General Category >> The Cafe >> Just about laid her down tonight!

Message started by Southpaw on 06/04/10 at 20:09:23

Title: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by Southpaw on 06/04/10 at 20:09:23

Did some riding today, then got a late start on my oil change. Took it out about 8pm for a quick shakedown and caught some hiway construction so I took the country roads back home at my turn around. Got stuck between two trucks. The one in front of me was sightseeing and the one behind was apparently trying to look over my shoulder as close as he was following. Tried to keep a good distance behind sightseer without becoming a hood ornament for yahoo #2 when #1 took a wild swerve to the center line. Looked up just in time to see a dead something? (huge racoon or small dog) in my headlights. Yahoo #2 was still trying to read my speedometer for me so there wasn't much to do but accellerate and go right over it! Darned handy - those MSF classes I took - worked like a charm! Glad it wasn't a skunk and no flat tire! This finally woke up #2 who slowed down just in time for me to brake before getting run off the road by #1 coming back in his lane. I could see the grass along the right side buckhorn but remembered not to look where you don't want to go! Thankfully a 1/2 mile down the road we came to a crossroad and #1 decided to go check the weather somewhere else. I was still a little shook so I pulled to the right and gave yahoo #2 a chance to pass which he declined. I dunno,maybe he was afraid I'd get his license or was waiting for me to do another trick or something. My exit into town came up and I poured on the juice just to get away from the whole thing.
 Got home and checked everything out. The bike's gonna need a good cleaning, got a few tufts of fur to dislodge, but no worse for wear. Surprisingly I'm not shook, mad, scared...just suddenly exhausted and glad to be home in one piece!
 Well it WAS a nice night for a ride... ::)

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by verslagen1 on 06/04/10 at 20:48:07

Me too, no dead animals though.
splittin' lanes as usual, maybe 10 mph faster than traffic
guy decides to change lanes, no signal, I'm right on his ass.
musta looked like that eyeball helmet, only 2 poppin' out at 'em.
just turned with him, broke, went behind him.

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by Serowbot on 06/04/10 at 22:04:54

I think you handled it pretty well,...

...a toast to you,... Cheers!... ;)...

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by mick on 06/04/10 at 22:19:54

good riding, it's times like that you need a ships fog horn, Iv'e always said truckers are the worst drivers on the road.

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by sockmonkeygirl on 06/04/10 at 22:41:59

Ride safe.  

I f*d up, myself about a week ago.  I was the one not paying good enough attention though, and a sudden stop from the car in front of me..I jacked up the brakes pretty hard (I had to) and lost the rear tire.  I stayed upright, but didn't enjoy the close call.  :(

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by kimchris1 on 06/05/10 at 00:28:23

Nice to hear you all survived your near accidents.
Southpaw remember you only have a few days left before heading off to ride the Dragon. Stay safe.. :)

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by Southpaw on 06/05/10 at 21:13:08

Thanks for all the good wishes folks, just glad it turned out well.
sorry for the rant - just had to vent!
Sockmonkeygirl - glad you stayed upright also. Sometimes the close calls keep us from getting too comfortable. Stay sharp. I'll ride safe if you will!  ;)

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by Boule’tard on 06/06/10 at 05:08:39

Well done you guys, crashing sucks.  If that happened to me, the seat would need a good cleaning as well.

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by Oldfeller on 06/06/10 at 06:31:22

Southpaw, sounds like you have good set of survival skills.   How are you recovering from the "next week" collywobbles?

Me, I always get a little skitty for a week or so after someone takes a good run at my life ....  but that's just me.

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by drharveys on 06/06/10 at 19:03:29

What's been going on lately?

I had the Triumph out with two buddies on BMW's.  I was in the rear and we hit some great twisties.  I actually scraped boot sole and pegs on both sides, but I was a bit too hot going into one left-hander.  I found myself suddenly dirt-riding the grassy shoulder.  Astonishingly, I slowed down and popped back onto the road, which resulted in all sorts of "interesting" motions of the bike.

No harm done -- except to my ego and sphincter.  As I said, I was last so the whole incident fell under the "don't ask, don't tell" rule.  Still, I bet they wondered why I wasn't keeping up quite as well, and kept pulling shrubbery out from my shift lever!

Now, if bad things come in three's, we're over this cycle.  Let's all take a deep breath and learn from the experience!

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/10 at 21:30:02

Wow! Good thing you handled this ditch better than the last one.

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by kimchris1 on 06/07/10 at 05:02:01

You 2 guys show that not  panicing and knowing how to handle situations can save your butt.. Nice you made it out of the tough situations and were able to post positive info about it.  :)

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by drharveys on 06/07/10 at 10:21:04

5351555B504A514B09380 wrote:
You 2 guys show that not  panicing and knowing how to handle situations can save your butt.. Nice you made it out of the tough situations and were able to post positive info about it.  :)

Thanks, but there's been an executive level decision.  I shall be enjoying the scenery more on our public highways and save the peg scraping for a track day -- preferably on a rental bike!   ;D

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/07/10 at 21:12:46

I play the peg scraping game some, BUt, I run the road first & make sure its not gained a new hazard, like a spill in a corner or heavy dirt or leaves or those blasted Gum Balls outta the elm trees..

Title: Re: Just about laid her down tonight!
Post by John_D FSO on 06/07/10 at 22:13:34

Wow, glad to hear everyone's ok! :o

I've only scraped a peg (board) on the new ride once, and that was at low speed, on a roundabout.  It's not as forgiving of hard leans though as the Savage was.  I like pushing it into the corners a little, but I'm not intentionally looking to scrape the boards. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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