught the back of the bike, kicking it forward dropping the bike and myself. Roadrash and black&blue marks before I even rode it  :-[

Post by mornhm - FSO on 08/26/10 at 11:00:05

The only MC I've dropped has been my Concours. Once in the driveway, I don't know if I forgot to put my kickstand down or what, but when Connie starts going over it's best to get out of her way and let her down gently. Second time was when I stopped at a 4 way stop to turn right. My turn, I started leaning and applied the throttle, and nothing. Only time I've ever had a hiccup from the engine. I reached for some pavement on the right hand side of the MC and due to the left to right slope of the road, I hit air until the comment above about Connie going over applied and I just stepped off, because she was going over fast due to me already starting to lean for the turn. Second time cost me a foot peg - no scratches, I got lucky. Some guy stopped his truck in the middle of the intersection and came running over to help me lift it. No worries.

Post by verslagen1 on 08/26/10 at 11:22:15

Once I almost dropped it on top of myself over a shutdown KERPOW that set me giggling, then lmao when half the neighberhood out looking.  I think if I had it would've killed me.

And of course numerous times when someone else puts it away for me.  And all you have to do is touch it and the kickstand shoots up.

Post by Oldfeller on 08/26/10 at 11:33:58

Well, hate to have to 'fess up, but I fall off my bike getting on and off of it fairly regularly now days.   Every month or three to be more exact.

Bad legs due to diabetic neropany and bad joints, combining to give me both weakness and a lack of "feel", especially after riding a bit.

Last one was on an overlook up in the mountains, nothing caused it except my legs were too fatigued to hold the bike up while I was getting off of it.  Bike moved forwards a bit, side stand folded and I took yet another quick dirt roll.

Such is being old and feeble ....

Post by Skid Mark on 08/26/10 at 15:33:15

Have come real close on roads that slant to the side. One must remember to put you foot down on the high side of the road when comming to a stop.
There's a lot of air on the low side.

Post by Jive on 08/26/10 at 16:18:35

Guess I'll chime in here.  Went to look at my friends Savage before I bought it, and he told me to get on and see how I fit on the bike.  All I had ridden before was a moped, and 4 wheelers.  So he told me where the clutch was, explained the gears, etc.  And told me never, ever hit the front brake untill I am stopped by the rear.  I start it up, and he tells me to slowly let out the clutch.  I did, and start moving.  Then I ease on the front brake to slow down, but forgot about the clutch.  I was going maybe 5 mph, when the front wheel hit some fine gravel, and whoosh, down I went.  Broke the right footpeg, and mirror, dented the tank slightly.  Got lots of road rash on my right arm.   Needless to say, he really had me spooked on ever using the front brake again!  But I finally got over it, and learned to use the front properly.   :D


Post by bill67 on 08/26/10 at 16:29:51

3D3B22313D6669500 wrote:
Have come real close on roads that slant to the side. One must remember to put you foot down on the high side of the road when comming to a stop.
There's a lot of air on the low side.

You're lucky the bikes have low seats now,When I started they were all about 32 inches high me being 5'6" had to wear cowboy boots and was still on tip toes at stop lights,You pull off the the road and as soon as the bike stopped you had to like jump off to the left side or you be be down.

Post by Skid Mark on 08/26/10 at 16:49:47

I hear ya Bill. I'm 5'5" and wear boots. Even with the low seat I get the feet down flat, but there's not much extra for goof ups. The c50 can be a grunt to get back up when it's tilted too far. Thankfully I haven't hit the point of no return yet.

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/10 at 01:37:55

I saw a guy who must have been all of 4'6" riding an M50. He jumped off the seat at a light & his right thigh was across the seat. I thot he was nuts. Glad he was out & riding, I just think a smaller bike woulda been a better choice. Id really like to be riding a 1,000 CC machine( some days), I just think it would be more bike than I could safely handl;e. &, I think the bike he chose was more ( Not in terms of power, but sheer mass) than he could safely deal with.

Post by Wolfman on 08/27/10 at 02:10:37

Id got tossed a time or two when i used to ride enduros hill climbing, jumping, chaseing cows ect. Been peachy on the far.

Had'nt got a good ride in for about 10 days, thought id take one yesterday.
Started off rough. Comeing out of my driveway i get two turkeys running across the driveway.(live in the woods)
Tap the front brake and hit the only loose gravel in the driveway, let off and recover.
Kinda get 'that feeling' that maybe it aint a good day to ride. Naahhh!
(I usualy listen to my 6th sense).

Ride on to moms and check on her and the girls, tell em im going for a decent ride.
(county repaved the road this summer and left the edge about 6-8 inchs high. I got a spot kinda sloped off i take the bike up.)
Started her up and popped her in gear like ive done so many times before. Front wheel over the edge then the back wheel.
About that time i seem to remember the bike dieing! POOF!
Try to get the right leg down, cant touch, bike goes over and i hit head first then the shoulder then the bike on top of me.
Well Cr@p! Im looking in the right mirror thinking well it didnt break off. Then i think gas leak and hot engine. Well double cr@p, legs pinned. Yank the foot out from under the bike, hop up grab the bars and seat and stand her up. 6ft 200lb farm boy so no problem there.

Check her out and i scratched up the lower side of the muffler, cant really see it. Bent the fricken front brake lever and spilled a lil gas. No lights broke off and no dents, got lucky...i cushoned the bikes fall!
Took it home, straightened the brake lever and checked her over again.
Then parked her! Should of listened to that lil voice!

Right forearm is a bit sore, left side of my neck and back of right shoulder is sorer then chit. Right side of my hard head is a bit touchy to where i hit. Didnt even scratch the helmet.
Guess you could call it a 10mph
Odd thing is i busted the 'inside' lcd screen on my phone in its protective case. Outside screen and body aint got a scratch????
New phone now i guess.

Took a ride today to town, first couple miles was feeling every lil bump n rut in the road. Relaxed after that and started trying to scrape pegs
Never had the bike die on me like that. All i can figure is 'possibly' when the rear wheel hit the high edge of the pavement the kickstand MAY of jarred downward enough to kill it. Think ill disconnect that d@mn switch!

Felt stupid as he!! doing it right in front of moms. At least no one seen me(that i know of). Felt even stupider for NOT listening to that lil voice. :P :D

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/10 at 02:26:28

Felt even stupider for NOT listening to that lil voice.    
Back to top  

Its hard to learn that one. Gut feelings are easy to ignore & often, costly to ignore.

Post by Skid Mark on 08/27/10 at 08:45:12

The only reason I ride now is because bikes have that lower seat. Its just no fun having to struggle with balancing a bike when stopped.
When I was scouting bikes out a few years ago I was pleasantly suprised  that a lot of bikes in the 650 - 1000 cc range were accommodating us short a$$es.

Post by Wolfman on 08/27/10 at 13:26:10

I like the low seat height and 'usualy' have pleanty of extra extension when putting a foot down. Add 6-8 inchs of extra blacktop and your foots over the edge and you kinda wave your foot in the air like a ducks foot when he's out of
Gravity works real d@mn fast when it stops you in gear to! ::)

Post by ralfyguy on 08/27/10 at 19:01:51

I never understood why bikes had to be that high up in the first place. I am average height of 5'11" and back 15-20 years ago I had troubles at a standstill to have both my feet flat on the ground with about any bike I ever sat on. I have no idea why they had to be like that. That's why I didn't like riding back then, because I didn't like to stop. My brother in law's 1982 Honda Nighthawk was one of them. Loved the engine, hated the traffic light stops. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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