General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Thinking outloud about maintenance

Message started by ALittlebird on 08/10/08 at 11:01:12

Title: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by ALittlebird on 08/10/08 at 11:01:12

First off I want to thank everyone here. You are ALL wonderful. I have earmarked part of the paycheck to get the Alliance membership since I am here more than the mechanics and it's because you all are the best.

Now here's what I'm thinking. There are a lot of us newbies - either new to motorcycle or to the Savage, or both. Being so independent - thanks Dad - I really want to do my own wrenching but am not comfortable with a lot of it yet. No matter how easy youall say it is.

So here's the idea. Some of you have rebuilt these bikes over and over again and really know your way around them. I would love to propose some of you setting up classes - in various areas of the US - to help us. 2,3,4 or however many days you think. Workshop on cleaning carbs, rejetting, the white spacer mod, whatever! We bring our bikes and you take us through it step by step.

I know for me once I see it done I'm good. I'd come for a long weekend within a reasonable distance so that I'm comfortable to fix anything that needs it on the road. I'd love to be able to do it and be comfortable.

Think it over, come up with a price and let's see what can be put together.

What do youall think?

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 08/10/08 at 13:00:22

I really like the theory, but the logistics sound complicated.  Maybe back east where folks are not so far apart, it would work.

As an alternative to the idea, you might consider a "webinar," where the guru presents online video and then the class is able to ask questions via the internet.

Again, I like it.  But making it happen could be tricky.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by itschnobigdeal on 08/10/08 at 13:10:12

Very good idea, and a great way for members of this board to meet eachother too! I think in some areas this would work great, however other areas would be tougher. For example, I live near Duluth, MN. I haven't checked, but I doubt there is anyone on this board too close to there... So me making it to something like this (and other people in more remote locations) would be difficult. The webinar thing is a good idea too, but there is so many writeups on here already that that's almost covered. Great idea, I hope it gets going!

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by ALittlebird on 08/10/08 at 14:01:33

I'm thinking hands on only - the only way to learn. I'm getting a little tired of all the webinars. Besides I can't get the bike up 2 flights of stairs and the computer won't work in the garage.  :)

The pics and the cd here are awesome so it could be taken to the next step.

It would obviously have to be in areas. But say if someone in Georgia with the skills said 'I'll do it. I can take only 5 people for a 3 day session, and it will be this much', I'd do it. Motels or camping nearby. People seem to be able to meet up for rides so why not a workshop?

I went once a month to NC to work with one of the Cherokee healers for over a year. It was something I wanted and needed to do so I made it work.

I'm thinking we have a lot of people who really know how to do this, a whole lot of people that could benefit and a few people that could use the extra money to teach it.

If I knew how to do it I'd be offering but I don't know how. Perhaps if I had the money and was a little younger I'd go back to mechanics school.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 08/10/08 at 15:31:44

I agree that it sounds like a good idea.  I'm kind of in the middle.  Not smart enough to teach it, but dumb enough to tackle it and hope I figure it out as the bolts come off.  Also, too far from civilization to host such a session.  Although, if a genius and his pupils wish to set up camp on my ten acres for a weekend and work on their bikes, I could at least contribute the ground and the view of the mountains.

It might even be a good enough reason to talk ma into that newfangled indoor plumbin' I've heard about, what with comp'ny comin' an' all.

I'll be watching to see how it pans out.  

We just got word from Feisty Limited that they added another Savage to their stable today.  When Kay gets hers, that'll make four in the neighborhood.  I guess it isn't that farfetched to think it could happen right here.  

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Breeze on 08/10/08 at 17:03:15

A most interesting idea. I know i'm new here however. I'm still familiarizing myself with the many mods you've created for the Savage.

I'm very active on another cycle forum and we have a "wrench fest" a couple of times a year here in my huge garage. We all get together and teach newbies as well as do mods and customizing. It makes for a great day and build's confidence and comradery.

Now, my wife has just gotten her Savage and I do all her maintance as well. Wifey is the type that wants to do all her basic maintance as well but, with guidance while she does it. This is all good and I don't mind cause she's out in the garage with me while I am toying with other peoples bikes or one of my many projects.

We have another "wrench fest" coming up here in Sept sometime. Now, we are located in Columbus, Ohio. If there was enough interest, I would consider giving intsructions on doing the basic maintance, pulling carbs and rebuilding as well as rejetting ect.. As far as a fee goes, nope. If someone had something they needed or needed to do, they would be responsible for making sure they got or had the parts with them. If that's not good enough, they can buy the pizza and the soda....

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by verslagen1 on 08/10/08 at 18:24:51

OK, pick a place w/in 1000 miles of LA and I'll be there.

Sandy, I'll stretch the boundary for you.

My chain (that should say alot so I won't mention the rest), front and rear brakes (ditto), carb clean and jet, and the rest is drivel.

Maintenance due up... valve adj, cam chain, front brakes, tubeless rear wheel & disk brake. (most of these will be restricted to my garage though)

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Skid Mark on 08/10/08 at 18:28:07

I would be interested in attending too. Road trip with a reason to learn some good stuff. Worls for me.!!!

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by uniquelyme on 08/10/08 at 18:41:07

Sounds like a very good ideal! Even if it is divided up into specific regions of the world. Still gives us a chance to meet others. As Breeze said, we have a greet and meet /wrench fest a few times a season here, along with a cook-out and good times had by all. We have them come from three/four states away sometimes, there is pleanty of places to stay if needed and returants by the dozens, but of course being the grandma I am, I do know how to cook.  ;)  The garage seems to always be the center of the hub, and lots of learning to be had!! I am new to the Savage world but now that I have mine, she is here to stay!! So the more I know how to do myself, just leaves more time for daddy to play with is projects ;D

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Jay on 08/10/08 at 19:02:18

A very interesting idea Alittlebird. Wrench fest, hmmm. Catchy! I like it.
A good excuse for a road trip with a purpose, as someone else I see has already pointed out. I'm no t smart enough to teach, still learning myself; and I can't host, but I can travel with enough advance notice.
I'd be interested in seeing this thing happen.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 08/10/08 at 19:13:21

Okay.  It's on.  At 10 o'clock next summer we'll all meet at my house.

Actually, if Verslagen will come this far...  And Skid Mark is just up the road in Calgary.  There are a few folks just over the hump in Washington.  Plus the local crew of four and any others I'm missing in my figuring.  It might work!  Only downside for me would be that I don't get to ride anywhere.  Maybe I'll just ride in circles on the lawn while you all are wrenching. ;D

Kay's grandma lives right across the road from us.  She'll probably think the Hell's Angels have arrived.  She's a tough old bird though, so bring your bird shot proof underwear.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by verslagen1 on 08/10/08 at 19:58:26

696F6E6C71776C6D030 wrote:
 Only downside for me would be that I don't get to ride anywhere.  

You can come meet me half way and we'll vy for the furthest traveled award.   ;D

Anything after Aug.1 for me.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Jay on 08/10/08 at 21:09:05

Well, I did say advance notice; and I've always wanted to see Montana......

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by FreeSpirit on 08/10/08 at 23:31:39

2A31362E2A3A3326323A5F0 wrote:
Sounds like a very good ideal! Even if it is divided up into specific regions of the world. Still gives us a chance to meet others. As Breeze said, we have a greet and meet /wrench fest a few times a season here, along with a cook-out and good times had by all. We have them come from three/four states away sometimes, there is pleanty of places to stay if needed and returants by the dozens, but of course being the grandma I am, I do know how to cook.  ;)  The garage seems to always be the center of the hub, and lots of learning to be had!! I am new to the Savage world but now that I have mine, she is here to stay!! So the more I know how to do myself, just leaves more time for daddy to play with is projects ;D

I love the thumper is so Cool ;)
Ya'll sound like great folks! I'd love to come sometime,meet you guys, learn,and have fun! :) I've never been to Ohio,but have met alot of great people from there ;)

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by sockmonkeygirl on 08/11/08 at 03:02:20

I live in Massachusetts.  If anyone wants to do a nude photoshoot, there's a 6-pack in it for ya.

Oh, I mean, I'd love to learn.  :)

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by shadowman on 08/11/08 at 04:51:34

The Northeast corridor seems under-represented in this thread.  Colombus is do-able from Northern Virginia, but is there interest in something more coastal?  Foliage ride along Connecticut River Valley is already on my calendar.  Any other possibilities?

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Trippah on 08/11/08 at 05:48:31

The Northeast is always under-represented as by the time we get the snow off the bikes, do the start of season mainenance, it's snowing again. :(\
God idea though, but since I'm decidedly not a good mechanic, first we need to id a "mentor" up here in the New Engalnd area..any volunterrs?

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by T Mack 1 on 08/11/08 at 06:21:10

Hmmmmm .....  I'm on the east-side of PA.   5-6 hrs from MA,  4-8 hrs from VA (it's a wide state wide a long bottom),  8-10 hrs from OH,  1 hr fm Philly,  2 hrs from NYC......   PA is suppose to be the "Keystone" of the colonies (a keystone is the center, top stone in a arch tying it together)......     Plus,  I'm one of those natural wrenching types.  

Anyone needs lessons,  I'm willing.  You just have to come prepared to get your hands dirty......  

We have a guest BR so you don't need a hotel...... OR you can use the big flat spot in the back yard if you want to rough it and camp-out .....  The drive-way is huge, so you can trailer here too....

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by cornfuzed on 08/11/08 at 11:13:20

Ok im in the ohio area and know there are a few here in ohia... soo what im thinkin is thinkin this is a good throw in the webinar with this... I.E.. set a date that people are going to be regionally around then meet up at a home / farm with broadband / sat internet access with vid cam to meet others! ... now you have the best of both!!! and you can have the honor of seein me personal like   ;D ;D    dunno about the honor bit but it sounded good.. ;)

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by ALittlebird on 08/11/08 at 15:05:58

5F6F787867781D0 wrote:
A most interesting idea. I know i'm new here however. I'm still familiarizing myself with the many mods you've created for the Savage.

I'm very active on another cycle forum and we have a "wrench fest" a couple of times a year here in my huge garage. We all get together and teach newbies as well as do mods and customizing. It makes for a great day and build's confidence and comradery.

Now, my wife has just gotten her Savage and I do all her maintance as well. Wifey is the type that wants to do all her basic maintance as well but, with guidance while she does it. This is all good and I don't mind cause she's out in the garage with me while I am toying with other peoples bikes or one of my many projects.

We have another "wrench fest" coming up here in Sept sometime. Now, we are located in Columbus, Ohio. If there was enough interest, I would consider giving intsructions on doing the basic maintance, pulling carbs and rebuilding as well as rejetting ect.. As far as a fee goes, nope. If someone had something they needed or needed to do, they would be responsible for making sure they got or had the parts with them. If that's not good enough, they can buy the pizza and the soda....

I can do Columbus about 3 hourts from me so that's doable.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by ALittlebird on 08/11/08 at 15:07:10

Keep talking guys! I think we can find mentors out there in enough areas to get some people cooking then perhaps the students could become the teachers later as they get comfortable and we could snowball the whole thing and cover everyone.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Breeze on 08/11/08 at 16:08:33

As i stated before, I think this is a great idea and i'm all for it. If anyone in the "mid-west" area wants to have a wrench fest this fall, speak up and we'll pick a weekend and do it. We have plenty of room and more than enough room in the garage. I even have a tool or 2  ;D...
This is our garage during the winter months. It's usually pretty busy in there...

In the summer months all but 1 of the tables are stored over head so that we have plenty of floor space. So, we have room to host one of these as needed.

I am glad to see this idea picking up steam. As much as I love to ride and ride often. I also like hanging in my garage with a wrench or 2 strewn all over...

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by ALittlebird on 08/11/08 at 16:19:10

That;s wonderful Breeze! I'm in!

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by verslagen1 on 08/11/08 at 19:42:46

7B676B63656766636D716F617A64080 wrote:
I live in Massachusetts.  If anyone wants to do a nude photoshoot, there's a 6-pack in it for ya.

Oh, I mean, I'd love to learn.  :)

are you really that bad that you have to offer a 6-pack for someone to take pictures of you?

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Jay on 08/11/08 at 20:01:14

6478747C7A78797C726E707E657B170 wrote:
I live in Massachusetts.  If anyone wants to do a nude photoshoot, there's a 6-pack in it for ya.

Oh, I mean, I'd love to learn.  :)

So, I get to take nekkid pictures of you, and I get a sixpack? SWEEEET!! Time and place! Time and place!

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Dj12midnit on 08/11/08 at 20:09:44

OK I am in. I have been advertising for a mentor for months. So name the time and place and I will make it work. I am as far NW as you can get and still be in the US.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 08/11/08 at 20:16:09

7E702B2877737E74736E1A0 wrote:
OK I am in. I have been advertising for a mentor for months. So name the time and place and I will make it work. I am as far NW as you can get and still be in the US.

I gotta start watching the news again.  When did we sell Alaska?  Did I miss it on Ebay?

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by Dj12midnit on 08/11/08 at 20:27:43

Do we still count Alaska, its frozen.

Title: Re: Thinking outloud about maintenance
Post by FreeSpirit on 08/11/08 at 22:32:02

Are there any dates and times set yet? for Ohio :-/

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