General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Ran outta gas and got my first compliment

Message started by slowfaller on 06/30/08 at 23:26:31

Title: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by slowfaller on 06/30/08 at 23:26:31

It was quite a beautiful day here in IL and because I work third shift I had until about 4pm to ride, it was a great time.  This is the first time I've set off by myself since having my license, which has been under a week now, and I loved every minute of it.  I'm not a loner but definitely enjoy the feeling of just me and my bike cruising anywhere I want and stopping anywhere.

For lunch I stopped at this bar/grill place by my parents house (had to stop by and show them and my grandma my s40)and ordered a pizza.  A friend met me up there and after lunch I told him I was just going to cruise to the west of town for a bit and he asked if he could just follow behind.  "Sure...", I said,"...but don't hit me".

Right after leaving the bar my bike died at the stop light.  I got her going again (while thoughts of this forum and that person with this same problem flashed through my head) and pulled into a blockbuster parking lot to see what was up.  It just wouldn't start almost like it was...BINGO!  Outta gas! ;D  Flipped to reserve and went to fill her up.  

So after cruising for a bit more I went home and realized I forgot to pick up a pack of smokes (got a stop smoking aid waiting for me when the time is right) and parked next to a BMW motorcycle which I thought was pretty cool.  As I walked in the other rider walked out and we greeted each other and kept going.  When the BMW rider got near our bikes he asked, "How many CCs?"

I responded w/ 650cc and he complimented the gas mileage and said he bets it a fun ride.  I agreed and went on my way.

All in all an awesome day and if you made it this far thanks for reading!


Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by sluggo on 07/01/08 at 03:21:47

other than the running out of gas, that's a daily conversation you will have with others

with time you will feel it ready to hit reserve, practice  the switch while riding. then when you need to do it at speed it's not an uncommon occurance.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by slowfaller on 07/01/08 at 03:38:40

I just need to realize that I'm running out of gas.  When she stalled at the light I thought there was a mechanical problem because I was just riding along fine, no sputtering and then I downshifted and she died.  

In my garage I practiced switching to reserve while sitting down to try and get some muscle memory.  Kinda like when I used to skydive on the plane ride to altitude I'd constantly touch my three handles in the order they'd be pulled.  Main pilot chute, cutaway handle, reserve handle :D


Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by mornhm on 07/01/08 at 05:23:57

When my Savage used to cut out, there was no warning - running fine, and then nothing - probably has to do with only having one cylinder. As far as the compliments, the only thing I ever got was positive comments. Maybe it's an Illinois thing - riders in Illinois just got better taste.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by SimonTuffGuy on 07/01/08 at 05:28:13

What IS the proper procedure for switching to resere while driving?

I had to do this the other day, but wasn't sure... If the engine dies and I don't have the clutch lever pulled in, will the bike start to skid, or will it just die and continue rolling?

The first time it happened, I was stopped at a red light, so switching it to reserve was easy.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by slowfaller on 07/01/08 at 06:13:55

Correct me if I'm wrong someone but I think you just move the lever while riding.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by bill67 on 07/01/08 at 06:26:01

  Yep slowfaller and soon as you feel a miss and you know you close to that point just push forward and keep on going

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by thumperclone on 07/01/08 at 06:52:28

my 06 warns me with sputters esp during right turns flippin the lever forward is second nature now..go to the 1$ store get a 3 didgit combo lock
and attach to your cables reset at filll up,every time you get on the saddle check how close to 100 miles youve gone..

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by toddlamp8 on 07/01/08 at 06:59:40

Ideally yes, but if you go bone dry you may need to prime it first.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by Gary On A Savage on 07/01/08 at 09:27:46

574B564E534651404F4C4D46230 wrote:
my 06 warns me with sputters esp during right turns flippin the lever forward is second nature now..go to the 1$ store get a 3 didgit combo lock
and attach to your cables reset at filll up,every time you get on the saddle check how close to 100 miles youve gone..

Or put on a bike speedo with a trip odometer (less "math" and accurate speed).  Walmart $10 or Sigma online for $15-20.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by Prophet_10 on 07/01/08 at 09:30:20

44465B474144290 wrote:
Maybe it's an Illinois thing - riders in Illinois just got better taste.

Where in IL are you guys.  I am in Dekalb.  I have been seeing a ton of savages around in the last month.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by Cory on 07/01/08 at 10:21:13

Mine sputters when i need to flip to reserve it's happened to me 3 times so far actually today in the middle of town it did it i was rather embarassed here i am smoothly cruising through town and all of a sudden it started sputtering and backfiring and boom it died but luckily i remembered what was wrong switched it to reserve and she fired right up and took off.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by BOWDIER on 07/01/08 at 10:29:17

I just look for a gas station when it rolls around to the 100's, that way i know when i fill up and still have plenty of gas

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by loopedguru on 07/01/08 at 11:41:07

The only time embarrassment hit me was running out while riding two up.  I didn't feel a sputter due to the extra bootay causing extra duty.  I normally run it to the sputter point, then switch over to reserve on the fly.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by slowfaller on 07/01/08 at 13:24:15

1E3C213E262B3A117F7E4E0 wrote:
[quote author=44465B474144290 link=1214893591/0#3 date=1214915037]Maybe it's an Illinois thing - riders in Illinois just got better taste.

Where in IL are you guys.  I am in Dekalb.  I have been seeing a ton of savages around in the last month.[/quote]


Ah Dekalb, I was there for kegs and eggs/homecoming last October.  What a long day.


Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by Crotchrocket on 07/01/08 at 23:59:50

I joined the Illinois out of gas club yesterday.  In my 20 year career riding bikes, I finally got caught.

So I'm cruising home from my grandparents house I hear it start to miss.  I instinctively reached for the petcock and to my horror, was already in the reserve position.  It all came back to me.  I was riding the day before and got rained on.  We're talking soaked to the underwear.  I had so much on my mind the day before dealing with cold, wind, rain, etc. that I forgot I had put her in reserve.  I coasted to a busy intersection with a cement divider and parked it.  I called my grandparents to come rescue me, and while waiting, I had over 15 different people ask if I needed anything.  Guys on bikes and in cars offered their help.  Really made me feel good for humanity.

I guess I really had no point to make for this post other than Illinois drivers were very friendly.  

Time to rethink my fuel strategy.  

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by mornhm on 07/02/08 at 05:58:54

637C7F6776717C7C7562100 wrote:
[quote author=1E3C213E262B3A117F7E4E0 link=1214893591/0#10 date=1214929820][quote author=44465B474144290 link=1214893591/0#3 date=1214915037]Maybe it's an Illinois thing - riders in Illinois just got better taste.

Where in IL are you guys.  I am in Dekalb.  I have been seeing a ton of savages around in the last month.[/quote]


Ah Dekalb, I was there for kegs and eggs/homecoming last October.  What a long day.



Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by Rustbucket on 07/02/08 at 11:55:51

On my 05, you'll feel the power surge a little and it'll get worse until you flip it to reserve. It's never just died without warning. It's really easy to flip it to reserve, i've done it in city traffic and at 65 mph, It's easier to do it the faster you're going actually..

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by groupus on 07/07/08 at 21:01:29

7A404446477D5C4F4F6E5C50290 wrote:
What IS the proper procedure for switching to resere while driving?

I had to do this the other day, but wasn't sure... If the engine dies and I don't have the clutch lever pulled in, will the bike start to skid, or will it just die and continue rolling?

The first time it happened, I was stopped at a red light, so switching it to reserve was easy.

Your best bet to switch while moving if the engine quits is to pull in the clutch with your left hand and reach across the tank with your right to flip it into reserve. Then you can even restart the bike while moving and go on your merry way. You may want to practice finding the lever and moving it in the right direction while stationary.
I found this out the hard way. Normally the bike sputters, but I was decelerating after going full tilt on the highway. The engine quit and locked up the rear; not something you want to do at 65+ mph. Luckily, I figured out this little maneuver on the fly and safely exited the highway.

happy riding.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by sluggo on 07/07/08 at 21:39:12

796E7B6E73696C1C0 wrote:
[quote author=7A404446477D5C4F4F6E5C50290 link=1214893591/0#4 date=1214915293]What IS the proper procedure for switching to resere while driving?

I had to do this the other day, but wasn't sure... If the engine dies and I don't have the clutch lever pulled in, will the bike start to skid, or will it just die and continue rolling?

The first time it happened, I was stopped at a red light, so switching it to reserve was easy.

Your best bet to switch while moving if the engine quits is to pull in the clutch with your left hand and reach across the tank with your right to flip it into reserve. Then you can even restart the bike while moving and go on your merry way. You may want to practice finding the lever and moving it in the right direction while stationary.
I found this out the hard way. Normally the bike sputters, but I was decelerating after going full tilt on the highway. The engine quit and locked up the rear; not something you want to do at 65+ mph. Luckily, I figured out this little maneuver on the fly and safely exited the highway.

happy riding. [/quote]

mine shuts down at speed i reach down with left and make the switch,  something i've done thousands of times now.  the key is do it quickly.

let's not make this to complicated... it's an everyday occurance.

practice it at speed before it's needed,  just remember to switch back.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by vtail on 07/08/08 at 10:15:01

When my Sigma tripmeter gets to 90 miles I switch and look for gas in the next 20 miles. Last thing I want is my bike to stutter just as I need the power to pass (very dangerous) or ride away from a stoplight which could be very embarrasing and dangerous if it stops in the middle of the intersection. ;)

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by SimonTuffGuy on 07/08/08 at 12:19:18

Thanks groupus - Exactly what I was looking for...

I've practiced with the bike stopped, and it's happened several times while running now, that I'm getting better at turning it before stalling... I just wanted to know what WOULD happen if the bike did stall before switching it, not pulling in the clutch, etc... and groupus just covered that in his post. ;)

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by Hard Corps on 07/08/08 at 13:11:16

As far as the compliments go, get used to it.  Every time I stop to fill up with gas, some cager starts raving about the bike.  Then they about pass out when I tell them about the kind of mileage I'm getting.  Enjoy!

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by steely on 07/08/08 at 17:59:54

55647962757E6479757D7362160 wrote:
I joined the Illinois out of gas club yesterday.  In my 20 year career riding bikes, I finally got caught.

So I'm cruising home from my grandparents house I hear it start to miss.  I instinctively reached for the petcock and to my horror, was already in the reserve position.  

I got caught in the very same position the Sunday before last.  Out on a rural road heading for the highway when the sputter happened.  When I reached for the petcock, it was already on prime.  Fortunately, I was just a few miles from my Dad's house.  He brought me his lawn mower gas can which had about half a gallon and that got me home.

Title: Re: Ran outta gas and got my first compliment
Post by Keith_T on 07/22/08 at 11:28:44

slowfaller, I am in Elgin.  We'll have to ride sometime.  I usually get out after my son goes to bed on Friday or Saturday. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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