General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> I been down...but not like this, before...

Message started by Windrider on 08/12/08 at 18:13:41

Title: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Windrider on 08/12/08 at 18:13:41


Well they say there are two kinds of riders. Those that have and those that will. Move my peg to the other side.

Broken left shoulder (at the ball), broken left hand and broken right wrist. Helmet saved my life. The bike, and I will ride again.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Bleemus on 08/12/08 at 18:16:25

Glad to hear you are well enough to make a post. I hope your recovery time is short.  Let us know how it happened so we may all learn from it.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by 88pagan on 08/12/08 at 18:16:42

Wow that's good to hear!...well kinda. Hope if I ever have a big fall I live to post about it. Live and ride on!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by LANCER on 08/12/08 at 18:22:27

Sorry to hear of your misfortune; we will pray for your healing.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by rigidchop on 08/12/08 at 18:32:06

sorry to hear of your misfortune. glad your upbeat about riding again. i have a friend that went down a couple of weeks ago, and she says shes finished. its too bad really. good luck on a fast recovery.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by photojoe on 08/12/08 at 18:42:24

Sorry to hear about your injuries, like evryone else, I wish you a speedy recovery. When you're able, please post how it happend.

Be well.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Windrider on 08/12/08 at 18:49:37

Here's a breakdown of what happened in the wreck:

My riding partner was about 200 yds. behind me. He came around a curve and was sure I was dead. He saw me flying in the air. I think I slid on gravel, but the trooper didn't see any. She said I wasn't speeding nor being reckless.

The road's speed limit was 55, but the curve had a safety rating of 25 mph. It was a down-hill, left-hand curve and I was braking from 35-40. I figure I was doing about 35 when I crossed over the single yellow line at the edge of the road, and went into a ditch about 2-3 feet deep.  I was focused on a culvert running under a gravel driveway at the apex of the curve, and that's where the bike came to rest. I think maybe I needed to have kept my eyes in motion, sweeping through the curve.

There were a lot of factors that added up here:

- The road surface was sort of grooved and was causing the bike to wobble a little, like riding on a mesh bridge or when a tire is starting to go flat. I had had a flat in the rear tire a few weeks prior while riding and was kind of uneasy.
- I had worked a lot of days in a row and while I felt well rested, I may not have been. the wreck happened about 1/2 an hour into the ride, about 10:30 am.
- When I locked onto the culvert, I also noticed I was leaning over the double yellow line. I started to drift toward center, in case there were and on-coming cars and just kind of started heading straight at the culvert.
- I found myself fighting to get the bike back into the turn, panic had started to set in and I forgot to counter-steer.

My line of memory is, seeing the front tire going over the line, into the ditch and thinking "!@#$...this is gonna suck!" to - eyes focusing on gravel coming to a stop an inch away on the OTHER side of my visor and thinking "Thank !@#$! I'm not wearing my skid lid."

I managed to roll over on my back and get my helmet off my head before the pain set in. Then I discovered I couldn't use my arms to sit up. I looked myself over best as I could, and didn't see any blood anywhere so I laid back down. The guy in whose driveway I landed was an ex O.R. orderly, and was working in his front yard. He was there in moments, saying all the right things.

Other the the few moments of trauma blackout containing the impact and 20 yard flight off the bike, I experienced no real loss of consciousness or dizziness. I had a little scratch on my nose where my visor collapsed on one hinge and smacked into my nose, and a few sratches on my left shoulder. It seems I landed on my head and left shoulder, upside down about 4-5" above the steel culvert running under the guy's gravel driveway, and flopped over on my stomach and slid to a stop.

The result of all that is I broke my right wrist, my left hand, my upper humorus on the left side and I'm pretty sure a rib on the upper right side of my back.  Both forearms were in casts and my left arm was in a sling.  

I used some voice dictation software for sending e-mails and voice-activated my computer.

The back of my helmet was destroyed and the windshield on my bike was shattered.  I've got the bike back, and there seems to be no frame damage. It needs new handlebars and mirrors, the plastic thingy around the headlight is all cracked and I need to replace a couple of turn signals.

This really the first time I've written the whole string of events down. I'm a little exhausted mentally!

All in all, I feel lucky. The Dr.s and physical therapy folks say I'll get 100% range of motion back.

I hope reading all this helps!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by sockmonkeygirl on 08/12/08 at 19:07:46

Sorry this happened to you.  It sounds painful, and scary.  Thank you for the descriptive..I think it really does help other riders like myself.

Very glad you've got a great attitude.  Speedy healing to you!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Windrider on 08/12/08 at 19:14:25

Thanks, and I love sock butt monkeys. I have a couple. Great for encouraging the cats to be off whatever it is they are on and shouldn't be.

Oh And folks live in Mount Pleasant, over near Boone's Hall. I love that area!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Bleemus on 08/12/08 at 19:56:09

Too funny. I am five minutes from Boone Hall.  


Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Skid Mark on 08/12/08 at 20:31:21

Good to hear you will be ok. It is scary how fast accidents can happen.

Thanks for sharing your experience. It helps to keep us all from being too complacent, and to continue to ride safely.

Here's to a speedy recovery and riding again.


Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by hdblueangel on 08/12/08 at 20:41:21

I wish you a speedy recovery, and glad that you are well enough to post :).

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Hell, Billy on 08/12/08 at 22:06:14

Good luck & heal fast, `tho I`m sorry you had to `join the club' so hard. I used my down time to cogitate my place in the universe.

You`ll ride again.


Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/08 at 03:40:04

Sorry for all the pain & loss. Good to hear your recovery will be 100%!

I was focused on a culvert running under a gravel driveway at the apex of the curve, and that's where the bike came to rest.

I've read so much about where to focus in a turn. I kow I've seen hazards in a turn & let my eyes lock on them, only to note that I was headed right at them. I have to force my eyes up the roAd, thru the curve, away from the hazard. I read about a lone rider who lost it in a curve & struck the only obstacle for hundreds of feet & was killed. The guy who wrote it up said he guessed the guy was locked on & couldnt look away.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by shadowman on 08/13/08 at 04:49:39

What Justin says is so true -- I took a really serious crash-and-bang course a few years ago and they drilled that into us:  If you look at it, you will hit it.  The instructors had conducted an experiment with some relatively inexperienced drivers.  The drivers were told that their only objective was to proceed at moderate speed and STAY IN THEIR LANE, NO MATTER WHAT.  As the drivers rounded a blind curve, there was a cardboard box in the other lane.  The box was attached to a line and when the drivers came into view an instructor yanked the line and the box moved.  Yup.  Over 50% of the drivers crossed to the oncoming lane and ran over the box.   If you look at it you will hit it.

Windrider:  I'm in the next county -- when you are up to it, give me a PM and I'll come over and help you bend some metal.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by PerrydaSavage on 08/13/08 at 05:07:22

Wicked Windrider! Quite the wreck ... glad you lived to tell the tale! Heal up completely and quickly!
All the Best.


Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Charon on 08/13/08 at 06:22:58

Fighter pilots call it "target fixation". They aim their guns or their bombs by aiming their airplane at the target. The closer they get to the target the better the chance of a hit. The drawback is the closer they get the more violent the pullout has to be, and it can be left until too late.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by flcruzr on 08/13/08 at 08:03:37

Windrider:  Wish you a good recovery, thankfully your well enough to let us know what happened.  Take care!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by drharveys on 08/13/08 at 11:05:37

Yup, the bike goes where you look -- so be very careful about where you look!

Heal quickly and learn well!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by bill67 on 08/13/08 at 11:26:19

  36 years of riding and I wouldn't of believed that But 3 days ago I was riding down the road,a semi stopped on the right hand side hanging on the road about a foot  and car coming the toward be me ,I looked at the semi and started going toward it I had to hit the brakes to straighten out.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by aysrav on 08/13/08 at 11:51:04

Thanks so much for the play-by-play. Especially in your condition! I think it's real important for all of us to hear stories like yours.  :o

I went to the other night and watched a bunch of accident videos. Most of them were crotch rocketers trying to do wheelies and other things that they shouldn't have been doing.

Seems to me that the lesson is obvious. We can't ever take anything for granted. The weather can be perfect and our bikes shining from top to bottom, but stuff happens when you least expect it and particularly when you let your guard down.
If there is any good to come of this, perhaps your misfortune will inspire us to be mindful of these truths.

Thank goodness you're OK. Get some rest and get well soon! :)


Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by 07S40rider on 08/13/08 at 13:36:22

554D47465542340 wrote:
Thanks so much for the play-by-play. Especially in your condition! I think it's real important for all of us to hear stories like yours.  :o

I went to the other night and watched a bunch of accident videos. Most of them were crotch rocketers trying to do wheelies and other things that they shouldn't have been doing.

Seems to me that the lesson is obvious. We can't ever take anything for granted. The weather can be perfect and our bikes shining from top to bottom, but stuff happens when you least expect it and particularly when you let your guard down.
If there is any good to come of this, perhaps your misfortune will inspire us to be mindful of these truths.

Thank goodness you're OK. Get some rest and get well soon! :)


I agree.  Sharing the story is one of the most important things that can happen for the rest of us.  I handle firearms daily and due to complete lack of brain power, I shot a hole in my floor one day.  I shared the experience on a gun forum that I visit because I wanted others to NOT have to go through what I did after that.  I for one appreciate this write up and will keep it in mind anytime I am in the saddle.  thanks.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by eanon on 08/13/08 at 13:47:34

Sorry to hear about the accident.  Get well quick so you can get back on that iron horse!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Windrider on 08/14/08 at 12:42:13

Shadowman, which direction? More or less houses, LOL.

I pulled to cover off the bike yesterday and and had a long sit on it. It was the first time since the wreck. I caught myself leaning back and forth on it, reacting to the imaginary curves in my head. You know, it is really in great shape all things considered. I'm thinking that the front forks aren't quite as bouncy as I remembered them being, but there doesn't seem to be fork oil leaking out anywhere. This weekend I think I'll start taking broken things off and making a shopping list. I'll take some pics and post them.

Bleemus, next time I'm down, we'll have to grab a beer!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by skatnbnc on 08/14/08 at 13:21:49

Thanks for posting the write up.  It is always a challenge to NOT look at that thing OVER the road or on it.
Happened to me this week on a ramp, and I barely pulled out of it - was looking at a black patch (tar, oil?) on the tarmac and ended up at the wrong angle on the ramp. Corrected in time, but gave myself a little scare too.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!  8-)

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/08 at 13:30:00

Whoopin it ( as whoopin as I know how) thru a turn. Right in the "line" is a pretty chunky bolt. Eyes locked on, ran right over it.. DUMMY!!!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by shadowman on 08/14/08 at 16:52:13


More houses -- I'm in Reston.  See my PM

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by vargas on 08/14/08 at 23:04:39 has an article on target fixation.pretty much sums up what everyone else has been saying. I have a bad habbit of watching approaching traffic thru curves in case they veer across center. Glad you're o.k.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by skrapiron on 08/15/08 at 12:55:08

You zoned out.  Doesn't take much to do that.  I'm glad you're ok.  

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by BOWDIER on 08/15/08 at 14:49:26

Thank God your still here, and can write about it. Local paper had an article today about the increase in motorcycles death in th US, we had 3 here last month. Glad your doing well and will ride again, I don't know if I could.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Windrider on 08/15/08 at 21:08:29

Of course there are more wrecks, there are more bozo's on crotch rockets. Also more people riding because of gas prices, I'm sure.

During the first week, I wasn't sure I was going to ride or not. But on the way back from the first Dr's appointment, we passed the turn-off to the road where it happened. I had my GF take the turn, I've always felt it necessary to face my fears. As we drove down that road, I remember the turns, the houses, I was looking for the turn where the crash happened. Then I noticed something. I couldn't smell the trees, the cut grass, yes even the dead skunk. I remember just how freakin' great I felt leaning into the curves and feeling the wind on my face. Even when I was standing in the ditch, looking at the rut in the grass from my frame and the all the hand-sized pieces of my windshield that were strewn for 20 feet I knew that this was not the end.

It was what I chose to make of it. It was up to me to decide to lose the pain and learn the lesson. Yes, I will ride again, and one of my first rides will be back to that road.

I would like to have a bigger bike. I'm a pretty heavy guy and the Savage is probably a little small for me, but it was my first bike and I think I will always have this bike and enjoy riding it.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by verslagen1 on 08/15/08 at 21:14:00


if you need something, don't be afraid to sing out.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Paladin. on 08/16/08 at 07:06:51

023C3B31273C313027550 wrote:
.... Then I noticed something. I couldn't smell the trees, the cut grass, yes even the dead skunk. I remember just how freakin' great I felt leaning into the curves and feeling the wind on my face. ....
'Swhy it is called a Cage.

Good news:  You survived and will recover.   :)
Bad news:  You're going to ride again.  Not being in the cage is worth the risk.  You are a Biker.   ;)
Good news:  Your body has likely learned that target fixation is bad and will likely not let you fixate the next time.   But this is not something you want to test.  :-?

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Windrider on 08/16/08 at 12:42:24

What I need so far...

  • Windshield
  • Mirrors
  • Throttle Cable
  • Adjuster for Clutch Cable (near lever on handlebars)
  • Handlebars (I may have some buried in the basement...somewhere from a '71 Kawasaki 21 I used to own but never got running)
  • Headlight Assembly
  • The thingies on the top of the Triple Tree that hold the handlebar

So far, that's about it, but I haven't tried to start it yet (prolly tomorrow) and I haven't really started taking things apart yet.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by forrest on 08/16/08 at 16:39:25

This is the first time I've read your post and I'm glad you came out of it as well as you have.  On one of my first rides I was taking a corner and fixated on the I missed it I have no clue other than God looks out for children and fools, and at my age I don't fit into the children category.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by ero4444 on 08/30/08 at 19:28:33

Thank you for sharing your experience.  I think it can help any new or old rider that sees it, and I'm glad you are still around and willing to share it.

I am a new rider and my first time going faster than MSF class speed (parking lot course), was last Sunday morning at 9am (low traffic).   I just bought my 2001 Savage and in order to get it home, it was a difficult choice of going at twice the speed I've ever ridden at, or through heavier traffic downtown.  The whole time on the beltway, my wife was following about a block behind me and the trip was exciting but uneventful, as it had be, or else my wife would have made it impossible to keep the bike.  But she did not notice as I certainly did, when I fixated on the last elevated two-lane ramp, left-curve outside jersey wall at about 55 mph, which was the speed of the other traffic.  And the bike, I mean I, did not lean fully into the turn, so we quickly headed for the wall... it was very scary as I rolled off the throttle and leaned as much as I dared.  I didn't and I couldn't push the left handlebar into the left turn - instinct told me that I would steer into the wall...  instinct gave me brain-lock and I had NO thought or memory from class instruction of handing a fast curve.  Instinct allowed me to lean away from the wall but it also prevented me from steering into it in order to initiate or help the lean.  

It hammered home the MSF class lesson, to look where I want the bike to go, look into my turn.  And practice practice practice.  I won't be going on the highway again anytime soon, and not without a lot of curve practice.

I am NOT comparing my experience to yours and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by firetruckredbike on 08/31/08 at 13:46:33

Windrider, I hope you are doing well this weekend.  Best wishes and soon you will be feeling that wind on your face again.
Take care,

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by drharveys on 09/01/08 at 07:33:03

Ero -- two quotes, the first from George Harrison:

"With every mistake we must surely be learning."

and the second from Formula 1 driver Stirling Moss:

“It is necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal.”

Ride safe and ride well!

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Justinmkantor on 09/01/08 at 08:20:17

I just got lucky doing the same thing about 30 on a turn next to a beach. Able to kick/push the bike out front and slide on my back. no real injuries, though. darn that sand. Speedy recovery and you will ride with the best of them again with more experience and skill as a rider.

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Windrider on 09/01/08 at 20:44:50

Heya all!

Thanks for all the words of encouragement! I was surfing the forum while doing hand and wrist exercises and had to put away the green "silly putty to respond. I really miss riding and have been going crazy watching all the bikes and seeing the leaves start to change. I really hope I can get back on the road before it gets to cold!

Ero, I remember the first time I rode from the parking lot I practiced in a block down the road to get gas. I thought I was gonna die for sure. Then a few days later, I challenged myself to go out on "the 4-lane" and again, at 50mph, I was certain the end was near.

Interestingly enough, two years later, as I crossed over the edge of the road, into that ditch, my thought was "!@#$!@!! this is gonna HURT!" Not that I was gonna die. And waiting for the ambulance, I was more upset about being tied down and taped to the back-board than anything else.

I'm pondering a bigger bike. Something I can ride to Charleston, SC on. I made the mistake of sitting on a tricked-out Venture in the show room. <sigh>

Title: Re: I been down...but not like this, before...
Post by Starlifter on 09/02/08 at 10:20:37

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