General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> I Almost Met My Maker Today!

Message started by Digger on 01/05/10 at 19:22:31

Title: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Digger on 01/05/10 at 19:22:31

Here is the setup:

Early afternoon, weather not a factor.

Am riding south on a small, 4-lane arterial with no divider.  The posted speed limit on this road is 35 mph.  The shoulder of the road has a bicycle lane, so it is fairly wide.  There is a right turn lane up ahead that I’m planning on using when I get closer to the intersection I want to turn right on.

I’m riding my Savage (see signature).  I’m in the right-hand lane.  As I near the intersection I want to turn right on (which has a traffic is currently red), I activate the right-turn signals, wait two seconds, then begin drifting right in my lane so that I can enter the right turn lane that is just now beginning.  As is my habit (even in seemingly innocuous situations like this), I check my mirror and then do a “head check” as I prepare to enter the right turn lane.

I’m startled by a whoosh of air and a red blur!  A driver in a red Toyota pickup truck with a topper, Colorado truck license plate number 531-BSM, has entered the shoulder before the right-turn lane began and is travelling at least 20 mph faster than I am.  The driver is crowding into the right-hand edge of my lane.  I instinctively swerve to the left to avoid the truck and then enter the right turn lane behind the truck.

I’m not really mad, but I’m frightened a bit by the event.  We bikers run into situations like this all of the time where we must utilize our advanced skills and judgment to keep buffoonish cagers from becoming murderers.

The truck driver then rolls the red light (I’m not surprised by this) and turns right.  I follow the truck to the next stop light (a long one) and pull up to the left of the truck, in the adjacent lane.  I want to get a good look at incompetence.  The driver is a 50-ish looking guy on a cell phone who is intent on avoiding my stare.  I’m still in a good mood (just happy to be alive, I guess), and yell (in an informative manner, not a mad manner – his window was up), “You just scared the hell out of me!”

Not getting any acknowledgement, I roll forward a bit so I am now looking at him over my right shoulder and am definitely in his field-of-view.  I wave a few times to get his attention.  He is doing everything he can not to look at me.

I’m not a big guy, and he doesn’t look small, so I’m certain he is not afraid of me.  I sort of think that, in his eyes, I was just one of those dumb bikers with a death wish who did not exist in the same state of humankind as he did.  I was a nothing to him, scooter trash.

I start to get a little mad.  Not much (that is stupid and dangerous on a bike), but a little.  I follow him for a few miles.  I note that, although he does not appear to be speeding, he is an unskillful driver.  He is making a lot of mistakes.....not signaling his lane changes, swerving in his lane, following too close to traffic ahead of him, and rolling stop signs.  If he is not unskilled, then he is certainly incapable of multi-tasking, as evidenced by the high error rates observed in his driving.  By observing his driving, I am thinking he is a bit task saturated.

He is a hazard.

I give it up after getting his license plate number....Colorado truck license plate 531-BSM.

So, if you are in the Colorado Springs area and see a red Toyota pickup truck with a topper and those plates, give this guy a wide berth.

If you’re on a bike, he’s bigger than you are and seems not to respect the fact that you are a fellow American.

Yep, I know I could have done better to avoid this incident and will endeavor to do so in the future.  Even though I check the mirrors a lot when I’m riding, I did not check them enough this time and allowed someone to come a bit too close to murdering me.

Y’all be careful out there!

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Boule’tard on 01/05/10 at 19:52:07

And that, folks, is how to rack up astronomical (no pun intended) mileage and be here to talk about it.  Cool heads prevail.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/10 at 21:11:36

cell phones!... I hate'em!.... >:(

I'm having hairy scary's about twice a week now,... and 90% of the time, there's a cell phone involved....
...not to mention I got t-boned and totaled last year... :-?

Good reminder Digger,.. glad you're o.k.... ;)

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by verslagen1 on 01/05/10 at 21:22:28

Them's some AAAA's you got there.   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

I would've crapped my pants then smered it all over his windshield.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by wolfmrp on 01/05/10 at 21:38:17

I am glad you are ok Digger.

A new law just went into effect (here in Oregon) that makes it illegal to talk or text while driving.  Unfortunately, if you are over 18 you can use a hands free device.  I am not sure how much of a difference that really makes. :-/  I am picturing some boso trying to plug it in while doing 70.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/10 at 21:51:23

Making it illegal ain't gonna' do it.... they need to make it impossible...
Make cell phones not work in moving vehicles...
What about passengers?.... Tuff nuts...

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by verslagen1 on 01/05/10 at 22:18:30

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
Making it illegal ain't gonna' do it.... they need to make it impossible...
Make cell phones not work in moving vehicles...
What about passengers?.... Tuff nuts...

Hey that'll work! at least untill they figure out they can stick their head thru the sunroof.   :o

moma, why all dem people sittin' on top of the their cars and drivin' with their feet?

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/10 at 22:29:58

Yep, Digger, you did it right. Keep the cool head & stay alive. Better than being righteously Pisstawf & gettin yerself killed.
After an old man forced me to change lanes as he ran a stop sign & took my lane, while he was busy talking on the phone, I got ahead of him & , at the next light, I got off, walked back & got him to roll the window down enough so I could holler from a distance to
"Put that GD cell phone down before you kill someone".

Who here believes that changed his behavior one iota?

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by verslagen1 on 01/05/10 at 23:01:20

Excuse me sir?  I need to borrow your cell phone... I need to report a man driving recklessly while on his cell phone.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Stones on 01/05/10 at 23:52:02

As is my habit (even in seemingly innocuous situations like this), I check my mirror and then do a “head check” as I prepare to enter the right turn lane.

Head check -  that is the life saver i cant remember how many times its saved me over the years. I even do it in the car its a habit  :-X

Glad yer okay buddy theres some assoles out there.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by stratman on 01/06/10 at 00:31:11

Way to go Digger, i'm glad you're ok.  I've gotten so pi$$ed off a couple of times I've thought about following a would be bike assassin.  It's easy to talk about taking the high road and ignoring some of the idiots that drive cars, but it's much harder to do.  It seems like every day there are more and more people on the road that are ready to explode, just looking for a reason.  The best we can do is identify them and stay clear of them.   Heads up ridin'   - stratman

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by sockmonkeygirl on 01/06/10 at 02:44:29

that guys an ignorant d!ck.  glad you are ok!

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by PerrydaSavage on 01/06/10 at 03:23:15

Good job Digger ... you sir are a pro ... glad you're OK! 8-)

Here on "The Rock" yakking/texting on a cell phone is a ticketable and point accumulating offense, but I see idiots doing it every single day ... and I don't see the Fuzz doing too much about it either >:(

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by kimchris1 on 01/06/10 at 05:42:21

First of all Digger, nice to hear your ok. 2nd is great job for doing the head check. I don't change any lanes unless I do that head check. I have saved myself a few times by doing that too.

Could you call the DMV or police and give them the info and see if they can find him? At least they could possibly give  him a warning.

Again great job on being aware of your surroundings and keep those head checks going..  :)

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Charon on 01/06/10 at 06:07:08

Digger, looks like your head check might have saved your bacon. Good work. I picked up the habit while driving heavy vehicles of always checking the mirror on the side to which I intend to move before making the move. I do that as the final step before starting the move, even on roads where it isn't supposed to be possible for anyone to be there.

I sometimes listen to police scanner traffic, and every so often you will hear one of them asking another, or the dispatcher, to call them on the land-line (meaning their cell). Believe me, police use the cell phone while they are driving, too. Along with their other radios and often a laptop. Most of the proposed legislation I have seen exempts police from cell phone prohibition while driving. Ever notice police traffic refers to people as "subjects" instead of people? If asked, they will tell you "subject" is the proper English method of referring to the "subject" of the conversation. I think they really believe everyone else is "subject" to them.

Technically, the easiest way to keep cell phones from being used on the move would be to make it impossible to switch cells during a call. It wouldn't stop call initiation, but it would drop calls pretty shortly. Now, with new cell phones required to have GPS location in them so they can report your location to the 911 call center, it would be easier to program them so they wouldn't work on the move. Just imagine the joy of a bus load of passengers who couldn't tell their friends where they were. Probably more to the point, imagine the loss of revenue to the cell phone providers.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Bubba on 01/06/10 at 07:11:03

Good work Digger, even though the lovely state of Colorado passed the 'No Texting" law it doesn't appear to do much to deter folks from yakkin' on their phones. One of the main arguments I made to myself when I recently got back to riding (after 30 some years!) was that there weren't any cell phones when I used to, everytime I go out I scan, scan, scan for trouble...which is everywhere.
BTW, good job keeping your cool. Maybe if we all strapped shotguns to the side of our bikes it would make a difference...but probably not...we're invisible anyway.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Phelonius on 01/06/10 at 09:21:56

I have heard of a device you can buy that kills a cell phone call if activated within its usable range.  I would say get one of these and follow the idiot occasionally pushing the kill button and stopping his calls until he is so distracted he runs off the road and is no longer a hazard.


Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Tonydtiger1971 on 01/06/10 at 14:05:15

Some states in this area are wanting the cell phone companies to add a motion sensor to the phone so it will not work while you are traveling, of course you can't walk around too much either.

Glad you're OK Digger.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by T Mack 1 - FSO on 01/06/10 at 19:47:37

Glad you're ok.  Now go borrow a T-38 and buzz the guy.... that will get his attention     ;D

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Digger on 01/06/10 at 20:05:47

40585B515A4547370 wrote:
I am glad you are ok Digger.

A new law just went into effect (here in Oregon) that makes it illegal to talk or text while driving.  Unfortunately, if you are over 18 you can use a hands free device.  I am not sure how much of a difference that really makes. :-/  I am picturing some boso trying to plug it in while doing 70.

Yep, however, I actually think the mental distraction of using a cell phone while driving outweighs the physical distraction.  Hands free devices do not lessen the mental distraction a whit!

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Digger on 01/06/10 at 20:08:12

46424B3E36393F0F0 wrote:

As is my habit (even in seemingly innocuous situations like this), I check my mirror and then do a “head check” as I prepare to enter the right turn lane.

Head check -  that is the life saver i cant remember how many times its saved me over the years. I even do it in the car its a habit  :-X

Glad yer okay buddy theres some assoles out there.

I first learned of "the life saver" years ago while reading about how y'all teach motorcycle riding in the UK.   [smiley=thumbup.gif]

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Digger on 01/06/10 at 20:14:50

0D7414383A3268590 wrote:
Glad you're ok.  Now go borrow a T-38 and buzz the guy.... that will get his attention     ;D

T-38, hell!

I'd use an A-10 for the grisly deed!    [smiley=evil.gif]

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Digger on 01/06/10 at 20:16:32

After hearing much wisdom and advice (thanks, y'all), I have decided to put the local Police Station number into my cell-phone (which is always on me when I'm riding).

Whenever something like this occurs (about once every five years or so for me, it seems), I'll stop and report it to the cops.

Like Claire Chennault ( used to say, "Run away, live to fight another day."

BTW, any advice on the best protocol to follow if making such a phone call?

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/06/10 at 21:13:33

I'd use an A-10 for the grisly deed

Ohhh yeahh, a Warthog will do the J  O  B  !

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by BurnPgh on 01/06/10 at 21:19:05

69515C555657504C4A390 wrote:
I have heard of a device you can buy that kills a cell phone call if activated within its usable range.  I would say get one of these and follow the idiot occasionally pushing the kill button and stopping his calls until he is so distracted he runs off the road and is no longer a hazard.


Its illegal in the US to block or distort wireless phone transmission electronically because it doesnt distinguish between a friendly chat and an emergency call.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Serowbot on 01/06/10 at 21:56:20

586F68744A7D721A0 wrote:
Its illegal in the US to block or distort wireless phone transmission electronically because it doesnt distinguish between a friendly chat and an emergency call.

What are the odds?...  gimme' the button... >:(

PS... A-10's are the rock'n'rollin'est planes!...  
Lot's of 'em here in Tucson... ;)

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by John_D on 01/07/10 at 02:15:07

475F5C565D4240300 wrote:
I am glad you are ok Digger.

A new law just went into effect (here in Oregon) that makes it illegal to talk or text while driving.  Unfortunately, if you are over 18 you can use a hands free device.  I am not sure how much of a difference that really makes. :-/  I am picturing some boso trying to plug it in while doing 70.

I too am glad you're ok Digger.
Wolf, I was glad to see that law go into effect too; apparently we've had one in WA for a while now, not that it seems to do any good. :P  I'm thinking that as much as OR always seems to think they need more of our tax money, they may be pretty strict on it, for a while anyway, just to get the extra income from tickets! ;D
Personally, I've never paid much attention to celphone laws, since mine is never turned on when I'm driving, and most other times as well. ::)

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by kimchris1 on 01/07/10 at 07:12:43

It's not that we don't have the law as we here in Wa State do. However like every other law it has to be enforced.

Not too long ago I was on my bike, stopped at a light. The first 5 cars that went thru the light had drivers all on cell phones. I sat there and shook my head. I was soo thankful I was not heading in their direction.

I feel we can never be too careful when on our bikes nor in our cages. Were just smaller targets on our bikes. So all be careful and expect the unexpected..

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by JohnBoy on 01/07/10 at 09:23:58

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
Making it illegal ain't gonna' do it.... they need to make it impossible...
Make cell phones not work in moving vehicles...
What about passengers?.... Tuff nuts...

As I posted last month the technology exist to prevent a moving cell phone from texting of is just a political decision.

And as many of you stated, that infringes on your rights.
I lost count of the close calls caused by people on cell phones.
I hope that this time next year we are still here having this discussion.

Digger I am glad you made it!

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by photojoe on 01/07/10 at 10:08:27

Glad you're OK Digger, and yeah, the head turn for confirmation of not all clear probably saved you.

I noticed a new trend in these parts last summer. It's not only drivers using cell phones, against the law I might add, but people on bicycles have taken up the practice. Myself, I don't answer or make calls on my cell while driving. They can wait. Texting is a waste of time to me, so I don't do it at all.

It's really a shame that the cell law is not enforced here. It should indeed be enforced, and the fines should be high with points added as well. All it takes is losing your concentration for a split second to kill someone, and these people are talking in their cars like they're at home with their feet up.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Mr. Hyde on 01/07/10 at 11:16:47

Digger the cops are the way to go but my way may not be your way. Twice last year I almost got run off the ride by an idiot - one young male and one female. I got on the cell, called 911 and reported the possibility of a drunk driver. Location, type and color of vehicle and license - that really gets their attention.

Title: Re: I Almost Met My Maker Today!
Post by Livesteam45 on 01/10/10 at 17:38:24

Cell Phone Laws aren't worth the paper they're written on,  that "Head Check"  concept,   that's Religion....... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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