General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Chain conversion?

Message started by Jack_650 on 06/10/08 at 13:36:43

Title: Chain conversion?
Post by Jack_650 on 06/10/08 at 13:36:43

Okay, I know, I love the belt drive. Mine's quiet, never needs adjusting and is not messy at all. However - there's talk in our area of $6.00 a gallon by winter. So now despite saying never just a year or so ago I'm thinking "Chain Drive" 'cause I like the idea of being able to get higher gearing for better mileage.

I know there's a few on here who've done it and I'm curious as to how high I can push it gear-wise. I'm mainly an over the road rider who does some of those 4k miles in a week and a half. I ride to be going someplace since I always have been a goer and now can't afford it on four wheels. Besides which it's just so much more fun. So anything that might push me towards 60 mpg or better is going to come onto the table. I'm not so concerned with acceleration as with distance and steady speeds on the highway.

What's available out there? Is it economically cheap? Is it a fairly easy bolt-on swap out? Inquiring mind want to know.


Title: Re: Chain conversion?
Post by sluggo on 06/10/08 at 13:57:53

as a rider of a chain drive thumper for over 25 years  gn00, i would never go back to a chain. to many maintaince issues. i've had cheep ones, good ones, really really good ones.  they all streched way to much.  torque issue i believe.  compare the belt on the savage to a h-d. the savage is much bigger and beefier.

i know others will swear it's the way to go.  i'm just speaking from the experiences  i personally know of.

let the debate begin.    chains suck and belong on farm equipment. :o

Title: Re: Chain conversion?
Post by bill67 on 06/10/08 at 14:44:50

 It doesn't seem like it would cost to much to have a larger front  pulley and smaller rear pulley so the same belt would work if there was enough orders for it ,even if it only help 200-300 rpm. I would pay $200 for it.Or is there anyway to change high gear in transmission. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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