General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Back-wards oil filter!?!?

Message started by Balderdash on 05/10/09 at 22:33:45

Title: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by Balderdash on 05/10/09 at 22:33:45

I just replaced all the bolts on my '96 savage engine, replaced the cam chain and adjusted the valves, replaced the brake pads, replaced the gaskets on everything I opened up.  Checked the clutch plates but decided they looked fine and put them back...

When reassembling the bike, I quickly took out the old oil filter, put a new one in, correctly, and then realized I had a spare small o-ring and took the oil filter back out and replaced the small o-ring and thought to myself, what a silly thing, that old o-ring was just fine... then quickly forgot all about it as I reattached the oil filter cover with the 3 new stainless steel allen wrench bolts.

Next day, after letting the gasket material in the header to slip on 'cure' for 24 hours, I'm all ready to listen to the motor start up and see if I got the cam-chain in the right spot or if I missed by a link or two and would have to start over.

Turn the key, engine spurts - kicks in, spews some black smoke from pouring oil over the valves after resetting them, and I think, oh yeah, the chain is right and the bike is purring... I'll rev it a little, when suddenly...


And Oil is spewing straight out of the side of the bike about three feet laterally, like a jugular has been slit.  I jump and turn off the bike and look down, the oil cover is cracked in a 3 inch half moon shape under the bottom half of the oil filter circle. I remove the 3 bolts and find that I put the oil filter on BACKWARDS!  Covering the hole with the solid end!

Dear God, someone please shoot me!  :-[

24 hours later with a quarter cup of JB Weld soaked into the crack and waiting for a RonAyers purchase to arrive, the bike is running again, but man or man, what an idiot I am ;D

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by photojoe on 05/11/09 at 05:13:21

Every time after I button something up, I seem to always ask my self if I forgot to do something. I once walked into the house after doing an oil change asking myself if the rubber O-ring was installed. It drove me crazy enough that I opened it back up. The O-ring was there.

When I do an oil/filter change, I pour a bit of oil into the filter just before I put everything back together. This way it has to go in the right way.

Something that will help us make sure that everything was done right with an inside procedure is pictures, video or someone looking over our shoulder.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by Reelthing on 05/11/09 at 06:35:04

well your not alone - that's i believe the 4th blowout I recall on the forum - the very first one was quite a puzzle -

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by SavageDanny on 05/11/09 at 07:28:40

I got you beat for stupid.

I put the little gear on the back of the clutch on backwards once. You know the little gear that turns the other gear that makes your oil pump work.  :-[ No oil was getting to the top. It ran fine for a week then started having problems. It got noisy and ran like crap. Took it all back apart and found I had to replace the cam and rockers. That was one expensive learning experience.

Now every time I work on it I get paranoid, wondering if I put it back together right. I have actually done jobs twice just to make sure I did it right.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by marshall13 on 05/11/09 at 13:01:16

mark your parts!!  a sharpee, an electric pencil, a scribe, even prick punches.... as you dis-assemble, mark the outer face of parts... put a mark on your filter's outer face... before you button up, check for your marks all facing correctly...  a star, check, or happyface drawn on the metal end wrap on the filter with a sharpee will not contaminate your oil, and will show at a glance if it's installed correctly.... "dummy insurance" is cheap.... it only costs a little time....

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by diamond jim on 05/11/09 at 13:23:02

That is great advice.  So simple.  

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by ero4444 on 05/11/09 at 14:44:32

Balderdash, thanks for sharing this unhappy story.  

Was the oil hot at the time?  Some here seem to think that thermal expansion causes the blowout but I think it's probably the oil pressure, turning the backwards filter into a hydraulic piston.  

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by Balderdash on 05/11/09 at 20:06:32

23342972727272460 wrote:
Balderdash, thanks for sharing this unhappy story.  

Was the oil hot at the time?  Some here seem to think that thermal expansion causes the blowout but I think it's probably the oil pressure, turning the backwards filter into a hydraulic piston.  

There was no expansion yet, the oil was not even warm yet.  In fact I know it wasn't, as it blew out less than a minute after starting it was still cool to the touch as it came out.

The shape of the hole is exactly outlining the oil filter, the filter was brand new and wasn't pre-soaked, the oil pressure just simply tried to push through the filter top and drove the filter through the outside of the casing.  The ring inside the cover that holds the spring in place is visible as well as the oil filter outline, so much pressure was pushing from the inside and trying to get out.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/09 at 08:44:45

Maybe the splash pot up in the head kept the cam & rockers oiled.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by SimonTuffGuy on 05/12/09 at 08:56:33

Ouch! I guess I'll need to double check myself when I change my oil soon!

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by High-Def on 05/12/09 at 14:12:54

I did it about umm 6 weeks ago. Doh!

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by prsavage on 05/12/09 at 17:20:39

I am currently working on a brand new ship (BCFerry, M.V. Island Sky).  We had the engine manufacturer's rep do the final inspection/service before handing the boat over to us but he didn't start the engine and z-peller after changing the filters.  On the next startup we blew a 2" gear oil line apart and lost about 200 litres into the bilge.  We did it 4 more times before we found he had left a valve turned 180 essentially blinding the filter housing outlet.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by marshall13 on 05/12/09 at 17:26:06

7C7E747D7D1B0 wrote:
I am currently working on a brand new ship (BCFerry, M.V. Island Sky).  We had the engine manufacturer's rep do the final inspection/service before handing the boat over to us but he didn't start the engine and z-peller after changing the filters.  On the next startup we blew a 2" gear oil line apart and lost about 200 litres into the bilge.  We did it 4 more times before we found he had left a valve turned 180 essentially blinding the filter housing outlet.

always doublecheck the work of an ;D

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by BurnPgh on 05/13/09 at 23:37:17

had the same thing happen last year, except i had the filter in right ways.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by John_D on 05/13/09 at 23:44:13

0D01121308010C0C5153600 wrote:
[quote author=7C7E747D7D1B0 link=1242020025/0#11 date=1242174039]I am currently working on a brand new ship (BCFerry, M.V. Island Sky).  We had the engine manufacturer's rep do the final inspection/service before handing the boat over to us but he didn't start the engine and z-peller after changing the filters.  On the next startup we blew a 2" gear oil line apart and lost about 200 litres into the bilge.  We did it 4 more times before we found he had left a valve turned 180 essentially blinding the filter housing outlet.

always doublecheck the work of an ;D[/quote]

But wait, aren't the engineers supposed to know everything? ::)

Yeah, none of ya were going for that, were ya! ;D

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by verslagen1 on 05/13/09 at 23:59:26

Engineers only the job once or twice.  And if you don't interupt them every 5 minutes to handle some technicians total disregard to the blue print blessed by a designer, ME, change committee, his boss, his bosses boss and customer alike, each having 10 changes to prove they are in charge, and completely screwing up the part, then they are completely out of their element.

Tell you what... next time you invent something, I won't criticize it.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by marshall13 on 05/13/09 at 23:59:57

5245444E45434B1712111012200 wrote:
[quote author=0D01121308010C0C5153600 link=1242020025/0#12 date=1242174366][quote author=7C7E747D7D1B0 link=1242020025/0#11 date=1242174039]I am currently working on a brand new ship (BCFerry, M.V. Island Sky).  We had the engine manufacturer's rep do the final inspection/service before handing the boat over to us but he didn't start the engine and z-peller after changing the filters.  On the next startup we blew a 2" gear oil line apart and lost about 200 litres into the bilge.  We did it 4 more times before we found he had left a valve turned 180 essentially blinding the filter housing outlet.

always doublecheck the work of an ;D[/quote]

But wait, aren't the engineers supposed to know everything? ::)

Yeah, none of ya were going for that, were ya! ;D
used to work building warming ovens for airliners, one day i find a latch part mis-drilled (lean manufacturing, so no spares...rofl) i tell the super visor, she calls the engineer, Todd... Todd shows up says "what's the prob?" i show him the part, tell him the hole is 1/8 inch outboard of where it belongs... he pulls his calipers... he measures the part, he measures where it fits on the oven, he goes to the phone.... 2 more engineers show up... they huddle... they measure everything but my shoes....  they huddle again... so by now, it's like 1/2 an hour since Todd showed up... i wander over... "what's the deal, Todd?" i ask... they mutter back and forth, then he tells me "the hole appears to be a hundred and twenty five thousandths off, to the outboard side".... my supervisor laughs... i laugh... the engineer herd looks confused... i ask Todd"so whats that in fractions, Todd?" he mumbles... i ask him to speak up "umm, an eigth inch".... that's when i decided i didnt want to be an engineer, because it took 3 guys with probably a collective 20 years of school behind them, 3 dial calipers, and half an hour to figure out what i saw with my own 2 eyes in 3 seconds.....and im neither a brilliant observer, nor particularly bright....

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by marshall13 on 05/14/09 at 00:07:04

52415657484543414A15240 wrote:
Engineers only the job once or twice.  And if you don't interupt them every 5 minutes to handle some technicians total disregard to the blue print blessed by a designer, ME, change committee, his boss, his bosses boss and customer alike, each having 10 changes to prove they are in charge, and completely screwing up the part, then they are completely out of their element.

Tell you what... next time you invent something, I won't criticize it.

all in fun, bro.... ive got nothing but praise for your efforts and insights on the bikes, the parts, and especially for your brilliantly simple hand grenade preventer.... Todd could have done it, but it would have taken 15 parts, and added 40 lbs to the bike....rofl

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by John_D on 05/14/09 at 00:07:16

Sorry if I stepped on any toes, it was meant in a lighthearted manner.  We've had some awesome ME's, and some less than awesome.  Same as any other position.  We just liked to give them a hard time, becuase they're usually good natured about it.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by verslagen1 on 05/14/09 at 00:34:45

I usually do, but let me tell you what I did today... an inspector wrote up a part that was 1/300 over spec., negociated with the customers rep on course of action, he said he'd take it up with his engineers, they said no way jose, and why didn't you follow procedure you said you would follow?  (just shoot me)  So I conversed with the ME, told him the customer doesn't need the part so it was going to be hell trying to get to accept these parts like they are, so you are going fix these parts like I told you 6 months ago.  I'll go over it (again) with the lead on how to follow the chart which explains all.  He said they know that, but they won't shoot for the max cause if they go over it's their but, and I said they did go over so go give them a rash.
And then I got a tech whose makin' $5k a part complaining about an overheatin' machine cause dust bunnies are cloggin' up el cheapo air filters.   :o  So I said you can't clean them out?  he said not my yob   ::)  I didn't say much for the rest of the day.

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by John_D on 05/14/09 at 01:00:13

I'm actually one of the dreaded QC inspectors at work that puts stuff on hold, everybody loves to see us coming. ;D  Like everyone else though, we just have to go by what the specs or our boss tell us.  
We run a part that's consistently measured under the lower spec for years now; we put 'em on hold, the ME's keep signing 'em off "use as is".  I can't even remember how long my super's been working to get the spec changed... I think it's stuck in Document Control now.  We're down to 1 person in that whole department now.  Dang you recession, we need more people! >:(

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by marshall13 on 05/14/09 at 01:03:35

6B786F6E717C7A78732C1D0 wrote:
I usually do, but let me tell you what I did today... an inspector wrote up a part that was 1/300 over spec., negociated with the customers rep on course of action, he said he'd take it up with his engineers, they said no way jose, and why didn't you follow procedure you said you would follow?  (just shoot me)  So I conversed with the ME, told him the customer doesn't need the part so it was going to be hell trying to get to accept these parts like they are, so you are going fix these parts like I told you 6 months ago.  I'll go over it (again) with the lead on how to follow the chart which explains all.  He said they know that, but they won't shoot for the max cause if they go over it's their but, and I said they did go over so go give them a rash.
And then I got a tech whose makin' $5k a part complaining about an overheatin' machine cause dust bunnies are cloggin' up el cheapo air filters.   :o  So I said you can't clean them out?  he said not my yob   ::)  I didn't say much for the rest of the day.

wow, rough indeed!! your sobriety is admirable... ida had to tie on a good one, i  5k a part?? hell, ill clean the dustbunnies at 5k a part.... heres a pearl of wisdom from my dad: a mind-murder a day keeps the psychiatrist away....

Title: Re: Back-wards oil filter!?!?
Post by Digger on 06/24/09 at 20:38:42

754750474143624748485F260 wrote:
....I put the little gear on the back of the clutch on backwards once. You know the little gear that turns the other gear that makes your oil pump work.  :-[ No oil was getting to the top. It ran fine for a week then started having problems. It got noisy and ran like crap. Took it all back apart and found I had to replace the cam and rockers......


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