General Category >> The Cafe >> Just got back

Message started by Phelonius on 07/12/10 at 09:17:56

Title: Just got back
Post by Phelonius on 07/12/10 at 09:17:56

from a weekend ride to the Deep Forest camout with the Moto Guzzi folks.
I buckled on the plastic cast and rode to federal way to stay overnight with a friend.  That made it so that I only had 130 miles to go to get to camp.
Had a helova a good time and the baked salmon ( baked indian style around the communal fire) was some of the best I've ever had.
Met  lady riding an 1100 shadow with one hand.  The other was missing fron mid- forearm on down.  She had a leather bootie over the stump and a handle fastened to the throttle so that she could work it with the stump.  Her left hand was really busy doing both the clutch and the front brake.
I would say that she was the picture of determination not to be denied riding.  I was very favorably impressed.

Phelonius ;)

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by Phelonius on 07/12/10 at 10:28:25

Okay I got it into bike pics.

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/10 at 10:47:55

You're both unstoppable...
Have you found a soul mate?...   ;)...

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/10 at 11:47:34

Unstoppable people get a whole lot of respect from me. I dont care if they be man Or woman. But, I gotta admit, a woman with grit is particularly respectable to me.

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by thumperclone on 07/12/10 at 14:58:58

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
Unstoppable people get a whole lot of respect from me. I dont care if they be man Or woman. But, I gotta admit, a woman with grit is particularly respectable to me.

grit AND a beautiful smile  

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by skatnbnc on 07/12/10 at 17:20:17

Awesome on BOTH of you for getting back on the horse!

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by kimchris1 on 07/12/10 at 20:22:24

Great story and picture as well. Goes to show, where their is a will, their is a way.. :)

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by mick on 07/12/10 at 20:24:18

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
You're both unstoppable...
Have you found a soul mate?...   ;)...

boy I have to admire that gal, we are different in the fact that my left hand is shot, I am going to see a doctor this week about removing my useless left hand, it would be great if they could build me some device that was capable of pulling in a clutch lever and slowly releasing it ,I don't care what it looks like,if I can ride again that's all that matters.

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by Phelonius on 07/13/10 at 09:40:36

4D49434B5448454C494D4559200 wrote:
[quote author=3B2D3A273F2A273C480 link=1278951478/0#2 date=1278956875]You're both unstoppable...
Have you found a soul mate?...   ;)...

boy I have to admire that gal, we are different in the fact that my left hand is shot, I am going to see a doctor this week about removing my useless left hand, it would be great if they could build me some device that was capable of pulling in a clutch lever and slowly releasing it ,I don't care what it looks like,if I can ride again that's all that matters.[/quote]

Try a foot clutch, suicide style, and a hand shift that could be worked by what ever they put on the end of your arm.  It would work particularly well with a sidecar rig so you would never be tempted to put the left foot on the ground at a stop.
With a savage, I would recommend a 50X 15 chain ratio.
One of my friends at the deep Forest has that sort of rig powered by a 4 cylinder excessive eleven Yamaha. He endo-ed an 1150 BMW 2 years ago and spent about 6 months from ICU to a recovery hospice.
He was really busted up bad. Legs, hips, back, arm, all broken at once.
It happened in the deep Forest area but during a different campout.
He also is one of the unstopables.



Title: Re: Just got back
Post by sjaskow on 07/13/10 at 10:51:45

50545E5649555851545058443D0 wrote:
[quote author=3B2D3A273F2A273C480 link=1278951478/0#2 date=1278956875]You're both unstoppable...
Have you found a soul mate?...   ;)...

boy I have to admire that gal, we are different in the fact that my left hand is shot, I am going to see a doctor this week about removing my useless left hand, it would be great if they could build me some device that was capable of pulling in a clutch lever and slowly releasing it ,I don't care what it looks like,if I can ride again that's all that matters.[/quote]

Have you considered a twist-and-go scooter like a Burgman or a Honda Silverwing?  I realize most people don't consider them "real" motorcycles but they would still allow you to ride with your head in the wind.

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/10 at 10:55:03

Some of those new scooters will smoke our Savage...  

... makes me hate them even more... ;D...

Title: Re: Just got back
Post by Phelonius on 07/13/10 at 12:30:20

697F68756D78756E1A0 wrote:
Some of those new scooters will smoke our Savage...  

... makes me hate them even more... ;D...

Most of them scooters will smoke a Savage if they are 400cc or larger.
Many of them out weigh a savage too.
My 250 Morphidite weighed 416 pounds dry. Most of the 600cc and larger will weigh in at close to 500 lb. or more.
It is their transmission that makes them fast. It keeps the engine turning in its' best rpm for power. This means a higher performance engine can be used and still be mellow enough for traffic.

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