General Category >> The Cafe >> Stranger On Your Ride..

Message started by jimsgirl on 06/20/10 at 23:38:50

Title: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by jimsgirl on 06/20/10 at 23:38:50

Have any of you had trouble with strangers oogling and drooling over your parked bike? Including brazenly sitting on it? I don't think I've ever been so angry, to the point I couldn't even speak. I am proud of how good it looks, I don't mind answering questions about it,etc. BUT I can't believe someone would get ON a stranger's bike. HELP!

Got any good one liners for the yahoo's who think your bike is fair game? What have you said?

I came out to find a couple looking at my NEW bike. The girlfriend was obviously interested, but the GUY got on it and was looking it over when I walked up to them.
Me: Nice bike, Sir.
GUY: Yeh...
Me: Got the keys?
Me: I Know (takes key from pocket and shakes in face) IT's MINE.
Guy: (obviously college grad) OH..OH...
THEN he has the gall to tell me how it's kind of a girlie bike, as in small (OH I wanted to say if it was so girlie,why were YOU on it) I bothered to explain it is small, but the engine is 650 - same as that big cruiser over there. He just looked blankly at me like I must be misinformed. Then he told me it was girlie again. Ugh.

I wanted to yell: Do i sit in your car? Do i mess with Your girl?  >:(
At 5'1 I realize I'm not much of a threat, but I never wanted to rip a throat out like I did with this doofus.

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Oldfeller on 06/21/10 at 00:34:12

Hello Tracy, how are ya doing?

When it was new (468 miles old) the Silver Surfer got some looks and fondles -- now that it is old it just gets a glance or two at the one big jug and the general smallneatness of the overall package.  

People will still ask what it is since Savages only show up for a week or so early in the spring time at the bike dealer's showroom floor before disappearing for the year and mine is the only one they have seen in like forever.

Being all post parental, I just want to pat them on their cute widdle youngperson headbones and tell them to have a nice day.

Young surging hormones (male or female) are what makes you want to rip their fuggin' heads off -- I can remember having that feeling, was frequent back then, back when I had hormones.  

Treasure them hormones, they are just some fond memories when you get my age and you miss the drive and energy that comes with them (and the protection against age aches and decay that they provided)

Ah, youth .....   wonderful stuff that !!!

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Stimpy on 06/21/10 at 01:43:25

yup, has happened to us all,
it's no different than coming
back to find someone smugly
sitting inside your convertible.

...but whatya'gonnado?!  :D

Who I'm TRULY afraid of are
people in any given parkinglot
that might not see it and ram
or reverse in to my bike.

Once I saw how a man let his
filthy children climb on my old
savage as if it was a carnival
ride (so he could take a picture),
i calmly adviced the man that the
engine was still hot and that any
bike could tip and crush'em either
way (he kinda ignored me), next
thing i know junior is screaming
with his calf half-molten into the
savages' exhaust pipe (where it
curves on top), but it's ok, burnt
skin cleans off quite easy   ;)  
(true story)

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by WD on 06/21/10 at 09:11:55

It happens. People sat on my bikes all the time at the last bike shop I worked at. They stopped it after several saw a full patch Bandito knock someone off my Savage. Knocked off and OUT with a single punch. Just because my bike has apehangers does not mean anyone can hop on and see how they feel.

When I had my second 1936 Harley big twin I actually was known to shoot at people messing with it. A .22 past the ear tends to get the point across... Especially when the fools know how limited production that machine was.

I need to track down another sticker for my Savage that says: Don't ask to ride my bike, I won't ask to F*** your wife.

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by kimchris1 on 06/21/10 at 10:50:30

I've yet to catch anyone sitting on my bike. I'm not quite sure how I would react yet am sure I would have no problem coming up with something.

I feel for someone to just hop on without an invite is rude and therefore be warned, I may go from being a poodle to a rottweiller in 0.0 seconds!! ;)

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/21/10 at 11:41:03

They wouldn't just walk up and have a seat in your corvette to see how it feels would they? Well I see no difference here. Thats trespassing and against the law as far as i'm concerned.

Just my 2 cents worth.


Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by verslagen1 on 06/21/10 at 11:58:40

as far as kids are concerned... it's called an attractive nuisence.
Aren't we all kids where toys are concerned?

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by mick on 06/21/10 at 13:01:27

it never happened while I had my bike (as far as I know) but the other day two young guys were looking inside my miata,I had the top down.
I wheeled my shopping cart around to the trunk ,at the same time I asked if they would like to buy it, they smirked and said ,"Cant afford it"  I said, So you like the car ? I got two polishing rags from my trunk and gave them one each and told them to get there grubby little finger prints off my car. And they did ,to be fare I was holding my brass handled walking stick.
Who was it who said "Walk softly and carry a big stick"?
In the case of the young lady with the bike ,I think whipping out your cell phone and while looking at the perps, start talking to no one in particular, Might work ?

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by BurnPgh on 06/21/10 at 14:11:05

494D474F504C41484D49415D240 wrote:
Who was it who said "Walk softly and carry a big stick"?

Teddy Roosevelt

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/10 at 15:07:45

Yup,...  I caught a woman boosting each of her three kids on and off my bike, in a parking lot...
I was too angry to approach...
I think god should credit me with saving a life that day...

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by photojoe on 06/21/10 at 19:34:28

I enjoy it when I see the little bastard$ going to grab the header pipe when I park it after a 50 mile run ;D.

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Staplebox on 06/21/10 at 20:08:29

Wow - I've never thought about someone climbing on the bike in a parking lot.  I don't think people do that around here - but maybe I've missed something.

A kid would surely get burned and adult should know better - if not beforehand then as soon as I knock them off.  They'd get the same treatment as if I'd found them inside my car or house - I'd have no patience for that.

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by earlytimz on 06/21/10 at 20:23:48

4770776B55626D050 wrote:
[quote author=494D474F504C41484D49415D240 link=1277102330/0#7 date=1277150487]
Who was it who said "Walk softly and carry a big stick"?

Teddy Roosevelt[/quote]

You mean it wasn't Buford Pusser??? LoL

I've never caught anyone on anything of mine. I've never even seen it done to any bike, that I was aware of. I don't think people around here would do that but could be wrong... I'd probably be pretty pissed too if it ever happened!

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Savage_Amusement on 06/22/10 at 06:40:23

I'd go Son's of Anarchy on um. I love how he took a BEFORE and AFTER pic of the guy with his own cell phone, then stole the girl!!

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by jimsgirl on 06/22/10 at 10:34:20

Wow, I hadn't considered someone putting their kid on the bike! I haven't even put my own kids on it yet. My older son is a wee bit jealous of my new wheels, I think.

Maybe if I'd picked an all black bike it wouldn't happen as much - she is red and white so maybe she looks more approachable?? I guess I should be flattered and then put something on the license plate holder to warn them I'm mean and old.  :-*

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by BurnPgh on 06/22/10 at 22:44:31

Never had anyone touch my ride that i know of. It does have the potential to get ugly if the scenario did occur. My theoretical response would be 1- Get off of my bike now. Assuming non compliance...2 - Threaten to call the police to report an attempted theft 3 - Report an attempted theft in progress 4 - My keys fit very comfortably between my fingers when I make a fist...and step 4 is when the d!ck messing with my bike will find that out.  

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Angie on 06/25/10 at 04:59:11

I wouldnt want a kid to get hurt, they arent old enough to know better.  Their parents, they are stupid and should be informed of this.  (the stupid often don't realize they are, in fact, stupid)  I would be mad too if I saw a stranger just plop their behind on my bike without asking first.  You know only a peep that doesnt ride would do that.  Anyone that has a bike would understand, and show more respect.  How to handle this situation?  Humm, well how about a "GET THE HELL OFF MY BIKE"? Works for me.  ;)

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Mr. Hyde on 06/25/10 at 06:07:52

That is relatively unheard of where I live. People up here seem to instinctively know you don't sit on someone's motorcycle without permission, ever.  I agree with Angie - "GET THE HELL OFF MY BIKE" should work, if not, regardless if you're 5'1', give him a shot.

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by babyhog on 06/25/10 at 07:55:24

I've been thinking about this since the thread started.  I don't think it is common practice around here either.  We were looking at one in a yard, with a For Sale sign on it, and I wouldn't even sit on it.  The owner was not outside.  But if I came out of a store or something, and found someone sitting on my bike, "Excuse ME?!!" would probably be my first reaction.  "Get the hell off" would follow if they gave me any lip!  

Cute (but coulda been scary) -- We were camping with in-law's.  They have a big camper, hubby and I rode the bikes.  The bikes were parked at the end of the camper.  Sister-in-law and I were sitting outside talking, 4-year-old nephew was riding around on his bike.  He had been wearing my son's FF helmet, riding his little bicycle with training wheels, it was adorable.  Anyway, we were just sitting, talking, not paying attention.  I hear "Help" in nephew's little voice.  I walked around the end of the camper to find him perched on MY bike, helmet in his hands, and he didn't know how to get back down.  I was internally fuming because we had already cautioned him that it could be hot (not to mention he had previously climbed on hubby's bike, scraped his foot across the passenger pillion leaving a mark!).  And I was scared that he could have knocked mine over.  I had to get pretty stern with him and show him that I was not happy with what he had done.  Looking back, it was cute how he wimpered "help"... poor thing.  I sure am glad it didn't turn out worse.  Now I watch my bike like a HAWK!   

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Stimpy on 06/25/10 at 08:30:44

"the stupid often don't realize they are, in fact, stupid"

My wifey calls exactly this "the hamster theory",
as in: a hamster doesn't know it's a hamster  

"People up here seem to instinctively know you don't
sit on someone's motorcycle without permission, ever"

Yeah, that should be the case in every corner
of the world, sadly respect & common sense
is an artform long lost and forgotten by many.  

Still, I think it depends a lot on the situation,
and it's very true that kids don't know any
better and can simply cannot resist the
temptation of hopping on a parked bike.

I'm guessing a lot of us started exactly
that way, maybe sneaking into someones
garage (uncle, cousin, familyfriend, etc)
on any given sunday and dream-riding
on a real motorcycle complete with
real controls, pegs, mud and that addictive
smell of mixed dirt and gasoline, hell I know
that that is what got me hooked when I was 6.

Now let's also face the fact that maybe 90%*
of male adults are still dumb children on the
inside and resistance to beer, chocolate, t&a
and motorcycles is futile, so can you really
blame anyone at all?  :D

* The other 10% are just plain bitter folks or
fear them cause someone they know killed them-
selves on a motorcycle (as if it's the bikes fault).

So always leave your bike in gear and go ahead,
make the little bastards day and let'em hop on
and dream for 2 minutes, if it's an adult greet the
smuck and try to coax him into buying a savage,
either way there's usually no harm done and it's
not like it's a classic vincent or anything  ;)

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by kimchris1 on 06/25/10 at 10:05:00

Seems no one has mentioned locking their forks to deter anyone from sittng on their bikes.
For those of us that have that option at least. I lock mine anytime I am off of my bike. It makes it a little more difficult to just sit on the bike that way.

We would all most likely prefer someone to ask us first whether we would mind them sitting on our bikes and for the most part that is how it happens. It appears for some their have been occassions where it hasn't. If enough of us spread the word thru friends, co-workers, etc, etc, to ask before sitting, maybe it will get the word out to the non riders to be more respectful.. ;)

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by Serowbot on 06/25/10 at 10:15:02

I tend to think they would sit on it anyway,... but are more likely to drop it if they try to set it upright...
I know I've been caught off balance by righting a bike with the fork locked...

I never use the fork lock... two tough guys can easily throw our bikes in the back of a truck, locked or not...
But, Savages are the least stolen bike...  
Go figure?... People have no taste.... :-?...

I usually leave my helmet and gloves on the bike, in the open....  I think it sends a signal that I'm close by,... and not afraid to come over and kick your ass...
'Course,... I'm mostly bluffing, unless you're a total wuss... :-?....

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by runwyrlph on 06/26/10 at 07:40:21

092E33372A235A0 wrote:
"the stupid often don't realize they are, in fact, stupid"

My wifey calls exactly this "the hamster theory",
as in: a hamster doesn't know it's a hamster  

I think the official name of the hamster theory is the "Dunning-Kruger effect"

i saw this while browsing - "hey, that's the hamster theory!" :D

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/26/10 at 08:51:52

When Im rubberneckin a car or bike  & the owner isnt there to say its okay, I keep my body away from it, hands behind my hips, so it theyre watching they can at least see I have respect for it. Last one I walked around & poked my head in was a Camaro. I just looked at the state inspection sticker to get the year model. 69 camaro, all original. Im pretty sure the guy saw me, since he was walkin out the liquor store as I was finishing my second pass, walking around it, studying the body lines. Look, dont touch, I think its a good policy.

Title: Re: Stranger On Your Ride..
Post by MMRanch on 06/28/10 at 21:20:02

Makes my blood boil just thinking about it.   Staplebox I couldn't agree with you more and I believe Angie said it best :

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET THE HELL OF MY BIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!,  followed by the bigest and fastest fist I could sling.  

a cellphone picture might be a good thing to have when the law showed up, but I doin't know if I could wait to smack the perpatrator long enough to snap a picture. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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