General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Carb Tuning Advice needed

Message started by NewThumperGuy on 03/23/09 at 12:09:31

Title: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by NewThumperGuy on 03/23/09 at 12:09:31

I recently had the K&N cone filter, spacer mod with 152.5 main and a dyna screaming eagle II install done on my 97. I noticed I still had some backfiring and some coloring of the new pipe!! I went to the forums for tuning info to see if I could handle the adjustments myself. I found my brass plug had already been removed. I found my screw was only about a turn out. I brought up idle and adjusted slowly, there was not much change in sound but more black smoke the more I turned it out. Not being to mechanically inclined I figured to be safe ask the experts so here I am.
I'm having a hard time finding my sweet spot and need some help. I think my elevation is only around 250m. Anybody at a similar elevation?

My top battery cover was removed in order to get the K&N to fit, now my tool cover only latches down at the key and hangs out at the top. My tool cover is now in my saddlebag to prevent loosing it. Would a little more pressure on the battery allow the cover to go back on with the K&N? I read about removing airbox completely and shifting battery back but not sure I'm ready to go there just yet.

All your opinions and advice are greatly appreciated.


Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 03/23/09 at 12:16:37

Check here.

Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by NewThumperGuy on 03/23/09 at 12:29:15

Yonuh thanks but have already been through there. The picture links are all broken. I just did not hear the change when looking for the happy medium between turns in and out. With the screw another half turn out the backfires were still there. I just don't want to mess anything up!!

Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 03/23/09 at 12:38:19

Okay, what it could be then is clogged passages in the carb. But I am no expert, Lancer would be able to tell you better than I could. However when my carb was doing the same thing as you described that is what Lancer suggested to me.

Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by LANCER on 03/23/09 at 13:22:35

The pilot circuit is the primary controlling factor for the backfire issues, and the adjusting screw is part of the pilot circuit.  There are several very small passageways involved in the system and they are easily clogged from time, dirt & fuel residue's.  You can try some of the fuel additives which may work if the clogg is small/recent.  Or you can remove the carb and shoot carb cleaner through as many of the passageways as you can find without taking it apart.  If those do not help it to run properly then plan on a complete disassembly and hard core cleaning.
Charlie and I spent part Saturday afternoon and evening (dinner and a stage show    :D ) redoing his carb and it even worked when we hooked it up afterward !   ;D

Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by Wolf on 03/23/09 at 18:20:28

Geez Lancer, I hoped it would work... lol  I was gettin nervous fer a second!  I'll be doing this soon enough.  It is so comforting to know there are many people to discuss these issues with...

Oh, BTW  I received my Motorcyle Photo Companion CD today!  My fingers are getting greasy already!

Thanks all!   Wolf :)

Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by NewThumperGuy on 03/24/09 at 05:11:58

Thanks again Yonuh.

Lancer, my carb work was just done a couple weeks ago so if it is due to clogging it will be recent. What do you recommend I try for a fuel additive?
Just to confirm my mix screw is located on the upper right side of the carb towards the engine correct? How many turns are there from all the way in to out?
Only 2 of the 3 washers from your kit were used w/ the 152.5 main and as mentioned my elevation is only around 250m so I was wondering if this was playing a factor??

Anybody have any advice or a solution for my battery and tool cover issue? I really dont want to create any more problems by just jumping in there myself. Not the most confident bike mechanic yet! :-[

Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by Mortation on 03/24/09 at 06:56:49

The best thing to do is to take the carb out.  Completely strip it down and then dip it in carb dip, every single piece.  After it comes out of the carb dip use a compressor and blower nozzle to clean it out (Again every single piece).

There are also some tools you can use to clean out the holes and such but you have to be VERY careful because they are BRASS and brass is VERY easy to distort.  If they are new you shouldnt have to do that.

Then put the whole thing back together, set the float height, and use a colortune to set your mixture screw.  If it still pops after that take out another washer and/or go with a bigger jet.

Carb tuning is trial and error and takes some time to get right.  Be thankful you only have one and it doesnt have to be balanced.  My last bike had 4, that was a nice bundle of joy.

WARNING: Make sure ALL RUBBER/PLASTIC parts are REMOVED prior to dipping!!!!  Carb dip will trash them and it will dirty your carb dip.

Title: Re: Carb Tuning Advice needed
Post by NewThumperGuy on 03/25/09 at 09:03:26

Thanks Mort, hope it does not come to all that. As I mentioned, not the most mechanically inclined and it sounds like a major job.

I will try the fuel additive first. Anybody have any recommendations on a good working product out there??

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