General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> *&@$# Women in Mini Vans

Message started by Wolfman on 08/15/10 at 02:50:58

Title: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Wolfman on 08/15/10 at 02:50:58

Ive come to the conclusion women in Mini Vans have a desire to kill folks on Bikes.
Had some ignorant B... Witch try to run over me today.
Rideing right beside her out of her blind spot. Car in front of her starts to slow for a light as it turns yellow.(she was following to close anyways).
She turns, looks right at me, right in the eyes. No room for her to move through between the car in front of her and me but she does anyway.
Im watching for something stupid and sure enough she cuts her front wheels and gooses it after looking at me.

I laid on the brakes, laid on the horn and had to move all the way over almost into oncomeing traffic to avoid her. She blows on through then dosent make the light anyway.
Starts looking back in her mirror giveing ME dirty looks and grabs her cell phone and starts yapping and looking in the mirror.
Im setting there stareing daggers back and wishing she was a man!
She basicly tried to run over me to try and beat a red light. AFTER looking right at me right beside her drivers window.

Yesterday had one back out right out in front of me in the wal-mart parking lot without even checking out her window. Was stareing out her rear window.
Then stops and says sorry she could'nt see me because she could'nt see out her REAR window!!! WTF? I was comeing from her front!
Thats three times in two days in the wal-mart parking lot some woman in a mini van has backed right out in front of me without looking out her driver side window. Wal-marts getting Dangerous.

Bad enough the yahoos that speed up then slow down and weave all the way into the other lane repeatedly to keep you from passing them.
Im starting to think mini vans ought to be outlawed, at least for middle aged women!

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by LANCER on 08/15/10 at 04:29:21

sounds to me like we need to deputise all bikers with the power to issue traffic tickets....cut off a biker and instantly receive a $500 &/or 5 days in jail ticket ! ! !

it would not take too long for folks to get a clue ...

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by photojoe on 08/15/10 at 04:52:00

Made me think of something I was reading yesterday:

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by thumperclone on 08/15/10 at 05:17:52

anarchy run amok

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Routy on 08/15/10 at 05:28:37

OK ok, I won't complain about the Deer(s) (4 legs) tryin to kill me anymore ! They are thick here, but at least they aren't tryin to kill me on purpose ! :o

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Phelonius on 08/15/10 at 09:29:43

48475D465A5C4F4D454B5C2E0 wrote:
OK ok, I won't complain about the Deer(s) (4 legs) tryin to kill me anymore ! They are thick here, but at least they aren't tryin to kill me on purpose ! :o

Yes they are!


Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/10 at 09:37:52

Just because theyre cute doesnt mean they aint eveil minded. & yea, Phelonius is right, theyer just Pretending to be all innocent & stuff.. they have black hearts & a desire to see the hunters bleed.

Ive followed drivers & confronted them for what I call attempted murder. Using a vehicle to force someone out of the way in order to gain a spot in the road? Sheer madness! A call to the Police was in order. What she did could have got you hurt or dead. Maybe the next rider wont have the knowledge/experience/ability to survive her stupid display of arrogance.  

I would ask her what would have happened if you hadnt been able to respond quickly enough to her illegal lane change. I would have talked her thru the scenario from your side. She seems to be operating from the belief that motorcycles are infinitely maneuverable & that you can avoid her no matter what she does...

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by verslagen1 on 08/15/10 at 09:39:17

anybody know what a tazer would do to a car?

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Serowbot on 08/15/10 at 10:36:09

774F424B48494E5254270 wrote:
[quote author=48475D465A5C4F4D454B5C2E0 link=1281865859/0#4 date=1281875317]OK ok, I won't complain about the Deer(s) (4 legs) tryin to kill me anymore ! They are thick here, but at least they aren't tryin to kill me on purpose ! :o

Yes they are!


Only if they mistake you for Phelonius... :-?...

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Wolfman on 08/15/10 at 13:19:59

I ride like every mothers son is out to run over me, i expect people to do stupid things. Take NOTHING for granted. Not stop signs not stop lights nothing!!!
Lights turn green i wait and make sure no one is going to push their luck, same way with lights turning red. Parking lots are death traps.
Every sideroad, driveway and intersection gets a good checking.
I drove defensively in the cage but rideing again ive noticed even more stupid careless Dangerous people on the road.
I dont have at least one try to kill me per ride i aint had a
But lately, especialy yesterday has been excessive.
Thing is i seen more bikes on the road yesterday then ive seen in the last week or so total???? You'd think people would learn.

What we need is some roadside signs and about 10,000 info-mercials promoteing motorcycle awareness.(like it would do any good)
Call the cops? I thought about it. But unless you got paint smeared on your bike or blood on the ground their not going to drop their doughnut and do a d@mn thing. As likely to blame you as the cager. Cops hate bikers anyway. Not racial profileing but stereotypeing. We're all bad folks. Just like all girls on bikes are Easy ::)

Now as for concealed carry im all for it, he!! im a gun nut, love em, mans best friend. But advocateing useing one, even on someone trying to force you off the road id say NO!
Yeah their trying to kill you but i can see any number of problems and jail time for anyone rideing and useing one...even in self defense while rolling.
It aint that d@mn easy to hit a moveing target while moveing either!
Then you got to think about any passangers, includeing kids, who would be put at risk. As well as nearby vehicle.
That happens a time or two most folks would be so afraid of bikers they would ban em from the roads.
Can you imagine the grief we would get from cops if we just carried a non-fireing mockup of an AR15 across our handlebars? You'd get stopped and drawn on every time you passed a cop. Not to mention how they would react if they thought you were carrying concealed for sure. NO, firearms are'nt the answer to cagers. Mace or a Tazer would be a better choice for self defense while rideing. Your not going to be tempted to use them on a cager as they try to run you off the road or add you to the dust on their rear bumper. Road rage goes both ways.
Loaded whips maybe, caltrops, BBs ect but expect repercussions if caught. The worlds against us, we're all Sons n Daughters of Anarchy. He!!s Angels in the makeing. ::)

Deer? Im so used to watching for them fuzz butts while driveing its second nature. Now them stupid boxers, beagles ect, well their another thing all together. They ARE out to get you. ;D

Got to be like a Boxer, light on your feet, agile, fast, mobile. Expect an attack from any direction, take nothing for granted. And even then your going to have some close calls or get hit.
HEY! I got an idea. Make everyone spend their first 6 months driveing on a scooter or motorcycle before they can even touch a car or truck.
Let em see what all the fuss is about. Earn a little respect and breatheing room, at least from those that survived their fellow cagers.

To cagers we're the wayward troublesome step children, trouble makers. We dont get the same respect or have the same rights as far as their concerned. Even though we pay the same road taxes and have to go the extra mile to be able to ride legaly(MC license on top of a cage license).

Yeah id loved to of walked up and gave her a few of my thoughts of her driveing skills and her parentage. But i could see no good comeing from it, even problems. SHE call the cops about a biker verbaly abuseing her id probably of had a ticket or ended up in jail.
Id of called id of simply got  no wreck no response. >:(
Been a man and id of beat the snot out of him(i aint no lil feller) id probably be breaking rocks for the next 6 months.
We get NO respect from anyone except 'MOST' other riders.
I still get a laugh from the harley baggers in novelty german helmets that wont even wave let alone LOOK at Goldwingers have to run a close second. ::)l
Guess cause im rideing a light fast gazelle instead of a lumbering beast i aint a real rider.
S'OK, they can eat my dust in the
Rant over.

Ride safe ride smart and make it home alive. ;)

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Phelonius on 08/15/10 at 15:27:21

160512130C0107050E51600 wrote:
anybody know what a tazer would do to a car?

No, but I can bet what a mounted video camera will do for a drivers insurance premiums.
just find out what insurance company they use, sometimes it is decaled to the window.
Then email a copy to them, or the police.


Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by kevinphan on 08/15/10 at 19:17:15

Carry some spare spark plugs, feel like a cager is messing with you? A quick toss of one up into the air and when it lands onto their windshield it will spider it completely. Dangerous? Yes, called for? Yes

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by 12Bravo on 08/15/10 at 19:56:52

I have had a couple of state highway patrol officers that ride tell me to carry clear glass marbles. All of the evidence shatters and blends in with the broken windshield. They have idiots run them off the road too, even on their patrol bikes.

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Wolfman on 08/15/10 at 23:24:36

Think id find some of them nice oil colored rocks alongside the pavement if i was to carry anything. Cant help if he was following to close officer and my tire kicked up a rock. Or what rock officer?
Course this could lead to other problems. Road rage gets worse in a cager or they lose control when the rock spider the windshield right in front of them. Hate to kill someone like that.

I dont thnk theres a thing we can do to raise their awareness untill about half the vehicles on the road are two wheeled. Or the penalty for running over a rider becomes VERY expensive and amounts to a LOT of jail time. Untill it hit THEM in the pocket book and threatens to put THEM in jail for a good LONG time their not going to care.

Thats one reason i like my lil s40, its quick and nimble. I think i 'might' add a couple of  those danger explosives on board signs though. Make em think twice.
A tazer would put a smile on my face though. ;D

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by John_D FSO on 08/16/10 at 14:14:21

The SUV's aren't any better either.  I was riding with a buddy up SR14 along the Columbia River the other day.  Kinda hot out, but a great day for a ride, and awesome scenery; which of course meant every one else was on the road too.  My buddy passed a slower moving SUV (two lane highway), and I was following along at a reasonable distance, waiting for a clear spot to pass also.  I get to an open spot and glance in my rearview to make sure no one's going to pass me, and when I look up, all I see is brakelights, and the SUV stopping IN the highway, presumably to look at scenery, since there was nothing in the roadway.  I got to find out how much pressure it takes to lock up the drum brake on the back of a C50, but eased back off and managed to clear their rear corner with plenty of inches to spare. ;D  Crazy people! >:(

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by kevinphan on 08/16/10 at 19:37:23

This is a result of a dumb woman in a huge SUV not paying attention. Light turned red and my friend stopped, I couldn't stop quick enough so I ended up in the cross walk.

Turned around to look and all I see is this suv crashing into him, it was surreal. She didn't hit her brakes, she used him instead. I called her a piece of shlt, and everything else you could think of under the sun. She was afraid to get out of her car until a cop came. She didn't say sorry about what happened, nor did she even care.

If she was a guy it would have been a whole different story. He ended up with a massive laceration on his thigh but is back to walking now.

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by jspace on 08/16/10 at 19:52:35

i was riding to work on the freeway and the lady be me was putting on eye liner with the rearview mirror.  she kept on swerving into the other lanes.  i just hauled a** away from that death trap.  

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Wolfman on 08/17/10 at 00:55:43

I wont stay in a cars blind spot regardless of the speedlimit. When you go to pull up beside them roll on the throttle and get there!
When i go to pass or pull up im right by their window or even with their front tire.(watch their tires, they will tell you what their going to do before anything else).

Something else to keep in mind when comeing up on a car turning onto the road. If their setting there looking away from you their going to turn your direction. Dont count on them checking for oncomeing traffic again and seeing you.
Same way at lights, they watch the lights and dont check traffic when the light changes, they just turn or charge across. Watch their heads, its a tell tale for whats usualy going to happen. Not their eyes, their heads.

Behind them i leave myself room to react and go around them, even stopped at stoplights. Dont get baoxed in.
I stay left in their rear view mirror as well.
After stopping one eye is on  my mirrors for anyone approaching from the rear, both hands on the bars and only one foot down and in gear.
I know ive agravated a few because ill leave almost a full car length between me and the one in front when stopped. But not enough for a car to try and squeeze in.
I wait a few seconds when im in front to make sure no nimrod trys to run the light/stop sign.
2 seconds minimum following distance down the road.

Ride like your invisible, everyones trying to kill you(literaly) and take nothing for granted.

I feel safer on the interstate or open road than in town or especialy those death traps called parking lots.
Gimme deer n bugs over Mini vans n suv's

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by John_D FSO on 08/17/10 at 01:13:21

Some good advice there Wolfman.  I know what you mean by "watch the head, not the eyes", because the eyes don't always seem to see what's right in front of them.  Back when I first started riding, I spent a lot of time practicing on back roads, due to less traffic.  I was put-putting along at about 40 mph, when I see a pickup on a sideroad to the right, with his left signal on.  I see him look right, look left (I was looking him in the eye, so he should've seen me, yeah right!), and when he looked right again, I knew he was pulling out.  I was already braking when he did, and it wasn't until he was far enough out that I was pointed right at his door that he saw me coming. ;D  His eyes sure got big then though! :o

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by jsarsfield on 08/17/10 at 06:48:29

I don't care if it a man or a woman if someone did to me what the OP stated I would be following her and when she pulled over I'd be meeting her with the back of my hand .... I'm sick of the "i don't hit women"  People are people and all sexes are equal and not excluded from retribution.   As for arming yourself while riding I think guns are for girl thingies but that just me and if I really needed a weapon while riding I would probably unscrew my mirror and use that.

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by babyhog on 08/17/10 at 07:19:25

Our governor is a motorcyclist.  He founded an annual ride in 2001 "Freedom Rally" to honor troops, fire and rescue personnel.  It was this past weekend, but I was afraid it was gonna rain, so I didn't go.  He also declared the month of May as Motorcycle Awareness Month, to try to teach car drivers to be more aware of motorcycles.  We have alot of billboards asking drivers to watch out for motorcycles.  I don't know how much all this has helped, but it certainly can't hurt.

Yesteday, I was riding along a 4-lane, with a turn lane in the center.  Someone pulled out from my left, turning left, into the turn lane.  I was riding in the fast lane, hubby behind me.  I slowed, figuring she was gonna pull into my lane, but she stayed in the middle.  I eased up to her rear tire and hit my horn, just in case. 

Kevin - glad your buddy is ok.  The bike doesn't look so lucky.

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/10 at 07:24:08

I watched a guy goose a big truck yesterday. Looked to me like he lurched the front end out in traffic, just to see if everyone could dodge his truck.. Thers no way Ill believe he thot he could pull away from that stop sign. He was facing the initial "pulse" of traffic that is the result of a red light holding traffic back, then turning green & sending that load of cars down the road. I was about 6 cars back, maybe more, 2 lanes of traffic approaching him. The guy in the outside lane was ahead a bit or he would have had no place to go. The truck lurched out, 1/2 wayacross the first lane & stopped. The car was running at least 40 MPH& was only 60 or so feet from the truck when it stopped. He jerked the car into the next lane & brake lights popped up everywhere in front of me. When we passed the truck, still sitting 1/2 wayacross the lane, Carol said "He's laughing", Thats why I wonder if he didnt do it on purpose, that & thefact that he didnt just "overlook" one car, the road was FULL with oncoming & even IF he hadfloored it & not slowed down, thers no way he woulda made it. The rear of the truck wouldnt even have been clear of the stop sign when cars would have been stacking up on the side of that truck.
I turned around, went & got the "1-800 HOws MyDriving" number
& called it in.

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Wolfman on 08/17/10 at 12:37:22

Got to remember there's some of them a-holes that will 'F###' with you just for the he!! of it. They think its funny the one eyebrowed knuckle dragging morons. They dont think about it killing someone. Then theres the one's who ARE actualy trying to make you go down. Double or triple the penalties for causeing ANY kind of motorcycle accident by a cager and it would take the 'fun' out of it for them.

I usualy have my gps on my bars when doing a ride but town runs many times i don't have it. If its open road ill check my speedo, lots of room you know. If its wall to wall cages(rush hour ect) i ride with the flow and don't sweat it keeping a nice distance between the car in front and as much buffer to either side. Tap them rear brakes a lot comeing up on lights and do it sooner then i would in my truck...get their attention.
I stay off my wimpy arsed horn unless i really need it. Ive seen to many 'gut reactions' where folks would automaticly yank their vehicle halfway into another lane when they hear the horn and have'nt seen you.
If i think they have'nt seen me setting back there stareing into their rear view mirror ill beep and flash before passing.(and when i pass i PASS, roll on that throttle!)
Other wise i leave the horn for emergencies. Need to find me a better one then the wimpy arsed beeepp on the S40. No room for an air horn and the 130 decibels ive tried are'nt any better then stock.

Hit a woman? Ill take one hit from a woman, second hit she's going to get slapped. But keep in mind even in todays 'self centered only me world', you get seen hitting a woman your still liable to have half a dozen guys stop to come to her rescue. Especialy if she's cute or got kids visible. Cops are more likely to take her 'versions' of the story as well.
Most states now days she may well be carrying concealed or at least carrying a tazer or mace. Smack her and she has cause to use it against the BIG MEAN MAN.
Either way it ends bad for you. Remember, we already got a bad rep as no good bad arsed drug useing gun toteing law breaking bikers.(add EASY to the women riders)
Like momma used to say, use your words not your
Guy on the other hand, well he's SOL as long as he's over 18. ;)

When im out and about i go the extra mile to act polite, open doors, smile ect when in my bike regalia. And i STILL get a lot of folks that wont look me in the eyes, walk to the other side of the aisle in wal-mart ect and act scared of me.
Course i kinda got that for years anyway in my normal togs, im kinda rough My ponytail and beard dont help much now either. :D

Apperance and how you bring it off means much. Most folks are shallow and judge you by your outside, not the real you inside untill they get to know you. And most you never get to know, they just see 'the look'.
No not "THE LOOK!" you get when the ole lady gets miffed at you. Guys know what im talking about.
Maybe babyhog will get hubby to take a pic of her doing The Look and post a pic for those that

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by Wolfman on 08/18/10 at 20:02:20

Man some people got no patiance or common sense.
Was crossing the overpass just about where the idjit in the minivan tried to run me over. Lights green and im running through with all the other traffic. Big stinking diesel king cab truck waiting in the oncomeing lane, already nosed over the line.
Just as i pass him he turns left behind me so d@mn close i thought he was going to clip my arse end.
Got half a notion to weld rebar all over the bike and sharpen it so it looks as dangerous as a porcupine. See if they want to 'bump me'

On a side note seen two middle aged gals on can-am spyders last night. Their ok, just not the type of ride id enjoy. And both seemed to be leaning foreward on the handlebars and in a sportbike position. Kinda uncomfortable looking to me. Too pricey as well. ;D

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by babyhog on 08/19/10 at 06:21:40

4F77747E757976180 wrote:
And most you never get to know, they just see 'the look'.
No not "THE LOOK!" you get when the ole lady gets miffed at you. Guys know what im talking about.
Maybe babyhog will get hubby to take a pic of her doing The Look and post a pic for those that

Haha, yea, he knows THE LOOK for sure.  A pic just wouldn't do it justice though.. LOL

Speaking of being scary looking....  I work with a guy who rides with a bunch of military veterans.  He's a very nice guy, but with his leathers on, tattoos, scruffy facial hair, do-rag, etc, he can look like a dirtbag.  He told me once he was in Walmart and came upon a little old woman and man.  As he came toward them, the woman covered her purse, like he was gonna grab it from her.  He said he actually turned around and spoke to her, told her he was a nice guy, and that he would be the first to chase someone if he saw someone try to run off with her purse.  He said she apologized and was very sweet!

Title: Re: *&@$# Women in Mini Vans
Post by JohnBoy on 08/19/10 at 08:50:40

spark plugs, marbles, coins...I kind of liked the gun :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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