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Message started by Horatio Hawkshaw on 06/19/10 at 06:25:42

Title: My other, other project
Post by Horatio Hawkshaw on 06/19/10 at 06:25:42

Back at the end of January, I picked this up off craigslist...

It's a 1946 Philco, just the shell- no chassis or turntable or speaker. A church had been using it as a lectern for the last 25 years.

It looks okay in the above picture, but upon closer inspection:

Lots of grime. Lots of wax build up, dirt, etc. The veneer was peeling in a lot of places, heavy gouges, corroded hardware.

So, I did a little work on it:

Used red oak, maple, and mahogany veneers; cherry English chestnut, and ebony stains; basic flat black paint, three coats of polyurethane...

The glass was in great shape- I put some green felt behind it, on the tin that was originally flocked brown. The knobs are just dowel caps painted gold.

The purists are mad at me because it wasn't taken back to original. I'm happy with that.  ;)

I still have the interior to finish- it's going to have a PC built into the top part where the radio chassis went. Down below, where the speaker and turntable were, I'll be mounting shelves for the home theater receiver, cable box, PS3, and HD DVD player. Looks a he11uva lot better than a pressboard Wally World entertainment center.  8-)

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by klx650sm2002 on 06/19/10 at 06:47:20

Hey HH nice one, very nice one.
Clive W :)

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by Horatio Hawkshaw on 06/19/10 at 07:21:25

Thankee sai  :)

I'm looking for another one, to do up for my dad. I've got 'til either October for his birthday, or Christmas...

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by jef.savage on 06/19/10 at 07:35:56

What a great idea and beautifully executed.

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by mick on 06/19/10 at 08:05:18

nice work Harkshaw, very nice.

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/10 at 12:34:19

Thats a great Re-Run project. So many people would have tossed it out. I wouldnt have been able to do that. Thats cool. I was hoping you were gonna find an old shortwave to put in, but what youve done is WAY cool. I've a project getting close enough to done to start using it. Pretty sure it will need some fine tuning once we get started working w/ it. Its ALL Re-Run stuff. An old Radio Flyer wagon w/ legs off a defunct radial arm saw, wheels taken from some garden eqpt, brace for front leg is a bar from a crib I didnt like, handle from some kinda roll about cart, who knows,, been around a while, some baling wire.( baling wire is required on such projects. Duct tape would have been required if it wasnt an outside kinda thing)
So, what is it? You may be asking, Its to put by the grill when cooking outside.
Its not near as pretty as that old Re-Run Radio job. Man, I LIKE that.

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by JohnBoy on 06/19/10 at 16:06:14

Hey Hawkshaw, will it pick up anything besides "Amos and Andy"?
Nice work man!

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by Midnightrider on 06/19/10 at 20:07:59

Thats beautiful work, you have a real talent!

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by kimchris1 on 06/19/10 at 21:41:18

Very nice.. :)

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/10 at 01:45:09

You never said how many hours you put into that. Ive already got an embarrassing number in that rollabout. But, Im gonna dig having it & Itll last a loong time.

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by Horatio Hawkshaw on 06/20/10 at 20:24:22

Oh, gosh... I have absolutely no idea how much time I've put into it- off and on for four months. I worked on it for most of the day today as well, finishing out the inside and building a chassis for the PC components. All I've got left to do it mount the optical drives and the front panel controls (they'll hide out inside the cabinet, up at the top when you open the door.)

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/10 at 21:17:56

Yea, looks like some pretty tedious, pretty much surgical, work. Im sure it took a long time. Ive probably got somewhere near 5 or 6 hours in just replacing the blade on the front sight on the Ruger 22 pistol & theres still another 3 or 4 there. &, the heck of it is, I dunno if its gonna be any good then or not. Ya pays yer money & ya takes yer chances. Owell, if it sticks, a new one is only about 20 bucks, but I started filing on it because I couldnt hit w/ that big block up there.

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by Savage_Amusement on 06/20/10 at 22:32:40

That turned out KILLER!!

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by Skid Mark on 06/20/10 at 23:28:21

Looks great and what a brilliant idea to turn it into a home theatre equipment stand. That's going to be a real conversation piece.
Had you taken it to the Antiques Road Show, who knows. maybe you could have retired, or maybe not.

Title: Re: My other, other project
Post by babyhog on 06/21/10 at 06:50:25

Very nice!  How tall is it?

I have one similar, can't remember the brand right now, will have to look tonight.  It was my grandfather's, from early 50's, maybe late 40's.  I'll try to remember to take some pics this evening when I get home. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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