General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first?

Message started by Boule’tard on 07/22/09 at 20:11:41

Title: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first?
Post by Boule’tard on 07/22/09 at 20:11:41

Ok so I got used a Dial-a-Jet off Ebay for a whopping $0.01  :D Nobody else bid.  And to make my day, I also got the LANCER SUPER CARB in the mail today, yes the Mikuni roundslide  :D

So assuming the guy actually sends me the 1-cent DAJ and I find a way to tap the carb bowl, what would be a good place to start, jet-wise?  Lancer installed a 180 main and (if my microscope is correct) a 15 pilot jet.  The needle clip is on the 2nd to top notch.  

The general advice is to subtract two sizes on the jetting, but I don't know if that's for the main, pilot or both.  For now I just dropped the main to a 170 and will try that first, unless you carb gurus have some advice.  I'm currently running a K&N panel filter and Dyna muffler.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by LANCER on 07/23/09 at 04:11:07

You should have the PM I sent you in response to your inquiry, but just for general info for other readers who may get a DAJ sometime, the manufacturer of the device recommends a 3 size drop on the main jet when the DAJ is installed.
Buying a used DAJ puts you in a bit of an unknown situation with an unproven device, so taking some care when testing begins after installation is in order.  Take your time going through the throttle range checking responsiveness and power.  It is not a concern if you happen to have a main jet that turns out to be too small.  It will not hurt the engine, but will show up during testing as a lack of power in the high throttle range.  If after adjusting the DAJ to the max rich setting, if the high range is still low on power, then go back and install the next larger main jet, reset the DAJ to the lean end of settings and begin the testing again.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by Boule’tard on 07/23/09 at 06:22:41

Will do, thanks man.  3 sizes lower on the main (only) and per your PM, one notch leaner on the needle.  

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by odvelasc on 07/23/09 at 10:16:46

727F657C7564716274100 wrote:
Will do, thanks man.  3 sizes lower on the main (only) and per your PM, one notch leaner on the needle.  

I am running a 150, set to the middle setting on the dial a jet. I have less top end. When I realign my back wheel I will get to the second most rich setting. I will let you know, but not till next week as its raining today, I am
going away for the weekend. Goodluck bouletard. I am pretty the second most rich setting will give me back my top end.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by srinath on 07/23/09 at 10:21:02

In the 90's DAJ was well discredited.
The whole argument about pullinig form the bottom of the bowl etc etc ... well you do know that that's where the garbage in the tank and gas station junk that doesn;t get stopped by the screen collects right.
You really think its a great idea to run the bike with that.

Anyway, I'd carburete it properly and leave the DAJ on the shelf.

FWIW, the 155's in my nice clean 87 version carb with sedimentation capacity working properly works like a charm on my 2000 with stock air filter and pipe.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by seviersavage on 07/23/09 at 10:38:16

The DAJ is an add only device, meaning it won't function unless there is a need (Lean situation). The advantage to running one is that peak horsepower is found in a very narrow band of air fuel mixture at a line between too rich and too lean. An imposible task to meet in every kind of weather. With conventional jetting it's best too just err on the rich side and not worry about it but thats not peak horsepower.
If you create a lean situation by dropping enough main jet sizes the DAJ will respond and give you perfect mixture every time. It never adds too much.
For me a 160 main was too rich, no DAJ input. At Lancers suggestion I dropped to a 150 main  bingo DAJ works now. I'm noticing the difference in exhaust tone and response.
If sediment gets past the petcock screen then I trap it in the inline filter I run.
You will be able to confirm the DAJ working by stopping fast after a 3/4 throttle run and imediately looking at your supply line, gas should still be at the DAJ mixing valve.
Every proformance product has naysayers, The DAJ works for me,
hope it does for you.
No offence meant Srinath, cool

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by odvelasc on 07/23/09 at 16:01:16

1013060D000611140A0F0F0A020E10630 wrote:
The DAJ is an add only device, meaning it won't function unless there is a need (Lean situation). The advantage to running one is that peak horsepower is found in a very narrow band of air fuel mixture at a line between too rich and too lean. An imposible task to meet in every kind of weather. With conventional jetting it's best too just err on the rich side and not worry about it but thats not peak horsepower.
If you create a lean situation by dropping enough main jet sizes the DAJ will respond and give you perfect mixture every time. It never adds too much.
For me a 160 main was too rich, no DAJ input. At Lancers suggestion I dropped to a 150 main  bingo DAJ works now. I'm noticing the difference in exhaust tone and response.
If sediment gets past the petcock screen then I trap it in the inline filter I run.
You will be able to confirm the DAJ working by stopping fast after a 3/4 throttle run and imediately looking at your supply line, gas should still be at the DAJ mixing valve.
Every proformance product has naysayers, The DAJ works for me,
hope it does for you.
No offence meant Srinath, cool

My DAJ was working at 160, I was just a little rich in the second most rich setting. The middle and the lesser ones, well the bike felt stock at top end. I am running a 150 and no more black smoke when throttling at idle, and no more smell of fuel. What I am hoping to get out of the DAJ is correct jetting in the fall. It gets quite cold here in October, and that is my favorite time to ride because I get hot very easily in the summer. Soo, one turn of the dial richer and taddaa is what I expect. Hope it works for you boule. P.S I love your Bubbles avatar. Trailer Park boys is all Canadian and hilarious.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by Boule’tard on 07/23/09 at 20:25:40

Are you guys (except srinath) all running the roundslide carb with those main jets, and does it matter?  Right now I have the stock CV carb installed with a 145 main.  For the roundslide carb Lancer started me off with a 180 main.  When I won the DAJ I swapped the 180 for a 165.  If that turns out too rich it looks like I'll be trading some jets.. I think 160 is the smallest I have.  

Thanks guys, I really appreciate everyone's comments!

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by odvelasc on 07/24/09 at 04:50:18

4A475D444D5C495A4C280 wrote:
Are you guys (except srinath) all running the roundslide carb with those main jets, and does it matter?  Right now I have the stock CV carb installed with a 145 main.  For the roundslide carb Lancer started me off with a 180 main.  When I won the DAJ I swapped the 180 for a 165.  If that turns out too rich it looks like I'll be trading some jets.. I think 160 is the smallest I have.  

Lancer, if you're reading this thread please PM me a quote for a 155 and 150 main.  

Thanks guys, I really appreciate everyone's comments!

yeppers. 38mm roundslide VM carb here. Myself and seviersavage are running DAJ and UFO.  Its the only way to go. Dont waste your time installing the DAJ on your stock carb. If you are running the BS mikuni you will need that back mounting boot to mount onto your new carb. If you install the DAJ you may have a hard time getting it on and re-positioning your DAJ properly. Remember the PM I sent you?

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by SV og LS on 07/24/09 at 07:06:05

3F3E25222D38244C0 wrote:
Anyway, I'd carburete it properly and leave the DAJ on the shelf.

I agree with this. Properly jetted bike doesn't lose that much power if it gets a few degrees hotter and colder. It may still be closer to optimal than seat of the pants jetted DAJ bike. I got the chance to setup in dyno 2 of my previous bikes and they had no carburation problems from -8C to 35C, idling and accelerating nice and smooth.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by Boule’tard on 07/24/09 at 07:43:31

Hmm, decisions decisions.   On one hand there are good reasons to use the DAJ.. there's the adjustability, and the emulsion tube seems like it might do a better job atomizing the fuel than regular jets.  But then it is an added complexity, another thing that might clog, another circuit to adjust, which may or may not make the overall tuning simpler.. unfortunately the term "band-aid" comes to mind.   I'll wait to see the condition of the DAJ before deciding, and familiarize myself with the new carb in the meantime.  

If the DAJ condition looks good, I will install it and try a 155 main based on your responses.  Odvelasc, I got your PM, appreciate the input and look forward to your fine-tuning results.  

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by seviersavage on 07/24/09 at 09:18:56

why don't you start off without it, get your new carb in, adjusted as best you can. Get used to it by riding for a while, then add the dial a jet and drop two or three sizes, me thinks you'll end up with a 150 main using the DAJ. Then you can report back what you think rather than setting it up from the beginning and having nothing to compare to.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by srinath on 07/24/09 at 09:49:42

I tune the bike to run the best on the coldest day of the year.
Usually that is good for all year. Now on some bikes I can tune it that way any time of the year ... like a GS500. The reason it works is -
Summers in most of the world are humid and warm. Winters are colder and less humid, and falls and spring are in between. Humidity needs richer jetting, colder air needs richer jetting, warmer air needs leaner. Your CV carb is flexible enough to have that range of adjustability easily without any changes needed. It of course will be very different if you encounter 5000ft altitude changes on a daily basis.
I dunno about the VM types.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by LANCER on 07/24/09 at 12:17:22

2625303B363027223C39393C343826550 wrote:
why don't you start off without it, get your new carb in, adjusted as best you can. Get used to it by riding for a while, then add the dial a jet and drop two or three sizes, me thinks you'll end up with a 150 main using the DAJ. Then you can report back what you think rather than setting it up from the beginning and having nothing to compare to.

This is the practical first step, which establishes a base line from which to work when setting up the DAJ.  If I have neglected to make this clear previously then I apologize for the omission.  You must know the correct jetting for your engine/carb/exhaust setup first.  Of course, if someone else has virtually the same setup and already has his/her bike dialed in and working well then jumping ahead in the steps is reasonable.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by Boule’tard on 07/24/09 at 18:23:19

Sounds like a plan.  I will try to get the carb installed tomorrow.  There's no rush.. I am determined to get this bike running as sweet as possible. I'll take my time to think and evaluate, while waiting for the DAJ and maybe some jets sized 155 and 150.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by odvelasc on 07/26/09 at 17:51:40

Ok, So, I have the 150main and the daj at the second most rich setting. I don get the fuel to the top of the line to the mixing chamber the way seviersavage says he does. My understanding is that that level is my float level. It does go up when I rev, mostly from 1/2 throttle and up. I am gonna down to a 145 main and maybe to the middle setting. See how that goes. 150 is still good though.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by seviersavage on 07/26/09 at 18:38:25

You can't just rev the engine and watch it go up, has to have been under load. That's why after an almost WOT run I stop real fast and lean over to check it, I can catch fuel in line all the way to the top.
Tried leaning over once while at 3/4 throttle still on bike, take my word for it don't try it. :-X

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by Boule’tard on 07/26/09 at 19:36:04

7F7466757C716373100 wrote:
Ok, So, I have the 150main and the daj at the second most rich setting .... I am gonna down to a 145 main and maybe to the middle setting. See how that goes. 150 is still good though.

Are you running with the needle clip on the leanest position, or the 2nd leanest?

Unfortunately I didn't get to work on my bike this weekend.. 50's house.. all my time went down the sewer (literally)  >:(

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by odvelasc on 07/27/09 at 10:36:01

707D677E7766736076120 wrote:
[quote author=7F7466757C716373100 link=1248318702/15#15 date=1248655900]Ok, So, I have the 150main and the daj at the second most rich setting .... I am gonna down to a 145 main and maybe to the middle setting. See how that goes. 150 is still good though.

Are you running with the needle clip on the leanest position, or the 2nd leanest?

Unfortunately I didn't get to work on my bike this weekend.. 50's house.. all my time went down the sewer (literally)  >:( [/quote]

I have the needle clip in the middle setting. I may adjust that before leaning out.Mayb to a lower setting to enrichen the low end better since thats where I feel I lack a bit of power. It is raining today grrrr, yet again. SSooooo I am gonna adjust the needle tomorrow and test it before work tomorrow afternoon.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by Boule’tard on 07/27/09 at 11:00:14

Cool.  I am still waiting for the DAJ so will start with the 180 main and needle on 2nd leanest.  Then (assuming I'm not blown away by the performance as-is, which is likely) I'll put in the DAJ and raise the needle to leanest and drop the main to 155.  

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by seviersavage on 07/27/09 at 13:21:58

Just so we agree on our word pictures, On the vm carb raising the needle literally richens the mix. Dropping the needle toward the bowl leans the mix, less fuel gets by hence leaner mix. Raise it and more fuel gets by and you have a richer mix.

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by Boule’tard on 07/27/09 at 16:04:43

Right, I meant, raise the clip to highest/leanest  :-[

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by seviersavage on 07/27/09 at 17:06:10

O.K. now I'm with ya

Title: Re: Scored me a Dial-a-Jet, what jets to try first
Post by odvelasc on 07/27/09 at 17:51:09

4340555E53554247595C5C59515D43300 wrote:
You can't just rev the engine and watch it go up, has to have been under load. That's why after an almost WOT run I stop real fast and lean over to check it, I can catch fuel in line all the way to the top.
Tried leaning over once while at 3/4 throttle still on bike, take my word for it don't try it. :-X

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