General Category >> The Cafe >> the late great JC

Message started by mick on 06/20/10 at 13:01:05

Title: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/20/10 at 13:01:05

In Ohio a few days ago a 6 story high statue of jesus christ was struck by lightning and burned to the ground.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy ;D

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Toymaker on 06/20/10 at 13:19:27

You know Mick, I understand your feelings toward religion, but you have to go out of your way to offend people?

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/10 at 13:32:40

God cant exist, because Micks son died. That proves it, right there.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Serowbot on 06/20/10 at 13:52:02

714D40714A5C48444E4057250 wrote:
You know Mick, I understand your feelings toward religion, but you have to go out of your way to offend people?

I understand,... but it is always ironic when an act of god, takes out a religious icon...
Didn't god say not to have those?...
Looks more like Moses to me anyway... :-?...

...or Aristotle?...

Title: ...everyone's a critic
Post by Stimpy on 06/20/10 at 14:09:29

moar holy info:

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/20/10 at 18:45:16

what happened to WTF in the above picture ?

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/20/10 at 19:01:59

023E3302392F3B373D3324560 wrote:
You know Mick, I understand your feelings toward religion, but you have to go out of your way to offend people?

As a matter of fact ,yes I do.
Because holy rollers go out of there way to go knocking on my front door and tell me a bunch of BS about something that never existed.
And then we have that great club for pedophiles based in Vatican city Rome,then we have more TV evangelists,just taking your mony like candy from a kid,you sit back give them your mony,then watch them drive off in there Rolls Royces and go home to there mansions,while some people can hardly afford to eat.
If you want to help the poor,cut out the middle man,and toss the mony in a big pot and divvy it up. That way you can skip buying all that fancy stuff first. Sh1t I forgot you guys are trying to get into heaven, stop waisting your mony ,there isn't one.
Who wants to exist living like a puff of smoke ?

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by jef.savage on 06/21/10 at 11:59:31

I believe that offense, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and that one can choose not to be offended no matter what someone else might believe or type on their computer.  I consider myself pretty religious but Mick hasn't offended me yet. And looking at the pics of that monstrosity that someone thought represented Jesus I gotta wonder if he wouldn't have lit the match himself if he happened to see it (Jesus, not Mick).

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by bill67 on 06/21/10 at 12:13:58

Jesus is real there all over Mexico.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Stimpy on 06/21/10 at 12:23:18

"I believe that offense, like beauty, is in the eye of the
beholder and that one can choose not to be offended.

That is a truly refreshing and intelligent set of words my friend.

Jesus in Mexico?

No, no, you've got it all wrong!  :)
Yes, Jesus is a strong favorite but Virgin Mary is the
undisputed queen down there, srsly. Even though
different regions have different favorite saints and
such, you'll find a framed picture of mary in every
home, bus, pharmacy or tacoshop no matter where
you go, just crazy!

And I had about 3 or 4 friends called "Jesus" BUT over 25 named "Maria"  ::)

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/21/10 at 12:30:21

303F3C742939352C3336363F5A0 wrote:
I believe that offense, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and that one can choose not to be offended no matter what someone else might believe or type on their computer.  I consider myself pretty religious but Mick hasn't offended me yet. And looking at the pics of that monstrosity that someone thought represented Jesus I gotta wonder if he wouldn't have lit the match himself if he happened to see it (Jesus, not Mick).

strange also, it seems the more statues that are built of the late JC the more white he gets.The holy land is in North Africa.Next thing you know Americans will depict him like joe the plumber,don't feel bad when I was a kid my teacher told the class that JC was probably an
Englishman. And then I found out he was also a jew ,I thought he would look like "Fagin" in the movie Oliver Twist.
I guess it is quite possable that he actually lived at one time, there is very little evidence, because the bible was not even started until 400 years after his death ,so the stories were probably just that ,stories.
And you all know how stories get a little more twisted as it's retold time after time,they just change the storie to fit the times ,King James ? what did he know ? the Mormans ? old test new test.
If you want to believe it is your desicion of course.
I'm giving you my reasons for not believing, because I think I'm right ,any harm in that ? at the same time I will try and convince you to look at other books instead of just the bible.Ther are a bunch of them out there all written by non believers , and they share there reasons for not believing. I'm just a push over for the truth.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by bill67 on 06/21/10 at 12:35:23

Jesus must have been a Mexican,because they believed  he was the son of god and that a Mary was a virgin.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Stimpy on 06/21/10 at 12:41:12

I know, people seriously think he was a blue-eyed blonde from Manhattan  ::)

...and he does kinda look mexican, lol, that's because the Moors were in
Spain (Iberian peninsula) for over 800 years long, before the conquest.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/21/10 at 13:03:14

would you buy a used car from that guy ?

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Stimpy on 06/21/10 at 13:28:02

I found something just for you mick  ;)

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/21/10 at 13:31:37

cheeses christ,you cant be serial.?  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/21/10 at 22:56:25

092E33372A235A0 wrote:
"I believe that offense, like beauty, is in the eye of the
beholder and that one can choose not to be offended.

That is a truly refreshing and intelligent set of words my friend.

Jesus in Mexico?

No, no, you've got it all wrong!  :)
Yes, Jesus is a strong favorite but Virgin Mary is the
undisputed queen down there, srsly. Even though
different regions have different favorite saints and
such, you'll find a framed picture of mary in every
home, bus, pharmacy or tacoshop no matter where
you go, just crazy!

And I had about 3 or 4 friends called "Jesus" BUT over 25 named "Maria"  ::)

Stimpy,did you ever see the movie "Religiliuos" by Bill Maher ?
there was a guy a mexican who actually claimed to a desendant of jesus christ,had quite a following,and his name was Jesus Christ,I have no idea how he got that last name.
I do know how the first JC got his name, it was about Dec 25 about 2010 years ago,this gal got pregnant and her husband was so pi$sed off because he knew he was not the Dad,so they left town because of the shame she would bring the house,there were no rooms at the inn so they stayed in the barn out back, it was a busy night and before long 3 guys walked in after putting in a long shift at burger king,all dressed in there work clothes,it was dark ,with just one candle for light.
the guys started walking in one noticed the mom feeding her baby at the same moment he stepped on a rake ,the handle came up really hard and banged him right on the forhead, his hand flew to his head he screamed "JESUS CHRIST ! " the woman said thats a great name,thats what we will call him".

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Edgar on 06/22/10 at 01:07:37

Religon is the root of all evil

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Stimpy on 06/22/10 at 05:18:54

Mick: yup, good film, have to re-watch soon  ;)

Ed: well yes, yes and no. It's sadly waaay
more complicated than that; as far as we
know through what is left of written (or
drawn) history, religion has simply been
a very effective tool to control the masses,
but the "root of all evil" remains greed and
the thirst for power.

Spirituality is one thing and religion is another.

Spirituality is an undisputed fact of life because
we all, with no exceptions, are at some point
torn with the duality of the human condition.
Torn between being an aware beast and/or
something much higher.

Religion is a whole different animal. When people
believe in nothing, they'll believe anything and
this is dangerous. It all started as a way to try
to explain electromagnetism, the celestial bodies
and other natural forces and occurrences, this
eventually turned in to tales, legends and mythology.

Further on, this was found to be a great tool to control
whole populations because it really resonates with the
one single universal instinctive human desire (which
can also be turned into a weakness): we are explorers
by design and therefore we crave answers, specially to
the 3 fundamental questions of WHO are we, WHERE
do we come from and WHY are we here?

Religion promised answers, but there was one catch,
a loophole to weasel their way out of their part of the
deal...  this we call "faith".

Science to the rescue?  Not so fast, because the
second it becomes politicized, it becomes religion
and the vicious circle starts again.

The funniest thing of all is that when one really
studies all of the world's religions you soon realize
that they are all a carbon-copy of the other, and is
here exactly where nothing makes sense anymore
and where you can clearly see the truth:
the ill-meant intentions of the ruling class, the end.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/22/10 at 17:17:25

It's so refreshing to see a few more people who actually are smart enough to know and see the truth,good thinking Edgar and welcome to,Sorry I had not seen you before.Hang in there. Mick

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Edgar on 06/22/10 at 18:13:56

Thanks for the welcome. I just want to clarify to any you who are religious that I never mean to offend you. I come from a fairly religious family, but I do not share their beliefs. I'm no atheist but I also refuse to live my life based on a book that was carefully written by mortal men. A book that has been made into a business.

Stimpy I was referring to all the blood that's been shed on the name of religion

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by stinger on 06/23/10 at 03:15:14

Not a particularly religious person myself. But I read where most famous leaders of the world usually have someone with them at their deaths. It seems most start praying like hell before death. Besides only a moron would say there can be no heaven. You know that for a fact? About as smart as someone saying there is no chance of life in outer space. You don't know and you never will. So a smart person would say" I don't know".

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Stimpy on 06/23/10 at 05:54:59

I'm starting to like this thread,
lots of inteligent, neutral opinions
and for once nobody is offended  :)

Ed: yes, exactly, WHY the bloodshed!?
Stinger: exactly, nobody knows for sure.
Mick: you've always been an outspoken guy, thank god  :D
About me: I guess I'm an agnostic of sort,
I just know there is "something" "out there",
but what/where/how/why? crap.

It's 2010 and today birth from a virgin is
possible through science, flying (tripulated)
"balls of fire" are real as well as curing the
blind, genetic manipulation of species, the
"seeding" of life and even a form of very
rudimentary space and even timetravel
(mach speeds/Hadron collider/superstring
theory/teleportation of particles/etc).

Is it really SO hard to believe that maybe
all the "bibles" are in fact real but grossly
misinterpreted historic/prediction documents?
What if the bible is not about religion at all,
but about the disclosure project? Think about it.

Why does the vatican have such a HUGE library
full of documents and artifacts 1000's of years
old? (that funny enough they share with no one,
ever). Why do the need labs to study human dna?
Why has the vatican always had THE best tele-
scopes money could buy (breadcrumbs from
Galileo to the hubble money) but still they just
recently accepted Nicolaus Copernicus theory
on orbits? What are they hiding/looking for?

Or maybe those advanced human civilizations
never really "disappeared" but left somewhere
and just come back for "supplies" once in a while?

Or maybe it was "god" after all the one responsible
for all this mess and, as predicted, will soon send his
ambassadors to check on us  and tell us to play nice  ::)

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by bill67 on 06/23/10 at 08:15:17

Maybe Mary was a virgin before god did her,Its seem like a lot of men back then only talk about virgins and wanted them,Maybe they thought they would be like god,Well that was a good excuse to go after them anyway.The Catholics got mixed up as usual and thought he meant virgin boys.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/23/10 at 09:39:36

30372A2D242631430 wrote:
Not a particularly religious person myself. But I read where most famous leaders of the world usually have someone with them at their deaths. It seems most start praying like hell before death. Besides only a moron would say there can be no heaven. You know that for a fact? About as smart as someone saying there is no chance of life in outer space. You don't know and you never will. So a smart person would say" I don't know".

my Dad who died two days ago had a priest removed from his room.
I must be a moron because I know there is no heavon, and in the remote chance that there is one,who would abide there ?
Or are you saying people go to heaven as is ? complete with a body ?
Or is it  just a spirit ? so what would a spirit do in heaven, what can heaven have thats better than here on earth ? motorcycles ? Golf courses ? Sailing ? screwing ? fishing ? drinking ? if they don't have any of that who in the heck would want to go ?
Amazingly even deeply religious people seem reluctent to die, they hang on as long as possable, if heaven is so great I would think they would try and speed things along a bit.
You know my Dads family were all here on fathers day, a few hours later we took him back to the nursing home, all he said was as we put him to bed ,he stretched out ,and with a sigh ,said "time to go" he went to sleep a few hours later he was dead.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Serowbot on 06/23/10 at 10:33:39

6265787F767463110 wrote:
...Besides only a moron would say there can be no heaven. You know that for a fact? About as smart as someone saying there is no chance of life in outer space. You don't know and you never will. So a smart person would say" I don't know".

I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbour such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms. (Albert Einstein, obituary in New York Times, 19 April 1955)

Einstein,... what a moron... :-?...

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/23/10 at 15:57:39

3B3C21262F2D3A480 wrote:
Not a particularly religious person myself. But I read where most famous leaders of the world usually have someone with them at their deaths. It seems most start praying like hell before death. Besides only a moron would say there can be no heaven. You know that for a fact? About as smart as someone saying there is no chance of life in outer space. You don't know and you never will. So a smart person would say" I don't know".

There is a darn good chance that life exists in outer space, I never said otherwise. And at 72 years old I think I will find out in my lifetime.
As for heaven,forget it,don't go getting your hopes up,but I guess it doesn't matter because you are a long time dead.And you will never know.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by drharveys on 06/23/10 at 19:47:33

Getting back to those photos --

Lightening hitting that statue only proves that God is an art critic!

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Serowbot on 06/23/10 at 19:54:03

445248415256455953200 wrote:
Getting back to those photos --

Lightening hitting that statue only proves that God is an art critic!

;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mick on 06/23/10 at 22:18:45

5F49535A494D5E42483B0 wrote:
Getting back to those photos --

Lightening hitting that statue only proves that God is an art critic!

pretty good evidence,he is a good shot with lightning too.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Jay on 06/25/10 at 01:11:23

The photos are hilarious. I agree, God must be an art critic!
As for me, well I choose to believe, but I also choose not to try to cram it down others throats. I don't hold anything against Mick for his poking at relegion. Most of it is well deserved. He's simply giving a little back for those who've shoved it at him over his life. We can none of us prove God exists any more than we can prove He doesn't. Not in scientific terms. One can say that they believe God doesn't exist because they asked Him to show Himself, and He did not; or that He can't possibly exist because of the mess the world is in, or because of all the blood that has been shed in His name. That logic has a few holes for me. I could use the same reasoning to say Barak Obama doesn't exist. I called the DC switchboard and they refused to put me through, a conspiracy. All the pics and video of him? Clearly doctored. All the articles and accounts written about him? Written by mortal men weren't they? As for those who claim to have "seen" him with their own eyes or shook his hand, well thats just mass hysteria. Besides, he couldn't possibly exist. The most powerful man in the world, and just look at the mess this country is in. :)
Malice to none. Everybody play nice.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mikelhsr1982 on 06/25/10 at 08:11:54

Growing up, religion was crammed into my head.  Over the years it dont seem to go away.  So as I got older I was able to form my own opinions on the subject.  I hate that people fall for these donate scams that TV evangelists sell, or how everyone says their religion is the right one.  I think that religion was created to suppress the masses.  What better way to have control over people than to threaten them with hell, or to give them some kind of perk like heaven for believing.  I think it was kind of genius to write a book that gives future tense consciousness  for not giving in to the beliefs of it.  Who is to say we couldnt write a book and market it  to make people today and future generations believe what we write.  And its even worse here in the bible belt.  It seems to market here real well.  In closing I think it is the most controversial subject to pass time.  I dont aim to offend anyone, just expressing my opinion like the freedom of speech says I can.  

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by drharveys on 06/25/10 at 10:54:01

"There are no proofs that God exists -- only witnesses."

Not sure who the quote is from, most likely either Soren Kierkegaard or Abraham Joshua Heschel.  Regardless, it's an excellent statement.

We tend to get our first exposure to religion as children, and it is presented to us at a child's level.  Then we grow up, and are expected to maintain this child-like and child-ish faith.  The results:  the "pie in the sky when you die" evangelicals, poring over holy texts for hidden meanings and interpretations like the Hasidic Jews or medieval Christian scholastics ("how many angels can dance on the head of a pin"), or the rote memorization of texts -- this last one popular in the Muslim and Buddhist communities.

None of which helps us understand our relationship with the universe in an adult manner.  

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mikelhsr1982 on 06/25/10 at 12:10:41

I have this old motto, not sure now were I heard it but it made sense, but "if i cant see it, feel it, hear it,taste it, or touch it, then it doesn't exist".  Im a firm believer in luck and life being random.  But here is my argument, Ive been told that I shouldn't question were god came from.  Why is that, why cant anyone explain that? All great things have an explanation don't they.  

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by on 06/25/10 at 13:13:50

3E3A38363F3B2021626A6B61530 wrote:
I have this old motto, not sure now were I heard it but it made sense, but "if i cant see it, feel it, hear it,taste it, or touch it, then it doesn't exist".  

What about love?

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mikelhsr1982 on 06/25/10 at 13:24:21

7F7D6A79747C36706D7F707D6B180 wrote:
[quote author=3E3A38363F3B2021626A6B61530 link=1277064066/30#33 date=1277493041]I have this old motto, not sure now were I heard it but it made sense, but "if i cant see it, feel it, hear it,taste it, or touch it, then it doesn't exist".  
I rekon that falls under feel, lol.  Guess I should have been more specific.  lol

What about love?[/quote]

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by BurnPgh on 06/25/10 at 13:24:26

You've never felt love gerald?

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by bill67 on 06/25/10 at 13:48:11

To all religions women are no more than a piece of meat,I don't see it that way thats why I am an atheist.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by Stimpy on 06/25/10 at 13:48:59

"if i cant see it, feel it, hear it,taste it, or touch it, then it doesn't exist"

This really rings a bell to me because I used to think
EXACTLY this way, then one day something happened
and I soon realized that there was a BIG problem.

Humans are visual beings by design, now more
than ever in this colorful world full of movement,
screens and advertising we live in, but there is a
huge problem and I'll explain it with the best
example I can think of right now:

Stacked-up, all the light wavelengths in the
physical universe would be as tall as the empire
state building, but if one takes into account the
visual range of the human eye this would not
even measure the thickness of a sheet of paper
and this does not mean that those other 102 floors
do not exist, "see" the problem?

Also realized that all of our senses are just electric
impulses translated into things and feelings by our brain
and that humans are actually pretty ill equipped in the
5 senses department to begin with.

** Just a few examples:

Vision (Natural light) A cat has 400,000 sense organ cells per
square millimeter catch light and movement, a hawk 1 million.

Aural (Sound) Humans have a hearing range of 20-20,000 Hz.
A bat of 2,000-110,000, a beluga whale from 1,000-123,000Hz.
A porpoise can hear up to 150,000 Hz and a common mouse to 90k.

Ecolocation (Sonar) Whales, dolphins, bats and some
shrews use ecolocation to navigate their surroundings.

Infrared Vision (Radiation) Rattlesnakes and other pit
vipers use their eyes to see during the day, but at night
they use infrared sensory organs to detect and hunt
warm-blooded prey.

Ultra Violet Many fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
insects and some mammals have ultraviolet vision, but
not humans.

Electric Sense Electric eels, some rays have modified
muscle cells that can shock and sometimes kill their prey.
Other fish and frogs use weaker electric fields to navigate.

Bio-electric Sharks have a semiconductor gel that
can sense bioelectric fields of prey and other animals in
seawater using an extraordinary system of sense organs
called ampullae of Lorenzini.

Magnetic Sense A number of animals that have deposits
of magnetite in their nervous systems are able to sense
the earth's magnetic field (north) and navigate accordingly.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by verslagen1 on 06/25/10 at 14:19:00

5450525C55514A4B0800010B390 wrote:
I have this old motto, not sure now were I heard it but it made sense, but "if i cant see it, feel it, hear it,taste it, or touch it, then it doesn't exist".  Im a firm believer in luck and life being random.  But here is my argument, Ive been told that I shouldn't question were god came from.  Why is that, why cant anyone explain that? All great things have an explanation don't they.  

Then virus's don't exist and no one should be sick.
Then electron's don't exist and there should be no electricity.
Then atom's don't exist and there should be no matter.

There's a whole lot in this world I can't personally see, etc., etc. and a whole lot more I can't even begin to unstand yet I know is present.  To say that god does not exist is a sign of arrogance and ignorance.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by on 06/25/10 at 14:40:21

1C2B2C300E39365E0 wrote:
You've never felt love gerald?

Please reread the original quote and my comment.

Title: Re: the late great JC
Post by mikelhsr1982 on 06/25/10 at 15:03:36

445740415E5355575C03320 wrote:
[quote author=5450525C55514A4B0800010B390 link=1277064066/30#33 date=1277493041]I have this old motto, not sure now were I heard it but it made sense, but "if i cant see it, feel it, hear it,taste it, or touch it, then it doesn't exist".  Im a firm believer in luck and life being random.  But here is my argument, Ive been told that I shouldn't question were god came from.  Why is that, why cant anyone explain that? All great things have an explanation don't they.  

Then virus's don't exist and no one should be sick.
Then electron's don't exist and there should be no electricity.
Then atom's don't exist and there should be no matter.

There's a whole lot in this world I can't personally see, etc., etc. and a whole lot more I can't even begin to unstand yet I know is present.  To say that god does not exist is a sign of arrogance and ignorance.[/quote]
If you have a virus, you feel it, stick your finger in a socket, you feel it, or you can see electricity spark.  

As far as arrogance and ignorance, to each his own » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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