General Category >> The Cafe >> Another Update on Paladin

Message started by Mrs._Paladin on 05/05/10 at 11:07:51

Title: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Mrs._Paladin on 05/05/10 at 11:07:51

There has been a setback.  Yesterday, Mike had what appears to be a minor stroke.  He was admitted to ER about 2:30pm.  Around 11:00pm, an ambulance was sent to take him to Kaiser, which is who our carrier is.  They think it may have been a small clot.  His motor skills are okay.  But, he has trouble finding the right words to express what he wants to say.  He knew who I was.  But, he didn't know my real name and kept calling me by a nickname he has for me.  When one of my daughters walked in, he recognized her, but called her by the wrong name.  Which was actually an improvement.  He was getting really frustrated because he couldn't say the right words and knew something was wrong.

I'm going to visit him today and talk to the doctor.  I will keep you updated.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by EJID on 05/05/10 at 11:36:07

I'm saying a prayer for both Paladin and you, I hope that things get better and he recovers quickly.  :)

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Serowbot on 05/05/10 at 11:38:13

very sorry to hear...

best wishes for you all...

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by verslagen1 on 05/05/10 at 11:38:54

Sorry to hear this, you know we are all pulling for him.  Let us know what help we can be.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by prechermike on 05/05/10 at 11:43:58

I too am praying for all of you, daughters included.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by babyhog on 05/05/10 at 11:50:08

I was actually going to bring up the prior post to ask him how his recuperation was coming along.  
I'm sorry to hear of this setback, but good thoughts and prayers are headed your way.  

Thanks again for keeping us updated.  It really means alot.  Our little Savage family will miss him until he's back online.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by on 05/05/10 at 12:47:09

My prayers and those of my wife with the both of you.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by mpescatori on 05/05/10 at 13:05:37

::) Don't worry Mrs.Paladin, I asked around and it seems...'s a bit like having a baby, he simply has to re-learn to speak again.

It takes a little patience, but he'll be alright.  :)

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by bill67 on 05/05/10 at 13:18:42

And after having a baby no sex for 6 weeks. ;D

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by verslagen1 on 05/05/10 at 13:27:34

and an ounce of seafoam will fix him right up.   ::)

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by runwyrlph on 05/05/10 at 15:30:58

prayers for the paladin family and a quick and full recovery!

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/05/10 at 16:49:49

prayers here for yall too

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/10 at 18:05:19

If someone is a potential stroke victim, keep a thermos loaded with some very strong coffee& some other good things in the coffee. Read here. I was put onto this by a dr. That Dr saved my life more than once. Wishing you the best.

Capsicum.Cayenne.Red Pepper.Capsicum Frutescens.Capsicum Extract ...P.A. Bucholtz in 1816 first discovered that the pungent principle of peppers .... A cayenne pepper tincture similar to the one given for angina might help to ..... of cayenne pepper was combined with one pint of strong Irish whiskey and .... the tongue in emergencies involving heart attack, stroke or hemorrhaging. ... - Cached
FYI - Healthier Solutions by MarieSelf Help for Stroke First it is important to recognize the symptoms of stroke, ... Prepare a cup of very strong coffee and add 1 oz. of whiskey to it. ... - Cached
Dr. Tori Hudson, N.D. » High Blood Pressure – Lifestyle ConsiderationsHeart disease and stroke remain the first and third leading causes of death, ... .5 oz ethanol or 12 oz beer or 5 oz wine or 1 oz 100 proof whiskey per day. .... Herbs such as hawthorn, ginger and cayenne are aids to circulation and ... - Cached
Philosophy & Technique » What's in your first aid kit ...69 posts - 35 authors - Last post: Sep 17, 2009
Whart's in your first aid kit,...............consider adding on 06/21/2008 18:05:52 MDT, Print View. Consider adding: Cayenne

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by John_D FSO on 05/05/10 at 18:05:34

Very sorry to hear about the setback.  Best of wishes from southwest WA.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Midnightrider on 05/05/10 at 19:07:39

Best wishes heading your your way, I hope the setback is temporary.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Skid Mark on 05/05/10 at 19:24:24

I hope this is just a tempoary setback. Sounds like he got quick treatment which is very good.  Our best thoughts and hope for a speedy recovery to you and your family.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Mrs._Paladin on 05/05/10 at 21:47:31

Went and visited him today.  My daughter and I took over pictures for him too look through.  Of our cars, dogs and his beloved Thumper.  He perked up when he saw his thumper.  He couldn't pronounce what it was initially.  I handed him a pad of paper and he wrote down the names of our Jack Russell Terriers.  He couldn't pronounce them, but knew how to write them down.  Later on, he wrote "Thumper".  But he became agitated because he couldn't remember Suzuki Savage.  

Again he recognized our youngest daughter.  But he couldn't remember her name.  And he knew that calling her our oldest daughter's name was a mistake.

The speech therapist came by and did some exercises with him.  He recognized a dollar bill.  Couldn't pronounce it, but knew it was worth more than the quarter she held up.  Later on, I showed him a South Dakota state quarter and he looked at it and said the word "Southern".  He also knew that it was different from your run of the mill quarter.

When my brother-in-law came by, Mike first called him Doug.  But later, called him Dan, which is his name.  Dan visited him for half and hour and could see Mike making improvements.  It's just going to take time.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by kimchris1 on 05/05/10 at 22:20:40

Myself along with my Mom send you warm hugs and well wishes. Take each day and know it brings some improvements towards a complete recovery.
Mrs. P. take special care of yourself so you can do all that is necessary when Mr. P. returns home. Again all our best...Kim

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by mpescatori on 05/06/10 at 01:01:44

5867663B4A45747974717C7B150 wrote:
Went and visited him today.  My daughter and I took over pictures for him too look through.  Of our cars, dogs and his beloved Thumper.  He perked up when he saw his thumper.  He couldn't pronounce what it was initially.  I handed him a pad of paper and he wrote down the names of our Jack Russell Terriers.  He couldn't pronounce them, but knew how to write them down.  Later on, he wrote "Thumper".  But he became agitated because he couldn't remember Suzuki Savage.  

Again he recognized our youngest daughter.  But he couldn't remember her name.  And he knew that calling her our oldest daughter's name was a mistake.

The speech therapist came by and did some exercises with him.  He recognized a dollar bill.  Couldn't pronounce it, but knew it was worth more than the quarter she held up.  Later on, I showed him a South Dakota state quarter and he looked at it and said the word "Southern".  He also knew that it was different from your run of the mill quarter.

When my brother-in-law came by, Mike first called him Doug.  But later, called him Dan, which is his name.  Dan visited him for half and hour and could see Mike making improvements.  It's just going to take time.

It's alright, Mrs. Paladin (sorry I have to keep on calling you like this, it's the only name I know)

Ask Paladin if he remembers meeting a couple from Italy in July 2008, shortly after 4th jyuly, at Michael (Verslagen's) place.
That was my wife and I, and our 10-y.o. boy. He's 12 now.

We all had burgers, Paladin and Verslagen had a ride in the neighborhood swapping bikes, then we all went to the local racetrack to see Michael's brother race in the 1/4mile oval
(Or maybe Paladin had already left by then)

Whichever, we have a picture of my wife sitting astride Paladin's thumper, and another one of the three of us with the two bikes.
I had no bike,  had flown across from Italy to visit California, so I had a rental car (Dodge Durango)
I remember he showed me how to make a clamp-on stand for a cheap digital camera and record his rides.
If you (or Verslagen) can find that picture, see if he remembers anything, Verslagen to say the least.

If he can read, find his favorite boyhood novels, be it Tom Sawyer or Robin Hood or Treasure Island or whatever.
The language and vocabulary are easier than "grown-up" novels and the stories are actually more exciting to read.

Also, fish out all the nice pics from places he visited, that should help remember things.

His brain is alright, really, let's simply say that a few wires got crossed and now he has to -literally- learn to rewire everything.

It's like rehabilitation after major surgery, you start very slowly, and progress improves as it goes on.

Just don't worry, and most of all explain to him that it's just a bunch of brain cabling that got crosswired - with his job, he should understand the principle.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by LANCER on 05/06/10 at 03:48:12

I am praying for him, give him my best please

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Jimmer on 05/06/10 at 04:14:18

Sorry to hear about his setback. He is our thoughts and wishes for a good recovery.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by drharveys on 05/06/10 at 10:45:23

Best wishes for a quick "brain rewiring"!  

Progress can be slow, but it is progress.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 05/06/10 at 11:00:06

Positive energy heading ya'll's way from New Mexico. I really enjoyed meeting him a couple maybe three years ago when he did his cross country trip. I am sure that with the Honored Ones' help he will be fine.

I remember when I was pushed down a flight of concrete stairs in junior high and had amnesia. I know how frustrating it is to not remember how to pronounce things or remember names and such. But like others have said, his synapses are just misfiring at the moment and with patience they will start working properly again. Just take it slow and don't let him get discouraged or try to force it.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by PiaFea on 05/11/10 at 07:01:01

Our prayers and thoughts are with your family. We pray that Paladin will have a full recovery.  

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by LostArtist on 05/11/10 at 13:01:12

best wishes to you both  

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by viper on 05/11/10 at 17:21:39

God Bless you all
Walk in give a kiss a hug An tell him you love him. Love heals more than you know.
Than give him your laptop and get on this site. Things that are old hat are good for the mind
Love to you all

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by mornhm on 05/12/10 at 17:27:19

Any new news?

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Trippah on 05/12/10 at 19:55:30

Speech therapy after stroke can be a long, frustrating at times, road.
Have they done and brain imaging to determine a locus/focal point of the stroke?  Sounds like the motor area is fine, if his speech is not slurred.  Just the word finding  perhaps?  All our love and best wishes from the Noreast part of the land.  

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by TheFid on 05/13/10 at 04:48:57

We will keep you in our thoughts and ask the man for your recovery.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Mrs._Paladin on 05/16/10 at 23:44:10

Sorry I haven't been around sooner.  Between multiple appointments and well meaning relatives dropping in, it's been hard to keep up.  Paladin is home now.  We've already had a consultation with a Speech Pathologist.  She was impressed with how much progress he had made since she visited him in the hospital.  

The clot went up his internal carotid artery and damaged the left side of his brain.  The Temporal Lobe and the Parietal Lobe:

He has what's called, "Wernicke's Aphasia:

and also something called Apraxia:

He will be going to see the Speech Pathologist twice a week.  She's given me some work sheets to do some exercises with him at home.  He has no trouble reading things, but he has trouble speaking words.  And it's difficult for him to understand simple verbal commands.  We're working on that.  It's going to be awhile.  He's aware that it will take months.  Thanks again, everyone, for your thoughts and prayers.  We both really appreciate it.  We'll get through this.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Paladin. on 05/17/10 at 02:00:40

Have problem words.  But I an physically 100%.   I can ride the motorcycle riding as soon as I have the sternum ready in a couple of weeks.   (Let's see....  April 14th...  eight weeks...  June 2nd!)

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by cornfuzed on 05/17/10 at 03:23:37

8-) Good to hear you are doing so well!  Keep it up! An still more prayers commin for you and your family..

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by on 05/17/10 at 14:43:13


Please don't push it.  One stupid cage and you down, and those wires will go right through the soft sternum bones.  You will heal and the bones will harden, but it takes months, not weeks.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Jimmer on 05/17/10 at 16:51:58

Please take your time and recover fully. We here on the Suzuki Form need your knowledge and advise. Here's hoping the best for you and your family, from your east coast friends.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by DocNeedles on 05/17/10 at 19:30:23

695855585D5057390 wrote:
Have problem words.  But I an physically 100%.   I can ride the motorcycle riding as soon as I have the sternum ready in a couple of weeks.   (Let's see....  April 14th...  eight weeks...  June 2nd!)

Good to hear you are doing better, but please take it easy and allow your body/mind to heal.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by PiaFea on 05/17/10 at 20:55:02

Nice to see your icon on this board again. Keep yourself well for all of us. Relax and take it easy. Best wishes to you and your family.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by verslagen1 on 05/17/10 at 22:16:42

don't forget to start her once in awhile and get the juices flowing.

would be good to fiddle with the bike too.   ;D

hang in there my friend, warm breezes and a full moon aren't far away.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by John_D FSO on 05/18/10 at 05:12:11

Great to hear (see?) you on here again!  Sounds like you're well on the road to recovery.  As everyone else is saying, don't rush the physical part too much and do yourself an injury.  Best wishes from this neck of the woods! :)

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Jay on 05/20/10 at 04:18:27

Good to see you posting. Sorry to hear of your set back. Take the time to get it all put right. I'm still waiting to buy you that beer next time you get out this way.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by kimchris1 on 05/20/10 at 05:48:00

Hey Big P.... I have tears in my eyes. I am so happy to see your posts as well as reading you plan to ride soon. I can understand the want as well as the need to get back in the saddle as soon as possible.

Give us all some piece of mind and protect your chest as much as you can. Maybe a short trip around the block to begin with.

You really are an inspiration to myself as well as others. Thank you..  :-*

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Paladin. on 05/20/10 at 17:15:57

Others ride motorcycles to have fun.  While I do enjoy motorcycles it is NOT because for fun.  I ride the motorcycle because I do NOT like being in a cage.

When I have driven in a cage a few times in collisions, I have NEVER had a motorcycle collision.  Motorcycle is SAFER in collision than cage.

If I can drive a car, then I can ride the motorcycle.  It is safer than in a car.

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/10 at 17:35:15

Paladin,  your language skills seem to be back to 100%+...
Wonderful to see...
Take care, and keep healing... ;)...

Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by Phelonius on 05/20/10 at 18:38:22

02333E33363B3C520 wrote:
Others ride motorcycles to have fun.  While I do enjoy motorcycles it is NOT because for fun.  I ride the motorcycle because I do NOT like being in a cage.

When I have driven in a cage a few times in collisions, I have NEVER had a motorcycle collision.  Motorcycle is SAFER in collision than cage.

If I can drive a car, then I can ride the motorcycle.  It is safer than in a car.

I have always had those sentiments too.  Now that my neuropathy has gotten worse, I cannot safely drive a car anyway.  I do not miss it.
I am merely moving to a climate where I will no longer have to ride in the cold rain.  It will be warm rain.


Title: Re: Another Update on Paladin
Post by cornfuzed on 05/20/10 at 22:52:00

4B7A777A7F72751B0 wrote:
Others ride motorcycles to have fun.  While I do enjoy motorcycles it is NOT because for fun.  I ride the motorcycle because I do NOT like being in a cage.

When I have driven in a cage a few times in collisions, I have NEVER had a motorcycle collision.  Motorcycle is SAFER in collision than cage.

If I can drive a car, then I can ride the motorcycle.  It is safer than in a car.

:o Woah Quick recovery! You seem to be much better than before... keep it up! Glad to see its working out! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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