General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Going away for awhile--Thanks to all

Message started by drums1 on 06/30/10 at 19:25:56

Title: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by drums1 on 06/30/10 at 19:25:56

Well the time has come. Because of my unemployment and financial situation, I will very soon be losing my cable/internet/phone, and probably my apartment, drums, wife, etc., etc., etc.. Unless they pass the unemployment extension, or I land a job. (after searching unsuccessfully for 2 years)
I wanted to thank all of you guys who have advised me over the last 4 years. I never would have gotten and kept the bike running without your unselfish input. There is such a wealth of knowledge on this site, it's truly amazing.
If and when I ever get back on my feet again, I will get my internet connection back and stop back to say HI!  (if the wife doesn't confiscate the computer when she bolts)
Again, thanks to all and hope to be back soon. Until then.................


Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/10 at 20:23:15

My guts churn when I see whats happening in this country. KNowing( well, believing I know) how it came to be this way SERIOUSLY makes me MAD. I am sorry for your troubles.

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/10 at 21:57:11

We'll be here,... we hope...
Free internet access at most libraries...
Take care,... hope to see you back soon... ;)...

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by Routy on 06/30/10 at 22:03:26

Our heart goes out to you. You are not alone. We all hope for a turnaround soon, and hope you can come back soon.


Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by kimchris1 on 06/30/10 at 22:11:46

Drums, my best to you. Hopefully soon you will be back and your life turns around for the best as well... Keep your chin up and remember you have lots of friends here that wish you all the best.. Kim :)

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by Stimpy on 07/01/10 at 00:12:34

Good luck drums.

But wait, 2 years nojob? Rly?  What's ur line of work?
Maybe its time to bite it and get a mortal job for a while
waitering, in the kitchen or maybe some kind of manual
labor, honest work for honest pay; me for example, you
Don't even want to know what my qualifications are and
I'm a cook now, no shame in that, pays the bills and I sleep
Well everynight, even save a little everymonth, still every
day I scan the net for new Employment opportunities,
I think I'll go in to teaching soon Again (but I'm afraid the
kitchen pays more  :D)

L8r, and smile man, that is the key to life.

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by LANCER on 07/01/10 at 02:32:54

My heart goes out to you; I've been there
I will pray for you

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by thumperclone on 07/01/10 at 04:55:23

see if your libary has comps you could still visit us..
good luck

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by babyhog on 07/01/10 at 05:50:33

Our shop guys are getting cut to 4 day weeks, instead of laying off a couple deadbeats.  Business sucks.  Our un-billed labor time in June was more than double what it normally is.  AEP (electric company) just got a 7.5% rate hike.  Everything going up except wages....  I hate this crap.  

Sorry to you to drums.  Keep in touch!  And try to keep your chin up.  You are not alone.  

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/10 at 06:32:49

Yet, when I try to get people to understand why this is happening & the mechanisms theyve used to create it, I get snubbed.. While we, as a nation, remain uneducated on the ways & means & reasons for the assault weve been under & will continue to be under, they will have their way with us. When the dumb masses cease to allow themselves to accept BS for answers, then we will all have a chance. PLease, Learn about the federal reserve, Go to Alex Jones sites & watch his films, for FREE, online. Watch the Obama deception, put out a couple of months after he was in office. GEE, its really close, huhhh?
What has happened is no accident, weve been deindustrialized & when the Carbon Tax is passed, we will be further deindustrialized AND taxed much higher. Please, for our childrens sake, WAKE UP>

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by Trippah on 07/01/10 at 16:02:19

Drums- best of luck, and perhaps the local school bus company needs help- hours are great and the pay sucks. ;D  but you get to spend quality time with howling juvies...what more can you ask for.

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by wingsout on 07/01/10 at 16:24:10

Hey Drums; Here's what I did when in your position. I started helping people fix up their broken houses for a donation. You'd be surprised at the number of people out there whose houses are falling apart and have no money to fix them, you can also barter; which is a great way to trade skills. By the way, there is some work in western NY.

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by EJID on 07/02/10 at 18:19:37

Hey Drums, I feel for you. I lost my job on March 1 this year and things are getting rough. Luckily my wife has been able to pick up extra nursing shifts to help us get by in addition to my measly unemployment that I am still getting at this point (knock on wood). I picked up a few odd jobs here and there, but it's been more beneficial for me to stay home and take care of the kids while she works extra hours when she can get them. She now refers to me as the "Manny!"  :-?

The thing that frustrates me most is I've got a college degree in accounting and 12 years of experience, but in 4 months of looking for a job I have only been able to get 3 interviews that relate to my line of work.  :-[

Best of luck to you, try to keep in touch.

BTW, you would think not working 40hrs a week I would be riding lots more, but honestly I've only rode it 3 or 4 times in that whole 4 months. We are 1/2 way through the riding season and I haven't even gone through the first tank of gas  :(

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by Flemming from Denmark on 07/02/10 at 19:02:24

feels sorry for you. Not much better here in Europe. If you ever visit Denmark, you're welcome here, and use my drums  :) ;) Rich people is responsebly for the depression we're seing right now, and  they think the best solution is to let the not so rich people pay for the party. And NO!! - I'm not a komunist  ;D But it's not very hard to see what's happening in Eourope ass well in the USA.

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/10 at 05:10:57

Man on radio talk show yesterday , electrical engineer, 19 years experience, louisiana, unemployed for almost 2 years. Yea, the recovery is ON, baby!

Title: Re: Going away for awhile--Thanks to all
Post by drums1 on 07/03/10 at 05:59:59

Update from the library:
I've had a couple interviews in the last 3 days...nothing concrete yet. Just waiting to hear back from them. One guy commented about taking a job anywhere. Believe me, I have applied at over 400 places in the last 2 years. Even McDonalds. I guess I'm overqualified for that too. My city has the 2nd highest unemployment rate in Wisconsin. So I have been going outside the city. Up to Milwaukee. Down to Kenosha. Out to Burlington.
Obama was in town here the other day. Oh, you should have heard the B.S. coming out of his mouth. He sure can sugar coat the issues to try and make you believe what you know is not true. He only took 6 questions from the crowd, and missed calling on me by 3 people. The guy up behind me was frantically waving and whooping. Personally, I think all those called on were planted in the crowd. The questions were way too cut and dry and the answers were almost seemingly rehearsed.
And then, to top it all off, Congress decided to go on holiday vacation for 2 weeks without voting on the unemployment extension. PAYED holiday, I'm sure. Thanks Congress. I hope it rains on your parade and all your bratwurst burn to a crisp.
Otherwise, I'm going to try and have a happy 4th of July. Not likely, but I'll try. Hope you all have a good one, and ride safe. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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