General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> ARGH!  Fork Seals!

Message started by Mortation on 04/09/09 at 07:44:22

Title: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by Mortation on 04/09/09 at 07:44:22

The fork seals were not leaking when I first had the bike but they are pretty bad now.  Have to keep whipping off the inner fork tube.  I knew I should have just changed them out when I did the tune up!

I ordered new oil/dust seals and the clips ($53) as from my experience the clip is usually rusted to crap.  Problem is they wont be here till the beginning of next week and I need to leave Friday morning!!

ARGH!  I wont have time to change these before I leave, I have no one around to give me a hand and doing it alone is going to take way to long to squeeze in after work before Friday :(

I called the dealership and if I bring them JUST the forks they want $170+/- to swap them out for me.  I need to open my own shop :(

I don't think it would be a good idea to ride up there with the forks as is.  I don't know if I will have time to do it alone and I really dont want to shell out $170 - $200 to the dealership.  ARGH!  ARGH!  ARGH!

I hate fork seals :(  SUCH A PITA!!!

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by Mortation on 04/09/09 at 10:25:36

Oh screw it I will take another day off from work if I have to.  I am not paint these guys $170+ to do something they should be able to do in an hour.

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by verslagen1 on 04/09/09 at 11:21:22

I'd take the time to replace the oil too.

I'd just turn the forks over to drain the oil.

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by Mortation on 04/09/09 at 11:29:19

796A7D7C636E686A613E0F0 wrote:
I'd take the time to replace the oil too.

I'd just turn the forks over to drain the oil.

Yea I plan on it.  I have some 15w left but I think I will just use that to clean up the inside and go with a 20 or maybe 30 for the final assembly.

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by Mortation on 04/09/09 at 16:11:04

hmmm, doesnt look like my vise survived the move to CT.  Am I going to be able to get these sliders apart without a vise?  Or do I need to go get one?

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by verslagen1 on 04/09/09 at 17:14:27

I didn't use a vise myself.
When it came time to torque it, put it against a fence post and clamp it to it.

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by Mortation on 04/09/09 at 17:37:33

2E3D2A2B34393F3D3669580 wrote:
I didn't use a vise myself.
When it came time to torque it, put it against a fence post and clamp it to it.

I was more referring to the point when you separate the inner slider from the outer tube.  In the manual it says you have to lock the outer tube in a vise and then pull the inner tube out with force.  Were you able to just pull them apart?

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by verslagen1 on 04/09/09 at 18:22:51

I don't remember having a hard time.
the worst of it was getting the bottom bolt off.
the broomstick has to be ground at just the right angle for it to grip.
try to break it loose before taking it apart.

Title: Re: ARGH!  Fork Seals!
Post by Mortation on 04/09/09 at 18:37:53

7F6C7B7A65686E6C6738090 wrote:
I don't remember having a hard time.
the worst of it was getting the bottom bolt off.
the broomstick has to be ground at just the right angle for it to grip.
try to break it loose before taking it apart.

I am going to try and do it the clymer way to break it free before taking the forks off.  I may give the impact wrench a go but its a cheapo walmart one and I usually have better luck just using a regular wrench and elbow grease ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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