General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??

Message started by smokin_blue on 10/05/09 at 17:40:04

Title: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/05/09 at 17:40:04

Well I am feeling like I have been taken for a ride by one of our own.  I bought the modified head Mike from Mikestrikes had for sale and it has been 8 days since he supposedly shipped everyone's stuff and there is no sign of it.


I have tried PM'ing him but no response.  Last time he was on the forum was 9-28.  I tried his yahoo email address that he used previously and that the Paypal money was sent to and that was very quickly shut down after the Saturday he shipped.  I am not quite sure what step to take next.

For the other 3 guys that bought stuff from him have you seen your parts yet????

Does anyone know how to contact him??

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prechermike on 10/05/09 at 19:13:21

I bought a bag of allen head bolts from him.  I got mine within a few days.  The only contact info I would have would be what was on the paypal account.

I think he was about to be in the process of moving, maybe I read that somewhere on here, the memory is one of the first things to go.  So I don't know.

I'm sorry that there is a problem.  I did post and ask how much stuff the junk man got, but I did not get a reply.  I had about forgot about that.

I really hate that you have not gotten your stuff, wish I could help.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prsavage on 10/05/09 at 19:17:29

I bought the raked triple trees chopper front end and nothing yet.  Now I am worried.  I paid $505 CDN.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Moofed on 10/05/09 at 21:28:00

With a little Google-fu:
In case the page changes, he said on Aug 30 that he's moving to email from yahoo:
michael_singleton @t att d0t net

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/05/09 at 23:20:49

Oh Google master......I should have done better.  I will try harder next time.

That is my move and in my frustration totally forgot about it!!!!

I sent an email I will let everyone know if I get a reply.


Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by sakara on 10/06/09 at 05:40:57

I know Mike, have talked to him on the phone a couple times. HE was goin through some $hit lately, and had a move. I can vouche for him well-enough; he always seemed straight and honest with me. If ya don't hear from him in a couple days please let me know and I'll try to give him a holler. But, then again, he may have a new phone number.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by srinath on 10/06/09 at 11:03:50

I bought stuff from him 3 months ago and it showed wihtout incident.
I'd say he's tangled up in moving.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by FreeSpirit on 10/06/09 at 11:23:53

That is going to be hard to get in touch with him though with no email or phone number.
I'm sure he'll see the item and realize though,if/while moving,and send it to you.Unless it got lost in shipping. :-/

Do you have a tracking number or insurance on the item?

If not,hopefully someone will have some way of contacting him.
I'm sure its just a mistake along the way somewhere,and can be corrected.

And that even if busy now,he'll be back here when he can!Eventually!

So dont lose hope :)

Edit:Sorry,I see now you did find a email address...Cool!

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/06/09 at 15:44:58

I sent an email to his new email address and it didn't get rejected.  I also realized back in my records I had his phone number because from when I sold him some parts.  I am going to try calling him tonight.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/06/09 at 19:05:44

Ok, I called Mike and his number has been disconnected.  He must have moved at the end of  last month.

I truely hope he has my head and prsavage's raked triple trees and gets ahold of us soon.  Otherwise we will just have a battle with Paypal to try to recoupe our money.  I am fine with giving him a week or two to get settled now that it appears that he moved.  I just don't like the way he disappeared with very little notice or explanation it was happening.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by MMRanch on 10/06/09 at 20:34:38

I'm glad someone is contacting Mike.   I bought the carb and cam (have not received them yet----or word eventhough he has my phone number (through a P.M.).
I hate having to open a complaint with Pay Pal too.  If anyone get in contact with him let him know "two weeks to recieve or contact".  I know anyone can get in a jam.
Maby with the cost of moving, you need shipping money ?

Mike let us know so we can work with ya. !!

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by danibugg on 10/06/09 at 21:30:26

I got a cam chain from Mike a few months back, and absolutely no issues - very fast shipping in fact. I hope things get straightened out.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Gort on 10/06/09 at 21:48:15

I've gotten my money back when I've been stiffed, using PayPal.  Its important to not wait too long to file a complaint.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/07/09 at 02:46:59

1A292F332E295B0 wrote:
I've gotten my money back when I've been stiffed, using PayPal.  Its important to not wait too long to file a complaint.

that is exactly my concern.  I want to give Mike fair chance but at the same time don't want to wait too long.  Hence as I said 2 weeks and then I think I contact paypal.

My underlying gut concern is what makes a guy dump a project (and as much money and time as he had into this one) and just disappear?

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by sakara on 10/07/09 at 10:21:45

Here's the last I heard about his move:

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/07/09 at 19:30:48

Thanks!  at least that explains a little more what might be going on.  Hopefully he can get settled in and he managed to move our parts and did not have to put them out with the trash.

I wish him well in his move and hopefully he can settle in in the next week and drop us a note.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prsavage on 10/11/09 at 15:34:20

I just checked paypal and found that Mikestrikes has not claimed the payment for the raked triple tree set.  Very strange and concerning.  Has anyone heard from him?  I hope things are ok with him.  I am torn between waiting one more week or just scooping my money back now.  It is only due to the fact that some of you here vouch for his character that I even consider waiting,


Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Starlifter on 10/11/09 at 18:49:51

Umm, I'd take the money and run.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by bill67 on 10/11/09 at 19:03:12

 I agree,He could have got into contact with you.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Gort on 10/11/09 at 20:10:29

Agreed.  He didn't bother, so why not pull the $ back before its taken?  If he wants your business, he'll contact you.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prsavage on 10/11/09 at 22:40:00

Well I took the advice and pulled my payment back.  Anyone else waiting for parts should check if their paypal account still has the payment unclaimed.


Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/12/09 at 03:32:50

PR savage I am glad to hear you got your money.  I am not that lucky at this point.  My payment is marked as completed.  It has been 17 days since I sent the payment.  If he moved the first of the month this would have been the first weekend since the move weekend so I will give him another week.  At that point I will have to open a dispute with Paypal.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by runwyrlph on 10/12/09 at 20:32:35

you're more patient than i would be!

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by rigidchop on 10/13/09 at 15:40:58


Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/18/09 at 12:27:46

Today I opened a dispute in with Paypal and immediately escalated it to a claim.  We will see what happens.


Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prechermike on 10/18/09 at 16:22:36

Smokin, I'm sorry it has come to that, but like others said, you have been more than patient.  I probably would be doing the same thing.  I got my stuff quickly and wish you had too.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Starlifter on 10/18/09 at 16:47:29

Well I guess that dead-beat creep won't be posting around here anymore.

There is such a trust and honor of friendship here (even when argue politics etc.) that this kind of scam makes us all feel bad. >:(

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/19/09 at 03:49:50

From reading the posts before is move, I don't know that I would call him a dead beat.  He was always good to deal with in the past.  From reading the posts it sounds like he was dealt a really bad hand and had to make some sudden moves (out of state) and dump alot of belongings along the way to make the move.  He is in a wheel chair so moving a shop much less a home on short notice was a very big deal fo him.

I think I just got in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I just couldn't wait too long with paypal or my time to make a claim would run out.  Hopefully we can get it straightened out.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prsavage on 10/19/09 at 06:47:49

you are amazingly patient, my hat is off to you.  I still hope you get your part.  I know I would rather have had the chopper front end than money back.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prsavage on 10/25/09 at 23:34:07

what's the status of the parts or payment refund?  Did you get anywhere with paypal?

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/26/09 at 02:49:52

I submitted it as a dispute with Paypal and then immediately raised it to a claim.  They have "contacted" Mike with email and he has until the 28th of Oct to respond.  Then they are supposed to make a ruling on what happens.  So long story short I really don't know anything but I should soon.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 10/29/09 at 19:15:29

Ok, so I have been formally stiffed.  

Paypal got back to me and said the following:

After careful review, we have determined that the seller is at fault but
regret to inform you that we were unable to recover any funds from the
seller's account.

We'll make every effort to recover the funds from the seller although we
can't guarantee you will receive a refund.

so if anyone hears from Mike I would be interested in some contact info so that maybe I could get something back or a head in return for my money he has.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prsavage on 10/29/09 at 22:55:50

Sorry to hear that.  I have been there too.  I just got lucky this time.


Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prechermike on 10/30/09 at 03:09:13


I'm sorry for the way things turned out for you.  It seems that several other folks, myself included, got just what he promised, but that does not make it any easier for you and it certainly is not right.

Maybe someone will hear soemthing from him and you can make contact.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by prsavage on 11/02/09 at 18:53:47

I just looked at that chopper forum Mikestrikes is on and he was last on there on Oct. 15 so he is not totally gone yet.  He was last on here on Sept. 23. So 22 days later does mean he has had computer time to contact the ones here.  It looks to me like he planned to scam the bigger dollar figures all along.   >:(

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 11/02/09 at 19:02:27

thanks for the heads up.  I have meant to be watching that but haven't had the time.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Rockin_John on 11/06/09 at 11:08:23

Maybe someone should take it upon themselves to warn the folks at the "chopper forum" he frequents, in case he has scams in the works over there?

However, if anyone does that, be prepared for a "shoot the messenger" attitude, as he has likely sold and made good on cheaper stuff over there; just like he did here before going in for the kill on the higher dollar items (typical scamming tactics).

Hope you folks get your money back eventually. Myself, I'd follow up on the deals with contacts to local law enforcement and district attorneys. It's called fraud, and sometimes locals will take an interest. I'd especially contact MY OWN law enforcement and prosecutors, they CAN help, if they WILL.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Tonydtiger1971 on 11/06/09 at 14:33:47

Had the same argument with PayPal recently myself with a different person.  I raised Cain and filed a suite with the Better Business Bureau and with the Post office for mail fraud.

Sorry to hear it's happening to others

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by sluggo on 11/06/09 at 15:20:20

this is the reason i only do biz with well known members,
i'll send certified check .
scum bags

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/09 at 17:30:34

Looks like everyones "got his number" now.. IDK if hes had difficulties that had him so over a barrel he HAD to stoop to " no goodnick" levels or if he was simply playing a game & shipping the cheap stuff so he could shaft others. I have a hard time believing he did that. I just dont want to accept that people do that crap. My Gramma & G-pa had a little store & a regular customer wanted to borrow just a few bucks. She declined. Told me "They'll borrow $5.00 today & pay it off. Borrow 5 or so, every so often, & pay it off, then ask for a bigger chunk & Ill never see them again.".. Maybe she knew people better than I do?

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 11/07/09 at 07:12:08

Justin I agree with you.  He has been good in all his dealing with me previously and others.  I think he had his hands full with the forced move but he could reply to my emails.  I have sent several with no response.  He has been on the other site and I am watching for him there and here.  I just don't expect to see my money back.  I would like to give him the benifit of the doubt but he has to step up and at least email me back.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 11/08/09 at 18:18:10

OK, may be I am too much of a nice guy.  Now I am losing faith in Mikestrikes.  He has not been logged into this forum (not to say he hasn't been lurking) since he blew out of here the end of September.  He has never answered any of my emails.

He has however been active on the chopper forum so a couple of days ago I sent him a private message.  I have a different sign on over there so I sent it with message tracking.  He did read the message last night so we shall see if he gets back to me or not.  I am not too hopeful.  If he doesn't with in a day or two I will put out a warning to other memebers on that site to be very careful in any dealings with him.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Mr. Hyde on 11/09/09 at 07:17:33

What 'chopper forum' are we talking about?  

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by babyhog on 11/09/09 at 07:45:41

3E2022262423122F2138284D0 wrote:
OK, may be I am too much of a nice guy.  Now I am losing faith in Mikestrikes.  He has not been logged into this forum (not to say he hasn't been lurking) since he blew out of here the end of September.  He has never answered any of my emails.

He has however been active on the chopper forum so a couple of days ago I sent him a private message.  I have a different sign on over there so I sent it with message tracking.  He did read the message last night so we shall see if he gets back to me or not.  I am not too hopeful.  If he doesn't with in a day or two I will put out a warning to other memebers on that site to be very careful in any dealings with him.

If he's lurking around here, he knows you are being sneaky, so be careful what you post here too...  don't tip him off.

Is he selling stuff on the other site?

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 11/09/09 at 09:39:24

I thought of that so if he is lurking then he knows what a reputation he has built for himself.  He is not selling currently there but was earlier this summer.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by BurnPgh on 11/09/09 at 13:47:56

No need to be sneaky. If you don't here from him just post "hey...this guy royaly screwed several people on the savage forum. Here's a link to the discussion with more details. Be aware."

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 11/09/09 at 17:52:06

ok, post has been made on the trikes section of the chopperweb forum.  I can't post to the for sale section since I don't have enough postings yet but I could get in on trikes.  here is the link for anyone that is that curious.

for anyone that was interested in that forum it is

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by bill67 on 11/09/09 at 18:21:59

  Beware of anyone who writes in bold type,I thought he was a jerk, when he did that and he was.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Rockin_John on 11/11/09 at 10:01:48

If he's lurking around here, he knows you are being sneaky, so be careful what you post here too...  don't tip him off.

Is he selling stuff on the other site?

Babyhog, I don't know for certain if you meant to be insulting; but I take exception to you saying Smokin_Blue is being "Sneaky."

IMO, he is being honest and above board. Speaking the truth in public and warning others about someone who cannot or will not perform their responsibilities is NOT: "Being Sneaky!!!"  >:(

In fact, he does us all a service in protecting us against a loss.

I thank Smokin_Blue for performing this service to the group, and the other group too!

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by smokin_blue on 11/11/09 at 11:08:15

I think she was just talking about my revealing that I sent a PM on the other site where I hold a a different sign on. (whereas he is Mikestrikes on both)

No harm no foul! from BabyHog and thanks for the support Rockin_John

One of the guys on the other forum tracked his last IP address to Huntsville which is 20 miles from Decatur so he didn't move far if this is all true.  He may have last minute decided to keep the big pieces to his project

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by verslagen1 on 11/11/09 at 11:25:03

Keep us apprised Smokin'

BTW, I think piglet just used the wrong word.  You can't be sneakin' by announcin' your grievences on a forum.

remember last year, he did the same thing, disappeared for awhile with someones money in his pocket and forgot to ship a part.  $50 is one thing $500 is whole nother story.

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by Rockin_John on 11/11/09 at 12:13:15

Yes guys, That's why I was no more harsh and worded my reply to Babyhog the way I did: In case it was just a poor choice of words. Had I been Certain that she meant the way it sounded, I'd likely have unloaded on her! I'm all for liberating women!  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone have Mikestrikes phone number??
Post by babyhog on 11/11/09 at 13:44:40

764B474F4D4A7B6E4B4C4A240 wrote:
Yes guys, That's why I was no more harsh and worded my reply to Babyhog the way I did: In case it was just a poor choice of words. Had I been Certain that she meant the way it sounded, I'd likely have unloaded on her! I'm all for liberating women!  ;D

Well, I appreciate the defense from others who understood my intent.  Yes, I guess "sneaky" wasn't the best word to use.  It ticks me off every time I read this thread.  I always hope to read that he got his money back, or got the part, or something good, but it keeps getting deeper!  I type before I think, and didn't choose the best wording.  Thankfully he understood.  I also appreciate his persistence, and think that it can only help others to be more cautious with transactions like this.  

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