General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Heckled S40 Rider..

Message started by mo.goad on 06/11/08 at 09:19:53

Title: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by mo.goad on 06/11/08 at 09:19:53

 Hello all, my first post here. Just bought my S40 two weeks ago and love it! Just one prob, I get rode hard by people I work with concerning the size of the bike ( all ride big V-Stars or Harleys ). They dont understand my reasoning behind buying the bike which is the great handling, simplicity, Thumper nostalgia and the great looks of it which I find great assets considering most of my past experience was with Dirt and Enduro bikes, but not a newbie concering street riding either. I have actually been asked was it a "250"? with them being totally serious!. From now on I will answer that it is in the hope someday I will pull up beside them and give them a shock!. Had one Harley guy ( he knew it is a 650 ) I work with ( cant remember what its model name is but I do know its a 1500cc ), we pull out onto the Hwy. and he gooses it and we're up to 70 in no time, I'm in the blind-spot in his mirror so he doesnt see me, he turns his head expecting me to be way behind only to find that I'm just inches behind which is how we started off as..the shock on his face is one I'll never forget!!. I cant say that he used full throttle or not ( he would never admit it if he had )but I do know this....All during that little run I had plenty of throttle left!!. But despite all the heckling of its size, they and plenty others have great respect for its great looks, compliments galore, It gets plenty of stares! Still their ignorance towards bikes ( bigger the better , a real mans bike syndrome ) grates me to no end to the point of wanting to slap the **** out of em.  They dont realize I will kill them going down the windy roads which is in great abundance here and that they are riding boring machines, I've ridden many a big bike and yes to me, THEY'RE BORING IMO. Still totally stock now but slowly gonna work on some modding later on to up performance & sound in my final quest of surprising more than a few folks when opportunity arises. I would love to hear of any similar stories from the community, and maybe some good advice.

                                               Take care

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 06/11/08 at 10:11:44

I got a lot of static about my thumper too, you know what?, F 'em! I'm having too much fun on my 'Little Red Baron' to deal with their overcompensating for their inadequacies by riding a billet barge. I too will have a bigger bike someday, but that will be for more extended two up riding with the wife. But right now, this bike is perfect for me and my limited riding capabilities. I've noticed lately that since I wrapped my header and added a nice sounding fishtail muffler that speaks with a little authority, I catch them looking at the bike more and saying less disparaging remarks.  Don't let anybody ratshit your ride.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by mo.goad on 06/11/08 at 10:50:05

Rogue Cheddar wrote:

I got a lot of static about my thumper too, you know what?, F 'em! I'm having too much fun on my 'Little Red Baron' to deal with their overcompensating for their inadequacies by riding a billet barge. I too will have a bigger bike someday, but that will be for more extended two up riding with the wife. But right now, this bike is perfect for me and my limited riding capabilities. I've noticed lately that since I wrapped my header and added a nice sounding fishtail muffler that speaks with a little authority, I catch them looking at the bike more and saying less disparaging remarks.  Don't let anybody ratshit your ride.

LOL....funny you mentioned the inadequacies...I did  tell a couple of em " Hey, nice thingy you have there",  thingy wasnt the actual word I used but it all was said after their remark bout my ride. Not sure they really understood the message but then again, I'm dealing with a lot of ignorance here and havent heard anything else from em since  lol. Your nickname for your bike "Red Baron" is ironic, as the real life Red Barons plane was not the fastest plane but the most maneuverable in the skies. Mine is a dark Red too BTW, so I may have to copy that name if you dont mind  haha. I cant blame ya a bit for wanting a bigger bike for 2up purposes, so far my ole lady hasnt been giving me probs with it but then again we havent made a long trip yet and probably never will.


Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/08 at 13:16:25

My hair greyed at an early age, so the old man accross from me always kidded my about it, and I always kid back 'it may be gray, but its still there' he was missing the top half.

My point is, these guys found something to joke with you a bit.  All you need is a good comeback.  Something like 'it's small so I can get around your big fat a$$ and still be on the same road', or as you already know 'yeah it's a wimpy little bike, let's take it on the road and see if your but bling can pull away from it'

And don't fret a bit about it.  Remember, you're a savage rider, independent, think for self kind of guy.  They are a bunch of sheep.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by wrenchbender on 06/11/08 at 13:49:34

Probably everyone here that works with anyone that rides a BIG V Twin has taken smack from their co workers. It's natural ribbing.

When that occurs to me I like to remind them I paid cash for mine when I picked it up and then usually end with "How many payments you got left to go?'

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by mistereman1 on 06/11/08 at 13:50:18

I don't ride the '86 Savage regularly, it's my wife's bike, but when I am out tooling around on it I get nothing but compliments.  People are stunned when I tell them it is old enough to buy a beer and it's a 650!  My wife just loves the darn thing and says the only bike she would trade it for is a new S40.  I like it because we went through several bikes before I found the Savage for her, the reliability is great, no chain to maintain, and in normal riding it keeps up with my FZ6 just fine.  Until people ride one (or get passed by one 8-) !!), they have no idea what the Savage is capable of.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by gazoo07 on 06/11/08 at 13:52:49

I too have encountered the bigger is better idiots. But at 49 years old I dont give an obese rodents rectum what they say! I usually tell them if I were as fat as them I would need a bigger bike too. My last bike was a Harley Road King which I put 36,000 miles on riding to work every day and several trips to Colorado,Sturgis, North Carolina, Etc. where I watch the same kind of guys back their bikes off of trailers and drive them threw town thinking they have acomplished something. I live in Lakeland FL, 100 miles from Daytona where I ride to every year for the bike rally and seen the same ones who make fun of me backing their electroglides of trailers. I loved my Road King but I still think I have more fun on my S40. I may not ride it to Sturgis,but then again they said I wouldnt be able to ride my Sportster 800 miles to Smokey mountain national park. Some people buy motorcycles to be seen on, and some of us buy them to see the world from and realize the journey should be enjoyed as much as the destination. So I must agree with everyone else on the bigger is better crowd and say F** em!

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by SimonTuffGuy on 06/11/08 at 14:04:16

What's awkward is that in the past 7 or 8 weeks of owning my bike... I've only received compliments like mistereman...

At the gas station filling up, there was a Harley owner (in his Saturn Sky) who had asked about my little "One-Lunger"... When I told him MSRP of $4,300... He stepped back and was like "You can get THAT bike for $4000?" He was a pretty cool guy and said he had a bunch of co-workers who would probably enjoy the S40 because of it's size and price.

The others were a pack of bikers who rode across the river with me on the last ferryboat this side of the Mississippi. 3 Harleys and a Honda, and they all thought it was a cool little bike too.

The best thing? Even with me and the GF on at the same time, it's still only like having 1 regular Harley rider. It's still got enough power, even on the highways.

As said - Don't let them get to you... They don't know what they're missing. :)

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by 2000ls650savage on 06/11/08 at 14:06:40

I feel your pain, where i work there all HD riders and they refer to the LS650 as a Moped!  I just ignore em and enjoy the ride.  May be there not man enough to ride the SAVAGE!!!

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/08 at 14:49:18

I wish I was so lucky, if these guys called mine a moped i'd follow to hell and back just so I could say their hog couldn't out run a moped.  hehehe   ;D

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Paladin. on 06/11/08 at 14:53:34

5B5951595752360 wrote:
 Hello all, my first post here. Just bought my S40 two weeks ago and love it! Just one prob, I get rode hard by people I work with concerning the size of the bike ....

"yeah, it's a bit on the small size...  :-/

But I don't have to compensate for physical inadequacies.  ::) "

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/11/08 at 18:03:54

I was stopped at a gas station, sucking down a sugar-laden beverage and watching people.  Two guys pulled up next to the bike and were drooling over it. (I just let them.  Drool comes off pretty easilly with soap and water.)  Meanwhile, these two complete dudes pulled up on a pair of Harleys.  They were all decked out and looking pretty.  The one guy started whining to his buddy "Oh man, when I had them do that work the other day, they didn't top off the oil!"  

They paid for their gas and reversed course, presumably to run up to the Harley dealer and have him put some oil in the thing.

If that is what owning a "cool" bike is all about (being confined in range by the proximity of a dealership that can keep your bike sufficiently lubricated to maintain forward motion), I think I'll stick with my homely "little" bike.

Believe it or not, that guy's opinion of my bike wouldn't change my life one bit.  Then again, I don't own any jewelry and the only hat I own is a battered old leather thing that sheds water nicely.  Guess I'm happy just being "plain."

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/08 at 18:08:58

When it's my turn to die, I will do it & no one will be able to take my place & die for me.

It is my turn to live, & since no one can die for me, they sure as He77 can't LIVE for me, so shut up, back up & watch me do what I like doing, the way I like doing it.

Got it?

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/08 at 18:11:51

It has long been said that men will purchase what they need to feel adequate. Some buy a porsche, others, a harley.

Pinnochio, he had him a Lumberweenie.

Thats a wooden lamborghini  

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by thumperclone on 06/11/08 at 21:27:09

theres some 2k of us on this site how many hardley riders are there?? im still waiting for savage boxers and socks and and and and.....

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Vashe on 06/12/08 at 01:13:52

So far I have had nothing but compliments about the look of my bike, from riders, drivers and pedestrians alike, all ages and walks of life. It's a fine machine. period.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by KwakNut on 06/12/08 at 01:23:25

I heard a great put-down delivered to a Harley rider a while back.  

The Harley rider criticised a Jap bike, saying they may have technical innovation, but they're characterless and not worth having.

The Jap bike rider said "Well, I'd even have to admit that Harley is totally ahead of the game in terms of technical innovation.  If you need to get your ditch pump from one ditch to another, putting a wheel at either end of it was a brilliant idea - that was true innovation".

The Harley rider rode off.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Jay on 06/12/08 at 04:23:47

I get flack at work too. I used to ride a Kymco 250 scooter, so I'm used to getting no respect. Even amoung the scooter crowd, if it wasn't a Vespa, it wasn't sh!t. It used to bug me that folks said I wasn't riding a "real" bike. Now that stuff just slides off of me. I say, if a person wants respect from and for what they own, even Bill Gates' money won't be enough. Eventually, when they'd ask incredulously if I rode a (disgusted tone) "scooooter", I'd say "No, it's a moped."

It never ends. Even if you were to get a HD, unless you got the latest, biggest, most accesorized model they offer, there would still be some in the HD crowd who would still look down their noses, and next year HD would come out with something bigger, costlier, chromier (I just made a Bushism! :)) Most HD riders I've met, after the GOOD natured ribbing about my "rice burner", I found at heart are just bikers, happy that they meet up with a kindred spirit on two wheels, regardless of make. Those few HD riders with the ego problem don't have enough respect for themselves to give any to anyone else. Ugh oh, better quit now. I'm starting to get all Dr. Phil. :D

I get a great many compliments on the Suzuki. I appreciate it for what it is, but I always remember people are fickle. Some seem to like it; for a few others, it's not a real bike. When those folks look at the Savage and ask "What is that?", with their lip all culred up like no matter what the answer is, if it's not a Harley, they're not gonna like it; I say "It's a Puch. Now Puch off!"  ;D
Ride safe,

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by skrapiron on 06/12/08 at 05:18:31

I rode out to a customer site in Ohio, yesterday.  When I got to the recieving office, the clerk noted I was in jeans and a riding jacket.

'Did you ride?' he asked.  'Yup, its out side'.  He and 3 other guys got up and went outside to see what I pulled up on.

First Question 'What is that???'
Second Question 'That cylinder is f'n huge!'
Third Question 'That things gotta be pretty easy on gas, isn't it?'

All 4 are Harley riders (the smallest of the bunch is a Sportster 1200).  They were all very impressed with the size, the fuel economy and uniqueness of the bike.  It really stands out in a crowd of look-alike V-twin cruisers.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by KwakNut on 06/12/08 at 06:29:14

I've had a whole lot of road bikes, all 900/1000/1100/1200cc Jap 4-cylnder tourers and sport bikes, a few cruisers and a few single cylinder dirt bikes.

I'm as guilty as anybody for mocking other road bikes - I especially like calling GSX-R1000s, Firblades and R1s 'mopeds' just to annoy their riders - then show them why when they try to pull past the nitroused ZX12R.

But sports bikes are all about power and performance, while cruisers are about character.  I have a ZL1000 Eliminator, and that's a pretty special cruiser/muscle bike which I dearly love (only done 11000 miles since new in 1987), but the unique nature of the Savage really is special.

It's flawed, it's too small for some, it has insufficient power for many people who have owned quicker bikes, and it suffers from Suzuki's budget build quality, but its character, value, simplicity and uniqueness more than make up for those faults - and it's a pretty little thing too!  I'm hoping to get my renovation finished this weekend and get her on the road - depends on how many hours I can sneak away from the missus to complete final assembly of the cycle parts and bodywork, then run up the rebuilt motor, but I can't wait.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Kirk on 06/12/08 at 06:40:04

Hey guys I too have been heckled about buying my 2006 S40. My neighbor who rides a Katanna 600 stopped by right after I had just purchased my sky blue beauty. He was like "man why did you buy that little 250cc bike your going to outgrow it"? My reply was simply I liked the way it looked knowing the entire time it packed a h*ll of a punch for a qoute un qoute 250 hahaha. I told him to take her for a spin a let me know how she rides; so he hopped on her and goosed the throttle from a complete stop. When he pulled back into my driveway he was like sh*t that thing has some power. I replied yeah I know its a 650cc the look on his face was priceless. I get more compliments then anything though on how nice the bike looks. I like the fact that people think our thumpers are the underdog it makes prevailing all the more sweet. Keep riding safe and proving why Zuki 650's are the best.  

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by YonuhAdisi on 06/12/08 at 07:19:52

I am always the little guy in the pack when I am riding with my buddies who all have practically new big twins. The other day though when they all pulled up in front of my house for us all to go for a ride, there were a couple of newbies in the pack and my buddie who rides a M109R 1800cc turns to the newbies and says while pointing to the FireLizard. That is one bad a$$ little bike"

I couldn't help but grin as I was putting on my helmet and when we all took off our little ride I decided to make an honest man of him and rolled the throttle back and left the entire pack in the dust. Needless to say, they were all impressed with the FireLizard's abilities.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Wanderer on 06/12/08 at 07:40:13

I wouldn't worry about it.  Obviously THEY don't know much about the biker world.  Back in the day we rode Triumphs, BSA's and the like that were physically SMALLER than a Savage.  A 650 was considered a BIG bike.  I'm the type that tells that type that I don't give a **** what they think about what I ride.  I don't recommend that to everyone though.  LOL

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by mpescatori on 06/12/08 at 09:31:43

342B2D2A3730013101392B276C5E0 wrote:
It has long been said that men will purchase what they need to feel adequate. Some buy a porsche, others, a harley.

Pinocchio, he had him a Lumberweenie.


Thats a wooden lamborghini  

;D ;D ;D

And I thought you meant his... log... trunk


Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by buttgoat1 on 06/12/08 at 09:33:36

I got Betty respected this morning, everything ok although the front brake pads are gettin thin, so a new set is on the way.

The mechanic was inspecting a Harley when I pulled up, and 2 other Harleys were in the shop (mechanics rides).  They had a nice chat about the big inch V twins they had (and the $ they cost).

I rolled her on in and the mechanic, cocked his head and grunted a bit, asked what she was and nodded appreciatively, Betty is debadged and painted.  After we were done, we had a nice chat about a 650 will do fine, fun, light weight, and better mileage to boot.

Even got a second look when she fired up to leave.
Its good to be respected....

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by PhilM on 06/12/08 at 12:10:44

4D7B747E7F687F681A0 wrote:
...  Back in the day we rode Triumphs, BSA's and the like that were physically SMALLER than a Savage.  A 650 was considered a BIG bike.

As a teenager in Scotland (Glasgow) in the late 1960's the Norton/Triumph 650s were considered the ultimate dream machines  8-)

I remember spotting the new 750 Commandos with my dad when I was 12 in '67. I still love the sound of 'em.

And the Triumph 650 Bonneville...

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by zilla on 06/12/08 at 13:36:02

Last night I was parked at Subway talking to an old friend. Out of the blue an old lady rolled her window down and asked how much it cost me and if it was "bigger than her old Honda 80?".  I think she liked it.  :-/

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Texasphotographer on 06/12/08 at 18:23:07

My S40 was sitting next to a large Harley complete with windshield and lower body farings that made it look a lot larger.

One of the guys in our Rotary Club said Larry has a teeny bike compared to Kirbys' bike.

I then told him I could fill up my tank at the gas station for under $12.00.   How much do you pay?

He shut up.

I am, however, going to trade my S40 in for a C50T as I want to do a bunch of touring and my 69 year old bottom needs a much softer ride.

I replaced the seat with a Savage Converted one and very little difference there.  I also have a gel seat and an Alaska Leather on top of the converted seat, but its still not comfortable for longer rides.

At least I will still be riding a Boulevard.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/12/08 at 18:41:25

The C50 is a beautiful bike :)

I personally havent seen one prettier ,yet!

Well,the Kawasaki Drifter is pretty nice looking also ;)

But of course the Savage is the best  ;) ;) 8-)

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 06/12/08 at 19:22:28

584459415C495E4F404342492C0 wrote:
theres some 2k of us on this site how many hardley riders are there?? im still waiting for savage boxers and socks and and and and.....

Savage boxers? Oh, I got those! That's usually after dining out at the local church Ham & Bean Supper!  :D

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by hdblueangel on 06/14/08 at 22:57:54

My first bike was a 250 Rebel, then I bought a 883lx sportster.  Then I bought a 1450cc deluxe.  It was like riding on a cloud.  I had it lowered and felt very comfortable riding it, but tight turns, backing it up - I didn't feel that comfortable.  It started to feel like a chore just to take it out for a ride.

So, I sold it and bought a used S40 and I love it.  It's fun, light, and a lot easier to make those u-turns.  I can even stand next to it and move it!  It's a blast to ride, I feel comfortable riding it and that's all I care about.  I don't give a hoot what any jerk says about it.  Maybe they need a big bike to make up for their little...oh never mind.  ;)


Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Bear_Rider on 06/16/08 at 13:45:19

You can always say, "It was big enough for Marlon Brando." ;D

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by gj859 on 06/16/08 at 14:48:37

133430230E0338353423510 wrote:
You can always say, "It was big enough for Marlon Brando." ;D

This is the perfect answer.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by hdblueangel on 06/16/08 at 14:51:00

  I like that reply  :-*

a guy yesterday rolled down his window and told me he liked my bike

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Onederer on 06/16/08 at 15:10:19

Only those who ignore negativity directed towards others, can rise above the negative ones, otherwise your under their control.   Not everyone in this world is intellegent and/or has moral fortitued, and those who try to bring others down have neither. Find something in life that pleases you, and enjoy it, and realized some will  never be consious of their life, pitty those, but don't become them.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by gj859 on 06/16/08 at 16:16:20

Hey Bear_Rider what are you rebelling against?

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by willrph on 06/16/08 at 17:52:00

You know what?  I think a lot of folks buy a larger bike as a status symbol.  I can't believe the number of bike riders at work, but do they ever ride them regularly?  No, that is the difference between them and us.   We need something that we can use daily and not just on the perfect sunny day.   So who cares what they think we have grat bikes.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by YonuhAdisi on 06/16/08 at 20:36:41

Today as I was pulling into a convenience store to check the wife's lottery tickets, (nope, not a millionaire yet) I guy came up to me and asked "Is that a Triumph?"


Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/16/08 at 20:41:45

I'd have said "Yep.  It's my triumph over the rising cost of gasoline."

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by YonuhAdisi on 06/16/08 at 20:45:53

I wish I would have thought of that.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by mo.goad on 06/17/08 at 09:50:55

Wow, a lot of replies! ... I've been laughing my a$$ off at em! ... I appreciate them all guys n gals, I'm absorbing it all. Great place this is! .. Keep em coming if ya like lol

                                                                Stay safe

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by photojoe on 06/17/08 at 12:26:29

I come from the Harley Davidson school of riding, both of my previous bikes being HD's. Jumping back in the saddle after around a 14 year layoff, I started looking again. I first started looking at Harley's. Prices/culture/Chinese influence kind of turned me off. Also, my approach to riding has changed. When I was 21, I got my first street bike, a 1972 Sportster. Most of my friends were riding either Shovels, Pans, and a couple of Knuckles. I'm going back to 1981, so they were all American bikes. My Sporty was considered "small" at that time.

I made the decision to broaden my search to include anything V-Twin including Yams/Honda's/Suzuki's. Alsmost bought a 1999 Intruder 1400, but I felt that the price was way high at $4000.00 including horribly pitted forks. Kept looking and found a guy in March selling my 1987 Savage. Never in a million years would I believe that I would be riding a Thumper, but there was something about it....

Hopped on, and tore up and down his block a few times and instantly grew a $hite eating grin on my face. Bought the bike, got my tags, went back to pick it up. Had to ride 20 miles back on the highway. That grin came back.

I've not had the experience of getting anything but questions, and compliments from all riders I've come in contact with. People seem drawn to it, or maybe they're curious about the $hite eatin grin  8-)

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Bear_Rider on 06/17/08 at 17:04:47

515C0E030F360 wrote:
Hey Bear_Rider what are you rebelling against?

Human stupidity.

There should be a minimum IQ required to reproduce, say about 135. For every ten points above that, you can add one more child.  ;)

I think that I'm going to try to really confuse people. If I repaint the tank this winter, I'm going to add some tank decals close, but not identical to that used on Indian motorcycles.  ;D

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 06/17/08 at 17:14:32

567175664B467D707166140 wrote:
[quote author=515C0E030F360 link=1213201195/30#35 date=1213658180]Hey Bear_Rider what are you rebelling against?

Human stupidity.

There should be a minimum IQ required to reproduce, say about 135. For every ten points above that, you can add one more child.  ;)

I think that I'm going to try to really confuse people. If I repaint the tank this winter, I'm going to add some tank decals close, but not identical to that used on Indian motorcycles.  ;D[/quote]

Aww Bear_Rider you just missed a classic reply opportunity.

From The Wild One (1953)

Mildred: What're you rebelling against, Johnny?
Johnny: Whaddya got?


Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Jonny_Chicago on 06/17/08 at 20:59:58

Tell them to go f**k themselves.  

Then if they heckle you more, pull out your stilleto knife and ask them "who wants a piece".  

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/17/08 at 21:25:31

Holy smokes, Jonny.  I think you need to go for a nice ride in the country or something.

I'm still laughing my butt off picturing you waving a toothpick at a bunch of bikers and screaming at them. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Jonny_Chicago on 06/17/08 at 22:02:11

haha, right.  Like one of those stilleto hair comb knives!

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/08 at 23:59:28

7A7F7E7E694F7378797371777F100 wrote:
Tell them to go f**k themselves.  

Then if they heckle you more, pull out your stilleto knife and ask them "who wants a piece".  

& Hope some Big Dude doesnt say "ME!" & whoop out a Dirty Harry 44Manglum.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Jonny_Chicago on 06/18/08 at 09:38:41

Ha, true, at least you would go down fighting

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Bear_Rider on 06/18/08 at 13:13:18

7B464E5C4C766A414C4D4D485B290 wrote:
[quote author=567175664B467D707166140 link=1213201195/30#42 date=1213747487][quote author=515C0E030F360 link=1213201195/30#35 date=1213658180]Hey Bear_Rider what are you rebelling against?

Human stupidity.

There should be a minimum IQ required to reproduce, say about 135. For every ten points above that, you can add one more child.  ;)

I think that I'm going to try to really confuse people. If I repaint the tank this winter, I'm going to add some tank decals close, but not identical to that used on Indian motorcycles.  ;D[/quote]

Aww Bear_Rider you just missed a classic reply opportunity.

From The Wild One (1953)

Mildred: What're you rebelling against, Johnny?
Johnny: Whaddya got?


To tell you the truth, I never watched the movie. I've always considered the outlaw bike scene to be pretty much a bunch of two-bit punks and never really cared for Brando as an actor.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by rigidchop on 06/18/08 at 16:30:44

most people generally like my bike. most are non riders though. i can't say i have ever had a bad thing said about it , except by me under my breath, when i am working on it and its not going my way ;D

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/18/08 at 18:38:57

I was stopped at a light tonight.  A guy in a Ford diesel rolled down his window and started quizzing me on the Savage.  "How smooth is that single?  Will it cruise all day at 60 mph?"  I told him I didn't know, because I'd never tried it.  But it'll do 70 all day no problem.  He started laughing.  Seemed like a pretty nice guy.  

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by T Mack 1 on 06/19/08 at 07:20:46

I had some people say I should buy a HD.  I've also had some HD & sport bike riders say they started on a LS650 and it's a good bike.  

The ones that say I should get a more powerful bike I just reply..... "Have you ever ridden a Savage (S40)?????"

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/08 at 15:43:50

In the 8th grade, some wiseguy started yammering about my clothes. I told him I would be free after school & he could buy me whatever clothes he thought would be better than what I had.. He shut right up.

Someone tells me I need a H/D, I am pretty sure I know what Ill say.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Jonny_Chicago on 06/19/08 at 16:34:26

ha, thats pretty good...

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by 4carbcorvair on 06/19/08 at 16:37:05

Everyone has a HD. They used to make a statement, now anyone from an attourney to a highschool kid has one.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by fishtail on 06/19/08 at 22:41:11

In my view, a Savage/S40 is a true non-conformist bike and keeps alive the original spirit behind motorcycle riding.  Like has been said, everyone owns a Harley or some other overweight ego machine.  I have more respect for people who aren't afraid to blaze a new trail rather just ride down the same old "safe" or "cool" road.  

That's my 2 pennies on the matter anyway.  ;D

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by 4carbcorvair on 06/20/08 at 05:01:58

Next time you walk by the HD's, hit all of their kill switches.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by mo.goad on 06/20/08 at 08:36:24

  Over the past week since I made this topic I've had some very positive attitudes by fellow bike-riding workers towards my '06 S40. A couple of em were talking about a newer bike that HD is making (cant remember the name of it...darn short-term memory is fading) thats based on a older design with the springs on the front forks and they were talking about its great looks other than the back fender. It all kinda fell in place and I seized the moment as I told them that older design is cool as long as you dont have to pay extra or same as modern tech for it as that HD seemed to be doing according to the price they told me it was going for, then went on to tell them my bike is a "throwback" to the older days back in the 60's and early 70's  with the Triumphs, BSAs, Nortons, etc. but mine is a much better single cylinder than the old classics ( they dont understand the terminology of "Thumper,"One Lung" ). I could see in their eyes they were going back in time and they both reminisced about a relative having a BSA and bragging how fast it was and the admiration was seen along with a big grin! At that moment I knew I had em and the heckling from them immediately ceased. Another one in the process of getting a big bike told me " I know I kid ya bout your bike now but, I wont be kidding ya probably the first time I fill my tank. Another one has a custom "Big Dog"..."PitBull" model bike with SnSs biggest engine and it does look/sound awesome but that is as far as it goes. He bought a scooter later to ride back and forth to work LOL. And to put sugar on top, even with his rare sortie to work on his "Big Dog", it seems my S40 gets more attention than his BD at work! It seems that as some has mentioned, there is just something bout the Thumper or the "Rebel Mentality" (which I find pleasing as I'm from MS. I know, I know, a out of South person can still be one, I have never been a follow the crowd kinda guy) of it that is in effect here. Definitely some newfound respect. Moral of the story is, I believe the light is starting to break through their clouded minds. Kinda sad in a way though as I was waiting for the chance to tell some after looking at my bike with their teasing insult then, I look at their bike, then looking them in their eyes and tell em " Sorry bout your Pecker man! lol  

                                                            Take care all

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by Gary On A Savage on 06/20/08 at 08:55:01

6037352636373B2622353D26540 wrote:
Next time you walk by the HD's, hit all of their kill switches.

ROTFLOL!!!    I bet half of them will call for a tow truck to have it sent in for service!

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by mo.goad on 06/20/08 at 09:00:05

      Wow, almost forgot another thing....another fellow worker who has two HD that's not running!, tells me why did I buy a bike from a country that bombed Pearl Harbor?? I told him that if he'll cut me a Check for 15,000 bucks and I sell my bike for what I paid for it ( 3,600 bucks ) to add on, I will get me a HD. And besides, when I go to start my bike, it doesnt tell me" F*** You, I'm not going nowhere"!!..... needless to say, he shut the F*** up, much like his bikes tell him.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by skatnbnc on 06/20/08 at 09:51:15

No heckling addition to the daily commute, I run errands all day for my office, and in the past 3 weeks I've had the following:

- Twice a guy (the SAME guy) pulled up next me in in his big old truck at the gas station when I was filling Suzi. "whadda ya got? I see ya rid'n araoun all the time! you must get some guud mileage missy."  I told him the mileage and he expressed awe and said he "needs to get me a bike!".
BTW - he is still driving his truck...go figure.

- At separate places, police officers stopped, did a double take, and walked around my parked bike with heads nodding. I could see them out the shop window doing so!

- A guy asked how high my speedo went. When I told him 100, he asked if I ever went that fast. I said there was no need to because the bike is perfect at 70 and gets 55 MPG.  He, sitting in his huge custom van, was very impressed!

- An undercover cop was waiting outside the courthouse for a transport and saw me pull up to drop some court papers. He went on forever about how cool Suzi is, making me late getting back to the office!

- A man getting out of his car with his wife and kid stopped on his way past me and said he LOVED my KalashniKitty, cool bike and to "ride safe".

- Three guys on leave from Iraq were walking thru the store parking lot when I pulled in, and they commented about my sheepskin seat pad. All of them agreed it was a sweet bike and they said they wanted sheepkins for their seats while on Iraq duty!

- On different days, two different women in my office park stopped their cars just to lean out and tell me to "you GO sister!" when they saw me on Suzi.

End result - if some ONE doesn't like the Savage, there are PLENTY of other people who do. Can't knock that!  8-)

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by youzguyz on 06/20/08 at 13:56:12

This guy who has relatives across the steet from me bought one of those "retro" HDs with the springs on the front.  The rear is softail.  Has a spring seat.
First time I saw I thought.. "hey, bonzo (not his real name) got himself a used Harley.. too bad he didn't get one he could take his daughter on rides with"
Then I started talking to him about it.. found out it was NEW.  ooops  :-[
Then found out he paid 20k for it!!  AND he did buy (layaway)another seat that can be "clipped" on for his daughter.  But can't afford to pick it up yet.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by YonuhAdisi on 06/20/08 at 14:06:02

I don't know, maybe bozo still applies. I would never pay 20 grand for a bike. I could buy a new car for that.

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by verslagen1 on 06/20/08 at 14:08:20

So he can have the seat or his daughter, but not both?


Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by drharveys on 06/20/08 at 21:03:18

57555D555B5E3A0 wrote:
      Wow, almost forgot another thing....another fellow worker who has two HD that's not running!, tells me why did I buy a bike from a country that bombed Pearl Harbor??

Just tell him we evened up that score at Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

(Getting off topic a bit -- I visited the memorial at Hiroshima a few years ago when my daughter was teaching in Japan.  I'd been warned by a cousin who had been there ten years earlier that the display tended towards some anti-American views -- "Here was this not particularly strategic town and the Americans nuked it for no particular reason", though not in those exact words.  By the time we got there, the displays were a lot more accurate -- telling you that Hiroshima was a garrison city, most of the children had been moved out to the countryside, it was being prepared for the anticipated American invasion of Japan, with conscripted (slave) Korean laborers clearing firebreaks and such what.  While still essentially pacifist, it was NOT specifically anti-American.  They even mentioned the Japanese actions in China in a negative manner.  I think the museum staff had noticed that the latest generation of Japanese kids were not getting an accurate view of their country's history in school.)

(As for getting fed inaccurate and downright untrue history in American schools -- well, that's a whole 'nother story!)

Title: Re: Heckled S40 Rider..
Post by dropoutjohn on 06/21/08 at 13:45:19

[quote author=71737B737D781C0 link=1213201195/60#60 date=1213977605]Wow, almost forgot another thing....another fellow worker who has two HD that's not running!, tells me why did I buy a bike from a country that bombed Pearl Harbor?? quote]

next time i'm down at pearl harbor surfing, i'll take a photo of all the rice burner bikes in the barracks parking lot for him to cherish.  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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