General Category >> The Cafe >> noob asks a question about waving

Message started by omahasavage on 05/07/10 at 20:38:58

Title: noob asks a question about waving
Post by omahasavage on 05/07/10 at 20:38:58

So I've had my Savage for 3 years now.  It's my first bike ever, so I'm asking a newb question.

What's the deal with waving at other motorcycles.  It seems like an "us vs them" thing against the "cagers."  So I'm cool with that.  But I've noticed some don't wave and some do.  You gotta act cool with the wave, I've noticed, mainly point down and be like "what's up."  You certainly don't want to wave your hand up in the air back and forth.  That might get another, unwanted response.   :o

But of those who don't wave, is there some etiquette I'm unaware of?  Do Harley guys only wave at Harley guys?  Do they notice my little thumper and don't wave? >:( Or maybe they just didn't notice another bike on the road.  I've noticed that at stop lights and stop signs guys don't do the wave thing, but it seems only when passing each other on the highway.  

So someone teach this noob something.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by BurnPgh on 05/07/10 at 20:44:57

some riders wave, some dont, for different reasons. Sometimes I do. Sometimes it's not safe at the moment and sometimes I just dont freaking feel like it. At stop lights you've generally got your hand squeezing the clutch lever. I may nod at a light ,but the low slung wave isnt going to be seen and Im not going to stand up and wave my arms over and around cars to say hello. If I see you coming my way, I may wave at your for your good luck .if I dont, whatever. If you dont, whatever.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by mick on 05/07/10 at 20:47:33

As far as I know HD riders usually just point two fingers down ,meaning V twin.
So I always just pointed one finger down.,thumper.
don't do the wave thing at lights because when you get the green your hands will be busy motorcycling.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by BurnPgh on 05/07/10 at 20:59:31

I was told 2 fingers down means keep both wheels on the ground.
Supposedly waving started out as MCs throwing signs to identify eachother in certain turf. If you were in a certain MCs area and didnt sign or made the wrong sign you might have trouble. Supposedly. Who knows.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by jef.savage on 05/07/10 at 21:20:44

There is an amazing amount written about the motorcycle wave - google it.  I usually do.  It always make me smile to get a wave back.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Serowbot on 05/07/10 at 21:33:16

I wave at any bike...  
I have a special, super geeky, uncool, wave for Harley fashionista posers...(that's not all Harley riders)...
just the special ones... ;)..
Some Beemer guys too!... :-?...

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by crabpainter on 05/07/10 at 21:52:01

Good question. Interesting answers.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Skid Mark on 05/07/10 at 22:33:43

I just wave when it's safe. I don't descriminate. 2 wheels and a motor qualify. If I get waved back, cool. If no response, oh well. When stopped at intersections hands are on the controls so a nod suffices. Dolled up possers usually get a quiet chuckle, and a wish that I had their money to blow.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/10 at 22:34:25

I keep both hands on the bars & raise my left forefinger. Thats how my G'pa waved at folks in Oklahoma as we rode in the truck.  Hands at 10:00 & 2:00....Worked then, it'll work now..

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by thumperclone on 05/08/10 at 07:43:54

i give a low wave or 1 finger down = hello,rubberside down..
in the farm areas of our happy valley cagers wave at each other not as much as before now as the farm land is getting broken up more for ranchettes..

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Tanker2Biker on 05/08/10 at 11:24:14

585E475458030C350 wrote:
Dolled up possers usually get a quiet chuckle, and a wish that I had their money to blow.

I may be showing my newb-ness here too, I've only been riding a coupe months; but what exactly qualifies as a "Dolled up posser"?

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by JohnBoy on 05/08/10 at 12:29:30

I wave at every biker from 90cc up. I would wave at the cagers but they are all on their cell phones and never see me anyway.
Seriously, there are people who ride for the love of it, and people who ride for the love of being seen riding. Out here in AZ the sun sorts them out pretty fast. :)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Skid Mark on 05/08/10 at 13:17:13

Trust me. You will know one when you see one.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Serowbot on 05/08/10 at 13:21:41

No bug crust on their leathers... :-?...

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Starlifter on 05/08/10 at 16:12:20

Give a wave to kids on bikes, its makes their day. :)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Toymaker on 05/08/10 at 16:16:56

I wave....and get waved at back.........

and I wave to little kids in the back seat of the cages.....makes their day.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by suzukirider on 05/08/10 at 18:20:06

I get a kick out of a wave and wave back if I can - not turning a corner or at a light LO  - I have noticed that some HD folks don't wave, I figured I wasn't viewed as a "real" biker

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Southpaw on 05/08/10 at 18:39:46

To me, a short wave down, like a low "peace" sign, acknowledges you see them and wish them well. If they don't wave back, it's their problem and not worth my time! Never let someone else's stupidity affect a perfectly good ride!  8-)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by marine5317 on 05/08/10 at 19:01:56

When I'm out in good weather and my  motor is just purring and I'm grinning from ear to ear, I have to set on both hands just to keep from waving at everybody! I know some aren't going to wave back, but they might be afraid to let go of the handle bars and that's their problem. I  even wave to riders on scooters just to see what they will do.
                                                                        Ride Safe

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Tincanman on 05/08/10 at 20:41:59

omahasavage check your PM!! left you one!!!
as for the wave!! never REALLY thought about it!! LOLOLOL just happens

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by John_D FSO on 05/09/10 at 00:52:50

153227342A2F20322334460 wrote:
Give a wave to kids on bikes, its makes their day. :)

Yep, and gives me a big grin too! :D  I've had little kids on bicycles wave as I go by, and go nuts when I wave back.  Waved at kids in cars, and seem 'em bouncing around telling Mom about it. ;D  Stopped at a light next to a school bus when I had the Savage, bus was on my right so they got the full benefit of the Dyna muffler. ;D  Had most of the kids on the bus waving at me!

And I must not be much of a poser, 'cause I have bugs on pretty much every piece of riding gear I own.  In fact my leathers (jacket and chaps) even got babtized by hail last week! >:(

And as far as waving to bikers, I'll wave at anything from scooters on up, if it's safe, and I'm feeling like it.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by kimchris1 on 05/09/10 at 05:29:57

I wave at anyone as long as I am in a safe place to do so. If they don't return the wave is their lost not mine.

I love waving to the kids in cars..It does seem to make their day. I also hope that I give encouragement to them to someday ride as well.
Heck I even wave at bicyclist.

I have riders on all types of bikes return the wave or offer it first. I have noticed that women HD riders don't always return the wave, guess tey are offended because I don't give them the #1 wave...hahha...  Yet then again I have gotten the nod from HD women passengers.  

Either way I don't let it bother me, as I am out to ride and enjoy myself. If I make someone feel good due to waving or smiling then that means I possibly made a difference in their life that day..

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by babyhog on 05/09/10 at 19:20:10

0C302A2B372F3E285F0 wrote:
To me, a short wave down, like a low "peace" sign, acknowledges you see them and wish them well. If they don't wave back, it's their problem and not worth my time! Never let someone else's stupidity affect a perfectly good ride!  8-)


Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Ed L. on 05/10/10 at 06:56:27

I wave when I can. Most times they wave back, if not well there is not much that can be done about it.  

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Angie on 05/10/10 at 07:21:41

2426222C273D263C7E4F0 wrote:
I have riders on all types of bikes return the wave or offer it first. I have noticed that women HD riders don't always return the wave, guess tey are offended because I don't give them the #1 wave...hahha...  Yet then again I have gotten the nod from HD women passengers.

I can say from experience, when I was riding hubby's Sporster, it was all I could do to keep er under control and I didnt feel comfortable taking one hand off even for long enough to wave.  I love waving at other bikers (whatever kind of bike they are on) but with the bigger Harley I just didnt feel safe.  So it might not be a rude thing, but just a matter of not feeling safe doing it.  

Personally, I get a huge grin on my face whever I get to wave at a fellow biker and get a wave back.  One finger (as long as its not the naughty finger wave), two fingers, whatever.  Its just fun.  ;)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by matt on 05/10/10 at 10:07:40

never got this one

seems like some people wave no matter what
some people wave at things like like
some people dont give a rats ass at all

most my wavin is done on my block at kids chasing me with thier bicycles haha

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by PerrydaSavage on 05/11/10 at 03:36:45

I love motorcycles and I love riding. Like many of you, what first drew me to bikes was not just the experience of riding, but the feeling that I'd become part of a special community--a brotherhood, really. Nothing calms me more than a long ride down the interstate, waving to the members of my beloved clan. Except when I pass Harley guys. I hate Harley guys. Hate, hate, hate. When they pass me on the highway, you know what I do? I don't wave. With their little tassle handlebars and the studded luggage and the half-helmets--God, they drive me crazy.

You know who else I hate? BMW guys. Oh, I do hate those stuck-up people. I don't wave at them, either. They think they're so great, sitting all upright, with their 180-degree German engines. God, I hate them. They're almost as bad as those old bastards on their touring motorcycles. You know what I call those bikes? "Two-wheeled couches!" Get it? Because they're so big. They drive around like they've got all day. Appreciate the scenery somewhere else Grampa, and while you're at it, I'm not waving to you.

Ducati guys--I don't wave at them either. Why don't they spend a little more money on their bikes? "You can have it in any color you want, as long as it's red." Aren't you cool! Like they even know what a desmo-whatever engine is anyway. Try finding the battery you Italian-wannabe racers! I never, ever wave at those guys.

Honda guys aren't much better, which is why I never wave at them, either. They always have those stupid helmets sitting on top of their stupid heads, and God forbid they should wear any safety gear. They make me so mad. Sometimes they'll speed by and look over at me and you know what I do? I don't wave. I just keep on going. Please, don't get me started on Kawasaki guys. Ninjas? What are you, twelve years old? Team Green my tushy. I never wave at Kawasaki guys.

I ride a Suzuki, and I'll only wave at Suzuki Riders, but even then, I'll never wave at a guy in full leathers. Never, never, never. Yeah, like you're going to get your knee down on the New York thruway. Nice crotch, by the way. Guys in full leathers will never get a wave from me, and by the way, neither will the guys in two-piece leathers. And I'll tell you who else I'm not waving at -- those guys with the helmets with the loud paintjobs. Four pounds of paint on a two pound helmet - like I'm going to wave back to that! I'll also never wave at someone with a mirrored visor, or helmet stickers, or racing gloves, or hiking boots.

To me, motorcycling is a like a family, a close-knit brotherhood of people who ride Hondas, wear jeans and a leather jacket (not Vanson) with regular gloves and a solid-color helmet with a clear visor, no stickers, no racing gloves and regular boots (not Timberlands). And isn't that what really makes riding so special? ;)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by John_D FSO on 05/11/10 at 04:03:44

Ya gotta learn to vent a little Perry; holdin' it in like that, yer gonna go off someday! ;)

Oh, and ummm... Hondas?

023720202B3633013324333537520 wrote:
To me, motorcycling is a like a family, a close-knit brotherhood of people who ride Hondas, wear jeans and a leather jacket (not Vanson) with regular gloves and a solid-color helmet with a clear visor, no stickers, no racing gloves and regular boots (not Timberlands). And isn't that what really makes riding so special? ;)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Angie on 05/11/10 at 06:57:15

Personally I dont think it matters what kind of bike everyone else has.  Ride what you like, to each their own, etc.  Thats why there are so many different kinds and sizes of bikes, ride what works best for you.  I thought being a biker was all about freedom?  I have a smaller bike cause thats what Im more comfortable on, but what everyone else rides?  I dont really care.  There are bikers, and there are people that own bikes - yes there is a difference.  But again, to each their own.  Im no better than they are, and they are no better than me.  Just different.  

And dont forget the "sisterhood" of riders.   ;)  

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by mick on 05/11/10 at 07:17:43

what with 300 or more lookers and 23 people responding to this silly post I sure hope you all know how and why we wave.
wave if you feel like it, don't wave if you don't.
that about cover it.?

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by babyhog on 05/11/10 at 10:26:32

You said it, my sista Angie!   :)

I work with a rider, and 2 other "owners".  They both rode to work one beautiful day last week for the first time this season.  The other rider and I have been riding for 2 months now.  I didn't ride that day, and the other rider was teasing me, said I should be ashamed, cause those 2 owners rode and I didn't.  I said I would be ashamed to have one in the garage and never take it out.  I certainly wasn't ashamed to leave it at home one day when I needed my car!!  

This also reminds me... we have owned several Jeep Wranglers and always waved to other Wrangler drivers too.  Never had another vehicle where that happened.    

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by bill67 on 05/11/10 at 11:10:23

Angie do you live never the Mississippi river,That was my wifes favorite place to ride,We have ridden both sides from St.Louis to way Up in Minnesota.  

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Tiefighterpilot on 05/11/10 at 22:53:34

I wave when safe to do so to anyone on bike if i make eye contact.  Many riders in SF wave.

I wear two piece textile... dont seem to bother the leather or denim folks.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by PerrydaSavage on 05/12/10 at 03:12:04

My previous post was meant as totally tongue-in-cheek BTW ... it's not even an original, but something I found that was floating around on the web a few years back ... thought it was funny ... ;D

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by John_D FSO on 05/12/10 at 04:42:07

6A5F4848435E5B695B4C5B5D5F3A0 wrote:
My previous post was meant as totally tongue-in-cheek BTW ... it's not even an original, but something I found that was floating around on the web a few years back ... thought it was funny ... ;D

I kinda figured that too; my reply was loaded with an appropriate amount of wize-azzerry as well. ;D

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Savage_Amusement on 05/12/10 at 06:57:25

Pretty much every one around here does something to acknowledge a fellow biker. Fingers or piece sign while riding, a nod while at a light. Keeps things fun I guess, I always wave unless BUSY of course.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by RAVAGE-SAVAGE on 03/06/13 at 17:05:05

I wave at all that I see..arm down at 45° open hand like a ride by low five. If you raise your arm up to wave and the wind catches your arm, you'll learn why you keep your arm low. ;)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by runwyrlph on 03/06/13 at 18:28:29

42464C445B474A4346424A562F0 wrote:
what with 300 or more lookers and 23 people responding to this silly post I sure hope you all know how and why we wave.
wave if you feel like it, don't wave if you don't.
that about cover it.?

Hey Sir Mick! Welcome Back!  

Oh, whoops this thread is 3 years old :)

I'll say a prayer for mick anyhow :) :) ;D :)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Rembrandt on 06/07/13 at 19:32:55

Waving really does reflect the entire community of us traveling on two wheels. Many in cages also own bikes or did in past lives. My son and I were doubled up on our Boulevard last night--he's ten. We pulled off the two-lane highway at one point so dad could indulge his nicotine habit and stretch our legs. A man in a pick-up truck pulling out of a side road slowed down and asked if we were ok or just resting. Talk about awesome. Many years ago I was out on my little early eighties 250 single Yamaha Exciter at night and got completely turned around on some old country roads. I pulled over for a smoke and the next big touring bike coming my way, I flashed my lights at him. An older guy and his wife on a big old Goldwing stopped, smiled, chatted and gladly pointed me in the right direction. You just can't put a price on such decency.
And on waving, I do find it hard to wave sometimes when clutching either up or down. But in terms of feeling comfortable enough for the hand to leave the handles to wave, I find this less of an issue...I just splay my fingers on my left hand down and out a problems there. Most do wave back. Only sneers I get while on my Boulevard are from Harley riders...but even seldom then. Most people of two wheels I like to think, respect others on two wheels. It really is an incredible article of faith to get up on two wheels. To move at good speed on a vehicle that needs a prop to keep it upright at a stop is living with faith, intention and purpose.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by shovelbum87 on 06/17/13 at 16:10:01

I usually wave, However I do notice that I recieve a lot more waves than my boyfriend does, I think Its kinda funny that the guys on bikes will go out of their way to try to get a wave out of me. I have seen a couple near misses since then so I do my best to keep my ff helmet on at all times for the safety of the poser hd guys that dont really know how to ride!

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by apache snow on 06/17/13 at 17:32:11

Dang, sounds a lot like HD envy. :-?

HD guys around here ride more often in rain or shine, and farther than most.

I was at the Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, and Suzuki shop Saturday. there were around seven riders there. Went down the road to the HD shop and there were around seventy five riders there. I have been riding since 1958 and have never needed to knock other brand riders, but thats just me. :o

The HD riders wave more than most. Its the sport bike riders who don't wave.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by shovelbum87 on 06/18/13 at 03:34:24

well around here, most of the hd riders have brand new leather, not a wrinkle everything they own says hd and they ride like crap! they dont know how to ride and its like a trophy to the ones around my area, some of them know how to ride and I respect them. the posers dont belong on two wheels they scare me. As far as i am concerned two wheels are all that matters.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Arnold on 06/18/13 at 08:03:21

And their bikes are always shiny all over cause they only ride to the lake or local pub on weekends, and be sure to park right in front and idle for 15 mins before you leave.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by apache snow on 06/18/13 at 08:15:11


Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by paulmarshall on 06/18/13 at 14:27:56

I brought one of these.  ;D

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by shovelbum87 on 06/18/13 at 15:02:14

Oh dont forget that they dont understand the concept of even idle. they have to fall back alittle from the car in front then get on the throttle too heavy and rev the heck out of it and then fall back again and rev the crap out of it again. Those are the HD riders that I dont have any respect for!

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by WD on 06/18/13 at 15:44:34

6873746D7E77796E76232C1B0 wrote:
Oh dont forget that they dont understand the concept of even idle. they have to fall back alittle from the car in front then get on the throttle too heavy and rev the heck out of it and then fall back again and rev the crap out of it again. Those are the HD riders that I dont have any respect for!

There is one of "those" riders that shows up at the house all the time. He gets madder than a wet hen when I reach over and turn up the idle speed on his Road King. When I can hear the top end clattering, he's running it too low to have any oil pressure. AND he wonders why it needed a full rebuild at maybe 10K miles...  ;D

Having been on the Harley side, the Brit bike side AND the metric side, I don't bother with the whole wave nonsense. Lisa waves, I don't and our friend/farmhand doesn't either. Could be because he and I are former patch holders, could be because we've been riding so long that we just don't give a sh*t anymore, could be that 90% or better of the cruiser riders (regardless of brand or displacement) in west TN have absolutely no business being on two wheels. Let alone waving as they wobble their way in and out of the lane. Almost zero law enforcement here in regards to bikes, the next time the fat kid on his 2 smoke dirt bike goes flying down my road with no lid on (even though I have to wear one on my 4 stroke street legal bikes)...

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Dave on 06/19/13 at 09:39:14

I was sooo happpy to be at the Dragon Run last week......and away from work.....and on my bike....that I waved at everyone. ;D

I waved at Harleys, at Can Ams, at Scooters, at Crotch Rockets.  I waved on the straight sections, I waved while in the corners.  I waved while on the back roads and on the interstate.  I waved at the kids in the back seat of the car who were waving at me!  I did snub a few poeple......I had touble figuring out how to clutch/shift/brake and wave simultaneously!

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by shovelbum87 on 06/19/13 at 14:57:05

Dave, I respect the wave to everyone, I usually will wave at most everyone but THE CAN-AMS! Come on! They are an offence to my senses! I dont understand them... its not a car, its not a bike, its not a trike what is it? I hate those things!

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Dave on 06/19/13 at 18:54:59

415A5D44575E50475F0A05320 wrote:
Dave, I respect the wave to everyone, I usually will wave at most everyone but THE CAN-AMS! Come on! They are an offence to my senses! I dont understand them... its not a car, its not a bike, its not a trike what is it? I hate those things!

The Can Am is for those people that can't decide between a sports car or a motorcycle.....and they get neither in the Can Am.  The Can Am is also a safe bet for people that are somewhat clutzy and lack good coordination.  It is a caring sympathetic wave that I give :'(

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by paulmarshall on 06/19/13 at 19:05:28

477C7166777B60667D757867140 wrote:
[quote author=415A5D44575E50475F0A05320 link=1273289938/45#48 date=1371679025]Dave, I respect the wave to everyone, I usually will wave at most everyone but THE CAN-AMS! Come on! They are an offence to my senses! I dont understand them... its not a car, its not a bike, its not a trike what is it? I hate those things!

The Can Am is for those people that can't decide between a sports car or a motorcycle.....and they get neither in the Can Am.  The Can Am is also a safe bet for people that are somewhat clutzy and lack good coordination.  It is a caring sympathetic wave that I give :'([/quote]

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/13 at 22:13:44

I raise finger in my pickup. I MIGHT raise a finger on the bike..
Big Deal,, someone Waved,, Yip frikken PEEEEE!
Would they stop if I was broke down? If they did, would they be any help? I think way too much is made of the whole Wave thing,,

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by apache snow on 06/21/13 at 11:30:40

I gave a Can-Am Spyder the motorcycle wave this morning. Hand down two fingers extended. He threw his hand up over his head to wave back, Whats up with that. :-?

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/13 at 12:20:43

3E2F3E3C373A2C3130285F0 wrote:
Hand down two fingers extended. He threw his hand up over his head to wave back, Whats up with that. :-?

Sometimes I get tired of trying to be cool,.. and just give the geekiest, boy howdy, wave I can...
... sometimes I give a Papal blessing...
... sometimes,... a Miss America wave...
... sometimes a cub scout salute...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by paulmarshall on 06/21/13 at 12:54:31

7F6E7F7D767B6D7071691E0 wrote:
I gave a Can-Am Spyder the motorcycle wave this morning. Hand down two fingers extended. He threw his hand up over his head to wave back, Whats up with that. :-?

Maybe he needed roadside assistance.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by runwyrlph on 06/21/13 at 12:57:19

before i rode a motorcycle i used to mock and make fun of the "biker wave", but my position on the issue has evolved...

now i look at like this:  if you're walking down the street and somebody walks by and says,"good morning" , you'd say "what's up" (or words to that effect)  

so if somebody waves, I wave back.  if they don't wave, I don't get offended.  

I sometimes, rarely, initiate a wave, then i think it's kind of rude if they don't wave back.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by apache snow on 06/21/13 at 13:23:26

Back in the 60s -70s motorcycle riders around here gave each other the peace sign. :)

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by ALfromN.H.  FSO on 06/21/13 at 13:44:01

5849585A515C4A57564E390 wrote:
Back in the 60s -70s motorcycle riders around here gave each other the peace sign. :)

That's what I do. Peace sign. I'm from the 60's and 70's so that's probably why. I get a wave back about 50% of the time. I even wave at scooters but not very often. I know one guy that won't wave unless you have at least 1500cc's. I don't know how he can tell. During bike week I don't usually wave...too many bikes. Same at the Tail of the Dragon..too many bikes.

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by radical123 on 06/29/13 at 01:18:34

I wave down low. When Im on my street Glide and am in cruise control I wave with my Right hand. Thows somepeople off!!

Title: Re: noob asks a question about waving
Post by Snubby241 on 06/30/13 at 09:31:24

Speaking as a Noob I'll start waving after I learn how to use all those levers and twisty thingies without falling off the bike. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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