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Message started by mick on 08/23/10 at 15:37:50

Title: another milestone
Post by mick on 08/23/10 at 15:37:50

in about a week I will have quit smoking for one year,  am I happy about that ?  Yes and no,yes because I don't cough anymore ,take note Piglet my breath is kissing sweet,but at my age I have no one to kiss.
After washing my sisters car, the sun was shining I made a fresh cup of tea, sat in my outside rocker and reached for my shirt pocket for a smoke ,there wasn't any, I think I shed a tear,I was a two pack a day man and that works out at $300 a month,and social security just aint enough,So like it or not I have to quit. But if cigs went down to a buck a pack ,you would see smoke coming from my nose and ears and even my arse. And the biggy my insurence will go back up.reluctantly I shall remain a non smoker because I'm smart,they do say that smart people find it easier to quit :)
Many years ago in England I thought the company that made a brand of Asprin was very clever ,in there ads mostly bill boards in those days,
It said "Only Inteligent people suffer from headaches" so use joe's Asprin, but every one you bumped into was carrying Joes Asprin,
even I carried the darn things and I have never had a headache in my life,does that tell you something ?

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by Trippah on 08/23/10 at 15:44:30

Growing up, a good friend's dad used to take a deep drag on his cig, then puff..puff..puff..smoke out his ears liker= an old steam locomotive; he had lost his ear drums in the korean (I think) war. :)
Smoking from your butt, there is an image to block.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by kimchris1 on 08/23/10 at 20:44:12

Congratulations Mick, Big hugs and I as well personally know how hard it is to get off those stinky things. Yet breathing is better.. Keep it up.  :)kim

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by mick on 08/23/10 at 21:16:37

4D4F4B454E544F5517260 wrote:
Congratulations Mick, Big hugs and I as well personally know how hard it is to get off those stinky things. Yet breathing is better.. Keep it up.  :)kim

thanks Kim,so you went through aswell huh ! so you keep it up too.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/10 at 22:08:13

Way to go Mick...   ;)...

... and keep workin' that hand...  

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by Paladin. on 08/23/10 at 22:10:49

61656F6778646960656169750C0 wrote:
in about a week I will have quit smoking for one year,  am I happy about that ?  Yes and no,yes because I don't cough anymore ,take note Piglet my breath is kissing sweet,but at my age I have no one to kiss....

I did not quit smoking, I merely paused.  Because I have some to kiss.  Without that, I would continue.  I still find the aroma pleasant.

You have made it past a year.  You did choose, not the addiction.  That is GOOD.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by mick on 08/23/10 at 22:37:19

4F7E737E7B76711F0 wrote:
[quote author=61656F6778646960656169750C0 link=1282603070/0#0 date=1282603070]in about a week I will have quit smoking for one year,  am I happy about that ?  Yes and no,yes because I don't cough anymore ,take note Piglet my breath is kissing sweet,but at my age I have no one to kiss....

I did not quit smoking, I merely paused.  Because I have some to kiss.  Without that, I would continue.  I still find the aroma pleasant.

You have made it past a year.  You did choose, not the addiction.  That is GOOD.[/quote]
Paladin we both know cigarettes are bad news, yes the aroma is still pleasant ,but after all that hard work to quit the bloody things,I aim to to stay quit,who knows I can still meet a woman close to my age who preferes a non smoker.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by mick on 08/23/10 at 22:52:34

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
Way to go Mick...   ;)...

... and keep workin' that hand...  

I am mate, and I have noticed a slight improvement ,my theropist has made me two more splints that seem to be working. I did see a Savage for sale about 3 miles away,I got out of my cage and had a look see ,but try as I might I could still not pull in the clutch lever, but I will keep trying.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by kimchris1 on 08/23/10 at 23:18:02

Mick, I am not your age, yet here's a kiss from a non smoker as well. :-*  I don't enjoy the smell from them at all.
I have been off of cigarettes for over 2 years and did it cold turkey. I enjoy being able to breathe without meds. I also smell good.. ;) kim

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by BurnPgh on 08/24/10 at 02:56:48

personally...I love smoking. the smell, the taste, the feeling of it in my lungs and the dance of smoke that result from a slow exhale. The only issue I have is who owns the major tobacco companies. Not the employees of said companies. Not the workers. But then again, every breath is blood, every fiber of clothing is blood, every drop of water and bite of food is blood off the backs of the 3rd world in the long run. In for a penny, in for a pound. You might aswell smoke. Have you been paying attention to the world situation economically? Moraly? Who the he!! in their right mind wants to live to be 80 to see the next step in human development? Not I.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/24/10 at 06:13:35

Burn -

You must have come from a prior time.  Karl Marx would be proud.

Face up to reality - everyone has talents, and we're all different.  What it takes to own and run a business is seldom the same as what it takes to perform the mechanical functions of the business.  Neither is better or worse than the other; just different.

My airport is a good example - I'm not a mechanic - if I tried to fix airplanes, they would all crash.  But I do know how to run the buisness.  My general manager is a great guy, a very skilled pilot and mechanic, but he drives me to drink sometimes about simple business issues.

Such as - I got a call last evening that we are very low on our jet fuel supply.  And, we've got 3 jets coming in today that will need fuel.

I've told and told these guys at what supply level to order more fuel, yet I must not be speaking English to them.  Seems prettty simple, IF you think "business" and just follow up and keep an eye on things.

I don't think "mechanic", and these guys don't think "business".  Same reason we aren't all blue or brown eyed - we're all different and have different talents.

How many worker owned businesses are there?  Few that employ more than about 4 people.  Now you know the resaon.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/24/10 at 11:17:52

Burn, people are paid for their labor. Paid from the profits their labors generate. Profit is whats left after ALL costs & losses are taken out. A good employee will focus attentions & labors to create the most income & minimize costs & losses. Rare they are. Accomplishing more than my coworkers was part of the joy of working.Ever time,  When the economy started down, I was kept as long as p[ossible by every place but one. POlitics at work ( not "politics" as in Pubs & Dems, but politics in the "butt kissin" sense, which I have alwaysrefused to do, since my Work is my stock in trade, not my butt kissin abilities).

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by babyhog on 08/24/10 at 12:12:26

Congrats Mick.  I'm proud of you!   :-*  :-*

Here's a couple old ads I thought you might get a kick out of.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by kennycreed on 08/24/10 at 15:34:51

If you stop smoking and drinking and going with women, your not going to live any longer. It's just going to feel that way

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by Southpaw on 08/24/10 at 21:26:25

Congrats, Mick. You've got a great attitude about your ordeal. I wouldn't bet against you doing ANYTHING you set your mind to.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by Midnightrider on 08/25/10 at 09:45:58

Congratulations Mick. You have acomplished something I have been unsucessful at. Whoever the doctor was that said your hand was paralyzed for life doesnt know the Mick Rowe that I know. You'll be riding a few months from now, what color will you next Savage be?

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by mick on 08/25/10 at 16:23:13

092D202A2D232C30362D202136440 wrote:
Congratulations Mick. You have acomplished something I have been unsucessful at. Whoever the doctor was that said your hand was paralyzed for life doesnt know the Mick Rowe that I know. You'll be riding a few months from now, what color will you next Savage be?

After a visit with my theropist this morning I felt prety good ,he gave me some more exercises to try at home and a device I have to make myself on my wood-lathe,kind of a wind up device.
I was also able to squeeze my forfinger and thumb together with one and a half pounds of pressure,not much ,but 3 months ago it was zero.
I will love to walk into that doctors office and give him a salute using my left middle finger , I would say to him," Would you like to buy me a set of golf clubs"? and then ask if he would like to chip in for another motorcycle,because on his advice I sold them both. That SOB according to him I should just shrivel up and die, That wimpy looking
not a very nice person,he looked about 40 and I bet he still lives with his mammy.
You know Mike I'm just a small guy but I could pick this not a very nice person up with my bad hand ,and just slap him about his face until he cried.
And I might just do that.

Title: Re: another milestone
Post by kimchris1 on 08/25/10 at 19:26:40

Go get em Mick.. I am sooo happy to hear that your hand is showing improvement.  :) kim » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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