General Category >> The Cafe >> 2009's Tail of the Dragon Trip

Message started by Oldfeller on 11/29/08 at 07:00:18

Title: 2009's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/08 at 07:00:18

Let's start us a thread to discuss the next Dragon trip.  Toymaker is up for hosting it and I am going to stop hijacking a RPM limiter thread holding a side conversation talking about it.

Time frame is June-August with some thoughts floated around the 4th of July weekend as most folks have an extended weekend for that one since the 4th of July falls on a Sunday this year.

Last year we did mostly Savages and we realized that folks were having to trailer them up from Florida and such.  Lancer rode his Sportster (he's an old crip like me, lemme tell you we wuz a sight the two of us getting on and off them bikes at the end of a long ride) and I realized that folks riding a long distance might want to ride their open road cruiser simply for comfort reasons.  I have no problem with that, the idea is to get together in person and have some fun, not so much what you find comfortable to ride on for a long distance.

What do you folks think about the idea?  Given enough time we can plan out a decent trip complete with reservations for those who want to sleep in a bed (me !!).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by photojoe on 11/29/08 at 08:14:26

The ride is a great idea, but the timing wouldn't work for me. 4th of July weekend is one of the worst times of the year to be on the road. I would be riding down the coast in some of the most congested traffic conditions of the year. May be better for those living in areas without a tourist crowd.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 11/29/08 at 10:37:07

As far as Me...I'm fexible as Gumby...We have the pool and the missus is very understanding.  We'll have and extra bedroom this year...cuz the boy leaves Dec 16 for Great Lakes.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/08 at 13:29:34

and to quote Gumby's famous words   "Oh no, Mr. Bill !!   Agggh!!"  

         <wham!> <crash> <tumble tumble> <ooze .... >

Them that doesn't like the July 4th weekend are hereby charged with coming up with a better date.  It isn't like the NC mountains don't crawl with motorcycles from all over the East Coast all summer long, so you can count on lots of riding company whenever we go.  Hey, blondes on bikes are all part of the scenery, don't cha know it?  

Key thing is to pick a date and start locking down some hotel rooms before they all get filled up.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 11/29/08 at 13:47:01

Im going to be there from June 27 till July 4.  Have been in contact with seviersavage to find out where to get a bike to rent.  Now I just have to decide what to get and set that up.  We will be staying in Gatlinburg @ westgate resorts.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/08 at 14:23:28

and now we are 3 (mebbe 4 ....)

See, just four and a half hours into planning and we are just about ready to equal and exceed last year's crew.

So, we got a range now of June 27th to July 4th.  Those that hate thick chewy holiday traffic (that's you, photojoe) should speak up now trying to bias it towards the weekend of the 27th so as to cut down on them Fourth of July traffic effects.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by photojoe on 11/29/08 at 14:44:26

As much as I would enjoy riding down to the Carolina's, which I love by the way, I'll have to pass on this run. It's not just "thick, chewy holiday traffic" but more of a mass of lunatic drivers who would just as soon run you off the road without looking back to get to their destination. You would have to live here to understand what I mean. 12 hours riding in that isn't what I consider fun.

I'll hang for the Maryland/Virginia run in the spring before Memorial Day, and the 2nd annual Pa. run in September. For those of you who make this run, enjoy it, ride safe and have a blast!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 11/29/08 at 17:34:50

The 2nd Annual Dragons-tail-a-thon eh ?   :)

Sounds like fun; again  ... June through August works for me, but I think my wife will want me to come home at least a couple of times during the summer long  ride.  Perhaps we could swing down through South Carolina every now and then so I can check in at the old homestead, water our horses and such ? ?   :D  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/08 at 18:37:01

Actually we have worked it down to a couple of days somewhere around June 27 to July 4th, with photojoe now declining because of traffic of all things.

Yeah Joe, there is traffic -- that sluggishly moving stuff we wind in and out of all the time.  Actually, I park my bike about one foot inside the yellow line when I'm riding rear and nobody generally passes a line of bikes unless they pull way over in their lane to give us lots of clearance.  I also do lane blocking during our pass maneuvers so everyone can pass as a group all nice and neat like.

You see, we are a group wearing big ol' dragon tee shirts of all things and by definition we are "dangerous and surly bikers".  They don't mess with us.  

And if they do, why then they are nuts.  Most of our bikes are blatting and whapping like a Harley and some of us look positively nasty mean when seen at 65-70 mph.

And when we cut loose, why we imitate a small swarm of hornets going 80-85 mph and we just pass everybody.

('cept the crotch rocket boys and they are gone by so fast you hardly even get to catch the color of their helmets as they snarl on by)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 11/29/08 at 19:03:04

OH YA some thing just hit me. for those of you that have been there. would it be a good idea to bring the leather??? I know when Im at my dads (Sturgis) you dont want to be out after dark with out it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by photojoe on 11/29/08 at 19:24:16

50737B797A73737A6D1F0 wrote:
Actually we have worked it down to a couple of days somewhere around June 27 to July 4th, with photojoe now declining because of traffic of all things.

Yeah Joe, there is traffic -- that sluggishly moving stuff we wind in and out of all the time.  Actually, I park my bike about one foot inside the yellow line when I'm riding rear and nobody generally passes a line of bikes unless they pull way over in their lane to give us lots of clearance.  I also do lane blocking during our pass maneuvers so everyone can pass as a group all nice and neat like.

You see, we are a group wearing big ol' dragon tee shirts of all things and by definition we are "dangerous and surly bikers".  They don't mess with us.  

And if they do, why then they are nuts.  Most of our bikes are blatting and whapping like a Harley and some of us look positively nasty mean when seen at 65-70 mph.

And when we cut loose, why we imitate a small swarm of hornets going 80-85 mph and we just pass everybody.

('cept the crotch rocket boys and they are gone by so fast you hardly even get to catch the color of their helmets as they snarl on by)

Thanks for the lesson and sermon OF. I'll bookmark it, and file it along with the rest of the useless knowledge I'll need when I want to learn how to ride like the old timers. For now, I'll continue to ride every day through urban traffic, and look for advice from the people who ride in the same conditions.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 11/29/08 at 20:21:54

So I guess I'm making shirts again?

I'll get on the design right away. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/08 at 21:37:14

Be sure to add some "useless knowledge" to it, something like a saying or a credo to it to add true insult to the injury of the folks having to read it as we go past them on the road.  

What is our credo, anyway?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by sluggo on 11/29/08 at 21:43:53

whatever it ends up being, don't forget the "virtural" part, i'm sure a few of us can put together a local ride to ride along in spirit.

lot's of pics also please

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 11/29/08 at 22:28:14

785B5351525B5B5245370 wrote:
Be sure to add some "useless knowledge" to it, something like a saying or a credo to it to add true insult to the injury of the folks having to read it as we go past them on the road.  

What is our credo, anyway?

It's "Ride it like you stole it"

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 11/29/08 at 23:39:12

62666C647B676A6366626A760F0 wrote:
[quote author=785B5351525B5B5245370 link=1227970821/0#12 date=1228023434]Be sure to add some "useless knowledge" to it, something like a saying or a credo to it to add true insult to the injury of the folks having to read it as we go past them on the road.  

What is our credo, anyway?

It's "Ride it like you stole it"[/quote]
I'd rather ride it like I own it.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 11/30/08 at 04:39:06

How about this....

"Torva questio a extraho"

Come on you latin lovers...figger it out!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/30/08 at 04:42:46

Too hard -- requires real knowledge of latin.   What would that be in false latin?  Or how about

"Lividicus Scooterius"          (live to ride)

This is supposed to be useless knowledge now, and fairly insulting once you figure it out.   We got standards to maintain, you know.  Very low ones.


Now Sluggo, we all took all sorts of pictures and video film last time but quickly realized that they all constituted "hard legal evidence", especially in the courts of wifely justice.  

We might not be permitted to go play again, in other words.

So to protect the innocent we got all clumsy and couldn't figure out how to post the the majority of the stuff that conflicted with the official story.  For example Toymaker never did figure out how to post all the candid shots he took with his daughter's camera.  I'm sure she got a chuckle out of them when she found them later on the data stick though.

And what are the odds of postable pics if the same crew plus even more go off for an overnight in a campground full of drunk biker chicks?  

"hey,would it be a good idea to bring the leather??? You don't want to be out after dark without it."  


Now, as you pull up to pass a line of bikers wearing colors you see they have something emblazoned on their backs.  Envision a very large bold flowing curved script over the top of a really big cracked skull with one of these sets of latinized words going from shoulder to shoulder in a big curve.

Splattus Epoxicus Crancasius       (crash hard, then epoxy your cracked cases)

Peggius Snapicus Replacicus        (replace your busted off foot pegs)

Eventius Mountainus Mori              (what goes on in the mountains stays in the mountains  -- I like this one best)

or that perennial classic ...

Illegitimati Non Corburundum       (don't let the bastards grind you down, or "never confess what really went on")

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 11/30/08 at 12:28:53

Darn, it looks like I am gonna being missing out on this one too. I will have to experience it vicariously through ya'll so like Sluggo said. pics pics pics.

Or as they say on another site I frequent, "Pics, or didn't happen."

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/01/08 at 04:34:21

Here is the prelim T-shirt.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/01/08 at 05:24:03

I like it.

What is your translation/version of "Remaindo" ?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/01/08 at 07:05:43

Eventius Remaindo Mountanicus=

What happens in the Mountains...stays in the mountains!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/01/08 at 12:46:34

count me in... well as long as its not on white.  I'll take a large in black.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/01/08 at 14:41:20

Are you gonna put in on the front, so people won't notice our faces?

Or are you going to put it on the back so they can study on it real good as we pull away from them?

And are you going to ship them out again to them girlie girls who don't show but want you to buy them a stuffed dragon while you are there and then ship it to them when you get back?

Or are the real Dragon shirts reserved for those with the gumption to show and go?


My 2008 Dragon shirt has Ed's blood, oil and yellowish epoxy smeared on it, complete with bike wrasslin' grass stains, mountain blackberry smears and McDonald's coffee spills.  It has some rain fade, some butterfly wing dust on the color printing and it still smells like mountain laurel.  

Mine is a real Dragon shirt ...  I can look at it and remember clearly.

Ed's shirt has this funny black tire track mark on the back of it --- plus red clay dirt, embedded fern fronds, blood, oil, epoxy and grass stains.  Ed can look at his shirt and remember even better than I can.

Toymaker's shirt has burn marks and bigger grass stains in addition to the other goodies.

Lancer's shirt has long blond hairs on it (very long wind whipped blond hairs) in addition to his other goodies.

Only them with the gumption to show and go get to wear the real Dragon shirts ...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/01/08 at 15:23:58

ok put it on the back but I want this on the front


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/01/08 at 18:20:22

If it were August   8-)
and I could rent/borrow a bike,   :-?
I could be convinced to fly out and join in on the fun.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/02/08 at 02:11:08

First of all...

The main graphic will be going on the back

I haven't decided what will go on the front...maybe a pocket tee...if so perhaps the "big single" circle logo

I am still working on the design...I have another dragon pic I do like better...but it doesn't have as much tail.

I might even make two for those who ride and another for those that can't make the trip.

we done got lots 'o time is not even 2009 yet.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/02/08 at 04:39:05

33203736292422202B74450 wrote:
If it were August   8-)
and I could rent/borrow a bike,   :-?
I could be convinced to fly out and join in on the fun.   ;D

If I can actually get some stuff done this year I could have 2 functional bikes, but I definitely need prayer support to do it.  
If I can get everything done, you are certainly welcome to ride one of them.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/02/08 at 07:30:43

as for the shirt how about :

  Are we gone ride?
Just dic around all day?

just a thought!!  :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/02/08 at 18:28:26

So far folks seem content to plan for "the week of the 4th" as that is a general enough target.  We already know that some of the core group has flexability during that week, Toymaker because he is off from teaching and me because of an annual plant shutdown week.

Some are going to want to overnight at a local place in the high mountains so as to do more running around in the area and cut down on the unholy 14 hour trip stress thing.  Some working folks are going to be tempted to blow up, do it and drive back in time to go back to work (it ain't the best way to do it, trust me).  

So I propose we tentatively aim the start date for a Thursday (2nd) afternoon arrival at Toymaker's , Friday (3rd) ride upcountry by a leisurely route and then overnight in high mountains at a known camp/hotel complex (secondary gathering point) then Saturday (4th) cruise surrounding areas, then meander back to Toymaker's for Sat night for the ritual pool soaking and drive back home on Sunday (5th).  

This lays out a generalized very tentative plan that can be changed, of course.  It's advantage is that it splits all the riding up into 5-6 hour chunks.

Once we get some more concrete plans laid in, then we can talk about finding enough bikes for the fly in folks, etc.  If I were to fly in from far away, I'd want to land near Toymaker's as that is the logical place for the bikes to be trailered in to since nobody is going to be able to ride in multiple bikes.  

(PS, having an empty follow trailer tag along behind the group isn't a bad thing -- if the group is big enough to warrant it)

Comments please, this is the early stuff that allows folks to plan to attend so we need to get it ironed out fairly early well enough so that reservations can be made for the high mountain overnight place.

And trust me, if we don't make those reservations soon we won't be able to find any openings in the high mountains.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/02/08 at 19:06:58

575A55585E49090C3B0 wrote:
[quote author=33203736292422202B74450 link=1227970821/15#25 date=1228184422]If it were August   8-)
and I could rent/borrow a bike,   :-?
I could be convinced to fly out and join in on the fun.   ;D

If I can actually get some stuff done this year I could have 2 functional bikes, but I definitely need prayer support to do it.  
If I can get everything done, you are certainly welcome to ride one of them.

Thanks for the offer Lancer, but can't make July.
But I have 3 reasons not to go that weekend, my dad will be digging gold, my son will want to pan some too, and my daughter will be bored.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/03/08 at 05:27:31

170413120D0006040F50610 wrote:
[quote author=575A55585E49090C3B0 link=1227970821/15#27 date=1228221545][quote author=33203736292422202B74450 link=1227970821/15#25 date=1228184422]If it were August   8-)
and I could rent/borrow a bike,   :-?
I could be convinced to fly out and join in on the fun.   ;D

If I can actually get some stuff done this year I could have 2 functional bikes, but I definitely need prayer support to do it.  
If I can get everything done, you are certainly welcome to ride one of them.

Thanks for the offer Lancer, but can't make July.
But I have 3 reasons not to go that weekend, my dad will be digging gold, my son will want to pan some too, and my daughter will be bored.[/quote]

Perhaps a time in the future could be would be fun. ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/03/08 at 06:37:42

well my flight home is on the 4th. bummer but its a done dealo. but Im looking to rent a bike for 3 days. so if we hit one in there some place that would be good.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/03/08 at 11:47:30

Would it be helpful to roll the trip forward to assemble as early as Thursday, June 25th - ride in on Friday, June 26th (overnight on Friday) - return to Toymaker's on Saturday, June 27th - drive home on Sunday, June 28th?  

Or we could assemble on Saturday 27th, ride in on Sunday 28th (overnight) ride around on Monday 29th and get back to Toymaker's late Monday and travel home on Tuesday the 30th.  That would put us fancy free and Verslagen back on a plane by Monday/Tuesday June 29th/30th.

Actually we can roll dates fairly freely in that general area of time.

Somebody propose some alternate date options that don't conflict with some "slightly more important" wedding plans ....

Verslagen, how much buffer time do you need to fly home and get ready for the wedding WITHOUT getting your wife all bent out of shape?  What day would we have to have you back to an airport and plunked on an airplane to go home?  Also, please remember if we have a follow trailer in the group we could drop you at the Ashville airport (more flights) a whole day earlier and you wouldn't miss anything of terrible earthshaking consequence.

Tincanman, you have commitments to be in the general area that week but what day is the earliest you could meet us around the Deals Gap general area?  We are overnighting "somewhere in the area" but we could intentionally split the difference between where you are staying at Pidgeon Forge or wherever it is you are staying and the Dragon so that we would fall on the travel line you would be taking anyway.  Are the people you are with planning a Dragon excursion, and if so what day were they planning to hit the area?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 12/03/08 at 11:53:54

If only I could make it. But money, distance, and time off is a detriment. I would love to be able to do the Dragon with everyone.

Toymaker, I would definitely want a 2009 Dragon shirt, logo on the back please, same size as the last one.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/03/08 at 12:04:56

o'feller, you must be readin' between the lines.
When I said dad will be out digging gold, I didn't mean he's marrying a rich b!tch.  I meant he's got a shovel, and intends to use it (mostly by me) as I play step and fetch it.  If he could find a trail that's all downhill, he could take care of it himself.  But I haven't seen any escallators out there yet.
Last time he went up the hill, he blew out a front tire on his camper, changed it himself, why? I donno, he's got AAA.  Should've called them, went in the back and took a nap.  Any way showed up at the site, dead tired, luckily his club was there and made sure he was alright.  85 yo and still kicking it, you know the kinda cloth I'm talking about, your dad was made from it too.
Any way I digress, moving it up a bit helps but I still have children to take care before they go back to my X in august.
Waddin the wedding last year?  Tinman?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/03/08 at 12:50:22

well as I said I will be there some time (Im sure well after noon) on the 27th. Im purdy savvy with a map so finding things wont be a problem.  as for anyone being with me!! Im going to say NO. there MAY be a slight chance that they would follow us in the cager but I really dont think they would have any interest in that. so things would have to work well for me to hit Sunday 28th.    ie.. bike shop open either late Saturday or at all on Sunday.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 12/03/08 at 16:34:39

When this thing gets dialed in I'll be making plans on joining to ride the dragon and meeting everyone. I live in the mountains not too far away, gatlinburg / pigeon forge area.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Ed L. on 12/03/08 at 17:36:18

Don't know if I can make this run, still working on getting the better half to get over the last dragon ride  :(. I'll take a shirt with tire marks on the back if possible ;).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/03/08 at 18:18:08

6E4F7467052B0 wrote:
Don't know if I can make this run, still working on getting the better half to get over the last dragon ride  :(. I'll take a shirt with tire marks on the back if possible ;).

LOL   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  You're killing me dude !!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/03/08 at 19:04:43

Ed, I gots the perfect dodge for you.  Tell her that because of last time you have volunteered to drive the chase truck/trailer so's you can use your outstanding mechanical skills to help the other riders.  Prove it is real to her by leaving your bike at home (if necessary).

Drive up 95 to my place, load up enough bikes to meet whatever needs we have plus one for you then we tool on up to Toymakers.

We pick the slowest and most responsible person to go in the head of the line (that by definition excludes Lancer and I, BTW) and we make them swear on a stack of Bibles they will not go chasing Lady Godiva should she reappear.

Sounds better than your Grandfather's pocket knife again, huh?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Ed L. on 12/03/08 at 19:15:27

Great idea but I would want to ride there not tow this time. I'm lusting for that long piece of 321 which I found on the way up. It is one of those forgotten highways, four lanes, thru the woods and fields of South Carolina. Felt like I had stepped back in time, even in the cage it was still a motorcycle road. Got my mouth watering just thinking about it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/03/08 at 19:19:11

321 is the road Im on when there.  SWEET.. were stayn at the Westgate resort  915 Garden road

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/03/08 at 19:54:59

6B4A7162002E0 wrote:
Great idea but I would want to ride there not tow this time. I'm lusting for that long piece of 321 which I found on the way up. It is one of those forgotten highways, four lanes, thru the woods and fields of South Carolina. Felt like I had stepped back in time, even in the cage it was still a motorcycle road. Got my mouth watering just thinking about it.

Hey, 321 goes right through Columbia  8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Ed L. on 12/03/08 at 19:56:48

If I could I would load up the tent, sleeping gear and a few needed items and just disaf*ckingpear for a week or so and just ride. Seems my ol ball-n-chain has a different outlook on life so to keep the peace long road trips just arn't in the future for now.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/04/08 at 03:17:42

Well now is sounds like we just might havea crew this time.  Hey Ed, are you sure you can't make it?  I hear that piece of 321 calling...."...Eeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddd.......EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd........"

Also, Lancer, you gonna have an "official" Savage to ride or are you bringing the "Extra piston Model?" goona ride the "Rolling Rumba" machine...or bringing something else?

Any and all dates look for shirts....Graphic is going on BACK tis Ed, sorry no tire track....

BTW...last year when we went for milk shakes, we were on 321

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/04/08 at 05:18:04

That sorta depends ....  I will "dress appropriately" depending on what others are bringing and according to how we plan to behave.

Sounds like Ed is planning to come, so you got the entire quartet of the Wild Bunch plus some extras.

So, how are we planning to behave anyway?

I'm bringing the first aid kit, some quick epoxy and some cheap spare Harley pegs (just in case we need a footpeg somewhere along the way).

We need a good set of tools, but between Lancer and Ed we did OK last time.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/04/08 at 06:34:10


Also, Lancer, you gonna have an "official" Savage to ride or are you bringing the "Extra piston Model?"

Extra piston no more; sold it last month to pay for the SRX I picked up on ebay a few months back.   There is just the '96 Savage ( REX ) and '86 SRX now.  I really want to have REX going for the ride.  I miss the big single ride.  The sporty was nice; I had always wanted one;  but it was too heavy for my liking.  I prefer the lighter weight and responsiveness of a big single.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/04/08 at 15:19:08

Behave?...did you say Behave?....

As in "Ohhhhhhhh BEEEEEEEEhave"???????

Wild bunch...yeah wild Creme cheese is wild.... ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/04/08 at 15:52:49

Oh, no -- so this is now a male ego challenge you've done issued to the aging meek and mild bunch ...

You want's us to put you some jalapenos and habanero peppers chopped up to put in your "too mild" cream cheese frito dip, huh?

(Heck, only one of us could actually catch up with a pretty long haired girly girl riding a 1200cc Harley for Christ's sake ....)

I'll just have to try to hand push my wheel chair a wee bit little faster this time.

;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by SavageGreaseMonkey13 on 12/04/08 at 15:54:35

Sounds like it is gonna be a blast. I would love to come out this time. I just have to wait till the time gets closer to see how things go plus the wife will probably wanna go. Have the dates been decided yet?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/04/08 at 17:50:27

No, we are still waiting on info from Versalgen and Tincanman concerning a potential time span when they can both be there.  

It is smelling like for us to be up in the high country around June 27, 28, 29, 30 -- or something closely resembling it.

I will be riding my wheelchair, Verslagen is borrowing something, Lancer will be riding a 600 to 700cc single cylinder Yamasuki, Ed will be riding his oil-coolered Savage, Toymaker will be riding his new bike that he ain't bought yet, you haven't told what you are riding yet, Tincanman is planning to rent something, SevierSavage is riding whatever he brings and all the rest of the folks on the list who haven't spoken up yet are still riding the fence ....

(don't them little white pointy things dig in your butt something fierce, up there on them fence posts ??)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/04/08 at 19:07:51

Help! I've fallin' off the fence and my foot caught between the points!
I've posted my preference and it ain't june nor july.  The 4th definitely ain't, I want august.
But I really do want to go, will put the dates on my calendar.  Right now it's too far out for me to think about.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/05/08 at 06:47:29

well as I said I will be there some time (Im sure well after noon) on the 27th. Im purdy savvy with a map so finding things wont be a problem.  as for anyone being with me!! Im going to say NO. there MAY be a slight chance that they would follow us in the cager but I really dont think they would have any interest in that. so things would have to work well for me to hit Sunday 28th.    ie.. bike shop open either late Saturday or at all on Sunday.

only thing I have to find out is when I can pick up the bike. and Im good to go for Sunday28th

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by sjaskow on 12/05/08 at 11:29:30

Mark me down as a tentative for either weekend.  I still need to seek approval from the chief of staff and see if I'm teaching during the summer.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by troglobil on 12/05/08 at 13:32:53

I'd really like to join y'all if possible. It would be nice to put faces to some of these names. It will all depend on what dates you choose. I work the 28th and the 4th, ( it can really suck being a firefighter when your shift falls on a holiday) but its only a couple hour ride for me to get up there. I can make it a day trip if need be.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by drharveys on 12/22/08 at 15:35:54

Keep the info flowing -- when you decide on a date, if it works for me I'll be there!

Too many commitments already!  But we'll see how the summer shapes up once we get into spring.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/24/08 at 03:24:40

So far no consensus on the exact date.  Probably it will get a lot closer and then Toymaker will simply decide according to whatever fits best.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/24/08 at 13:48:56

Sunday 28th.... DAMIT j/k

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/24/08 at 14:01:44

August good I'll be there.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/24/08 at 16:10:37


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/26/08 at 14:41:07

Ok, I need some help here.  I need a vote on the dates.

Either June 26-28

         July 3-5

         July 31-Aug 2

So let's hear it..

ok?  :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 12/26/08 at 15:52:01

Vote # 1 = Sunday June 28th

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/26/08 at 16:28:48

I could handle July 31 to Aug 2  ;D

June 26 to 28 would be like riding on an AMC Harley, but I could handle it.   ::)

July 3 to 5, absolutely no way.  :'(

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by WindInMyHair on 12/26/08 at 17:32:55

I like July 31st myself
Sounds like a good time is a brewin' just ahead !

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/27/08 at 06:17:18

I vote for Jun 26-28 as my preference, although I can probably make any of the dates if needed.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/28/08 at 01:42:35

My vacation span starts June 26, runs through July 5th.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by troglobil on 12/28/08 at 05:49:30

Not sure if I will even be able to come, so don't throw too much weight behind my vote. The July 4th weekend is definitely out due to working the holiday, daughters birthday on the 5th and granddaughters birthday on the 4th. The other two dates are a toss up, I can probably only make two of the three days anyway.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/28/08 at 06:33:05

Well guys and girls...

So far, the extended weekend of June 26-28 has the votes.  If you are pretty sure you are going to do the ride, please let me know...or us here know.  Summer will be upon us sooner than we think.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/02/09 at 02:26:25






Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/02/09 at 05:55:39

Glad to have you, all the peculiars...oops I mean particulars are still being worked out. Yes, bring wifey along.  This is not a Men's only or Suzuki Savage owners only....

As for the meeting spot, last year we tried for the Tail or the Dragon inn/store at Deal's gap.  Shoot, we might even spend the night there.

We'll have to see.

I'll keep ewveryone informed and up to date.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/02/09 at 09:23:39

Toymaker where do you live, I am in NW Ga about two hours south of Robinsville NC, I usualy camp at the Iron Horse in Stecoah, NC

I would Like to join you guys for the ride, Would need more info for the Boss Lady............

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/02/09 at 15:28:41

I live in Granite Falls.  It is just outside Hickory.  If you come up US 321, you come real close to us. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/02/09 at 15:31:27

I have contacted the "Deal's Gap Motorcycle resort" and they are closed until late Feb.  At the beginning of March, I'll contact them about our dates.  As it looks now, June 26-28 is the ride.  Sorry folks for those of you who voted for something different.  Majority rules.

So, now that we have a date, I will need to know who is coming in a "pretty sutre I am coming" sort of way.


Toymaker :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/03/09 at 06:16:58

June 26, 27 and 28 sound fine by me, I Usually come up through Blue Ridge to Murphy and Andrews on 74/129 and go in to Robinsville on the south side of the dragon.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/09 at 04:16:06

Here is the hotel information.  We need an exact date we will be staying the night and four (4) people to agree to split one of the apartments ($24 each for 2 bunk bed sets and I claim a bottom bunk) or we can go 3 people into a standard room (at $27 each) and I claim either the bed or a bottom bunk.

(a married couple could claim the double bed if they wanted, I don't think I'd want to get all that close to any of the rest of youse guys after a day of hard sweaty riding, enough to share a double bed with you)

In any case, we need to spit firmly on the night we will be there as hotel room reservations are not refundable and if you want a room I would be planning to make a reservation just as soon as we can get a firm date.

If you plan to camp, you need to plan to get there early as it is first come first serve on available spaces and they are charging $13 a person for camping in any case.  The hotel bed sounds better to me in any case as there is much less to carry on your bike that way and a nice hot shower and AC/heat comes with it.

Ah, the glories of just getting up, showering, getting dressed and getting on the uncluttered bike to go get breakfast -- no breaking down a tent and folding it up and packing it on an overcrowded bike.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/04/09 at 05:10:46

587B7371727B7B7265170 wrote:

Here is the hotel information.  We need an exact date we will be staying the night and four (4) people to agree to split one of the apartments ($24 each for 2 bunk bed sets and I claim a bottom bunk) or we can go 3 people into a standard room (at $27 each) and I claim either the bed or a bottom bunk.

(a married couple could claim the double bed if they wanted, I don't think I'd want to get all that close to any of the rest of youse guys after a day of hard sweaty riding, enough to share a double bed with you)

In any case, we need to spit firmly on the night we will be there as hotel room reservations are not refundable and if you want a room I would be planning to make a reservation just as soon as we can get a firm date.

If you plan to camp, you need to plan to get there early as it is first come first serve on available spaces and they are charging $13 a person for camping in any case.  The hotel bed sounds better to me in any case as there is much less to carry on your bike that way and a nice hot shower and AC/heat comes with it.

Ah, the glories of just getting up, showering, getting dressed and getting on the uncluttered bike to go get breakfast -- no breaking down a tent and folding it up and packing it on an overcrowded bike.

Shower ... a/c ... bottom bunk ... oh yea !  Scribe my name to the list dude.   :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/09 at 05:29:35

Well, Lancer and I have the bottom bunk facilities of whatever sort of room we can get all locked down tight.  We are now peddling the top one (1) bunk of a normal room or possibly the top two (2) bunks of an apartment if such can be gotten for the date we pick.

We still need the exact night we are staying over though.  

One might think it would be the 27th, but one would be smarter to ask for conformation before plunking down non-refundable money.

Whattya say Toymaker?  You want a top bunk on the 27th?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/04/09 at 06:23:14

yep...I got a top one.  We need to make those reservations pronto

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/09 at 06:44:38

All righty, I am moving to make a reservation for June 27th trying to get an apartment by preference.

Have left a message at the hotel number to ask for a reservation and return confirmation call as per instructions left on the answering machine.  

Will follow up daily until they get back with me.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/04/09 at 07:31:25

So you guys need a 4th?

Pencil me in as definite maybe.

I'm 99% sure I'm gonna be there.

Top bunk is great and preferred ever since the boy scout councilling gig I did once.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/04/09 at 07:33:02

Here are my tentative plans Subject to review from the boss lady, I will ride up on the Friday the 26th camp Friday night, Ride with you guys Saturday and camp Saturday night and leave to come home Sunday morning, Since I guess you guys are coming from Granite Falls and is approx 3 hours from Robbinsville and I am approx 2.5 hours coming from the SW. If that is OK With y'all
Let me know if I have My guestamations Correct

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/09 at 09:18:05

The format we took last time was to collect on Friday the 26th at Granite Falls, ride up to the Gap on Saturday the 27th, crash gloriously w/ multiple occurrances on the way up, got totally rained out once we got patched back together into a rolling format again and then we beat back to Granite Falls just one raindrop ahead of the nastiest black thundercloud that ever pursued a group of fast riding bikers.

That's our past performance.

What is supposed to happen this time is we gather on Friday, ride sanely up on Saturday, spend Saturday night at the Gap hotel/campground complexes doing little side rides, ride sanely back to Granite Falls on Sunday and then disperse on Monday.  

Routes up and back have not yet been determined yet -- depends on who is going and how much rubber side up risk they are willing to take.  We promised Ed if he comes we will put him up front on the group ride sections for safety's sake (or somebody else, if they are obviously the most conservative rider in the group).

Since we have never ever been able to hold to an announced plan yet, we reserve all judgments on this particularly nebulous "plan" until it actually takes place.  

That way nobody can accuse us of not following the plan .....  our only plan is to group ride up and back in a fairly sane fashion.


And for sweet Jesus's totally holy sake -- if you get invited to go off "fun riding" separately once we get there in a little sub-group with Lancer, Toymaker or me please think about that a little bit.  

Lancer LIKES to ride fast (he proved that last time), Toymaker LIVES up in the mountains and rides 20,000 miles a year in them thar hills.  And me, I likes to grind my foot pegs to the point Toymaker didn't even think they were stock Suzuki pegs because they were all "shaped funny" on the ends .  We did some of that nonsense on the way back with Toymaker and me sparking & dicing it hard on some of his home area roads.

We got no sense and we can kill you daid daid daid while we is jest out having us a little giggle ride.  Consider carefully going off on those little side excursion rides with the suicide crew.

All of you think you can ride with some skill.  Surprise!!  This trip can and will take you out to the very edges of what you feel comfortable doing.  And the 6" by 4" dark scar on my left leg says it can take you one step beyond that without giving you a heck of a lot of prior notice.  This is the mountains, and it is the Dragon fer goodness sakes !!

Don't make Doodle the Safety Dog have to look like this at you for going off with the suicide crew doing something stupid just because we are doing it ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 01/04/09 at 10:11:51

well its to bad im renting, im not shy about speed. was born in the Black Hills and LOVE to run um....    that puppy is the saddest puppy I have ever seen ... awwwwwww


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/09 at 13:55:58

He's concerned about you .... he thinks he heard you saying you wanted to go play frisky with the Dragon.  He thinks that's a BAD idea from his perspective.
He felt like he had to try to lick my road rash any time I left it in his reach -- that's what dutiful doggies do when you get wounded.  

Did you know German troops were trained to let the German shepards lick their gunshot wounds?  Dog spit apparently has colagulants in it and can actually help keep a wound from getting infected.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/04/09 at 14:55:51

193A3230333A3A3324560 wrote:
Did you know German troops were trained to let the German shepards lick their gunshot wounds?  Dog spit apparently has colagulants in it and can actually help keep a wound from getting infected.

You mean anti-bacterial agents.
And of course when ever they came upon allied troops, they lick their @$$es 1st.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/09 at 15:29:46

What did you expect?  They were German shepards after all.  

We won't say out loud what the French poodles were trained to do, after all they were all lap dogs as their permanent civilian jobs.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/04/09 at 16:20:36

You know why the French were known as Vici?  Short for vicious.  Don't underestimate them little sweethearts, they might not tear off any flesh, but they'll leave 30,000 holes in you.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/05/09 at 13:11:01

OF quote "Verslagen, you are confirmed for the last top bunk bed in the apartment up at Deal's Gap Hotel.  

So now you gotta upgrade from a "maybe" to a definitely going."

Taking note of reservation, and I have parts to pick up at lancers.
Already figgured how to get the kids out of the house and will be watching for flight deals till then.  Once I got 'em it'll be a done deal.  Even work wouldn't want to pay for cancelled tickets.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/05/09 at 13:37:51

We got conformation w/credit card charged on one (1) apartment at the Deal's Gap Hotel.  This includes a full kitchen, two bunk beds and two futon beds they normally call "sofas" in normal people terms.

Verslagen gets dibs on the last upper bunk bed.  Or he and Toymaker can ditch them high rise beds for a futon bed (might sleep better on the real upper bunk bed, might not -- depends on the unfolded futon bed's padding and support construction).

Cost for the apartment works out like this after actually talking to the woman.  $80 for two, plus 4 extra @$10 each = $120.  Divide by 6 (if we get takers on the two futon beds) is $20 a person, or if we don't peddle the futon beds it will be $100/4 or $25 a pop.


Or, we can cheat some and give the 2 extra futon guys a quiet sneaky lift from the campgrounds (leave their bikes there) and only park 4 bikes in front of the apartment and be dirty rotten rowdy conniving cheapskate bikers like all the rest of the Harley guys staying there.  

You know, the kind of rowdy biker that thinks that sleeping on a cuddly warm futon inside a heated apartment (out of the 47 degree cold wet dew laden mountain night air) is an acceptable condition.  

Being all sunk down into a thick warm futon cushion is somewhat better than sleeping in a thin sleeping bag on a flat air mattress in a cold soggy tent for $13 a head, don't cha think?  

Plus the TV, fridge, stove and a hot shower in the morning?  Did I mention having lights?  And a bathroom that isn't all cold and moldy complete with a toilet seat that actually works?   With real toilet paper sitting right there beside the toilet?  

And the poker game at the kitchen table, don't forget the late night poker game ...  complete with a fridge to put your beer in.

Now you can't ever count on getting away with such evil wrongheaded Harley type shennanagins so you can't really count on $100/6 = $17 each.  But who knows, we gets kinda crazy on these mountain trips and nobody got killed last time, so ......  we might jest get away with it.

Yo Ed, we gots ya a futon to sleep on buddy.  You gonna come or not?

We is peddling two comfy warm dry futon beds .....  first come first served.


Futons, got'cher extra thick warm dry futons here!

fut .. fut .. fut .. futons fer sale !!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/05/09 at 14:31:36

I see I'm gonna have to bring my trusty rubber mallet, oops I mean tranquellizer.   ::)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/05/09 at 14:54:33

Hey I'd be willing to sleep on a futon (and pay for the priviledge). I'm also not opposed to bringing my tent if I have to. In all likelihood, I'll be stopping at a campground on the way down from N.H. and on the way home. But my 1st choice would be sleeping on the futon. Let me know what I need to do to make this happen.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/05/09 at 15:30:33

yep...I got the top bunk.  Now, how many are gonna be stayin at the Toymaker's Quality Inn?  We have beds and running water and morning maid service...however any comments about my knees in the maid outfit and I'll cancel your reservation!!!!! :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/05/09 at 16:14:31

Now why are you threatening to smack poor ol' Ed in the head with a rubber mallet?  That's not very nice .....

No wonder he's having second thoughts about going off with us again.


Al from New Hampshire calls dibs on futon #1,  we gots us jest one futon bed left, then we will have to start peddling the rug.

Not that the rug is all that bad mind you.   I can remember sleeping on the rug back in college ....  something about being too drunk to make it up the stairs to go find my bed, or not wanting to puke in my bed again -- or something like that.   It made sense at the time, anyway.  Lots of us slept on the rug that night.   At least it was warm and dry ...


We still got us one (1) warm, freshly baked futon bed all straight from the oven, all warm and soft and cuddly.   Much better than sleeping on dirt, in the cold, in the wet, on the hard hard cold cold ground outside in the brrrrrry cold mountain night air ...  with mosquitoes and biting flies and snakes and bears and such for outside company.

Ever had a centipede come crawl into your sleeping bag with you while you were camping outdoors?  They like to curl up inside your ear where they can feel all safe and warm.  Them mountain snakes and mountain creepy bugs sure do like your body warmth and will come visit with you while you are snoozing up there in them cold cold wet Dragon mountains.  

They can't climb up the smooth steel legs of a futon bed though.


Count me in for Friday night at Toymaker's Hotel.  Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/05/09 at 16:47:05

Alrighty then Oldfeller.  You can even have one of them new  redone bedrooms UPSTAIRS and not downstairs like last time.  No stair climbing to get to the bathroom. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/05/09 at 17:06:35

I'll be looking for a place to stay friday night also. As I said, I'll have my camping equipment with me so thats always a possibility.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/06/09 at 02:29:33

Al, we have a bed available.  Just let me know.  You also could do as EdL. did last year and camp on the front lawn.

Your choice.

Hey gonna want a bed at Toymaker's Holiday Hideout Inn?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/06/09 at 04:37:00

132F2213283E2A262C2235470 wrote:
Al, we have a bed available.  Just let me know.  You also could do as EdL. did last year and camp on the front lawn.

Your choice.

Hey gonna want a bed at Toymaker's Holiday Hideout Inn?

YES  P L E A S E   :)   :)   :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/06/09 at 04:47:39

Well. as I said, I'll have my camping stuff with me but a warm soft bed would be alot better so I'll call dibs on a warm soft bed (even a slightly lumpy one would do). Thanks for the offer Toymaker.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/06/09 at 06:51:51

Ok...all beds are spoken for.  Plus, I am hoping the pool will be warm enough by then.  Definately will be nice when we get back. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/06/09 at 11:18:43

47646C6E6D64646D7A080 wrote:
Now why are you threatening to smack poor ol' Ed in the head with a rubber mallet?

The rubber mallet is for me... TM in a maid outfit? I'm either gonna run around the room like my hairs on fire, or lay 6' o'rubber out the front door, then another 60 when I get the bike started.   :o

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/09 at 13:27:18

Don't worry, we've got liquid potable tranquilizer that will take the edge off your "pounding" occulars.

Now do you understand why "What goes on in the mountains -- stays in the mountains"?

Toymaker in a tutu ...  aaaaugh !!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/09 at 14:09:31

Currently staying in Apartment #1 at Deal's Gap Hotel --alias the hole in the wall gang

(one empty futon bed still unclaimed)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/06/09 at 15:03:47

maid sewrvice...not a tutu.  Maid service= coffee in the gotta get up...I'll make the coffee.

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 01/06/09 at 17:51:18

UR all NUTS!!!!!.......sounds like a fantastic time I can not wait!!!!!!


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by drharveys on 01/06/09 at 18:33:59

My daughter informs me that I have a grandkid due to arrive at about the same time, so, in the immortal words of the die hard Cub fan:

Wait till next year!

Have a great time -- I'll be thinking about you!   8-)

And don't forget to help keep in business!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/09 at 19:48:49

Grandkids take precedence -- your wife will make sure you keep your priorities all straight on that one.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bikemom28 on 01/06/09 at 20:37:27

Ok what are the dates so I can start planning a sitter and hubby the day's off.  We are not planning any trips to Fla this time. ;D Let me know the dates and u can count us in that is 2 droopydee and Bikemom.  ;) Sounds like fun. I know we are only about 3-4 hours away from deals gap we are gonna put the bikes on trailers, since they are most likley only gonna be 250cc bikes we don't wanna kill em on the way over. :P

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/06/09 at 20:43:19

5B676A5B6076626E646A7D0F0 wrote:
As it looks now, June 26-28 is the ride.

there you go BikeMom

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/06/09 at 20:53:12

I snagged this from killboy...,+NC&sll=35.339547,-83.797714&sspn=0.004096,0.006866&ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=c&cbll=35.466062,-83.919867&panoid=88YiK2iAstmorGZT3P9uQw&cbp=12,20.814428849532362,,0,5&ll=35.465983,-83.91984&spn=0,359.93391&z=15&g=Robbinsville,+NC&iwloc=addr

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/07/09 at 08:44:01

Bike MOM:
I will be there at the Deals gap Resort some time Friday after noon if not sooner, Map point says I'm only 2.5 to 3 hours south west of there. Im coming from Calhoun GA  through Blue Ridge to Murphy and Andrews. which way are you and hubby coming from. Ill probly leave the house around day break and have a nice easy ride through the N GA moutians.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/07/09 at 09:52:47


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bikemom28 on 01/07/09 at 10:59:02

3C323B6467606463570 wrote:
Bike MOM:
I will be there at the Deals gap Resort some time Friday after noon if not sooner, Map point says I'm only 2.5 to 3 hours south west of there. Im coming from Calhoun GA  through Blue Ridge to Murphy and Andrews. which way are you and hubby coming from. Ill probly leave the house around day break and have a nice easy ride through the N GA moutians.

Ok I relooked up how long it would take from here to deals gap and it say's about 4 hours or right at , I would be comming up I-85  and By looks of what I see, I don't think It's purdent to enter in tenn to go back to North Carolina ;D, I think we gonna go straight down I-85 and look for signs there, Any suggestions.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/07/09 at 11:09:16


Why stay in Hickory?  We are five miles outside Hickory.  You could alsways stay with us. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/07/09 at 14:22:12

Where and when clarifications for MMRanch

Friday night June 26th we are all staying in Granite Falls at Toymaker's house.  He has a couch in his living room that he hasn't peddled yet, Ed slept on it so it works OK for a guy to sleep on.  Speak up if you want it as somebody else will take it quick if you don't speak up.

Saturday night June 27th we will all be staying in Apartment #1 at Deal's Gap Hotel -- cost will be split between 6 of us (if you buy in) and will run right around $20 give or take a buck or two due to price changes between now and then

(who knows, with the recession they might go down some -- har har!)

(one empty futon bed left for MMRanch if he speaks up quick before somebody else takes it)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/09/09 at 20:44:59

Hay I'm "SPEAKING UP" for the couch if its still open, and looking forward to meeting you guys.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/09/09 at 20:46:57

Make that SIX for Saturday, Looking foward to it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/10/09 at 04:03:20

Now, the 128,000 dollar question.  Are you planning on staying with us at my house on the friday night???

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/10/09 at 04:59:39

Toymaker, he's talking about your living room couch on Friday night, June 26th.  That fills you up except for the rug on the floor and the front yard, right?


Saturday night June 27th we will be staying in Apartment #1 at Deal's Gap Hotel -- cost will be split between 6 of us and will run right around $20 each.  

We just have floor space available in the apartment now, and considering they are charging $13 dollars a head for cold wet outside grass space maybe we might just get us some some nice warm air mattress & sleeping bag on the floor takers at that same $13 price before it is all over ....  

and we got us whole multiple rooms worth of floor space, too.



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/10/09 at 05:31:55

I was just wondering because MMRanch's info says he's from Tennessee...seems a long way to North Carolina...then back to Tennessee...

Just was a wondering. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/10/09 at 13:41:28

He just wants to see if you really do have a secret room hidden behind a bookcase (complete with a pool table in it no less) ....

That's OK, he'll never find that secret patio that lets off the back side of the Bat cave.   Nor the secret bedroom that is attached to your laundry room and the exercise room, the one over next to the underground pantry.

(hard work, laundry and ironing -- me I need/require a nap occasionally too if I am forced to do any of it).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/10/09 at 18:26:15


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/12/09 at 08:29:02

Hay Toymaker

I've got a secret base of operations in Blue Ridge GA, I can launch from there Friday Morning.  Google Map says it's only +_ 200  miles to Granite Fall NC. form there, it's more like 400 from Lynchburg TN.

Now I'm not saying I couldn't do 400 in one day ....  But I hope to be better company Friday night only doing the 200,  along with not having to "STAND-UP" all evening.

Hope to see ya Friday.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/12/09 at 10:33:07

Hi    KEL 30734

I read your post about "easy ride through the mountains".  Will you be on your bike?[img][/img]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/12/09 at 10:34:13


I will be going through blue ridge on Friday morning. I am going straight to the gap and camping Friday and Saturday

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/12/09 at 14:50:42

KEL 30734

Do you want some company till our trails part?  I need to stop at Granite Falls.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/13/09 at 03:56:51


I was not planning on going that far by my self but if your going to toymakers. I'll Tag along.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by uniquelyme on 01/13/09 at 09:09:06

Not going to make this time frame this year as we are already committed. Breeze and I will be there the week of the July 18th--25th.  We go every year for a week and stay at the Tree Tops. Maybe we can hook up with some of  the locals so we can meet a few of you and ride the Tail!!??  ;D  It's -2 here with 3" of snow expected, so riding is not in our near future. Looking so forward to warmer weather. No amount of time spent in the garage makes up for the wind in you hair!!   ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/13/09 at 14:45:51



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/13/09 at 14:48:41

KEL 30734


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/13/09 at 18:45:20

MM Ranch,  Toymaker has lots of rug and lots of yard.  However, you have a couch set up for you in the living room.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/14/09 at 02:24:46

Nope...I still have LOTS of camping space in the yard.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/15/09 at 04:03:48

I am using map point it says Blue ridge is approx 4 hours from Granite Falls and about 1.5 hours from the Gap. That's the reason I was going to go on to the gap on Friday morning and get a good camping spot. But if I have some one to ride with that would put us in Granite Falls some time in the after noon. I was planning on leaving my house in Calhoun around Day break and I'm only 1.5 to 2 hours from Blue ridge.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/15/09 at 10:04:08

Kel 30734

I doin't know the neighborhood around the Gap, it is in N.C.?  We can swing by and Claim a camp spot if ya like.  A summer day ridding in the mountains is a No-Loose situation the way I see it.  I am a bit confussed about the location of  "Dealers Gap, N.C. ?"

I've been using "Yahoo Maps",  they show (from BlueRidge GA.) Granite Falls NC. being 200+ and Dealers Gap, NC. being 300+, ????

Wouldn't be the first time I've hit a wrong button, if your fimular with the neighborhood ..... what button do you thing it might have been?


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/15/09 at 12:36:05

Actually if your looking on the map for it look at Robinsville, NC it is the closest thing to a red light

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 01/23/09 at 19:07:05

All this cool weather is making me itch for a long ride.

Lynchburg tn. to blue ridge " river road" thursday
BlueRidge to Toymaker's Friday
back to the Dragon Saturday, and points along the way
Sunday back to blue ridge
Monday "river road "  Again !!!! Yeee - Ya !!!!

Tuesday 'bengay' from dawn to dusk?

What a  week !! What a  life !!

I can barrely WAIT.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/23/09 at 19:31:06

I have a tentative schedule that goes like this.

Wed early A.M. leave new hampshire with bike loaded in back of pick-up truck.
Wed afternoon/evening arrive at Front Royal, Va. set up tent, have a few beverages, crash for the night.
Thurs A.M. unload bike and ride Skyline Drive then return to campsite for another night.
Friday A.M. leave for Toymakers arrive sometime in the afternoon.
Sat A.M. ride to Deals Gap
Sat P.M. sleep on my warm comfy futon.
Sun A.M. return to Toymakers, load truck and head north
That gives me a couple days to meander my way home to be back at work for wendsday morning.
If I had more time I would ride the bike down and back.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/23/09 at 21:55:14

Me,  I will work an extra hour or two each day earlier in the week, then I will ride the packed bike to work Friday.   Ditch work at 11:00 and hit the road, arriving at Toymakers around 5:30 pm.

Then, jest go with the flow for the weekend -- it is never boring and it hasn't ever "gone as planned" exactly ever before so this time the plan is to jest go do it, whatever it is that we do.   With a big grin too.


The month before we go I will ride no other bike than the Savage and I will intentionally sharpen up on my hard cornering skills.  

This means going past just mildly scraping pegs on occasion to the intentional hard scrubbing stage.  Intentionally sharpening and increasing a turn while inside a turn.  

Forming the habit of always running at a higher RPM in a lower gear while turning so that some engine braking is always available if needed.   (darn critical that you practice this some the month before because it isn't your normal habit)

Doing engine braking while in a turn while increasing the lean angle of the turn ...  while NOT using the brakes per se.  

Being able to change up and be fluid and NOT panic as the road curve and the off-camber angle changes unexpectedly.  

Concentrate on finishing the turn, never trying to hit the brakes (takes you right straight off the road it does, braking in a turn)

Flipping from right hard lean to left hard lean to right hard lean to left hard lean (cutting repeated linear S snakes in an empty parking lot at 15-20 mph)

(this practicing some up front for the hard mountain turns is the critical skills building stuff that saves your ass up in the mountains)


Yeah, I keep saying we are going to ride safe and all that (and we will)  but fact is that the road creeps up on you periodically and if you aren't ready to change up and handle it, you crash.

And I don't normally take turns in 3rd gear with the bike revving up on purpose, but I will practice that until it feels all normal and habitual to me BEFORE I get within flaming distance of that nasty 'ol Dragon ...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/24/09 at 03:15:28

My schedule....

Week of ride....

Make sure bike is running well
cut grass and make sure pool is ready for guests.
Wait for folks to arrive.

Saturday..Ride like the wind...yeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sunday...ride like a sane person...yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa
Monday....wave bye-bye.....start planning for next year. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/24/09 at 05:30:02

Yep, but you LIVE up in them there mountains and put 10,000+ bike miles a year on your favorite curvy roads.

I have to bone up on it before I come to ride behind you ...  or else you'd just leave me in the dust.

Lancer just must be a natural, he just rides the shite out of his bike and leaves both of us behind.


Take this the right way, all you new dudes going on the trip.  Most of you ride "very well" where you normally ride.  Take a clue from me, bone up some on that hard turn riding with your wick turned up in a lower gear some before we get together.  

Then you can "ride safe".

Lancer and Toymaker, them boys will splat you if you don't bone up a bit and get sharp ahead of time.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/24/09 at 06:46:06

hey now...I haven't splatted in a long time...lemmee see...last week..yep splatted then...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/24/09 at 07:03:55

I just want you guys to know that I clean myself up squeeky cleeen every time I splatt, whether I need it or not.   :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/24/09 at 07:14:36

is that BEFORE splatting or After?   hmmmmmmm? :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 01/24/09 at 07:50:52

Plans for Week of ride
Fri leave home to Blue Ridge meet up with MMRance on to Toymakers then I'm open for any thing as long as I'm headed home Sunday...Boss lady said so. Looking forward to a ride with fellow savagers.... I have done several trips with the other crowd, you know the type that have more than one cylinder and the little beast keeps up with them just fine. of corse I know how to make the whole crowd duck and cover. and i also take a fair amount of ribbing for the oversized Briggs and Stratton
any way  it should be a fun weekend.
Gap in 07

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/24/09 at 15:47:42

Okay you two practical jokers, you go and splatt one of the newbies again on this trip, you get to be the one to epoxy finger his crack this time.   I did it last time.

Lancer, are you bringing a decent set of tools with you again this time?  I got the RR kit, some spare harley pegs and some 5 minute fix it all.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/24/09 at 16:21:19

hey now...who rode a bazillion miles to get the epoxy?....I think Lancer should be the "finger" this time...afterall...he was the last to realize we had a rider down...he was too busy chasing Lady Godiva.....



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 01/24/09 at 16:29:16

SORRY NO PLANS ON that there  SPLATT  riden a rental and sorry gona be a V twin but this just sounds better every day.  [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/25/09 at 00:07:56

615D50615A4C58545E5047350 wrote:
hey now...who rode a bazillion miles to get the epoxy?....I think Lancer should be the "finger" this time...afterall...he was the last to realize we had a rider down...he was too busy chasing Lady Godiva.....



Lancer, if the good lady shows up this time, you take the left, I'll go right.  Otherwise one of us is going to put both your bikes in the ditch.  :o

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/25/09 at 05:48:48

I always carry tools, so yes, will do so for this ride as well.

Lady Godiva ?  OK guys, delete this thought malfunction.  It was just a guy and his lady on a SLOW moving over loaded HD something-glide; dragging his pegs and swerving dangerously out of his lane on every other turn who happened to get in front of the camera.  I was bummed having to slow down for the guy and also concerned that he would meet a car or truck coming the other way on one of his wide turns into the other lane.
Anywho, I don't need to follow some bleached blonde to have fun, it is the ROAD that I like.  Curvy mountain roads are really a fun time for me.  I spent quite a few years flying military helicopters, with a signifiicant amount of time dodging small arms fire/RPG's/AAA/etc, as well as trees/power lines/fence posts/water buffalo's and such while skiming along 3' off the ground at 150 mph; so I tend to like a bit of a RUSH from time to time.  Since I cannot fly anymore I need to get my jolly's riding bikes on mountain roads...sort of like flying on the ground with the wind in your face.    :)  :D  ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/25/09 at 08:23:42

Hey Lancer.....



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/25/09 at 14:33:53

So now we know why Lancer loves to ride like the wind -- compared to a low flying chopper it is all low & slow comparatively.   He's missing the Ma Duce too -- now that would be right handy to handle slow moving interstate traffic that wants to park it in the passing lane.

Bap Bap Bap Bap Bap .... (boom!)  

   crash tumble burn

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/25/09 at 21:07:33

I can see that there is going to be no mercy on this thing so guess I'll just roll with it.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/27/09 at 02:09:34

Next thing he's gonna do is tell us that Lady Godiva was ugly and she had buck teeth and warts on her nose.    

(he could do that, you know, he's the only one that caught up with her)

Destroy all our little fantasies ...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/27/09 at 02:21:35

With Lancer's explanation of helicopters and all, I can see where he likes riding...after he was trailing the mystery woman, he was sort of ripping it up....he certainly was chasing her much faster than we... :)

::splatt::     ::splatt:: ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/27/09 at 03:19:27

But that's why he's soooo wonderfully dangerous to a newbie, to Lancer that was just tooling along slowly enjoying watching the poor 'ol Hog rider spark his pegs and run way way over into the other lane.

He never thought that he was making Lady Godiva's sphincter pucker all up, making her poor old man struggle along like that having to play dodge ball with the oncoming traffic and all.

Hey, strikes me that WE really don't know what went on after you and Ed went down .... Lancer was gone for 10 minutes ....

.... lots of time,  lots of time.

Splatt-splatt  ..............  ??? splatt ???

I mean, he got close enough to see that her hair roots didn't match the rest of her bleached blonde hair.  

How close is that, anyway?   Are we hearing some evidence of a possible triple play?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/27/09 at 06:23:50

Yep, no mercy at all.  I can see how this could all play out for the OLD FELLER'S ...tooling down the scenic mountain roads; curve after curve; the old feller's pushing in to the curves; braking & then pulling some throttle; then, just as he begins to straighten up... ZOOM ... something flies by fast and low with powerful vortex's swirling, his bike being thrown to and fro by the unseen wind power .......... what bike was that  ? ?  UMMMMMM ............................. there are stories in those mountains about a phantom bike that appears as if from nowhere and is gone in mere moments ... the local mountain riders call it   REX .    
Yes, a rider must be very careful when heading into the hills; you never know what may happen or what is just around the next corner.   8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/27/09 at 06:29:14

6E525F6E5543575B515F483A0 wrote:
With Lancer's explanation of helicopters and all, I can see where he likes riding...after he was trailing the mystery woman, he was sort of ripping it up....he certainly was chasing her much faster than we... :)

Let's not forget that while cutting the corners left, right, left, right, etc etc etc, I was riding with one hand and operating the camera with the other.

"Please do not attempt to do this at home, professionally trained combat experienced aviators were employed during the creation of this film"

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/27/09 at 13:50:08


Prosecution makes a motion that pictures from said camera of the bleached blonde in question be placed in evidence, your Honor.  

Open disclosure did not put copies of said pictures on the evidence roster, so they have not been identified or cataloged at this time.

Prosecution requests a recess pending the chance to appraise this new evidence.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/27/09 at 14:14:40

funny...I remember "hearing" about this alledged film...but I have never SEEN anything from this film.

Next thing we'll hear is that Lancer was on the grassy knoll playing cards with guys with rifles..... :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 01/27/09 at 14:44:18

Naw, he was hovering behind a group of trees on a grassy knoll...
'what's this button for?' bap bap bap oops.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/27/09 at 14:52:13

Don't say too much about Lancer's camera -- where are all your pink camera pics of what went on in the pool that night?

I came clean with the movies -- you actually have a copy of the infamous magnetic siren embankment calling poor 'ol Ed into its earthy embrace still on your PC (unless you deleted it of course).  

You are still "in the mountains" so by the rules the film can stay at your house and be OK.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 01/27/09 at 15:34:53

yep...what happens in the mountains...stays in the mountains...

as for pink pictures....I do have a few...

the others were purchased by the National Inquirer.... ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 01/28/09 at 15:37:57

"Screeching Bat Boy electrocuted by random lightning strike"

Yeah, I remember seeing those covers as I was checking out at the grocery store.   Matter of fact, they used that same pictures several times just this past year (they must have liked them).

"Random Mutations caused by Fwerp gas in pool water"

"Ugliest date thrown into pool to drown -- wild Frat Party initiation"

"Jennifer Anniston's bad hair day by the poolside"

"Man has mysterious red tire track on back -- lost memory returns"

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 01/29/09 at 19:54:25

I tried to download the video from the trip again and still cannot get it on my Bikepic's page

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/05/09 at 07:56:55

Ok boys and girls.  Mrs. Toymaker asked me who all is planning on staying at the beautiful Toymaker Lodge.  So if you are, please let me know.



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 02/05/09 at 08:39:10

I'm positively tentitive that I definitely maybe going to go.
I have a reservation for sat, but that's still transferable.
Have hammock, will travel.  If I may borrow 2 trees?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 02/05/09 at 11:50:00

If all goes well, I'll be arriving at the Toymaker Mansion on friday afternoon. So I will be staying with you on friday night and I haven't decided what I'm doing about sunday night. I'll prolly be heading north sunday but we'll see. Can't Wait.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/05/09 at 13:37:32

Yo!  Friday PM circa 5 depending on traffic.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 02/05/09 at 15:15:54

Is my reservation still on the books ?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/05/09 at 15:21:08

The desk clerk says that yes, your reservation is valid, pending an updated credit card receipt and security deposit... :) :) :) :) :) :D ;D

Mrs.Toymaker is a tough nut to crack. ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 02/05/09 at 19:41:47

Wow, I just found this thread.

A Deal's Gap ride sounds great.  I know it's called the Dragon or whatever but when I used to ride it all the time between 1988 thru about 1995, everyone called it Deal's Gap.  We'd stay at the Crossroads of Time motel.  Is that still there?  Anyhow, I gotta get used to calling it the Dragon.

My favorite bike for that ride was a highly modded '79 Yamaha XS 1100.  Now that I think of it, the first time I ever rode a Savage was at deal's gap.  I rode my Virago 750 on that trip and a friend of a friend rode his Savage.  I seem to remember it being red with buckhorn bars.  We had swapped bikes for a little while somewhere outside of Gatlinburg.  I'll keep an eye on this thread and try to join you there.  

Also, last year I put together the Alabama-Georgia ride for us members over on  I'm putting together another ride this spring.  As I narrow down some possible Saturdays for that ride I'll post a link in this section.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/06/09 at 06:58:40

I'm still in for Friday night @ the Toymaker lodge/ Camp ground.....
Ill be arriving some time in the afternoon. Calculations are about 5.5 hours from my doorstep to Granite Falls. After that I just have to be headed home by Sunday.... Have to work on Monday. Have tent will travel.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 02/06/09 at 18:09:48

OK I now have the money to rent a bike so I will be callin them shortly to see what I can get.  YAAAAAAAAAAAY  [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/07/09 at 02:34:23

Let's see,  comparing this roll call to the last ones looking for new players and dropouts.

THE HOLE IN THE WALL GANG staying at the apartment at the Deal's Gap hotel on Saturday June 27th currently consists of:

Oldfeller-bottom bed
Lancer-bottom bed
Toymaker-top bed
Verslagen-top bed
*MMRanch-futon   *means missed roll call once, didn't reply to PM/email

So that makes MMRanch the only one who failed roll call (I'll PM him and e-mail him since he doesn't read this thread every day).

Kel70734 is riding to Toymakers.  Remember all you cold wet outside campers -- you can camp on the apartment floor and be dry and warm (or cool if it gets hot enough to turn on the AC) for less than Deal's Gap charges for outside camping.   We got rooms and rooms worth of floor space in the apartment.  We also got a fridge, stove, lights, table, indoor toilet and all them other neat stuffs.  (plus you don't gotta carry a tent on your bike).  $10 for indoor floor camping.  
(sold - one 3x8ft floor section to Kel70734 fer $10)

New players who have not actually committed to anything but think its neat and are tenatively thinking they want to come along

-- Diamond Jim, BikerMom & hubby--

Youse guys need to speak up with firm commitments folks so you can get included in the plans as they get laid down.  

Toymaker's wife needs to know .....  (she's the one who feeds us)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 02/07/09 at 16:35:29

Hey Folks: I've been watching this trip come together and I'm getting pretty excited about it myself. As school will be out for the summer, I really can't think of any reason not to join in the June ride with you. I guess this is my way of "commiting".  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/08/09 at 04:59:48

The full ride starts Friday the 26th at Toymaker's house, then moves on to Deal's Gap for Saturday night, then back to Toymaker's on Sunday (or disperses from Deal's Gap as some folks are headed the other way to go home).

Savagedml, you need to fill in some blanks like where are you coming from, are you going to Toymaker's place on Friday or are you meeting us at Deal's Gap on Saturday?

And lastly, you Really DO realize this trip is potentially dangerous?  Those "splats" we keep kidding about really did happen and we are packing extra footpegs and epoxy and a road rash kit for serious?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 02/08/09 at 20:25:31

Hi there OF: It looks like right now I'll be meeting up with you on Saturday at Deal's Gap. I'll either be coming from my home in Portsmouth, Va. or from my camper at Lake Gaston (my summertime hideout). As far as the risks involved, I'm planning a trip there during Spring Break in April to do a dry run. I figure if I survive the dry run, I'll feel better about riding with the "wild bunch" in June. Ultimately I'm going for a good time and know my limits. I appreciate your concern, and look forward to meeting all these great folks in person. I really appreciate the tremendous boost to my Savage learning curve I have enjoyed as a result of the technical and practical expertise shared on this site. Sorry I didn't reply earlier in the day, but it was 70 F here today, and I rode ALL DAY LONG :D.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/09/09 at 07:00:10

Sign me up for floor camping... but will bring tent any way if it gets too crowded..... Yee hawww! a bike trip is in the planning.

For any one coming from the South-west This is the rout I plan on taking to toymakers on Friday. Always looking for a Riding Partner... Leaving Calhoun around day break.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/09/09 at 13:56:27

THE HOLE IN THE WALL GANG staying at the apartment at the Deal's Gap hotel on Saturday June 27th currently consists of:

Oldfeller-bottom bed
Lancer-bottom bed
Toymaker-top bed
Verslagen-top bed

Meeting up with us "at the Gap" is:


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/13/09 at 06:19:23

just got my new rubber for the front and rear

Kenda for $65 e-bay front
Dunlop k627 for $49

mounting them this weekend.....
time to get them broken in befor the gap ride

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 02/13/09 at 08:14:11

Hello Toymaker and Greeting to Mrs.Toymaker

Please pardon the delay,  Computer problems , had to clear all cookies and such to make the computer function again and had  a heck of a time getting loged on again to our site here.

Yes, a hundred times "yes" , I would be honored for the loan of a futon for friday night the 26th of June, and partake in a nice PUT-PUT ride for Saturday.  I've been getting rummors of a pool party and such too.  I hope to meet Kel30734 in north Ga. friday morning and get to your house late afternoon.

One thing I have been pondering is the ride across NC. to your house from the north GA area.  If its not out of the way to much, we (Kel and I) could go east on a different trail on Friday than we all take west on Saturday.  So the Question is ???? ?   Our path on Saturday  is there a  triditional route.

Looking forward to it.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 02/13/09 at 14:15:28

I don't know about youse guys, but I'd like to avoid the traditional route.  You know the one with the X's in it from the splat's, getting run over by one's own bike, etc. etc. etc.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/13/09 at 18:39:10

Let's stay off of I40 and the other 6 lane roads more than we did last time.   We do enough of that on the way up to the mountains.    On the way back we took some mountain road shortcuts that Toymaker knew about, the trip back seemed quicker and was much more interesting.

(hee hee  ....   maybe we should vote on it?   No overheated engines, no splats, better scenery?)


Kel30734 just told me something interesting anyway -- the Irish are coming and I surely have you outnumbered.  

I will likely confuse you sometimes but I am everywhere -- on this trip anyway.  I may be riding in back of you and riding in front of you and actually sit on both sides of you at lunch.  When you go splat I can bind your wounds and fix up your bike all at the same time.


Let's go here !!!    Bestest piece of curvy off-camber roller coaster on the planet that I have ever found.   I  vouch for it personally!!   It has my 4x6" personal seal of approval on it (although it has likely dried up by now).  

Instructions:  Zoom out some until you can see the Parkway, click your mouse on the intersection of US276 and the Blue Ridge Parkway and then zoom back in with the slider so you can see the torturous curves clearly.  

Best road in the world is the 2-3 miles on US 276 going up to and down from the Parkway crest.  Vertical viewing doesn't give the road picture of the road falling off on you as you go around the curves though.   You are leaned over to the max going around a turn and the road just rolls over to the outside and freaking  *** disappears ***  half way through the turn !!!   Auuugh !!   (ass puckering scary on a bike -- truly)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/13/09 at 19:40:44

***away at Navy Bootcamp Graduation ***

Hi folks.  I am all for staying off the superslab if at all possible...but I am not sure how to get up to Deal's Gap without getting on I40.

but we stll have lotsa time
T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/13/09 at 20:02:06

Ditch off on the Parkway IN FRONT of Ashville, follow it around south of Ashville and we can go by and visit my little patch of skin on US 276 ....

Yes, it is around thy elbow to get to thy arse, but a VERY interesting ride on an original off-camber roller coaster is gained by taking the detour.  Not many places where you can find hair pin turns with big arsed dips in the road all combined with road crest contour changes all at the same time.

You have your line picked, you are committed to the turn and the camber of the road tilts suddenly off to the outside of the turn and it DIPS on you in the middle of the blind turn, just plain pitching you right off the side of the mountain.....   there suddenly ain't no road in front of you any more ....

Don't hit your brakes boys or you too will make a "square inch" based donation.   Be going slow with your revs up to be able to survive this one by rolling off the throttle and trusting gravity to keep you touching pavement through the rest of the turn.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/15/09 at 19:03:09

Google Earth 5.0 is an amazing tool.   You can find anything on the face of the earth, named or unnamed.   Our de-classified satellite information is simply amazing to use.   Here is the skin donation road section shown from that side of the mountain, with a side view no less.  

Now you get a flavor of the outside down sloping turns ....

Compared to this section of this unimproved 1950's dynamite cut rural road, the Dragon at Deal's Gap is sanitized mild stuff.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 02/15/09 at 21:27:12

What's that road called "change o'pant needed"?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/16/09 at 03:24:45

Pucker road is the intersection of US-276 and Blue Ridge Parkway (Kentucky side of the mountain).

US-276 is a fun road, it runs through Pisgah National Forest and winds up in Cherokee (the indian reservation gambling mall).  

Get your tank filled up before you get on it though -- I had to ride miles and miles with blood running down my leg & filling up my left shoe before getting to a country store to do some first aid.   Cruso was the name of the little country store, or the town, or maybe both ??

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/16/09 at 03:38:15

It occurs to me that we have ALL DAY to screw around getting up to the Gap.   Once at the Gap, there is nothing to do except ride the gap and talk to bikers.

We may want to drag out the trip up with a lot of nonsense stuff and side trips .....  Turn a 4 hour trip into 5 or six hours or more with lots of stops.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/16/09 at 04:25:50

Just a suggestion...... what about messing around all day getting to the Tennessee side of 129 going through the gap and when we get to the other side we will be at the resort...... Ill bring along a gas can  :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/16/09 at 13:17:50

What's on the Tennessee side?   I admit ignorance since Dollywood is as far as I ever got into Tennessee on purpose.   It would be new territory anyway.

Propose something interesting.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 02/16/09 at 15:44:39

I was wondering, since I'm driving down in a truck with the bike in the back, would it be a waste of time to bring along my golf clubs? If I get into granite falls early enough, a round of golf would be good. Anyone else? I realize that most of you are riding bikes there. Just a thought.
   And I'm up for anything on the way to the gap. I'd like to check out Fontana Dam. That should be a great photo op.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/17/09 at 02:12:16

Al, there is a golf course 2 miles from me house...and I play too!!!  However, if last year is any indication, we'll be busy busy busy talking "Savages" ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/17/09 at 03:35:07

Or doing last minute fix it work  ...

Golf depends on when you plan to show up I guess.   You got all day Friday before the troops show up in the afternoon.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 02/17/09 at 04:05:36

Yeah, I'll probably leave the clubs at home. It was just a crazy thought. I suck at golf but for some reason I like playing anyway.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/18/09 at 03:14:58

Speaking of crazy thoughts, Al is bringing his Chevy S-10 truck to haul his bike to Toymakers place.  

Since we will have a real truck available to be the follow vehicle for the group I asked Al if I could borrow his truck to follow you guys around, just so I could pick up any loose pieces that might fall off

(or loose persons that might fall off their pieces, or whatever might come flying off if somebody does another motorcycle/embankment mating ritual -- you get the general picture)

So, along with a follow vehicle we get a ice packed cooler with drinks in it, food to cook out Saturday night and some breakfast stuff for Sunday morning, and a place to stuff all your stuff so you won't have to carry on your bike.

Tools, some simple spare parts, a gas can (important bit, that gas can) and I get air conditioning and a nice comfy seat to sit on  (plus I get to fondle Al's pickup truck while riding her through the mountains --  hee hee)

So, if you go splat you get to ride in the truck with me you lucky person you.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 02/18/09 at 05:01:10

I'll also be trailering my bike out there (behind my Explorer) , so if you want to hook my trailer to the truck for emergency towing purposes it'll be there.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/18/09 at 06:37:24 Iguess there will be some of us not riding Savages...I for one think I'll be riding the new Kawa... :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 02/18/09 at 08:49:03

Awesome kel! That Dunlop retails for around $165.00; nice snag on ebay! 8-). I just got my new ebay wide whitewalls mounted, and also getting them broken-in for the Dragon. :)

I know this is in response to a 5 day old post, but I love an ebay bargain and I just took note of that steal!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/18/09 at 14:24:07

I will still ride a bike to your house, and if we are hauling Savagedml's trailer behind the truck I may have my bike tied down to it so it will be there at the Gap for me to play with.    

Who knows, maybe nobody will go splat since we will be equipped to come behind them and sweep them up so easily.  

A rolling gas pit-stop, luncheonette and break bar all in one ...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 02/18/09 at 15:37:38

Boy, things are really coming together now. I don't know if i can wait another 4 months.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/18/09 at 19:48:22

Savagedml,  how many channels does your trailer have?  And do you have tie downs to support all the channels?   I am counting how many broken birds we can handle at one time (and if there enough room for me to carry my bike up to the Gap).

It would be better not to have to put a bike into the back of the truck, we should save that semi-protected room for coolers and carrying our various rolled up stuff.

Speaking of coolers, how many do we have available vs how many we may need.  One for drinks and ice, one-2 for food?

Talking about food, what are your suggestions for Gap food to carry up with us?  Speak up boys, it's your stomach.

We will eat one meal on the way up at some sort of fast food place, but we will need to carry Saturday night and Sunday morning with us.

Lastly, what sort of drink do you drink?  Diet or regular?  Favorite flavor?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 02/18/09 at 20:14:55

Well, now that you mention it... what do you want from out west that you can't get back east?

Don't be ordering a suit case full of in-n-out burgers cause they'll never make it.  even if you hire an armed guard, cause after the 1st stomach growls, one of us is gonna say 'split it with ya' and that will be the end of that.  And by the time we pull in to the airport again it won't be a pretty sight.

makin's for tayco's?  salsa?  sause?  and no fresh green stuff either.  Dem dog's go wild for any thing green and leafy.   :o

Fer me, anything diet to drink, surgar and me aren't friends unless she's at least a XX.   :o  food wise, just throw it on the plate and draw yer fingers back real quick like.  And if yer thinkin' of usin' my skills to get you somewhere, pass the wrench and keep the spoon.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 02/18/09 at 21:01:49

OF: I'm setup for one bike, but I was just looking for an excuse to head back over to Harbor Freight to pick up another self-locking motorcycle wheel chock. I have reservations for Fri-Sat-Sun at the Gap, so I'll be there ahead of you guys. If the Misses decides she's not going to tag along with me, there may be a couple of additional beds available, but I'll have to make that call then. I'm trying to get her to go to the Dragon with me during Spring Break in April so she will have "been there, done that" by the time TOD '09 rolls around in June. By the way, I'm definitely a Diet Cola guy, and as far as food goes-I'm up for whatever everyone else is up for.
Looking forward to a quick 2nd semester--Teacher's live for the Summer!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/19/09 at 02:15:07

535A5B5644445E435245370 wrote:

Looking forward to a quick 2nd semester--Teacher's live for the Summer!


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 02/19/09 at 03:50:32

So what is the count so far of the gang we are going to have for the ride ??

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/19/09 at 05:19:15

Soft drinks, Food, I am open to any thing.. just let me know what I need to bring. I can strap an 18qt cooler on my luggage rack. I usually stuff it with beer, ( if there are no objections) and I have a nice set of tie downs if needed.

Yeeeeeee Hawwwwwww I feel a road trip in the making.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/19/09 at 05:23:24

727B7A7765657F627364160 wrote:
Awesome kel! That Dunlop retails for around $165.00; nice snag on ebay! 8-). I just got my new ebay wide whitewalls mounted, and also getting them broken-in for the Dragon. :)

I know this is in response to a 5 day old post, but I love an ebay bargain and I just took note of that steal!

Thanks. I'm a FleaBay Fanatic. local shop wanted nearly $300 for tires and mounting. Figured I'd do it my self. Plus get to check every thing out. breaks,  bearings, and know it was put back together correctly with no left over parts.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/19/09 at 06:02:02

58555A5751460603340 wrote:
So what is the count so far of the gang we are going to have for the ride ??

I'm supposed to meet MMRanch in Blue Ridge and make our way to the Toymaker lodge and resort Friday June 26th.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 02/19/09 at 12:48:51

well called today and its gona be $372 bucks for 3 days. not as bad as I thought. the only thing is if it RAINS I dont get any money back AT ALL. only a one year rain check. and the longer I wait the less bikes he will have.  SO now I just have to find a FARMERS almanac and hope for the best.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/19/09 at 21:27:13

THE HOLE IN THE WALL GANG staying at the apartment at the Deal's Gap hotel on Saturday June 27th currently consists of:

Oldfeller-bottom bed
Lancer-bottom bed
Toymaker-top bed
Verslagen-top bed

Meeting up with us "at the Gap" is:


Not yet fully defined (but mentioning going)

Bikermom & hubby

Folks are just now beginning to discover the "it rains, you don't show -- you are screwed" policy that the Gap hotels and cycle renters are using.  If it rains and we don't try to cancel at least a week out I am out the basic appartment rental fee.  

That's the way it is folks, so we roll them dice and we takes our chances.  Their bat, their ball -- their rules.  

Pray for decent weather.  Plan to go even if the weather isn't perfect. Mountain thunderstorms happen -- we can attest to that because it happened last time (and for me the time before too).   Rain does pop up unexpectedly in them mountain passes.

Declare your plans here so we can plan for you to be there.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 02/19/09 at 21:44:39

I'll be bringing sunshine in my pocket so don't worry.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/20/09 at 02:13:22

I'm going....and I am planning on staying at Toymaker's house...............wait...THAT'S ME! :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/20/09 at 03:04:31

I think your wife already knows you are coming home for dinner.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 02/20/09 at 05:02:40

Hey ma, guess who's coming to dinner ! ?   ;D

So we have 8-10 gangbangers at this point...more would be great but even if not we still have a nice sized group to play "Crack the Whip" on the Dragon Road.    8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 02/20/09 at 06:58:33

well I guess the only thing I need to know is where we are goin to meet up at.  Seviersavage  lives NOT to far from where Im goin to be and the bike shops only 12ish miles from that.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/20/09 at 16:12:16

Meet us at which part?   Friday when we meet at Toymaker's house or Saturday afternoon when we check into the Gap Hotel?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/20/09 at 20:18:20

Crack the Whip is good....Crack the crankcase is BAD!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 02/20/09 at 21:07:01

1F232E1F2432262A202E394B0 wrote:
Crack the Whip is good....Crack the crankcase is BAD!

I'd rather crack a joke, a yoke, a beer.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 02/20/09 at 21:13:45

565B54595F48080D3A0 wrote:
Hey ma, guess who's coming to dinner ! ?   ;D

So we have 8-10 gangbangers at this point...more would be great but even if not we still have a nice sized group to play "Crack the Whip" on the Dragon Road.    8-)

I take it this formation flying thing is gonna bring back memories.
yatedadata... yatedadata... yatadaaaa...  8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 02/21/09 at 04:18:22

73607776696462606B34050 wrote:
[quote author=565B54595F48080D3A0 link=1227970821/210#214 date=1235134960]Hey ma, guess who's coming to dinner ! ?   ;D

So we have 8-10 gangbangers at this point...more would be great but even if not we still have a nice sized group to play "Crack the Whip" on the Dragon Road.    8-)

I take it this formation flying thing is gonna bring back memories.
yatedadata... yatedadata... yatadaaaa...  8-)[/quote]

At the time I wrote that I wasn't thinking of formation flying, buuuuuuuuuuut, since you bring it up I'm sure that once we hit the pavement there will certainly be some memories/feelings that come flowing back in my mind.  Oh yea     :)  8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/21/09 at 04:28:52

Somebody buy us some red bandanas to wear round our heads & work us up some 50 cal machine guns to mount to our handle bars ...

Toymaker can play "Flight of the Valkeries" on this bike's stereo real loud, outputting the signal through his twin horns whilst we sweep in on the villagers.

Napalm, who has got the napalm?  Gotta have napalm for those bamboo grass shacks.

Da de la da!     Da de la da!    Da de da!!!   (boom!)   (bap bap bap bap bap!)   (whoosh!!)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 02/21/09 at 04:29:44

;D    ;D    ;D

And they wonder why we had to put together our own little MASH unit to roll around behind them ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 02/21/09 at 05:34:44

I have a feeling it is going to be more like "Wild Hogs" on steroids than anything things else. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 02/21/09 at 06:51:07

093538093224303C36382F5D0 wrote:
I have a feeling it is going to be more like "Wild Hogs" on steroids than anything things else. :)

L O L    ;D   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 02/22/09 at 07:44:58

well I just checked my flight times and theres NO WAY Im getting my bike untill Sunday 28th @ 9amish.  we land 4:45pm and the bike shops done @ 5pm.  I MAY be able to come by Saturday nite and have some beers with you all.  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 02/22/09 at 07:56:58

7C5F5755565F5F5641330 wrote:
;D    ;D    ;D

And they wonder why we had to put together our own little MASH unit to roll around behind them ....

Oh man, nice pic here ... United States Marine Corps updated version of the original helicopter gunship, The Cobra.  It makes the heart pump a little faster and feel a bit of adrenalin just looking at it.   8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 02/28/09 at 12:20:40

ran across this today!! kind of a NO DUH but still...

just some other stuff

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 02/28/09 at 12:54:54

I like the cherohola, we some times do the gap cherohola circle. it is about 120 miles taking your time on that one is an all day event.

Title: Upgrade Notice on sleeping arrangements
Post by Oldfeller on 03/05/09 at 13:59:04

THE HOLE IN THE WALL GANG staying at the apartment at the Deal's Gap hotel on Saturday June 27th currently consists of:

Toymaker-bottom bed
Lancer-bottom bed
Verslagen-top bed
ALfromN.H-top bed

Meeting up with us "at the Gap" is:



The reservation at the Gap Hotel has been moved over to Toymaker's name.  Them what is astute and read stuff carefully have figured out my name isn't on the list any more.  There is a reason for this change.

My current employer has to reduce manning by a certain amount which comes out to having to remove one person from our small department (with all departments sharing the pain equally by percentage).  Upon consideration by the various bosses, it has been decided that is it to be me for our area.  

So, instead of whooping it up with the boys up in the mountains I will hopefully be working out my probationary period at a new job.  Or else still frantically hunting for one and having to peddle stuff to make ends meet.

Such is life -- please excuse me for being a bit in a poor mood right how, I am also on a strict diet and trust me -- diets suck when you are an old fat diabetic.  You feel rotten all the time.

But I gotta lose the pounds, so it is what it is -- no use complaining about it.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 03/05/09 at 14:24:34

Well, at least you can save money by not eating.

And we'll save you the bath tub in case you change you mind.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/05/09 at 18:17:47

and if everything goes according to plan, it will be the small bath tub at that!

Here's hoping everything comes to gether and we don't miss ya on the ride.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 03/05/09 at 21:29:25


You not getting to go bumms me out to.  I hope (pray) you jump into a better position in your work life.  I think we all sometimes say " why me lord , and why Now ".  Only to look back at the sitution in six months and see it all made sense.  I hope your comes clear in short order.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 03/06/09 at 03:11:30

MMRanch and Lancer,

Yes, He is in charge.  Yes, he has his purposes and reasons for things happening -- but we don't know it at the time and that is why it is called faith.

I have a testimony about job loss.  I was mid 20's and rising in the Product Service Division of Black & Decker, the power tool people.  I was given the Wichita Kansas Service Center to run, a biggie because it takes care of Boeing, Cessna and all the rest of the major aircraft manufacturers.  It wasn't an easy job, it was a biggie type position for that division.

My wife had 2 miscarriages while we were in Kansas and she really needed to go home to Raleigh NC to be with her family and friends.  She was willing to leave me if that was what had to happen as she was totally miserable being in the town where her babies died.

I gave my notice at work, put my wife in her car and sent her home, worked out a 30 day notice (they took a while screwing around but finally promoted my number 2 who was the best pick anyway) and packed up a big Uhaul van with all our stuff and I drove back to Raleigh NC.

I was unemployed for just short of a month when Black & Decker called me and asked if I could meet with a guy called Richard D_____ who was forming a Quality organization in a new division of the company called Consumer Power Tools.  I met with the guy and he offered me a position with his new organization.

I went to personnel to be rehired and found that I had never been terminated -- the personnel guy at Product Service had stuck my paperwork in his drawer because he thought "something would happen".  He was connected to the same Holy Spirit that runs through all events in this world of ours.

I quit, but wasn't terminated, kept my years of service and all of it and wound up living next block over from my wife's parents and just 5 miles away from the newly constructed Consumer Power Tools corporate headquarters where I worked until they shut it down 10 years later.   My daughter Katie was born a year and a bit after we got back to Raleigh, born due to some ground breaking pediatric work being done in the Research Triangle hospitals.

I was blessed -- wife, daugher, job.

God works in ways we cannot see and cannot know.   But he is God and that is enough for me.  I will have faith.  God can work in this situtation, I know he can.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/06/09 at 03:18:00


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 03/06/09 at 05:25:39

0C303D0C37213539333D2A580 wrote:

I second that AMEN.  It is REALLY good to know that HE is in fact in control and has the best in mind for us all the time, through good times and especially through the stress-filled times.
Be blessed.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 03/06/09 at 06:20:26

If Oldfeller finds a way to make it I will gladly give up the futon.
I can ruff it  i will have my tent and sleeping bag any way

Hope the Job hunting goes well

I work for a major Carpet manufacturer and in just my plant we have had nearly 300 layed off or let go plus every one is on 32hr or less

Dalton has the highest unemployment in Georgia
I am  lucky and work for corporate engineering and have been only had to cut back to 40 hours

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 03/06/09 at 09:27:03

WELL sorry to say but I just got REALLY bad news. Im soo pissed.  The dam bike shop dont open till 1pm on Sunday. so theres NO POINT in my getting the bike on that day. as far as it looks everyones goin home that day sooooo!!!  CRAP CRAP CRAP. so I guess that puts me out.  they WILL not let the bike go without all paperwork done so unless I can come up with some thing its not goin to happen.  guess I will have to ride in the chase cage!!!.   [smiley=angry.gif] [smiley=angry.gif] [smiley=angry.gif] [smiley=angry.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 03/06/09 at 18:50:22

Hay Tincanman

Would it help for someone to pick up your bike for ya...Friday or Saturday  .....   ???  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 03/07/09 at 01:56:42

they wont let it go without the rider there, besides the rental time starts from when you get the bike.  dont want to pay for it if Im not ridin it. Im goin to see about setting up the rental car so I can drive it. at least I can hang out.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/07/09 at 16:48:37

Ok boys and girls....

Well since I have gotten the Vulcan, my wife has absconded with the Savage.  She PREFERS to ride it instead of 2-upping with me....Can you imagine?  So, anyway, tonight at dinner as I was telling her about Tincanman's problem with getting his loaner, she said, "Just tell him he can ride MY bike....

So, as I was sitting there pondering how I lost my savage, I thought, "Hey, that's cool...we do have an extra bike...

So, Tincanman, if you can figure out a way here, you have a bike to ride on the dragon.


T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by BOWDIER on 03/08/09 at 14:51:57

How far is the GAP from Ashville, My wife has a family house about 30 min or so outside there, maybe I can get off and come up from Florida, leave the family at the house and ride over.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/08/09 at 16:19:47

I think about 60 miles or so...maybe less.?????

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 03/08/09 at 16:23:24

Toymaker !!! YOU ARE THE BEST !!  [smiley=beer.gif] ok so how far are you from Gatlinburg?? thats my only problem then is getting to you!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by BOWDIER on 03/08/09 at 17:06:20

thanks, try to work it in my plan book

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/09/09 at 02:23:23

Thank you thank you...but really thank my wifey...apparently it's HER bike now.... :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 03/09/09 at 12:36:05

I SO wish I had the time and money to join ya'll on this Dragon run. Maybe next year.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 03/09/09 at 22:05:12

073A3D30323D3E323D530 wrote:
Toymaker !!! YOU ARE THE BEST !!  [smiley=beer.gif] ok so how far are you from Gatlinburg?? thats my only problem then is getting to you!!

about 120 miles give or take an inch.

Greyhound can take from knoxville to asheville

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 03/10/09 at 19:24:27

7B687F7E616C6A68633C0D0 wrote:
[quote author=073A3D30323D3E323D530 link=1227970821/240#243 date=1236554604]Toymaker !!! YOU ARE THE BEST !!  [smiley=beer.gif] ok so how far are you from Gatlinburg?? thats my only problem then is getting to you!!

about 120 miles give or take an inch.

Greyhound can take from knoxville to asheville[/quote]
OH HELL YA I didnt even think of that!!!!! I will look into that!! THANKS !!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 03/14/09 at 22:33:00

well theres no way Im gona get to Toymakers. the buss only goes so far and 80 miles is  a hellava walk. Guess I'll just have to settle for the beers when you all get to the Gap. still gona get the bike on Monday I guess so at least I still ride.  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 03/17/09 at 08:42:41

It's been raining here for what seems like an eternity now. Still 3 1/2 weeks till I get a (Spring) break from these high school knuckleheads.
There haven't been any posts the last couple of days about the trip. In an effort to shake this negative energy allow me to publicly daydream for a few.....

Deals Gap....Tail of the Dragon Trip...Sunshine...Challenging cruising...Great scenery....New Friends...Fun times...

Whew, I feel better already.  ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 03/17/09 at 15:49:12

5059585547475D405146340 wrote:
It's been raining here for what seems like an eternity now. Still 3 1/2 weeks till I get a (Spring) break from these high school knuckleheads.
There haven't been any posts the last couple of days about the trip. In an effort to shake this negative energy allow me to publicly daydream for a few.....

Deals Gap....Tail of the Dragon Trip...Sunshine...Challenging cruising...Great scenery....New Friends...Fun times...

Whew, I feel better already.  ;D

Ah yes, I can feel the wind in my face now   :); sweeping left; now hard right ... continuing harder right ............. ooooooooooooohhhhh weeeee lean it hardddddd    :o .................................. quick left again .............       ............... .       ...............           ..........   ok, straighten it up now.  Oh, that is better   8-)  ..................................  
Was that good for you too ?    :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/17/09 at 15:53:47

search Tail of the Dragon on you tube. It doesn't make the three months wait any quicker though.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 03/24/09 at 11:00:30

Just looking for an update on the trip....  :o :o :o

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 03/25/09 at 08:44:23

3 months, 2 days away.
Have helmet, will travel.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/25/09 at 09:05:50

If Tincanman goes with any of you, make sure he doesn't have to make any left turns LOL. Apparently they haven't worked out for him TWICE now.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/28/09 at 15:29:27

Roll call for trip.

I am starting to plan on food, drinks and bed space for those planning on visiting our humble abode.

So, if you are planning on being here, I need to know.  I know that numbers have changed and that's why I am doing a roll call.

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 03/28/09 at 15:35:05

655954655E485C505A5443310 wrote:
Roll call for trip.

I am starting to plan on food, drinks and bed space for those planning on visiting our humble abode.

So, if you are planning on being here, I need to know.  I know that numbers have changed and that's why I am doing a roll call.

T :)

Putting my name in for food, drink and bed.   8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/28/09 at 15:38:25

Count me in. It would take something really bad to keep me away. Should be there sometime in the afternoon on friday.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/29/09 at 04:08:49

ok...I now have 2 for FRIDAY....ANYMORE TAKERS? :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/29/09 at 04:10:00

oh, and another thing...I still have wifey's Savage available...(My old one)

I'm ridin'the Vulcan :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 03/29/09 at 06:06:08

I will be arraiving with Verslagen ... we will definitely be hungry.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by WindInMyHair on 03/29/09 at 09:43:33

Me and my man child will NOT be able to make this trip ....
thanx; Toymaker for opening it up to all of us ...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 03/29/09 at 15:01:14

Count me in....... any thing you need me to bring?

Leaving Calhoun daylight 30 Should be there some time on Friday after noon
Any of you coming from the south west would love to have ya ride along

If all of the inside sleepin is taken I'll have tent and sleeping bag on board

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/29/09 at 16:04:04

I'll have camping gear with me too but after sleeping on the ground wed. and thur. night, I'll be ready for a bed  by friday night. Also, like Kel said, if you need me to bring anything, let me know.

ps. can I ride Mrs Toymakers bike so I don't wreck mine? (just kidding)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/30/09 at 06:38:42

Sure Al, just leave yours and the title as an offering to the "motorcycle gods" and I'll do my best to make sure "they" get them

:::Not to self......hide Al's bike:::::

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/30/09 at 06:39:30

PS...I am working on this year's t-shirt design....

I am hoping to have it done soon.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 03/30/09 at 08:04:43

464B454511270 wrote:
I'll have camping gear with me too but after sleeping on the ground wed. and thur. night, I'll be ready for a bed  by friday night. Also, like Kel said, if you need me to bring anything, let me know.

ps. can I ride Mrs Toymakers bike so I don't wreck mine? (just kidding)

I' ll take the ground if need be... I do not mind......

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/30/09 at 12:19:46

I think that this is this year's graphic...will be on back with Savage "handle" on front


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 03/30/09 at 12:31:40

Hmmm... I might be following someone real close.  Darnit, hold steady, what's next?

Needs a "chit"... if found embeded in enbankment please return shirt and bike to toymaker's... yada, yada.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 03/30/09 at 12:37:24

Hey V....I'll make yours upside down and put it on your chest...that way, all you have to do is look down....oopssssss.....gotta keep your eyes on the road.

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 03/30/09 at 16:19:18

That's a fine looking shirt decoration.   I'll take one in XXLarge, pay for it in advance and if possible pick it up in person.

The fine folks at work decided to keep me on another 2 weeks, so that is mildly encouraging -- providing the economy keeps making positive motions and they keep extending my employment I may actually survive long enough to maybe make it on the trip.

I am trying to be an optimist here, lured along by that fine looking lady dragon.  She's looking fine, but she does look somewhat constricted by that G-rated scaly bra looking thing somebody put her in.

I think the original version of the dragon lady had a more pronounced "attitude" with a pair of sharply pointed upturned nips if memory serves.   She was originally a 1970's era Vargas Sci-Fi fantasy painting, wasn't she?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 03/31/09 at 11:13:19

well it sucks I cant do any better but I have a bike for Monday June 29th.     [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 03/31/09 at 13:56:11


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 04/01/09 at 08:15:00

MM are you still meeting me in Blue Ridge GA on Friday the 26th?
We need to pin down times and locations.
I figure It is 1.5 hours from my front door to Blue Ridge I could be there by 9 then another 5hours to The Toymaker lodge and resort... if i leave my house around 7am that would put us in Granite Falls 2 or 3 in the afternoon.
Just my 2cents... any suggestions?

Ill take a T shirt in a large pm me and let me know how much and how to pay for it....


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/02/09 at 20:04:00

You bet I still want to go!

I've got a brother (Honda V-65) who lives there...I'll ask him where is a good spot.  Since you'll allready have a hour and a half ride in maby a store or gas station would be good?

Are you comming up Hy 515 then #5 to BlueRidge?


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/02/09 at 20:06:03

Where can I see what the "T" shirt look like?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 04/02/09 at 21:52:55

625E5362594F5B575D5344360 wrote:
Hey V....I'll make yours upside down and put it on your chest...that way, all you have to do is look down....oopssssss.....gotta keep your eyes on the road.
T :)

Tman, put mine on the back like everyone else.  If I need to, I'll strap it to the tank.  But figger Lancer ain't gonna give me much time to look at maps.  Especially if Lady G shows up.   ;D

And mark me down for a XL please.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/03/09 at 06:25:38

7F6C7B7A65686E6C6738090 wrote:
[quote author=625E5362594F5B575D5344360 link=1227970821/270#270 date=1238441844]Hey V....I'll make yours upside down and put it on your chest...that way, all you have to do is look down....oopssssss.....gotta keep your eyes on the road.
T :)

Tman, put mine on the back like everyone else.  If I need to, I'll strap it to the tank.  But figger Lancer ain't gonna give me much time to look at maps.  Especially if Lady G shows up.   ;D

And mark me down for a XL please.[/quote]

It seems that I am never goin to live this "lady G"  thing down....whatever...........
Don't think I am going to forget who started this thing either ... I got you in my sight dude .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/03/09 at 09:23:17

It wasn't was that "Old"guy....with the camera.....and stufff....




Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/04/09 at 04:34:19

Chasing them wild wimmen can get you hurtied bad, don'cha know it?

Ed can tell you all about it ....  Ed -- where are you?

Remember, Toymaker and Lancer and Verslaggie going off for a little spin together, THAT can get you hurtied bad as well.


BTW, I was never there -- I stayed home.    I appear in 0 pictures taken during the trip for a reason, high vaporware content being given as the approximate cause.   I misremembered all the rest of that stuff I may have said at one point in time.   I never had sex with Monica Lewinski.  I never tried to sell the Govenorship.  You have no pictorial evidence that I ever attended that fundraiser.   I am not a crook.


Been putting bikes back into service this past few weeks, getting ready to sell at least one.    Like riding the Savage the best, so it stays no matter what.   Things go bad, out they go.


What is the price on the shirts?   You need to start collecting some coins as earnest on the shirt orders.   For those that actually go on the trip, paintshop the scaley bra back off that slinky b1tch and return her upturned pointy nips to their proper perky position.  

That way the guys in the ERmobile will have something to gape at while they are cutting the shirt off the mangled group sacrifice --- oops, I mean Lancer's pidgeon --- oops, I mean "willing participant".

You know who you are ....

Say Eeeeeehaaaaaa !!  backwards, with some feeling.   That's what Lancer rash feels like.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 04/04/09 at 07:16:59

Oldfeller!!!! thats FUNNY as hell!! and I agree make the girl as proud as she should be!!!


PS. can I still get one even tho the best I can do is cager!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/04/09 at 11:13:23

hmmmmmmm....tee-shirt prices......hmmmmmmm

Same as last year....8 bucks...ok?  That's a pocket tee with the "Big Single"  graphic on the front and your name over the pocket  and the "Dragon Ride graphic on the back.

PM me and I'll get it started.

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/04/09 at 12:37:07

Okay, sign me up for a large. I'd love it in black if I have a color choice. Let me know about payment. I can paypal it to you right now if  you want. Thanks,

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/04/09 at 12:55:49

Shirt color is a o-choice option do to the graphic...White...

Sorry folks...

AlfromNH, I'll pm ya with info.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/04/09 at 13:48:49

Payment sent.

I forgot to put large in the notes though, duh....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/04/09 at 15:41:11

chk sent -- please cash her next week, don't hold it or you will screw up my scientific book keeping system.

I'm a FIFO man, first in - first out.    You hold it, you mess us both up.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/04/09 at 16:02:20

okey dokey fifo man


t ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/05/09 at 07:41:12

I just finished the re-battery and get running of all three bikes for this spring.

I ride the Savage all winter long with no pain associated with riding at all whatsoever.

XV535 causes some lower back pain and odd little calf and knee pains because of the unequal and greater width of the engine.

SV650 causes shoulder and arm pain to go along with the calf and back pain which carried over from the cruiser.

I am just getting old, I guess.    Plus when you are used to one seating position then shift to another bike you use different muscles and tendons that the first bike had all acclimated to its seating position.  They protest accordingly.

Which bike to take to the mountains?   Which bike to sell?

Logic says "dump the squid bike".   Emotion says "Weeeeeeeee !!   dump the cruiser".   Logic says "cruiser is only worth 700-1,000 bucks, squid bike is worth more than twice that much.

Emotion says "Ride the squid bike to the mountains, this time you can be the one to chase down Lady Godiva".  Logic says "traction bed in a hospital with no insurance, you old fool".

I cannot ride the squid bike without easily and endlessly doubling the speed limit in any and all speed zones, no matter how low or high.   The bike is that much more capable and easy to ride fast.  I had to take the cornering feelers off the bike as they were irritating me by dragging all the time.

I'm sorta getting used to the crouched position.   I know that 5 hours on the bike at a shot would be agony by the third hour.

Ride the squid bike some this spring, wear off all the fun factor then sell it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 04/05/09 at 11:43:18

Well folks I have mine and MMRanch Tenative rout planed

Any Suggestions?
Only about 17 miles will be on 40 the super slab
most will be state and county roads.
hopefully some nice twisties

Check list of pm's
oil change
Valve adjustment
Timing chain inspection
Tires (Both New this winter)
Change spark plug
Fix that D*m speedo rattle once and for all
and my wife offered this advice Ride Faster if you hear Banjo Music

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/05/09 at 20:44:00

Looks Good Kel.  I'm chomping at the bit for June to get here !

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/05/09 at 20:56:52

Just read what the shirts look like... can I get one in black size XL ?[img][/img]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/06/09 at 02:31:22

MMRANCH and anyone else.  Just PM me with size and detail and I'll make one for you.  Unfortunately, bebause of the graphic, they only come in white.

Price...$8.00 (plus shipping for those not able to pick up.) :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 04/06/09 at 04:47:15

Count me in for an XL or an "XB" (Extra Belly) :D.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/06/09 at 20:19:38

Hi Toymaker

White is OK.  Hopefully there woin't be any "Grease MOnkeying" this trip.  

Better get the wife one to match too.

I'll PM ya.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 04/06/09 at 22:06:16

As soon as I find last years I'll let you know whether I want 'beer belly' XL or 'double beer belly' XXL   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/07/09 at 03:05:42

They shrink a wee bit when washed.  Plus, you are intending to wear them over the rest of your clothes when we are off on the trip riding together.  

XXL is needed for me for enough room for everything underneath it.

The mountain laurel smells and brown & black stains on the shirt are what makes it an authentic Dragon ride shirt.   Plus that little touch of yellow butterfly dust ....


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 04/18/09 at 16:56:59

Ola Great Savage Dragon Riders.
I'm ready to GO. I look at this Thread with great anticipation looking forward to a good weekend of riding. I have looked at the map of the ride to toy makers and am looking forward to a Saturday ride with some folks that actually know these Mtn roads.  

I feel a road trip in the air

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/18/09 at 19:08:43

Just 2 months or so...then............


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Droopy on 04/19/09 at 19:26:58

Sorry Guys, My wife and I were so looking forward to going this year
until we ran into some problems, we had some health scares with bikemom, She is currently on a heart monitor for 7 days. Doctor is not
sure if she has panic attack disorder or her heart problem she has is gotten worse or not. So we are having to pay for everything outta pocket. I hope you all have a great time, take some pic.'s for us!  ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 04/19/09 at 21:59:47

dam that sucks wish her well for us!!


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/20/09 at 01:45:23

Hey Droop, sorrt to hear.   Tell her to take it easy....there is always next year.

t :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/20/09 at 04:53:12

Prayer going out now; God is able to restore... boy, this has been a hard start to this year for a lot of folks

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/22/09 at 03:27:31

Yep, down to the last 2 months before trip.  Time to start only riding the Savage and to start intentionally riding it harder ...   got to polish up on those creaky old man riding skills and techniques.


Yes, it has been a hard year so far -- being in the tail end of a recession sucks generally and our overall population of list members is relatively older and have more health issues and such to deal with.  


Droopy, my wife had panic attacks during menopause and I had to take her to the hospital once because of a "heart attack" and once again because of a "stroke".  It wasn't funny at the time, the symptoms are identical and during the "stroke" she ran her blood pressure up so high she popped some blood vessels in her right eye.

You try telling a panic filled trembling woman with red filling up her eye anything other than "get in the car honey".   You count yourself lucky to have enough time to pull your pants on.


Lancer, how are we fixed for bikes for you and Verslagen?   Remember, if you find yourself getting tight on fix up time he can always divert his plane to Fayetteville and ride one of mine.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/22/09 at 04:35:19

We should be good to go.  My daughter offered her BMW as a backup if needed.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 04/22/09 at 07:16:56


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/22/09 at 08:55:03

A Beemer?  What sacriledge!!!!! :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 04/22/09 at 15:22:32

I SO wish I could make it this year. Maybe next if I'm lucky.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/22/09 at 15:27:05

Well if I'm still kickin, there will be a next year.  I have been SOOOOOOOO looking forward to the ride this summer. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 04/22/09 at 15:38:52

0F333E0F3422363A303E295B0 wrote:
Well if I'm still kickin, there will be a next year.  I have been SOOOOOOOO looking forward to the ride this summer. :)

By the way, how much is it for this years Dragon T-shirt? (Too lazy to look back in the thread to find out.)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/22/09 at 16:33:00

083439083325313D37392E5C0 wrote:
A Beemer?  What sacriledge!!!!! :o :o :o :o

Lest you forget, my baby girl is a Capt in the US Marine Corps whose last deployment  was as the Anti-terrorism Force Protection Officer for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ... then standing right behind her is her 6'4" husband, also a Capt. USMC.   By the way, she fires "expert" with every weapon she lays her hands on.  Takes after her daddy and granddaddy.    8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 04/22/09 at 18:30:17

I couldn't make it till June. Here I am riding the Dragon ten days ago. I can't wait to get back!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/23/09 at 02:29:14

Shirts be $8.00 plus shipping for those of you not ridin' this year. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/26/09 at 05:37:05

Is it my imagination, or did we just get a huge new influx of new members?  Bigger infux than normal, that is.   Big enough to shift the list discussion flow, anyway.

Spring is the season, I guess.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/26/09 at 10:14:42

yep...lotsa newbies..........

ah.......remember when............................. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/01/09 at 15:31:51

Well, it's May 1st. I can finally say "TAIL OF THE DRAGON NEXT MONTH"!!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/01/09 at 16:30:19


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/01/09 at 17:04:45

He either hit his thumb again or else he's a happy feller.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 05/02/09 at 16:00:03

467A77467D6B7F73797760120 wrote:
Shirts be $8.00 plus shipping for those of you not ridin' this year. :)

In the process of transferring money into paypal for Dragon shirt. Would like the graphic on the back if you can, if not, oh well, I still want the shirt. X-large.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/03/09 at 07:17:41

send pm

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Skid Mark on 05/03/09 at 14:47:05

You luck dogs!!!  Google maped it and it looks like an AWESOME RIDE.

Maybe some day I can get a month off from work and home and head out East  ::)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by IntenZ on 05/03/09 at 21:47:05

Hello all. My name is Craig and I am one of the photographers at the Gap (Dragon). Can't wait to see you all come through. Its a great place to have tons of fun.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/05/09 at 03:35:00

Ah Craig, we will be a scruffy looking bunch, not all that photogenic at all.  

How bad are the Tennessee mounties for giving tickets so far this spring?   How well is the Gap fixed for emergency services (picking up them Harleys that fell down the low side for example).

Yep, beginning to get all pumped up for the trip.  Starting to ride harder, learning how to corner all over again.

Durn, getting old sucks ....  Bad shoulder, bad knees bad hips bad back.

But -- I will still be riding to the DRAGON this summer !!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/05/09 at 12:52:38

Yeeee Hawwwwww

I have found some twisties on the way home from work
I Have Chewed up another set of pegs......
the bottom of them look like rubber hamburger

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/05/09 at 15:19:00

Now, you got to get yourself all mentally prepared for the company you are getting ready to keep ....

Toymaker has an off-the-wall sense of humor .... (no kidding)

Lancer is small buff & strong and straight-arrow (he's the perfect straight man)

I am mischievous (that's one way to say it)

Ed is tall, mustached, handsome and polite.   He was our pretty boy ...

The rest of you I only know by the list stuff you post (which ain't enough by a long shot to say you really know somebody)

So, we are going to play a little riddle game to get to know each other a little bit better in advance of our trip together.


The rules are simple, you get to ask all the questions you want until you get 3 "no" answers (hint: phrase your questions so the default answer is yes if you can)

The name of the game is "Oldfeller - Serenity gives a crap!!"

The question is "Why is Oldfeller driving a car to the mountains?"

and there are 3 visual clues which ARE related to solving the puzzle

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/05/09 at 17:34:42

Hmmm... taking a car, so either he's not going alone or he's taking something big or it's inclement weather or his leg is in a cast.

Hmmm... there's a brass pogo stick, a lathe and a bottle of antibotics.

Is harbour fright not in the moutains?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/05/09 at 18:11:05

Yes, Harbor Fright is in the mountains -- Harbor Fright is everywhere.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/06/09 at 02:34:52

I think I'll be in the studio audience for this first one.... :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/06/09 at 02:43:54

Chicken -- we were counting on you to be Vanna White.   Vanna gets a free hint anyway, 'cause she's cute.

"Vanna, Serenity is a list member, remember?  Give us an "E" please ..."

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/06/09 at 05:09:12

My best uneducated guess is that the bike is not in working order?

IE: The Lathe, and he is having to make parts?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/06/09 at 05:09:43

666B656531070 wrote:
Well, it's May 1st. I can finally say "TAIL OF THE DRAGON NEXT MONTH"!!!

What are the dates for the Dragon?  I read through some posts and saw June 27-July 4.  Is this correct? I just learned I'm gonna have some time off during the summer here and there and I just might be able to join you guys after all.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/06/09 at 08:42:23

We will meet at Toymaker's place in Granite Falls NC on June 26th, ride up to the Dragon on June 27th, screw around all day up in the mountains, spend the night at The Gap Inn sleeping in an apartment we have reserved, ride back to Toymaker's place on Sunday June 28th and then disperse, spend the night or whatever makes sense to each of us.

Now me, I have been fired, put on probation, taken off probation, complemented for my improve performance and then fired again just like 2 hours ago.  I am down right confused at the moment, so don't pay a lot of attention to me as I don't know what I am (other than feeling somewhat abused and screwed).


Serenity is a list member who is giving me a dead motor to play with, I am driving up to pick the motor up which is why I am driving instead of riding.  

I had planned to drive the chase truck anyway since you guys like to splat yourselves to the point it would be a good idea for me to be driving a borrowed truck around behind you guys so we have a pickup vehicle so (and we can carry food and drinks & stuff).

The brass pogo stick is my first pass at the hydraulic reverse stopped spring acutated full distance cam chain tensioner which will be trial fitted to Serenity's "piece of crap" motor that he is giving me.   Then I go to work on the final version of the permanent fix for the cam journal bearing oil failure tear up issue.


Hopefully by the time we go to the mountains I will have a line on whatever I am going to be doing next for a job.

Time to kick it into gear on the job looking thing again ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/08/09 at 06:18:03

What is the count of bodies for this trip...........
I'm going
Have rout to the toymaker lodge planed and suposed to meeting up with
MMRanch in Blue Rige, ga on the 26th of june.
and be in Granit Falls some time in the after noon.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/08/09 at 06:28:32

Plese do a roll call....

Toymaker is coming... (I have to...I live here)


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/08/09 at 06:38:16



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/08/09 at 07:14:32


V1, tickets purchased, bike arranged.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/08/09 at 08:07:56

I have a bed reserved for friday night and a futon reserved for saturday night (i think)


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/08/09 at 08:30:44

... and a grassy embankment sat. morn   [smiley=evil.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/08/09 at 10:38:46

AND watch out for the gunman on the grassy knoll!...oops...sorry...wrong conspiracy!!! :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by WindInMyHair on 05/08/09 at 10:53:56

I WANT to come but I can't   :(
I guess we can't count "wish I was there's"  
I hope you all have a heck of a fantastic time !!!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/08/09 at 11:31:10

You are confusing me -- am I supposed to bring an assault rifle to man the grassy knoll or is Lancer taking care of that with his Ma Duce from the helicopter?

I'm planning to come, am bringing a sleeping bag and air mattress as whatever plans we make somebody will likely wind up using it.


My daughter gave me a sweet darling present today -- I was feeling low so she waited until my wife had left to drive to Raleigh then she called me around 9:00 am to say her car had overheated on the way in to work and could I please stop by at her parking lot at work and take a look at it.

Two things stick out here -- first, she had absolute faith I could diagnose and fix what was wrong with her car, whatever it was.  Second, she had absolute faith that I would come and do it without questioning the details too much.

My son-in-law is a banker -- he isn't very mechanically inclined.   He had replaced a top radiator hose fairly recently, hadn't checked the radiator itself for fluid level because the reservoir was full (he did top that off).  The radiator cap was shot and wouldn't pull a vacuum against the reservoir, so the radiator ran on a partial charge of fluid, losing some every day through the bad cap until she got a warning light and a overheat on the temperature gage.

I rode 140 miles round trip, put over a gallon of pre-mix into the radiator and replaced a totally shot radiator cap.  I gave her a kiss on top of her head when I gave her her keys back around 1:30 same morning and I left -- I dunno if she will even tell my son-in-law about it as it would just embarrass him.

I may suck at many things, but I have never sucked at being a father.  Good to be reminded of that -- I needed me a win right about now.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/08/09 at 13:25:56

1E222F1E2533272B212F384A0 wrote:
AND watch out for the gunman on the grassy knoll!...oops...sorry...wrong conspiracy!!! :)

That's not a gunman, it's a camera man, smile.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 05/09/09 at 09:59:36

WELL, Im not to sure how to feel about all this, I pushed for the dates to be set up for something I cant even join in on. DAMIT!!  but Im hoping to stop in and say hello as long as Im asured I wont be beaten to badly for getting things set up and cant play in. LOL !!! but Im sure a good time will be had by all....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/10/09 at 06:50:42

Here is the brass pogo stick undergoing leak testing over time.

Although there will be a hose going to it to renew the oil content (and to allow automatic extension/retraction with temperature changes while putting zerp stress on the chain itself like the current cam chain tensioner system does) the brass pogo system cannot leak at the seal over time to any extensive degree or it won't work.   Leaks must be less than the make up system's total holding volume or air in system problems could develop.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/10/09 at 08:55:31

Dang, during the summer I'm working only 1 day per week at the college which will free me up for the Dragon. But I've got kids (divorced) May 29th-June 7th.  I'll be up there though at other points during the summer so if someone can't make this trip I'll join you for another date in June or July.  Just let me know.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/10/09 at 10:25:24

Jim, the Dragon Ride is the weekend of JUNE 25-28 so maybe you can make it?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 05/10/09 at 14:14:20

262B232F2D2C26282B2F420 wrote:
Dang, during the summer I'm working only 1 day per week at the college which will free me up for the Dragon. But I've got kids (divorced) May 29th-June 7th.  I'll be up there though at other points during the summer so if someone can't make this trip I'll join you for another date in June or July.  Just let me know.

well the run Im goin to make is Monday, June 29, 2009 9:00:00 AM.
I pick up the bike then.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/10/09 at 20:15:55


That stick looks perty wicked,    I like the idea of hydrolic valves adjusters and the cam tentenioner could be just as good.

All systems are still go for the Dragon.  I either have a leaking exaust at the head or a leaky head gasket.

After the motor warms up it gets worse.  Anyone had or have a simiular situation.    

either way, tork the head or new manifold gasket it should be just a one day fix.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/11/09 at 04:49:06

Well I just might be able to make it then.  No kids at that time.  Off from work.  Let me put it on the calendar.  Is there any room left in the apartment at the Gap Inn?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/11/09 at 04:58:44


It could be constructed as a positive pressure hydraulic system with an infeed from the oil pump distribution tunnel, but then it would have variable oil pressure driven tension to the cam chain rolling up from 0 up to 15 pounds depending on how things were RPM wise.  If you lost your infeed hose it would of course fail without giving any notice at all.  That would be a sort of bad system, one that can fail without warning (sorta like the one Suzuki put in there stock).

I preferred to keep it spring actuated at about 6-8 pounds of continuous spring pressure with the cylinder filled with oil.  At the top of the resting cylinder's "up" position will be a small feeder hose with a tiny orifice drilled in it to let oil in and out.

If if the engine kicks backwards at shut down, the oil cannot escape the cylinder through the orifice nearly fast enough to allow the cam chain guide to move very much at all.  Any oil that makes it through is contained in the reservoir hose.  Once the engine is stopped, pressure from the spring slowly takes the slack back up, pulling oil slowly back through the orifice from the reservoir hose.

That's the theory, anyway.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/11/09 at 07:27:38

Jim, as far as I know, we have room (or can make room)


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/11/09 at 09:07:10

6E525F6E5543575B515F483A0 wrote:
Jim, as far as I know, we have room (or can make room)


Then count me in.   [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

063A37063D2B3F33393720520 wrote:
Plese do a roll call....


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 05/12/09 at 07:43:27

well I may have another to ride with me after all.  my youngest sons mother lives not to far from Gatlinburg and she owns a Harley and has never been on the Dragon so I hope she can make it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Ed L. on 05/12/09 at 11:58:48

Don't think I can make this year, I've been quite on the Tail of the Dragon trip cause I just get way too ticked off that I won't be there.  I really wanted another shirt, hey Toymaker could you get me one together and run over it, gotta have matching tread marks on it ;).  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/12/09 at 13:57:18

You KNOW there is only one way to get an authentic Dragon Ride wheel print in the exact slam middle of your back ....  

Ed, you were the nicest of us by a long shot -- I will miss your smiling face and kindly manner.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Ed L. on 05/13/09 at 17:02:36

I'll be there in spirit with you all, still have a primal savage lust for 321 off of I 95 heading up to Toymakers, my god what a pretty piece of highway. Would like to get the Dragon by it's tail for a little fun too.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/13/09 at 17:29:13

"Eddddd ....   Eddddd ...."

(that's the road calling -- we are only a month and a half away from road trip time again)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by prechermike on 05/14/09 at 07:21:43

Hey Guys,

I have been reading the thread about the trip and hope you all have a good time.  Maybe one day I can make the run.  But be careful so you don't end up like this guy:

I don't know where this was.

Let's be careful out there!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/14/09 at 09:56:12

It's funny how the driver quickly assumed the bikers were gonna beat their a$$es.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/14/09 at 12:06:41

What you Get for trying to Ride a thousand pound bike like it weighs 300

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 05/14/09 at 14:00:22

People in the cage were jerks. If the rider needed a hospital, they were the best bet because they could have driven him there.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by John_D on 05/15/09 at 02:33:40

Came across that video elsewhere also, and made me think of you folks.  Looks like a fun ride, but for cripes sake, RIDE SAFE!  Us newbies need someone to tell us the right way to do stuff, and help us laugh at our wrong ways!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/15/09 at 04:34:00

Unfortunately, it has not been our experience that safe riding type habits prevail for very long on these little group outings.

If you could see us together as a group, you would understand better.

What really happens is that a group with varying mountain riding skills shows up at Toymaker's house, has a fun time the night before then gets on the scoots and start out riding reasonably in straight lines on the interstate for an hour or so.

We hit the skyway and begin to eat curves and the group confidence level rises and so does the speed.  Then a distraction presents itself (girl with long flowing blond hair going a little bit faster than the group speed) and we start chasing her ....  

The speed goes up just a little bit beyond the skill level of the least curve familiar person in the group and that person goes down on a turn.

Same story as the guy in the video -- a mistake is made.  More folks in a group, more difference in riding types and styles and the greater the likelyhood that a "go down" mistake will be made.   The mountain roads are NOT FORGIVING and you are faced with "go down" line choices and braking choices on average of once every 20 seconds or so once you are up in the curves.

The most insidious of these scenarios is to be riding in a line of riders with the front rider going at to him is a safe and sedate pace, the line of riders engine braking and leaning into a curve that suddenly gets a little tighter about half way through the turn and rider #4 in the line lacks the skill to increase his lean angle without panic setting in.

Hitting your rear brake in a lean turn straightens you up, and you go straight.   Bad thing to happen in a lean turn.   NEVER HIT YOUR REAR BRAKE IN A LEAN OVER TURN.

What you should be doing is running enough revs to use engine braking (roll off the throttle) and simply concentrate on leaning on through the turn.  This is a skill that requires practice .....

This is why the larger Harley groups have a chase vehicle running along behind them on mountain trips -- they know they are going to lose a rider.   They plan for it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/15/09 at 04:43:56


I Agree Oldfeller:

Mountain Riding is not like regular street riding.

I have been doing Fort Mountain to hone my skills after a winter of sedate back and forth to work riding.
make sure you got good rubber and bike is mechanically sound, with good break shoes and pads just in case you need them.,_Georgia)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/15/09 at 05:42:55

Also, the further back you are in the pack the more experience you need to have IMO.  The accordion effect is an amazing phenomena.  When you get a group of bikers riding together, the lead rider will swear he never went over 60mph while the last guy will swear he never went slower than 80mph.  Throw in mountain curves and the level of difficulty progressively increases with the next rider in the pack.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/15/09 at 06:22:10

Some of the places we are going have curves that cannot be taken over 35 mph (no matter how good you are or what you are riding).

For some folks in the line up that is a 20 mph curve.  

The leader takes it at a sedate 22 mph (well within his comfort zone) and loses rider #4 anyway.

There is no fault -- it simply is what it is.

Now, if Ed really just wanted to come, he could drive his SUV and pull his trailer to be the follower guy.   Then he could clean up whichever one of us has the least riding skills that day.   I'd be in the pack then, so it could durn well be me.

(or not because I am practicing daily right now and have pavement scrub marks on the bottom right of my exhaust pipe now to prove that I am getting better and better at that hard turning thingie do)

How fast do you have to be able to run to escape from the bear which is chasing the group through the woods?

Answer -- just a little bit faster than the slowest runner in the group.

Which one are you going to be?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/15/09 at 08:29:57

Everyone must be given the opportunity to rise to their level of incompetancy, whether it be renchin, ridin or ryetin.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/15/09 at 16:03:03

Yep, I can copy to rising to my own level of incompentency, done that several times in the recent past as a matter of fact.

I was washing the bike today and noticed my muffler was moving some as I polished on it.  I checked the motion out and found I had been grinding my main motor mount acorn nut (holds the horizontal heat shield) as well as the clamp mount flange and  bolt for the vertical heat shied.   All the rubber mounting bushings were shot and both of the 10mm bolts on the vertical heat shield had vibrated free (completely gone) and I had broken a weld on the main muffler mounting plate.

So much for the enthusiastic cornering -- do it enough and you can abrade and bust some stuff.

The stock muffler is quiet, but it weighs like a ton and REQUIRES a bunch of complex mounting hardware to hold it in place.  While it is off I think I am going to go ahead and check my cam chain tensioner (nearly 13,000 miles now) and go ahead and do my leaking oil plug in the head, replace the standard petcock with the Raptor and do a valve adjustment.

I am looking hard at that Harley Dyna muffler over in the corner ....  it would be so much simpler to put back on and it wouldn't drag near as much on the hard cornering as it is simply that much smaller and higher mounting.   My stock muffler is getting all old and ugly too -- all gold and blue in spots (and rusty on the bottom).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Ed L. on 05/15/09 at 16:12:08

Well i'm not going to be there, I have the time but not the cash for a 6 day or better road trip. My only mistake was not riding the curves like I ment it. Instead I got into a higher gear and was just farting along instead of running the engine up in RPMs which is the way I learned to ride the curves. So much for taking it easy on the curves, beside a couple bruises and a little damage to the bike I got off easy.  ;) Take pictures, enjoy

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/16/09 at 23:36:11

Yea Kel
I've had lots of bikes but I keep comming back to the 350 lb. class machines.  "A BIKE" not a small two wheeled car !!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/17/09 at 03:58:56

455745575A49464B40080 wrote:
Yea Kel
I've had lots of bikes but I keep comming back to the 350 lb. class machines.  "A BIKE" not a small two wheeled car !!

Yep, I agree totally on that one.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/19/09 at 17:26:04

Well, I got the Dyna muffler put on my bike so I am still Savage-able and am all properly equipped for the run the end of next month.   Got a wee bit more right hand lean before dragging muff as Dyna is smaller than the stock Suzuki muffler was.

Still hitting on those frame acorn nuts though ....  I don't think I can fix that situation.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/20/09 at 02:10:29

I got a few that have seen a little "lean" as well.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/20/09 at 05:07:43

7F434E7F4452464A404E592B0 wrote:
I got a few that have seen a little "lean" as well.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 05/20/09 at 08:30:31

Here's the "Motorcycle Resort's" web site link in case you would like to keep up with what is going on at Deals Gap/ Tail of the Dragon. Posting is usually done Th-Mon. You can also sign up to have free access to their daily forum board.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/24/09 at 05:08:35

I got caught in a thunderstorm on my bike yesterday.  I got pounded, got wet, rode on anyway and was totally dried out by the time I arrived home.  It was a warm rain, not cold very much at all.   This one came under the heading of "no big thing" and was suitable to be ignored pretty much because I was lucky to be wearing my full face shield helmet and I was riding my cruiser with the windshield.

It would have been a lot less tolerable on my Savage wearing my beanie helmet ....

You do all have a full face helmet and rain gear to bring on the trip, right?  You don't have to pay a bunch for it (for single use plastic wear stuff) but you do need to have it bundled up in your saddle bags for sure.  Bring your full face helmet too --  them Skyway monarch butterflies hurt when you get smacked in the face with one.

Wet stuff and them mountains seem to go together -- I have never made a mountain run without seeing rain at one point or another.  Last trip was a good example, it wasn't supposed to rain but we got chased by a thunderstorm that crawled through a mountain pass to get to us.

Trip before last I camped out in a cafe for over three hours reading a book while a rain squall worked its way on past (at eye level no less).   Thunder and lightning when viewed up close & personal is very awe inspiring -- makes you think of God and his inherent awesomeness, it does.

Anyway, it is time to think about packing and what you are going to fit in your saddle bags.  Rain gear, some large rubber bands and a paperback book to read while waiting are going to make it into my saddle bags.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/24/09 at 05:44:56

Got 'em, got 'em, used 'em, have some, so I think I'm good to go.

BTW, son got married and daughter-in-law is living with us until Navy gives them housing so we are down a bedroom but we still have other rooms and lots of floor.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/24/09 at 06:36:13

Looking at the Deals Gap website & weather reports of the recent past is clearly a heads up on being prepared for weather of all sorts.  Got to have the head/face protection, rain gear unless you just like being wet, and really good tires for those curves curves curves & water & and really slippery wet leaves that fall or are blown onto the road ... slicker than cat s___!  Well, it is slippery.  ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/24/09 at 16:45:42

This the same dark haired girl he was dating when we were there last?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/24/09 at 16:51:17

yep...but she's a blonde now.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/24/09 at 16:58:31

So she changed her hair color?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/25/09 at 03:51:20

you could say that....

but really shouldn't. ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/25/09 at 05:42:49

They are a cute couple, very much in love -- I'm glad to see he was caught by a good'un.

Like I said earlier, I will bring an air mattress and sleeping bag figuring that it would wind up being used by someone.  I have another spare fabric type air mattress if you think I should bring it along "just in case" we have some extra company sleeping on the floor in the apartment.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/25/09 at 06:04:38

370B06370C1A0E02080611630 wrote:
you could say that....

but really shouldn't. ;)

Ha ha.  Just messing with ya.  I changed it.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/25/09 at 06:14:19

Well chances are that those of you coming to the  Toymaker's Resort (hahaha) will meet my new d-i-l, plus probably daughter as well.

I have asked daughter if we could use her room and she agreed, so there is now more floor space...

As for Dragon Shirts...Last call, I am getting ready to make the shirt run and other than those fine folks that I have down for one, any other takers????

Should be done this week for those who ordered them.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/25/09 at 07:09:50

Count min for one,
i'll have tent and sleeping bag for me.

Road trip is on the way

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/25/09 at 07:58:19

Make mine a XXL

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/25/09 at 08:10:51

0B373A0B3026323E343A2D5F0 wrote:
Jim, as far as I know, we have room (or can make room)


Is this the apartment rented at the Dragon?  Let me know what my $$$ share is.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/25/09 at 08:25:04

Depends Jim, are you coming to my house and making the ride with the group, or are you meeting us there at Deal's Gap.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 05/25/09 at 08:41:30

I'm jumpin in this thread a little late but I plan on meeting up with the group on saturday the 27th. I live a little over an hour away and just need to know what time and where to arrive to get into the group ride.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/25/09 at 09:27:14

I'll be arriving at Toymakers on Friday afternoon. I'll have a sleeping bag and air mattress with me as I will be camping out wed. and thurs. nights in Virginia on the way down. I'll bring my full faced helmet but i don't know that I'll be using it. I perfer my half helmet. Rain gear is good. I tested it this weekend camping in the mountains here in beautiful New Hampshire with thunder, lightning and torrential downpores. I had a great time.So if I lose my bed at Toymakers, I'll be fine with sleeping on the floor on my air mattress. Looking forward to the trip, can't wait.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 05/25/09 at 10:46:47

Toymaker, I would like to have one in XXL. (too extra fat ;D) I can mail you the $'s now if needed.
I live in Marshall NC (25 mi. N. of Asheville, and about 100 mi. from the Dragon). If you and the others are passing through Asheville on I40 I could meet and ride with you from Asheville.  If not, I could use meeting info and meet you fellows Sat. AM and just ride home Sat. PM after the ride.
I'm sorry to get on this thread so late, but I'm recovering from a cancer opperation and just now getting back to riding. Reading everones post and dreaming of riding the dragon with other Savage owners has given me something to fight for and look forward to. Bigzuk.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/25/09 at 12:04:34

Hey Big, As far as I know, we will be passing thru Asheville on the Saturday.  We will riding the Dragon on the Sunday, I think.  As far as I knw, we still have floor available in our Apartment on Saturday Night.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by jonnyb021104 on 05/25/09 at 12:19:46

where does this trip go through?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/25/09 at 13:23:42

2124252532297B797A7A7B7F4B0 wrote:
where does this trip go through?

mountains, rivers and bridges... oh my.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Skid Mark on 05/25/09 at 14:24:11


Google "Tail of the Dragon" and you will get the details. I can see why everyone gets hyped on this.  :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 05/25/09 at 18:25:23

Toymaker, thanks I may join up with yall as you come through Asheville.
Are you staying at the Dealsgap motorcycle resort?
I was thinking about setting my small tent in the campground. Will anyone else be camping?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/25/09 at 20:08:53

Toymaker, I don't plan on going to your house, just the Dragon from Thur thru Sun.  I'm southwest of the Dragon by about 2.5 hours so that would be a long ride to and fro for me.  Is there a piece of carpet for me at a room at the Dragon?  I could chip in.  Otherwise, I can camp out with Bigzuk.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/26/09 at 02:19:58

As far as I know there is..carpet that is.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/26/09 at 05:12:16

5F636E5F6472666A606E790B0 wrote:
As far as I know there is..carpet that is.

Cool beans.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/26/09 at 12:06:39

113A34292638530 wrote:
Toymaker, thanks I may join up with yall as you come through Asheville.
Are you staying at the Dealsgap motorcycle resort?
I was thinking about setting my small tent in the campground. Will anyone else be camping?

I'll Have a 3 Man Tent
I' Meeting MMRanch in Blue Ridge Ga Friday morning and riding on to Toymakers. We will Be going through ashville some time On Friday also  from thare i will be following the group on Saturday then heading south on Sunday

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/27/09 at 05:40:03

Guys, unless things have changed (the inevitable price increases) it will cost you $12 a head to camp out at Deal's Gap on a first come first serve basis.   There is floor space (either carpet or linoleum) in the apartment that could cost like $10 bucks to spread your bag (depending on how many people stay in the room).

Indoor plumbing, AC, heat, fridge, stove, electric lights, card table, no cold mountain air laden with dew, no little creepy crawly centipedes creeping in your ear while you are asleep ....

I'll stay inside, thanks.   Even if it is a floor it is dry and temperature controlled.

I will bring a bag and two air mattresses (one to share if needed).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/27/09 at 07:55:54

That was my original plan, but i will have my tent just incase it gets crowded


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 05/27/09 at 08:31:14

I've been laying low in case something comes up, but... I may have 2 vacant bunks in my room at Deals Gap 6/26,27,28  if my better half doesn't decide that she needs to tag along. I did the Dragon in April by myself and I'm not sure she'll let me get away with doing the trip again solo. And by the way OF, thanks for the offer, (and I'm sure you're a great guy), but I don't think I'd be interested sharing a sleeping bag with you, it would be a little too crowded for me. :-?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/27/09 at 17:52:37

Broke Back Biking :o

Just what the Boss lady wants to hear

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/28/09 at 02:21:30

Broke back biking is what you get in you are sleeping ON THE GROUND without an air mattress!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/28/09 at 06:56:29

142825142F392D212B2532400 wrote:
Broke back biking is what you get in you are sleeping ON THE GROUND without an air mattress!


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/28/09 at 10:11:10

Hey,  them newbies sure are suspicious of the strangest things, ain't they?

Let us clarify ourselves for the record.

When we put our asses on the line chasing something with long flowing blonde hair -- it is female.

We likes our buds, but we loves the ladies (even though it is mostly just to look at, now-a-days).

We protects our wives, daughters and daughters-in-law as it is built into us as fathers.  Somebody that would hurt a kid (or their feelings) deserves to get hurt first.

Actually, we all do have manners and we do use them in front of Toymaker's female kin-folk.  

What we do apart from the wimmen generally degenerates into locker room norms, but we don't take pictures of that as it can turn into "evidence".

Evidence is BAD -- we all learned all about that last time out.   I never saw so many "broken" cameras and bad internet connections in my life, lemme tell you ....  Nobody had nothing



Remember our motto ....

"What goes on in the mountains -- stays in the mountains"


P.S.   Bringing a spare air mattress to lend to somebody does NOT constitute an offer to share my sleeping bag.   I may also carry a spare P32 hidden about my person, but I don't offer to share a CorBon either except under very special select circumstances.  

Waking me up from a sound sleep with some nonsense like that might just meet the requirements though ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/28/09 at 11:19:30

75565E5C5F56565F483A0 wrote:

Remember our motto ....

"What goes on in the mountains -- stays in the mountains"




Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/28/09 at 17:18:51

Just remember the sound it made when ol' Burt pulled the arrow out of that faggeto mountain guy's throat .....

Sluuurrrrech   (crunch)

Broadheads and cartilage always are a bit noisy on the disengage.


(now, for those that don't know the lingo a CorBon is like a small fancy copper foil wrapped chocolate candy and a P32 is sorta like a Pez dispenser for CorBons)

I am impressed with the obcenity filter -- it caught the word "f*g**t" when correctly spelled and turned it into nonsense.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/28/09 at 20:04:09

5F525A5654555F5152563B0 wrote:
[quote author=75565E5C5F56565F483A0 link=1227970821/405#407 date=1243530670]...

Remember our motto ....

"What goes on in the mountains -- stays in the mountains"





Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/29/09 at 02:25:37

one month now month :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by bill67 on 05/29/09 at 14:43:03

 Which on of you guys is that picture of?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/29/09 at 18:33:17

262D28287273440 wrote:
 Which on of you guys is that picture of?

That's BillyBob, you know, he's part of that clan up there in the holler.... best be careful ridin that area ... sure don't wanna break down out there ........... no siry bob  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/30/09 at 07:48:00

Ride faster I hear banjo music and I can't squeal like a pig...........

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/30/09 at 10:13:28

Hey now, them there are mighty fine folks....and they be kin to mah missus.....

when ya run inta one of them, jus be sure you done got somethin ta share, that's all. ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/30/09 at 11:19:16

606E67383B3C383F0B0 wrote:
Ride faster I hear banjo music and I can't squeal like a pig...........

Only the one with the slowest LS650 need worry.  So, if you're bringing a stock LS650 to the Dragon, well... hopefully someone else will bring a stock Rebel.  


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/30/09 at 12:14:44

Jim, I betcha my 650 will womp your 650.   It has the special "for his personal use" Lancer kit on it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/31/09 at 11:47:32

Just letting everyone know...........

Pool is open and 78 degrees.  In a month, it will be SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET....

Toymaker's Resort is close to opening..... ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/31/09 at 11:48:50

7350585A595050594E3C0 wrote:
Jim, I betcha my 650 will womp your 650.   It has the special "for his personal use" Lancer kit on it.

I bet it would.  

OF, go get it dyno'd like I'm doing.  It'll only cost a fraction of what you've already spent on the mods.  It'll also let you know if you've got it set up the best it can be.  I know I'd love to see the numbers.  

As for the funny mountain people, let's just say I'm not worried about being last!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/31/09 at 11:58:33

The "last" one is the one that ends up walkin'    Remember Guys, there IS a tree of shame....for a reason.

This aint no naSCAR RACE,.......

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 05/31/09 at 18:22:36

Ha ha.  Ditto that!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/31/09 at 18:33:02

OK then Toymaker, I won't be bringing my 67 hp @ 43 torque dual spark plug modded 650 to the Dragon run then.  All I would do is kill my back & splat myself horsing around on it and I'd likely get somebody else hurt at the same time as they would likely be trying to keep up with me as I foolishly low sided myself on some slow turn .....

Diamond Jim, it is an SV650 I was teasing you with -- the one I bought to thump Lancers Sporty with.   Both Toymaker and I bought "dual spark plug modded" bikes this past year after Lancer showed us his mod last year.

I do have a question for Lancer, Jim and Verslagen -- can any of you guys break 6,000 rpm with your modified Savage engines?  Is is intake and exhaust restriction or is it an electronic limit on the black box that keeps stock bike RPMs down low?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/31/09 at 18:57:48

I have the light on the VR1 set to 5500, and yes I've lit it a few times.
Did it hit 6 grand, maybe.  It's kinda hard to read at full tilt, but against the beotch pad, feet trying to grab the pegs and shift.  And if you ever seen a chinaman grin, even though I'm not chineese, I do a pretty good impression at full grin.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/01/09 at 02:20:00

Now, I am telling, I'll be riding the dual spark thingy....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/01/09 at 05:47:47

What?   You chide me for a' teasing Diamond Jim into his own self destruction with my dual spark plug moddie bike and you are planning to go be riding yours?  

Where is that fancy sounding "hippo" something word when you want to use it?   Gee, I hate getting old and not being able to think any more.

Jest teasing ....  I wouldn't call Toymaker no hippie crate -- he hasn't been a hippie for some scores and decades of years now.    Me, I still have a VW van tire on my bike, so mebbe I am the one with the hippie crate complex.

Actually, I guess I am still planning to drive up in a car -- pending Serenity still wanting to donate his old engine to the "fix for the head bearings" cause I need to have me a car to haul it back.

Do we still have a pickumup truck coming to Toymaker's house?   Is the rest of the group willing to kick in some gas money to have a "follow truck" to carry ice chests and tool boxes to follow you around to pick up your pieces when you fall over?  

Do you even want to have a nursemaid truck following you around?   It kinda implies a lack of confidence in the group riding skills that may not be warranted.

    (hee hee hee, right ...)

I guess it is time to re-ask these basic sorts of questions before I lay in a plan to go do something nobody actually wants.


Another thought -- if I have the backside, who is going to be up front waving the corner rate baton and calling the pitstops?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/01/09 at 06:24:07

I carry just about a full arrangement of tools in my "T" bag
sockets from small up to a 17mm,  Channel Locks, Big Adjustable, Wire Ties, Duck Tape, Electrical Tape, Philips, Flat, Metric Allen Pack,  Extra Bungees, Spare Foot peg, Rain gear and a 3 Pound Sledge if needed. Gause and neosporin. don't need medical tape if you got duck tape.

Plus Tent, Sleeping Bag and clean Drawers and Socks Might even through in a spare pair of Jeans

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/01/09 at 06:41:56

Now Kel,  one of the unsung advantages of the follow truck idea is that it can carry that mass of stuff up to the Gap for you so you can be riding up all unencumbered by that ton of stuff hanging off the back of your bike.   You will look much more Joe Cool that way.

As well as carry you, laid out all neck and spine damaged "flat straight and comfy" in the bed of the truck on the way to the emergency room.

Or used for scraping up the pieces of your busted up bike after getting you all fixed up at the emergency room.

Plus, it can carry an ice chest or two full of beverages and some food for eating when we get hungry and don't want to pay $15 again for a hamburger and fries at the Gap Cafe.

  (hee hee hee)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/01/09 at 07:05:35

That's what I carry all the time Except for the tent, Sleeping bag and Clean Skives.

Army Medic in me, carry more than you will need because the first time you don't have it you will need it.  Plus I'm used to riding by myself.

I could leave the 3 pound sledge at home  :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/01/09 at 08:00:40

Reality Check....FYI

Monday's Daily Update from "":

Saturday night, a Knoxville rider took off out of the parking lot and never made it past the first turn. He low sided and ended up going off road down into the ditch, breaking his back and a couple more things. It didnt end there though. We were all on the wreck scene when the rider said he daughter just went down 28 in her car, so I sent a couple of riders down to catch up with her. They found her, and told her to come back to the scene, and on their way back one of the riders wrecked on #28. He was ok, but it was a wreck none the less. During that time, it seems that another Z car had put itself in the ditch on #28 as well. But the strangest part of it all was the fact that the first rider that wrecked needed air ambulance for transport...

Sunday's Post:
Well, as a follow up to my initial statement regarding the car clubs, I feel the need to say that the groups here totaled out at least one car a day since Thursday. Kind of scary when you think about it. FIrst there was a bike on car wreck Thursday(which is inexcusable), then another crash out Friday, and then last night there were two that had issues on # 28. Seems all the drivers were in over their heads, and didnt want to admit that they could tone it down just a bit. Testosterone is a powerful thing.... Maybe next years Z Days will be less stressful comparative to the last few years...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/01/09 at 14:49:40

So it's real, boys and girls -- people crash and get hurt up there every day.   Every day somebody over-estimates their ability to make it around those curvy turns.

Last time I rode the Dragon I almost got into a head on with a Harley guy who was way way outside his lane, almost to the outside half of my lane.   I felt his wind blast as we passed each other at an effective 40mph plus head on collision speed.   He was all panic'd out and I was all ticked off and had to struggle real hard just to make the next turn because I was so far out of position after having to dodge him to the outside of a turn.

Doing the Dragon isn't necessarily hard, but it isn't risk free either


News Flash -- I just now today have sold the SV650 and am down to my main and alternate scooters now.  The Savage "wee bagger" is my main bike and my alternate in case of long distance or maintenance downtime is the XV535 Yamaha cruiser type.

I formally withdraw all previous taunts based on riding the "dual plug mod bike" as it is being ridden happily by a twenty three year old getting ready to graduate from college type kid.   He got a good deal on a great little scooter and I hope he doesn't hurt himself on it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/08/09 at 06:22:47

Countdown 18 days till I head twards the Toymaker Lodge and resort

Here is my proposed rout. I am supposed to be meeting MMranch in Blue Ridge on Friday morning any others that are coming from The SW are welcome......... the more the merrier.
Should be about 273 miles one way from my house.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/08/09 at 15:31:07

Hey Kel, when you get closer, holler and I'll guide you in...shoot...I might even escort you in.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/09/09 at 04:47:12

Ill holler when we get close

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/09 at 07:07:20

I have verified we still have a truck coming to play "follow truck" with and I have been saving my hidden pennies from selling the SV650 (cancellation of insurance refund) so I can play Mary Poppins to cover the group for them nasty downsides (in as much as that can be done).

My wife has told me she would ride up with me some weekend this summer to pick up the motor (and to go see her nieces and such in Ashboro -- she ain't fooling me for much here) so I am now debating riding up on my Savage up to Toymakers and putting it in the back of the truck while I am busy playing Mary Poppins following the rest of you guys on the way in and on the way back.

Downsides to this thought is the harassment & effort to load a bike into and out of the truck twice, reducing the overall carry capacity of the truck by 1 motorcycle and upping the total odds of a group lowside up at the Gap by 50% (hee hee).

You see, I just sent off a COBRA check to my previous employer and I have MEDICAL INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE and AUTO INSURANCE on the bike.   I can go ride ..... wifey even says so.

Be afraid, be very afraid .....


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/09/09 at 07:32:49

Just a suggestion............ do as the Boss lady says and ride the bike and use the truck at a later date do do as she wants.....

Enjoy the ride........ could be Awfull having to watch every one else ride.

and if you do  the truck I would gladly bail you out and let you ride mine for a while if you wanted.

I think we could all chip in for gas if the truck is to follow.

Just my 1c worth

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/09/09 at 12:20:01

I'll be bringing a ramp with the truck so loading/unloading shouldn't be a problem. I'll be unloading the bike in Virginia on the way down to ride Skyline Drive on thursday. I haven't loaded or unloaded the bike by myself yet so that should be an experience.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/09 at 12:49:48

Kel, you misunderstand.   I ride my bike to Toymakers, Al fromN.H. drives the truck in with his bike on it.   At Toymakers, we take his bike off, put my bike on -- I play Mary Poppins to keep you guys covered during the trip up to the Gap and  Al rides.   If someone goes down, we add a bike to the truck and we ride on to the Gap.  

No interruption.   No failure to arrive.

At the Gap, we unload bike(s) and fix bikes and ride bikes as needed.  When Sunday morning comes, we reload bike(s) as needed and I follow you all back providing umbrella service.

You still get Mary Poppins covering your butts and I get to ride some at the Gap -- what's not to like about this plan?

It just needs enough rope to tie down a couple of bikes in the back of a truck bed so they don't hit into each other.  Orienting one front to back and the other one back to front will help a lot with that part of the puzzle.  Each bike gets to lean "outwards" towards its sidestand that way so as to get 3 point floor contact to help support the rope down securing the bikes to the bed.  Stuffing rolled up bed rolls in between the bikes themselves and also between bike and truck bed helps a lot with that "no-contact" effort as well.

Gas to support the follow truck won't be that much -- $5 each will likely cover it.

Al and Toymaker -- we need rope and ice chests.  Toymaker how much will be available at your house?   Al could bring some with the truck if we needed more

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/09/09 at 13:09:04

I will have 4 ratchetting tie-downs and at least one cooler with me.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/09/09 at 14:49:06

I have 2 good tie-downs that ratchet.  Ice isn't a problem...either we have or can get it closeby

I have a little tiny cooler.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/09 at 18:33:41

Food we need to talk about some.  We can go fancy or basic (I tend towards basic easy stuff like spaghetti and jar sauce personally) but that is a group thing we can discuss on Friday before we go shopping.   Who knows, maybe we have a chef among our little group who can cook something for real ???

We need enough coolers and ice to carry drinks and food during transit up on Saturday.  We will have a fridge at the apartment so we can chill more drinks once we arrive and we can store the food in the fridge until we eat it so ice and coolers won't be that important on the way back.  

Once we are on the road we will eat fast food at least once on the way up to the Gap (and we should plan on filling Saturday up pretty good getting up to the Gap as once we are up there there isn't much of anything but the Dragon road itself and the Cafe and the Hotel).  

(plus lots of bikers to talk to and pretty bikes to look at)

Hey, last time we filled up an entire day just getting part way there so it isn't all that hard to kill a full day on the way up to the Gap .... especially if we go by my crazy sideways man-killer road on the way up and stop to go sight see at Fontana Dam and do the other scenic type things on the way.  

Once you actually get up to Deal's Gap and have ridden the Dragon a couple of times both ways it gets old quick as you are NOT allowed to go very fast and there is lots of up and down traffic what with the hot and cold running Tennessee cops escorting you around and all.  

I suspect it will be 8:30 - 9:00 before it gets darkish so we will have TONS of time to kill up at Deals Gap if we don't fill the day up pretty good before getting up there.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/09/09 at 19:38:20

being a bachelor parent of very little cooking skills (read desire) I can be satisfied with a baked potato and a brat.  But the kids are spoilt.  I've found package dinners fit for a king.  stir fry and rice.  easy to cook and consume.  I'm sure we'll take no prisoners when we hit the supermarket.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/10/09 at 05:05:49

5C7F7775767F7F7661130 wrote:
Kel, you misunderstand.  

Must be the balled headed blond coming out in me
You are so correct.......... I misunderstood
but now I'm not confused, I have some two really good tie downs and some Home Depot special ratcheting tie down if needed.
as far as food goes...... I'm not picky. put it in front of my face and it will get gone, I figure i should arrive In Granite Falls some time in the afternoon around 2:30 or 3:00.

So whats the count now for sure

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/10/09 at 05:25:26

Add Lancer

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/10/09 at 05:54:28

I still have reservations for 6/26-28 at Deals Gap and I'm still planning on trailering my bike there. Also, I'll be bringing a small gas grill if Grillmaster skillls are needed. As I posted earlier, if Laura (Better-half/Non-Rider) decides she'd rather visit her mom in Kinston, NC during this time, I'll have 2 empty bunks available to anyone that can handle my "alleged" snoring.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/10/09 at 12:51:23

OK, we got us a grill.  We can do meat.   Take no prisoners at the grocery store !!!


We shall see about the sleeping stuff, once we all get there and know about what is available or not.   No point sleeping on the floor if beds are available.

Appreciate you are locked into the room as Gap Hotel doesn't accept changes within the 10 days of your reservation date.   This sounds wrong to me, but they need to either try to rent it or charge you something for lost revenue IF they actually can't rent it.

As it is now, they can whack you for some money AND rent it anyway -- quite a deal for them.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/10/09 at 17:08:18

Count me in also. I plan to take most of the day Friday to get to the campground and set up for Friday to Sunday am in the campground.
I'm looking forward to meeting my fellow Savage riders, and picking up my Dragontail/Savage T-shirt Sat.

SAFTEY NOTICE: To yall flatlanders that ain't used to ridin' our Western N.C. hills and curves. We have been having very heavy rain storms several times ea. week. As I've ran into on my last several rides, this rain washes gravel and mud onto the road mostly in blind curves. Be carfull when at full tilt in a curve gravel can bust your A$$ and your bike.  Also this time of year bring your best rain gear! My Frog Toggs never get out of my saddlebgs unless to wear them.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/10/09 at 19:23:20

6A4941434049494057250 wrote:
Food we need to talk about some.  We can go fancy or basic (I tend towards basic easy stuff like spaghetti and jar sauce personally) but that is a group thing we can discuss on Friday before we go shopping.   Who knows, maybe we have a chef among our little group who can cook something for real ???

We need enough coolers and ice to carry drinks and food during transit up on Saturday.  We will have a fridge at the apartment so we can chill more drinks once we arrive and we can store the food in the fridge until we eat it so ice and coolers won't be that important on the way back.  

Once we are on the road we will eat fast food at least once on the way up to the Gap (and we should plan on filling Saturday up pretty good getting up to the Gap as once we are up there there isn't much of anything but the Dragon road itself and the Cafe and the Hotel).  

(plus lots of bikers to talk to and pretty bikes to look at)

Hey, last time we filled up an entire day just getting part way there so it isn't all that hard to kill a full day on the way up to the Gap .... especially if we go by my crazy sideways man-killer road on the way up and stop to go sight see at Fontana Dam and do the other scenic type things on the way.  

Once you actually get up to Deal's Gap and have ridden the Dragon a couple of times both ways it gets old quick as you are NOT allowed to go very fast and there is lots of up and down traffic what with the hot and cold running Tennessee cops escorting you around and all.  

I suspect it will be 8:30 - 9:00 before it gets darkish so we will have TONS of time to kill up at Deals Gap if we don't fill the day up pretty good before getting up there.

After a few rounds on the Gap road may-haps we could head out for a longer round-a-bout trek of a few other peaks-n-valley's that allow a faster and non escorted pace  ? ?  8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/10/09 at 19:50:32

Sounds good to me.  I'll be getting up there by noon on that Friday.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/11/09 at 05:49:07

How about I go on ahead and get to the gap Friday since it is on my way and there will already be some of you there. Like DJ, Bigzuk, savagedml
that will put 4 of us already there.

I'm not but about 2 hours south of the gap resort.
but I will gladly chip in for gas for the chase truck since I already said  I would.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/11/09 at 08:06:33

There are several great rides in the area besides the Dragon (129). Rt 28 by Fontana Dam, the Cherohala Skyway is a fun ride, and of course my goal this time is to do the Dragon completely at night (at least once -it got dark on me last time before I got in one day, but that doesn't count). Just as an aside, yes there are local LEO's and the THP up there again this year, but they have been much friendlier and respectful than in years past. Be sure to have your mc license, registration, proof of insurance, and a smiling face if you get stopped. Also the pulloffs are now paved, or will be paved, and when I was there in April, there already were several berms installed at various spots along the ride to help keep riders on the road (and not off the mountain). Hard to believe it's almost here!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 14:23:05

Add Bigzuk to the tally sheet as being "up there" -- we got us an extra hotel room "maybe" available and we got us a mixed bag of folks some showing up at the Gap and some at Toymakers, some camping, some not.  And everything is rapidly changing as the GO date Friday 6/26 approaches -- 14 days left to go.

Sounds all confusing to me -- but I'm easily confused anyway  (hee hee)

You guys that are coming in late to the program you need to get up with Toymaker about your souvenir shirt should you want one.   You need to make some arrangements with Toymaker, you do or you will be shirtless and unfed if you don't get up with the man what's in charge (Toymaker).   PM him.  Get a response from him.  Watch this thread and post occasionally so folks will think you are still coming.

You also need to ring in with Toymaker if you want to be eating with the group at the Gap Hotel as we will be buying groceries at Granite Falls and bringing them up with us -- obviously we need us an accurate mouth count to be buying them groceries for or mistakes will be made (gasp).  

I will the one happily be making the mistakes, Toymaker tends to get it right so be sure to talk to him (not me).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 14:27:12

Now you are going to make me have to pack a flashlight, you rascal you.   How else am I going to find your mangled body and mashed up bike off down in the woods after it gets all dark and nasty foggy?

Mary Poppins never had to deal with no after dark actions, never ever.  Just a little soot from them chim-chimmney chim chim cherooos.

Sneaking off and getting yerself mangled at night, who'da thunk it?   We is gonna have to do us a bed check and count noses.

Do them Saint Bernards still work if it isn't snowing?   They carry a little keg of snapps in case of frostbite in the winter -- maybe they carry a little can of OFF in the summer time?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 14:41:05

Fontana dam is a must see -- likely worth the effort to go down to the bottom and get a look see at the generation facility if we have the time.

Hwy 28 has an interesting looking pump up hill vertical pipe installation site I remember seeing -- get extra power in the dry season by pumping water way way way uphill (peak of a durn sharp mountain peak) during the night time when power utilization is low then letting it flow back down through the vertical pipes to the generators during peak load times to generate some extra juice.

Here's my question -- US military paid for all that there generation facilities with top secret gov funds associated with the a-bomb Manhattan project.   Stuff has done been ALL paid for 100% for decades now.  

Do the mountain folks get a  break on their power rates accordingly??

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by John_D on 06/11/09 at 15:37:40

11323A383B32323B2C5E0 wrote:
Fontana dam is a must see -- likely worth the effort to go down to the bottom and get a look see at the generation facility if we have the time.

Hwy 28 has an interesting looking pump up hill vertical pipe installation site I remember seeing -- get extra power in the dry season by pumping water way way way uphill (peak of a durn sharp mountain peak) during the night time when power utilization is low then letting it flow back down through the vertical pipes to the generators during peak load times to generate some extra juice.

Here's my question -- US military paid for all that there generation facilities with top secret gov funds associated with the a-bomb Manhattan project.   Stuff has done been ALL paid for 100% for decades now.  

Do the mountain folks get a  break on their power rates accordingly??

We've got 3 or 4 hydroelectric dams upriver from here that have been there for a long time.  Do you think we get breaks on power?
No, we send it all to California.  That is by NO means a knock on you Cali folks, just sayin' there's a heckuva lot of you down there using power! ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 16:02:24

Ok, riddle time again.

Mary Poppins is working hard on some special prizes to give out for certain select winners of special contests to take place at the Dragon Run.

Riddle me this -- what is the contest and what is first prize?

First clue follows .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 16:11:45


Second clue .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 16:12:53

Third clue .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/11/09 at 16:14:37

6F4C4446454C4C4552200 wrote:
Ok, riddle time again.

Mary Poppins is working hard on some special prizes to give out for certain select winners of special contests to take place at the Dragon Run.

Riddle me this -- what is the contest and what is first prize?

First clue follows .....

An American Turnmaster AT-1340G 13" Swing High Precision Lathe?  Cool!  I'm gonna win it!!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/11/09 at 16:18:40

Answer in form of a question.......What is....."Who is the king of footpeg scrapes?"

By the way OF, I was hoping to have some company on the night run...

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 16:25:07

Last and final clues .....

Still ain't got it yet?

Need a hint?

final hint ...  (in French of course, can't make it too easy)

Aprez vous "roulez de Darwinian" en la montagne a nuit, certainement vous cherchez le Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente avec Mary Poppins q'elle vite!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/09 at 16:43:36

57747C7E7D74747D6A180 wrote:
Aprez vous "roulez de Darwinian" en la montagne a nuit, certainement vous cherchez le Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente avec Mary Poppins q'elle vite!!

You a cussin' boy?  You in a heep o'trouble if you is.   :-?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 17:11:06

I'sa grindn', drillin' tweekn' & a fit'n, boss -- I ain't a cuss'n much.  

Boss, they's always a wee little bit of cussn' and bleedn' what goes wid suchlike grind'n & drill'n and wrench'n sorta stuff -- ya gotta expect a wee little bit -- s'allowed by the guy rulebook as it's required for ya to bark at least one knuckle bone everytime once you takes an allen wrench out of the holder block.

Weeee dog !!    Yowser !!   Bowser!!

I gots me 4, count'um 4, uniquely made extra durable solid hardened steel core tough rubber molded on the outside ex-Harley footie pegs what will now fit on either side of a stock Savage front peg mounting block.  
Rightie, Leftie -- it makes no nevermind.

That is exactly the total footie peg body count we rang up last time ....

While Mary Poppins binds up your ouchies all quicklike 'ol Verslaggie and Lancer will reshod your iron pony.


That there is your boobie prize for going horizontal on us -- some special mountain hand-crafted footie pegs to remember the occasion by.   Better 'n the wood ones we almost got forced into using ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/11/09 at 18:27:35

I have one left from a set, probably get another set I tend to eat the rt side up pretty regular

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 19:12:07

And people wonder why our little mountain outings require both a Mary Poppins AND a follow tuck to haul the bodies away ....


And exactly WHO were you thinking was gonna be a volunteering to go find the Grinch with you after dark (after the evening slicky dew falls) goin' a rippin' and a roaring & a chasing up and down them big assed nasty scales on the Tail of that there nasty upwards tilting pointy nipped Dragon Lady?


Hark!  Was that a bobcat screeching?   Lookie there, a firefly falling off the side of the mountain .... no, it crunches and bangs like something made of metal -- wonder what it was?

For those who would go out after the evening dew has slicked up the mountain roads at night raising cain and taking large lean angles, I give to you the backside of the Medi-Pack.  

Mary Poppins says take an equal dosage from each tube, mix freely and quickly apply to seal up whatever skull cracks and skin breaches are causing you to lose them vital fluids ....  

Fix what ails you inside of six minutes, guaranteed.


Mary Poppins

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/09 at 19:42:02

And you do realize that big roll of ace bandage is almost as wide as the flashlight is tall, don't you?

What do you suppose Mary Poppins would do to you with a huge 6" wide 30 foot long ace bandage like that?

Hint: pick up two sticks from the woods, place them along side your common sense and wrap the ace bandage around the sticks tightly to keep your sanity fixed and stable until we can get you to the nearest emergency room (which is only an hour or so away, so here -- have an aspirin to dull the pain a bit while you bounce around in the bed of the truck).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/11/09 at 20:10:38

Oldfeller said:
Add Bigzuk to the tally sheet as being "up there" -- we got us an extra hotel room "maybe" available and we got us a mixed bag of folks some showing up at the Gap and some at Toymakers, some camping, some not.  And everything is rapidly changing as the GO date Friday 6/26 approaches -- 14 days left to go.

Sounds all confusing to me -- but I'm easily confused anyway  (hee hee)

You guys that are coming in late to the program you need to get up with Toymaker about your souvenir shirt should you want one.   You need to make some arrangements with Toymaker, you do or you will be shirtless and unfed if you don't get up with the man what's in charge (Toymaker).   PM him.  Get a response from him.  Watch this thread and post occasionally so folks will think you are still coming.

You also need to ring in with Toymaker if you want to be eating with the group at the Gap Hotel as we will be buying groceries at Granite Falls and bringing them up with us -- obviously we need us an accurate mouth count to be buying them groceries for or mistakes will be made (gasp).  

I've PM'ed Toymaker about a t-shirt and to let him know I'll be camping so I'm OK with my own bed and meals.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/11/09 at 22:39:41

Those of us attending the Feed at Toymaker's house and Resort need to pm me.  If I don't hear from you, I will consider you NOT coming and wil give your sleeping accomodations to someone else. (even if you are going to camp outside near the pool)

T :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/09 at 22:57:19

Please reserve for me one of your finer slumber vestibules and a clean plate.  My native guide will also need a place to flop and a crust of bread.  or vice versa.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/12/09 at 05:27:46

Yep, I'm coming -- I realize the bed count has changed since original dibs were laid down and I can do a couch or the floor if need be.  Roll with them punches, flex with them situations -- that's me!

Verslagen, your native guide would be Sir Lancerlot chaser of the fair haired damsels, would it not?   He who tilts at Dragons with extra spark plugs?

Speaking of guides and bikes -- do we have enough bikes for the folks who are coming?   I still have another bike in Fayetteville if anyone needed it enough to come here to ride it up to Granite Falls.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/12/09 at 07:07:42

Pre-trip maintenance item (recommended that you do it now at home)

Your foot peg threaded pins live under a chromed plastic glory cap that faces to the front.  You will get the glory caps off with a knife (and likely tear them up doing so but you are going to trash them anyway so don't sweat it)

Your footpeg pins are likely corroded in place.  Sorry, but there was no grease put into the joint by the factory and that glory cap isn't water proof -- so you have XX years of corrosion living in that joint plus the fretting from the pegs rotating on the pin making little raised corrosion lumps that tells the pin it ain't coming out of that hole.

Spray it with good WD-40 or Kroil and let it sit overnight.  Break it free with the allen wrench and exercise it back & forth some without unthreading it and spray it again with WD-40 and let it soak again to soften up the hard lumps before trying to remove the pins.  Exercise it as you untread it attempting to break up the corrosion lumps as much as you can.   Push down on the footpeg to increase the lump scraping power of the joint itself as you exercise and remove the threaded pin.

The right side is easy, you can get to the back side of the threaded part of the fastener and push it out with a punch once it runs out of threads.   Be careful not to lose the funny little adapter thingie that lives on the right side -- it is held in place by the pin and falls off in the grass when your back is turned.  YOU NEED IT so remove it carefully noting the orientation of the little adapter part.

Getting the left side out is a lot more fun as the threaded faster is enclosed with solid cast steel and the threads run out before you can grab on to the fastener.   There is no way to access the back side of the threaded pin with a punch.  Tease it out using the square short end of your allen wrench putting it into a hex bind by levering at it.  Rotate while levering the allen wrench and pulling up/out on the wrench at the same time.   Now you see why I said soak it twice to soften up the corrosion lumps ....  (BTW there is no adapter thingie on the left side, the steel casting itself does the same job)

Clean the rust and crap off your parts.  Clean the gross rust off your pin but don't sand it excessively as it is plated to hold corrosion down.

Put your stuff back together using lots of Never-Seize or lots of heavy grease if you don't have Never-Seize at hand.

Why are you doing this now?   Imagine fiddling with those stubborn rusted connections lying on your side in the wet grass up on the Blue Ridge Parkway with no WD-40 and no time to let it soak thru the nasty mess.   (voice of experience speaking -- we did it last time)

I filled my allen head joint area plumb up with Never-Seize to make sure that no water makes it past the head of the pin and gets into the joint again.  Yeah, I know water can spray into the joint 3 different ways from the bottom, etc but that is why you were generous gooping in the Never-Seize (or heavy grease as the case may be)

When I go horizontal and bust my pegs off it will be an easy quick job to get my pins out and my new pegs replaced instead of being a royal pain in the ass.


How about you and your pins?   How badly corroded were yours?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/12/09 at 07:29:02

10333B393A33333A2D5F0 wrote:
Verslagen, your native guide would be Sir Lancerlot chaser of the fair haired damsels, would it not?   He who tilts at Dragons with extra spark plugs?

Yes, ol' "I love the smell of naptha in the morning" himself has promised to tilt a dragon with me.  This year, I will be riding the extra plug.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/12/09 at 09:03:35

me  too.extra plug modded bike that is.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/12/09 at 20:09:45

776473726D6066646F30010 wrote:
[quote author=10333B393A33333A2D5F0 link=1227970821/465#469 date=1244809666]
Verslagen, your native guide would be Sir Lancerlot chaser of the fair haired damsels, would it not?   He who tilts at Dragons with extra spark plugs?

Yes, ol' "I love the smell of naptha in the morning" himself has promised to tilt a dragon with me.  This year, I will be riding the extra plug.[/quote]

Alas,  the EXTRA PLUG is no more; those duties have fallen to  Red SRX that now occupies that stable stall.   It is now brother to REX which is undergoing final assembly as we speak.   8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/12/09 at 21:40:58

meant to say the extra plug has it's own pair of wheels now.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/13/09 at 04:39:49

372433322D2026242F70410 wrote:
meant to say the extra plug has it's own pair of wheels now.

Ahhhhhhhhh   8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/15/09 at 07:34:57

Houston, we have a go to commence final count-down.

Start final count down  .... now!

10 ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/15/09 at 14:08:05

Houston, we copy that. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/16/09 at 04:26:13

9 .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/16/09 at 04:36:05

CapCom, we copy that....9 :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by John_D on 06/16/09 at 04:40:32

Y'all are making me jealous now, almost to the big ride. ;D  Of course my countdown to vacation is at... ummm.... lessee... carry the 2... umm... oh yeah, 6 days! :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/16/09 at 05:16:43

Still not too late to make it to the run !!

-- lots of folks have the week of the 4th off and we set this up so you could make it up on this startup to the 4th weekend and still have your main plans free.

Sometimes you just gotta go for it, darn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by John_D on 06/16/09 at 07:10:34

Yeah, except I already have airline tickets, etc., to go visit the family; the only time of the year I get to.  Plus I'm completely on the other side of the country from you folks. ;D  Some year though...  I'd rather do something like that than go to Sturgis; although that would be fun too.  I even know a guy that helps run one of the campgrounds, he could probably hook me up with a good rate. ::)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/16/09 at 21:39:26

I'm starting to itch, and the only cure is to go for a ride.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/17/09 at 04:07:23

Here's about five minutes of scratching for you. It's the beginning of my TOD run on 04/12/09. Enjoy!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/17/09 at 05:35:46

capcom....roger that....8 days and counting

:scratch...scratch...scratch:  Hey, why am I scratching now.....

must be that video!!!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/17/09 at 23:40:37

Houston, we have 7 days to launch and are counting down.  
Begin email subcheck to re-intergrate all known early responders ....


Houston, we have a non-communicative subsystem on:



Initiated recontact protocol, ETA to recontact is 2 days.   E-mail sent, PM sent.

Kel, you were meeting him to ride up with him -- has he talked to you lately about his plans?   Bump him and get him to respond please.

Houston, are there any other lost subsystems detected in the prelaunch checklist on your end?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/18/09 at 04:17:41

PM sent to MMranch..........  
Sender: kel30734
To: MMRanch (Call Back)
Subject: Draggon
Date: 06/11/09 at 09:09:01

No Reply as of yet............ will try Phone Today.

I'm Looking forward to meeting you guys.
going to PM the bike this weekend and i might even wash it.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/18/09 at 05:32:23

I's here boss !   :D

Slavy due in next week.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/09 at 08:32:09

Gots bikes?  Rex is imperitum and not still aux partums?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 06/18/09 at 08:43:04

I have saturday off work, and am about an hour and a half from the dragon. Would really like to know some kind of plan to meet and ride.
I can show up early but where would be a kind of rendevous spot?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/18/09 at 10:13:56

DimondJim and My self will be getting there on Friday

We are all meeting at the Deals Gap Resort


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/18/09 at 10:41:16

5F51580704030700340 wrote:
DimondJim and My self will be getting there on Friday

We are all meeting at the Deals Gap Resort



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/18/09 at 11:24:53

We are riding from my house on Sat to get to Deal's Gap Saturday afternoon.  After a good night's sleep, will ride dragon on Sunday morning.

I believe that is how it is shakin' out.

So far the folks meeting up at my house/resort/reststoop are

Lancer and Date    :D
Me (Toymaker)

who else?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/18/09 at 12:31:06

457974457E687C707A7463110 wrote:
So far the folks meeting up at my house/resort/reststoop are

Lancer and Date    :D
Me (Toymaker)

who else?

At the resort on Friday.... some time
Me (Kel30734)
MMRanch ?( He is MIA right now........ I will Try and ring him tonight)
I think Bigzuk will be there on friday night also....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/09 at 13:41:53

Do we know the exact room #s we will be staying at at the Gap Hotel?

Trying to meet at the Resort Area (or Cafe if you will) is kinda like shooting craps with hundreds of people gathered clogging up the parking lot with half of every rider group gone to run the Dragon at any given point in time.   It is a very fluid confusing place.

It might be good for folks to know the Gap Hotel room numbers as well (if we can get them ahead of time).

Remember -- cell phones don't work up there (unless they just put in a tower up there this spring, which I kinda doubt).   We can't count on cell phone number swapping to do us any good.

We need landmarks to meet at as it looks like we really have a Friday Sat group and a Saturday Sunday group kinda naturally developing.  We need to be able to find each other and hook up for Saturday dinner.


Food -- we will be bringing groceries in on Saturday afternoon but unless you have checked in with Toymaker and got on the mouth count, we won't have bought the groceries to feed you.   We have an apartment with a kitchen and fridge, so we will likely cook there with a grill set up outside to burn the meat (luck providing).

If Toymaker doesn't understand your being there then you are likely eating Hobson's Choice.   You won't starve, but may be eating boiled spaghetti and can sauce while watching others eat grilled meat.  

Avoid Hobson's Choice if at all possible, please coordinate with Toymaker on the mouth count.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/09 at 14:12:14

Houston,  we have detected a sub-systems adder on day 7 of the countdown.

ja01 -- alias Jason , class new list member -- asking for directions to the ride and was referenced to Toymaker (bounce PM indicates he thinks he has communicated with you and thinks he is on appropriate counts)

Huston, please verify -- you have a ja01 Jason on your radar screen and are tracking same?   Capcom has no general group designation or arrival location on ja01.

Jason, old son -- are you out there anywhere??   Or are you one of them LOST boys who think "I am" because you are, but we never really wind up finding you ....  please speak up son !!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/18/09 at 14:18:22

I have talk with Kel.  He is bring beef for saturday night's dinner.

As for Ja01...I have talked with him.  I don't know if he will trasvel with us on Saturday, or meet us up there.

Eating at Toymaker's on Friday are:

Mrs. T

Are there any others???

Please let me know

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/09 at 14:48:55

Kel is bringing beef and a grill, great -- how many is he planning to feed?

I count there could be like potentially 12-13 of us up there on Saturday night.

Friday night arrive separately group
MMRanch ??
Bigzuk ??

Saturday ride up from Toymaker's group
Ja01's Miss

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/18/09 at 15:10:17

Kel told me he was bringing 10 lbs of ground beef.

I think that's enough....don't you?


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/09 at 16:26:58

Ground beef -- 10 lbs would make 20 half pound patties which would make close to enough burgers for two apiece.   Add some bags of chips and two 12 packs of hamburger buns and ketchup and tomato and lettuce and mayo and you got an all American cook out for a bunch of biker types.   Throw in a pack of hot dogs and a pack of buns for last minute people expansion and you got it covered.

It also sounds like our grocery shopping list for what we will be bringing.

Will we be group eating for Sunday breakfast?    If so, what?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/18/09 at 16:35:18

Don't forget me guys. I'll be at the Gap 6/26, 27, 28. I may swing by Toymakers on the way up. It looks like the Missus is gonna send me solo.  8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/18/09 at 17:45:30

You have been remembered....heheheheh


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/09 at 18:13:44

We is gonna be quite a crew ....

Friday/Saturday arrive separately at the Gap group
MMRanch ??
Bigzuk ??

Friday night sleepover & early AM Saturday ride up from Toymaker's group
Ja01's Miss

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ja01 on 06/18/09 at 18:56:23

Jason here Sorry for the delay
As far as I know Me and the miss will be meeting the group at toymaker's on Sat. and riding up with them.  Other than that I am still kinda lost on the what for where to of things. Thanks

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/09 at 02:48:21

Houston, we have T minus 6 and counting .....

Jason and Miss,

The rest of the group are meeting at Toymaker's on Friday afternoon/evening, not Saturday.   Saturday morning we will depart Toymaker's in the fairly early AM and hit the road for the Gap.

If you are coming on Friday afternoon/evening, remember to pack a bathing suit because Toymaker has a pool at his house that we will be soaking around in (great for the post ride aches -- not bad for the pre ride fun either)  You are in for a treat -- this is an interesting group to be around and you will have fun riding with us.  

Quick question though, are you and the miss riding separately or are you riding two up?   If you are two upping, tell the Miss that we have a follow truck and if she gets saddle sore we have a normal shotgun car seat she can take a break in on occasion if she wants to.

Dudes, you do realize a Miss takes bump rights on a bed at Toymakers on Friday night if they get there that early, right?   I would rotate to the living room floor with some of the rest of you dudes.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/19/09 at 05:56:21

I'll be bringing a charcoal grill and grill supplies.  I'll meet up with Kel along the way and we'll arrive Friday .  

BTW, are speedos banned at Toymaker's pool?   :o

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/19/09 at 06:28:52

Speedos should be banned everywhere! :o

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/09 at 06:55:43

Hey, some gifted young people can pull off a speedo, the rippling abs, tight butt, bulging manhood and all that other young guy stuff sorta require a speedo to show them off properly.   The ladies like it (supposedly).

Now, a speedo on some of the rest of us would plumb get lost in the belt overlap and the butt cheeks, so the rest of us will thankfully wear full sized old fart trunks to spare the remaining eyesight of the group as a whole.

Please check which group we think you are in (below) and correct any errors, please.

Friday/Saturday arrive separately at the Gap group
MMRanch ??
Bigzuk ??

Friday night sleepover & early AM Saturday ride up from Toymaker's group
Ja01's Miss

Diamond Jim, where again are you and Kel going to be staying Friday night?   Or are you just threatening the ladies with a fictional speedo with no intent to honor your brag?   Ladies don't like to be teased and then not get their speedo, they get all disappointed and testy.

And then we are the ones that have to live with them ....

Please check which group we think you are in (above) and correct any errors, please.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/19/09 at 08:03:30

I think I'll be sleeping friday night at Toymaker's.  unless Mrs. T gets mad!

;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/09 at 08:07:26

Me too, both cases.  

Here is the long term 10 day weather forecast -- now don't get too all fired enthused about it and forget to pack your rain gear.  

Please DO PACK YOUR RAIN GEAR (we have never failed to get at least one shower no matter how dry the forcast was) and we have "mostly cloudy" predicted for Saturday.

This forecast will change 3 times during the next week, so we will keep you appraised.  If you use the link, remember to keep hitting F9 after it loads to force a refresh or you will be looking at your web browser's page memory instead of the active changing forcast.



We are looking a spare extra unplanned to be used double or queen sized inflate-a-bed and an electric inflater whazzit to provide Ja01 and Miss a place to sleep inside away from the bugs up at the Gap Hotel apartment.  

Irregardless, who is already bringing an inflater?   That would be plumb useful for air beds and air mattresses in general no matter what.

I have a feeling any spare inflatables of any sort will likely get used, so I am bringing both my fabric air mattresses on that assumption.  They's small sleeping bag sized things, but very appreciated by somebody trying to sleep on the hard linoleum floor.

What 'cha got for sleep on it inflatables, boys and girls?

I bet we hear us some trash about somebody's favorite blow up dolly girl, I betcha.    

Youse guys is so predictable .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/19/09 at 09:10:58

I betcha think this weather is some natural fee nom men na?

I told you I was bringing sunshine in my pocket and the weather men know it.   ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/19/09 at 09:59:15

"Diamond Jim, where again are you and Kel going to be staying Friday night?"

We will be at the Gap resort in Tents Friday night
And tents if need be on Saturday Night


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/09 at 11:17:23

I think we have a surprising total amount of beds, futons and low cost indoor floor sleeping space already rented once we rally up our various inflatable sleeping support stocks.

Already rented and committed to (pre-paid) amongst the entire group so far:

1 double bed
6 bunk beds
3 futon beds

That's 10 furniture type sleeping accommodations that can sleep 11 people if we maximize the double bed by putting a married couple on it, or 10 people if we don't.

Inflatable stocks so far:

2 fabric air mattresses (Oldfeller)
Twin inflateable bed (AlfromNH)
Rechargeable inflator (AlfromNH)

Looking for some double and/or queen inflatables as well
(awaiting responses from the crew as to what they already own and can bring)

So we are already sitting on just about enough inside accommodations to sleep everybody inside should the weather get really nasty.

Outside of that (and the weather is supposed to be good) we have folks who will already have some tents already set up that we could perhaps add some late comers to if needed.

Right now we have 13 people theoretically possibly coming ... with enough sleeping stuff already on deck to handle the lot of them.



Ja01 and Miss live very close to Toymakers (Lenoir) and they plan to sleep at home Friday night and then meet us early squirrely Saturday morning for the ride up to the Gap.

Please check which group we think you are in (below) and correct any errors, please.

Friday/Saturday arrive separately at the Gap group
MMRanch ??

Friday night sleepover & early AM Saturday ride up from Toymaker's

Meet us early AM Saturday for the ride up from Toymaker's to the Gap
Ja01's Miss

Please check which group we think you are in (above) and correct any errors, please.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/19/09 at 12:32:19

You have me in the right group. And I'll be bringing a twin sized air mattress and a rechargable inflator. Also in the truck will be one hard plastic cooler (about 30 can capacity) and one smaller cooler that will hold a little less. Anything alse you think i should bring? Let me know. Times getting short and I'm getting fired up about the trip south


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/19/09 at 14:33:56

You have me in the correct list for Fri. & Sat. in the campground.
My plan is to pull out of Marshall NC early Fri. AM and take 2 -3 hrs. to get to the campground. I've got +/- 100 miles of GREAT mountain roads from here to there.
I will be self contained, tent, sleeping, simple meals ------ I JUST WANT TO RIDE!!!!!  ;D ;D

Bigzuk [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/09 at 14:53:31

And ride we all shall -- in proper rubber side up style too !!  

And we will all eat, drink and make merry together as well.

If MMRanch will ring in everyone will be all accounted for and there is enough food, sleeping stuff and space to sleep everybody all planned out as well.


Mary Poppins is now satisfied that all the chiluns is taken care of, so she folds up her umbrella, hangs it on her arm and sits gracefully, sipping genteelly on her cup of hot tea ...  

"Very Good" sez she.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/19/09 at 15:49:00

So Yall think 10lb of cowbuger will be enough? I got more if needed


Talked with MMRanch...... he will be joining us at the gap on friday

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/19/09 at 17:50:37

For those of you that are spending the night at Toymaker's Resort and Waterpark, Mrs. T has JUST told me that she doesn't have linens for everyone.  So she has requested folks bring sleeping bags.  I hope that won't cause problems, especially for Verslagen and Lancer.  I know AlfromNH will have his.


Toymaker :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/19/09 at 18:22:08

We should have bags available at this location, but will check to be sure.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/09 at 18:35:13

I am bringing a bag, a pillow and two air mattresses.  

.... and so it goes into the good evening of the T minus 6th day of the count down to the Dragon Run.


Next week this time we will have our Dragon Lady shirts on, be a yukking & yakking together, some of us will be messing 'round a camp fire, some of us will be splashing in a swimming pool and bashing some balls together on a pool table.  

By this time next week there will have already been hundreds of miles ridden and some tall stories already a'growing about the '09 Dragon Run.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/20/09 at 03:52:36

I have a new helmet mounted camera on order, which is due for delivery on Tues., to document the infamous goings-on of this years mountain gathering.   8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/20/09 at 04:32:41

This means you have to ride at the back of the pack, you know that don't you?   Camera man has to be at the back of the pack to catch all the crashes.

Or did you just plan to film from the front, documenting all the Lady Godivas with the long flowing blonde hair waving in the wind?

Me, I thought you'd finally get your Maw Duce mounted up on Rex's handlebars so you could get those poky ol' Volkswagens out of the way and "clear the path" for us so we could roll on, roll on.  

Or the mini-gun or the hip mortar or the flame thrower, whichever you preferred.  

Any of them would work OK to do the job.



Got us a weatherman to weatherman predictive disagreement going on on the Gap forecast for next weekend.

(nothing new here -- predicting mountain weather even 24 hours out is notoriously unreliable at best).  

Bring your rain gear no matter who you believe.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/20/09 at 04:48:23

Hey Oldfeller, you missing somethin?  I found your fancy camera mount from last year in my want me to hold on to it?????


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/20/09 at 04:55:19

I'll bring the camera and you can strap the foam block arrangement around your headlight assembly -- its generic so it will fit.  

Now that puts Lancer behind you so he can film you going down while you are trying to film the guy in front of you going down.

(I really wanted a shot of Lancer last year snapping still pics of Lady Godiva, riding one handed while he did it.)

Hey, I brought enough replacement foot pegs to cover some filming action.   We'll have a vacuum cleaner in the truck to suck up all the oil and road splatter and a broom to sweep up all the plastic pieces we had to leave behind on the road last time.

And a rake and a shovel to repair the big divots in the dirt embankments, too .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/20/09 at 05:11:06

(we are just kidding, of course -- nobody would really have multiple wrecks in the same exact area, they generally spread them out over miles and miles.   And nobody really runs their bike off the road into a dirt embankment, they always seem to pick the jaggedy rock embankments to do that sorta trick)

....... mebbie we need to carry a gallon of black paint and a roller?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/20/09 at 09:12:00

I've got my GoPro camera handlebar mounted and ready to film the festivities as well. I'm really thinking about trying out the helmet-cam mount this time since I videoed the whole thing in April from the handlebars. You know, I'm almost talking myself into riding the bike there, instead of trailering. I don't know if I'm up for the 8 hour ride back though.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/20/09 at 10:21:01

Since I'm gonna be trucking my bike up there so I can bring a grill as well what's the best way to unload/load the bike there?  I've got an 18" retaining wall at the edge of the yard so it's easy for me to back up to it and do it at home.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/20/09 at 10:56:46

I am fairly sure they have an unload point up there.  

If not, wait until 2 others arrive and one holds the handle bars while the other two lift it down from both sides (~ 75lbs per person to lift down half a bike).

Odds are you have an unload point and a lot of potential help around the camp ground -- bikers are generally helpful people.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/20/09 at 11:09:14

I'll have a ramp with me in my truck but it won't be arriving at the gap until sat afternoon with the "Toymaker Motorcycle Gang". Hmmm, Toymaker motorcycle gang doesn't sound very threatening. maybe "The Savages" would be better. Anyway, I'll have a ramp.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/20/09 at 11:51:45

We is "The Wild Ones" or "The Hole in the Wall Gang"

Them what is staying in the campgrounds on Friday night are "The Rough Riders"

Arrrgh, matie -- ye gots to get it right or you will affect our reppytation

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/20/09 at 12:07:11


there is a place to unload
plus I and and MMRanch will be there ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/20/09 at 17:49:16

I kinda like "Wild Savages" for those of us at the campground, sleeping on the ground, cooking meat on a stick over a fire ;D I even got the scull face mask like wild hogs ;), now if I could just get the wifey to embroider them patches for our leathers?

From what I've been reading here I'm not sure I'm wild enough to hang with you guys.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/20/09 at 18:07:39

Wild or rough savages works for the campground bunch

And hole in the wall gang certainly works for the more civilized group.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/21/09 at 04:40:38

I think Wild Savages for all of us...Rough Savages for the camping crowd, and "Hole in the wall gang" for the non-roughing ones.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/21/09 at 04:51:17

Now even Bigzuk is getting into the spirit of the trip.

Bigzuk, we talk us a good story but we never actually DO any of the stuff you read about in these threads.  We is frauds -- never changed a foot peg nor slathered somebody's crack to keep them from oozing fluids.  Never had no such stuff happen -- pirate's honor, matie.

We is nice quiet people, never ever got rowdy or nothing ...

You can feel safe riding with us as we wouldn't do nuthing that would gecher hurt, matie.

See, we even got us a Mary Poppins along to put a bandaid on yer ouchie should you burn yourself on your frying pan cooking over that there dangerous look'n camp fire.


Arrrgh -- it's Sunday, DAY 5 of the count down matie, as in 5-4-3-2-1

We is officially in the short strokes now, boys !!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/21/09 at 04:53:14

Sounds like we'll have plenty of cameras to document THE GATHERING.  We can video each other videoing each other . Is that an incestuous relationship ?  ::)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/21/09 at 05:32:11

Yeah, lots of cameras just like last time.   Heck, we even had us a vid of (censored) taking him a leak up on the road edge of the Blue Ridge Parkway, in front of God and all the passers by ...

We takes us all them cute videos you could want to take while'st its going on, then we have us an after action meeting in front of Toymaker's big PC screen and we catches us a quick preview of the standard wimmen's reaction to seeing the hard evidence of what we've just been up to.

Then the motto suddenly gets enforced because we all suddenly realize all our cute pics and vids constitute hard EVIDENCE of SWMBO strongly disapproved "selfishly putting your family's future at risk" or "acting like an ass" type activities.  

Remember Ed's face when he saw what sorta reaction his little embankment flying flippy episode got from Toymaker's wimmen -- all them big eyes and little gaspy sounds, all them little soft hands trembling at their mouths and all.

Yep, lots of pic and video technical difficulty was had from that point forward.  We had us a right hard time faking us up a wrecked motorcycle by exaggerating the mild damage that took place when Ed's bike fell sideways off the trailer when we were trying to reload it into a full blown motorcycle wreck (or two torn up bikes as the case may be, it was never really clear) ----

Some of them cameras just plain malfunctioned completely, now didn't they Lancer?   What did Lady Godiva look like, up close in the face?  

We will never know .....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/21/09 at 05:39:34

Hey guys, I'm thinkin' of getting a store front mannequin (lady or course) to ride pillion so Lancer can follow me this time around...course she be neckid and with a long bit of golden mane hot glued to her plaster noggin....whaddaya think?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/21/09 at 05:46:56

Hey guys, I'm thinkin' of getting a store front mannequin (lady or course) to ride pillion

as long as it's not inflatable ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/21/09 at 05:53:39 inflatibles...with the kind of ridin' we'll be doing, the inflatibles won't hold up. ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/21/09 at 06:04:08

Toymaker, shoot the new members to the trip the shirt graphic showing "THE MOTTO" and explain it to them a bit so they understands it.

Some of them are new, after all.

.... and remember guys, we got us a SWMBO observer riding along on this trip to keep us "honest" this time.

< hee  hee  hee,   keeping us honest >

Here is a very early pass at the motto layout .... no doubt it has changed since then.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/21/09 at 11:54:04

First I've seen of the T-shirt artwork....AWESOME!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/21/09 at 12:45:11

That was a older version.  I think you wil like the latest one.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/21/09 at 15:12:25

Here is the only other thing you showed us, with some comments of putting different stuff on front vs back -- but we still don't really know the final format of the whole shirt or if the motto is still even on it -- the unvieling is a surprise that will wait until we get there to unfold ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/21/09 at 15:40:33

One more day of work(monday) and then I'm on vacation. I'll do my shopping and packing on tuesday, then I'll be on the road heading south 1st thing Wed. morning.  ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/21/09 at 17:10:46

That's the right grapgic, but the letering is's red with black outlining.

Plus the "Suzuki Savage big single is on the pocket.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/22/09 at 08:33:46

M & M checking in here.

Last week I was out of town to Boy Scout camp.

Kel called and I understand we are meeting everyone at the gap Saturday instead of trecking to Toymaker's  and back (sure appreacate the invite though).

So it looks like we (Kel and I ) will have some of the Gap explored befor we all meet on saturday.  We'll try not to burn all the roads up befor ya'll get there ,  So if ya come across wrinckeled hot pavement you know we've been there allready.

Thursday is my first day of the ride (can't wait for the weekend)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/22/09 at 08:45:23


Ariving on friday @ THE GAP some time on friday

seviersavage (Sateurday?)

Do you guys have any ETA on arrive at the GAP Saturday?
any guesstamation?

Im only working three days this week.......
thursday packing and washing the bike
FRIDAY daylight thirty leave Ranger heading north to meet MMranch in Blue Ridge Ga for breakfast then on to Murphy N.C. to meet DJ.
Yeeeeee hawwwwwww i feel a road trip.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/22/09 at 08:49:08

M & M Ranch  checking in.

Been out of town last week.  Will be out of town this weekend too ..!!! Ye, Ha.

Kel and I are going to meet yall at he Gap Saturday instead of trecking to ToyMakers and back.  

We can check at to lodge or be watching for ya'll .  Got any idea what time and road ya'll will be comming in on.????????  A group of SAVGE riders should be easy to spot and even easier to "Hear" comming down the road.

Check back later

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/22/09 at 09:22:58

T minus 4 and counting ......

Folks have all rung in now -- we are all busy getting our stuff ready and the strokes are getting shorter and shorter.

Please check which group we think you are in (below) and correct any errors, please.

Friday/Saturday arrive separately at the Gap group
MMRanch ??

Friday night sleepover & early AM Saturday ride up from Toymaker's group

Currently Undefined, but likely not going to the Gap
Ja01's Miss

Please check which group we think you are in (above) and correct any errors, please.


Now, for the superstitious among you -- we are NOT 13 riding around on Friday so don't even start the Friday & 13 stuff up.  

Toymaker, Ja01 and Miss are not moving anywhere at all on Friday, so we are 10 riding on Friday, not 13 ....  10 isn't a bad number (unless you don't like the number of fingers you were born with).

Now if you think 13 on Saturday is a wrong number, remember I will be driving the follow truck so that is an even dozen riders, which is a lucky number not unlucky.

So, all the superstitious folk among us need not worry, good 'ol Mary Poppins has all that evil superstitious numerology stuff all covered and properly neutralized.

"Poppycock & nonsense" sez Mary Poppins, dismissing it with a wave of her hand.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/22/09 at 09:59:12

I have reservations at the Gap Fri-Sat-Sun nights. I'm still debating riding the bike the whole way (9 hours). So I may be leaving home on Wed. and splitting up the ride. If I tow then I'll be cutting out on Thur, and either stopping by Granite Falls, or somewhere between here and the Gap.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/22/09 at 10:39:04

Kel, it looks like your house is not really out of the way between my home and the Gap.  I could swing over to your house first.  You could throw gear in the truck and then we can head out.  Then do the reverse on the way back home.  No problem at all for me.  It looks like it may even be faster for me to go that route.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/22/09 at 11:13:19

Just letting folks know that JA01 will not be riding the dragon with us, but may make the ride and chat then go home all on the saturday.

I told him it is 160 miles from my we'll see.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/22/09 at 11:14:19

7E737B7775747E7073771A0 wrote:
Kel, it looks like your house is not really out of the way between my home and the Gap.  I could swing over to your house first.  You could throw gear in the truck and then we can head out.  Then do the reverse on the way back home.  No problem at all for me.  It looks like it may even be faster for me to go that route.

Which way toy coming through?
59 to Chattamooga or through Rome?

If ya come to my house ............ don't look at the yard, I hate to get rid of vehicles that are paid and just not in working order yet..... "I swear honey I'll get it fixed on day".. Oh and I hate to cut grass ::)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/22/09 at 11:46:23

Ah, a regular Georgia native.  

Chattanooga and Calhoun are about the same distance for me.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/22/09 at 11:53:52

I am Originally fro Marion Al Grew Up in Phenix City , Grand Parents From Talledega......... Firs one to move out of state.

What time would you be getting to Calhoun, Ill have coffee and breakfast ready.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/22/09 at 13:12:16

Tomorrow, daylight minus one, head for airport.

excuse me miss, got an airbag?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 06/22/09 at 13:42:08

ok scrap that last post!!! I have changed the date to Sunday June 28th so what are the odds we can meet up with any/some of you after 1pm??? (thats when I can get my bike) Im thinking that most of you are goin to be heading home by then....but thats just me....  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/22/09 at 14:10:14

I've got reservations for Sun night, so I'll definitely still be there, (if I'm still in one piece!).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/22/09 at 14:21:34

just checked with Deal's Gap.  We are in Room 2 at the Deal's Gap Motel.

Yeehaa................................... :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/23/09 at 08:29:08

We gots T minus 3 on the count down, we gots people in the air traveling today and folks packing their stuff and beginning to tie it on to their bikes ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/23/09 at 17:54:08

Okay the time is almost here. I have the truck loaded with camping gear and the bike is strapped down to the truck bed. When I get up at 5:30 in the morning, I'll grab a full travel mug and a full thermos and I'm off. Tomorrow night at this time I'll be camping in Shenandoah National park and riding Skyline drive on thursday. I'll see you guys on Friday at Toymaker Ranch.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/23/09 at 18:58:49

Oldfeller wrote:
We gots T minus 3 on the count down, we gots people in the air traveling today and folks packing their stuff and beginning to tie it on to their bikes ....

You got that right! I've packed/repacked my camping stuff on the bike three times. I've been a little unsure about making this trip until now.

I met with one of my cancer Dr's today, now I have him and my wife telling me NOT to go >:( so, the only thing I can say now is.... HELL YES I'll be there  ;D It's been about thirty years since I've ridden a bike at the gap. Beating cancer has taught me that life is too short to not get out and do the things you love while you still can.

I'm like a kid before Christmas. The bikes ready, my camping stuff is loaded (again), and I can't sleep nights!


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/23/09 at 19:16:17

Well, then remember we never know what day our ticket  gets punched...

Let's Ride!!!!

Yeehawwwwwwwwwwwwww :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/23/09 at 19:58:29

Everything's strapped down and ready for a Wed. departure. Yes, I'm riding the 9 hr trip, Savage style! Part of the way, tomorrow, part of the way Thur, and arrive for a Fri check in at the Gap! My cell phone  number is 757-535-4444, and I'll be heading 58w to 85s to 40w and hopefully checking in at Toymakers on Thurs, then heading to the Gap on Friday. This is my first true road-trip because I towed BB there in April. I'm pretty psyched up about it. Now, what can I contribute to the feast? I'll stop and pick up whatever you think we need; just let me know (by phone or PM me).
Darrell ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/23/09 at 21:08:16

7A464B7A4157434F454B5C2E0 wrote:
Well, then remember we never know what day our ticket  gets punched...

Let's Ride!!!!

Yeehawwwwwwwwwwwwww :)

Although I cant go,those are great thoughts.....Life is short,LIVE while youre alive!!! ;)
(I'll be taking 6 days off starting on the 3rd of July,I'll be riding some on the not too Little Georgia Dragon....I'm jumping up and down just to have that many days off for riding only..... anywhere ;)

Now....I hope "someone" is going(on your trip) that loves to take pics and videos!!!!!  I want to see pics of you guys on the Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-)

I know all of you will have a BLAST!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/24/09 at 03:30:21

<<"Now....I hope "someone" is going(on your trip) that loves to take pics and videos!!!!!  I want to see pics of you guys on the Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool

I know all of you will have a BLAST!!">>

Actually, this time I think I am going to forgo hauling my video system around like an appendage as all it did last time was take up my time and effort to shoot all the vids that we could then never show to anybody anyway.   I would have been better off to simply enjoy the great moments rather than trying to record them.


Basic food is covered, if you want to bring something "extra" feel free to do so.   Bring something special you particularly want to munch on, someone will help you finish off the rest of the package, believe me.  Us bikers can eat -- yep, that we can.


A Word from Mary Poppins,  

"There will be no impromptu ticket punching tolerated on this trip.  You WILL remain healthy and hale until you get home.  This is the only proper and polite behavior we will tolerate on this trip.

You can certainly afford to wait until you get home and your wife can sneakily review the contents of whatever digital devices you brought, then the appropriate authority can punch your ticket for you very thoroughly in the appropriate fashions to suit your actual crimes."



Houston, we have T minus 2 and counting.  All subsystem checks are complete and we have selected prelaunch subsystems in transit to interim docking positions.  

Final teleconference is scheduled for 8:00 PM tonight to arrange for final pre-launch items.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/24/09 at 04:39:55

The three OUTLAWs comming from the South west are ready to go.
as I count it we will have around 13 for Saturday night hamburgers. I'm bringing 10 lb of fresh hamburger meat that should be about 40 1/4lb patties.

Today is my last day of work for the week....  Mrs Kel said I could take two vacation days, and after 18 years I DO AS I'M DA* well told! ::)

DJ give me a call or pm for instructions to my house... oh by the way The boss lady said I had to cut the grass if i got company coming.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/24/09 at 04:50:38

Arrived at lancers, safe and sound.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/24/09 at 05:16:43


Let's RIDE!!!!!


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/25/09 at 05:37:35

Change the oil last night,

Off all day to day thursday.

I am so ready to go....................

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/25/09 at 05:50:21

Well, SavageDML will be here tonight, and then the rest of the "Hole in the Wall Gang" will arrive starting at Noon tomorrow.

Ride safe...seeya on Saturday.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/25/09 at 05:56:51

My self DJ and MMranch are all riding in togeather from GA
Bigzuk and seviresavage are riding in sepatraly.

We will be looking for you guys on saterday.... got an eta?
which side of 129 are you going to be coming in on Tn or NC?

Ride safe........................ ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/25/09 at 07:16:20

NC far as I know :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Beatduck on 06/25/09 at 07:22:22

Have fun all of you, and be safe!

Start a new thread for the Post-Dragon report!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/25/09 at 07:31:46

Hey Beatduck...will do.  I'll be posting "approved" pictures starting when we get back.

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/25/09 at 09:03:43

Toymaker,how many are going?

When will you guys be back?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/25/09 at 09:29:26

All up there are 12 of us.  Five of us ridin' in from my place and 7 meeting up at the Gap.

My bunch will return on Sunday, the others, who knows...


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/25/09 at 09:48:56

073B36073C2A3E32383621530 wrote:
All up there are 12 of us.  Five of us ridin' in from my place and 7 meeting up at the Gap.

My bunch will return on Sunday, the others, who knows...


Ok,I know you guys will be busy...having FUN,but how about one group picture? You guys would probably do at least that ,right? :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/25/09 at 09:51:52

yep...will do.  We'll find someone to take the photo....

who'll give back the camera!!!!! :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 06/25/09 at 10:22:09

505E57080B0C080F3B0 wrote:
Change the oil last night,

Off all day to day thursday.

I am so ready to go....................

HUMMM come to think of it I havent changed mine sense Sturgis last year!!! is that bad???  LOLOLOLOLOL good thing its synth!!! got about 4 to 5k miles on it sense then [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/25/09 at 13:53:20

Tail of the Dragon update.

SavageDML is 45 miles from My the group is starting to come together.


Let's RIDE! :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/25/09 at 15:05:16

SavageDML has arrived at checkpoint toymakers...

Complete with a Savage Dresser!  Photos to come

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/25/09 at 17:14:11

The bike is loaded, clean, full of gas, and setting in the shed ready to pull out in the morning. I should make it to the campground mid day Friday.

Just to get the right mindset I'm watching American Chopper, then maybe Wild Hogs tonight, can't sleep when I'm this wound up!
Just in case anyone wants it, my cell is 828-206-9304

Bigzuk (Rob)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/25/09 at 18:15:42

Quick Update

Just got off of the phone with DimondJim: He will not be joining us this weekend, He is in the hospital. Nothing major just some slight medical problems..... He is sooooo  disappointed. Sends his best wishes.

Toymaker: he asked that you bring his shirt and I will mail it to him, he said he would paypal you the funds.

Bike is ready to go just waiting on the cooler.
Hooking up with MMranch en rout should  be pulling in to the gap around noon.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/25/09 at 20:22:09

Rex isn't going to make it.  Worked on it for 2days got it running smoked out the forrest then he let out a whine and seized up
Then we worked on the yams I haven't even tried to kick start a bike in 3o years
So lancer is carting my tushy up there in a truck maybe well acquire a bike on the way.
Lancer is bummed out yall be prepared to give the yami a kick

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/26/09 at 03:34:39

It is 0630 Fixin to load the cooler and hope to be on the road by 0700


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/26/09 at 03:56:16

Ride Safe Kel...see ya tomorrow.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/26/09 at 08:31:38

Dragon Update

SavageDML is on his way to the Dragon and Oldfeller has arrived at Toymaker's Resort and Lodge!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/26/09 at 18:15:47

Update for Friday...

Lancer and Verslagen arrive late tonight and we spent a great  time laughing and eating.  Tomorrow we ride!!!!!



Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/27/09 at 00:46:50

Hey, guys.   Got my laptop, now.  I had two strokes about 530am Thursday morning.  Very unusual for someone under 40.  I knew exactly what was happening so I was able to react fast which made all the difference.  From first symptoms to arrival at the hospital was maybe 20 min tops.   I'll follow you guys through the threads.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/27/09 at 03:52:57

4548404C4E4F454B484C210 wrote:
Hey, guys.   Got my laptop, now.  I had two strokes about 530am Thursday morning.  Very unusual for someone under 40.  I knew exactly what was happening so I was able to react fast which made all the difference.  From first symptoms to arrival at the hospital was maybe 20 min tops.   I'll follow you guys through the threads.

Diamond Jim,are you okay?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/27/09 at 05:10:14

I'm doing quite amazingly, really.  I am so very lucky.  Consider it a wake up call.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 06/27/09 at 06:04:43

Oh Man,
warning shot fired across the ships front. Take this and make it a changed lifestyle, we need you around to continue research and developement. I'll show up Sunday morning to conect with everyone now, 8:00 am

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 06/27/09 at 10:08:48

272A222E2C2D27292A2E430 wrote:
Hey, guys.   Got my laptop, now.  I had two strokes about 530am Thursday morning.  Very unusual for someone under 40.  I knew exactly what was happening so I was able to react fast which made all the difference.  From first symptoms to arrival at the hospital was maybe 20 min tops.   I'll follow you guys through the threads.

Yeah, take it easy DJ, we all need ya here and not just because you are one of the few who R&Ds by the numbers.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/27/09 at 10:29:58

Thanks.  I should be out of the hospital monday or tuesday.  When are we gonna start seeing some Dragon pics?  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 06/27/09 at 10:53:40

5F525A5654555F5152563B0 wrote:
Thanks.  I should be out of the hospital monday or tuesday.  When are we gonna start seeing some Dragon pics?  

They ain't Dragon pics but check out my "Kick start '09" thread. You may find some things to your liking.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/27/09 at 12:41:35

Will do.  Kel and I will probably try to make it up there for a Part 2 if anyone wants to join.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by serowbot on 06/28/09 at 18:48:37

Hey Diamond,  I never look in on this topic, but something made me do it today...
Must have been to wish you well.
Take care buddy,
Serowbot ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/28/09 at 19:33:56

Just back to toymakers, we had a good time and everyone in our made it home safely.
Seven savages made it to the overlook before we parted ways.
Lots of curves, camera man musta thought wtf all these singles come from.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ja01 on 06/28/09 at 19:44:15

Glad to here that you guys arrived safe. We made it home at about 12am this morning. I don't know about you guys I had a blast.  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/28/09 at 20:13:09

I got home OK at 11:01 Sunday night.

It wuz fun, from the beginning to end.   We had a blast.

We had zero mechanical problems and no breakdowns or spills of any kind in our Savage clan.  Nobody got hurt in our group, but a guy on a squid bike did get killed on Saturday (he ran slam off the road at high speed on an outside curve & ran deep into the woods down the side of the mountain --- it took like half a day just to find him once he was reported missing).   BTW, none of us had anything to do with the death, it took place before we got there.

Take a look at the various camera sites, Killboy etc because the camera men were out and all 3 camera companies took pictures of all of us going both ways several different times on Sunday around 9:00-121:00 AM Sunday June 28th.

There were more harleys than Savages out on the mountain, but we out counted every other type of bike but the harleys.   We had more Savages staying at the Gap hotel than any other single type of bike.

Ya shoulda went -- it cost us $25 each to split a room and we had cold AC air, hot showers soft beds and TV (and a kitchen and a fridge)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by diamond jim on 06/28/09 at 20:46:13

Cool, guys.  Sorry I missed it.  I hate it when a double stroke gets in the way of plans.  I'll be out of the hospital tomorrow with what appears to be a miracle recovery.   Age and rapid response made all the difference.  

Can't wait to see all of the pics and vids.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/29/09 at 02:02:37

MM Ranch Checkin In

What a TRIP !!!!!!!!!!! That was my first time at the Dragon, Its kinda like "Disney World", THE FUN IS JUST BUILT INTO THE PLACE.

Was sorry to hear about the Guy going off the bluff, a fellow who has been there several times told me "They haul someone out of there evey weekend."  Its no place to be taken lightly.

Those Whoppers ToyMakers patted out were some of the biggest and best chunks of BEEF I can remember ,  Just like the rest of the weekend "Bigger than Life".   What a GREAT Place and Time.

Darell  I finished the trip home Sunday and Thought about you all the last half of the trip....them Ten Hours in the SADDLE trips are some to remember aren't they.

There sure was plenty of room the get out of my personal COMFORT ZONE this weekend , WHAT A GREAT RIDE !

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/29/09 at 04:53:24

I go home about 3 pm

Had a blast,  missed DJ
Glad to meet Every one of you Yall are a great bunch of dudes
DJ pm me your ADDY I got your shirt.


Title: Ride Report: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 07:49:14

OK, I guess this starts the RIDE REPORT portion of the 2009 Dragon Trip.  First, here are the arrival pics of the folks who got in to Toymakers after I did.

This is Al from New Hampshire arriving in his most excellent truck.  Al drove for 2+ days just to get down here, so you gotta give the man credit for Longest Distance Driven to get to the Dragon run.  

Al is small & trim in body but he has a big heart, I wish I could have gotten a pic of him feeding our buddy dogs their breakfast on the day we left -- I never saw dogs act so possessive over a piece of toast before (Al had poured the excess bacon drippings over the toast and served each dog their own separate plate of doggie style french toast).  One dog laid right down on the spot and put her paws over her toast to protect it and the other dog grabbed his toast up and ran across the street to his own yard before he flopped down to eat his special doggie treat.  We fed those dogs hamburger and other stuff all weekend and we NEVER saw them act possessive over anything before they got their doggie toast ....

Al was kind to the rest of us too, he provided the follow truck that hauled all our stuff back & forth and provided coverage against mechanical failure of all sorts.   This was not as easy as it sounds as his truck got a workout trying to keep up with the bikes.

Al, I still owe you some more tire allocation (we took up a collection from the entire group up at the Dragon overlook but, I've got some discount coupons on Goodyear tires that give you a $10-20 rebate per tire on Goodyear tires that are employee discount things that work for relatives, etc. ) 

Al, you are my brother, so if you will send me a snail mail address it would be my pleasure to give you $80 worth of employee pricing rebate coupons on a set of replacement tires.  And I am afraid that after lending me your truck to be our follow truck on the Dragon Run you are going to need them there tires before this year is out ....

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 07:58:38

This is the truck and trailer that Lancer and Verslagen1 showed up driving.  The bike in the bed of the truck is Lancer's Yamaha SRX 500cc cafe racer and Lancer's hopped up to the max LS650 Rex is on the black trailer behind the truck.

Sorry all these pics show up so durn large you have to scroll over to see everything, but I was using my good camera and Photobucket puts all the images out at full pixel resolution.  That ain't a bad thing, you can see all the details of Rex's custom black cafe exhaust system and the red barrel paint job on the oversized jug.  Rex really looks good up close -- you can tell that Lancer is fond of the cafe racer look because he made his Savage into a really swelt looking cafe racer type.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 08:16:56

This is the other side of the SRX showing the custom megaphone exhaust system.  Man, that bike really snarls at you when you kick that kickstart lever and that bantam weight super magum motor revs up to speed ....  For a 500cc engine it sure takes a lot of kick to get it to roll over -- must be the high compression ratio making all the extra effort to get her to roll over and fire up.   Rex is even worst than the SRX500, it really makes the starter motor strain to roll that special built oversize jug motor over.   Boy I am glad Lancer put that special nickle hydride battery in REX so he can reliable on-demand starting out of it.

Lancer sure is lucky to have a great running great sounding pair of bikes like these two.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 06/29/09 at 08:21:16

How about some pics of the group from the overlook?
I got home Sunday afternoon in time to go out for lunch with the family. Let me say I had a blast riding (or trying to keep up) with everyone. I don't think you would find a nicer bunch of guys anywhere.
It was a pleasure to meet everyone and put faces to names,

We did have some damage though, the bottom of my new pegs! :P

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 08:24:34

This is the group getting ready to pull out on Saturday morning.  Everyone is trying to locate their gear and attempting to get ready to hit the road.  The young guys you see here looking on all amazed while the old guys putter around trying to figure out where they put their keys and stuff are Jason and Stephanie (ja01 and Possum Momma to the rest of you folks).

;)     "Dude, your keys are hanging off your belt loop and your helmet is sitting on your headllight ....."

I thought I'd do the trip in chronological order and the group pics at the Dragon Scenic Overlook don't take place until tomorrow (Sunday).  This is still early Saturday morning.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 08:54:29

Finally on the road, cruising up I40 towards the first stretch of the Blue Ridge Parkway.  We don't have many on the road shots because it took both hands to drive the truck.

I wish I had a shot of the very first long tunnel we went through -- all the guys were wearing sunglasses because of the bright sunshine and clear skys that day -- you could hear their butts puckering up when they rolled into a dark tunnel wearing them photosensitive pre-darkened shades.

"What the f----, who turned out the lights?"


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 09:08:17

Well, we arrived safely at the Gap after doing a long stretch of the Parkway as a warm up, then we did the really NASTY section of 276 where I lost my skin (just so we could say that we did it) and then we ripped on up Fontana Dam road as we were all situated and mountain acclimated by then.

Here is the group waiting for Toymaker to bring back the keys to the room, calmly studying the Tree of Shame and reading all the notes people wrote on their busted up parts. (L to R, Stephanie, Jason and Al)

By the time we got there Saturday at 3:00 pm SEVEN (7) cruisers had already crashed on the Dragon that very same day and there had been one (1) fatality that they just found about the time we got there.

It made reading the tree a lot more somber and real to us ...  riding the Dragon is serious stuff, trust us on this one.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/29/09 at 09:11:40

Toymaker Checking in.  Well the last of the "Hole in the Wall Gang" left about 9 this morning.  After getting "Rex the wonder bike" put back on the trailer, Lancer and Verslagen1 fired up the truck and roared out across the pasture and back unto the road.

What can I say...lessee....WOW...What FUN!  I don't think any bunch of guys could beat us.  I am already starting to plan on next year....

For those of you that didn't make it, please plan on next year...

However, I do want to say that the ride  IS  dnagerous.  Two bikers will ride now more from this weekend.  The first was a Harley Rider that just rode off the road... The second was a sport bike rider that later died from his injuries.  You can read about it yourself at

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 09:13:58

Here is the two groups joining together for the first time.  L to R, Bigzuk, Verslagen1, Stephanie, MMRanch, and Jason.  Check out the big white 5 gallon custom tank that Jason welded up for his bike.  Neat, huh?

Verslagen gets longest distance traveled award since he flew in from California to ride on one of Lancer's two fire breathing rip roaring cafe racers.   Hats off to Verslagen as he gets both longest distance award AND the jigsaw puzzle award all in the same trip.

(you gotta ask him about the jigsaw puzzle award, he can explain it better than I can)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 09:29:28

Here is a series of bike shots showing the various scooters we built and rode up to the Dragon.  If you have any questions about a particular scoot, re-post the picture and ask your questions and the owners will be proud to tell you all about it.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 09:47:27

Yep, that is MMRanch's TA darksider tire and once again the darksiders have proved on the Dragon that our 5 year life span long lasting tires have equal traction and handling to the one-two summer only $140 Meztler tires you other guys keep putting on the backs of your bikes.

Or, as it was said at the Dragon "Hey, for what you paid to get and mount that single Meztler tire I can buy THREE of these tires and each one of them will last FIVE years.  Do the math boys and girls, 15 years of use life vs 1-2 years of use life, for the same exact money and I don't have to screw with a back tire but about once every 5 years and you have to mess with it every other summer.   Heck, this here tire will likely outlast my cam chain and adjuster for crying out loud ...."

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 09:54:30

Here is Lancer getting ready to pour some perfectly good drinkable still cold beer into the open saddle bag of a Beemer that some guy parked in front of our room.  

Ya gotta admit, bringing a touring bike like a Beemer up to the Dragon and parking it in front of our room is sorta like asking for it -- the guy was lucky it wasn't dark yet or who knows what sort of liquid could have found its way into his saddle bag   I mean, why waste perfectly good cold drinkable beer when lots of warm reprocessed beer is readily available??

:-?     :o     :-/    :-[

We did see the Beemer up on the Dragon on Sunday, BTW -- one of the Killboy types has a picture of a nameless generic white truck carefully closing in on him, getting ready to pounce.

(proof of bragging rights -- look on this page)

(proof of bragging rights -- look on this page)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 10:31:50

Here is another custom tank, this one is complete with a fuel gage.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/29/09 at 10:34:14

Checking in.....

I left Toymakers house on sunday and got on the highway about 5:30pm. I stopped somewhere in Pa. at 4AM and crashed in my truck at a rest area for 2 hours and then finished my ride home and arrived here at a little after noon time monday. Now when you figure that when I left toymakers I had already been up since 6am and rode about 200 miles on bike then drove 1000 miles all on 2 hours sleep. i'm kinda tired but i had to check the forum 1st thing after i got out of the shower.

The entire trip was awesome. When I left my house it was raining hard all the way to Pa. That was the last I saw of the rain untill this morning coming back. I found this cheap campground in Va. near the entrance to Skyline Drive. I later found out that it was so cheap because the bathroom and shower was last cleaned during the Truman administration. Luckily the was a nice river right there, so i bathed in the river. Thursday I got up early and headed out to ride Skyline Drive. What a ride!!! the weather was great and the views were awesome. I rode south almost all the way to the ens and then turned around and retaced the route. That was almost 200 miles and my butt knew it. Spent another night at the dueling banjo campground. Then got up and headed south to meet up with "The Hole In The Wall Gang".

I arrived at Toymakers at around noon time and Oldfeller was already there and Darrell had already been there and gone. I'll let the other guys fill in the rest of the Dragon story. I had a great time taming the dragon. I barely kept up with MMRanch but I managed. It was great meeting all of you guys and gals. Couldn't meet a nicer bunch of savages.

I still haven't unpacked the truck but when I do I'll post the few pics I took on Skyline drive.

Great Weekend!!
Great People!!!
Great Fun!!!!!


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 10:38:38

Group shots of some handsome fellows and pretty bikes up at the Gap.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 10:50:22

Now, on the way back to Toymaker's Lancer got a wild hair up his butt and decided to let REX off the leash up on I-40.  Toymaker was the only one with near enough displacement to try to keep up with him so they went at it, just the two of them.  Vroomm ... disappearing off in the distance.

We found them waiting for us at a rest stop exit about 30 miles later letting their engines cool down, so we think they might have had themselves a good time.

They (not just the bikes) were all overheated too, so they immediately attacked the ice chests in the back of the truck for an impromptu ice water drench down.   See Al saluting the victor as Lancer attempts to get his blood pressure and body temperature back down to somewhat sane levels.


Toymaker lost the race ....


...... and REX is still IMPERITOUS REX of all thumpers, thanks to the extra displacement, radical cam, increased compression, final drive ratio and some other top secret tricks that Lancer won't disclose.   :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 11:14:14

<hee hee hee>

Hey now, don't blame me if some of the details aren't exactly right -- you can post to fix it and tell them what really happened if you want to.

Heck, I warn't even there Officer -- there ain't no pictorial proof I wuz even up on the Dragon that day.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ja01 on 06/29/09 at 11:31:19

Here is a couple i pics that I took  of MMRanch grilling some venison wrapped with sugar cured bacon.
I tried to make these scratch and sniff so the rest of you could have the full experience. LOL

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 06/29/09 at 11:50:31

I am gonna do my best to make it next year. That sounds like way too much fun to miss for a third time.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 11:55:00

This is a quote from the Gap news about Sunday when we were up on the Dragon.


"It is with great sadness and regret that I must report the first fatality of 2009 on the Dragon. Said rider was traveling southbound around the 5.5mm and went off the road and down the side. The riders friend didnt know what had happened to his buddy and enlisted the local officers to try to find him. It took hours to find the rider, as there were no indicators to show anyone had wrecked. It seems that he just drove off the side of the mountain. There is speculation as to whether or not the rider had suffered some sort of medical issue just before or not. Time wil tell and I will let you know when I get the info. RIP fellow rider.

After getting home last night, I decided it was time to gear up and head out for a quick spin to wind down after a very long day. I didnt make it to the Tallassee Store and I saw flashing lights. They were waiting for the helicopter to land so they could fly a guy from GA to the hospital. Seems he didnt negotiate one of the last turns coming off the Dragon, and he took a spill. I certainly do hope that the rider is ok, and that it wasnt more serious than it seemed. Our thoughts are with you.

Time to step up on the soapbox here for all you readers that actually care about what I have to say. I can go through all the "the isnt a race track" or "ride your own ride" but thats just not good enough. Yesterday, there were no less than 7 wrecks in various places and just about all were from rider error. .... and for the record, they were all cruisers. While I respect everyones right to go where ever they want, I also think some better judgment should be used based on riding ability and experience. The Dragon is not a place for just any rider(though some think it is). This - and most of the roads around it - are all very demanding and require your undivided attention at all times. If that is something you cant give, then you have no reason being in the mountains possibly putting yourself and others in danger. Yep, motorcycling can be a great way to pass the day and share time with family and friends, but not all roads are created equal and most everyone that rides should know their place. Please people, use just a bit more common sense..... "


In case you didn't notice it, we started off slow, adjusted and tuned our ride order a couple of times and the gave the group as a rider line up an increasing difficulty series of road challenges to tone up our riding skills  up to Dragon level prior to getting there.   Then we rested that afternoon, ate and slept well then rode the Dragon seriously the next morning when we were all fresh.

None of ours ever got ruffled on a day that killed two and maimed 7 who simply showed up all fat dumb and happy and then ran slam off the road.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/29/09 at 12:17:43

I couldn't agree more.  All of us Savages and Savage Riders respected the road...and the road didn't beat us at all.  Others didn't and, well, the tale has been told.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/29/09 at 12:52:41

MMranch, I and Bigzuk Hit it hard Friday afternoon then we found savagedml,

Saturday morning we all 4 headed out and did the Cherohola (sp?) skyway/ dragon loop about 3.5 to 4 hours around 120 miles of Mtn top riding......... then when we got back to the resort there you guys were.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/29/09 at 13:11:23

Hey Kel, do you think Mama will let you play again next year?

:) :) :) :)


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/29/09 at 13:16:52

Yep..... she was pretty torn up about the " no cell service" but all is well now. Have to go on a date to make up ;)

besides I have ta go, I ride the only beer truck untill you guys showed up with the 4 wheel version

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Skid Mark on 06/29/09 at 14:26:54

Thanks for the posts guys. It was fun reading them from the anticipation building up, to the pics of the event. Looked like it was a blast!!!!!!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/29/09 at 16:23:54

Hey Skid, why don't you plan on coming down next year and making it a truely international event.  Maybe you can talk Perry into leaving NewfyLand too.

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/29/09 at 17:11:36

For those of you even contemplating this great event be sure to have the necessary skills.
You be able to get there as a minimum.  High speed sweeping turns and the ability to concentrait on the matter at hand.
You must be able to handle mountain roads and at your own speed.  I'm impressed with the capability of the group as a whole on this beginner bike.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 17:19:06

Yep, on our little old fart girlie bikes we tromped the snot out of all the cruisers, ran away from that BMW that was up there and had crotch rockets following us and struggling to keep up.

And all without even using a single band aid among all 12 of us.

Not too shabby, not shabby at all.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/29/09 at 17:23:54

To all that shared in this wonderful event:

I can't begin to say how much I enjoyed meeting, riding, laughing, eating,(drinking..Thanks kel) with each of you. What a great group of guys that share the brotherhood of the "Savage". Tincanman caught up with me on Sunday afternoon and he and another friend rode the Dragon, and stayed through this morning. I checked out around 11am and did about 300 miles before checking in at the Comfort Inn in Burlington, NC. I'll finish the other 200 mile ride tomorrow. When I get home, I'll see if any video actually turned out, and I'll try to edit it and get it posted. Thanks again for making this a truly memorable event.

Darrell (savagedml)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/29/09 at 17:25:52

I believe I had the worst casualty of the weekend. I got a sun burn on the ride up to the gap. ;D Too bad we had to put up with all that nice weather.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 17:27:03

My wife had a hit of 20-20 hindsight and asked if there was a general switchboard land-line phone at the place -- she wants the number next time.   She also wants me to walk down and use it occasionally so she knows we are still alive.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/29/09 at 17:30:49

I think the people at work are gonna get tired of hearing about this trip because I'm gonna be talking about it for a long time.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/29/09 at 18:57:27

77545C5E5D54545D4A380 wrote:
My wife had a hit of 20-20 hindsight and asked if there was a general switchboard land-line phone at the place -- she wants the number next time.   She also wants me to walk down and use it occasionally so she knows we are still alive.

Phone?  I thought that was for room service.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 18:57:48

Dragon pic sites have our pictures up now.

Here is Mario Andretti Poppins showing how it is done using a Chevy S10 -- special LS model (no joke, it was an LS follow truck, I kid you not) that was just as fast as a BMW motorcycle and maybe even as fast as a Kawasaki 900 Classic.  

The Savages left me behind though, sorry.

All the rest of your pics are up, go find them and post the sample shot by copying the location and simply pasting it here.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Skid Mark on 06/29/09 at 19:31:49

Hey Skid, why don't you plan on coming down next year and making it a truely international event.  Maybe you can talk Perry into leaving NewfyLand too.

That would be a hoot. It would be quite a feat to convince the ball and chain but definately worth the effort.
Truck & trailer trek to get there and perhaps hook up with Perry on the way.  Who knows? Nothing money and time can't make happen!!!

As far as skills are concerned, I have no problem being at the back of the pack. The bike is pretty much stock, and I have no desire to be 1st in the ambulance.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/29/09 at 19:43:32

I mean really.  If you are coming from Calgary, Sandy could meet you on the way down...split the fuel costs and you guys could be here in 2-3 days of fairly easy driving.

Perry could meet up with AlfromNH and pick up SavageDML as they come through VA.

Last year we tried with 4...this year there was 12 (counting a pillon) and who knows what may happen for next year.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Skid Mark on 06/29/09 at 19:48:28

I smell a plan comming together. ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/29/09 at 20:04:07

A plan...did someone say a plan?...........nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
;) ;) ;D :o :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/29/09 at 20:18:34

Bigzuk checking in. Sorry to take so long.
I want to thank everyone on the ride for helping to make this a very special weekend!
The anticipation gave me something to look forward to for weeks. The ride and meeting all of you was even better than I had been hoping it would be.
BTW a year is a long to wait, it's cooler in say Sep. or Oct. what would be wrong with two rides a year? ;)
Bigzuk (Rob)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/09 at 20:38:08

Nothing, really.  You need a date that folks can plan around and enough lead time for folks to hit that mark.

Leaf season is crazy up there (and getting too cold to ride comfortably too) so I would suggest hitting some date that is kinda early to the leaf season, when it is still more warm than cold.

Next, since so many of us are retired or not working, maybe hitting Monday Tues Weds might make things work out better since I suspect all the early fall and all the leaf season weekends are already booked up at the Gap.

Is there a fall break for teachers?   If so, when is it?   We had 3 teachers there this time.

Monday, September 7th (Labor day) is the only standard 3 day weekend holiday to plan around in September.   Labor day is still hot weather, ain't no cold around Labor day but I bet the place is booked up already.

Takes 3-4 people to make a standard hotel room come out cheap.   Takes 5-6 to make the apartment work out to $25 a head.  

Tents are always cheap, but the fall weather makes that sorta thing iffy with cold and rain being a lot more likely then.


I think we found us a sweet spot for the main summer run, that weekend leading into the 4th of July week -- it was NOT crowded and the weather was excellent.  Folks were off or could arrange to be off and it left the real 4th of July weekend free for more traditional family activities.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/29/09 at 22:57:54

183B3331323B3B3225570 wrote:
Group shots of some handsome fellows and pretty bikes up at the Gap.

To start with ,who are the guys in the first picture?
(If someone has already asked,and answered this question just let me know.I havent seen the answer,yet :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/29/09 at 23:00:05

70535B595A53535A4D3F0 wrote:
Here is a series of bike shots showing the various scooters we built and rode up to the Dragon.  If you have any questions about a particular scoot, re-post the picture and ask your questions and the owners will be proud to tell you all about it.


Who's white bike? First picture!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/30/09 at 01:34:05

The first group picture is:

Toymaker, AlfromNH, Kel30734, SavageDML, Lancer, MMRANCH, SevierSavage, and Verslagen1

The white bike belongs to JA01

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/30/09 at 04:15:09

Now don't you wish you had come along with us?  

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/30/09 at 06:06:01

I just uploaded a few pics.
First is me ready to leave on my trip.

Next is my crappy little campsite where I spent 2 nights in Front Royal, Va. You can't see the million flies in the picture and it isn't a scratch and sniff so you can't get a real feel for the place.

Next is a couple pics on Skyline Drive

Me leaving Front Royal heading south to Toymakers

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 06/30/09 at 07:36:41

September is a pretty good time in the mountains, still warm and it's the calm before the storm so to speak (leaf season storm).
I'd be willing to make any date ya'll dream up, I was really blessed to ride with everyone and I believe I have the rear spot.
Everyone took off like the bat out of you know. I was just trying to keep up. But I'd do it again in a minute.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/30/09 at 07:45:15

Beginning to sound like some of us be A-DICT-ED to the Dragon....

I know I said that like it was a bad thing....sorry......


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/30/09 at 08:03:59

Labor day weekend is Friday, September 4th, 5th, 6th and Monday is the 7th.  This would be a get off work on Friday, hit the road show up by the 5th, stay the 6th and hit the road early on the 7th sort of flexible deal.

You are not likely to get 12 people again, but the camping group was able to make a good time with as few as 4-5 people.  

3-5 can split a room if that is desirable.

I can't commit to anything myself as I may be starting a new job and be in probationary period catching me all the ugly weekend & night hours nobody else wants (they will be taking up their vacation time too you know) so guys will have to plan and execute whatever you come up with without me.

Good luck and ride safe -- it is dangerous up there, BTW.   We were prepared this time -- and we were lucky too.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/30/09 at 08:31:46

Im just 3 to 3.5 hous from there........ get off friday @4 be there by 8 to set up camp and eat then have all weekend to ride

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/30/09 at 11:31:42

4C414F4F1B2D0 wrote:
I just uploaded a few pics.
First is me ready to leave on my trip.

Next is my crappy little campsite where I spent 2 nights in Front Royal, Va. You can't see the million flies in the picture and it isn't a scratch and sniff so you can't get a real feel for the place.

Next is a couple pics on Skyline Drive

Me leaving Front Royal heading south to Toymakers

Beautiful Pictures!!
Thanks guys for all the pic's,I really was thinking there may not be many.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/30/09 at 11:39:54

Beautiful Pictures!!
Thanks guys for all the pic's,I really was thinking there may not be many.

It's hard to stop and take pictures when you're having a really great time riding

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/30/09 at 14:33:45

No disaster took place on this trip to require us to be invoking the Motto, so you got some pics to look at.  

Hey, you could actually plan to go next time, you could be in charge of taking all the pictures.

I only took pics when I was near the camera and something came up to take a shot of.   There was lots of neater looking stuff we did and tons of pretty scenery to shoot, but I was busy -- takes two hands and full attention to drive a truck up in the mountains .... especially if you are trying to keep up with a bunch of motorcycles who are generally going a bit faster than the speed limit even around them turns.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/30/09 at 14:55:04

Home Sweet Home! (safe and sound). Thanks for posting the pics guys. Ben at Deals Gap said to be sure to send him a group pic of us to post on OF, yours would great to send him. Time for a shower, meal, and a nap. What a great trip!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/30/09 at 23:02:03

4A4749491D2B0 wrote:

Beautiful Pictures!!
Thanks guys for all the pic's,I really was thinking there may not be many.

It's hard to stop and take pictures when you're having a really great time riding

I know,when I'm riding I very seldom think about taking pictures ;)
But you guys did great! More than I expected :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/30/09 at 23:12:46

Last but not least, I'm home.  and on to the second half of my vacation.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/01/09 at 04:57:32

Hey, Has Lancer checked in???  He's prolly having too much fun with "Rex the wonder bike", right guys???

;) :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/01/09 at 06:27:58

He probably is being coy because we are teasing him too much about baptizing that BMW guy's bike.  I'm not sure Lancer ever even really poured any beer into the guy's open saddle bag as Lancer isn't mean so he was likely just faking the beer pouring motions for the camera.

And we really shouldn't be trash talking BMW riders, nor Guzzi riders as a Guzzi guy stopped for us last year and sports touring type guys are still riders and BMWs are pretty nice bikes, even if they are a little hard to get to go fast on the Dragon.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Savage_Amusement on 07/01/09 at 06:52:50

Who did my Dad (Tincanman) hang out with? He said the lady he was riding with went down and he hung out with someone for awhile. Thanks for that.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/01/09 at 07:12:14

I don't know.  Has anyone heard from Tincanman?  I know SavageDML was going to look for Tincanman.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Ed L. on 07/01/09 at 16:48:53

Glad to see everybody got home in one piece, just couldn't make it this year. Couldn't make the time for the trip up and back. Yes I'm pi$$ed off that I missed it.  >:(

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/01/09 at 18:10:35

There is always next time.  Glad to hear from you, old buddy.

T :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/01/09 at 23:44:21

1st of our group is pic # 14
Then on the return pic # 472

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/02/09 at 00:33:53

ok I don't recognize this one...

page 29 photo 700

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/02/09 at 05:38:29

She ain't one of ours, still in the wild so to speak -- she's a happy Savager though.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/02/09 at 08:18:48

Anybody find us on killboy?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/02/09 at 09:01:05

I couldn't find the truck, the only reason I found it on the other site was the BMW running in front of it.   Trucks are invisible to the photographer guys -- rolling roadblocks.

I did see several Savages on Killboy, saw a very clear picture of Al at a fairly heavy lean angle with a big grin on his face.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/02/09 at 09:25:25

The truck can be seen trailing behind toymaker? in one of the zeephoto sequences noted.

Do you have a photo or page number for Al's shot?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 07/02/09 at 09:40:59

5E726F73786F6E69726F782E2D2D2D1D0 wrote:
Who did my Dad (Tincanman) hang out with? He said the lady he was riding with went down and he hung out with someone for awhile. Thanks for that.

ya I hooked up with SavageDML and we hung out for the nite.. gave Tammy a rest before she went home. then I hit the dragon 2 times before I went back to Gatlinburg.  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 07/02/09 at 17:48:31

well today I was in a shop area in Pigeon Forge where I had seen a Savage sittin 2 days before. so I asked around and found out who was the owner and it just happened to be the one and only........Seviersavage!!!!! didnt get to talk long but was kewl just the same.  after I had left I realized that I never introduced myself!!!! other than Tincanman!!! sorry buddy my bad!! The names Dave.....  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 07/02/09 at 18:43:28

Hey Dave, nice to have met ya. Hope you can someday get your savage here and well ride the mountains.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 07/03/09 at 07:16:56

WELL I really like this area ALLOT!!! so I may have to drag my arse back here and do this again on a bike I like, (my rental SUCKED) so then I can ride it my way!!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/04/09 at 07:19:40

I'm too dumb to get them to show up here, so here is a link to my Tail of the Dragon photos on BikePic's.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/04/09 at 08:49:38

Big Sh*% eatin grin..... had a bug lunch Bigzuk

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/04/09 at 10:56:47

That was Sun. morning, I went into that corner too hot and let the clutch out too fast on downshift making the back tire let the camera man know I was coming. The stupid grin is me remembering what I told someone the night before how "cameras lower I.Q. points" Here's my sign! ;D


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/04/09 at 11:30:33

The Friday Fearless Foursome!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 07/04/09 at 12:25:35

Any of the video's come out? I know there where a couple video cameras present.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/04/09 at 13:32:31

I have some video, although the aim of the camera was not the best ... a lot of tree tops and sky are plainly visible; the bikes, not so much.
I will attempt to make them available withing a day or two.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/05/09 at 09:36:03

I'm working on editing the video now. It actually came out pretty good. Now, the question is do you want me to post the whole video? The Dragon took us about 27 minutes, (not including the breaks during which time the camera was off).

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 07/05/09 at 09:38:17

Now, the question is do you want me to post the whole video?

Any way you want to do it. You're the artist.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/05/09 at 11:53:27

6861606D7F7F6578697E0C0 wrote:
The Friday Fearless Foursome!

Okay who are the guys?
Any reason why ya'll are standing on top of the table? :-/
Just wondered. Not that there needs to be a reason :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/05/09 at 22:11:30

5E50590605020601350 wrote:
Big Sh*% eatin grin..... had a bug lunch Bigzuk

I like this picture! Looks like you were having fun :)

A Savage on the Dragon 8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/06/09 at 04:56:58

Left to right


have no idea why we stood on the table........ because  it was there

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/06/09 at 05:38:29

That's why we do most things we do on these trips, because we wanna.


Is there going to be a Labor Day based trip?   If so, to where?


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by AngloSaxon on 07/07/09 at 06:19:24

I'm so jealous. You guys looked like you had so much fun. Unfortunately my budget and my wife wouldn't let me ride all the way down there. I'm just going to have to organize something for the northeast members.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 07/07/09 at 06:39:04

I'm so jealous. You guys looked like you had so much fun. Unfortunately my budget and my wife wouldn't let me ride all the way down there. I'm just going to have to organize something for the northeast members.

I went down from N.H. and it was suprisingly affordable. I camped 2 nights in virginia but could have stayed just one night if I didn't want to ride Skyline Drive. That was $20/night. Gas for the truck was $253 and $24.22 for gas for the bike. $24 for lodging at Deals Gap. Food and other stuff was prolly about $100-$150. About $500 total. That might help you with the budget issue but I can't help you with the wife.
I'm Planning on doing it again next year.
 I'd be willing to get together with a northeast group for a ride and get together.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/07/09 at 07:48:45


We kicked the ideas for the next big trip around some while soaking in the pool Sunday afternoon.   What Al did from New Hampshire was perfectly doable, and could be done from several different directions.  What Lancer and Verslagen did from the SC direction was perfectly doable too.  The only change we would suggest would be that if there was someone else on your travel path that wanted to go the travel group could have met up with them on the way and they could have come in together for safety/coverage reasons.

So, everyone who is coming from afar constitutes a "region group" that should try to accumulate co-riders along their travel path.  They would publish their route and actively seek folks would tie into that route so as to have co-rider safety coverage while traveling.

We would all meet up at the Gap Hotel on a slightly longer, more general arrival time span.  This past time we had people showing up between Weds-Sunday time span, literally the entire time we had arrivals and departures going on.  It worked out great.

Al or somebody will likely have a truck up at the Gap that could be used to haul off an injured rider, but other than that we really don't see needing a dedicated follow truck.  The follow truck idea is fairly unworkable anyway as a truck simply cannot keep up with bike riders (unless maybe they are a bunch of slow sedate Harley cruiser types which we definitely are not).

The general time span we used this last time of the weekend at the start of the 4th of July week worked really well as believe it or not there were NOT that many people up at the gap that weekend.  Since it wasn't super crowded the cops weren't all that restrictive and we got in some very good rides.

Next year the planning dates would run around Thursday June 24th through Sunday June the 27th as arrival span times.  Departure would take place as you needed to leave, some of us stayed for a half a week and some only stayed for 5-6 hours.

The group cookout date is the only real stake in the sand this plan requires, and that could fall on June 26th if we still wanted to do it on the central Saturday evening as we did this past time.


Why this system would work better -- a regional sub group of 3-4 can plan something that fits them better as far as getting here goes.  A group of 3-4 can have more flexibility and create more fun while traveling than bigger groups can do.  Larger groups get difficult to plan for and tend to get a bit inflexible as they deal with more and more circumstances.

This way your travel plans stay small and aimed at your own group's needs, where you stop and what you sideline to go go see along the way should be thought out as we found that the side stuff offers almost as much "fun potential" as the main get together.

What's that old hack saying -- "getting there is half the fun"

This works out better with the "regional group" system.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/07/09 at 09:32:40

You'd have to count me out 4th of July weekend. Back it up a week (6/25-27) and I'll be there.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/07/09 at 10:10:57

5D5455584A4A504D5C4B390 wrote:
You'd have to count me out 4th of July weekend. Back it up a week (6/25-27) and I'll be there.

Same here......... Thats when we are working. plant is shut down and we can get all of our Yearly PM completed on air compressors, back flow preventers and all 5 boilers.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/07/09 at 10:53:01

We have three votes for the weekend of Friday June 25th, 26th, Sunday the 27th, as manufacturing sites are taking the week BEFORE July 4th off as their shutdown week.

Suites me, as this is the same pattern that worked so well this time, go in on the weekend leading into the holiday week.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/07/09 at 11:12:06

me too.  I'm a go for the weekend before the WEEKEND OF THE 4TH :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/07/09 at 11:40:12

as far as cost go.

Figure I rode around 800 miles round trip. @  hi avg 50 mpg @ avg $2.50 gal High estimate.... around $40  to $50gas

Camping was $13 per night MMranch Payed one night I got the other.
Figure 5- 10 per meal if we ate out
Lunch and Supper Friday
Bfast and lunch Saturday.... cooked with the gang for supper
Had Gang Bfast Sunday and bought lunch on the way home

then there was the beer........... figure a $25 for beer ::)

plus I had tire trouble on the way up there that put me back $100 >:(

All said and done it was a pretty cheep weekend.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 07/07/09 at 11:52:55

I'll have to do some figuring because I really would love to make it next year. So I will have to save up the money.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/07/09 at 13:03:47

We'd love to have your shirt is on the way. :) :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/07/09 at 13:28:21

I've been slowly identifying the turns etc., and started it with one song, but if ya'll would like, I can just publish the movie "as is" and hopefully have it up before the night's out. Or would you guys rather wait till I have completely finished the video?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 07/07/09 at 14:27:25

7079787567677D607166140 wrote:
I've been slowly identifying the turns etc., and started it with one song, but if ya'll would like, I can just publish the movie "as is" and hopefully have it up before the night's out. Or would you guys rather wait till I have completely finished the video?

I'ld rather see finished project myself.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 07/07/09 at 14:27:59

605C51605B4D59555F5146340 wrote:
We'd love to have your shirt is on the way. :) :)

Thanks Toymaker, look forward to receiving it.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/07/09 at 14:29:24

Unless something very big and or bad happens I will be there for the weekend before the 4th.
It's hard to imagine anything worse than a year of cancer, radiation, chemo, surgery, physical therapy, and disability.
None of that kept me away from this years ride. ;) then again, I guess it's just a matter of setting a goal and working out how to make it happen ;D

savagedml, as for the movie, I'd like to see it ASAP 8-)


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/07/09 at 17:16:47

Guys, it should be finished uploading in about 45 minutes. I had to buy the $60 VIMEO Plus version because the video is bigger than the Free version allows. It's about 27 minutes in length. I'll post it when it's done.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/07/09 at 17:27:04

333D346B686F6B6C580 wrote:
as far as cost go.

Figure I rode around 800 miles round trip. @  hi avg 50 mpg @ avg $2.50 gal High estimate.... around $40  to $50gas

Camping was $13 per night MMranch Payed one night I got the other.
Figure 5- 10 per meal if we ate out
Lunch and Supper Friday
Bfast and lunch Saturday.... cooked with the gang for supper
Had Gang Bfast Sunday and bought lunch on the way home

then there was the beer........... figure a $25 for beer ::)

plus I had tire trouble on the way up there that put me back $100 >:(

All said and done it was a pretty cheep weekend.

Speaking of tires and potential tire trouble.  I would suggest that when heading out for an extended ride like this that you plan ahead to have new or nearly new tires on your bikes for the trip.  This is no time to be loosing air rapidly from a tire when rounding a sharp corner with a 1000' drop just 10' from the pavement.
Also, consider carefully your riding experience and skills before dashing off for this type of ride.  As previously posted, a Harley rider went to meet his maker that weekend with nary a sign on the road where he flew off into NEVER NEVER LAND.  They surched for hours justo to find him and then more to get his body out.  This is a very fun ride but it is a dangerous one, not one for the inexperienced.  If you are new to riding or are really rusty on your mountain road skills, either don't go on this particular ride or get after it this year and do some really serious training.  We don't need one of our own being airlifted to the local morgue.
Think about it.   ;)

OK, enough for the Safety Seminar for this month; now let's get back to the fun stuff !   :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/07/09 at 18:04:54

Also be prepared to get really great late-breaking info at the Resort. Remember "MJ is NOT Dead!" ;D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/07/09 at 18:17:52

yep...that's right, Marvin Johnson is NOT dead.  ;D ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/07/09 at 19:20:27

Marvin Johnson may not be dead, but Michael Jackson is dead!!!!!!!
I'm sure of it with nothing else on TV :o


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by bill67 on 07/07/09 at 19:23:34

  I just got done watching Wild Hogs again. It was on 7 til 9 my time.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/07/09 at 19:37:56

This MJ stuff was a private joke that took place at Gap Hotel -- one of the bikers named Marvin Johnson went parading around with a big banner on his bike stating that he (MJ) wasn't dead and he could prove it.   Rode around for like an hour and people would stop him and ask him what the f--- he was talking about, Michael Jackson was DAID, believe it dude.

All the trip things like this are a lot funner when you were there with a beer or two behind you ....   it loses something in the translation from mountain speak.

We also had a moron campground attendant that used to spend his time harrassing us for how we started a fire, plus we used wood to cook our meat rather than popping $10 to buy a bag of his charcoal.  He calmed out after a while and helped us to find some wood and then we fed him venison and burgers, so like the two camp dogs I guess we befriended him as well.


BTW,  Lancer is right -- the trip is dangerous and we do go do dangerous things on purpose while we are up there.

We would not suggest you not plan to go, we would suggest you practice dragging your pegs during the upcoming year because YOU WILL DRAG THEM several times while you are up there in the thin air country.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/07/09 at 20:12:29

Actually OF, that guy with the MJ sign on his saddlebags was just a NUT! We made up the Marvin Johnson character to give his home-made cardboard sign some validity.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/07/09 at 20:22:44

You guys are nuts, MJ is with Elvis on the UFO and has been for 9 years.

The nut that took MJ's place was melting.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/07/09 at 21:08:25

Here's the link, I can't figure out how to get the video right in our page. I did change Wheelie Hill to Wheelie Hell before I uploaded, but nevertheless.... Enjoy reliving 27 minutes of pure adrenaline rush!;;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/08/09 at 05:41:39

Very Good Video
I  have never seen the scenery it is Pretty....  when riding the Dragon you got to keep your Eyes on the road.
Thanks Savagedml

BTW: tire trouble was caused by a screw Picked up along the way.
they just put a tube in it and away we went. I could Have done the work my self but I left the Jack, Spoons and 3lb sledge at home ;) I had every thing else.

Looking at the calendar for the next few months....... Class starts Aug 17
I am taking two this next semester. So the September ride will be doubtful.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 07/08/09 at 16:10:37

Nice video Darrell. I'll be looking at it from time to time. I also checked out your other video's and they look very cool. What kind of camera did you use? I should have checked out your camera set-up when I was there.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/08/09 at 17:19:02

Thanks AL. It's a GoPro Hero, 5 megapixal, 170 degree wide angle. (Handlebar mounted) :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/08/09 at 18:04:37

I'm having a problem seeing the video :(

Must be my computer.Well,I can see it,but its not playing right.

Ah,Nevermind....I opened it in a new window and its 98% better!

Its good! So it takes about 30min to ride the dragon?

Very nice....I've never seen the whole 11 miles before on video 8-)
(Although actually I paused it half way through,I'm going back to see the rest now :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by bill67 on 07/08/09 at 18:17:38

 I see it alright the music just plays the first 6 or7 minutes

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/08/09 at 18:26:48

7B4F58586E4D544F54493D0 wrote:
Wouldnt you know it....I'm having a problem seeing the video :(

Must be my computer.Well,I can see it,but its not playing right.

Kind of like a movie that skips,that's not a good description.

Choppy? I dont know what you call it....but It goes slow and the music skips.

I must need to do something different,I dont know what though :-/

Any suggestions?
Is anyone else having a problem seeing it...or is it just me?

probably your internet connection is slow or your PC is in dire need of a defrag

Pause it and let it load, it is a flash video so it is streaming

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/08/09 at 18:45:16

I came back and edited my last message,sorry! Didnt see where you guys had posted.

I cleaned up a few things and opened in another window!
Much better now!

Very Nice! I loved the music in the "Bike Night" video!

Great videos....makes me want to go ride... right now! ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/08/09 at 21:10:01


That vidio is "Way COOl"

Befor I got DSL mine vidio's were choppy too.  Leting them load befor playing them helped.  Also Freeing some menory in the computer helped.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/08/09 at 22:15:04

Had to upgrade internet exploder and install the latest flash.
Still don't do didly at work.

Is there a way to save a copy on my drive?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by bill67 on 07/09/09 at 04:42:50

 I always use netscape always has been faster than Internet explorer for me.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 07/09/09 at 09:32:27

7A7174742E2F180 wrote:
 I always use netscape always has been faster than Internet explorer for me.

FIREFOX slams then both!!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/09/09 at 09:59:29

I have DSL and Firefox....but I swear sometimes you'd never know it as slow as my pc is sometimes! (Not slow like dial up though :)

I went to defrag and my pc said I didnt need to.I did it anyway,didnt help much.

I probably do need to upgrade the flash though :-/

Not sure what else would help! ::) Apparently something that I'm not aware of.
(I have 70% free memory also! )

The dragon video,once I opened in a new window did pretty good...but one of the videos I couldnt open in a new window,it didnt do real good...but did okay) At least I got to see it ;)

I'll probably figure out the problem, when I have more time. :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by voldigicam on 07/12/09 at 19:12:37

Just amazing - sorry I missed it.  Didn't know, didn't have the bike!

I actually bicycle 129 over the mountains fairly regularly.  It used to be a little known road when I started.  I'd take my BMW car over sometimes, heat up the tires.  Stop at the little store.  Fellow had a huge brim stuffed there, told me how to catch them.

But I've not ridden a motorcycle over.  

It's a good bicycle road for sure.  I'll get more used to my Savage and get my front tire & carb straight then ride over to see my friend in Robbinsville.  Sometimes I'll have someone going over to NC drop me off at the store or over at Fontana, then bicycle back to my store.  I think it's only 50 miles.  Doesn't take too long.  

Actually the route to 129 from my store is on one of the Honda Hoot routes.  Some great curvy roads.  My store is on a straight bit, Unitia Road coming out of Friendsville.  Then climbs a little hill, beautiful curves.  Can wiggle over to 95 towards the mountains, hit 411 and then wind over to 71 and intersect 129.  

Foothills Parkway is also a nice drive, and the Cherahola Skyway.

Would have been great to hear a bunch of thumpers!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/12/09 at 21:40:53

I've always wanted to ride the Cherahola Skyway...something I read or pictures I saw made me want to see it.
Sounded like a good wilderness ride ;)

I like places like that,that dont look like they've been touched much.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/12/09 at 21:58:04

I took some video of the Cherahola Skyway(riding with the Friday Fearsome Foursome); I'll try to get that video posted this week. ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/13/09 at 01:10:52

3831303D2F2F3528392E5C0 wrote:
I took some video of the Cherahola Skyway(riding with the Friday Fearsome Foursome); I'll try to get that video posted this week. ;)

Very Cool....I'd love to see it! :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 07/13/09 at 15:34:24

HEY savagedml!!!!! check your IM!!! left you a message!!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/13/09 at 21:33:21

Stop hollering, and don't tell me what to do; (you are not the boss of me)----It really didn't turn out but I emailed you the pic anyway. Hopefully Tammy's came out and she'll share them with you. 8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Yonuh Adisi on 07/14/09 at 02:04:47

Received my Dragon shirt. Looks pretty cool thanks Toymaker.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/14/09 at 13:14:25

Here's 35 minutes of the Cherohala Skyway. Just click on the rainbow bars. No music though, if you would like me to add your favorite songs --email me the mp3 files and I'll add them and repost the video. Notice how as we got higher (4,000 ft above sea level) the clouds got REALYY dark! We ran from those clouds all the way back to Deals gap!

Enjoy the ride and the scenery :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tincanman on 07/14/09 at 15:45:20

060F0E0311110B160710620 wrote:
Stop hollering, and don't tell me what to do; (you are not the boss of me)----It really didn't turn out but I emailed you the pic anyway. Hopefully Tammy's came out and she'll share them with you. 8-)

MEOW !!!!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 07/14/09 at 16:06:41

Hey Darrell, Nice video of the Cherohala Skyway. Maybe next year I'll get to take that ride. Lots of nice roads in that area.


Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/14/09 at 16:43:56

Thanks AL. The ride is more of a swerve-swerve versus the sudden switchbacks of the Dragon. Plus the temp drops considerably as you get closer to the top (Nice break in June temp wise). However still dangerous as kel, mm, and Big will attest. We pulled over at the first lookout to let multiple emergency vehicles pass, (the first one almost lost it in the turn). Next year we'll count you in on the Skyway (all day) run.

Darrell :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/15/09 at 02:10:34

What actual day will you guys be planning that all day Cherohala Skyway ride to take place upon?

I am likely going to ride up early and camp this year as my new job requires me to work on the weekends and it will be easier for me to get off in mid-latter weekdays, so I am juggling days off vs what activities are cooking on the Thurs-Friday time frame.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/15/09 at 04:37:38

I can do Pretty much any day  I want....
I get three weeks of vacation. Trying to talk the boss lady into letting me take a wed thru sun day trip.
just 13$per night to camp. Hay Oldfeller. I got plenty of room in my tent ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/15/09 at 07:52:06

Sounds like maybe a Friday Skyway trip would work out for you OF. Kel, let's pencil that in for June 25th, and see what the rest of the guys can do.  8-) I scoped out the "swimming holes" on Sunday after you guys left, so I'm definitely going to do an afternoon relaxing on a float in the river. I'm even up for one of those rafting trips if anyone else is game.  Lots of time to plan and replan, so I'm just throwing out some ideas.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/15/09 at 15:07:11

I'm Open for any thing :D

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/15/09 at 16:45:50

Talk to us about these swimming holes -- clean mountain water on a hot summer day sounds good to me.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/15/09 at 17:18:48

me too me too

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/15/09 at 18:47:48

Please count me in for what ever days work for everyone else. I'm always up for a good ride.

DML, I like the swimming/rafting idea too. We have several rafting outfitters here in Marshall for the French Broad river. We also have some good mountain roads and the Blue Ridge Parkway less than 20 mi. away.

A little off subject (sorry) I will be bringing my 17 yr. old Son and his new (to him) Yamaha Virago 250.
He is learning fast and we both are looking forward to a trip before school starts back if any one can make one?

PS DLM your movies of the last trip are great!

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by seviersavage on 07/16/09 at 06:43:02

I'd be interested in riding with you two if the timing is right, keep me in the loop for a before school starts back ride.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/18/09 at 02:53:47

Hey,I liked the video! Played better also.
How many miles is the Cherohala ride?

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/19/09 at 08:48:22

If I remember correctly, they say it is about 129 miles. We left with full tanks and stopped for at least 1 fill-up, so that sounds about right. 8-)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/20/09 at 05:47:13

343D3C31232339243522500 wrote:
If I remember correctly, they say it is about 129 miles. We left with full tanks and stopped for at least 1 fill-up, so that sounds about right. 8-)

Really? Its that long? I had no idea!
There are gas stations on that road?
I almost thought there was nothing but wilderness.
Glad I asked ;)

Its been awhile since I saw any info on it,but I was also thinking there was a waterfall somewhere there.
(If it was on the video,sorry ,I didnt see it.Had to pause the video at times to do other things.I could have missed that)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 07/20/09 at 09:22:02

There are several waterfalls along the Skyway, but quite frankly, I don't remember them. Now ask me about the sweeping turns, and I can tell you about those.  ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/20/09 at 09:42:21

Any of the roads, if you are watching for scenery, you are asking for a spill.  You have got to focus on the road.  Period :)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by voldigicam on 07/21/09 at 17:53:49

Waterfall.  Big one is along River Road, takes off from the Skyway on the Tellico Plains side.  Dead end road along the river.  Very pretty.

In the same general area as 129, there are some great other rides. See, e.g., rides described at  

One of the Honda Hoot rides comes by my shop in Friendsville.  I can't seem to find a map showing it.  Then it goes over to Meadow and other local small roads.  Lots of bikers still on those routes.  

I would think a September ride would be perfect. Nice weather, summer tourists are gone, and it's not too cold.  too early for the peepers, too.

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/22/09 at 03:02:45

6A565B6A5147535F555B4C3E0 wrote:
Any of the roads, if you are watching for scenery, you are asking for a spill.  You have got to focus on the road.  Period :)

That's why I'm trying to find them(the waterfalls) beforehand ::) ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FreeSpirit on 07/22/09 at 03:29:13

Good pictures of the roads!

Yep looks pretty much like wilderness ;)

Title: Re: 2009 Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Tonydtiger1971 on 07/28/09 at 15:49:04

Darn did you go?  I was up near the beginning that weekend and didn't even know it.  

BTW:  Blondes on bikes are dangerous...for me at least :)

Title: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip  (ongoing)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/19/10 at 05:28:01

That, Southpaw my friend, was an excellent suggestion !!!



THE DATES:  a rolling arrival of various regional groups starting June 20th accumulating up through the week with the main cookout bash on Saturday evening June 26th with groups departing thereafter as they choose to go ....

Read the posts that follow looking for each regional group so you can join up with one of them for the ride in (improved safety in numbers and all) plus the added benefit of additional fun potential.

Warning:  Think about the groups you go riding with.   Some of these folks ride faster than you do and can lead you into situations you may not be able to handle.   This has happened in years past and although no one in the Savage groups has ever been skin broken injured on his bike we don't care to change that track record either.

No matter what your riding skill level it is safe to plan to go to the party on Saturday -- all evil green froggishness will have dissipated as the frog is leaving on Friday AM to go back to work and his evil greenish vapors will have 24 hours for the fresh clean smelling mountain breezes to completely disperse.

Jest pretty butterflies and flowers on Saturday -- I promise.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip  (ongoing)
Post by kel30734 on 04/19/10 at 07:16:38

4D6E6664676E6E6770020 wrote:

all evil green froggishness will have dissipated as the frog is leaving on Friday AM to go back to work and his evil greenish vapors will have 24 hours for the fresh clean smelling mountain breezes to completely disperse.

Jest pretty butterflies and flowers on Saturday -- I promise.

But Beware His Evil TWIN/ Namesake will be there in disguise 8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/20/10 at 02:10:26

now come on..there are NO evil twins............just impersonators

but evil is evil........

I do believe I done heard that ole froggy!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/20/10 at 09:52:30

How do you recognize an evil frog that is in disguise trying to act nice?  

You surely have to do it BEFORE you go riding with him -- on the road is too durn late and your butt is already at risk then.

Any suggestions?

Me, I'd look at his bike, especially the footpeg ends.  Then I'd look at his tires, to see how far the wear pattern runs up the sides.  

People with clean foot peg ends and little nubbies surviving on the sides of their tires are generally safe to go riding with.

Or you could post pictures of the known evil frogs ....

Here's my favorite !!!  

(and he's bringing two (2) custom frogmobiles  with him no less)

ribbit ...   ribbit...   ribbit...   

(!swack! goes the long sticky tongue and the juicy fly is gone)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/20/10 at 14:12:00

yep....that's him.......I'd reconize them beady lil' eyes anywheres.



Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/20/10 at 16:40:25

No, that's a different sort of evil froggie boy .....    a  meek, bashful, grinnin' retiring sort of froggie boy

Another clue is the froggies tend to wear black beenie helmets or leather vests and leg chaps ...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/20/10 at 20:14:34


I got a picture of the Dragon Bush.  I'll try to post it .

More important I know where it is now.  Its a bussy section of road but that driveway should work for us.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 04/20/10 at 20:19:58

Mike you rock! I knew you'd come through with a pic. What a cool landmark. Thanks friend. 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/20/10 at 22:34:22

Thanks Darrel


Have you checked the weather forcast for friday night and saturday ?

I hope the weather person is just having a joke at our expense !

One of my Brothers  on a "Honda V-65" might come allong , he's checking with his work load and WIFE now.   Weather Permit that is.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 04/21/10 at 06:21:08

76647664697A7578733B0 wrote:
Thanks Darrel


Have you checked the weather forcast for friday night and saturday ?

I hope the weather person is just having a joke at our expense !

One of my Brothers  on a "Honda V-65" might come allong , he's checking with his work load and WIFE now.   Weather Permit that is.

Yes, I just looked 60% thunderstorm Fri. PM----Sun.PM >:( >:( :( :(
With the weather forcast and everyone from Western NC that I was to ride with not going, I'm about to agree with my wife that I don't need two nights in a tent in 40 something temps & thunderstorms.
I have never let rain run me off the bike when I get cought on a ride (that's why the FroggToggs stay in the bags) but to leave home knowing what this weather can do to these already tricky roads and tent camping may not be the smart thing to do?????

If you want to reschedule it's cool with me. Heck, you guys can save the $20/ night and set your tent in my yard for a Western NC Mtn. ride. Sorry no extra bedroom, lots of tent space, firepit / grill, and coffee and showers in the house.

Thunderstorm wimppy,

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/21/10 at 19:37:46

Yup, he's a magic frog.

Even got him a Princess to ride behind him on his solo seat and kiss him on his bald spot and turn him into a spotted dalmatian fire dog she did ....

<tee hee hee>

No, I would not bring a woman to the first few days of the trip, but we DO have to be nice enough for them to be able to attend the Saturday festivities.

I'm contributing to this improvement/change in atmosphere on Saturday -- I guarantee I won't do anything on Saturday to upset anyone -- 100% assured perfect behavior on my part.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 04/21/10 at 19:40:28

Look out fella's,  :o
I thought he only went afta blondes.
I think his vision is fading.   8-)

It's either that or he hasn't looked up lately.   ;D


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/22/10 at 04:57:55

4E6D6567646D6D6473010 wrote:
Yup, he's a magic frog.

Frog ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 04/22/10 at 05:12:14

74575F5D5E57575E493B0 wrote:
Yup, he's a magic frog.

Even got him a Princess to ride behind him on his solo seat and kiss him on his bald spot and turn him into a spotted dalmatian fire dog she did ....

<tee hee hee>

No, I would not bring a woman to the first few days of the trip, but we DO have to be nice enough for them to be able to attend the Saturday festivities.

I'm contributing to this improvement/change in atmosphere on Saturday -- I guarantee I won't do anything on Saturday to upset anyone -- 100% assured perfect behavior on my part.

How ya goin' to do dat, stay locked up in ya room all day?  ;D ;D :D :D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/22/10 at 05:12:58


If she likes REX she looks like the perfect woman !


I'm have to see the radar picture Friday morning befor I can give up ...  this stuff may go on through and be gone .  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 04/22/10 at 05:24:43

736173616C7F707D763E0 wrote:

If she like REX she looks like the perfect woman !


I'm have to see the radar picture Friday morning befor I can give up ...  this stuff may go on through and be gone .  

AS per the SOC Suzuki Owners Club web site, the meet & greet is still on, however many have posted that they will not make it. It looks like a bunch from Al. will be at a motel in Murphy.

As per the NOOA weather site we have a 70% chance of thunderstorms.

I'm leaning toward setting this one out. In part because I can ride these types of roads anytime in my area, I was just looking forward to others to ride with and you are the only one I know that has not backed out yet. :(


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 04/22/10 at 06:16:50

Here is a suggestion for a whole day of riding
Plus SavageDML wants to go swimming one day. Should I bring the Golf clubs too? I am sure I can strap them to the Beer Truck
I am going to bring a camp stove and a bigger cooler with some food so we can eat with out spending money in the restarant. If we put a cow up this year I will bring some Hamburger for the cook out on saturday
MMranch are you and I meeting in BlueRidge like last year?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/22/10 at 10:49:41

'Zuk, I gotta special secret method of behaving perfectly on Saturday, you'll get a kick out of it fer sure.

Ok, Kel can cook (yep, he can really cook so we will certainly let him)

Please remember we have an apartment with stove and fridge & such before straining to bring the kitchen sink -- we already got one provided within the group.

I'm gonna pack a bathing suit up to the mountains as I want to go swimming in some sort of cold mountain water while I am up there.  

Other than that -- I'm flexible.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 04/22/10 at 11:11:11

MMRanch is the Cook..... I do good to make RAMAN noodles


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/22/10 at 19:17:49


I'm have to see the radar picture Friday morning befor I can give up ...  this stuff may go on through and be gone .  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 04/22/10 at 19:36:39

636E616C6A7D3D380F0 wrote:
[quote author=76647664697A7578733B0 link=1227970821/765#767 date=1271938378]Lancer

If she like REX she looks like the perfect woman !

If I like it, she likes it.  Proper training yields good results. ;)


I'm have to see the radar picture Friday morning befor I can give up ...  this stuff may go on through and be gone .  

He must've tried all the frogs before he left and found one to his liking.   :-*

Or was that at the new apartment?  :o

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/23/10 at 04:00:23


I'm convenced it going to rain ...  

Kel That brother moved to , about half way between blueridge and that next little town headed east.  Its still in the  same area.   I'm not sure if I'm getting out Wensday or Thursday ?  Wensday if I can, as it gets closer I PIN it down.

I can bring some COW also, its easy to get spoilled to the LEAN stuff I  get from the butcher.  Are we going to have access to the apartment starting Wensday night?
" Old Feller "  I'll bet you can cook too , I'm not dodging duty , just giving credit where credit is due.  Maby I should bring some breakfast GROCERYS too ?  It doesn't bother me to bring a bag or two in that cargo net behind the windshield, but I'll get them in Robinsville .

BigZuk we will reschule if I can find a free weekend , most of them get taken months in advance.  The second weekend in May might work , I'll have to check with the wife's calander befor I can commit.  Any time after that we'll be into "HAY SEASON" the bussest part of the year for me.  Any excuse to go riding is better that none but none is OK too.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 04/23/10 at 04:29:22

011301131E0D020F044C0 wrote:

I'm convenced it going to rain ...  

BigZuk we will reschule if I can find a free weekend , most of them get taken months in advance.  The second weekend in May might work , I'll have to check with the wife's calander befor I can commit.  Any time after that we'll be into "HAY SEASON" the bussest part of the year for me.  Any excuse to go riding is better that none but none is OK too.

That sounds good to me. The only dates I've got set for now is for the Suzuki Owners Club southeastern spring rally in Jonesborough Tn. May 31-June 6


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/23/10 at 06:29:12


I feel like we'er getting behind.  That's TWO get-to-gethers   for  the  owners club --- Savage club ONE.  

We could start making a lot of the owners club meets , "as in"   let the rest of them ride with US !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 04/23/10 at 09:32:08

697B697B76656A676C240 wrote:

I feel like we'er getting behind.  That's TWO get-to-gethers   for  the  owners club --- Savage club ONE.  

We could start making a lot of the owners club meets , "as in"   let the rest of them ride with US !

Go to   and look at ALL the meet & greet and rally dates. One will be in North Ga. later this year.
You can be an assoc. member at no cost, but for under $20 you can join and get the member patch.
Also check out the forum for each state for information on local monthly meetings & rides.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/23/10 at 19:36:23

Yes, the apartment will be occupied on Wednesday so the cookery will be available.

You will all notice that Lancer thought twice and removed his co-rider's pictures, which leads me to believe he's a tellin' us the truth.

If it was jest braggin' stuff he'd a left that hip and that side profile shot up there for us to admire.

So, not only is he a magic frog, he's got good sense too -- if I had that on my pillion I'd not be going around irritating it unnecessarily either.

Now, put her in her bathing suit on Diamond Jim's black bike and that would be a real pretty picture -- one that could get into any number of motorcycle magazines as winner of the "Best looking bike and rider -- Single Cylinder custom bike category".

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 04/23/10 at 19:48:20

Thanks for the tip BigZuk.

I just checked it out and sighed up .   Their forum seemed like nothing compaired to the one here.    Doin't know if I can make the one in NorthEast Tn yet.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/24/10 at 09:34:34

7D5E5654575E5E5740320 wrote:
Yes, the apartment will be occupied on Wednesday so the cookery will be available.

"Best looking bike and rider -- Single Cylinder custom bike category

You really put a picture in my mind O/F, and it is not going away.
I like that idea a lot.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/24/10 at 10:22:54

You will of course have to post  it here all of us "geezers" can admire the's it...yep, the bike... :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/24/10 at 17:57:28

477B76477C6A7E72787661130 wrote:
You will of course have to post  it here all of us "geezers" can admire the's it...yep, the bike... :)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/24/10 at 21:49:09

Gentle reader,

Do you get the impression we have a good time when we go off on these little Dragon trips of ours?

Rowdy, yes

Somewhat risky, yes

Wouldn't miss it for the world,   YES !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/25/10 at 03:55:29

4 day trip to the Dragon and environs-------$200

Gas for the trip---------$4

Picture of girl laying on your bike----------------------PRICELESS!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 04/25/10 at 08:55:26

Can hardly wait for the event to begin.....lets ride !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 04/25/10 at 09:57:53

Less than 2 months now, Riders.........whoohoo

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 04/27/10 at 06:16:33

She's purty ....  but too sweet for the likes of you, yew ol rascal   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/02/10 at 11:02:53

Today is the first NC day over 90 degrees.    Pool water should be warming up, but them mountain spring waters will be cold all summer long ....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/03/10 at 11:36:29

Noone has said it yet so I will.

or is it Tail of the Dragon? I guess both could apply.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/04/10 at 02:25:06

Depends on what goes wrong and whether we want to 'fess up about it ...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/08/10 at 03:49:15

40 days until DRAGON TIME ...

Plans are all set.  Everybody's all set and ready to go ....  'cept Lancer.


Ok, I'm gonna open up the bookie's book and start taking the odds ranges from youse guys.

Officially, the last picture of Rex was with him scattered in various boxes with a sheet over the running frame.

Last posted info was about a overbored barrel and a new piston sitting on a counter top.

Since then Lancer has moved once (and we all know what happens to them boxes during a move) and he also got hisself a hottie to go visit (sweet distraction).

We are now taking your book odds range on seeing Rex all together and running properly on June 22 at Toymaker's ...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/08/10 at 04:34:12

I'm in...(Sorry, Lancer...:)   )

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/08/10 at 06:26:01

L  O  L

I will post an updated photo of REX.
Progress is being made and he will come alive this week.

By the way, I had to discipline the little hottie for bad behavior; she got pi$$ed, picked up her sweet scented little nothings and left.
She is still talking to me though, so........ ? ?
Oh well, stuff happens.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/08/10 at 10:39:25

Odds just improved for lil ol' Rexy being there -- she is now the sexiest thing in Lancer's life right now.  

He's done stroked her,

He's done poked her,

When he trips her trigger and she finally sucks it all in ...

.... question then becomes will she spit, blow or swaller?


remember, last year she squalled some at first, then she choked on it and threw up oil all over him and onto poor ol' Verslagen's shoes

(made both of them real happy, too -- you could tell)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/08/10 at 10:58:03

Is that banjo moozac yur playin' OF?

you know who the bike's named for don't you?

just havin' trouble with the imagery you're smokin' and keepin' my breakfast down.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/08/10 at 11:17:17

Yeah, Rex was originally named after Tyranosaurus Rex and he was a originally a he.

Then Lancer started making his bikes all sexy lookin', so we started giving them female monikers instead.

The slinky black one is now Kimmy (named after Kim Kardashian of course)

The surgically stripped one with the one HUGE nakid jug is now Rexxy (female)

(named after the Canadian SciFi heroine that used to be fat, but got skinnied up and incidentally blended in with killer monster DNA -- sweet looking exterior but she turns all nasty and eats everything when provoked)   She was played by three successively better looking women as she developed from her gene mixing accident.

I ain't playing no banjo music ....    yew jest wanted to get your big old nasty lizard slurped

Here's yer girl -- she'll eat anything (or anyone) and belch loudly and appreciatively and pick her teeth afterwards.


And I fergot about this one (the lizard itself) but youtube remembered it


So, Lancer's REXXY is simply dis-LEXX-ia personnified

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/08/10 at 15:29:26

OF, have you been sampling that new synthetic oil again????? :o

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/08/10 at 18:49:53

OF has definitely been sampling something strang lately, he's gone way off into left-center-right field next to the COOL-ADE STAND !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/09/10 at 03:32:08

oh no rev Jim, not the cool aid !!

it tastes all funny

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/09/10 at 13:55:47

BTW Hole-in-the-wall gang....the cover came off the pool today...should have it pristine and warm by arrival day.

43 days and counting!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/09/10 at 16:00:39


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/10/10 at 20:14:30

Throwin' my hat in...that is if y'all will still have me!
 I've been holding off committing to this trip due to my brother's ongoing battle with leukemia and the possibility of my need to be a bone marrow donor. After talking to him today, unless something drastic happens in the next two weeks, this trip shouldn't affect any time frames. So... barring extreme misfortune, I'm planning on leaving Missouri Wed. the 23rd to arrive sometime Thursday afternoon or evening at the campsite. That would give me Friday and Saturday to join what rides I can and still get back by Tuesday.
 Thanks, Toymaker for keeping me in mind (and reminded). I'm looking forward to meeting you all if this works out. It will be 600+ miles one way depending on the route, so getting there will be half the fun. Probably the best way I can think of to get my mind off things for a few days and just ride with a few fellow Savages!  :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/11/10 at 02:22:24


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/11/10 at 05:21:33

Cool.... we got one from up North and one from the Show Me State,
One from Georgia one from Tennessee and a gaggle from the Carolinas and one from West Virginia… We are SAVAGE DRAGON RIDERS..
AL I need to know about the teeShirt prices


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/11/10 at 06:22:29


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/11/10 at 07:50:07

AL I need to know about the teeShirt prices

Okay here's what I have for t-shirts  that I will be bringing down with me.

MMRanch              1 large gray short sleeve 10.00
                          1 large gray long sleeve   12.00

Bigzuk                 1 xl gray short sleeve 10.00
                          1 xl gray long sleeve  12.00

Toymaker             1 xl black s/s 12.00
                          1 xl black l/s   15.00

Kel                       1 lg gray s/s 10.00

Lancer                   1 xl black l/s  15.00

southpaw               1 med gray s/s 10.00

If anyone else wants one I can still make up a few more. I'll try to keep the prices the same but may have to charge a little bit more as I will be getting the shirts locally instead of through the mail (with bulk discount).


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/11/10 at 22:17:24

Thanks again AL.   I'm still not sure when I'll get to leave , but it will be as early in the week as I can.  

Looking forward to see ya'll again , meeting our first time Dragon's and Rex too.    

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/11/10 at 22:42:41

You boys watch out for lancer and rex, with them dualies up front he's likely to be launched and ran over by his own bike.   8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/12/10 at 02:29:30

Wait until it fires up, runs right and still keeps its lunch down ....

That bike is an experiment built on top of old experiments, very little of it is stock any more (been mod food for several generations of changes over the years).

Why should it be expected to be trouble or flaw free when it comes together for yet another run at the mountains?

Lancer will likely get it running good in SC then have to spend a bit of time at Toymakers tweeking & tuning due to altitude and whatever new knowledge is gained on the way up.

Then we are all gonna line up with a camera going and let Lancer whup up on us for the record.


                                                             ptb ... <hissssssssss>

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/12/10 at 05:12:17

486B6361626B6B6275070 wrote:
Wait until it fires up, runs right and still keeps its lunch down ....

That bike is an experiment built on top of old experiments, very little of it is stock any more (been mod food for several generations of changes over the years).

Why should it be expected to be trouble or flaw free when it comes together for yet another run at the mountains?

Lancer will likely get it running good in SC then have to spend a bit of time at Toymakers tweeking & tuning due to altitude and whatever new knowledge is gained on the way up.

Then we are all gonna line up with a camera going and let Lancer whup up on us for the record.;D      ptb ... <hissssssssss>

Wow, you fertile mind is just full of all sorts of thing this morning !

Yep, one thing at a time.  Start first, then run.
Unless I screwed something up it should be breathing fire today.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/12/10 at 05:37:11

373A35383E29696C5B0 wrote:
[quote author=486B6361626B6B6275070 link=1227970821/795#809 date=1273656570]Wait until it fires up, runs right and still keeps its lunch down ....

That bike is an experiment built on top of old experiments, very little of it is stock any more (been mod food for several generations of changes over the years).

Why should it be expected to be trouble or flaw free when it comes together for yet another run at the mountains?

Lancer will likely get it running good in SC then have to spend a bit of time at Toymakers tweeking & tuning due to altitude and whatever new knowledge is gained on the way up.

Then we are all gonna line up with a camera going and let Lancer whup up on us for the record.;D      ptb ... <hissssssssss>

Wow, you fertile mind is just full of all sorts of thing this morning !

Yep, one thing at a time.  Start first, then run.
Unless I screwed something up it should be breathing fire today.


                                         [/quote]then pt2ndb ... <HSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS>

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/12/10 at 08:49:56

Hey MMRanch, what day are you thinking of going out, and what route? I figure I'll make somewhere just past Nashville Wednesday and the rest of the trip Thursday. I've got the choice of going 40 east and dropping south or 27 southeast to Chattanooga then 64/74. Any suggestions between routes? Starting to get the itch to get going!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/12/10 at 08:59:48

Thinking about it, riding out with all these grizzled modified bikes might be a bad influence on my sissy white bike. Next thing you know she'll be saying "shucks" and "darn" and coming home with a new tattoo or something! What would the neighbors think???  ::)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/12/10 at 12:16:18

7E425859455D4C5A2D0 wrote:
Thinking about it, riding out with all these grizzled modified bikes might be a bad influence on my sissy white bike. Next thing you know she'll be saying "shucks" and "darn" and coming home with a new tattoo or something! What would the neighbors think???  ::)

AWWW Shucks.... I'll be gettin to the campground/ resort on Wendsday some time around noon...... I should have the beer on Ice by then.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/12/10 at 12:22:32

Southpaw, mine can pass for stock   (nothing much shows at all).  

It is all well mannered and gentille actin' too ....

Now, Lancer's bikes might turn your white bike a shade or two but my Silver Surfer won't bother it a bit.


                                             then punch both buttons at the same time    HZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ -- BAM !!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/12/10 at 12:39:10

Mine is mostly stock but it will Haul a big load on the truck bed i built

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/12/10 at 22:47:40

Hi Southpaw

Goiing through Chattanoga is as close to a strait shot as I can get.  If I can break away Thursday maby I could put us some Beef on the grill for lunch just to break-up the ride for ya a bit.

I rode mine to Nashville today and it ran Great ... But it only got 42 mpg.  Late last summer it was doing close to 60 mpg .... (59.5 just wouldn't make it to 60).  

I'm looking on E-Bay now for another Carb.  But If I had to leave today it would be get fuel ever 70 to 80 miles.

AnyBody got any ideas what makes a carb. act that way  "Please pass the Ideas along"   I'm thing of doing away with the CV type and going for a direct slide.  I did find a company that has manifolds ($30) to fit anything from 30 mm to 50 mm to our bikes and that's a perty wide spread.   But fixing the original is still the easy fix.   Yea I'm not sure what to do with it.   Its late night now I'll take it off in the morning and do some mesuring and maby some biding tomorrow.  I suppect the throdle cable woin't work with a direct slide with out modifing it.   ???????????

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/13/10 at 09:51:31

who is gonna be there wendsday?

MMRanch are you tenting with me?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/13/10 at 10:43:30

As it looks right now, I'll be getting in sometime on wed afternoon but I'll be in the luxury suite with the rest of the high class people. ;D


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/13/10 at 14:07:53

Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip

Reply #805 -LANCER-  05/11/10 at 14:22:29  Quote


All quiet here in the trenches on the Western front  ....

.... been quiet for a couple of days now

Cap'n .... its the waiting

.... its the waiting that drives you crazy !!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 05/13/10 at 14:57:19

7E737D7D291F0 wrote:
As it looks right now, I'll be getting in sometime on wed afternoon but I'll be in the luxury suite with the rest of the high class people. ;D


You still have "friends in low places" (camping), I can meet you Wed. I think my Son will be with me, now that he has a girlfriend his bike and the old man have to take a back seat, so not sure about him. Whin I was 17 I would have been rideing the girlfriend on the bike too and see you later Dad. ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/14/10 at 08:51:30

Bit of a setback as posted in the general cafe regarding my brother's health. I seriously doubt his timetable is accellerated enough to interfere with this trip and he doesn't want me to cancel it if there's nothing to do but sit around and wait! I won't be on this site much for a week or two due to work issues and having to replicate blood tests etc. but unless you hear otherwise, plan on me still going! Keep the faith! By the time this is here I will be SO ready for a riding vacation!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/14/10 at 19:46:29

I'm still not sure what day I can get away .  

Kelly I hope to tent with ya or at least up there by the creek .   If anybody needs a tent I have several.   Not sure if that BlueRidge brother is comming  yet, the week before we leave I'll  get a "For Sure or Not, from him"

I  have been expermenting on my carb.  The thought occured to me "What / How does that enricher thing work"  Well,  I took it off with the motor running  and  the thing ran BETTER .!!!!!    I put it back together without the diafram or spring in it.   It was running way rich to begin with  and now is has a softer/mellower note to it (runs just fine).  Doin't know what the MPG is now but it can't be any worse !

I'm still in the market for a Non-CV type carb , been looking at the 38mm Mikuni's  they seem to be popular and plentifull. (e-bays full of them).   Anybody know what Throddle cable works with the Mikuni's  and the Savage ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 05/15/10 at 10:29:03

Are you campers planning on camping at Deal's Gap Resort?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/15/10 at 11:22:15

I am ,  

Little creek nearby, two bath houses, nice fire pit and sitting wall, and right in the middle of everthing else.

Wow  I might have to leave now just thinking about it.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/15/10 at 13:33:11

me too...but we are staying in the resort...we done got usn's beds! a TV an inside plumin...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 05/15/10 at 14:57:56

0D29242E292728343229242532400 wrote:
Are you campers planning on camping at Deal's Gap Resort?

Yep, I will be camping at Deal's gap. :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/16/10 at 03:47:48

<sung to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies>

Lemme tell ya a story of a bike called Rex
Skinny little thang, ya'd think the frame 'd have to flex
Then one day it was start'n up so good
up from the airbox came a bubblin' crude

            Oil that is, Texas Tea ....

Lancer, if you don't tell us ...

by golly we'll just start makin' it up

and believe me, it can't be all that bad

(compared to our imaginations, anyway)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 05/16/10 at 04:35:51

I'm still planning on riding up Fri morning and camping.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/16/10 at 06:09:07

092A2220232A2A2334460 wrote:

<sung to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies>

Lemme tell ya a story of a bike called Rex
Skinny little thang, ya'd think the frame 'd have to flex
Then one day it was trying to start up so good
up from the airbox came a bubblin' crude

            Oil that is, Texas Tea ....

Ole Rex is good as dead for this is what we know,
Just like last year's trip ole Rex was a no show...
What Lancer will be ridin we will just wait and see...
Probly some german bike that starts with letter  "B"

Sorry Lancer...can't resist!   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/16/10 at 08:28:18

Now Toymaker, you is the nice(r) one you know ....

Lancer, he's jest letting us have enough rope to hang ourselves don't 'cha you know it ....

He's got 'ol Rexxy humming along jest dandy and he's jest gulling us to put the odds in his favor for when the wagering starts in a few days time ...


But jest in case -- we need to start considerin' commissioning the exact wording for the little wooden tombstone we will nail to the Tree of Shame should he NOT make it again this year.

Ya got any small scraps of plywood in your garage?   A little paint brush and a little bit of red paint to wet it with?

Heck, that's such a good idea we might as well make it retroactive

Let's see, for the first year it might be:

(the exact date, I forget)

In fond memory of Rex, may he rest quietly in pieces
May that all his boxes be found so he can be resurrected on the day.

Lord, please let Lancer ride yet again, since he's such a Sporty fellow
Give him purty blondes to chase and good companions to ride with.


You do the second year  (I'm all teared up with emotion)



NO Toymaker,  we don't want to try out your new jump ramps your son & his buds built going down the slope in your back yard ...


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/16/10 at 15:06:31

I have tears just watching that video..............

anyway.......epitaph for Rex.the "wonder" I WONDER WHERE IT IS!

Here lies Rex...a wonder to behold

Here Lies Rex...It IS him we are told...

Here lies Rex...too bad a leaky head....

Here lies Rex...he's truly, truly DEAD!

Sorry Lancer...OF made me do it! ;D :o ::) ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/16/10 at 15:52:40

Boy, I sure hope you are good at marinating and barbeque'n crow to kill the rancid taste, 'cause we are at serious risk of munching & spitting a bunch of black feathers in about 35 days or there abouts ....

Bad enough that he whups up on all of us wid his nekkid Savage, but to first force feed us a big meal of "the other dark meat" would make it even worse.

Mebbe he'll offer us the choice of either chowing down on the smelly black bird or else taking a quick ride down the ramp in the back yard on that beat up & wobbly 'ol mountain bike .....

:-[   watta choice, huh?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/16/10 at 19:51:48

I hope Lancer can keep REX under control so Rex doin't feed us Crow.   Rex look like a lean mean running machine to me.

It's looking like I'll be able to get away Thursday middle of the day.  Maby right after some hambugger off the grill for lunch.   At least I'll have a dose of beef in my belly just incase Rex is serving dinner Thursday night.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/17/10 at 05:05:16

MMRanch, you'll likely get your cowburger since you didn't razz the man about the past years any -- so far only Toymaker and I are at risk of spitting out them nasty black feathers.


But the pattern is the same every year -- as we all pull our stuff together and discuss getting our bikes ready Lancer starts to get all ...... quiet ......  towards the end.

First Dragon trip Lancer showed up riding a Sportster as REX was still hibernating in his boxes (procrastination strikes again).

Last year he invited Verslagen to come to SC for a assembly fest the last week before Dragon time and they actually put all the pieces together good enough for it to actually start up & squeal out a cam head bearing and puke out some oil on them.  Then they rode to the coast and borrowed a Beemer from his daughter for Lancer to ride and Verslagen rode Toymakers spare Savage on Dragon Run #2.

This year we made sure to remind him early enough to actually put the bike together in time.   And he did.   And he talked about it up to the point where he was ready to fire it up ....

And now he is done got all quiet on us again.    

Rexxy's done puked or squealed or done something else all ungrateful b*tchy again.

Me, I'd have posted me a great big AWSHIT post jest a face slapping the ungrateful b*tch for whatever new nonsense she was kicking up this time just to vent it all out, but that simply isn't Lancer's style.  

He's the quiet suffer'n in silence type.

Remember, Lancer has most of his stuff all still in boxes from his last move (check the background of that last picture) and he is trying to put Rex back together without all his mechanical stuff available to him, so you can imagine what that's like.

But then again, that's the miracle of Lancer -- we'll never know the actual story until he shows up at Toymaker's.    And mebbe not even then (we got last year's story from Verslagen).


And who knows, mebbe he'll be packing him a cooler full of well aged crow on Rex's rear fender fer Toymaker & me to chew on instead.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/17/10 at 05:49:44

55717C76717F706C6A717C7D6A180 wrote:
Are you campers planning on camping at Deal's Gap Resort?

I'll Be there some time around noon Wendsday.
and they got tennis courts also.....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/17/10 at 06:05:18

Hey Kel, when you get there, reserve a Tee-time for me at the deals gap motorcycle resort and golf club. I'll meet you in the clubhouse.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/17/10 at 06:30:48

Well rather REX shows oor not it will be a suprise either way.  But Lancer if your bring the Sportster or the BMW it doin't matter much.  I'm itching to see REX in action (probley not as much as you are).

South paw you going to come out of nashville on Hy 27 ?  Thursday ?

Kel I'll plan on being there Thursday Night  wether the brother comes or not.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/17/10 at 06:37:35

I am in Quantico VA with my US Marine kids and #6 baby grandson Marine.  We are camped out here until Jun2, which after almost 2 months of moving crap and such, now this trip (though I surely love playing with my 1 yr old Marine baby) it all cuts a huge piece out of the preparation time.
REX's engine is together and in the frame as noted in the last photo's I posted, the wheels and carb are on and now to hook up the wiring that Verslagen so expertly unraveled and organized for me last year, then align the front discs & calipers so they actually work  and I will be on the road.

That big fat piston sure did look perty inside the newly done cylinder, new cam chain wrapped around the Stage 2 cam, and with the Slavy 2-hole tensioner to keep things together properly and even a new gasket for the right side case.  Oh yea, feelin good !
The GS650 front end is on and now to align the dual discs and calipers so the brakes actually work and don't just look perty sittin up there in   front and life will be good for sure.

Throw on the finely tuned custom header/muffler and a sparking plug...oh, and a really high torque battery to turn the sucker over fast enought to fire up the boiler would help too.
I am ready to hear that hard pounding CRACK OF AN EXHAUST SOUND from the big high compression piston.

So, what are the odds makers giving at the mountainside resort that REX will be there and raring to go ? ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/17/10 at 07:12:00


+5 for good intentions

-3 for being inside 20 days trying to put the bike together for the first time
(it is always Rex's first time together in any particular configuration -- you did catch Lancer's comment about "aligning the rotors to the calipers so they actually work" didn't you?

-1 for getting distracted by GF's and grandkids  
(fer losing all his awshit response time -- see -1 listed above and -1s listed below)

-1 for residual damage left from last year's squeal out (never heard a root cause for that nor the corrective actions taken to keep it from doing it again)

-2 for the historical creation of new issues coming up due to yet MORE NEW STUFF (example, did that head gasket actually fit that huge new bore, or did you have a metal lip hanging out into the jug "out in the air" with the crinkle pressure hump right at the edge of the new 97mm bore?)

.....   remember, it is a HIGH COMPRESSION 12:1 piston you are using now, do you have a high compression head gasket to go with it, or are you jest using a slightly mis-fitted 7.5:1 Suzuki stock head gasket?  

                       <stage 2 cam vs 12:1 piston vs valve float at high rpms?>

BTW, good point about the starter motor and battery power  -- you may need to bump start her in 4th gear.

-1 for untested fer the mountains running gear (I'm with Verslagen, those duallys with multiple pucks per disk hooked up to ???which??? master cylinder may result in unpredictably strong front wheel braking response = ??? instant lowside potential ??? up in the twisties)

      (betcha he can do him a hellacious wicked stoppie though)

+2 because he's pissed now -- that cranky b*tch is gonna get slapped into shape no matter what she comes up with.

+1 the crow factor -- reward for success includes watching us chew stringy sour crow meat and spit out them black feathers.

;D   ;D

DE ODDS is offically "neutral" at this point in time, but she ain't fired up yet so any of the negatives could pick up a few points as soon as he hits the starter button.

In any case, his ultimate fall back bike is up running good up in Fayetteville, NC so he's got no excuse not to come -- drive on up, dump the car,  tranfer his stuff to the big bags on the XV535 and RIDE !!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/17/10 at 07:45:53

434E404014220 wrote:
Hey Kel, when you get there, reserve a Tee-time for me at the deals gap motorcycle resort and golf club. I'll meet you in the clubhouse.


Sure... you want to Shoot a 9 Hole or 18 Hole
Don't forget your Swimmin trunks for the creek/ jaquzzi
and I'll reserve our table by the window with somthin chillin and a can of Beenieweenies ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/17/10 at 07:51:29

I'm packing me an over/under Benelli 20 gage skeet gun 'cause that 4 station double pass action skeet range they got set up in back of the tennis courts shure looked mighty appealing to me ....

Plus both my fly rods fer some mountain trout fishin' and my elbow, belly and knee skates for doing the Downhill Dragon flat style ...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/17/10 at 09:19:31

looks like I am out
my daughter's softball team will be having a tourney
maybe a fall run will be in order...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/17/10 at 11:42:30

2D0E0604070E0E0710620 wrote:

I'm packing me an over/under Benelli 20 gage skeet gun 'cause that 4 station double pass action skeet range they got set up in back of the tennis courts shure looked mighty appealing to me ....

Plus both my fly rods fer some mountain trout fishin' and my elbow, belly and knee skates for doing the Downhill Dragon flat style ...

Has Any one ever done the dragon on one of those Luge (sp) things?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/17/10 at 12:06:17

MMRanch, Yep! I'm planning on leaving Missouri Wed. Morning and stopping somewhere east of Nashville for the night. Coming straight down 24 Thursday for the last - what 175-200 miles of the trip and camping at the illustrious 5 star campground. Hope they have left handed, pre-bent clubs at that golf course, I couldn't figure out how to get mine on the bike. Dunno about the jacuzzi, last time I put a pair of trunks on and took off my shirt, the nieghbor lady started throwing rocks!   :o

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/17/10 at 12:20:16

5F637978647C6D7B0C0 wrote:
MMRanch, Yep! I'm planning on leaving Missouri Wed. Morning and stopping somewhere east of Nashville for the night. Coming straight down 27 Thursday for the last - what 175-200 miles of the trip and camping at the illustrious 5 star campground. Hope they have left handed, pre-bent clubs at that golf course, I couldn't figure out how to get mine on the bike. Dunno about the jacuzzi, last time I put a pair of trunks on and took off my shirt, the nieghbor lady started throwing rocks!   :o

Don't worry You can use mine. they are in the shape of ? mark. trees will do that to them..... they are fine tuned I can make it around any dogleg you want.  8-)
Just don't ask me to hit it streight

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/17/10 at 14:22:30

No luge skate thingies, the turns on the Dragon are too sharp and the Hurleys kept running them over swinging out from the other lane.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/18/10 at 08:01:43

I propose that we have a party on Saturday, June 26th

And that we invite the entire list ....

Theme for the party will be the INCREDIBLE REX

we will either celebrate him

  .....  or bury him

(depending on if he is there or not)

We will commission a headstone for if he is not ....

..... and a banner for if he is .....

 and have a killer party either way

and all the girls can either recline all over him while we take pics

or weep in his memory and say sad poems

     depending on how it goes

Tombstone has been written, printed, laminated to plywood and is

          ALL READY TO GO

Banner is awaiting for further inspiration

as  "GO REX" seems kinda lame to me

and we can do better than that



Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/18/10 at 17:57:01

!!! REX  is not dead !!!


Naaaa  to easy /

It was  "M.J." that was not Dead!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/18/10 at 18:10:42


I was checking to see if I might meet ya on Hwy 27 out of nashville...well what I found is 27 comes down east TN and is a long way east of Nashville but I can see how it could work for ya.

Nashville is about 1.5 hrs north of my place, but then Chattonoga is the easist route.

Only about a Month to go !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/19/10 at 17:38:49

I sometimes catch myself thinking of Rex as an assortment of various parts, whole boxes of parts and a frame that gets put together occasionally (always in a new different configuration) kinda like Frankenstein's Monster on velcro, then reality sets in and immediately tears it apart yet again and it goes back into the boxes until next time.

The good news is that he/she/it is constantly improved each time it goes together .... les tres bon parts, toujours le bon parts l'improve toujours.

(that was your cultural interlude for this evening)

Soon Lancer will have him a spare running frame and several motors containing at least 3 different power mod systems all of which are called "REX" and then it will get really confusing.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/19/10 at 17:55:02

I hope he gets his new girl friend to help with the wiring.
Last time he couldn't figure out why the house lights would go out when ever he flipped it to run.   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/20/10 at 04:53:22

MMRanch - My mistake, meant to type Hwy 24. Appears to be a straight shot from Nashville to Chattanooga. I could probably meet you anywhere along the way.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/20/10 at 07:20:19


Hy 24 is interstate direct shot from nashville to chattanoga

I live on Hwy 129,(middle TN) ---- "Dragon's on Hwy 129,(east TN)"
At Murfreesboro pick-up hwy 231 south , left turn on Hwy 129 , right turn to MM Ranch rd (my driveway) ,
Hwy 129 to Lynchburg and Hwy 50 to Winchster ,  Hwy 41A back to I-24 and on to chattonga.
You interested in Hambuger off the grill middle of the day (+/-) Thursday ?
check you map and let me know.


It may be to early in the day for lunch so just as easy.     I can meet you at Moneagle on I-24  its about 1.5 hrs.  south of Nashville  ----- There is Gas and Food at that exit.  I can hang out at the McDonalds for a bit and bite till you get there.  I'll bet ours would be the only two Savages in the parking lot.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/20/10 at 10:29:29

Reminder to all who are foolish enough to bet against Lancer putting REX together
into some sort of running form by June 22

(jest remember how many durn engines he has lying around and he has at least 2-3 rolling Savage frames now)

Remember, they all can be called "REX" at will ....

  ;D   ;D           slap one of these babies inside a hoagie roll with a little mayo, lettuce and a slice of tomato



And since we are trying to play Fox News with all this "fair and balanced coverage" of the international REX will-he-or-won't-he-show-up-at-the-Dragon situation, we have to also cover the ultra conservative tea bagger crowd who are hard at work on new banners, signs and a novel it will last for frickn' ever plastic laminated tombstone to be rail road spiked to the Tree of Shame.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/20/10 at 17:11:52

LOL   ;D

Faster than a speeding bullet....
able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...
look, it's a bird.. no a plane.. no it's    REX     ! ! !

;D    ;D    ;D    ;D    ;D    ;D    ;D    ;D    ;D  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/20/10 at 18:05:49

REX, Superman?  

Noooooooo ..... not Superman  

(wait a minute, it 'll come to me)

REX is more like a Marvel character than a DC character, he isn't simple and black & white like Superman or Batman.   He isn't always successful and it certainly doesn't always turn out the way he thought it would.

He's all conflicted like Peter Parker or one of those other can't get out of his own way Marvel Superhero types.  

He's a shapeshifter, that much is for sure.

Since I've known him, he's been a Savage, a Sportster, a Yammie 500 single, a BMW and a large box of parts.  

           He certainly can disappear and reappear ....

.... and he's like Bruce Banner, when his game is on he can be green framed and roar and kick your butt from here to the horizon ....

 .... then he falters, shrinks and passes out and gets all puny again .....

....  yeah, he's sorta kinda like Dr. Bruce Banner.

And he's kinda like Merlin or a vampire, he has to go back and rest in his boxes to rejuvenate himself for the next time he has to rise and save us all again.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/20/10 at 18:17:16

MMRanch. Thursday sounds very do-able. I'd enjoy the company after the long ride solo on Wednesday. I'll PM you and we'll work out the details as we get closer to time! Looking forward to the trip!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/21/10 at 01:53:31

6A4941434049494057250 wrote:

REX, Superman?  

Noooooooo ..... not Superman  

(wait a minute, it 'll come to me)

REX is more like a Marvel character than a DC character, he isn't simple and black & white like Superman or Batman.   He isn't always successful and it certainly doesn't always turn out the way he thought it would.

He's all conflicted like Peter Parker or one of those other can't get out of his own way Marvel Superhero types.  

He's a shapeshifter, that much is for sure.

Since I've known him, he's been a Savage, a Sportster, a Yammie 500 single, a BMW and a large box of parts.  

           He certainly can disappear and reappear ....

.... and he's like Bruce Banner, when his game is on he can be green framed and roar and kick your butt from here to the horizon ....

 .... then he falters, shrinks and passes out and gets all puny again .....

....  yeah, he's sorta kinda like Dr. Bruce Banner.

And he's kinda like Merlin or a vampire, he has to go back and rest in his boxes to rejuvenate himself for the next time he has to rise and save us all again.



LOL   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/21/10 at 07:01:26

The only known antidote for advanced cool-aid poisoning is crow meat

(remember to bring some with you)

;D   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/21/10 at 22:51:16

Yaaaaayyyyyy !!!!

Next month this very same time I will be loading up the Silver Surfer with clothes and stuff and getting ready to hit the road for Serenity's and Toymaker's houses up in Hickory/Granite Falls.

It will take me like 5-6 hours to get there (I plan extra time for butt breaks and a lunch stop).

Time to stop teasing Lancer and start praying for good weather .....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/22/10 at 02:43:48

1A3931333039393027550 wrote:
Yaaaaayyyyyy !!!!

Next month this very same time I will be loading up the Silver Surfer with clothes and stuff and getting ready to hit the road for Serenity's and Toymaker's houses up in Hickory/Granite Falls.

It will take me like 5-6 hours to get there (I plan extra time for butt breaks and a lunch stop).

Time to stop teasing Lancer and start praying for good weather .....

Yes and one month from today I will be loading the thumper in the back of my truck and heading south. It's just over 1000 miles each way. I'm was planning on stopping in Virginia to do some riding but I'm afraid that I might miss something if I don't show up at the gap until thursday. So I'll be getting there sometime in the early afternoon on wednsday. Then I might stop to ride on the way home. I really loved that "Skyline Drive" ride last year so maybe I'll do it again.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/22/10 at 06:05:10

Yep, if you waited until Thursday you'd miss the crow roast ....

Heck, we may even have KFC at Toymaker's fer dinner if Rex shows up.

                    and I will be buying !!!

      Kentucky Fried Crow, the other dark meat ....

                       yum yum !!

                finger - lickn' GOOD

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/24/10 at 10:42:14

Getting down to crunch time with lots of little details left to do. Oil change, gear check, finding all the little camping stuff back. Planning on doing a fully loaded run this weekend if timing works out. Time to see how well I've done! What's the last count on roll call???

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/24/10 at 13:22:05

Roll call for Dragon Trip and estimated day of arrival

Toymaker...june 23

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/24/10 at 13:54:06

477B76477C6A7E72787661130 wrote:
Roll call for Dragon Trip and estimated day of arrival

Toymaker...june 23

Kel30734 June 23 Camping

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/24/10 at 14:59:08

48464F1013141017230 wrote:
[quote author=477B76477C6A7E72787661130 link=1227970821/855#865 date=1274732525]Roll call for Dragon Trip and estimated day of arrival

Toymaker...june 23

Kel30734 June 23 Camping

Al in the luxury suite 6/23/10 - 6/27/10

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/24/10 at 16:11:23


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/24/10 at 19:15:02

MMRanch leaving out Thursday  meeting up with Southpaw in Middle Tn , meeting with brother #3 in Ducktown and heading to the Dragon!

Packing a tent and laundry for 4 days.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/24/10 at 22:01:27

Oldfeller out late Tuesday AM to Serenity's, then to Toymakers Tuesday PM, pool soak then good nights sleep then early AM Weds the 23 to Deals Gap Apartment by windy mountain roads.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/25/10 at 03:06:03

Since arriving in Virginia to visit #6 grandbaby, daughter and her tree tall mate, we have been passing around some kind of stomach flu...seems like everybody up here has had it.  A lot of the Marines on Quantico have been sick...local day care when #6 usually goes is shut is a  nasty one.  you get sick; throw up; feel better; then get to do it all over again; 2 or 3 times.
ITs been a heck of a vacation so far.
Hopefully it is past us now.

TOYDUDE ... I will be arriving at your place sometime early Wed. if all goes well.

I need to confirm with my son about his attendence.  He had committed but his work schedule can sometimes to sideways so I will call him to see how it is currently and will let you know as soon as I do.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/25/10 at 12:15:41

Southpaw - arriving at campground Thursday...The Good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise!  :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/25/10 at 17:30:32

I was looking at the deals gap motorcycle resort website calendar and I didn't see anything about a savage rally but I did see that on  the saturday that we are there is the beginning of the sportster rally. So I'm guessing that there's gonna be alot of harley guys hanging around.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/25/10 at 18:02:53

Tons of big fat Hurleys to humiliate ....  what joy !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/26/10 at 06:26:33

Your right OF , I've got both Savage and Sportster and at a place like the Dragon the sportsters will be Totaly Humiliated !  Should I contact the folks at the Dragon and let them warn the Sportster folks we be comanding the Hwys in the  area ?

Somebody give me a second opinion on this one ?

Kel it looks like that brother IS planning to join us,  (Honda V-65 , But he lives in the area so he is used to that kinda road) well he sould be able to keep up.    Anyway I'll be kinda obliated to tent with him , but there is no sence paying for more camp sites than nessary  so "I hear-by relunctly  relinquish my treasured spot in Kel's tent to the first Deaf, Ofactory inpared, lucky person who speaks up first , under the condtion I get first chance next year if I am unobliated at that time. "
If that OK will you Kel.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/26/10 at 06:42:55

627062707D6E616C672F0 wrote:
Your right OF , I've got both Savage and Sportster and at a place like the Dragon the sportsters will be Totaly Humiliated !  Should I contact the folks at the Dragon and let them warn the Sportster folks we be comanding the Hwys in the  area ?

Somebody give me a second opinion on this one ?

Kel it looks like that brother IS planning to join us,  (Honda V-65 , But he lives in the area so he is used to that kinda road) well he sould be able to keep up.    Anyway I'll be kinda obliated to tent with him , but there is no sence paying for more camp sites than nessary  so "I hear-by relunctly  relinquish my treasured spot in Kel's tent to the first Deaf, Ofactory inpared, lucky person who speaks up first , under the condtion I get first chance next year if I am unobliated at that time. "
If that OK will you Kel.

Oh my, we ARE going to have some fun, eh ?  !  ?  !    ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/26/10 at 06:53:12

607260727F6C636E652D0 wrote:
Your right OF , I've got both Savage and Sportster and at a place like the Dragon the sportsters will be Totaly Humiliated !  Should I contact the folks at the Dragon and let them warn the Sportster folks we be comanding the Hwys in the  area ?

Somebody give me a second opinion on this one ?

Kel it looks like that brother IS planning to join us,  (Honda V-65 , But he lives in the area so he is used to that kinda road) well he sould be able to keep up.    Anyway I'll be kinda obliated to tent with him , but there is no sence paying for more camp sites than nessary  so "I hear-by relunctly  relinquish my treasured spot in Kel's tent to the first Deaf, Ofactory inpared, lucky person who speaks up first , under the condtion I get first chance next year if I am unobliated at that time. "
If that OK will you Kel.

Fine with me........
I just might buy some BEANO ;D ;D ;D

Any one need a place to lay their head.... I got a spot free

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/26/10 at 10:31:18

57455745485B5459521A0 wrote:
 Should I contact the folks at the Dragon and let them warn the Sportster folks we be comanding the Hwys in the  area ?

I already sent an e-mail last night but haven't heard back yet. I told them to clear the roads and stock up the beer coolers. Of coarse I'll have plenty of beer with me (if I don't drink it all on the way down).


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/26/10 at 14:12:14

Hey Al, save me one of the treasured Sam Adams... ok?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/26/10 at 16:13:15

Toymaker, how many miles did you get off that latest Metzler rear tire?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/27/10 at 01:49:15


#1 son will not make the ride this year due to spouse/inlaw requirements on his time and his failure to properly manage his calender.  He is a smart guy but needs to get a handle on that one.

yep, he went down in flames.........  :'(

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/27/10 at 01:57:12

Lancer, okdokie....just means we have a bed available at the "Resort"

OF...16K on the Metz

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 05/27/10 at 05:30:39


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/28/10 at 07:58:24

I was just remembering last years cookout. Should I bring a bag of charcoal? I remember us getting chewed out for packing the grill with firewood. If there's anything else I should bring, let me know. I would be glad to help any way I can.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/28/10 at 11:50:41

That would be great, Al...

Yeah, I remember the guy  chewing us out too.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 05/28/10 at 21:49:08

Yea he was a little ill about using a little piece of plastic to get things going.   I suppect we will need to make a grocery and charcol run everyday , so doin't pack too heavy their will be a Krogers befor every meal .,,, or so.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kimchris1 on 05/29/10 at 16:30:15

May I request a group picture for those of us that are unable to do this ride?

I think it would be awesome to have one of all of you with your bikes included if possible.

O and anyone willing to wear something pink?  ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 05/29/10 at 21:52:30

 Been talking to Toymaker and I'm in for the open spot at the cabin. After riding the 600 miles to get there the noise of the bones creaking trying to get out of the tent Friday AM might startle the natives!  :) I am SO looking forward to this trip!

 As for group photos...isn't there some kind of law against felons congregating??? Nah, if that were true congress could never convene! I for one hope to get some shots to bore the grandkids with for years to come!!!  ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/30/10 at 03:29:09

KimKris1, you need to PM BabyHog, she's our official video and picture taker for the trip with all your video and picture requests.    

Tell her what sort of group shots you want her to take on Saturday, June 26th at the big party when EVERYBODY IS GONNA BE THERE !!!!


Southpaw, I'll tell you what really feels good -- taking a LONG HOT shower at the end of the day to work out some of the ride aches and then drying off with a nice clean fluffy towel ...  and then the nice soft fluffy pillow feels mighty good too.

None of us in the group are young any more, so we ALL understand completely.  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/30/10 at 05:18:10

I don't know if it was just my e-mail or if someone else sent one as well, but out outing is officially on the "Deals Gap Event Calendar".

Here's the link:

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 05/30/10 at 05:40:13

7B7678782C1A0 wrote:
I don't know if it was just my e-mail or if someone else sent one as well, but out outing is officially on the "Deals Gap Event Calendar".

Here's the link:

Al, I sent an e-mail too maby they just wanted to give the hurly guys Fair Warning.... I told'em there would be 8 to 15 of us there....


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/30/10 at 06:35:14

oh, I told them there would be several thousand of us. I hope they aren't dissappointed  ;D


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/30/10 at 06:39:33

Did we ever spot the place we are going swimming yet?

Something else to do for amusement on Saturday when the Sportster dudes show up -- we will have had lots and lots of practice time -- so we could intentionally insult and dare different sets of young sportster dudes to keep up with us rickety old men wid our little single cylinder girly bikes up there on the Dragon.


Last time we wrecked 7 Hurleys (outright killed us two out of the seven) .....


..... surely with a half week's private practice we can do a better score this time around .....


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/30/10 at 12:38:06

jest kiddn'   we didn't have anything to do with any wrecks or deaths that weekend.

honest injun



Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/30/10 at 14:48:46

OF, take some straight pipes with you in case any of our boys shows up with a mouse fartin' stock muff.  Or charge a couple of battery packs and take that 16" long de-mouser drill.  We want them hurlies to know we're there.  elephant farts only.

Lancer, better take a box of jets after OF gets done.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 05/30/10 at 22:51:07

We need at least one stock lookin' bike to issue the insulting challenges with ....

.... mine would likely do.

"Hey, do you think you can keep up with a gray haired old man on this here little little bitty 'ol girly bike out on the Dragon, what wid that 1200cc fire breathing sportster of yours?   Keep up, dude -- if you can ...."

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 05/30/10 at 23:01:01

here's a better challenge...

'what a load of chrome, betcha can't out run that grey haired fat basterd on a moped over there'

sorry I won't be there for you to point me out.   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/31/10 at 11:37:30

54777F7D7E77777E691B0 wrote:

Did we ever spot the place we are going swimming yet?

I think there is a swimming hole somewhere near the 14th fairway. Then there is the indoor heated pool but it'll be too nice out to use that.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 05/31/10 at 15:34:19

Just checking in....23 days and counting. :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/01/10 at 18:41:11

427E7342796F7B777D7364160 wrote:
Just checking in....23 days and counting. :)

Toymaker, Your looking forward to this ride as much as I am ;D ;D My wife said she is tired of hearing me talk about it  >:(

Counting down the days with ya!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/01/10 at 20:10:36

I've been checking the load on my rig for this trip and I've got a LOT OF STUFF to haul! Granted I'm riding for 6-7 days, and still packing my camping gear as I'm coming back through the "land between the lakes" and Illinois' "Great River Road" but It sure looks like more than I intended! Oh, well, in for a dime-in for a dollar! As long as I get there and back. At least I'll have a backrest on the way down! I'll try to get pictures posted tomorrow if it doesn't rain! Leaving in 22 days!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/01/10 at 20:16:14


All this talk about giving the sportsters a run makes me want to put the Big Jet back in the carb.  At one point My Baby had a 160 main and only got mpg's in the low 40's ... but its exaust note had that DEEP note to it and it pulled really strong.

23 days and a 200 mile ride ,

BigZuk  , You think there are any Savage riders in the Suzuki Club that doin't know about the Dragon ride comming up ?  The more the better!

Ya'll think that "MOUNTAIN" water holes might be  "ccccccccoldddd"

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/02/10 at 02:17:48

MMR...yep..cccccccccccooooooolllllllddddd...but I did have that protective layer of fat installed for a reason....:)

21 days and counting  :)

Bigzuk......yep..I be ex-cited!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/02/10 at 07:43:13

Mountain swimming's always cold -- never stayed in a high mountains hotel where the pool was warm enough, not even in the peak of summer unless it was proudly displayed as a "heated pool".

It's that way on purpose - separates out the sissies.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/02/10 at 12:02:38

4E5C4E5C51424D404B030 wrote:

23 days and a 200 mile ride ,

BigZuk  , You think there are any Savage riders in the Suzuki Club that doin't know about the Dragon ride comming up ?  The more the better!

Ya'll think that "MOUNTAIN" water holes might be  "ccccccccoldddd"

I think me and SavageDML are the only ones in the Suzuki Owners Club smart enough to ride a Savage ;D

COLD!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, we just filled the kids pool (4'x15') today, it will need to set in the sun for a week or two before I get in it.

I hope them Hardley's don't "HOG" up all the camping space. As of now my Son will be there too on his little "V-twin" Yamaha....Please don't mistake it for a Hardly and blow him off the road ;D ;D


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/02/10 at 14:24:32

I still have room in my tent for some one if need be

Zuk what time do you think you will be pulling in

I am going to leave my house about 7 or 8 am
Baring any problems i should be there around noon


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/02/10 at 16:32:38

5C525B0407000403370 wrote:
Zuk what time do you think you will be pulling in

I am going to leave my house about 7 or 8 am
Baring any problems i should be there around noon


Noon sounds about right for Wed. That is if I can get Jesse out of the rack on time :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/02/10 at 18:17:52

I should be rolling in at about the same time. I think by 2pm at the latest.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/03/10 at 01:46:55

20 days and counting............

I don't know what time the "hole-in-the-wall gang" will arrive.  Sorta depends on what time we leave my abode.

Lancer...what day are you arriving at my house...6/22 afternoon or 6/23 morning?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/03/10 at 03:44:27

4A767B4A7167737F757B6C1E0 wrote:
20 days and counting............

I don't know what time the "hole-in-the-wall gang" will arrive.  Sorta depends on what time we leave my abode.

Lancer...what day are you arriving at my house...6/22 afternoon or 6/23 morning?

If I can pull it off, dealing with the my mate here on the home front, I will be there on 22/pm...but not quite sure yet.
Since Lancer II is not making the ride that adds a bit of flex to my schedule.
At this point it all depends on Mrs Lancer  ::) and how comfortable I can make her feel before I take off.

Today's focus is on some leftover work from the move & carb kit mod/assembly/setup for a couple of members.  Being in Virginia the past couple of weeks really put a crunch on some things, but it was sure nice to play with the baby Marine at that location.  :)  
He had his first birthday party the day after we arrived.  Babies everywhere !
I was trying to teach him to say "pawpaw" during our visit; it took a few days for him to catch on to it but then he started calling everyone pawpaw !  His mama and daddy were not too impressed with that one.  ;D  I thought it was halarious.  8-)
The little bugger sure likes his pawpaw and I am a wee  bit attached to him too.   Babies are great !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/03/10 at 05:33:39

Zuk and Al
We Might be able to get a run or 2 in before the ToyMaker Lodge group gets there...... I just replaced my old HD Pegs with some fresh ones and need to Get some rubber worn off to make them lighter....... ;)
and Help Al Get his bike off of the truck

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/03/10 at 05:43:30

4B454C1310171314200 wrote:
Zuk and Al
We Might be able to get a run or 2 in before the ToyMaker Lodge group gets there...... I just replaced my old HD Pegs with some fresh ones and need to Get some rubber worn off to make them lighter....... ;)
and Help Al Get his bike off of the truck

Sounds perfect! Just like last year, we can pre-run befor our friends in high places (room/AC/shower/fridg) get in. Maybe even have time to put up/hide our lowly tents :(

Bigzuk & Son (Jesse)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 06/03/10 at 05:47:36

Spent the day here yesterday. Is it as good as the Dragon? I scraped my pegs several times on the Ninja. Its a fun place and the guys I ride with want to go back.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/03/10 at 10:50:03

The Snake reminds me of Fontana hwy, the approach road to the Dragon.  Not as severe as the Dragon by any means.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/03/10 at 14:28:39

Here is a link to SavageDml's Video from last Year
Much better than the "Snake"

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/03/10 at 18:48:04

That snake ride looks easier than any road here in Madison Co. NC :)  The ride over doggett mtn. through Spring Creek and Hot Springs back to the house that I've broken my Son in on makes it look boring. ;)

If I can ever find a camera mount that won't shake I'll post video. The two I've got don't hold the camera well enough :(


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 06/03/10 at 19:08:31

That video of The Snake is deceiving. Its a very crooked mtn rd with several hairpins. I've ridden The Dragon but the last time I was up there was in  2002. Hope that changes in 3 weeks. I spent my summers growing up at the foot of Mt Mitchell on highway 80. Thats where I learned to ride. Anyone ever ridden highway 80? Its one of the best roads in NC.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/03/10 at 19:14:20

Hey oldfeller, what was that goat path you took us on when we were heading to the dragon?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/03/10 at 19:22:10

Looks good to me! Makes my runs through river country look like a 4 lane highway by comparison. I'm looking forward to the ride to get there almost as much as the destination! So much to see along the way and back. If I'm not ready for this by the time I get there it won't be for lack of opportunities to practice!  :)
Made the final modifications on my new bag and took it out for a test run.
Changing the oil tomorrow and putting the seat tilt modification back on, then off to find some twisties to get some practice in! Yessir, the time is getting close!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/03/10 at 19:30:18

Southpaw, yes we all need to practice.   Safe means practice.   I too am trying to get my curves all back in place and my mind all nice and sharp for the trip.

Al, the goat path I took you all down was the intersection of the Blue Ridge Parkway and Hwy 276 near the little burg of Cruso, NC.

We stopped by the Cruso general store where I picked up my tube of Walmart Neosporin to goop up my 6" scrape from when I lost the XV535 on those hideous little goat track turns a couple of 3-4 years ago.

An excellent example of a deadly little piece of dynamite carved unimproved logging trail that got paved at one time or another and turned into a chunk of state supported highway.

I still think fondly of it from time to time ....


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/03/10 at 19:54:10


That part of 276 is a cool ride, done it a few times even in my high centered 4x4 not as much fun but a lot of wear & tear on the steering wheel ;D ;D

That road is like many of the ones here in Madison Co. You are correct, old logging roads that got paved. And thank the good Lord for them, they are so much fun, and I'm blessed to live in the middle of so many.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/04/10 at 01:36:52

19 days and counting..........


let's ride

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/04/10 at 14:03:08

I was out in the yard this morning trying to get a large broken branch off the tree that shades my deck.  When the branch finally let go, it fell on me of course (as I dove to get out of the way and plowed my hand and arm into the ground).

Dr. says my right shoulder was mildly dislocated and I have some brusing and a possible mild rotor cuff tear.  Arm is mobile and the pain is relatively mild. so he says I may be able to still go on the trip if a checkup Monday before the trip looks good.  

Me, I'm still planning to go.   You don't let little things get in the way of Dragon time.

Slate me for a bottom bunk and let's hope the shoulder joint recovers good during the 19 days remaining until Dragon time.   If not it might slow me down a tad (have to run at the back of the pack)  but I will still be there.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/04/10 at 16:17:01

That's the way to man up dude!
I sure hope you get over this setback in time for the ride. If you need company at the back of the pack, I'll ride with you, I'm still haveing left sholder problems from the cancer opperation & I'll be with my newbe Son. So front or rear of the pack is OK as long as we ride ;D ;D


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/04/10 at 17:44:34

Cancer, dislocated shoulders, other type small stuff ...

What is your excuse gentle reader?  

Why aren't you going to be there on the 26th for the big party?

It's too far?  
Let's see - Verslagen made it from California last year, is it further than that?

It takes too long?  
Folks like Al have driven for 2 days before just to get here, then rode hard for 3 and drove back for 2 days.   He'll be back this year, too.

It's too dangerous?
Saturday and Sunday are being preserved as PG rated days with NO DANGEROUS RIDES PLANNED.   Surely you can deal with that?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/04/10 at 17:55:04

And OF should serve as a warning t'y'all
ease up on the house work for awhile
think before you put your bike ridin' in jeopardy.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/04/10 at 18:29:24

I'll be pulling up the my friend Phil with his Rocket 3 will be there too.  So'll be in good company

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/04/10 at 18:42:54

You can't all be in the back.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/04/10 at 19:29:19

010C020256600 wrote:
You can't all be in the back.

What's the old saying...If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes!   ;D

I'm not sure where I'll fit in the pack, but if I'm holdin' ya back, just come on around. I'll find ya back! As I'm sure a few of them roadsters will find out, it's hard to look impressive from the ditch!  ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/04/10 at 19:48:32

053923223E263721560 wrote:
[quote author=010C020256600 link=1227970821/915#928 date=1275702174]You can't all be in the back.

What's the old saying...If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes!   ;D

I'm not sure where I'll fit in the pack, but if I'm holdin' ya back, just come on around. I'll find ya back! As I'm sure a few of them roadsters will find out, it's hard to look impressive from the ditch!  ;)[/quote]

Good points. ;)
If you come, you will find a place in the Savage pack. No one needs to over ride the road, we will all end at the same place even if some get there before others. :) :)  The tail of the dragon doesn't have a ditch, it has rocks, trees, or nothing for several feet down.......then rocks and trees to hit. ;D ;D


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/04/10 at 19:53:12

There were two serious crashes while we were there last year. Neither of them involved anyone from our group and I want to keep it that way this year too. Oh and my new (non darkside) rear tire is on so I just have to change the oil and filter and I'll be ready to roll.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/05/10 at 02:09:53

Last year being dead last bike wasn't a prize position as you got to listen to the front tires on Al's purty white truck howl & growl going 'round the turns about 40-50 feet behind you ...  cheeze, there's a meatgrinder a' coming up behind me, especially on the downhills.  

It wuz skeery, even from inside the truck sometimes.

I can be third from the back, that's OK.  Just means if I get lost somebody will notice.  And that's a good thing as the ones in front don't always see or notice the activity a turn or so behind them.  Toymaker can ride clean up position as the likelyhood of him going down is quite slim since he lives up there.

4:30 AM
Drugs wore off during the night -- I am some more SORE this morning.


6:30 AM
Made it through the shower and the shave and the dressing and the shoes and the clipping the seat belt and I made it all the way in to work, where I am sitting & grinning waiting for my little pills to kick in.

Shoulder stuff shure does suck -- I am being reminded of what it was like to recover from open shoulder surgery on the left one a couple of years ago.   It wuz a half year of constant pain and various types of immobility.   I worked for Goodyear back then and Goodyear would not permit you to be on site and take any form of prescription drugs that said "drowsy" on the label -- I cheated a bit on occasion I do believe.

I am gonna get all better in the next few weeks and just live with whatever remains after the healing is over -- I ain't going thru that open shoulder stuff again, sorry, nosiree bob, nana, noway.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/06/10 at 03:58:16

17 days and counting............

Hey hole-in-the-wall Gang......things going to be busy at my abode...New roof going on and new carpet being if there is a mess, please excuse it....


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/06/10 at 04:29:20

7D414C7D46504448424C5B290 wrote:
17 days and counting............

Hey hole-in-the-wall Gang......things going to be busy at my abode...New roof going on and new carpet being if there is a mess, please excuse it....


What mess ? ?   That sounds like normal daily activity to me ?
Just so long as the workers don't take all the coffee  before I get up at 5 am.   :D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/06/10 at 06:12:15

there will be plenty ' coffee....I wouldn"t do THAT to anyone....much less you, Lancer

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by the haz on 06/06/10 at 08:56:00

Just got back from N.C. but will be back July 19.  Sorry I'll miss the ride but I'll be thinking about the crazies.  Traffic last week was not bad at all.  Economy killing travel I think. :o

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/06/10 at 16:19:32

Has any one heard from savageDML?

Toyman........ Sounds like my house 365 a year... the honey DO seems to never end with Honey Done


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/06/10 at 16:28:23

Best rattle his email and PM him, time is rapidly creeping up on us.

Who else either went last year or expressed an interest in going this time?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/07/10 at 01:28:58

I have talked to SavageDML and he said that he hoped to come.  Said something about escrow on new house...but he said he wanted to come.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/08/10 at 02:17:31

15 days and counting! :) ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/10 at 00:22:04

OK, everybody go take a close eyeball oggle at your front brake pads.


Dragon run is hard on your brakes and we had a total pad wear out (blue rotor) last trip because it got missed on the pre-trip inspection.

Get them Scooters ready !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/09/10 at 02:00:12

14 days and counting..... year is about over...last morning of getting up at 5 am......yippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/09/10 at 05:29:47

4F737E4F7462767A707E691B0 wrote:
14 days and counting..... year is about over...last morning of getting up at 5 am......yippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

now you can sleep in until 530 before you start getting up to check the bikes over and over and over........   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/09/10 at 13:57:04

thank you for the time update....:)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/09/10 at 18:08:03

Trying out all the equipment for shakedown time. Even tried out the old Joe Rocket Ballistic jacket after the rainstorm this morning. Pretty good ventilation for a textile with rain protection and it got up to 88 today. Just don't want to roast myself on the way down! Time's a' flying!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/11/10 at 03:15:02

11 days and counting......

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/11/10 at 11:24:25

Old dude rode down from NC this morning to pick up a piston and cylinder but did not stay very long; needed to get back to take the Mrs out to dinner to compensate for being gone all day riding.

Unfortunately, he had to leave about  30 minutes too soon.

Old Feller, just after you left REX came roaring back to life.
Yes my friends, REX LIVES ! ! !
And he breathes fire and belches thunder ... and no, there was no smoke out this time.

The power pulses coming from the exhaust just behind the muffler are noticeably more powerful than before.  I think I am going to like this.      8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/10 at 14:01:40

Rex has now ignited gasoline without stopping to smoke a quart.

Book is now biased 10:1 in favor of Rex's success, with the long odds contra game being "reliability" -- he has to ride it to Toymaker's from Lexington to close the book on this particular bet.

Odds on reliability (given 11 days to find and fix any issues that pop up before leaving) are 10:1 that REX will make it to Toymaker's.

Odds are even that some issue will come up during the trip that requires some form of adjustment/tuning since it is in essence a "new ride".

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/10 at 14:35:35

56757D7F7C75757C6B190 wrote:
Odds are even that some issue will come up during the trip that requires some form of adjustment/tuning since it is in essence a "new ride".

You'd loose that bet even with the stockers that may show up in droves on Saturday for the town hall meeting.

Lancer, cheers to you and Rex.  Rip it up for me.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/10 at 15:27:22

Hey, I'm makin' book here, I'm not rooting for or against, it's YOUR wager either way.  

I just drove down to pick up some parts, if that put Lancer in his garage all morning long waiting for me, well -- he had to do somethin' to kill the time now didn't he?

Besides, I had to find out if I was up for a long motorcycle trip.  I find I am more beat up, older and fatter than I was last time.   Based on pain and stiffness, I think the 12-14 hr return trip back from the Dragon is gonna suck REALLY big time by the time it is over ....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/11/10 at 15:55:46

that is why Toymaker's Resort is so nice....nice bed, good food and the pool awaits..  BTW...New carpet arrives this ypou'll even get the "new carpet smell and feel betwen your toesies...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/11/10 at 16:12:16

0F333E0F3422363A303E295B0 wrote:
that is why Toymaker's Resort is so nice....nice bed, good food and the pool awaits..  BTW...New carpet arrives this ypou'll even get the "new carpet smell and feel betwen your toesies...

I bet that Mrs Toy likes the idea of new carpet coming to the homestead.

Next issue for REX is which set of forks/brakes/wheels he will have on him.  I have the GS650 dual disc that has had caliper to disc fitment problems, the GS550 single caliper/disc that does work fairly well but remains to be seen if it will really haul it down from speed, and then a stock fork/brakes/wheel in the wings just in case.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/10 at 20:55:50

You'd like Lancer's garage -- big toy store for Savages.

"Hmmmm, which front end shall I use this time?"

"Let's see, I can use that fuel line/filter system or that one --- ooh, if I cut both of them here I can put the front and back halves together at the filter and it will reach here and give me a split to do this ....."

A happy Dr. Frankenstein, puttering about putting his monster together yet again "for the very first time".

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/12/10 at 05:14:49

well in 9 days OF and I will see "Rex" come alive....I hope

10 days and counting..................

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/12/10 at 05:29:07

Hoping to get the front brake issue worked out today

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/13/10 at 09:31:58

Gots me a question -- who is packing a full set of tools?   I got reminded this past weekend just how useless the stock tool kit is when something simple needs tweeking or adjusting.

I got no room to pack much beyond a change or three of clothes, a first aid kit and a little water bottle sized "gas can" and the remaining room I got left would be either some tools or a little camera.

We need some tools on the trip but we don't need 3 different full sets of tools in the group, if you catch what I mean.   I know we have Al's truck coming so mebbe we can talk Al into packing a tool box in the truck and that leaves the rest of us a little extra room to carry other stuff.

Lancer is gonna have to travel real light this time since he is riding on Rex and Rexxy is all sleek and nekkid (done been dieting, she has).

Rain gear likely needs to come along unless you take the tract that getting wet just feels real good for a few minutes until it all evaporates.  I may just get wet -- rain gear is optional to me as long as I have on long sleeves and a full face helmet to keep the big rain drops from beating me to death.

Al, we each need to pack a long sleeve tee shirt for the later days as both of us will be well sun burned by then.   I will be packing some sun block, but you know how that goes .....

(oops, I forgot to put sun block on this morning, I'm toast already)

Everybody should remember that anything bigger than a $20 is hard to break up at the mountain country stores that we always stop at.

What else do we need to remind each other about?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/13/10 at 10:28:23


The GAp Store will not let ya use Debit or CC if under $5.00
Money for AL for The Tee shirts he was good enough to take care of this year... could you post the Price list agin for us
POOR AL.... just becouse he has his truck he gets volenteered to do a lot......  :DWE LOVE YOU AL :D


Any one coming from Georgia besides me?
I will be leaving Calhoun Wendsday the 23rd about Daylight 30 or so    
That will put me at the Gap Motel around 10:00 or 11:00

NOTE: Cost is Based on LAst year's Gas Prices

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/14/10 at 08:53:49

6E636D6D390F0 wrote:

AL I need to know about the teeShirt prices

Okay here's what I have for t-shirts  that I will be bringing down with me.

MMRanch              1 large gray short sleeve 10.00
                          1 large gray long sleeve   12.00

Bigzuk                 1 xl gray short sleeve 10.00
                          1 xl gray long sleeve  12.00

Toymaker             1 xl black s/s 12.00
                          1 xl black l/s   15.00

Kel                       1 lg gray s/s 10.00

Lancer                   1 xl black l/s  15.00

southpaw               1 med gray s/s 10.00

If anyone else wants one I can still make up a few more. I'll try to keep the prices the same but may have to charge a little bit more as I will be getting the shirts locally instead of through the mail (with bulk discount).


Found IT

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/14/10 at 11:10:41

I don't have alot of tools but I should be able to pack the essential tools. ratchet set, combination wrench set, a couple of screwdrivers, pliers, vise grips, wire ties, duct tape.....anything else?

I have a big bag of charcoal and some lighter fluid for the grill. I'm gonna try to take the coffee maker with me too. That would be better than making one cup at a time. I'm making a list so if anyone wants me to pack something, let me know and I'll see what I can do about it.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by serenity3743 on 06/15/10 at 05:21:54

Al, Can you put me down for a large gray short sleeve?  $10.00 payable at the campsite.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/15/10 at 05:26:49

8 days and counting..................


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/15/10 at 05:40:13

Serenity, did you ever finish talking Babyhog into coming?

Since you are going to the big meet and are buying a shirt from Al I'll just leave your resurfaced rocker arms with him to give to you.   That will mean I get to sleep an extra hour on Tuesday since I have to work Monday night.

and it means there is an extra reason for you to make to THE BIG BASH ....  hee hee hee   ;D   ;D

Monday's forcast is in  FAIR & SUNNY, highs in mid 80's

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/15/10 at 06:30:05

okay serenity3743, You got it. I'll see you in about a week.  WooHoo!!!!!


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/15/10 at 07:01:20

Here's the forcast for 6/23 & 6/24 for the fontana dam area. Got if off yahoo weather.

Jun 23
Mostly Sunny
High 91°F
Low 68°F
Precip 10 %
Jun 24
Partly Cloudy
High 88°F
Low 66°F
Precip 20 %

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 06/15/10 at 08:23:29

How am I supposed to hide in the bushes and film the good stuff if everyone knows I'll be there?   8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/15/10 at 11:13:00

Those of you staying at Toymaker's Resort, the leisure staff has informed me that the swimming pool is nice and has reached optimal "ride destressing" temperature of 85 degrees.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/15/10 at 16:45:52

Babyhog, I think they are gonna do the good stuff if you are there or not, so you might as well enjoy yourself.

Chiggers & ticks out in them there bushes -- It's OK, you can come on in out of the cold.

Make yourself at home at the campfire and hold another cold one

(temporarily of course, they evaporate so fast)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/16/10 at 03:08:06

Hey you guys, I'm not gonna have to worry about getting attacked by a bigfoot am I? There are alot af those bigfoots out there in the woods of N.C. Should I bring my Bigfoot gun?
Knobby, the Bigfoot of Upper Cleveland County, North Carolina, has returned to familiar surroundings.

The area around Carpenter's Knob was famous for more than a dozen Bigfoot sightings in the late 1970s. The sightings attracted international attention and researchers and the curious descended on the area around Casar to search for the elusive hominid.

But then the sightings stopped.

Until now.

Recent witness and self-described "mountain man" Timothy Peeler describes seeing a man-like beast that stood over 10 feet tall, with dark hair and a long gray beard. It grunted and screeched like a "night bird.”

North Carolina was also the setting of a 2009 sighting by Mike Greene that yielded thermal video footage known as “The Squeaky Thermal.” Greene obtained the mysterious video images by leaving his camera unattended in the woods and baiting the location with food and small toys, including Zagnut bars and squeaking bathtub toys, hence the name "Squeaky."

The Cleveland County Sheriff's office says Bigfoot sightings in the area are few and far between.

That may be about to change.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/16/10 at 09:11:29

THIS TIME NEXT WEEK...... 12:00pm I SHOULD EATHER BE THEAR OR BE PULLING IN....................... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Tee time is @ 2pm my clubs got calibrated last weekend... they are good for 50yds with a 20deg lateral movement to the right after 6beers
30 to 40Deg after 12  :o

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/16/10 at 19:40:54

Well getting down to crunch time and starting to cull and replace things in my pack as "necessary", "might need", and "what was I thinking?". What all does the cabin have and camp store have? Closest place for beer and soda or does that need to be "imported"? Seen old feller's list, that's a good start, raingear etc. already factored. (I hope) Help a newbee out...What else am I forgetting? The itch is getting STRONGER!!! 6 days and counting!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/16/10 at 20:21:00

Let's see, I just have two small saddle bags to pack into.

I always pack new pants, bathing suit, underwear, socks, long and short sleeve shirts, toothbrush, tooth paste, razor, required medications, sunblock, lots of cash money, wallet with charge card.  Cell phone.  Small camera.

Two 12 mm wrenches (clutch adjust) one 10mm wrench, adjustable wrench, phillips screwdriver.

First aid kit, pain meds, extra footpegs, quart of oil, water bottle of spare gas.

Optional (if room exists) is rainsuit, spare shoes.

Fully a quarter of what I pack is for other people, in case of man down or break down.  The first aid kit has a lot of neosporin, pain meds, sterile wraps and ace bandages in it.  It is a road rash kit, basically.

I intentionally wear stronger, thicker padded shoes as peg vibration, leg fatigue and such is minimized by doing so.

The most useless thing I pack is the cell phone, but my wife insists that I charge it and take it and call her whenever I have a signal so she can tell me how much she hates me going off on these "suicide trips".  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/16/10 at 20:30:27

Robinsville/Stecoah/Fontana Dam

Monday through Friday

Sunny to partly cloudy. Highs around 90. Lows in the lower 60s.

Lookin' good on the weather !!!


The apartment has everything in it a hotel room does, plus a kitchen and cookware.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by buttgoat1 on 06/17/10 at 09:32:59

I asm jealous of you guys, I was hoping that my schedule would open back up, but it looks like it ain't. :(
between family and work, I might not see daylight (figuratively) for a while

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/17/10 at 09:49:35

Hey guys,

 Storm knocked out our internet, doing this at library :P If you leave me pm's or e-mails I probably won't get them before sometime Friday! Guess I spend more time riding before work today! 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/10 at 00:48:31

Weather has been downgraded to "partly cloudy" on one system and "isolated thunderstorms" on another.

Hey, is that news to us that it is gonna spontaneously rain occasionally up there in the mountains?

This afternoon after work I will pack the saddle bags .... then I work 4 days straight in a row then I get up and RIDE !!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/18/10 at 07:52:32

To Day is my LAST DAY OF WORK.............

I will spend the next few days getting ready......

I have posted my rout and ETA of arival and Have BigZuk and MMRanch Cell Numbers saved from last year Hope they still work.
Guss I should call them and see.
I guess I am making the trip from Ga alone. noone has contacted me about a meet up

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/10 at 08:13:29

I am driving across NC alone.

Lancer is coming up from SC alone.

We got two additional coming from NC for the party Saturday that weren't planned for all along.

Beyond that, it's jest us chickens ...

Wednesday evening we'll have drink a few and plan what sort of trouble we are gonna specialize in this time ....  can't go Tennessee side so we'll have to go to the NC side for our amusements.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/18/10 at 11:12:35

This is who I think is coming:

Bigzuk Jr
Triumph Phil (friend of Toymaker's)

Is there any I have missed.

I talked with SavageDML and he doesn't think he'll make it this year.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 06/18/10 at 11:32:17

My long distance riding buddy is coming up with me. His name is Charles. He rides a Harley so Oldfellar you be easy on him LOL  ::) He is not a wanna be, he's the real deal. We have done several 600mi days together, three 400mi days so far this year. He's in his mid 60's, the old man can ride.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/18/10 at 11:51:53

You might check with MMRanch as I thought he was talking about having someone meet us and ride out Thursday. I'm wimping out on the first leg of my trip and bringing the bike on my truck to MMRanch's place Wed., then riding out Thurs. with him the last 200 miles. Wasn't sure how spry I was going to be on the dragon when I needed it most, after riding 600 miles in 2 days to get there. Wouldn't want to add to the tree of shame just because of a balky knee or back! Also buys me a day on the return trip if needed! The throttle wrist is twitching, time must be getting close! :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/18/10 at 23:33:55

Southpaw hit the nail on the head.

we are picking up one of my brothers in north ga on the way to the dragon.   he rides a V-65 but lives in the north ga area so he should be able to keep up , I'm going to make him work at it at least once.

We should be there late thursday afternoon or  early evening , doint want to miss a tent spot.

Kel I saw where you called but it was after 10 pm so I didn't call back yet. I've been repairing tractor hydrolics and getting the last of the hay up so I'll be "FREE"  next week.  should finnish up tomorrow, YeeeeHaaaa.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/10 at 02:01:10

Check your shocks to see if your pre-load point shifted on when you hit that big bump a month or so ago ....

They likes to do that on you when you least expect it.

 (even preload settings make for good cornering)

We gots us several VRS's in the group, so we need to be mindful of how quickly we use them up ....

;D   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/19/10 at 02:37:31

REX was out for a road test yesterday.  All is well and is road worthy but a lot of tweaking is needed of course.  No leaks so far ... well except for the gas that went on the ground when I started to put gas in the tank before hooking up the fuel lines to the carb.   :D
I will be out for little more riding this morning and shake it down.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/10 at 13:28:51

Them boys back of the Gap Hotel done been playing with them old beat up mountain bikes and them jump ramps again ....

......  your turn is next !!!


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/21/10 at 05:40:07

Anyone hitting the road today? I'm heading out first thing tomorrow morning, camping for one night in Virginia, then arriving at deals gap sometime after lunch on wednsday for an afternoon round of golf with Kel. I have Toymakers phone number so if anything comes up, I'll get in touch with him.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/21/10 at 07:16:12

Hey Al, I'll be here or Mrs. T will be.  stay safe on the road.  Seeya weds. :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/21/10 at 11:43:02

Man I cant wait.....

oil changed
New Spark plug,  going to advust valves while I got the tank off
go through and put a wrench on all bolts
Wash and Wax in the am
ten is airing out
air is good,  tread is good
bereaks are good
BEER on ice
Need to know around a bout how much in the kitty for groceries?

AM heading out on wed 7:00 ish

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/21/10 at 13:45:46

Geeze, Kel I don't know about the kitty....depends on how many are there I suppose.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/21/10 at 14:34:42

Tomorrow ...  tomorrow ....

..... is only a snooze away

Let's see,  Gap Hotel is gonna cost like what $25-30 a night (depending on which nights you are talking about, some nights are full up, some are missing one-two beds full)

I'm buying Kentucky Fried Crow for everyone at Toymaker's on Tuesday night (assuming Rex shows up rolling on his own two wheels driven by his own engine)  so between the hotel and the crow meat that's $100.

I don't think you could eat more than $20-30 worth of groceries a day split between us  ....  (we actually bought way too much food last time, it all got left at Toymaker's when we got back and likely got thrown away after we were all gone).

Beer cost -- that's the big variable $$$

(Toymaker, you did remember to call and verify our reservation, right?)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/21/10 at 15:46:57


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by bill67 on 06/21/10 at 16:25:25

Well go get the trailer and pick him up. ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 06/21/10 at 16:36:49

232E212C2A3D7D784F0 wrote:

I hope you run fast.   :o

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/22/10 at 01:45:44

And, on my last post before getting dressed and hitting the road ...

.... a prayer for mechanical reliability and human safety

"Oh Lord, let the bikes hold together on this long long trip.
Let the crazy people in the cars stay at home this week and let the crazy people on the motorcycles ride safely.
Please let the oil spots evaporate and the leaves and sand all blow off the road before we get there.
Keep us safe, Lord
This we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ"

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/22/10 at 02:51:10

Okay I'm all loaded up and ready to roll. See ya'll in a couple days.
I love road trips  ;D


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/22/10 at 04:49:57

And so it starts!!!!



Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/22/10 at 10:14:09

Bigzuk and Yamakid (son Jesse) bikes all shined up, oil changed, tires aired up, loose bolts checked, all by noon, wow I'm ahead of normal schedule! ;D ;D

Pack'n duds, grub, camping & ride'n gear now, we will be ready before dark today. I don't know how to act with nothing to do in the morning but get on the bike and RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-)

We should be at Deals Gap around 11'ish Wed. :) :) ;D ;D 8-) 8-)

Bikzuk & Yamakid

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/22/10 at 11:26:57

Well OF and I are exchanging war stories and will be leaving tomorrow at 9...

Lancer and Triumph Phil (Friend of mine) will make a party of 4

See all you dragon riders soon

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/22/10 at 11:43:19

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

Guess what's for dinner tonight at Toymaker's House !!!    

Kentucky Fried Crow is on the menu boys and girls -- hot fresh "the other dark meat" !!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/22/10 at 21:09:36

Loaded up tonight after work, should hit the road tomorrow morning. Got a bit of a shock call that my brother went in for minor surgery related to his cancer treatment, but doesn't think it will change anything. Bit of a damper on an already restless night! Next stop MMRanch and Co.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/23/10 at 04:12:32

REX is being stubborn; after 3 good days of test rides there is a sudden problem   :-?  
....went to borrow my sons bike and turns out it does not have a current tag   :-[  
then got in the car to go home and it was dead   >:(

some days are just more blessed than others......................

Will work on REX again today and hopefully will find the problem so as not to miss too much of the ride.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/23/10 at 08:47:05

Amen , OF.

Time to start "Loading the Bike".   Yeaaaaaaaaaa.

Leaving after breakfast with Southpaw in the morning , should see ya'll late thursday afternoon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 06/24/10 at 12:49:55

Packed and ready. Serenity and I are rollin in the morning.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/10 at 15:58:37

First day "guys unwinding" video discussing some of the damage done to various parts hanging off sides and bottoms of the various bikes ....


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/26/10 at 03:04:02

dang......wish I was there

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/26/10 at 03:49:15

Yeah, listen to him -- he was there all right.   Playing Babyhog with us is what he was doing ....

Lancer was seen riding around on Rex by all of us at one time or another -- I saw him escaping from the Tennessee Highway Patrol by running around the lower edge of the rock slide on the goat path that the dirt bike boys had mapped out so they can still get to the convenience mart on the far side of the rock slide that sells the real cheap Tennessee taxed gas.

We all saw you alright buddy -- you is BUSTED !!!   You can tell your wife anything you want to keep yourself out of the doghouse, but we all saw you showing off on that helicopter green painted naked REX with the military markings all over it.   Just because you wore a tinted full face helmet, you didn't fool any of us.

Deal's Gap Lodge only has three rules they try to enforce at the Dragon

No Wheelies -- No Stoppies -- No Burn Outs

.... and I personally saw Lancer running the Skyway about 2:00 pm on Thursday just as the dark rain clouds were rolling over the top straight edge of the mountain top ridge and he was doing a series of little power wheelies as he was shifting up his gears -- he passed me at over 90 mph (I wuz at 85, so I know he was doing better than 90).  

And I think it was Toymaker that saw what you did on the loading ramp at Deal's Gap on Wednesday evening.   And Rocket Phil was right amazed that it turns out that we know you (you know him as the old dude on the massive red in-line Triumph that you blew off drag racing down the Fontana Village Inn parking lot at Wednesday about dusk).

You were seen too many times by too many people to get away with your prevaricating nonsense -- cry innocent all you want, it ain't gonna play against the number and variety of times you were seen by the various members of the group.

;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/27/10 at 03:09:37

Reeeeport !~!!

Say out loud in decending order ....

 "I made it back home OK wid only XX scratches on my XX from them nasty blackberry canes a reaching out from the unmaintained edges of the skyway seeking out my tender flesh as I laid waaaaay over in that there turn ...."

Or did the Dragon eat all of yew ??

(they must have had a good time since they ain't home yet, not any of them)

Title: Personal improvement poll
Post by Oldfeller on 06/27/10 at 03:43:56

You can click on as many buttons as you want to vote for all the things that apply to your trip experience.

This is the 2010 post trip polling post, so delete the sucker after it is over so as to not screw up the heading for the rest of the long multi year listing

Understand this 2010 Dragon Run was the first time we did it as a two part affair ....

.... first part was the experienced riders tearing up the road in unregulated riding.

.... second part was "safe" group rides at a more controlled pace.

so do expect a little variation in the results from the two groups.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/27/10 at 04:01:58

14373F3D3E37373E295B0 wrote:

Yeah, listen to him -- he was there all right.   Playing Babyhog with us is what he was doing ....

Lancer was seen riding around on Rex by all of us at one time or another -- I saw him escaping from the Tennessee Highway Patrol by running around the lower edge of the rock slide on the goat path that the dirt bike boys had mapped out so they can still get to the convenience mart on the far side of the rock slide that sells the real cheap Tennessee taxed gas.

We all saw you alright buddy -- you is BUSTED !!!   You can tell your wife anything you want to keep yourself out of the doghouse, but we all saw you showing off on that helicopter green painted naked REX with the military markings all over it.   Just because you wore a tinted full face helmet, you didn't fool any of us.

Deal's Gap Lodge only has three rules they try to enforce at the Dragon

No Wheelies -- No Stoppies -- No Burn Outs

.... and I personally saw Lancer running the Skyway about 2:00 pm on Thursday just as the dark rain clouds were rolling over the top straight edge of the mountain top ridge and he was doing a series of little power wheelies as he was shifting up his gears -- he passed me at over 90 mph (I wuz at 85, so I know he was doing better than 90).  

And I think it was Toymaker that saw what you did on the loading ramp at Deal's Gap on Wednesday evening.   And Rocket Phil was right amazed that it turns out that we know you (you know him as the old dude on the massive red in-line Triumph that you blew off drag racing down the Fontana Village Inn parking lot at Wednesday about dusk).

You were seen too many times by too many people to get away with your prevaricating nonsense -- cry innocent all you want, it ain't gonna play against the number and variety of times you were seen by the various members of the group.

;D   ;D   ;D

So REX in STEALTH MODE now is he? ?  

Able to blend according to his surroungdings to escape detection like a chameleon does he ? ?

Oh so swift  ? ?  ah yes ........ when he decides to start that is.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/27/10 at 06:49:55

OK, Lancer is still protesting his innocence --- who else saw him?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/27/10 at 08:34:25

Well Toymaker checking in...and I saw REX  jump two cars next to the loading dock...

Now for the bad news.

Saturday evening the ole dragon bit me....on a straightaway no less....I have a fair case of road rash but nothing brokem and really only a bruised ego.

Bike is fully covered so after this I'll call GEICO and have a talk with the lizard.

Because I'm evil!!! (inside joke)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/27/10 at 09:18:00

OK, that's not good -- you were the one being all Mr. Safety this weekend too !!!

How bad was the bike?    How many square inches of road rash did you get and where all is it located?

Was anybody else other than you bunged up after I left?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/27/10 at 11:53:46

I called Toymaker and got the skinny on what happened.  Saturday he was close to the overlook when he hit a small patch of gravel that had been thrown on the road by a car kicking it off the side of the shoulder and he went down going less than 30 mph.  

He wasn't in a turn per se and he had just passed a cop so he was both distracted and he was going pretty durn slow.  

His left arm is skinned up all the way up to the shoulder but Neosporin is taking care of it.  His bike is also skinned up pretty good but he has comprehensive insurance that should pay to have it fixed.   He rode the bike back to Granite Falls on Sunday AM and it ran OK, so damage is all cosmetic.

He says Momma sez he can come back next year .....  so he will recover OK after all.

Serenity busted the end off his clutch cable on Saturday and Big Zuk completely wore out his rear tire (white cord showing) so they went down to the local bike emporium to get a clutch cable and a new tire.

:o   :o   :o   :o        (Durn, Big Zuk had thread left on his tire when I left Friday AM,   the Dragon must have ate it all)

It sounds like the "safe" easy going Friday Saturday Sunday wound up being a bit more than a cruise in the park after all.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/27/10 at 11:55:50

Not that I know of.  We Savages had one GREAT weeked...

As for square inches of R.R...all left side stuff....shoulder caught a little, upper arm..3 sq inches...lower left....pretty much all the way down..

Left knee (the one with the broken miniscus)

Left foot...stretched the "puller upper tendon" so shifting in VERY painful

I guess when I broke the floorboard in half, the bike trapped my foot in the slide....ouchie

All fixable and healable...


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/27/10 at 14:19:28

Bigzuk and Yamakid checking in, we got home about noon. Just in time for Yamamkid to miss his sweetie going out of town for a week ;D

We both had a great time!!!!!!!!!!
I was joken' Friday about how much better I might do the dragon with tire tread....Had no idea how stupid I was rideing that hard on so little tire :(  Good thing I promised the wife I'd take it easy so Yamakid would come home safe. That new tire makes me faster :) We had lots of harley rolling road blocks, but after the new tire, Yamakid and I got held up Sat. pm by a motard and a squid bike 8-)

Toymaker, sorry we ran off and left you Sat. pm and wasn't there to help when you had your bad luck :(

We knew we had the road to ourself after the two Tenn. troopers flew past being outrun off the hill by Rex. Those poor troopers looked all night for that little green streak.

Lancer, thanks to you they keep checking every Savage at Deals gap for fresh paint (over green) and kwick attach fenders and parts.

Yamakid said he had a great time and wants to do it again. He didn't have any problems keeping up with everyone except Lancer and Rex, they were the only thing that scared him more than the bear I almost hit, and the snake that I did hit. :o

Bigzuk & Yamakid

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 06/27/10 at 15:01:41

Midnightrider checkin in. I'm ready to go back!!!!!! Liked to have cooked comin home down I 40. Mrs Midnights supper sure taste good. Its great to be able to put a face to a name now. Great bunch of guys!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/27/10 at 16:19:21

Big Zuk, are you saying you almost hit a patrolman?    And you did actually hit a lawyer?   Did you kill him?

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

Good job mashing on that there snake and I'm glad you managed to miss hitting 'ol Smokey the Bear !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 06/27/10 at 17:06:38

The best thing about the whole trip was not a single lie was told the whole time I was up there  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/27/10 at 17:12:24

Yep, I agree....not a single lie.......nope not a one..:)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/27/10 at 17:51:26

Kel Checkin in
Stoped by MMRanch's brothers house on the way home...

No problems on the way home

I saw REX doing wheelies all the way up wheelie hill on friday.......
Hadf a great time. time to start planning next year


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/28/10 at 03:38:34


Zuk and you were discussing other places and you guys stopped and looked at some other camping/hotel sites.

Throw the discussion wide open to other places (Zuk mentioned the Asheville area around his place) and lets see what shakes out of the discussion.

We keep going back to the Deals Gap Lodge because it has camping and hotel rooms and a restaurant all at the same place (some of us will be staying in a room because of beds & bad backs, etc) and it is very close to the Dragon.   This combo does exist in other places as we continuously ride further and further out each time we go  ...

One thing that does not exist so much as you get further away from the Dragon general area is the permissive attitude towards running 75 mph in a 40 zone.   For example the Cherochola Skyway is posted 40 most of the upper stretch of it and I don't think any of us went that slow the entire time we were on it.

Face it, the entire Dragon area is a bike "free speeding zone" and that gets severely restricted out in normal civilized parts of NC and Tennessee.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/28/10 at 06:20:47

Checking in. I rolled into my driveway at 8AM monday. Just about 25 hours. I took a couple breaks for naps equalling about 4 or 5 hours total. I got a speeding ticket in virginia for 78 in a 65 bit that was my only problem.

I checked my camera and for some reason none of the pictures came out of all the biker girls flashing Lancer and Rex. I know i took at least 100 pictures of girls flashing rex but its the darnest thing.

Well. I have to go unpack the truck, shower, and get a nap. I'll post pictures and maybe some video later.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/28/10 at 06:31:37

Hey Al, now wait a minute, I got a photo of four of the girls showing their "treasure" to Rex...


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/28/10 at 08:34:52


No wonder Lancer keep running past Deals Gap with sireens like that I'd run too! ;D ;D

And yes, you are very evil 8-)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/28/10 at 08:41:30


Think back on it real carefully ....  when you saw Lancer racing up the loading ramp and jumping over those two cars -- was he simply trying to escape the amorous embrace of his female fans?

And are you SURE those were cars he jumped over?   Could they have been spandex clad sirens what had been bowled over and done fainted due to the very sound of REX's mighty BAP BAP BAP BAP's ??

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/28/10 at 10:14:51

I didn't take thousands of pictures like MMRanch did but here are a few of the ones that I did take.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/28/10 at 10:16:51

193A3230333A3A3324560 wrote:

Think back on it real carefully ....  when you saw Lancer racing up the loading ramp and jumping over those two cars -- was he simply trying to escape the amorous embrace of his female fans?

And are you SURE those were cars he jumped over?   Could they have been spandex clad sirens what had been bowled over and done fainted due to the very sound of REX's mighty BAP BAP BAP BAP's ??

;D   ;D   ;D    8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/28/10 at 10:18:54

Here are a couple pictures of Toymakers Tree Ornaments that he left there. Part of the floorboard (only one of the many broken pieces).

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/28/10 at 10:40:13

5B676A5B6076626E646A7D0F0 wrote:
Hey Al, now wait a minute, I got a photo of four of the girls showing their "treasure" to Rex...


I think that one on the Left was Polishing REX

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/28/10 at 11:14:42


She's got REX tucked into her (nameless body orifice) !!!  

Or else he's been stuffed up her (other nameless intestinal orifice) !!!


No wonder Lancer was desperately racing REX up that ramp and flying off high in the air to get away ....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/28/10 at 11:39:46

M M Ranch checking in .   We got home late Sunday afternoon after riding 65 and 70 up the interstate and a stop at Cracker Barrel.  The Savages seemed to be saying "Faster, Faster" all the time.   Then had a free cook-out at the VBS family night , followed by Guitars, Tellascopes, and a pit-fire (dragon style) in the back yard till after midnight.    Our Flat-lander may not be lighting on the curves but Ya'll should hear him play a Guitar !!!!

Hay Lancer I want you and REX to show me how to do that  "180 degree spin from 30 mph with the Wheelee thing comming out of it.   That was so Coool , and doin't even think about denighing it   there can't be more that one Dragon eating Green Machine like that in the eastern side of the country.   You could have come on in to camp , I believe the Law only made one round asking about who you were and when would you be back.  If I were you I'd change my paint skeem befor next year , they were plenty pisssed-off about having that pavement chunked off the road at them.

BigZuk thanks for the PM.

I'll check and post pictures (both pictures) after the dust settles from the weekend and I have a free evening.  

Glad everyone made it home safe.


I'm allready looking foward the doing next years ride and might have to have a little "fix"  in a few weeks .   Anybody having a ralley we all might get to.   Lynchburg tn. had their's the week befor 18-20 june (every year , same weekend).

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 06/28/10 at 14:07:15

Be'n the carb guy you'd think I could make at least one of em work....but nooooooo; 2 carbs to work with, an Edelbrock & 36 VM that I got off ebay, and neither one of them will work at all.  It doesn't seem to matter which hammer I use,  they still refuse to work properly.  They cough spit and sputter like they are clogged in spite of several tear downs and blow-outs with cleaner.  Then the VM pee's all over the bike and ground just to add insult to injury.  This just does not seem to be my week.  I may have to do a midnight bonfire of my own if they continue like ths...sacrifice to the scrap aluminum pile.
I'll show em !   >:(    8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/28/10 at 16:43:36

Here are some pictures of SOME of my boo-boos

and yes, I am HURTING today

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kimchris1 on 06/28/10 at 19:28:13

Seems all that made it to the Dragon and home had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Toymaker, sorry to hear of your mishap and hope the wounds heal quickly.
Lancer, seems your Rex was there in spirit even if you were unable to make the trip. I was so sad to read of you and Rex not actually making it this year. At least you have next year to look forward to. :)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/28/10 at 20:06:35


maby there are TWO  rex's east of the missippi ????????    Heven help the State Troopers now.

John that doin't look good

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/28/10 at 22:20:28

Checking in. Got home around 6PM Monday. Would have gotten home sooner but truck kept slowing down on turns on the interstate.  ;)

I'd still like to know how REX carved his initials in peg scrapes in front of Deal's Gap Parking lot? That Suzuki "S" didn't sit too well with the Hardly crowd!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/10 at 04:07:01

Naw, it's just like Zorro -- you just ignore the cape and the mask and the fancy saddle

Lancer can dress in black skid proofs and gloves and put on a black full face with a tinted visor but REX is still REX, side mounted carb with hand built aluminum holder bracket and military green w/military markings on the tank.

Ain't but one of him and Lancer was jest playing some silly Babyhog games with us ....

Speaking of which,        

Babyhog -- where are all your revealing pics of what really went on up there?

(oh my goodness -- the truth will out !!)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/10 at 04:13:52


As the closest to a true flatlander that we had out of the bunch this year, how did the ride seem to you?

Tell us the truth now -- it will help us plan next year's event a little better.  

Remember, we did all the really wild excessive fast riding before you got there, everything you saw was tamed down a good bit except maybe for that first evening when you had just pulled into camp when we were all winding down from a wild ride.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 06/29/10 at 06:37:50

I'll keep my eyes open for a traveling type guitar.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by serenity3743 on 06/29/10 at 07:51:07

I'm late checking in, but got home Sunday at 16:00.  I've got some pics I'll try to post later.  I sure do regret I didn't get to meet Oldfeller and Lancer.  Overall a great trip.  See my Cafe post FASSOCOTGAAESAMCITNCMNHGOFUSA.

Motorcycle riders in general, and Savage/S40 riders specifically, are just plain good folks!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/29/10 at 08:46:24

Oldfeller, I really enjoyed the ride AND the comaraderie! It was a great trip! Those of you that live in the area have a wonderful little playground there! If you'll pardon a ramble, I'll try to answer that honestly for the sake of any newbee that might come along and find themselves in over their heads.
 Looking back with a couple of days perspective, The Dragon is the more unforgiving ride because the consequences of going off the edge are NOT good! That said, you don't have time to dwell on any event more than a couple of seconds before survival instincts kick in and you have to set up for the next curve. Also, visually, you don't have that constant reminder that - D@mn that's a long way down! because the trees behind the curve blend and hide it. I found the Cherohala Skyway much more unnerving for several reasons, the biggest being there's nothing around here to practice or prepare you for it. (Everyone has a "minidragon" somewhere with switchbacks or tight left-right curves but I have NOTHING around here with a looong sweeping decreasing radius curve at an 8% drop in grade where if you miss it wide you fall off a mountain :o ) Ok that was the obvious one. The next biggest distraction was trying to figure out spacing on a group ride where I had enough room in front to watch my setup without losing the group when they sped up after they got out of the turn. I realize this was MY problem, not theirs, but I bet I'm not the only one you run into that's not used to riding that close on such a curving road.
 The last suggestion would be to get some photocopies made ahead of time of area maps so us slow folk (that also have poor memories) can find our way home or to the next destination without dropping breadcrumbs like Hansel and Gretel if we get separated! Giving less experienced riders an "out" somewhere if they're comfortable reading a map, would keep from slowing the pack and keep both sides happier. I found Saturday's return ride when Phil and I got ahead at Magees Valley to be great for pictures and exploring because there was so much to see that I missed before and I didn't want to slow the group down anymore than I already did!
 I think the majority of the riders on the trip were there to get as much hard riding in as they could in the little time they had remaining. I recognized that and tried to respect that. Unfortunately, this go round, my riding skills weren't up to the challenge. I appreciated everyone's patience and enjoyed their company, but if I had it to do over again, this old dog might have stayed on the porch for another year and sharpened his skills!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/10 at 09:31:22

Well, that's honest feedback ....

We always try to tell folks the truth of what it is like up on the Dragon, but we all tend to bullshit so much I think they discount it strongly as being all "unbelievable" and "all exaggerated" ...  people have wrecks every day up there and people do get killed every summer.

We lost Ed to a wreck in year #1 because of an increasing radius turn on the Blue Ridge Parkway ....  
(he panicked and mashed his rear brake hard)

Southpaw tells us that flatlanders really don't feel comfortable at all playing speed racer up on the Skyway ....  (where sweep speeds get high and the geography gets interesting at times) and even when toned down a bunch they get left behind by the group and aren't really sure how to find their way home.  

Maps of the area are recommended to be given to new riders.


Southpaw, I was afraid of that and was kinda expecting it, too.  

Natural selection puts the fastest riders up in the front and unless you have a dedicated person like Toymaker to intentionally play sweep man at the end of everyone a long long travel loop like the Skyway will separate the group into 2-3 speed based subgroups fairly quickly and separate them by miles and lots of minutes by the end of it.

I am glad you weren't hurt and here's my bet -- you'll forget all the bad stuff by next year and you'll want to go again as it was a lot of fun (in a terrifying kind of way).

And yeah, when I get home I thank God I didn't get killed doing all the stupid things I did do and I promise I won't go again -- then I do go again anyway.


Next time I'm carrying the bike in on a truck or a trailer though -- give me an extra day of real riding and a chance to rest some on the way back instead of beating myself to death riding on them tilted concrete slabs.

And you will all notice, that as per my promise the nasty green frog was GONE by the time you woke up Friday morning.

The nasty green frog killed no one, maimed no one -- didn't even skin up a shin or an elbow of any newperson who showed up on the "safe days" of Friday Saturday and Sunday.   Didn't even skeer them any, either.

And, irony of ironies, 'ol Mr. Evil was the only one that kissed the pavement/grass this time
(and he did it on a "safe day" too  ;) )

OK, oh you pinky finger a stickin' in the corner of your mouth, that's 2 fer 3 with you going down while rolling on these here little mountain excursions don't 'cha know it?

Me, I don't go down when rolling (so far anyway) I only roll over stationary bikes when crawing off them with the sidestand not properly locked back & down at them solitary & isolated overlooks, so still, I can't be saying all that very much about any of it, now can I?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/29/10 at 10:03:52

Oldfeller, just to clear up any doubts, I'm not being critical of ANYONE! I HAD A GREAT TIME!!! I understand I overestimated my skills and felt bad for slowing the group down. The feedback, as stated, was intended as a perspective of someone who was in a little over their heads. THAT WAS MY FAULT, NO ONE ELSES! If it came out blunt or critical I missed my mark entirely! I am EXTREMELY grateful for the opportunity to have made this trip. It just showed me, albeit glaringly, where my weaknesses are. (Good information, if you think about it!) It was also intended as a warning to other newbees to take it seriously! If I'd have been smart, I'd have taken Phil's approach.

BTW yes, the "skeered" in the poll was one of three I chose. It was done tongue in cheek along with changing my tag under the picture to "flatlander". If I got offended easily by razzing, I wouldn't have lasted all those years in construction.  ;) As I told Mike, I'm not sure I'd make the trip NEXT year, but maybe in a couple of years when my son starts riding we'll do it again. (He's getting his permit next week!)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 06/29/10 at 11:13:47

Just a couple of pics I uploaded before getting back to the "real world"

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 06/29/10 at 16:32:24

Dragon riders, check out these links to find our photos:

Southpaw, Please don't feel bad about your speed on our rides. As posted before we all end up at the same place, maybe not all at the same time :)  You didn't keep anyone from being on a ride, If anyone has reason to feel bad it's me for holding everyone up while I epoxed my leaking tank and replaced the rear tire.

We had a great time and want to thank EVERYONE for putting up with my downtime, and even more for the way everyone made my 17 year old (yamakid) feel like one of the "men".

We all must start somewhere at some speed. I do enjoy the ride, and yes I do like to ride stupid fast at times on roads like the Dragon, please note I have 43 years on 14 bikes, my first ride on the Tail of the Dragon was in the early 70's. I ride/drive this type of road every time I pull out of my driveway with bikes, cars,  and trucks with trailers.

To me, the ride is only part of one of these got to gethers. Just as big a part is the people we get to share it with. Southpaw, you and everyone else that came this year "can share my campfire anytime" 8-)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 06/29/10 at 17:03:57

Zuk,  a big thankee to you and your son.

Thanks to you and your son I was able to refine my braking and gas on techniques on mountain roads quite a bit.

(yep, I follered you two for a reason, I was skeered to do late braking and I saw you both doing it, both hard and quite frequently)

After following you two and doing it when you did it, I also learned the "mild power on" in the curve that followed it.

Then I practiced it out on the Skyway .... and it worked for me too.

Lastly, I got a REAL BIG kick outa the Yamakid on his Virago -- he kept up with the very best of us on a bike that should have been over 10 horsepower down to a bone stock Savage.  

He out rode us .... literally

And he had ++ balls and +++ cool when he needed it, put an old man to shame he did.

and I loved every second of it !!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by savagedml on 06/29/10 at 18:38:03

OF: Thanks for posting the video of the Day 1 wind-down, and thanks to the others for posting their pics, (except the one of the fat chicks-that should be a crime!). I really hate it that I missed TOD '10. I was looking forward to seeing all you guys again. Life deals us some strange cards sometimes. I'd like to think that maybe I'll be able to make it back out that way before the summer's out. I'm glad everyone had a great time, and made it home alive.
Darrell 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/30/10 at 04:02:42

Darrell, you missed a great time. Shoot, I had a great time including my boo-boo.  The Lizard was here yesterday to check out my ailing steed and left after giving me a check for $3200.  I went to Bikebandit and came up with $2200 in parts.  Darned tank is 7 bills.  But I have already found the expensive stuff on EBAY...(Yep BihZuk...your store!)  With just a few parts to go, I still have about 2700 left...maybe Momma is getting her Shadow sooner than later.

My Roadrash still hurts like H3ll and I did bruise a couple of ribs but other than aches and pains, I am ready to go ridin'.

If we are deciding on next year...I vote same place, same time (ish)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 06/30/10 at 04:43:49

The only mistake I made was not getting there soon enough. Me and the Lupus got along just fine because I went to bed early. That was my main concern about a long stay. Next year I will arrive on Wed. Hate I didnt get to ride with you guys. Serenity's Savage developed a alergic reaction to the Dragon. I stayed with him while his bike was fixed, I will never leave another biker stranded. Still got a 150 mi ride in Sat. The Che. Skyway is beautiful. You're a great bunch of guys, its nice to be able to put a face with a fake name LOL  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/30/10 at 15:41:51

Rember the Chick that was in the room next yall............

she Flashed Killboy

Bottom Of the Page

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/30/10 at 15:46:52

Yup, thats her alright.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/30/10 at 16:12:06

That mst have been BEFORE she got that bad sunburn...cuz there is no sign of it there.

Kel, how long did you search for the "flashin' " shots?  hmmmmmm?

I know..."because you're EVIL?"

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 06/30/10 at 17:45:53

I was seeeekin the treasure 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 06/30/10 at 18:42:36

I done think you found it...but she aint a real si=reen, neither....

don't reckon she can change ya into no toad...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/01/10 at 06:02:06

Here are a few Pics I have found I will keep looking for more and saving them.

These are from Friday morning... I will get Wendsday and Thursday they should have some OldFeller Ripping it up
I will get Saturday also

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 07/01/10 at 08:18:08

Ok, ok, you guys are sure making me wish I had made the trip!  I coulda rode with Southpaw...   ;)
One of these years, I promise...   :-*

Hey Kel, names on the photos would be nice.  I recognize most of the bikes, but not all of them....  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/01/10 at 08:38:34

#1 Bigzuk
#2 Kel
#3 MMranch
#4 Al
#5 Southpaw (foreground) Toymaker(Background)
#6 Kent (MMranch Brother)
#7 TriumphPhil (Toymaker's Friend)
#8 Yamakid (Bigzuk's 17yo) Can Ride like his Daddy
Will post more as time permits

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/01/10 at 08:50:02

Ain't no pics of the Silver Surfer, they didn't have time to swing the camera up and get it started .....

.... Or else mebbe I wasn't really there ....


   jest your imagination

          jest your imagination

               jest your imagination

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/01/10 at 08:53:41

Seriously, Babyhog

If you come and offer a more sedate sensible group to ride with
then some others from the list will come to ride with you.

Then you could tell them all the truth about what goes on

(break all them fantasies and various nonsense down to reality)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 07/01/10 at 09:17:42

6340484A494040495E2C0 wrote:

Seriously, Babyhog

If you come and offer a more sedate sensible group to ride with
then some others from the list will come to ride with you.

Then you could tell them all the truth about what goes on

(break all them fantasies and various nonsense down to reality)

Haha.  Yea, anybody wanna join the "skeered" group and ride with me???  

But don't worry OF, I would never disillusion the fantasies.... I can keep secrets...   who cares about reality?  Just gimme the camp fire and brewskies and I'm happy.   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/01/10 at 11:04:15

4261696B686161687F0D0 wrote:

Ain't no pics of the Silver Surfer, they didn't have time to swing the camera up and get it started .....

.... Or else mebbe I wasn't really there ....


   jest your imagination

          jest your imagination

               jest your imagination

I was Planning on LEECHING them tonight when I get home

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/01/10 at 11:54:49

Oh, I found them all right -- JEST TOO FAT & UGLY FER WORDS !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/01/10 at 22:08:05

The Silver Streek

That's a Car Tire getting a bite on the road

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/02/10 at 04:09:53

Eeeewww, far too fat & ugly fer words ...

And now you know why the young college guy in the MINI COOPER got so hot when he got passed by me.

It's bad enough to get passed on the dragon -- it means you are a slug and are holding up traffic.

It is "unable to be borne" when you are riding in your brand new sports edition Mini Cooper showing off for your girl at the Dragon and get passed like a slug by an old wrinkly white haired fat man riding just a single cylinder Grandpa 'sicle --- certainly more than any young man can stand to be sure.

In front of your girl, too,  Aaaaagh !!

(jest to rub some salt in it)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/02/10 at 04:13:51

Well since this happened on the Dragon, I have a bike report to make.  After talking  with the Geico Lizard, and buying everything that will fix my bike, I am $200 under budget.  Because of the spill, I get to replace the parts I have been wanting to change but agasinst "Momma's orders"

The parts should start arriving Monday.  WOOHOO

I am hoping that I can ride by next weekend. :D :D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by photojoe on 07/02/10 at 04:41:24

457974457E687C707A7463110 wrote:
Well since this happened on the Dragon, I have a bike report to make.  After talking  with the Geico Lizard, and buying everything that will fix my bike, I am $200 under budget.  Because of the spill, I get to replace the parts I have been wanting to change but agasinst "Momma's orders"

The parts should start arriving Monday.  WOOHOO

I am hoping that I can ride by next weekend. :D :D

Feel better TM. I had an excellent experience with Geico after my bike got knocked over (here) while I was in Central America. adjuster stopped by, wrote a repair estimate and I soon received a check for, if I remember, around $1200. That's what I paid for my bike when I bought it ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by serenity3743 on 07/02/10 at 05:24:33

6A696865677D040 wrote:
[quote author=6340484A494040495E2C0 link=1227970821/1050#1058 date=1277999621]
Seriously, Babyhog

If you come and offer a more sedate sensible group to ride with
then some others from the list will come to ride with you.

Then you could tell them all the truth about what goes on

(break all them fantasies and various nonsense down to reality)

Haha.  Yea, anybody wanna join the "skeered" group and ride with me???  

But don't worry OF, I would never disillusion the fantasies.... I can keep secrets...   who cares about reality?  Just gimme the camp fire and brewskies and I'm happy.   ;D[/quote]
I will ride with you, Babyhog.  But I'm not part of the skeered group:  I'm just a sensible rider.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/02/10 at 05:40:52

Possibility for a late summer fallish trip exists for those who missed this one.   It could be aimed at a "sensible" crowd that could actually go slow enough to see the scenery.

Best scenery (and the most sensible riding) is the Blue Ridge Parkway circa the Ashville area.

You wouldn't have to feel like you were gonna get buzz bombed all the time by the Dragon crotch rocket guys, anyway.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by serenity3743 on 07/02/10 at 06:52:49

Sounds like a great idea to me!  Count me in!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by buttgoat1 on 07/02/10 at 09:31:20

Im up for that!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/02/10 at 10:17:54

OF  that wasn't the crochrockets , that was BigZuk and Yamakid.

The parkway sounds great (45 mph speed limit) and all.   Does the parkway have campsites?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 07/02/10 at 10:23:46

Would love to do Blue Ridge.  Hubby and I went on our first camping trip together to Shenandoah, and drove the upper end of Blue Ridge for a little while.  I also seem to remember some Nascar races where I travelled Blue Ridge Parkway, I believe.  Gorgeous scenery.      

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/02/10 at 10:33:14

There's a motorcycle only campground just opened this year at Laurel Springs, NC.  My wife is friends with the owner.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/02/10 at 11:47:35

04272F2D2E27272E394B0 wrote:

Possibility for a late summer fallish trip exists for those who missed this one.   It could be aimed at a "sensible" crowd that could actually go slow enough to see the scenery.

So do we have a date yet?

Huh, do we?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/02/10 at 14:43:52

For my part we do !!!

How about a  "Meet ya Saturday morning at an area campground ?"

Then Saturday evening campout somewhere on the parkway ?  (laurel springs ?)

And a nice easy ride home Sunday ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/02/10 at 16:18:23

Since I ain't in the "cruise the Parkway at 45 mph" mind set I'll let Babyhog and Serenity and MMRanch and Midnightrider (the main instigators) pick their own central starting point and the ride dates.

(You can ask Toymaker and Phil about my Parkway rate that I naturally devolve back into after about a half hour or so of poking along at the legal limit)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/02/10 at 21:44:55

I'm retired so everyday is "allmost" the same as in more chores than I can do, (100 acres and cows.and scout troop.)   Maby a member who still works a regular job should suggest a date.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/02/10 at 22:07:46

Any west coasters want to go?
I'd consider throwing the '8802 in the back of a truck way over a double iron butt.
But it'll take 2 to make the cost the same as a flight.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/03/10 at 03:48:37

1D3E3634373E3E3720520 wrote:

Since I ain't in the "cruise the Parkway at 45 mph" mind set I'll let Babyhog and Serenity and MMRanch and Midnightrider (the main instigators) pick their own central starting point and the ride dates.

(You can ask Toymaker and Phil about my Parkway rate that I naturally devolve back into after about a half hour or so of poking along at the legal limit)

what's a speed limit ? ?    ::)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/03/10 at 04:32:30

Sounds like you guys are really interested. The campground is about an hour and a half ride from me. I will try to ride up there in the next  week and get info and take photos and report back. Bigzuk lives in the Ashville area, he might know of an alternative site. If he does we could compare the two.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/03/10 at 06:55:57


A speed limit is the crew you are riding with.

A speed limit is the area in which you are riding.


The Appalachian Parkway is nice to look at, but the only thing you or I would see at on a  Parkway trip would be BIG speeding tickets and somebody actually trying to follow us and getting accidentally bermed.

We would be better off to stick to the main Dragon run where we CAN run "at speed" because they pretty much ignore bike speeding up there and the crew that goes to the early Dragon run KNOWS what it is all about and has no frick'n delusions about any sightseeing.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/03/10 at 08:38:58

My personal speed limit is whatever is needed based upon conditions of road, weather  & posted limits so as to keep my beautiful body in one whole and functional piece without any pain or limitations.    8-)

I be careful...I do not like to hurt.........

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/03/10 at 08:41:23

78757A7771662623140 wrote:
My personal speed limit is whatever is needed based upon conditions of road, weather  & posted limits so as to keep my beautiful body in one whole and functional piece without any pain or limitations.    8-)

I be careful...I do not like to hurt.........

DITTO...... 70mph on the sweepers of the cherahola... according to Big Zuk

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/03/10 at 11:49:45

And I think that Kel finally accepts that he was going even faster than that later on -- 75 (or slightly higher) on the broad stuff when he was chasing me and we had both left Zuk way behind because he didn't want his son going that fast or riding that close to the edge.

I know this because I had shifted out of third into fourth and was starting to wick it on up in 4th (4th ends up in the 90's and there is no speed wobble in the mountains because you are never riding the tire on the flat, ever -- always up on the edge to some degree or another)

And yes, you don't want to go on a ride with Lancer, Kel, BigZuk or me on fast broad sweeping roads like the Skyway --- they are just too too much fun to go fast upon (and we do, we do)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/03/10 at 16:48:29

YEE HAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/04/10 at 08:42:56

    Be'n the carb guy you'd think I could make at least one of em work....but nooooooo; 2 carbs to work with, an Edelbrock & 36 VM that I got off ebay, and neither one of them will work at all.  It doesn't seem to matter which hammer I use,  they still refuse to work properly.  They cough spit and sputter like they are clogged in spite of several tear downs and blow-outs with cleaner.  Then the VM pee's all over the bike and ground just to add insult to injury.

It does start some now, though there is still coughing back through the carb sporadically and it wants to die.  applying choke can rev it up some but it does not want to do so by turning the throttle...turn the throttle and it wants to die.
It will run smoothly for 5-10 sec occasionally which makes me think that the cam chain has NOT jumped the sprocket...wha'cha think ?

I have traded carbs; no change really
changed coils; no change


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/04/10 at 09:25:38

Pull plug, look at plug spark while grounding and cranking engine.

Also, while plug is out check the compression against your recorded value for whacked/bent valves
(high compression piston vs high lift cam).

You mention "spitting back thru carb" -- symptom that intake valve isn't shutting off on compression stroke sporadically -- slight bend, some mal-adjusted valve clearance, you name it)

Lack of compression -- see valves or toasted head gasket

If compression is OK and valves are correctly adjusted -- will it run OK and rev right on up with a protracted shot of ethyl ether (starting fluid)?

If yes, go carburetor

If no, go electrical/spark

(and if you do try the starter fluid trick first, and it runs OK, you can omit all the plug testing and compression testing stuff)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/04/10 at 10:55:44

MMRanch.......... where are the MILLION PICS you took?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/04/10 at 14:32:13

It hot outside so I'll try some pictures now.   If I remember correctly I put them on bikepics the hook a link from ????

one time I put a carb from a 175 honda on my 5HP lawnmower.  to get it turned upright I had to use two(2) intake manifolds form the 175.   The intake  "STACK" was really long.   It wouldn't idle below 2000 rpm but would hit 6000 or so real easy.   Not quit as fancy as the one off "Home Improvement" show bit it ran to fast for a mower.
Doin't know if that helps ?

on with the pictures.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/10 at 00:14:34

MMRanch's pictures

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/05/10 at 03:47:20


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/05/10 at 03:48:57

1A3931333039393027550 wrote:

Pull plug, look at plug spark while grounding and cranking engine.

Also, while plug is out check the compression against your recorded value for whacked/bent valves
(high compression piston vs high lift cam).

You mention "spitting back thru carb" -- symptom that intake valve isn't shutting off on compression stroke sporadically -- slight bend, some mal-adjusted valve clearance, you name it)

Lack of compression -- see valves or toasted head gasket

If compression is OK and valves are correctly adjusted -- will it run OK and rev right on up with a protracted shot of ethyl ether (starting fluid)?

If yes, go carburetor

If no, go electrical/spark

(and if you do try the starter fluid trick first, and it runs OK, you can omit all the plug testing and compression testing stuff)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/10 at 04:21:09

Lancer, he's done found his problem .....

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/05/10 at 08:13:52

Thanks OF for bring the pictures on board.   You'll have to PM me with the "how to" 's  .  I have a lot more where those came from but a lot of them are of the same events.

Lancer if we do the Blue Ridge thing , that would be a good time to Break-in REX (execpt for the speed limits).  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/10 at 09:32:51

I don't think Lancer can go THAT slow, much less riding on REX.

Last time he ran the Blue Ridge he left us all way way behind .....

(that was #1 for Toymaker being RSU on the slick grass)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/10 at 09:36:37

Instructions for posting pics are in the Tech Section

Briefly, go to where your pics are

click on a pic to see it full size

right click on it to see the properties

select "copy image location" with a left click

go to an open post on the list and hit paste, this puts down the http address for the picture.

edit in the bracket img bracket in front of the address and add it a bracket /img bracket after the address

Save the post and you should have a picture showing

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/10 at 11:11:33

Here's the website for the Laurel Springs Station Inn Motorcycle Lodge.    I'll try to ride up to the campground and gather some info this week.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/10 at 15:56:04

Ask about camping, specifically mulitiple people in the same tent.

Ask about rooms, how many can stay in a room, how they calculate the additional people charges, etc.

We get the Deals Gap Resort down to $25-$30 a person a night by filling up the rooms and we take advantage of multiple people per tent as well.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/10 at 16:03:19

OF here is all the info you requested on the rooms.    The campground doesnt have a website so I'll post what I find out this week.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/10 at 16:23:33

If they are like Deal's Gap, business is very slow right now and what they will actually do for you isn't on their web page -- you have to ask for the best deal.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/10 at 16:54:23

If there's enough interested and we get a head count and set a date I'll ride up there and bargain with them. Its only about an hour and a half ride from home. There are some great local roads bsides the Parkway for anyone who wants to partake of some "spirited riding" I might even show up on my Ninja LOL. According to the last link I posted rooms are $80 a night for 2 people and $10 for each extra guest up to 2. In other words 4 people could stay in one room for $100 a night, about the same as Deal's Gap. My son and my brother told me the food is great, they frequent the restaraunt regularly. I'll check out the campground this week and report back. Let everyone get back from their July 4th holiday and we'll start playin with dates and try to get a headcount and go from there.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/10 at 18:00:44

Ok, let's start popping off some dates ....

When do teachers go back to school?  That's an end date for Toymaker.

Lancer, now that you know what's wrong, when will you be running again?  That's a start date for Lancer.

Whatever date you pick in between the two, it will be assholes and elbows for everybody to get the bikes ready again because IT TAKES PREP TIME TO GET A RELIABLE BIKE FOR A MAJOR OUTING.    

I think with gas tanks, tires and clutch cables all giving up the ghost this past time we have all learned to spend a little more time getting the P's & Q's all dealt with before starting the trip.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/06/10 at 04:47:49

I just don't freaking know at this point.
I got it going and it SEEMED to be running right but started messing up again.
I think it has Legionaires Disease or something !

Maybe I left a marble in the engine last time ! ?  :-X

Anyway, I would love to catch this next ride but at this point I cannot say what will happen so don't include me in the scheduling of the thing.
If I make it I make it, and if not then I won't.

I am continuing to search for the elusive ROOT PROBLEM.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/06/10 at 05:48:01

 I doin't think there is a person on this site that doesn't want to see and hear REX go.   Lancer what kinda of stuff is REX doing?    If I understand right ... Rex has a oversize dome piston , a high long cam , a long intake manifold with a rich carb on the end of it , and has lost a lot of weight .    Is that close ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/06/10 at 06:38:03

Lancer, could it be a "slightly" bent valve?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 07/06/10 at 06:48:35

You will have to count me out for this year.  Not enough vacation time at work to make another trip.  Plus, I taught myself a lesson yesterday -- rode almost 300 miles, 10 hours, too many twisties.  I was begging for the interstate, my body was screaming for my hot-tub... but I was too dead to get in it when I got home.  Relaxing bubble bath was a decent substitute.  Aleve is the substitute today...  ugh.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/06/10 at 08:09:44

726072606D7E717C773F0 wrote:
 I doin't think there is a person on this site that doesn't want to see and hear REX go.   Lancer what kinda of stuff is REX doing?    If I understand right ... Rex has a oversize dome piston , a high long cam , a long intake manifold with a rich carb on the end of it , and has lost a lot of weight .    Is that close ?

carb &/or carbs .... crazy stuff going on

I found what I thought was THE problem, but it was not all of it.
The intake tube from carb to head was made from pvc which was ok until I removed too much material in the effort to  get a better fit and when tightening the clamp the pvc cracked which made for a huge air leak...see photo .....................
so I reverted to the VM carb which now has a metal carb-to-head tube which will not crack, but there is still sililar symptoms.

It will start, with some difficulty at times;will rev pretty good most of the time but will cut out periodically; and will cough/sputter back through the carb.

My thoughts about a bent valve or cam chain jumping the sprocket are that the symptoms would be more regular, instead of the on & off nature they are now.
What do you think ?
Would a valve or jumped chain cause the erratic symptoms ?

I really do not want to have to remove the head cover again.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/06/10 at 10:44:36

Only a sticking or incompletely seating valve could do what you describe, especially the major spit back thru the carb that you get "only occasionally".  

What else could vent major compression force back thru the carb?

BTW, check the solenoid adjustment to make sure the exhaust valves are being allowed to shut correctly when the starter disengages  (assuming you still have it hooked up).


Toymaker, when do you go back to school?    Is Labor Day weekend about it for you and trips?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/06/10 at 11:15:06

some spitting out the carb is not unusual for a stock setup.

but check compression several times and see how it is, consistent or not.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/06/10 at 12:14:51


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/06/10 at 12:41:57

I put a Triumph crotch rocket back together several years ago and I had the cam chain off 1 tooth. Lost half my rpm's and power. Would idle and run low rpm fine though.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/06/10 at 13:33:38

School starts back for me Aug 18th.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/06/10 at 15:14:07


I had a yhama 650 special (71) that was doing the same thing yours is.  Idle OK a little spit and sputter then die , accelerate most of the time OK , leveled off  @#$%^&* SPIT AND SPUTTER , BUCK AND JUMP , TOTALLY UN-RIDEABLE....

It was the condenser  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/06/10 at 16:39:23

what the hell is a condenser?   ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/06/10 at 16:55:00

Little cylindrical wrapped paper & tinfoil gizmo (an automotive grade largish capacitor in other words) that worked with the points to provide a low sparking interrupted 12 volt power supply to the coil which when field collapsed fired the plug through the sparky wire back in the old days when men were men and sheep wuz always rightly skeered of them.

;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/06/10 at 17:03:10

oh that's one of them darn electron collectors.
darn things ought to be banned.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/06/10 at 17:10:13

10 more years and nobody will know what a carburaetor is. Hell, I cant even spell it now LOL. Ah the good ol days  ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/06/10 at 19:48:01

I agree with Ya  Verslagen  

by time I narrowed it down and replaced the varmit I thought they should be BANNED too !

I suppect there is a moder replacement that does the same thing. ????

of course I think anything with letters and no spell-checker ought to be banned also .

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/07/10 at 05:44:18

I'm looking at the Electrical Section on the "Savage CD" and there is not condensor shown at all.
It must be part of something else, or something else serves the same function.
Yes ? ?  
Do we know what it is ? ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/07/10 at 10:24:34

Lancer, it is probabily in the Ignition module.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/07/10 at 10:29:50

7E424F7E4553474B414F582A0 wrote:
Lancer, it is probabily in the Ignition module.

Can an 80's model part be used or is this one of those that has to be from the same model group ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/07/10 at 10:33:01

Lancer, there isn't a condenser on our bike -- we have electronic "points" that require no condenser to keep the mechanical breaker points from sparking excessively.

We got lots & lots of other black box goodies to foul things up though .....  more than enough to drive a sane man CRAZY !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/07/10 at 10:34:39

Condensers dissapeared when points did. They were designed to work together, now the ignition module (black box) takes the place of the points and condenser.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/07/10 at 19:43:52

I hope I never have to get into the "B L A C K - B O X",   Some thing are just not made to be understood ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/08/10 at 13:24:23

Charles, my brother and I took off early this morning to Freebournes, formerly the Station Inn at Laurel Springs on the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are 12 motel rooms, 2 cabins that sleep 6 and a field with a stream you are allowed to camp in. Here are some photos.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/08/10 at 15:58:27

Looks Like it would be kinda hot for Camping... no shade

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/08/10 at 18:47:17

They're shady spots available, I just didnt photograph them. I was trying to hurry and get home before it got any warmer. Youre talking about hot, that was one hot ride today. The temp got up to 100 and the humidity was in the 80's!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/08/10 at 20:12:06

724E4372495F4B474D4354260 wrote:
Lancer, it is probabily in the Ignition module.

I swaped it out this moring with a spare and no change in symptoms.
Also pulled head cover and cam & chain are properly aligned.

Where to now ? ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by BurnPgh on 07/08/10 at 20:49:04

Dont know your present carb set up but I experienced SOME similar problems with the Vm38 you sent me until I realized I was running very very lean. I've got the UFO but no DAJ and had to up-jet to a point that I wouldve considered extremely excessive based on the forum information, except for my real world results. I dont mean to sound like an upstart  talking carb issues to the carb guru but...if it isnt your coil/plug and it isnt your CDI and it isnt your timing...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/09/10 at 04:45:17

5E696E724C7B741C0 wrote:
Dont know your present carb set up but I experienced SOME similar problems with the Vm38 you sent me until I realized I was running very very lean. I've got the UFO but no DAJ and had to up-jet to a point that I wouldve considered extremely excessive based on the forum information, except for my real world results. I dont mean to sound like an upstart  talking carb issues to the carb guru but...if it isnt your coil/plug and it isnt your CDI and it isnt your timing...

I understand completely, you've got to go with what works for you machine.
I have switched carbs back and forth during this process between an Edelbrock and the VM with the same result.
The Edelbrock was on at the beginning and everything ran really well, smooth and easy from the time I first hit the starter button.  I road for 3 or 4 days about an hour for each ride without one single hickup the whole time.
A few hours after that last ride I started it to go out again after changing the needle for a richer one, and it did not want to run right, with symptoms as described.  So I went back to the first needle butno change, still crazy, and it has been like that ever since.
This is really strange.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/09/10 at 06:26:38

2B26292422357570470 wrote:
[quote author=5E696E724C7B741C0 link=1227970821/1125#1128 date=1278647344]Dont know your present carb set up but I experienced SOME similar problems with the Vm38 you sent me until I realized I was running very very lean. I've got the UFO but no DAJ and had to up-jet to a point that I wouldve considered extremely excessive based on the forum information, except for my real world results. I dont mean to sound like an upstart  talking carb issues to the carb guru but...if it isnt your coil/plug and it isnt your CDI and it isnt your timing...

I understand completely, you've got to go with what works for you machine.
I have switched carbs back and forth during this process between an Edelbrock and the VM with the same result.
The Edelbrock was on at the beginning and everything ran really well, smooth and easy from the time I first hit the starter button.  I road for 3 or 4 days about an hour for each ride without one single hickup the whole time.
A few hours after that last ride I started it to go out again after changing the needle for a richer one, and it did not want to run right, with symptoms as described.  So I went back to the first needle butno change, still crazy, and it has been like that ever since.
This is really strange.[/quote]

Has it got GAS.................. 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/09/10 at 08:24:07

Well Lancer

It sounds like the bowl is comming back off that carb.   Could a piece of trash been in the Larger jet ?    Or the gasket or float level been out of place.  Sometimes I overlook the sillys little's thing , I hope that is a common trait under the shade trees of the world,

float level ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/09/10 at 08:33:44

I've had both the Edelbrock and VM on & off & apart several times and they are clean & adjusted per spec.
The thing is that the symptoms are the same regardless of which carb is mounted so the problem is hiding elsewhere...but where ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/09/10 at 09:19:03

lancer, I think you should create a sepparate thread for rex-analysis.

Idles, but won't rev up.
happened after 3 or 4 hours running great.
swapped out edelbrock for VM, same

do you have the safety's still installed?  kickstand, clutch?
when you said the cam was correctly timed, with the crank dead on the mark, the taunt side of the chain, the mark was slightly up?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/09/10 at 14:44:09

3A293E3F202D2B29227D4C0 wrote:
lancer, I think you should create a sepparate thread for rex-analysis.

Idles, but won't rev up.
happened after 3 or 4 hours running great.
swapped out edelbrock for VM, same

do you have the safety's still installed?  kickstand, clutch?
when you said the cam was correctly timed, with the crank dead on the mark, the taunt side of the chain, the mark was slightly up?

everything comfirmed but "taught side of chain" so will recheck

** do I have 2 cam chain tensioners at your place ?  I could not remember if we swapped the conversion for the GS brake caliper or not; too many things going on for me; brain is overloaded...yep, again   :P

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/09/10 at 15:09:21

272A25282E39797C4B0 wrote:
** do I have 2 cam chain tensioners at your place ?  I could not remember if we swapped the conversion for the GS brake caliper or not; too many things going on for me; brain is overloaded...yep, again   :P

Yes, those 2 have finally welded and will be assembling within the next couple of weeks.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/09/10 at 15:43:23

2F3C2B2A35383E3C3768590 wrote:
[quote author=272A25282E39797C4B0 link=1227970821/1125#1134 date=1278711849]
** do I have 2 cam chain tensioners at your place ?  I could not remember if we swapped the conversion for the GS brake caliper or not; too many things going on for me; brain is overloaded...yep, again   :P

Yes, those 2 have finally welded and will be assembling within the next couple of weeks.[/quote]

ok, thanks

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/09/10 at 18:24:47


Listen to your self .... you just said its not the carb.  

Start with replacing the plug and work your way to the  "B L A C K --- B O X"

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/10/10 at 03:21:43

that is basically what I am doing
check; swap; test   repeat  etc

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/10/10 at 05:45:38


and good luck doing it.

One hundred mechanics all lined up in a roll, one hundred in a roll

The Mighty REX , takes one down spins him around then there is

ninety nine mechanics all lined up in a roll , ninety nine in a roll

The Might REX , takes one down spins him around then there is

ninety eight mechanics all lined up in a roll , ninety eight in a roll


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/10/10 at 07:14:36

7B697B69647778757E360 wrote:

and good luck doing it.

One hundred mechanics all lined up in a roll, one hundred in a roll

The Mighty REX , takes one down spins him around then there is

ninety nine mechanics all lined up in a roll , ninety nine in a roll

The Might REX , takes one down spins him around then there is

ninety eight mechanics all lined up in a roll , ninety eight in a roll


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/10/10 at 07:18:41

Lancer has until May, 2011 to figure it all out before he gets his yearly gentle reminder to get ready for the next Dragon Run.


Until then, drain the gas out of his tank, unhook all the electrodes and sparky machines and gently tug the sheet up over over the operating table and let poor 'ol tormented REX rest in peace.

After all, he stirred for longer this time than he ever has before.

He actually got out of the lab for a few hours and managed to kill a couple of peasants and knocked over a hovel or two before his imbued electrical fluid sparky stuff all ran out on him.


It could be worse you know
-- he could have actually gotten way up there, 20 miles deep into the Skyway before his screws came undone ....



AND, if you guys can't resist your remote control fiddling with Lancer's creation, let me remind you of what can happen simply because you can't see what's goin' on .....



And lastly, for Lancer -- quiet dignity and grace, that's the ticket !!!


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/10 at 14:50:27

424F404D4B5C1C192E0 wrote:
It will start, with some difficulty at times;will rev pretty good most of the time but will cut out periodically; and will cough/sputter back through the carb.

I had some similar symptoms to that when the 2-wire connector at the clutch lever cut-out got dirty...  If yours is still in the circuit, try unplugging and cleaning the contacts...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/10/10 at 19:58:16

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
[quote author=424F404D4B5C1C192E0 link=1227970821/1095#1106 date=1278428984]
It will start, with some difficulty at times;will rev pretty good most of the time but will cut out periodically; and will cough/sputter back through the carb.

I had some similar symptoms to that when the 2-wire connector at the clutch lever cut-out got dirty...  If yours is still in the circuit, try unplugging and cleaning the contacts...


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/16/10 at 07:34:44

Hello Dragon tail riders,

I have been off the computer for awhile because the Wed. after getting home from the dragon ride I had a catarate(sp?) removed from my right eye and the same thing on the left eye the next Wed.

The good news is I now have 20/15 right eye, and 20/25 left eye vision. No more @#$^% glasses!

Just think how much better I could have done on the dragon if I could have been able to see that good, and wasn't running a rear tire with threads showing ;D ;D........Or maybe I might have scared the $h!+ out of myself :) :)

Next year I will be able to visually inspect the bike and tires better before the ride and maybe not hold everone up for my repairs.

Thanks again for everyones help and understanding. Also for making
yamakid feel like "one of the guy's, he is still talking about how much fun he had :) :)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/18/10 at 14:35:01

well Toymaker's Vulcan is all repaired.  And even got the color changed.  After 3 weeks, all the repair parts have arrived and I finished the repairs this morning.  Even was able to put some new chrome on that wasn't there is the first place.  Took the bike out for a 30 minute cruise and it rides like new.  Now I'm ready for another ride.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/18/10 at 14:56:42

T  I'm glad you got your is bike good as new and above all else youre OK!!!!  :exclamation [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/19/10 at 21:27:48

Anybody interested in a parkway ride befor cold weather gets here ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/20/10 at 04:02:07

041604161B08070A01490 wrote:
Anybody interested in a parkway ride befor cold weather gets here ?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/20/10 at 05:02:47

57455745485B5459521A0 wrote:
Anybody interested in a parkway ride befor cold weather gets here ?

Mike count me in.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/20/10 at 07:11:41

I am up for it.  I have 1 more month of vacatiom then back to class.  Aug 18 is still a ways away.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/20/10 at 13:38:07

Here is the new and improved Vulcan.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/10 at 14:44:46

where's the sliders?   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/20/10 at 18:33:31

Toymaker that's almost to "Perty" to ride have you got another bike just to ride ?

Does the Parkway have to be a weekend or is "All Days the same? "

Lancer  ???   What the prognoices on REX befor Toymaker has to go back to School ?  

I'm Retired  "Have oblagations on Mondays, Wensdays, and Sundays --- but can leave them for a week"  
The main thing --- The __BOSS__  is OK with another "RIDE".

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by buttgoat1 on 07/20/10 at 18:53:13

I am hoping to get through there next week
my daughter has a softball tournament in Chattanooga, starting on Sunday.  
We are gonna drive down on saturday and trailer bettie down.  
After the tournament is over, I plan on coming back through NC and hitting the dragon.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/20/10 at 19:05:31

Zuk Glad your Cadillac's are doing better.......... 8-)

Cant make a Park way ride .... all funds are going in to a doorm room...........

ONE MORE KID TO GET THROUGH HIGHS CHOOL AND OFF THEY GO TO COLLEGE..... I have been the only male in my house for 20 years.....I just might be able to wear my skivvies in around the house in about 4 years....I have something to live for

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/20/10 at 21:38:37

It woin't be the same with you Kel .

"Need Input"

Day of week you can meet
Area campground to meet at.
Place of intrest about 1 days ride from meeting place , with #2 campground.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/21/10 at 03:39:04

555B520D0E090D0A3E0 wrote:
Zuk Glad your Cadillac's are doing better.......... 8-)

Cant make a Park way ride .... all funds are going in to a doorm room...........

ONE MORE KID TO GET THROUGH HIGHS CHOOL AND OFF THEY GO TO COLLEGE..... I have been the only male in my house for 20 years.....I just might be able to wear my skivvies in around the house in about 4 years....I have something to live for

 yep  its nice to have all of the little critters grown; out of the house; gainfully employed; and not wanting to return any more !
yep  its nice to be able to just enjoy wearing what God gave me    :D

it helps keep me cool during these hot summer days ........

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/21/10 at 03:48:42

 yep  its nice to have all of the little critters grown; out of the house; gainfully employed; and not wanting to return any more !
yep  its nice to be able to just enjoy wearing what God gave me    :D

it helps keep me cool during these hot summer days ........
Somehow I just dont want to picture that in my mind. So much for eating breakfast  :-[

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/21/10 at 04:14:01

47636E64636D627E78636E6F780A0 wrote:
 yep  its nice to have all of the little critters grown; out of the house; gainfully employed; and not wanting to return any more !
yep  its nice to be able to just enjoy wearing what God gave me    :D

it helps keep me cool during these hot summer days ........

[QUOTE]Somehow I just dont want to picture that in my mind. So much for eating breakfast  :-[/quote]

LOL   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/21/10 at 04:34:28

Having met Lancer, that particular image is now irreversably burned into my brain.......

I shall never recover............. :o :) ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/21/10 at 05:00:30

615D50615A4C58545E5047350 wrote:
Having met Lancer, that particular image is now irreversably burned into my brain.......

I shall never recover............. :o :) ;D

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by serenity3743 on 07/22/10 at 08:53:19

1C38353F383639252338353423510 wrote:
[quote author=57455745485B5459521A0 link=1227970821/1140#1147 date=1279600068]Anybody interested in a parkway ride befor cold weather gets here ?

Mike count me in. [/quote]
Mee too!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/22/10 at 16:08:58


(old Dragon run poll has been removed to keep from cluttering things up)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/22/10 at 20:23:06


I'm itching to go for a ride.

Is everyone perty much OK with starting in the Ashville area ?

Is it OK if we all invite our brothers and neighbors ?

I'm going to the Ashville web site and typing in campground and parkway next.

how about this for a meeting place and jump off for " RIDE DAY"

Lets get a date before ToyMakers School starts.   Is everyone OK with a meet date in the middle of the week ?   (All the days are the same to me)(rates sometimes go up on weekends --- but that's OK if need be.)




After looking at the camping rates .... maby we could get the "CAMPING CABIN"  there are 2  one sleeps 4 and the other sleeps 6  .(might be more comffee that a tent ??? and split the price a seamely better deal.
I need a date to make reversations for.  $65/$75     To late for this is booked.   looking for a motel with/out  sticker shock.

I'm thinking ?? first or second week of August ??  Maby next week if REX says it OK.

NEED INPUT !!!    Allready got the motor running and one glove on !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/23/10 at 04:45:12

So far the group is talking about a start on Wednesday run up into weekend Ashville area based first-second week in August type thingie ....

Since it is all gonna be sane type Parkway riding, bring your buds is OK by me.  YOU have to vouch that they can ride and their scoot is in decent mechanical shape.

The Parkway has shown it can sort out them mechanical and skills issues right quick-like, yep ...  it sure can.

There are lots of things to see around Ashville -- you could actually go tourist trekking as you went from interesting road to exciting new road.

Me old cabin feller, me sleep on lower bed with pillow .....  like take shower inside (have AC too??)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/23/10 at 06:29:05

OldFeller  how about that first night ???  Is Canton close enouth to meet us there wensday morning (4th) ???

Serenty how about the 4th.  is that a good date on your calender.

MidnightRider   how do you feel about meet wensday morning the 4rd spend the 5th RIDING (and reRIDING if nessary) the Diamondback , staying at  little Switzerland Wensday night.  Then return trip Thursday ?

Toymaker  how are you with all this ?  Are these dates sounding Doable.?

ButtGoat any chance you can make it ?

Just as soon as we get a "headcount" I'll call for the camping cabin (sooner the better).


BIGZUK  we're not talking about a big dollar ride but if you can't get off work does YhamaKid want to go ?

Lancer has REX bit his bit in two yet ?

Mike 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/23/10 at 07:24:54

7A687A68657679747F370 wrote:
OldFeller  how about that first night ???  Is Canton close enouth to meet us there wensday morning (4th) ???

Serenty how about the 4th.  is that a good date on your calender.

MidnightRider   how do you feel about meet wensday morning the 4rd spend the 5th RIDING (and reRIDING if nessary) the Diamondback , staying at  little Switzerland Wensday night.  Then return trip Thursday ?

Toymaker  how are you with all this ?  Are these dates sounding Doable.?

ButtGoat any chance you can make it ?

Just as soon as we get a "headcount" I'll call for the camping cabin (sooner the better).


BIGZUK  we're not talking about a big dollar ride but if you can't get off work does YhamaKid want to go ?

Lancer has REX bit his bit in two yet ?

Mike 8-)

Works for me!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by buttgoat1 on 07/23/10 at 09:47:03

can't make the 4th.
my vacay is next week, and when I can ride afterwards depends on how far the girls go in the tournament.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/23/10 at 14:00:11

14303D37303E312D2B303D3C2B590 wrote:
[quote author=7A687A68657679747F370 link=1227970821/1155#1166 date=1279891745]OldFeller  how about that first night ???  Is Canton close enouth to meet us there wensday morning (4th) ???

Serenty how about the 4th.  is that a good date on your calender.

MidnightRider   how do you feel about meet wensday morning the 4rd spend the 5th RIDING (and reRIDING if nessary) the Diamondback , staying at  little Switzerland Wensday night.  Then return trip Thursday ?

Toymaker  how are you with all this ?  Are these dates sounding Doable.?

ButtGoat any chance you can make it ?

Just as soon as we get a "headcount" I'll call for the camping cabin (sooner the better).


BIGZUK  we're not talking about a big dollar ride but if you can't get off work does YhamaKid want to go ?

Lancer has REX bit his bit in two yet ?

Mike 8-)

Works for me![/quote]

Canton and Litl' Switzerland are close enough to me that I could ride with yall that day, then head home that night. So don't count me in, that way if I have more of the bike problems Oldfellow keeps posting about I can call the wife to come with the trailer and not bother anyone else.
Yamakid starts back to school on the 5th, so he will not be there.

Also, if any of you fellows are in Western NC for this or other rides and have bike problems, please feel free to call me @ 828-206-9304 so I can bring my truck and one of the trailers to help you get your bike home or to a shop. It wouldn't be the first time I've helped out other bikers.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/23/10 at 15:13:22

I talked with the boss (Mrs. T) and I don't think I can do the ride.  I have a bunch of "honey-doos" that I promised her I'd do if I did the Dragon ride and I haven't finished the list.

Sorry Guys.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/23/10 at 16:20:19

August 4th

I would have to leave in the wee hours of the morning to make it up to the Ashville area by 11:00 or noonish time frame on Wednesday August 4th.     Then I would be fancy free until 11:00 AM Friday, when I would have to begin riding back home to get a decent night's sleep before reporting back to work on Saturday AM.

The Savage is down right now for rear tire (with a complicator of needing a new rear axle and nut because the nut threads galled up on me when I removed it this last time and they ripped up the axle threads too).

I keep a spare bike for jest these type cases.   I am "good to go" riding on the One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater   (Virago XV535 Yamaha).  

Her Purple Majesty would be a more civilized ride up on the Parkway anyway  --  the Silver Surfer only has one running speed and that is like 30+ mph too fast for the Parkway.

I'm in .....  for a low bed with pillow and AC and shower facilities

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/23/10 at 16:26:36

Yeah, a honey do list with undone items on it ....

I remember what she said in the pool "If you don't wreck your bike this time, then you can go back again."

;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/23/10 at 20:27:49

Thanks BigZuk   ,  I put your number in my phone but hope only to call ya when the Bugers are Hot.

John sorry ya can't make it .... I doin't know what we are going to do for a "VOICE OF REASON".

OK , so the count is

OldFeller (air conditioner) Looking forward to seeing the 535 ?
MM Ranch

The six bed room is only $10 more that the four bed one.

I'll wait till Monday to call the folks at Little Switzerland.  Old Feller the Camper Cabins are only for sleeping, bath house is like the dragon Campsite .... I doin't know if they are airconditioned?   If not would you need , for me , to check other  area rooms ?  

Heck I'll check anyway just for "WhyNot".

I just looked about thrusday night room.   Red Carpet in Lenoir, NC --- 4 persons $61.20 total w/cont.breakfast.    thats 20 miles off the parkway at the  295 mile marker  

we started at the 415 mile marker +- a few  8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/10 at 05:22:36

Camper cabins six up = lowest cost per person if we can find enough folks to fill it up.

That's fine with me, I really don't need AC to take a shower.    ;D

Find out if the camper cabins are AC'd though as it will be knocking on 100 degrees during the day and will likely hover around 75-80 degrees (w/humidity) at night.    Also find out if they supply pillows and linen and such like stuff (if you don't ask you won't know)

I bet the six up camper cabins are bunk beds -- dibs on a lower bed.

Be careful about them separate beds now -- we don't want no echos of banjo music on this here "upper crust" civilized type trip.

Serenity and Midnight will have to be the voices of reason on this trip,  MMRanch, BigZuk and I have to much right wrist to have any "reasonableness" left to us.


My wife has stated her price for this new trip -- next Wednesday I take her to the coast to see the new Aquarium (wherever the flip that is ....)


Toymaker, mention this to your wife how mine "got what she wanted out of me" by simply stating what she really wanted to go do.    Women love a good idea from another woman -- it might break you free to go with us.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/24/10 at 05:47:19

Voice of reason, I'm riding my Ninja ah,ha,ha,haaaaaaa  ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/10 at 06:06:13

OK, I count 4 people making positive sounds right now fer a six man cabin.    

(Zuk sez he'll sleep in his own bed at home each night)

We is now shopping for rider #5 & #6.

Toymaker is a dubious maybe, so let's start beating the bushes .....


Lancer, you get me that axle shipped on up right quick like and I'll put the Silver Surfer back into play and you can drive your car or truck up to Fayetteville and leave it parked for a few days while we are out riding.

I'll ride the Purple People Eater and you can ride the Stage II Cam in the Surfer and you can jest plumb Rexify all them poor old boys a little bit and jest get it on & all out of your system.  

I will attest the Silver Surfer can take the trip without going tits up on you as she has done it flawlessly several times now (and she has already kicked the stuffing out of all of the other bikes attending, including Toymaker's 900 should he manage attend by the "let's make a deal" wid the wife scenario).  

So, the world beating Rexification type bike is provided if you can spring free the time to attend.

And, if you jest happened to bring a truck or a trailer with you, why, we could actually tow both bikes up there in style and be all nice & relaxed & fresh & frisky when we get there .....     (got me a loading ramp for a truck)

(no back pain from the extended trip to get there -- wouldn't that be nice for once ??)

;D   ;D   ;D

Speak up quick, old son -- these plans they do boil on up and over the edges of the pot ....

CHANGE, that sneaky little biatch, she comes up quick like on them quiet little slippered feet

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/24/10 at 07:59:16

5D7E7674777E7E7760120 wrote:
OK, I count 4 people making positive sounds right now fer a six man cabin.    

(Zuk sez he'll sleep in his own bed at home each night)

We is now shopping for rider #5 & #6.

Toymaker is a dubious maybe, so let's start beating the bushes .....


Lancer, you get me that axle shipped on up right quick like and I'll put the Silver Surfer back into play and you can drive your car or truck up to Fayetteville and leave it parked for a few days while we are out riding.

I'll ride the Purple People Eater and you can ride the Stage II Cam in the Surfer and you can jest plumb Rexify all them poor old boys a little bit and jest get it on & all out of your system.  

I will attest the Silver Surfer can take the trip without going tits up on you as she has done it flawlessly several times now (and she has already kicked the stuffing out of all of the other bikes attending, including Toymaker's 900 should he manage attend by the "let's make a deal" wid the wife scenario).  

So, the world beating Rexification type bike is provided if you can spring free the time to attend.

And, if you jest happened to bring a truck or a trailer with you, why, we could actually tow both bikes up there in style and be all nice & relaxed & fresh & frisky when we get there .....     (got me a loading ramp for a truck)

(no back pain from the extended trip to get there -- wouldn't that be nice for once ??)

;D   ;D   ;D

Speak up quick, old son -- these plans they do boil on up and over the edges of the pot ....

CHANGE, that sneaky little biatch, she comes up quick like on them quiet little slippered feet

you got yourself a deal there dude !

sign me up on the definite list guys

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/10 at 08:06:07

Lancer, got truck?   Got truck and trailer?    I may have an extra person from work if we have conveyance for 3 bikes, or I can ride one as the case may be.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/24/10 at 08:10:35

Still shoping for best deal on second night (Wensday)

I have emailed about cabin ,   tent sites are easy to find with indoor bath , and   privite showers.

will find cabin if I can.  

Start place is for sure, motorcycle campground
Time after breakfast and gear packed up +- 9'30 -10:00 ish

direction North on Parkway to the Diamondback and beyond

checking on Boone for Cabin with bunk beds   might have to go with camping gear. ???

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/24/10 at 08:26:00

so 3 capable
truck has 2 seats in front and 2 small jumpseats behind good for small person or child

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/10 at 08:56:28

MM, you got six now so you can be flexible on the rooms -- we may soon have 8 and best served by multiple 4 person arrays.  

Don't abandon your original place if we can stay in two 4 person cabins ...

Rooms/cabins/apartments, beds

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/10 at 09:15:16

Lancer,  the truck and the trailer sound good to me.   Bill will be asleep laid out over the jump seats in the back of the truck anyway as he will be coming off a 10 pm to 6:00 AM shift, getting into the truck and trying to catch a nap on the way up type of thing.

Bill is about my age, about your size, similar personality to you -- you'll understand him pretty much inside 10 minutes as he is a lot like us.  He'll be riding a CB550 which is light nimble and can keep up with a crowd of Savages jest fine.

Best plan for you might be to drive up Tuesday Aug 3rd aiming at 5:00 PM arrival time.   Once you are here we can sweep out to get a bite to eat, then come back and load the bikes onto trucks and trailers.   Bill will already have his bike there and he says he has some tie down stuff to provide in addition to what you and I may have available.

You and I get a good night's snooze in a bed and Bill shows up at 6:10 AM and we leave.

We unload and ride when we get there .....

Wednesday .... travel & ride

Thursday .... ride all day long

Friday ... ride back to the truck/trailer from wherever we are,  at noon we load the bikes back up and head back to Fayetteville, and unload the bikes before dark.   If you are tired or torn up in the back (which is likely BTW, I wuz a little tuckered after the last trip) you can stay over to recover a bit and get back to SC on Saturday if that's what you want to do.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/10 at 09:56:11

Bed count currently is:

MM Ranch

(with Bigzuk commuting from home each day)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Tripl
Post by MMRanch on 07/24/10 at 11:15:27

The cabins at Little Switzerland are gone they offered High Dollar  8-)campground.  
I'm checking up in Boone NC .  just off the parkway.  Lots of camping room and privite showers, indoor plumming.  and   mabby  cabins (waiting for return email now  .
8-) 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/24/10 at 15:18:10

                                     GREAT NEWS,

I just reserved  TWO cabins at for Wensday night the 4th.

Each cabin sleeps 4  (one Queen and one set of bunks) sorry OF you have allready spoke for a bottom bunk and I'm claming the Queen.

Bath house and showers near by;


We still have room for at least two more !!! Also could get a third cabin:

Remember parkway speed limit.    (that means EveryBody can come)

Its a done deal !   start wensday morning ,  wensday night  I feel a releif having the ends tied off. ;D :)  8-)

corection ends Friday morning at the BlueRidge Camp site.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/24/10 at 15:20:50

Appreciate your time and effort Mike!  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 07/24/10 at 15:29:25

I should have done this last week but I just told my wife and the Sheriffs  Dept is sending her out of town to school Aug 4th, 5th and 6th. We have 3 dogs and 20 some fish I'm gonna have to stay home and take care of. At the very best I can probably hook up with you guys on the Parkway one day and ride but I cant stay overnight. This sux. She is retiring next year and I will be glad!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/10 at 16:29:05

That's fine with me, I'll jest take the bottom bunk bed in one of the rooms as that is still well within my climbing range.

And now the fun starts --- the pot bubbles and the veggies all begin to stew around and bubble up and down in the pot.

Historically we have like a 50% drop out rate and then about the same new person replacement rate on these trips and the trips generally wind up being about the same size as they first were when it is all over.    

This one may be a bit different as the time span is so much shorter -- not as much time for replacements to bubble up in the broth so to speak.

Midnight and Bill have already dropped out in the first day as they never checked with their wives to find out what the social chairman had on the calender  (I did that one right, anyway -- all bribes paid and permissions granted, even for Lancer staying over the two nights)

So, right now it is jest me and Lancer in the truck and we don't need the trailer.

Bed count at the Flintlock is currently:

MM Ranch

(with Bigzuk and Midnight commuting from home)

MMRanch, where again are we staying Wednesday night, and where are we staying Thursday night?  

Lancer and I will be showing up Wednesday and unloading and leaving a truck in the parking lot at the Wednesday starting spot which we will have to travel back to on Friday AM to reload for the Friday afternoon trip back to Fayetteville.  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 07/24/10 at 17:16:26

Oldfeller said:
My wife has stated her price for this new trip -- next Wednesday I take her to the coast to see the new Aquarium (wherever the flip that is ....)

If you are talking about the one south of Wilmington NC, we just got back from there. It was not that great after seeing the one in Gatlinburg TN. Unless she just wants to go to the beach, you may make her more happy with a trip to the mtns. Me, yamakid, his sister & Mom all agree the aquarium in Gatlinburg is many times bigger and better.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/24/10 at 21:10:32

O K  

OldFeller  My plan leave Tuesday morning and drive to ;

Wensday morning meet everone else at   and ride to  and on to ;   and on to   where we have two 4 person cabins waiting

Thursday morning ride back to

by way of and perhaps

tent camp Thursday night at

Friday morning come back to Lynchburg Tn.

Now ;  If we only have 4  staying Wensday night I need to cancel one of the cabins at , , seven day cancelation notice = no charge.

And  ;  If ya'll want a cabin at the starting point you better reserve one , check out their site cabins are only $45. but only sleep two.  If ya let me throw a sleeping bag in the floor I'll give ya'll the $12 instead of the campground ( no banjo music) or if we have a fourth person returning to the start point I would like to split a cabin with them.

So I'll be gone from Tuesday morning till Friday night , After Four days of riding I might be glad to take a day or two out of the saddle and get  my chores cought up.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/25/10 at 01:06:36

The meeting spot.

Jump directly off I-40 on to 23 south to Waynesville, then 276 south to Cruso.   Can't get no easier .....


OK, looks very very good on the meeting place -- I actually know this one as it is just down the street from the Cruso general store where I bought my little tube of Neosporin about 4 years ago.  We took the year before lasts Dragon group down that same curvy little piece of ex-logging road as warm up for the Dragon and yep, it is a right fun little piece of pavement to be sure.  

I certified it forever as "a noticeably good rural riding road" with about six square inches of my skin as a matter of fact .....  

It's that good -- the Flying Purple People Eater is all a quiverin' fer a rematch, she's been a wait'n fer it for 4 years now ever since she got her nickname fer flying a wee bit all sideways down the outside gravel shoulder (no guard rail) at the very teetery edge of the mountain drop off on that particular piece of road.  It wuz a long long way down,  lemme tell ya ....

Both she and I both carry little visible reminders of her last visit to Highway 276 ....  


Meeting place has a ramp spot to empty the two bikes off the back of a truck, which is what we needed most for a getting off spot.   Since it is just me and Lancer, we can leave a bit earlier in the morning and get there cleanly a bit before noon.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/25/10 at 04:17:25

[quote ]
Lancer and I will be showing up Wednesday and unloading and leaving a truck in the parking lot at the Wednesday starting spot which we will have to travel back to on Friday AM to reload for the Friday afternoon trip back to Fayetteville.  


O/F .... how many miles round trip are we looking at from your place to mountain and back ?    .... for fuel planning purposes ...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/25/10 at 06:28:12

Ok, you will be traveling approximately 1,000 total miles in the truck getting about 18 open road mpg or roughly 55 gallons of gas for the trip total.  

Since it was my neat idea (and my bud Bill has done quit on us taking his gas share with him) I'll kick in the first $100 for gas leaving you the remainder to pay out of pocket when you fill back up again when you get home -- that plus the wear and tear on the vehicle will make up a fair share for you to plan your budget for.

Other than food, the rooms will cost about $25 a night so the out of pocket $$$ should be fairly reasonable.


We need to buffer the kickstands pretty good where they rest on the bed of the truck -- I've got some plywood and rags we can use for padding.   The bikes will try to move around a good bit on the mountain roads and the kickstands will scuff up your bed if we don't stop them from doing so.   Bring all the tie down stuff you have, we will need it.


Here's what's funny -- you would think the economics of gasoline would totally favor riding the bikes, right?  I mean a bike's 45 mpg vs 18 mpg for the truck is kinda skewed, right?

Remember, the truck is carrying two bikes back in the bed -- and their 45mpg divided by 2 isn't all that different from 18 mpg, not different enough to justify our two aching backs and stiff legs from riding for 6+ hours one way.

The truck is still worth it, believe me.  

If we still had the 3 bikes we would have actually come out slightly to the good on it mileage-wise.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/25/10 at 06:41:18

Neat Vidio O.F.

you dig-up some of the coolest stuff.

Lancer you and O.F.  good on accodomations for Thrusday nite at start place ?

And Anybody else interested in spliting  a cabin Thursday nite at   ?        
Decide Quick so we can get locked in for a bunk.  otherwise I'm in a tent.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/25/10 at 07:36:57

I'd like to stay in a bed on Thursday night so go ahead and get Lancer and me a two (2) bed cabin.    

Getting up with these folks is fun (they use a remote message service) -- I got a message into them but have gotten no response back so far.   If you get through to actually speak to them make sure they have a two bed cabin reserved for Thursday August 5th for John K. Alexander.

I'll keep plugging away at them until I get through.    If they'll let you, you could put an air mattress on the floor and share the cool in the cabin with us (unless you get someone else getting another cabin that is).  

Ain't no AC in these particular cabins I don't think .....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/25/10 at 10:45:22

No AC  but they are  deep    in the shade .   I'll stay out of Thursdays reversation unless we get another hit on staying Thursday night.  


The tent goes up real easy .


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 07/26/10 at 09:10:55

Dammit, I wish I could go....    :(

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kimchris1 on 07/26/10 at 09:29:12

Me too..  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/26/10 at 17:09:22

Ok, I got a Thursday night cabin for two.

There is no AC in any of the cabins but one of the two bed cabins has a ceiling fan installed in the roof to suck air thru the cabin to promote a more rapid cool down in the evening.  

We got that one,  Cabin #12.   Once the sun goes down we get whatever the outside ambient temperature is as it cools down into the night.

Right now predicted night temps up there around Canton range in the high 60's & low 70s which with some air movement would be good enough to sleep in for one night, even for lazy old fat dudes like me.


Ladies, this trip was built jest for you ....  special

The location, the ride path -- the whole shooting works

Built "extra special" for the casual trip rider

I will be riding my Parkway casual cruiser road trip bike, not my tweeked Savage.

MMRanch will be leading, riding all sane and careful like

You wish you could go ??

why don't you?

Jest do it !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kimchris1 on 07/26/10 at 20:00:06

Thanks for the invite O.F. Again I am not able to this trip. However one never knows about the future and what it might bring.
You boys enjoy your time together and the ride. Make sure you post the story as well as pics. My spirit will be there so take care of it..   ;)Kim

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 07/27/10 at 05:43:54

I'm out of vacation time, not to mention out of moola !!!  

One of these days, I will make one of these trips.  Promise!

Oh, and by the way, the cabin that we rented a couple of weeks ago didn't have A/C either.  Hubby thought he was gonna die, but it had a ceiling fan, and the evenings got cool, and it was so far back in the woods, we didn't get too hot...  well, not because of the lack of A/C...   ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/27/10 at 07:01:28

                 Just how fast will they let us go on the parkway ?

???????????????   General Rule .... 9 but not 10 mph over ??????????????


?????????????? Up to 10% allowed for speed-o-meter error ???????????


?????????? As fast as sight distance can tell the "Coast is Clear" ???????

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 07/27/10 at 07:16:59

if you go fast enough, they won't be able to catch you

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/27/10 at 15:31:20

not on the savage !


on my driving record

I'm to skeeered of the insurance rates !!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/28/10 at 03:14:38

Early weather forcast sez days will be partly cloudy with 30% chance of thunderstorms in the evenings

      (duh, its the mountains)

All of those speed ranges listed above are the same speed

What are you going to do with them slow hurleys?   There is a yellow line everywhere on the parkway.

1) break the law and cross the yellow line while passing them

2) just use the same lane while passing them kinda on the left side when things get clear enough

3) Run up on their butts until they pull off on an overlook

4) Put Lancer out front and let him introduce them to Ma Duce if they don't move outta the way

You DO know that there ain't nobody but Serenity that's sane going on this particular trip, now don't you?

We held out for the rule of sanity fer jest as long as their was a chance somebody else sane would come, but they didn't show up so it's jest us chickens again with only Serenity to represent the normal people.

It's a bad thing,  bad  bad  bad  thing

that Big Zuk is the second most "voice of sanity" for this trip

and he ain't got his son with him to protect

And MMRanch is out in front

(if Lancer can control himself)

and the scarred up one riding cleanup at the back of the pack rides a bike called

"the Flying Purple People Eater"

We are gonna have to put Serenity out in front and pray for lots & lots of highway patrolmen to be out in force on those days (that's the only way sanity will remain in charge)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/28/10 at 10:04:00

I feel  like   maby  if  I have to make a choice  ... number   2 would be my lucky number.

But I supect number     4     will happen more offten that not .


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/28/10 at 15:36:42

OK, reality intrudes again -- they posted the new work schedule this afternoon and I get Bill's late night shift on Tuesday night for the week of the 4th.

This means I will work all night and crawl into the truck at 6:10 AM Wednesday morning and take a catnap in the shotgun seat while Lancer drives up to the mountains.

Lancer, you can show up any time Tuesday afternoon now, I'll be there all afternoon and all evening up until like 9:30 PM.  

We won't have to struggle to get the bikes loaded up now all fast-like.

I will be the hold up getting started on Wednesday morning so we won't be showing up at the campground now until noonish-oneish timeframe.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/28/10 at 16:29:10

496A6260636A6A6374060 wrote:
OK, reality intrudes again -- they posted the new work schedule this afternoon and I get Bill's late night shift on Tuesday night for the week of the 4th.

This means I will work all night and crawl into the truck at 6:10 AM Wednesday morning and take a catnap in the shotgun seat while Lancer drives up to the mountains.

Lancer, you can show up any time Tuesday afternoon now, I'll be there all afternoon and all evening up until like 9:30 PM.  

We won't have to struggle to get the bikes loaded up now all fast-like.

I will be the hold up getting started on Wednesday morning so we won't be showing up at the campground now until noonish-oneish timeframe.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/28/10 at 16:49:58

Durn, are you going to be all sleepy too?  

I plan to take a nice nap for 6 hours on the way up so I'll be fine when we get there.   I will also sleep in the morning before, getting up shortly before you say you are getting into Fayetteville.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/29/10 at 08:18:59

No, I will not be sleepy.  The 6-pk is primarily for you, although I will likely suck one of them down before we hit the road.
you will be tired; could drink one just before you close your eyes; then when you wake up from your nap you will be wide awake  ! ! !    :D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/29/10 at 13:21:07

Lancer, got a rear wheel with a tire on it that you can bring with you?

I gots me a faulty bead on my new BF Goodrich tire ....

This particular dog isn't going to hunt ....  not this trip anyway.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/29/10 at 13:25:12


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/29/10 at 13:47:07

Actually, it isn't that bad.   About a 4" linear bruise across my left wrist and lower thumb joint and two barked knuckles.

I'm typing with it, so it can't be that bad ....

Tubeless air stem broke off in the wheel though -- that will take some time to cut out and fix (layers of silicone and cure times,  etc.    

Lancer -- got a spare wheel w/tire?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/29/10 at 17:28:34

7A5951535059595047350 wrote:

Actually, it isn't that bad.   About a 4" linear bruise across my left wrist and lower thumb joint and two barked knuckles.

I'm typing with it, so it can't be that bad ....

Tubeless air stem broke off in the wheel though -- that will take some time to cut out and fix (layers of silicone and cure times,  etc.    

Lancer -- got a spare wheel w/tire?

I do have a tire and wheel but not mounted and no tube.
Let me see what I can do.

One of the parts bikes has a rear wheel/tire that is pretty good; I could pull that off and bring it.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/29/10 at 18:41:44

Ya'll be careful Wensday morning getting to the campground.   I'll pm ya my phone number and actually stop and check it once in a while .   I might have the nearby roads pre-explored by time yall arive.

Only 5 days left till this ride starts from my prespective.   O.F. what tire was that (bead seperated) ?  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 07/29/10 at 19:06:14

OF Watch those 70mph curves..... you won't have me chasing your A** ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by buttgoat1 on 07/29/10 at 19:21:20

hey guys, me and the girl child did the run today.
We left chattanoog this am, towing Bettie on the trailer. came over the cherokee skyway and made a pass up and back from Robbinsville.
sorry that I couldnt sync it with yall.

I did see a chick on a S40, complete with coontail flying in the breeze.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 07/29/10 at 19:22:14

Hey Savagers, might I ask what the itinerary might be?  I am not that far from the Blue Ridge and I know where Cruso is.  Where will you all be at and when?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/30/10 at 14:09:45

The meeting spot.

We will be there noonish oneish on Wednesday August 4th where we will unload the bikes from the trucks

Jump directly off I-40 on to 23 south to Waynesville, then 276 south to Cruso.   Can't get no easier .....

We will proceed thru amazing roads riding all afternoon until we get to   and ride to  and on to ;   and on to   where we have two 4 person cabins waiting

Thursday morning ride back to

by way of and perhaps

tent camp Thursday night at

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/30/10 at 15:32:28

Thanks O.F

I couldn't said it better myself , and this was a lot less bother.

Whew that's a lot of "copy and paste" ing.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/30/10 at 15:53:30

Three days and a wake-up   .

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/31/10 at 13:53:13


Since ya'll arn't going to there till about middle of the day.   I may spend the night at the Dragon Campground and finish the ride to the
Wensday morning and I'll be there about noonish too.

did you get my phone # ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 07/31/10 at 17:12:30

Yep MMRanch, I got your phone number.

Forwarded it along to Toymaker so he can find us when he gets into the area on Wednesday.    He still hasn't replied if he is really coming or not.   We are assuming cell phone service exists around these little towns like Cruso .... and we all know what assuming gets us, don't we?


Lancer, got the new Dunlop Cruisemax tire mounted on the rim with a brand new tube inside it -- balanced and jest sitting there awaiting the arrival of the new rear axle so I can mount her up and speed test her for vibrations (if any).

Unless the new tube goes flat over night (due to a pinched tube)  then we are good to go on next Tuesday.   Worst case would be the mail carrier doesn't deliver the new axle in which case I would file the threads on the old one a bit, put some never-seize on on the threads and simply reuse both it and the old nut using a little extra grunt to put it together.

(It would likely seize up again when tightened up hard, but that's OK -- it wouldn't be coming off for a year and a bit anyway.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 07/31/10 at 19:30:46

I will just bring the axle with me; didn't want it to be late arriving

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 07/31/10 at 20:57:09

[edit] then we are good to go on next Tuesday[/edit]

I'm still meeting ya'll at blueridge campground Wensday about Noonish ?   I could ride all the way to blueridge camp Tuesday and be there Wensday morning if need be.   But the plan now is Noonish , Let me know if it changes from ya'll end.

Hopefully we will pick-up stragulars in route to Wensday's camp or sooner

ToyMaker where along the road do you suppose we might find ya ?

Same Question to you BigZuk ?

Any of you other Savages going to be in the neighborhood ?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/01/10 at 01:29:35

Lancer is driving his truck up to my house on Tuesday evening, we load the bikes up into the truck, go out and get a bite to eat and watch a little TV before I go to work and he goes to sleep.

I get off work at 6:00 AM Wednesday, get into the truck (and I go to sleep) and he drives up to Cruso by noonish-oneish.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/03/10 at 05:44:36





Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/03/10 at 09:31:35

Ya"ll RIDE SAFE.... Mike I know you will take a MILLION Pictures.... and need a ride report.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/03/10 at 10:53:51

I won't be joining ya'll....sorry guys. Mama said no, not this time...maybe I'll get my lawn mower fixed and get some things off my honey-do list.

T :-? ::)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/03/10 at 17:27:57

Lancer is here and the bikes are loaded -- he brought his Black Beauty to ride so I get to ride the Silver Surfer so it is Savages fer us all the way.

Dinner was Chinese and we had a nice low key good time.  

Me to work now and everyone else to bed ....

6:00 AM comes very early squirrely and we hit the ROAD TO GO !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/06/10 at 13:32:34

Just made it back Home .    Ready for some more !

I rode by the Dragon on the way home ... saw two state trooper ... and bought my scouts  some Monkey Butt Powder, they all just "Know" I'm making it up.   The plan is to get them all in roll and each one behind the guy in front on him gets to powder his nieghbors behind.
It ought to be a hoot !

I took hwy 72 north of the Dragon , 411 south to hwy 30 and got some more Twisties on the way home, it was a blast !    8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/06/10 at 15:41:02

Mike I know you took some pictures so I'll be waiting for you to post them. No hurry.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/06/10 at 20:18:33


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/07/10 at 03:44:51


We liked the place we stayed at on the second day and would recommend it as a base point for another trip.   It was within easy reach of the Ashville / Boone area as we ran the entire area from it on the second day.

There were no downsides to this entire trip, the weather was cool and beautiful, the 3:00 PM afternoon rain showers were completely predictable (we simply stopped and ate dinner while they did their little shower thing -- the pavement was dry by the time we finished dessert), we had zero mechanical issues, no accidents, no traffic tickets, no traffic issues whatsoever except on the Parkway and that was due to ongoing repair work that was taking place to the tunnels and such up there.   We stayed off the Parkway accordingly.

I had no issues with any cars or buses or trucks or 16 wheelers or Hurleys or sportscars or anything up there at any time, nothing impeded or slowed or irritated me more than momentarily on the entire trip -- it wuz simply wonderful peacefully riding about in the mountains.

And we found roads !!!   Lots and lots and lots of great riding roads !!!

One was the equal or better to the Dragon, especially if they finally get around to paving the last little section of it up at the very tippy top.   In addition to Dragon tight paved curves it has like 10 repeated 360 degree switchbacks going up a really steep mountain side.   Impressive to say the least.

Really good riding roads !!!

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

Now, to those of you who said  you were coming and didn't show up, I think you owe MMRanch some money for the cabin reservations he ate because you chickened out on the trip.

    ('nuff said on that topic)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/07/10 at 06:09:30

Nice tour of the facilities Kelly. Is that gonna be a replacement for the dragon next year? I would do that. As long as the roads are nice and curvy. Glad to hear that you guys had a good trip with no issues. Those are the best trips.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 08/07/10 at 06:59:38

The bike camp ground we stayed in was a great place.  It  has a communal bath house in the center so it takes a short walk to take care of business but that is the only short coming.  The little cabins are very nice, clean, dry and the foam mattresses are down right comfy.
Lots of space for those who like tents vs cabins.
Streams go by it and a pond righ smack in the middle of it.
It is quiet, birds in the trees and just friendly bikers all around.
Ride in any direction for fun roads for any skill level.
It gets my vote from now on.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/07/10 at 07:16:28


No changes are planned for the Dragon Run, except it may get even a little longer to start on Monday and run through Sunday.  

The first part of the Dragon Run is still a petty good ride, but the second part of it gets all tied up with learner's errors on proper bike maintenance,  mountain road requirements and ride expectations, low rider skills, you name it .... all sorts of common confusions take place during them last few days on the Dragon Run (including some people skinning up their bikes or riding them off into embankments).

The Dragon Run will still be at the Dragon complex and we will run out all through the nice empty "bike riding" areas as before.   Experienced riders earlier in the week, with the "beginner safe" Saturday & Sunday as before.


This new thing is going to be called the Black Line Run and it will take place approximately "now" in the year and the format and rules will be discussed a bit during the expert section of the Dragon run when we are all there to talk about it.  

Remember, we don't really restrict attendance to the early section of the Dragon Run, we just keep the two sections of it separated in people's minds so the beginners don't show up the first few days and get all "Southpaw'd" about the fast riding speeds.

Think of the expert section of the Dragon Run as the tryouts for the Black Line team -- you do really really good on the Skyway and other Dragon places and show that you REALLY know how to keep your bike in peak riding shape and you may get invited to the Black Line Ride.


The Black Line Ride has no rules, it has no expectations, it has very skilled riders RIDING SAVAGES ONLY who can deal with whatever comes along and enjoy doing it.  

We find no other make/brand of bike can fit fast mountain riding as completely as the Savage does -- we have never had any other sort of bike be able to keep up with the expert Savage rider group so we are gonna not have any of them with us on the Black Line Ride.

Think of what we were doing on the Skyway that day, some of us passed some of the things that got in our way, some laid back and jest putted along.    The putt-alongs would not fit in with a Black Line ride.

Kel and Big Zuk and you would be examples of candidates for the Black Line Ride from last year's early Dragon Run.   Lancer and MMRanch would be candidates from this last "Parkway" run.   All of you can deal with what comes along when riding "at speed" in the mountains.

Example of Black Line challenges --- riding at speed on a curvy road and lean into a turn then suddenly here is a riding lawnmower throwing bushels worth of fresh cut grass out on the road (some of which flies up and hits you in the face plate).  

Deal with it without going down ....   we all did.

What do you do when the pavement suddenly ends and it's a rough gravel road instead and you are still going fairly fast?    

Deal with it ....   we all did.

Big 16 wheeler slow choking a double yellow twisty road ....  you jest deal with it and pass him in a small straight spot like we all did.

A 20 car line up of soccer moms and old grannys and garbage trucks going 25 mph down the twisty local road (with erratic starting and stopping and turning off all the time) ....

Deal with it, cut it into pieces and pass each piece in turn and go on ....

The Black Line Ride is fast "reality riding" in the high mountains (with all the local traffic thrown in for you to deal with).  We get a county map and we go looking for the tiny black lines that go straight up the sides of the tallest mountains -- and we go ride them -- fast !!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/07/10 at 07:59:37

Historical perspective of the various Rides

2008  Year ONE
We started out "going to ride the Dragon" but our group mountain riding skills were very very low -- we lost Ed on the Parkway when chasing a guy and a long haired blond girl on a big fat Hurley (a stinkin' slow arsed Hurley fer crying out loud and we couldn't even catch up to it).   We never got to the Dragon.   Lancer was the only one of the group who ever caught up to the stinking slow two up Hurley.    
(I'm ashamed of us back when we started out -- we wuz all pitiful)

2009  Year TWO
We made it to the Dragon and rode it up and down and went down the Skyway.  Nobody got hurt but we didn't pass too many Hurleys either.

2010  Year THREE
More Savages got performance modded more this year, and more modded bikes made it up to the Dragon.   We began actively hunting Hurleys and Goldwings and such for fun, blasting past small sportscars and generally going faster and faster and faster.   The Dragon began to get a little tame, actually.   Been there, done that.

2010  First Slow Folks Parkway Run -- a complete bust as none of the women or slow riding folks that the run was built for actually showed up.   So, instead we few experienced riders who were actually there went out hunting for black line roads and suddenly realized we were having a lot of fun because we weren't all worried about killing Southpaw or Ed or Rocketman etc etc etc.   We jest passed what got in the way and simply went on with the ride.  
It was a complete blast and we liked it a lot.

2011  The Black Line Ride for experienced riders only is created as a very specialized ride for the very few who can be trusted to go on it safely.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/07/10 at 10:34:08

Sign me up...... I will Reserve a weeks worth of vacation time....
I can ether do the dragon or the Black line run...
done the dragon every year for since 06.... time for more chalanges


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/07/10 at 10:56:33

sounds great but don't sign me up yet. Thats a little too far off in the futuer for me to commit. I'll probably have to choose one or the other like kel but we'll see. I'm definitely gonna have to make at least one trip next year as the end of the world is coming in 2012.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/07/10 at 11:02:09

That's right .... the world is ending year after next year so ride like you stole it !!!     ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/07/10 at 11:43:18

Time to stock up in Beans & Franks, AMMO and some of that home grown Green Tabacy

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/07/10 at 15:53:03

I guess I am not invited for the "Black Line Ride."


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/07/10 at 17:33:04

162A27162D3B2F23292730420 wrote:
I guess I am not invited for the "Black Line Ride."


Guess ya will have to ride the savage

I am up for leaving home on Saturday or  Sunday and home on Sunday
just making a whole week of it.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/08/10 at 02:00:26

Hate to say it, but your 900 pound Kawasaki may be pretty and it may be comfortable, but it simply cannot keep up with the Savages on them mountain roads.  

Mebbe if you ride your Savage to the next Dragon Run and re-hone all your dicing traffic skills (pass everything that we pass) to stay up with the front runners .....

Toymaker, you just had a major go down and you haven't had time to get over that yet, but you will.   Riding your Savage aggressively somewhat will help you with that recovery as "it can" so soon you realize that "you can!"  

Riding around with Phil and company isn't going to help as you can lead that pack all day long and you will never even touch where we are going on the Black Line Rides.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/08/10 at 03:05:30

'nuff said.

Just ride safe.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 08/08/10 at 03:59:53

596568596274606C66687F0D0 wrote:
'nuff said.

Just ride safe.

I missed you not being there dude.
You missed out on some fine riding roads too.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/08/10 at 04:13:00

I missed not being there too, but apparently I lack the needed skills and I ride much to slowly to ride with you guys.  I'll stick with the "old, slow guy" roads and only plan on taking my "walker wheels" off during the  "slow folks days" at the Dragon each year.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/08/10 at 04:13:16

Toymaker the Barbarian would have loved them.  That switchback road would have had him giggling & laughing out loud by the time we stopped up at the top.

"Let's go back down it and then come back up it again faster !!!  

Wheeeeeeeeee !!!!"

(he's still in there, jest let him out a little riding on his Savage)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/08/10 at 07:41:37

ToyMaker I've been wanting to take the Sportster on a road like the Dragon sometime....
Maby we can do a Dragon Riders thing where it doin't matter what you ride .  
But I doin't want to bring a big bike on what OldFeller is talking about  @#$$@!!!%^^%  , I doin't think anybody would except a couple of "crouch idiots" it would be BAD and I'm not sure they could keep up.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/08/10 at 08:14:03

Where would be the meeting place for the Black line run....
Time to start my planning and hinting at the boss that i will gone a whole week... plus I need to start my rat hole of cash
and is it camp in one place the whole time. or pack up and camp in a diffrent place every night?

It will affect how I pack the bike.....
Yeasr ago back in the  late 80's I had a 81 cb900. rode the blue ridge from Cherokee NC north for a week and turned around and rode south camping in a diffrentt spot every night..... That was fun

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/08/10 at 09:40:03

Toymaker, MMRanch is speaking of keeping up with what happens when I "disappeared" on you several times riding at full rate, and HELL NO you wouldn't want to be on a Hurley of any kind trying to ride around traffic at that pace.   Or a Kawachunkie either.    


Once again -- The Dragon Run doesn't change.

we have always had other bikes welcome during Dragon Week.    Toymaker is welcome on his Kawachunkie as he always has been, as is Rocket Phil and is whomever riding whatever that gets brought along as a friend.   Dragon Week is not restrictive, we just stress that only the last few days are the "beginner friendly" days (and it really will be safer for the beginners because I will be drawing off all the frogs with me -- you'll have totally  frog free days)


Kel, we will jell the date for the Black Line Ride after the first few days of the next Dragon ride is over.   I'd just plan to go to the first days of Dragon Week as normal, taking the whole week off. Heck, we may jest quietly ride on away from the group at one point in time and jest go Black Lining for the last few days of the week while they are dealing with "Safe Day Saturday and Sunday" and all the newbies mechanical errors and learning curves and stuff.

Really, it's not like they can keep up with us anyway to see where we are going,  to them we simply "disappeared for hours" they get left so far behind.    'Cept this time it will be that we "disappeared for a couple of days".   There won't be all that many of us and the inflow of newbies will greatly outnumber us anyway so we won't be missed for much.

The announcement for the Black Line Ride could be as simple as a heads up that we're leaving on this next run.   Then you could decide if you wanted to go or not, load a couple of days worth of stuff up in your bags and RIDE.   After the first small town the ones who cannot keep up would be self-separated anyway.


You would expect the number of Black Line capable riders would increase naturally each year as the tadpoles grow up in skill level to be full blown frogs, and the ones who were marginal last year might be capable of making the ride this year after a few days of early Dragon Week hard practice.

If you are considering going Black Line, try practicing passing things with very hard short accelerations around your  home town jest to get a feel for that particular action.   You can do that legally anywhere and then you can practice high speed sweepers and fast curves up on the Skyway during the first days of Dragon Week.

Mod and tune your bike
.   Replace your brake pads and tires and any other wear related item well before Dragon week so they can seat in good before action week.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/08/10 at 11:04:38

Looks like Dragon Week starts June 26 and runs through July 2 --- is this the vacation week the mgf plant guys have off ??

Seems we had an issue last year where we had to tune the week to match up with the most common week off for the plant guys, didn't we?

What is it this year ??

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 08/08/10 at 11:08:45

Being that the 4th is monday, I would expect the 2, 3 and 4th to be the busy weekend.  And the weekend before to be the light weekend.

someone should be in contact with the gap resort to know for sure.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/08/10 at 11:14:48

I can leave my house as early as the 25 th and be back on the 2nd....
lets see what comes about...

Versy you going to make it this year?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 08/08/10 at 11:18:38

I would like to, as you say, let's see what comes about.

Planning on a road trip, I have my eye on a trailer and looking for someone to share the cost with.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/08/10 at 12:14:32

Great !!!

Knowing what the dates (Dragon ride) are this far ahead of time , makes planning our BoyScout Camp week a lot easier.

I'm thinking Sportster this time, leaving tuesday and comming back Sunday.

I like thoes little black lines on the map as much as you do OldFeller , but some of that passing on double yellow lines would make the speeding ticket fine seem like pocket change !

That Hwy 80  going down to Marrion was the best part of the ride for me. and there were a lot of Great  parts to choose from.   It could have been the "ready to get off the Parkway traffic" relieif , but man it was good !

I still want to go up to Mt.Mitchel on one of the trips.   Maby while OF takes the "WILD" bunch , ToyMaker and I can take the "LawObiding" bunch out on the parkway and up Mitchel. ?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 08/08/10 at 12:29:21

4F5D4F5D50434C414A020 wrote:
That Hwy 80  going down to Marrion was the best part of the ride for me. and there were a lot of Great  parts to choose from.   It could have been the "ready to get off the Parkway traffic" relieif , but man it was good !

I still want to go up to Mt.Mitchel on one of the trips.   Maby while OF takes the "WILD" bunch , ToyMaker and I can take the "LawObiding" bunch out on the parkway and up Mitchel. ?


My Dad's place is a mile and a half on the other side of Highway 80 from where you got off the Parkway. Thats where I spent my summers growing up and where I learned to ride.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/08/10 at 14:26:55

Those dates are ok.  However Mrs. Toymaker and I are going to be gone (to St. Lucia) either on June 18-25 or June 22-29.  I am planning on the  18th.  She won the trip in a contest and WE HAVE to go.

MMRanch, I'd love to go up the mountain....also, what about the "Devil's Triangle" as part of the Dragon?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/08/10 at 19:16:11

MidnightRider I'll bet you would make a reaallly good guide for the BlackLine part of the next Dragon trip.   That Passing on blind curves gives me the willies............but those curves sure are FUN !!!!!!!!!!!

Toymaker if you get back the 25th , that would be Great !  Should we take the Savages or the bigger bikes?  Either way it's a no/loose situation !     .   Hay maby a fall ride in that area would be a good warm up type thing .    When the leaves start changing ya want to put a ride together.?   maby a weekend thing so the working folks can join in .

I'm thinking meet Saturday morning and ride home Sunday evening

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 08/08/10 at 19:55:50

Really hate I didnt get to go with you guys this time, ah the joys of being married to a cop LOL. I can run Highway 80 in my sleep LOL. I use to ride my bicycle down Hwy 80 and swim in the Buck Creek growing up. MM you remember Charles, my buddy with the Road King. Him and I are planning on going back up to the Dragon and camping a couple of nights around the 3rd week in Sep. I'll let you know when we set a date. You and any rest of the guys come join us if you can.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/09/10 at 04:53:37

MMranch, if I can, I'd love a run...nut I'll have to let you know.  October would be great, but I have an anniversery in there too....and Momma comes first to ridin'

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/09/10 at 06:20:38


Third week in September .     Sounds like a good time for a ride !

I'm itching to take the Sportster for a ride like that.   I've seen that harleys  trying to keep up with Savages in a hurry does't work.  But I still got the itch.

I'm retired so weekend or weekday doesn't matter a lot.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 08/09/10 at 06:42:54

1F0D1F0D00131C111A520 wrote:

Third week in September .     Sounds like a good time for a ride !

I'm itching to take the Sportster for a ride like that.   I've seen that harleys  trying to keep up with Savages in a hurry does't work.  But I still got the itch.

I'm retired so weekend or weekday doesn't matter a lot.

I'll keep in touch and give you a date when we decide on it.  Charles and I are retired also so we'll probably go during the week so hopefully it wont be so crowded.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/09/10 at 07:11:13

The key word is "relative hurry", most Hurley riders don't hurry any at all and they do get stopped 100% by anything that gets in front of them when up on mountain roads.

MM, you will know you got the bug when you start passing things that are going too too too slow in sections of road that simply aren't skeery to you any more.  You know durn well you are going pretty slow compared to what you can do and they are jest creeping along and you know it.  

Your skeery level simply has been raised somewhat Dragon runs and our other little outings.   You also know jest how quick you can get around something like that, so you do it.    Passing things on a motorcycle is a skill, jest like taking a sweeper turn -- you watch somebody do it and then you practice doing it yourself some.

Think of Phil or Southpaw -- what would stop them from passing 100% jest won't stop you any more.   You know how to pass things safely.

Toymaker the Barbarian riding on his Savage would pass things, I watched him do it.   Now that he is all used to his Kawachunkie he sometimes is content to run at or under the 55 mph speed limit and run along behind people doing less than that.

You will also know you got the bug when you cannot abide the blocked up Parkway as 15-25 mph range is creeping along too too slowly and having a pair of them spandex clad side by side bicycle riders setting the pace for a whole line of traffic becomes something you really can't take for very long.

VROOOOOMMMM !!!  (pass two)

VROOOOOMMMM !!!  (pass one)

VROOOOOMMMM !!!  (pass two)

VROOOOOMMMM !!!  (pass the two cyclists)

And be free again .....   (ah!  priceless)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/09/10 at 13:52:17


I know your right and at the time ZOOMING around them slow pokes seem the right thing to do , and "ON WITH THE RIDE".   I'm realy glad we didn't meet the law at  --- Just the WRONG time ---  .   The odds of the on comming traffic having a badge is still there . 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/11/10 at 00:15:41

Yep, even so --- jest how far will he then have to go to find a place to turn around?

I hope a LEO wouldn't try to do a road turn on them little bitty roads ..... he'd be all sideways a doing it when the semi got there !!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/11/10 at 20:23:41

Yea better they find the truck than one of us.   I know they are just folks but as a groop they tend to get the "better than you" autidute or "we can break the law but you can't."

I might have to ride around with the ToyMaker and Big Bueaty speed for a trip or two , but I'm sure I'll be ready for a curve or two by time Dragon season gets here again.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/14/10 at 12:24:08

Watch out Toymaker -- I smell a trip to Mount Mitchell a'coming your way.

:D   ;D    :D    ;D   :D   ;D    :D    ;D   :D   ;D    :D    ;D    :D    ;D   :D  

Make SURE you gas up 100% before you get on that stretch of Parkway as it exceeds the Savage gas tank ability to get here and to go up and down the Mt. Mitchell parkway extension part w/out running completely out of gas on a Savage.    

           (it is a trip, fer shure)

And such is the reason for using the Sportster wid the bigger gas tank -- MM has him a Mt. Mitchell itch to scratch (gotta count him some xxx hundred stair steps there for the Boy Scouts) and you are going wid him for the ride ....

....  and the walk to it, and the climb up it,  and the climb back down it and then the walk back.    

       And then the long ride back out.

;D   ;D    ;D    ;D            got any evil left in ya after that little climb up & down the xx hundred stairs there good buddy ??

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 08/14/10 at 14:41:42

If you get off the Parkway at Highway 80 and travel  1.5 miles on Highway 80 like you are going towards Burnsville there is a gas station on the left. The road that goes to my Dad's place is right across Highway 80 from the gas station. Thats where I spent my summers growing up and where I learned how to ride a motorcycle. I asked you guys a long time ago if any of you had ever ridden Highway 80, no one responded. I'm glad some of you have now. I think 80 is a tougher ride than the Dragon because of the extreme elevation change. I've been riding 80 ever since I turned 16, first time I rode the Dragon back in the 90's it wasnt that big a deal, I have been riding roads like it all my life. But I will say this, you cant beat the scenery around Deal's Gap. Too me it is about the most beautiful place I've ever ridden. Growing up around Mt Mitchell I've actually seen it windsnow in July. Thats one place you never wanna go without a jacket. Highway 80 isnt the only good road around Mitchell, you could spend days on great roads in the area. I consider myself fortunate spending my summers growing up and learning how to ride in that area.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/14/10 at 16:45:54

Highway 80 isnt the only good road around Mitchell, you could spend days on great roads in the area.

I think thats a very good idea.  Campground $12.oo a night another $12 for food and another $12 for fuel .... $36.oo a day and a "GREAT" vacation.    8-)

I'm going to have to take the wife on one of these rides "It might have to be the next one"

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 08/14/10 at 18:12:36

7D6F7D6F62717E7378300 wrote:
Highway 80 isnt the only good road around Mitchell, you could spend days on great roads in the area.

I think thats a very good idea.  Campground $12.oo a night another $12 for food and another $12 for fuel .... $36.oo a day and a "GREAT" vacation.    8-)

I'm going to have to take the wife on one of these rides "It might have to be the next one"

I might know where you can find a good guide LOL. Another cool thing about growing up there was my Dad's place bordered Pisgah National Forest. Back then (when I was 11 yrs old) you didnt have to have a drivers license or a licensed vehicle to ride the forest service roads. When I was 11 my Dad had a Honda 100. I could hop on the Honda and ride forest service roads all the way down to Old Fort. Over a 30 mile ride one way , not only learned how to handle a mountain curve but I also became a pretty good flat tracker.  Those forest service roads have a lot of 180's and swithbacks. Those were the days, I literally grew up in motorcycle heaven. My Dad encouraged me to ride and trusted my judgement back then. Didnt mean a lot to me back then but it means a lot to me now. Could you imagine in this day and age giving an 11 year old the keys to a motorcycle and tell him he can ride 60 miles? Of couse I usually brought him back my limit of fresh rainbow trout whenever I went riding. Cant complain about my childhood, just wish I could go back and do it all over again.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 08/14/10 at 20:04:19

5E4C5E4C41525D505B130 wrote:
Highway 80 isnt the only good road around Mitchell, you could spend days on great roads in the area.

I think thats a very good idea.  Campground $12.oo a night another $12 for food and another $12 for fuel .... $36.oo a day and a "GREAT" vacation.    8-)

I'm going to have to take the wife on one of these rides "It might have to be the next one"

Mike if you get off the Parkway at Highway 80 and take a left like you are headed towards Burnsville you go about 5 miles and there is a beautiful Forest Service Campground called Carolina Hemlock. The South Toe River runs through it and there is a nice swimming hole and little beach if your wife likes to lay out in the sun. They have showers, its one of the prettiest campgrounds you'll ever see.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 08/14/10 at 20:50:26

midnightrider,makes me sorry I live this side of the States,sounds like you guys are having a ball,do you take the Ninja or the Savage ?
Cant get much stuff on the ninja,or did you get saddle bags for it yet ?
Keep your fingers crossed mike But I am getting a little more movement in my left hand,I still cant make a fist, but my Doctor has started me back on theropy,and it seems to be helping,I am following all his instructions to the letter.
If it comes back what do I buy ,a ninja or a Savage ?
Be carefull up there guys,but not so carefull you aint having fun.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Midnightrider on 08/14/10 at 21:00:13

Mick I took the Savage last month to the Dragon but I have found a company that makes a luggage rack for the Ninja. I'm hoping to get one and ride the Ninja to the Dragon next month. When you're camping on your bike you have to carry a lot of gear. I've got a tailbag for the Ninja now I need some saddlebags and the rack. I am lucky to live a few hours from some of the best motorcycle riding roads in the world. I grew up in a great area and have a Dad that encouraged me to ride. It just dont get any better than that. Great news about your arm Mick!!!! You just cant keep a good man down.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 08/15/10 at 02:12:09

44404A425D414C4540444C50290 wrote:
midnightrider,makes me sorry I live this side of the States,sounds like you guys are having a ball,do you take the Ninja or the Savage ?
Cant get much stuff on the ninja,or did you get saddle bags for it yet ?
Keep your fingers crossed mike But I am getting a little more movement in my left hand,I still cant make a fist, but my Doctor has started me back on theropy,and it seems to be helping,I am following all his instructions to the letter.
If it comes back what do I buy ,a ninja or a Savage ?
Be carefull up there guys,but not so carefull you aint having fun.

Wow, that is great news Mick !

It would be wonderful for you to be able to ride again...praying for you Mick

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/19/10 at 14:38:11

Thought for a possible side trip on our next mountain run.    

Has anyone seen it to tell us if it is worthwhile?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/19/10 at 15:28:35

Check with southpaw. He and rocketman went there during dragon weekend.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by babyhog on 08/19/10 at 15:53:12

71525A585B52525B4C3E0 wrote:
Thought for a possible side trip on our next mountain run.    

Has anyone seen it to tell us if it is worthwhile?

Looks awesome!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 08/19/10 at 16:33:55

we gotta go to that place on the next trip !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/19/10 at 17:57:06

Al, did you find out your shut down week for 4th July next year?

We need to know the week the plants are shutting down so we can formally declare the next Dragon Run.

You are the only one I know of that is plant bound, so we will use you as the litmus strip for the manufacturing facilities.

Babyhog, if you are really coming next year we need to know soon so we can plan appropriately.   The nature of the beast will be planned to be much more civilized during the span of time you or any other gentle folk will be there, and the other civilized ones will likely plan to be there timewise to ride along with you.

I will get detailed county maps of the appropriate counties so if removal of the nasty froggies becomes needed I can entice them to run off to go ride the really nasty roads wid me.   Then a more civilized group can ride off in a very sensible fashion to go do something like the Wheels of Time museum.

Given that the Dragon will likely bridge an entire week next year there is time to do a LOT of interesting things, with "interesting things" being appropriate entertainment for several different groups.

Southpaw and Rocketman weren't into our cute little suicide runs, so they went off and did something that was interesting to them -- the museum ride was perfect for them as they were a matched pair as far as riding style went.

I'll manage to see the museum on the way, but I will likely see a lot more things that day as Blackliners tend to cover a lot more ground than the sensible folks do.   In one day we can range from the Dragon to Boone and back .... going over tall mountain sections taking them little black lines that you would spend a lot of extra time routing around the elbow to go around as you don't see a connection between here and there on your regular maps like the Blackliners do on the detailed county maps.  

(and yeah, some of those roads do suddenly go dirt on you -- but they do go over and through)


Southpaw squeaked when he saw a normal dinner run -- what do you think he would have done if he had gotten caught up on a blackline trip over the tops of the mountains to go visit all the rich people's chateaus?  

(at full speed of course)

:o   :o      whuuups !!   Where did he go?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/19/10 at 19:36:34

Actually I work at a lumber yard so i can pretty much pick the week as long as I have enough notice to claim that week before anyone else does. And if things don't pick up before then i'll have lots and lots of time on my hands. So you guys decide. Maybe I'll skip the dragon ride and do the black line white knuckle ride.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/20/10 at 03:31:35

So we currently don't have any plant constraints on scheduling Dragon Week then.  Let's move it away from the 4th weekend then (the week before touches the weekend of the 4th on the latter weekend days).

How about June 20 thru June 26 as the Dragon Week for next year?

This gives us a full week which actually has lots of time to do everything (including some limited black lining) with the 24th, 25th and 26th being reserved for "the civilized frog free days" for the normal folks?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/20/10 at 05:11:54

That works for me. I'll pencil it in on my work calendar.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by FlybysBlvd on 08/20/10 at 08:38:40

0221292B282121283F4D0 wrote:
Thought for a possible side trip on our next mountain run.    

Has anyone seen it to tell us if it is worthwhile?

Definate must see at least once if you have never been.  I would go back in a heart beat, so much to see!

 I am not sure if it's still there, but  there is a section for Women in motorcycling - Baby Hog I am sure you would like it , it wasn't ready when we went but what they were setting up was awesome.  I haven't really heard any negative things from anyone who's seen the museum, myself included!  

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/21/10 at 07:57:06

Those dates don't work for me. oh well

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/21/10 at 08:53:11

Suggest some other dates, so far no one has any preference for any particular dates and no one is saying they are caught by a scheduled plant shut down either.

We are pretty much fancy free for the date so far ....

Suggest away, that's why we are doing the "when is it going to be this year thing".

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/21/10 at 10:12:34

June 27-July 2 works for me...earlier than that and I can't make it

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 08/21/10 at 11:08:23


maybe I should just buy some property and live there for the summer months !
build a bike barn with showers, bunks, stove, frig, work space, etc


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/21/10 at 12:01:06

Monday, June 27 thru Sunday, July 2

Wild days in June,  "normal" days in July

Let's hear some from the normal people -- we got any out there planning on attending this year?

Whatcha say,  Babyhog?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/21/10 at 21:09:35


June 27 - July 2 works for me too.   Just as long as I get to take the Home Crew to a Fireworks Show it should fly !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 08/22/10 at 19:03:33

Probably not this year, I've got the boy graduating and possibly a wedding coming up. Besides I need some time to sharpen my skills before attempting to keep up with you all. Amazing change in perspective though, I've come back to riding with the same folks I had before and suddenly they seem to be riding SLOW!!! (Mostly retirees riding big cruisers, never gave it a thought before because I never had anything to compare them to!)  ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/23/10 at 10:52:19


Your welcome to drop by anytime (call ahead so I'll know to stay home that day) .    I wanted to show you the road going down the back of Moneagle Mountain (Hwy 156) we call it "Jump Off Road" , but we need to be fresh to the road for that one.   Pack a little lighter next time and keep the weight LOW.  The entertaintment in the back yard was rememberable and next time we'll plan ahead to light the grill.

Is the last week of June going to be it ?

I have to put in for our BoyScout Camp Week soon and doin't want a conflicting schule of events if I can help it.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/23/10 at 12:16:34


What's them there dangly thingies hanging off the sides of your tail fin there, tadpole?

Are them little green froggie legs we see a sproutin' off ya?



Hurleys are fer HUNTIN', not riding wid  

(now that you finally got your wheels on)

Last trip up I gots me two of them, simultaneously

One off of each side of the road

Neither could believe that a full hurley dresser couldn't do anything a fat old man on a feeble single cylinder grandpa cycle could do ....

Had them attempting the next turn at 55 mph trying to keep up with me

you can ask MMRanch or Lancer what they looked like ....

spreading off the road one on each side a mashing them brakes and sparking them floorboards ...

(I dunno, I was already gone by then)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/23/10 at 21:38:02

You should have seen it !
Sparks lighting up the shady road and brake-lights just a flashing , then the Gravel a flying ...  Quite a site !!

Hope its a while befor I have to see anything like that again  #$%^$#!@..

OldFeller you ought to be ashamed of your Froggie Self .    ;D ;D

It was a sad sight for sure  :-/      :-[

8-)I'm not even sure Harley Season was Open !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 08/24/10 at 04:14:15


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/24/10 at 05:40:05

I can do Just about any week you guys want.
I was thinking a sunday to sunday trip.
Have tent will travel.. Just have to bring sunday beer. :)
I get 3 weeks of vacation a year and will be taking the whol week off so why not ride. just have to get the funds allocated from the book keeper/ boss/ wife :D
is the Deals Gap resort still going to be our Base camp?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 08/24/10 at 14:34:57

Deal's Gap works for me.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/24/10 at 14:44:38

Just tell me when and where and I'll be there.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/24/10 at 20:12:12

Now MMRanch,

I WAS nice to the Hurley guy at the camp ground who wanted to bet me $500 that there was nothing his 600 lb dresser couldn't do better than my bike.

I wuz nice enough take a few minutes to educate him for free, didn't charge him a single red cent for the lesson since it didn't take very long (he also avoided me very carefully the rest of the evening too, since he had been so durn loud & verbal about his $500 braggin' bet).

But the two local kids in the blue Camero on the very last run of the last day right before we loaded back up were the most fun, they wuz stubborn, they wuz.  What they lost in the curves they would try to pick back up on the straightaways ....  mostly.   And they did keep trying, all the way to the campground turn off.

Lancer, you needs to get Rex running again.

I gets all lonely riding around by myself, wid jest testosterone soaked teenagers in sports cars to keep me company.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Southpaw on 08/24/10 at 21:15:24

 Oldfeller, riding with the wild bunch was a lot of fun and certainly an "education"! It has led me to believe I need to expand my group of riding buddies. I probably gravitated to those guys because when it comes to riding, I AM "slow folk" like them. That doesn't mean I'm satisfied with my skills, it was just my comfort zone...and they bullsh!t with the best of 'em so the campfires are fun! Economics and opportunities permitting I'd like to come back and try it again sometime.
MMRanch, Likewise, I really appreciated the hospitality and the offer. I'd like to come out and tour around your neck of the woods. I think if the original plan had worked out and the family vacationed around Nashville or Pigeon Forge, both families could have had a lot of fun! As for the midnight singalong, I'm glad you liked that, I hadn't done much with a guitar in ages. Are you sure your neighbors didn't think it was just a couple of old frogs croaking in the night? ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/25/10 at 10:12:19

Frogs Croking in the Night ... Its a wonder we didn't draw every frog in the neighborhood up to the house !

Deals Gap is a good "Ground Zero" they have breakfast waiting when we get up and Fair prices all day long.

Sunday to Sunday sounds good to me ---- but I'm not sure how its goona Fly with the Boss !    I have a while to get her BUTTERED up between now and then.  
I'm Putting Scout camp the week befor and LOCKING IN.

Toymaker it would be the same without ya ... DMsavage we missed ya last year.

I'd like to get at least one more ride in this year befor Cool weather set in.   ?

O.K. ----  We're talking about the last week of June -July 2

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/27/10 at 04:17:48

I just read part of the "Has anybody taken the motorcycle training course?" and somebody was whining/wishing "I wish a trainer would follow me around and offer me advice on taking turns".

I wanted to slap him/her and tell her to get off him/her's butt and get over to the Dragon during the newbie days.


I shamelessly went to school this past year by following BigZuk and Yammakid as that father and son team use late braking techniques to make a lot of speed through turns (far better speed than I was making).  

Heck, Al has a video of me doing it that he posted -- and you will notice that I braked when they did in the turns and accelerated when they did (copying them shamelessly to get the particulars down pat).   And by the end of the video you will notice that Al couldn't keep up with us either -- he didn't copy their tricks as good as I did.

Speed and skill are LEARNED by intentionally copying folks techniques who do it better than you do.  

I do it, so do you.

Dragon days are advanced riding training days -- always have been, always will be.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 08/29/10 at 07:25:57

As with all really neat ideas, somebody thought of it before you did.

Motorcycle Roads has our mountains mapped already, but they chose to call the agressive roads "Red Line Rides" instead of Black Line Rides

.... here's their mapping of the roads around Black Mountain area.

These all seem to be major roads still.  

I think we got into a little finer detail when we scrounged out some of our better roads last trip up.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 08/30/10 at 06:31:45

2C0F0705060F0F0611630 wrote:

Speed and skill are LEARNED by intentionally copying folks techniques who do it better than you do.  

Dragon days are advanced riding training days -- always have been, always will be.

and Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice amd more Practice

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 08/31/10 at 22:15:36

I've learned more than a couple things  in the two years I've been there !  
That first trip when I didn't think it would turn any more , was only the begining . 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 09/02/10 at 07:51:52

And I learned they really would go a heck of a lot faster around a turn if you put the gas on in the middle of the turn.

And that NO turn exists that you can't go around at twice whatever it is posted for by the DOT.

And that your bike will out accelerate a car EASILY getting around it inside a short straight away.

And Lancer and Yamakid both proved to me that you really can split the lane between two oncoming cars with room to spare.   There is like 10 feet between them.  

So you don't necessarily die if you get "caught out" on a passing job in the mountains.

          .... just bring some spare underwear   ;) ;)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 09/02/10 at 15:16:23

YEP ............ spare underwear is always good to have on hand; you never know what may come your way or from which direction !

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by weracerc on 09/06/10 at 17:46:16

for you veterans of the dragon - how much riding experience (at a minimum) is needed to safely get through the 11 mile run.......would you reccommend a less than 1 yr commute/around town less than 1000 miles total riding experience rider try it?

i found a link that shows the number of deaths by year - i dont want to be on that link - or be a nuisance to the other rriders for being to slow.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 09/06/10 at 21:31:50

The last few days of Dragon week are reserved for the newbies -- and you are a Dragon newbie even if you have 20 years of general bike experience but haven't been around the Deals Gap area before.

Will you kill yourself?  No, not very likely if you have any sense about things at all.   Your biggest danger is getting run over by a crotch rocket or run off the road by an oncoming Hurley that is using your lane because he couldn't stay in his own lane.

Simply get a map of the area in your saddle bag and ride at the back of the pack when they take off for a run (let the rest of them go sweep up all the road dangers before you get there).  The guys up front may simply ride a lot faster than you can -- but if you get left behind riding at your own safe pace, that's OK -- you can figure out how to get back to the resort using the map.

There is a lot of riding that we do way out in the surrounding country side apart from occasional runs up and down the Dragon.   And the serious Savage riders up in front of the pack do ride faster than you would believe possible, so expect to get left some and don't take it to heart, it is all just part of learning how.

YOUR BIKE MUST BE IN EXCELLENT SHAPE, good tires, good brakes, valves set, carb tuned etc etc or the rigorous rides will expose whatever lacks your bike may have.

You might want to PM a guy called Southpaw -- this past year he was kinda in the same spot that you might be in.   He can offer you some insights on dealing with the Dragon that I might not even consider (been doing it too durn long).

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 09/07/10 at 11:19:04

As fas as speed goes.... AT YOUR OWN PACE....
I got cought doing 70 or so on the Cherohola Skyway  BUT I was JUST RIDING... not paying attention to my speedo.
I was Riding in my comfort zone.... It might be a bit too fast for some
when the elevation is around 4000 feet and you got a drop off  on the outside of a long sweeper.
I did not beleave it untill Bigzuk pulled out the GPs History...
OF is correct... Bike mut be in tip top shape... I know I abuse mine every time i go to the GAP..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Side note:
Alot of the riding is Very technical... IE Setting up Decending raidous 90 deg lefthanders downhill that switch back in to a 90 or 100 deg up hill   all the while trying to keep up with BigSuk and Son....
alot of PEG Scrapin fun to be had by all... even an exhaust header scrapes, Just ask the OF

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by weracerc on 09/07/10 at 13:22:20

my cycle'n buddies (crotch rocketeers) are going there this weekend - I think i'll pass the 2010 season and try for a late 2011 run - perhaps by then i'll not pucker up at the thought of a peg scraping.....the bike is in good shape now that i have done the front brakes, raptor, head plug, oil change, spark plug has 7800 miles on it now by this time next year hoping it has double that.....and thusly i'll be better prepared for some curves.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 09/07/10 at 13:34:52

Don't ask me, I won't be there during newbie days.

The evil crazy frog will be elsewhere when the beginners get there, probably doing some crazy shite like passing 18 wheelers on double yellow line roads or luring pairs of full dresser Hurleys into attempting (and failing) 55 mph corners or some such crazy nonsense.

I pose a special danger to younger male riders and drivers -- they inherently cannot believe that they can't do what the fat old man on the overloaded stock single cylinder grandma bike can do and he lures them into situations that they lack the skills to handle and find they cannot get out of.

Ask Kel, he's been doing 75 mph sweepers and hitting 80 plus on the straight aways jest a running his bike just flat out as fast as it would go and getting upset he couldn't go any faster.

Big Zuk had fallen back at that point in time to sanity land, where his GPS recorded those 70 mph speeds -- but you weren't back there with him, were you now Kel -- you wuz out there in front way up in froggy land with me.

And it was so easy and natural, too ....

jest a floating gently along communing with the turns.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 09/07/10 at 16:53:34

and Still could not catch up with the OF on his Grandmaw bike.... :D :D :D :D ;D


and still did not nrrd any new DRAWZZZZZ :-/

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 09/07/10 at 17:26:05

Go black lining with us -- traffic both ways is what causes them soiled drawers.   :o   :o

The Skyway was peaceful and deserted .... commune with them turns, watch the rain clouds top the ridge and envelope you in a world of pearly white while hitting 85 mph on the long ridge straight away .....

Happy zone, ain't it?     I miss it a lot when I go back down into the normal world.    My riding friends just don't understand why a set of curvy roads seems to go bring a grin to my face ....

Mountain roads are the Savage's natural element -- they come alive up there.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 09/07/10 at 19:37:29

 Mountain roads are the Savage's natural element -- they come alive up there   .    


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ncron1103 on 10/22/10 at 01:26:38

I will be there!!!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/06/10 at 07:03:23

Justin O Guy was thinking that fork brace was a necessary thing to have for a Dragon Run participant.  

Not so, I don't have one !!!

He was shocked that I told him I didn't have one and that from what I can remember most of the participants did not have a fork brace either.

Dragon is all about developed skills and practice, not fork braces.

He still doesn't believe it, so all you Dragon guys chime in -- fork brace or no fork brace.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/10 at 07:19:43

Here Now! Dont be misquotin me.  Ice thot the hot rodders would have a brace, Im hearin otherwise. Ive been a loud proponent of the braces, maybe too much so,

So, YOu crazy old peg scrapers, who has a brace & who doesnt?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 11/06/10 at 07:27:10

No brace, it flops freely ....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 11/06/10 at 11:07:48

Tkat worked great. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem without a fork brace but I'd rather have one than not. Just my opinion.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 11/06/10 at 11:23:53

I normally ride with a tkat.  Couple years ago, I flew out and was able to borrow toymaker's mrs bike.  And that didn't have a brace.  Didn't notice a difference.  But I did get another bike last year and I thought I was going to fall over with out it.  Turns out the stem bearings were gummed up and rather then being able to smoothly turn, it went in jumps.

Where a brace will make a big difference is on uneven roads, rain grooves and the such.  Those kinda things don't exist at the dragon.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/10 at 16:31:00

uneven roads,

Pretty much sums it up around here..

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 11/08/10 at 21:13:18

Bigzuk and Yamakid.... We aint got no stinking brace  ;D

Do ya recken we could go faster, or drag them pegs any better with one of them brace things  :-?


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 11/09/10 at 09:51:48

NO Brace for Me.....
.... MMRanch and SavageDML Have them I think...
But I wuz drinkin beer and lookin at hurly gurls.... so I might be just seing things

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 11/10/10 at 20:43:09

yes I have one , but can't tell it made a lot of difference.    

The road (Hwy 129 - middle TN.) I live on has a down-hill slope with a long 60 degree curve in the bottom of it.  Well at speeds above 60 or so the bike used to "Wobble"  more than it does now with the brace.  In all fairness about 65 on this curve is way-to-fast , the speed limit on the road is 45.   The roads around here are nothing like the Dragon but a lot of bikes come to Lynchburg every perty weekend , any of ya'll get in the neighbor hood give me a holler and If I can , I'll show ya around.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 12/15/10 at 07:03:04

are we still looking at june 2011...........

I am thinking i will do a sunday through sunday trip..... even if the first part is by my self.

I like the  Gap hotel/ Campground be couse of the convieance of the restrant and lack of cell phone service...... and hellbenders is a nice beer run.
and I like makin fun of MEAN LOOKIN hurly riders and watchin their Braless wemons shine on them spensive bikes......
Sorr to offend any one but I am just being Honest ::)


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/10 at 09:09:34

Ok, I'm game with fishing in a stocked pond.   As we ride out further and further on day trips anyway we find we cover the same 3-4 counties no matter where we actually stayed at.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 12/15/10 at 11:43:00

I do think  I know where a little creek is that has all kinds of SIREENS swimmin it..... MMRanch pointed us in the wrong direction in 2009 and I Savagedml Bout broke our necks just a looking....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Toymaker on 12/15/10 at 14:10:41

I think I;ll be in the wed-sunday bunch.......but I am up for Sireen-huntin!!!!

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/10 at 16:08:19

Find us another long haired blond one riding on the back of a Hurley again and I'll get him to ditch the Hoggley and then we can take turns giving her CPR ....


Hey, it's my turn to kiss her, your turn to squeeze and mash ....

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Bigzuk on 12/15/10 at 18:47:04

I'm planning on being there all week. Yamakid will have graduated by then and may be working full time so I don't know if he will make it this year.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/15/10 at 19:12:16

Anybody out west want to go?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 12/15/10 at 20:14:38

746770716E6365676C33020 wrote:
Anybody out west want to go?

that's a long way to go for an 11 mile twisty, must be all over in 20 minutes,then what do you do ? drink beer I supose.
Besides I got plenty of twisty's around here.And nowdays I only have a car.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/15/10 at 20:24:39

23272D253A262B2227232B374E0 wrote:
[quote author=746770716E6365676C33020 link=1227970821/1320#1333 date=1292469136]Anybody out west want to go?

that's a long way to go for an 11 mile twisty, must be all over in 20 minutes,then what do you do ? drink beer I supose.
Besides I got plenty of twisty's around here.And nowdays I only have a car.[/quote]
I guess since you're replying, you want to find out.  
Is there enough room in your trunk for a savage?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by MMRanch on 12/15/10 at 20:56:38

Kel doin't ride me too hard , remember in 2009 I was a confussed rookey.  Well at least the rookey part has changed over the last years ride.  
Actually I doin't remember pointing directions , just being in "Whow What a Road".

I'll probley be Wensday through Sunday this year.  That ride Toymaker led us on down by the river and into BBQ country still leaves a smile on me

no offence taken Kel.   I plan to leave the Harley at the house in June.  Some roads are just made for the Savage  .  

ToyMaker   I think a interstate ride around the mid west to visit some of our Savage Buddys would be a neet ride for the "BIG" bikes out-riggers and all.  Its perty much a days ride from my house to the Dragon for the Savage , but the Harley would do Time and a half the miles easy.   Eighty down the SuperSlab is easy riding on the Roadster 1200.
. 8-)

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Paladin. on 12/15/10 at 21:38:34

Assuming I am able, I plan on making it to the 16th GEEIA-MDA-EI Reunion on JUNE 14, 15, 16, 2011, at the Treasure Bay Casino and Hotel in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Hey, anyone has to go that far, you need to stop to check the Dragon.  I will be there on Saturday, June 18.  Then I'll be heading for Colorado Springs to meet family.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 12/16/10 at 05:26:43

5E4C5E4C41525D505B130 wrote:
Kel doin't ride me too hard , remember in 2009 I was a confussed rookey.  Well at least the rookey part has changed over the last years ride.  
Actually I doin't remember pointing directions , just being in "Whow What a Road".

I'll probley be Wensday through Sunday this year.  That ride Toymaker led us on down by the river and into BBQ country still leaves a smile on me

no offence taken Kel.   I plan to leave the Harley at the house in June.  Some roads are just made for the Savage  .  

ToyMaker   I think a interstate ride around the mid west to visit some of our Savage Buddys would be a neet ride for the "BIG" bikes out-riggers and all.  Its perty much a days ride from my house to the Dragon for the Savage , but the Harley would do Time and a half the miles easy.   Eighty down the SuperSlab is easy riding on the Roadster 1200.
. 8-)

I know it was a mistake... not blaming you  BUT..... I did like the little Holler we ended up in...... did not hear any Banjomusic but lots of Sireens whoopin it up...... and Savavedml riding with his Choke on all the over the Cherahola Sky way was not fun with him sucking fumes for 20 miles...... Lots of fun to be had by all ;D ;D
It was a nice road...

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by ALfromN.H. on 12/16/10 at 06:06:10

Hey Kel, I just watched the video of you doing the dragon tail last summer. Can't wait till the next trip. Next year I'm gonna try to mount the camera on my helmet. See how that works. I also took a video from one of the trips we took over the Skyway but it's kinda long. I'll try to put the video up somewhere.


Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by Driller on 12/16/10 at 06:13:53

Ice on the roads and 28 here in Tryon this morning. Reading this is making it hard on a fellow. If nothing else gets in the way, I plan to be out there and ride with you in June.
Iron Horse is another nice place to stay. There is a place I stayed just outside of Murphy a couple of months ago that would be a good rally point. Very convenient to DG and the Cherohala

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 12/16/10 at 07:58:52

01372C29292037450 wrote:
Ice on the roads and 28 here in Tryon this morning. Reading this is making it hard on a fellow. If nothing else gets in the way, I plan to be out there and ride with you in June.
Iron Horse is another nice place to stay. There is a place I stayed just outside of Murphy a couple of months ago that would be a good rally point. Very convenient to DG and the Cherohala

Iron horse is nice I have stayed there twice.... but you gotta order your B-fast and dinner ahead of time and can get a bit pricy...

I prefer the GDeals gap resort . they got the grill abd you can and tentcamping is only 13 per night. two people can split that and make it real cheep vacation...... plus we know where the good showers are.
get up early and do the dragon before the crowd starts the go black lining for the rest of the day

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by kel30734 on 12/16/10 at 08:02:51

213225243B3630323966570 wrote:
[quote author=23272D253A262B2227232B374E0 link=1227970821/1320#1334 date=1292472878][quote author=746770716E6365676C33020 link=1227970821/1320#1333 date=1292469136]Anybody out west want to go?

that's a long way to go for an 11 mile twisty, must be all over in 20 minutes,then what do you do ? drink beer I supose.
Besides I got plenty of twisty's around here.And nowdays I only have a car.[/quote]
I guess since you're replying, you want to find out.  
Is there enough room in your trunk for a savage?[/quote]

those roads are made for Miatas.... my dad was an avid dragon driver. you can play clean up. Put ya a trailer hitch on there and drag Versy out with ya then you can pick up the peices of the noobies who get out of there comfort zone.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 12/17/10 at 22:13:19

Vers,I don't think my trunk is big enough for a savage.
what do you think ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 12/17/10 at 22:15:20

sorry bad picture try this one.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 12/17/10 at 22:17:35

Sorry guys I cant help showing off my little miata when I have a chance.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/17/10 at 23:17:29

23272D253A262B2227232B374E0 wrote:
Vers,I don't think my trunk is big enough for a savage.
what do you think ?

Don't think your trunk is big enough for your dog.
And I don't see a trailer hitch either.

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by LANCER on 12/18/10 at 21:31:49

766572736C6167656E31000 wrote:
[quote author=23272D253A262B2227232B374E0 link=1227970821/1335#1343 date=1292652799]Vers,I don't think my trunk is big enough for a savage.
what do you think ?

Don't think your trunk is big enough for your dog.
And I don't see a trailer hitch either.[/quote]

hey man, you coming out this year ??  

I'll have a nearly new bike you can ride, plus a spare room if'n you wanna ?

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 12/18/10 at 21:42:54

It's great to see you out here Lancer,we some times don't agree but you know what ?  I miss you when you don't pop in. Take care my friend and don't be a stranger,     Mick

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by verslagen1 on 12/18/10 at 22:07:15

5D505F5254430306310 wrote:
hey man, you coming out this year ??  

I'll have a nearly new bike you can ride, plus a spare room if'n you wanna ?

$500 for the plane ride certainly looks better than a grand in gas.

Will certainly keep it in mind as we get closer.

Errr, that's not a new basket case is it?   :o  ;D

Title: Re: This Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by thumperclone on 12/19/10 at 12:52:22


those roads are made for Miatas.... my dad was an avid dragon driver. you can play clean up. Put ya a trailer hitch on there and drag Versy out with ya then you can pick up the peices of the noobies who get out of there comfort zone.

when the wife an i lived in orlando we took trips up to n.e ga, cherokee,banner elk n.c

i remember a road out the west end of the park at cherokee,on into tennesse and back into n.c. to franklin...
that road was "maintained" by the local miata car club..lots of twisties through the woods..too bad we were in our corolla but it was still a blast..
could that of been the same road?? somebody got a map???


Title: Re: Last Year's Tail of the Dragon Trip
Post by mick on 12/19/10 at 14:06:10

Just 5 miles from me I have a beautifull twisty road ,for some reason we call it "The Burma road" it's about 14 miles long ,me and my miata love it. But like you bike riders I put my car away for the winter ,I use my ford taurus for winter ,it has 260,000 miles on it,origional engine and tranny, I change the oil every 2000, the transmission oil every 4000. I'm just an oil changing freak. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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