General Category >> The Cafe >> More excitment than I was wanting.

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/10 at 07:50:13

Title: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/10 at 07:50:13

Digging around in a part of the shop I hadnt messed w/ in a while, & we had a LOAD of hard rain a couple days ago, so, maybe thats when the copperhead slipped in. Thats okay, I kinda expect to find a sname in the shop once in a while, what took me by surprise was the blasted thing was in the top of the roll about, like 3 feet off the floor. I had no idea a copperhead could climb. I also had never thot about hacking ones head off with the edge of a small piece of plywood, but sure Nuff, ya stand it on his neck & drag it sideways & Whooops,, off pops the head after just a few inches. He was small, 21" long, skinny as a finger & the color wasnt yet the copper shade, it was kinda grayish, but I know that pattern. I guess as they mature they get the copper color.
Lessons learned: Snakes dont have to just be on the floor. Snakes seek shelter from real hard rain. They dont make much noise as they travel, either. So, youse folks pay attention if you live where these critters live. We have water mocassins, rattlers & copperheads round here, tho Ive yet to see a rattler, my SIL says he heard one.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Skid Mark on 06/12/10 at 08:02:35

I hate snakes. We have rattlers east of here. Never met one and hope I never do. Good to here your encounter turned out ok. I would assume they are very poisonous even at that young and tender age.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Serowbot on 06/12/10 at 08:55:16

Woof!... :-?...

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by kimchris1 on 06/12/10 at 09:23:55

I HATE SNAKES!!!! Can't stand the slithery creatures. I can't even watch them on tv as they give me the creeps.

At work few years back, went into the bathroom. Almost sh*t my pants as their was a toy rubber snake on the floor. I had not expected to see it and  at first thought it was real...

I was born and rasied in Fla and so have seen many large water mocassions and other various kinds of snakes. My  dad used to bring home the rattlers off the tails of rattle snakes he killed..

My philosophy now is, only good snake is a dead snake. Sorry if you snake lovers get offended by that.

Glad your safe and the encounter went your way...

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Phelonius on 06/12/10 at 09:41:10

Some years ago in South Australia I was in a pub drinking with a medically retired Australian army vet.  The subject of snakes came up and I said that back in  the U.S. we could generally tell a poisonous snake from a non-poisonous one by the shape of his head with the coral snake being the only exception.  I asked if one could tell a poisonous snake from a harmless snake that way in Australia.
He looked at me strangely and said," Listen mate, there are more than 80 different specie of snakes in this land, three of them are non poisonous. " "Killem all!"


Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Serowbot on 06/12/10 at 10:24:00

everything that moves seems to be deadly poisonous in Australia... :-?...

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by JohnBoy on 06/12/10 at 10:24:38

I worked on a survey crew in central FL and we saw rattlesnakes and cottonmouths almost daily. The diamondbacks, even the big ones, were pretty shy. They would flee at every opportunity, and no one ever got bit. The cottonmouths were a different story. They were not inclined to strike at "you", but would follow you as you cut line through the brush. They seemed to be using the crew to scare up game for them.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by photojoe on 06/12/10 at 11:56:48

So Justin, the real question is; how did it taste?

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/10 at 12:44:35

IF I was inclined to eat one, & Im NOT, thank YEW vera much, it was so skinny that it wouldnt have made more than a few bites.

I stepped on a mocassin crossing a bayou in Houston when I was just a 10 or 11 Y/O kid. It came at me, I slipped down, it was coming at my chest & I knew Id die if it bit me there, so I slapped it... No more swimming, not even in a pool, till I was 14. I was terrified in water if I couldnt see my feet. Finally, someone reached out & hauled my skinny butt outta the water. We went fishing for mocassins for a few weeks after that. Short line w/ bacon. Catch one, drag it down the bank & someone would machette the head off, dig a hole, cut the line & bury head & hook. Than start over.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Starlifter on 06/12/10 at 13:53:09

Are people mean to snakes because they are poisonous? Or are snakes poisonous because people are mean to them?...all God's creatures great and small.

...well and then again I have lived in this part of Michigan for 38 years and have never ever seen a snake of any kind here. :o

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by mick on 06/12/10 at 15:45:47

082F3A2937323D2F3E295B0 wrote:
Are people mean to snakes because they are poisonous? Or are snakes poisonous because people are mean to them?...all God's creatures great and small.

...well and then again I have lived in this part of Michigan for 38 years and have never ever seen a snake of any kind here. :o

What! no lawyers in Michigan ?

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by bill67 on 06/12/10 at 15:52:22

You know you can take a small snake and put it in a jar,Put some air holes in the top,Put it in the refrigerator it will hibernate and not move any time you take it out and it warms up it will move again I did that when I was a kid,It might of been in the freezer I don't remember for sure.You can leave it in there for weeks it does the same thing.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Phelonius on 06/12/10 at 16:19:35

797277772D2C1B0 wrote:
You know you can take a small snake and put it in a jar,Put some air holes in the top,Put it in the refrigerator it will hibernate and not move any time you take it out and it warms up it will move again I did that when I was a kid,It might of been in the freezer I don't remember for sure.You can leave it in there for weeks it does the same thing.

And all that time the snake is thinking, "I want to bite the hands that freeze me."

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by earlytimz on 06/12/10 at 16:21:15

Hey Kim, those eastern diamondbacks in Fla are the biggest rattlers there are, most poisonous too. We saw one laying across the road in north Fla I swear had to be 6 foot long! I've seen a few timber rattlers around here but they are generally only 2-3 foot. Snakes normally don't bother me, but when you hear one rattle it puts the fear in you quick, fast, like in a hurry!!

Justin, copperheads aren't necessarily always the same color. They can vary quite a bit. 21" is pretty good size for one too, as they are not a big snake. I'd say he was plenty big enough to ruin your day if you had accidentally put your hand down on him!! They are feisty little devils!

I had a similar surprise yesterday evening. I went out to the shop and noticed a bunch of boxes & things knocked off into the floor. They came from high up on the shelves, like 9' and higher. I originally thought someone had broken in, but nothing was missing. I checked around and found some scat on the floor, right beside the savage. I don't know if it was a skunk or a coon. I leave my overhead doors open about 6" from the floor so it doesn't get so hot out there during the day. I can lock them like that so it's secure, but it leaves enough room for critters to come and go.

A couple years ago I was out there messing around. I had the stereo cranked up & all the lights on, just working away on something. You can tell when a skunk is close from the smell, but it's pretty common out here so I don't pay it much mind usually. Well I smelled the smell that night & just happened to look up and here comes a baby skunk waddling up in the shop like he owned the place. I just froze, sure as hell didn't wanna startle him.. He came right up to me, looked around, then turned around and waddled out. Cute little dude but stunk like hell!!

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by bill67 on 06/12/10 at 16:48:41

A snow snake is one of the most dangerous snake there is there in northern Wisconsin.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by kimchris1 on 06/12/10 at 19:23:53

Well makes no difference what kind they are.. I don't like em...

Ok so here is a cute true story.

Going back to when my kids were in Jr.High. Didn't have alot of money, son lost his history book. Well to replace they charge new price even though book was in used condition. We looked everywhere. One aftenoon him and his sister come strolling into the yard after school.
Mommm got something for ya... Do you see where this is heading?
Long story short,, I thought immediately he had found the missing book.. I put my hands out, with closed eyes.. I realized it wasn't a book even before I opened my eyes.. The lil buggers had placed a dead snake over my hands.
I never gave them the satisfaction of screaming or running away. I simply turned my hands over and let it drop to the ground..Then slowly walked back into the house. Never said a word to them.
Later telling their Dad what had transpired, he said he would have spanked their butts.. I said Ohhh I did better.. I never gave any response. Had I let on they would have seen from then on how many snakes they could scare me with..
They would have both been so pleased to know I was creeped out for awhile...

Yet that is one snake story which I hope I never forget as I get older. As to this day I can see them coming into the yard Mommmm and I smile.. :)

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by earlytimz on 06/12/10 at 19:43:32

Cute story! Gotta love those memories...

Kinda sneaky though, with all the child psychology trickery going on... LoL

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by kimchris1 on 06/12/10 at 19:52:41

Well majored in my own kind of "child phychology". Seemed to work at least on them when I needed it to...haha

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/10 at 20:23:20

I'd be looking for a Big "get even"..

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by verslagen1 on 06/12/10 at 21:57:25

yes, I'm still waiting for you to drop the other shoe.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Phelonius on 06/13/10 at 15:38:07

5D4E5958474A4C4E451A2B0 wrote:
yes, I'm still waiting for you to drop the other shoe.

Would that be the one with the scorpion in it?

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by babyhog on 06/14/10 at 09:56:48

Another snake story...

Last summer, I was sitting in my living room, and noticed my MinPin looking toward our entryway.  He had that kinda "what the heck is that" look, tilting his head back and forth.  I got up to look, just in time to see a big black snake slithering down my hallway!  I live in a mid-entry home.  Doggie door next to the front door.  The garage comes in from the basement and the doggie door is on the mid level.  I didn't think snakes could climb stairs, but this one did... it either got into the garage, and up the stairs, or through the doggie door!!  

The bad part about the story is that I was home alone.  Ran back into the living room, jumped up on the hearth (alot of good that would do...) Called hubby, but he was transporting a tractor across the mountain and was at least an hour from getting home.  I looked out the front window.  Luckily neighbor's truck was home.  Called and told him come get this darn thing outta my house!  

Since the hallway was dark, I couldn't tell if it went under a closet door, into the bathroom, or worse - into my bedroom!  Neighbor checked the bathroom first, as the door was open.  Then opened the closet door, and there the thing was, all coiled up.  He had brought a hoe with him, so he dragged it out.  I screamed "whack it"...  while he's trying to chase it out the back door.  Got it out on the back deck and he finally killed it.  Later he told me he didn't want to tear up my floor.... It was about 5 feet long.  Gives me the creeps to even look at the pictures again....

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by kimchris1 on 06/14/10 at 10:38:47

Hey Piglet, nice of your neighbor to come to your rescue. Hopefully you made him a  nice pie or some brownies. Those are the kind of neighbors I like.  :)

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Phelonius on 06/14/10 at 10:39:00

Looks like a bull snake. If so , it would npt have bitten you even if you were right next to it. If you stepped on it, it might but is non venomous.

The primarily eat mice , rats , and squirls, and such, one in a while a cute bird.


Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by babyhog on 06/14/10 at 10:52:01

5C646960636265797F0C0 wrote:
Looks like a bull snake. If so , it would npt have bitten you even if you were right next to it. If you stepped on it, it might but is non venomous.

The primarily eat mice , rats , and squirls, and such, one in a while a cute bird.


We think it was a common black snake.  Bull snake maybe.  And thanks, but poisonous or not, they just scare me.  Dead is better, IMO.  But I wouldn't be as scared if it happened again.  Haven't had any more in the house, and haven't even seen any more around, except for one little tiny one.  I don't know where this big sucker came from.  It was odd.  We have several squirrels around, but I've never seen a rat or mouse where I live, or even evidence of one.  I'd like to keep it that way!  I did see 3 deer walk across my back yard a couple of weeks ago...

And Kimmy, I gave him a beer!   ;)

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Phelonius on 06/14/10 at 12:45:32

0C0F0E03011B620 wrote:
[quote author=5C646960636265797F0C0 link=1276354213/15#23 date=1276537140]Looks like a bull snake. If so , it would npt have bitten you even if you were right next to it. If you stepped on it, it might but is non venomous.

The primarily eat mice , rats , and squirls, and such, one in a while a cute bird.


We think it was a common black snake.  Bull snake maybe.  And thanks, but poisonous or not, they just scare me.  Dead is better, IMO.  But I wouldn't be as scared if it happened again.  Haven't had any more in the house, and haven't even seen any more around, except for one little tiny one.  I don't know where this big sucker came from.  It was odd.  We have several squirrels around, but I've never seen a rat or mouse where I live, or even evidence of one.  I'd like to keep it that way!  I did see 3 deer walk across my back yard a couple of weeks ago...

And Kimmy, I gave him a beer!   ;)[/quote]

Now a black snake is a testy fellow and will bite with little provocation.  Not poisonous but it smarts and can get infected cause snakes don't brush after every meal.


Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by babyhog on 06/14/10 at 12:58:52

0D353831323334282E5D0 wrote:
[quote author=0C0F0E03011B620 link=1276354213/15#24 date=1276537921][quote author=5C646960636265797F0C0 link=1276354213/15#23 date=1276537140]Looks like a bull snake. If so , it would npt have bitten you even if you were right next to it. If you stepped on it, it might but is non venomous.

The primarily eat mice , rats , and squirls, and such, one in a while a cute bird.


We think it was a common black snake.  Bull snake maybe.  And thanks, but poisonous or not, they just scare me.  Dead is better, IMO.  But I wouldn't be as scared if it happened again.  Haven't had any more in the house, and haven't even seen any more around, except for one little tiny one.  I don't know where this big sucker came from.  It was odd.  We have several squirrels around, but I've never seen a rat or mouse where I live, or even evidence of one.  I'd like to keep it that way!  I did see 3 deer walk across my back yard a couple of weeks ago...

And Kimmy, I gave him a beer!   ;)[/quote]

Now a black snake is a testy fellow and will bite with little provocation.  Not poisonous but it smarts and can get infected cause snakes don't brush after every meal.


Well cripes, man, which one is it?  Sounds like I need to know!   Here's a closeup... and another pic, with my neighbor, the hero...

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Serowbot on 06/14/10 at 13:06:06

That snake makes your Rottweiler look puny!... :-?...

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by verslagen1 on 06/14/10 at 13:26:17

The MinPin deserved a big steak too.  After all he's the one that said WTF is that.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Tiefighterpilot on 06/14/10 at 13:45:38

I heard they taste like chicken, but more tender.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Phelonius on 06/14/10 at 14:52:59

Now that is a snaaaake!  I like the snarf stick that picks up the snake though, it does away with the possibility of a bite.


Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Ed L. on 06/14/10 at 17:48:52

When I was a kid my dad had a black indigo racer about six feet long. Real pretty snake with a red/orange belly and shiny black back. The thing was pretty tame and would just wrap around my arm when watching TV. I was never was scared of snakes but they still make me jump when they slither across the path in front of me. Haven't come across any poisonous snakes here in Florida yet but plan to keep well out of the way of any that I might see.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by John_D FSO on 06/14/10 at 18:20:30

Not a big snake fan myself.  I won't go outta my way to harrass them, but they better stay the he!! way from me! :o  
Growing up we had mostly bull snakes and garter snakes (neat stripes!), but some other varieties.  Rattlers along the rivers, water moccasins farther south, hognose snakes (poisonous, but their teeth are farther back in their throat, hard to get bit), what everyone called a "sand viper", don't know if they were poisonous, but they had the arrow shaped head, and what Dad called a blue racer, not sure if it was the same as what you were talking about Ed, but I know those little suckers could move!

My great aunt used to be death on snakes.  She had her husband sharpen her garden hoe, and if she ever saw one... chop chop chop!  Biggest one was a bullsnake, over 6' long, minus 3" or so behind his head! :o

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Starlifter on 06/14/10 at 19:00:53

Bill, I practilly grew up in the northern tip of Wisconsin (Bayfield Country.)

What the heck is a snow snake??? Never heard of one???

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Southpaw on 06/14/10 at 19:33:29

Babyhog, I believe what you had was a kingsnake.
They eat other snakes (including poisonous ones) and can easily grow to 5 ft and longer. I used to kill them until I worked on my uncle's farm one year. He told me to leave them alone around his place, it was the biggest reason he didn't have copperheads around the farmhouse!

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by stinger on 06/15/10 at 01:10:58

Ive woke up with a hangover and a couple snakes in my bed before

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/10 at 01:24:53

So, tonite at about 12:30, I needed to go out to the shop to make a little tool. Heading back in, I had a 22 pistol Id worked on earlier. Didnt like the front sight, so filed it off & rebuilt it with a piece of hard wire. When I opened the door to leave I saw a Fat mocassin, scootin on across the path to the house. Grabbed a flashlight & a hooked wire to drag the wood back that it had gone behind. Only had to pull 2 board before it came out, heading on toward the pond. I couldnt see the sights at all, but I could see that blasted snake pretty well, thanks to the big lite the power company put up on the pole. The pole was to the right front of me, not behind me, so the sights were no good for me. From about 6 feet, pointed & pulled the trigger. The right side of his head went all to pieces & the bullet went on & hit him in the body about 5 inches back, too. It turned & took off. I thjot Id missed & was lining up for another shot, as it was headed up a small rise & back into the wood ( building materials to finish the chicken pen up with). It stopped & started sliding back down. Grabbed it w/ the hooked wire I moved things with & went & got the family. They were headed out anyway, because of the shot. My SIL & I hacked its head off w/ a machette. He's planning on skinning the stanky thing tomorrow. Well, later today, I guess, since its almost 3:30 now..
So, who wants to come visit us out in the boonies? I have a big tent for visitors,,

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Reelthing on 06/15/10 at 03:27:19

poor little critter - the back 1/3 fries up pretty good -  beer batter and tatar sauce....

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by babyhog on 06/15/10 at 06:32:08

594640475A5D6C5C6C54464A01330 wrote:
So, tonite at about 12:30, I needed to go out to the shop to make a little tool. Heading back in, I had a 22 pistol Id worked on earlier. Didnt like the front sight, so filed it off & rebuilt it with a piece of hard wire. When I opened the door to leave I saw a Fat mocassin, scootin on across the path to the house. Grabbed a flashlight & a hooked wire to drag the wood back that it had gone behind. Only had to pull 2 board before it came out, heading on toward the pond. I couldnt see the sights at all, but I could see that blasted snake pretty well, thanks to the big lite the power company put up on the pole. The pole was to the right front of me, not behind me, so the sights were no good for me. From about 6 feet, pointed & pulled the trigger. The right side of his head went all to pieces & the bullet went on & hit him in the body about 5 inches back, too. It turned & took off. I thjot Id missed & was lining up for another shot, as it was headed up a small rise & back into the wood ( building materials to finish the chicken pen up with). It stopped & started sliding back down. Grabbed it w/ the hooked wire I moved things with & went & got the family. They were headed out anyway, because of the shot. My SIL & I hacked its head off w/ a machette. He's planning on skinning the stanky thing tomorrow. Well, later today, I guess, since its almost 3:30 now..
So, who wants to come visit us out in the boonies? I have a big tent for visitors,,

Hey everybody, let's party at Justin's!  Just be sure to bring your guns, machettes, and hoes!

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by bill67 on 06/15/10 at 06:36:33

I done know about the guns and knifes but I could bring a lot of hoes.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by kimchris1 on 06/15/10 at 06:48:22

LAUGHING.... ;D ;D ;D   I figured it wouldn't take someone long to offer to bring the hoe's...

As long as someone is sleeping outside the tent with a shotgun or machette I would camp out there. Otherwise, thanks but no thanks.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/10 at 08:16:38

4D7A7A736B777671781F0 wrote:
poor little critter - the back 1/3 fries up pretty good -  beer batter and tatar sauce....

A moccassin? Man they stank..But, that beer batter you make IS exceptional. Mite could hide an old tennis shoe in that stuff & still think it tastes good.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by T Mack 1 - FSO on 06/15/10 at 09:34:46

5E666B626160677B7D0E0 wrote:
[quote author=797277772D2C1B0 link=1276354213/0#11 date=1276383142]You know you can take a small snake and put it in a jar,Put some air holes in the top,Put it in the refrigerator it will hibernate and not move any time you take it out and it warms up it will move again I did that when I was a kid,It might of been in the freezer I don't remember for sure.You can leave it in there for weeks it does the same thing.

And all that time the snake is thinking, "I want to bite the hands that freeze me."[/quote]

ROFLOL !!!!!

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by Phelonius on 06/15/10 at 09:37:09

A snow snake is the most dangerous snake in the north.  On ski trails they will loop over a ski and break your leg. Then they crawl up your a$$  and freeze you to death.

Phelonius :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/10 at 00:34:41

Why start another thread?
I got me some real excitement today. My wife needed a container for birdseed, to feed the little birds. I had set it on the cab of the pickup. I was close & walked quickly toward it, raising my arm quickly to grab it. I dont move slow when Im feelin okay & I was moving way too quick for what was close to me that I didnt see. There is a red wasp nest in an old birdhouse, close to the pickup. As I reached, I heard a wasps wing in full swing. I knew I was under attack & brought the hand back, & slapped the crappola outta that thing, almost as soon as it hit me, but HIt me it did, in the head, just aft of the forehead, on the right side, about at the part line, if ya part that side. Went in the ouse & put some ninegar on  it. It didnt hut very bad, just an anoyance, really, Ohh, but the swelling,, holy crap, Ive never swollen up like this from anything. Its the 3rd or 4th red wasp hit Ive had in the 4+ years weve been here. So far, every one has been my fault. But, man, Im tellin ya, my head had about a 4 or 5 square inch swollen spot, & then, the thing started sinking down, down my forehead, till my eyelid was drooping, then it went on down, till I have a "mouse" under my eye, like a boxer who has been pupped in the eye a few times. Still sore to the touch up high, but all around the eye is fat & fluffy.
Watch how ya act around thse things, they will decide you are a danger to them if you move at them too quickly. I went back & grabbed a couple things I had left near the nest b4 I got hit. I walked up easy & knelt down, watching the guard that was posted in the door. It watched me & decided I was still a threat, since I was picking things up & it came at me, just as I got done grabbing things & stepping back a step. It stopped & hovered & went back to i9ts post. I was pleased,, ohh yes I was verfy pleased to see that.

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by bill67 on 06/19/10 at 01:35:11

6C545950535255494F3C0 wrote:
A snow snake is the most dangerous snake in the north.  On ski trails they will loop over a ski and break your leg. Then they crawl up your a$$  and freeze you to death.

Phelonius :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

You got it Phelonius thats the one I was talking about. ;D

Title: Re: More excitment than I was wanting.
Post by babyhog on 06/21/10 at 06:21:56

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
Why start another thread?
I got me some real excitement today. My wife needed a container for birdseed, to feed the little birds. I had set it on the cab of the pickup. I was close & walked quickly toward it, raising my arm quickly to grab it. I dont move slow when Im feelin okay & I was moving way too quick for what was close to me that I didnt see. There is a red wasp nest in an old birdhouse, close to the pickup. As I reached, I heard a wasps wing in full swing. I knew I was under attack & brought the hand back, & slapped the crappola outta that thing, almost as soon as it hit me, but HIt me it did, in the head, just aft of the forehead, on the right side, about at the part line, if ya part that side. Went in the ouse & put some ninegar on  it. It didnt hut very bad, just an anoyance, really, Ohh, but the swelling,, holy crap, Ive never swollen up like this from anything. Its the 3rd or 4th red wasp hit Ive had in the 4+ years weve been here. So far, every one has been my fault. But, man, Im tellin ya, my head had about a 4 or 5 square inch swollen spot, & then, the thing started sinking down, down my forehead, till my eyelid was drooping, then it went on down, till I have a "mouse" under my eye, like a boxer who has been pupped in the eye a few times. Still sore to the touch up high, but all around the eye is fat & fluffy.
Watch how ya act around thse things, they will decide you are a danger to them if you move at them too quickly. I went back & grabbed a couple things I had left near the nest b4 I got hit. I walked up easy & knelt down, watching the guard that was posted in the door. It watched me & decided I was still a threat, since I was picking things up & it came at me, just as I got done grabbing things & stepping back a step. It stopped & hovered & went back to i9ts post. I was pleased,, ohh yes I was verfy pleased to see that.

Geez man!  Are we gonna have to make you wear your riding gear, just to let you go outside??!  

Hope the swelling has gone down some. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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