General Category >> The Cafe >> Well, I tried

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/10 at 05:38:14

Title: Well, I tried
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/10 at 05:38:14

Thank you for your submission to the Alternative Response Technology (ART) process for the Deepwater Horizon MC252 incident. Your submission has been reviewed for its technical merits.

It has been determined that your idea falls into one of the following ART categories: Already Considered/Planned, Not Feasible, or Not Possible, and therefore will not be advanced for further evaluation. To date, we have received over 80,000 submissions with each submission receiving individual consideration and priority based on merit and need.

BP and Horizon Deepwater Unified Command appreciate your contribution and interest in responding to this incident.

Michael J. Cortez
Technical Manager
Alternative Response Technology Team
Deepwater Horizon Call Center - Houston, TX

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But, was it already considered? Not feasible or impossible? Blast it, I wanna know!

Title: Re: Well, I tried
Post by Stimpy on 07/03/10 at 06:11:06

Bravo for getting involved.  What was your suggestion?

Title: Re: Well, I tried
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/10 at 06:25:09

A series of explosives positioned on opposite sides of increasing opwer to slowly close the casing off was one.
Another was wedges & rollers set into the seabed that would slowly crimp the casing closed.
I still thin it would work, but, only on a well that isnt already blown thru the casing. I think there is oil escaping outside the casing now, WAY below the BOP. I think that if someone could drop a plug straight into the BOP & seal it off, we would see gas & oil bubbling up from the sea bed.

Title: Re: Well, I tried
Post by kel30734 on 07/03/10 at 07:51:27

and then when you have comprimised the Casing under the sea bed and have oil comming up from the sea floor in a hundred diffrent spots what do ya do Nuke the entire area to turn the sand to glass and then you will have a cap............... :o :o :o :o

Just my 2cents

Title: Re: Well, I tried
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/10 at 08:20:59

Its already compromised. The relief wells may allow them to inject pluging materials down low & re-seal the leaky areas IF they can get that done before the sand & debris being pushed up now is able to completely destroy the well bore. Ive heard there is only 1 relief well being drilled now, & Ive heard there are 2. Im hoping there are 2.
Aas it stands, today, there is oil & gas billowing up, from the sea bed, thru fissures, outside the casing, OR So I hear. I havent any proof of that

Title: Re: Well, I tried
Post by Starlifter on 07/03/10 at 13:25:55

"We would see gas & oil bubbling up from the sea bed."

Yes, they have pictures of oil and gas seeping from cracks all over the seafloor in the area of the well.

...we are screwed.


Title: Re: Well, I tried
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/10 at 14:15:09

Maybe not, IF they can get wells into the existing well, below the casing problems. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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