General Category >> The Cafe >> Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...

Message started by 23Skidoo on 06/07/10 at 08:27:07

Title: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by 23Skidoo on 06/07/10 at 08:27:07

Minger by the way is what us Brits call the back end of a bus... ugly.... ;)

Weird girder forks....... This pic is not so bad but look at her front on and run for the beer goggles...... :-?

Title: Re: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/10 at 09:49:12

I'll go with the second one,... the Magpie Mongrel...

Title: Re: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by 23Skidoo on 06/07/10 at 10:21:51

Darn it... she may well be fugly but I just can't help myself looking.....

Perhaps Beauty is after all in the eye of.................?

Nah... Minger..... ;D

Title: Re: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by mick on 06/07/10 at 13:09:52

when I left England we didn't use minger, but some thing else was called a minge,is that still the case,just think Skidoo we can say that and not get censored ;)

Title: Re: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by 23Skidoo on 06/07/10 at 15:51:12

Oi ya ol' git I'll Ce' ya next tuesday......

That's gonna get me a ban for sure.......


Yep... the good ol' english language is still alive 'n kickin'..


Anyway.. Being a Hippy Peace Loving Chap...  It's good to see Magpul putting its last dime into a rather odd looking bike....

Kill 'Em With Fits of Laughter..... ;D

Edit.. (again)... But I keep going back for another look..... perhaps an ugly duckling but a beautiful swan in the making...?

Obviously I look and talk too much....

Title: Re: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by mick on 06/07/10 at 21:53:15

my favorite word I picked up on this site came from Serowbot,I don't know if he is the originator but the word is FUGLY.
Since I have been out of the bartending business,I just don't pick up to many new words or jokes.

Title: Re: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/10 at 07:36:16

I used to eat Beanie Weenies on the rig. No need for a spoon, just fold the pop top up *& make a spoon. Yea, it was ugly, but it Did work. Just because it works, doesnt make it desireable.That would have to be one fine riding machine to get me past the looks.

Title: Re: Beauty Buell or Magpul Minger...
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 06/08/10 at 10:10:39

But sometimes you just have to ride the ugly chi... er... bike! Why? Well, because it's there!   :D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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