General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> helmet preference

Message started by Jackhammer on 06/10/08 at 12:10:05

Title: helmet preference
Post by Jackhammer on 06/10/08 at 12:10:05

Hey guys,

I am new to the Savage and new to riding in general.
Obviously i'm going to need a helmet, but i'm torn about what to get.
Part of me wants just a cap for that "cool" look, but part of me wants
a full face helmet so i don't die or destroy my face.... What do you guys recommend/prefer.  I also don't want to look like a dork on my new savage......  Thoughts?
Thanks guys,

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by verslagen1 on 06/10/08 at 12:19:29

Helmet war part II

Safety, protection - full face

Cool - skull cap

The choice is yours

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by feelinjunky on 06/10/08 at 12:19:34

It's really up to you. I ride with a full face helmet only because I had some bad experiences with my half-helmet. While I was riding home one night, I didn't see a low tree branch sticking out onto the road. I was looking down to see how fast I was going and looked up only to be smacked in the face with about 20 leaves. Now I always wear a full face helmet, just to be sure. But every now and then when the temperature is above 90 I wear the half-helmet just to be more comfortable.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by bill67 on 06/10/08 at 12:21:30

   My preference is WW2 pilot cap with goggles,But with a windshield I where a open face without windshield full face.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by skrapiron on 06/10/08 at 13:08:28

Helmet?  You don't need no stinkin' helmet!

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by BOWDIER on 06/10/08 at 13:16:20

full face for me, I see to many bike wrecks at work, the world would be safe if thre were no cars. Today was bike vs deer with a tib/fib fx. that will heal but a broke brain is a pain.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by bill67 on 06/10/08 at 14:37:03

$10 head use $10 helmet or none

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by rigidchop on 06/10/08 at 14:39:39

you really shouldn't ask others what they think YOU should do for personal safety. in the end its your choice, and melon.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by SavageGreaseMonkey13 on 06/10/08 at 16:00:08

i love my 3/4 helmet. keeps out wind noise and feels safe but still that open wind in your face feel. but you can also get a shield if you need it.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Charlie on 06/10/08 at 16:30:12

Modular for me, for you who knows. Seeing as how you're asking our opinions though... If you're new to riding, go with a full face helmet. Better safe than sorry.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Gort on 06/10/08 at 17:57:33

Read this before you buy anything.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by dropoutjohn on 06/10/08 at 18:28:39

i wear a 1/2 shell and i know it's dangerous but at least it's a carbon fiber kevlar reinforced shell with eps foam inside. it's supposedly DOT...

i have been contemplating a full face one lately though now that they are smaller and lighter... but i like the wind in my face... full face helmets make me fell like i'm watching a helmet cam video instead of actually riding. does that make sense? :-?

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/10/08 at 19:39:28

I will occasionally take a short ride with no helmet.  When I do, I always wish I'd put on my full-face.  The wind bugs my eyes, and the bugs HURT when the thwack me in the forehead.  We have bigger bugs here in Montana than the rest of the world, though.

EDIT:  Oh, and as far as looking cool... The Savage will take care of that for you.  All you gotta do is sit back and enjoy the ride.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by saratovich on 06/10/08 at 19:48:31

Basically, a helmet is designed to provide the wearer with abrasion and moderate impact protection. Combined with a shield, it deflects small road debris and bugs.

I wear all the gear all the time, which includes a full face helmet. I don't like all the hot, heavy gear and suiting up is a pain . . .

However, when the alternative is skin grafts and facial reconstruction, for me, it's a no brainer.

Good luck in your quest.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Seth on 06/10/08 at 20:47:02

My first bike I laid down, wearing a full face helmet.  I was new to riding, gunned it a little too hard coming onto a 4 lane highway, and hit a patch of gravel.  I laid the bike down hard, hit the back of my head, rolled, bounced my chin off the asphalt, and got up and walked away with a little bit of road rash on my legs and hands, since I was wearing jeans, boots, and my hard leather jacket also.  When I got a chance to look at my helmet, it was cracked in the center of the chin guard, and a large crack all the way up the back of the helmet.  That was enough to convince me to ride with a full face all the time.  Plus, it really sucks when you get hit in the face with a bumblebee going 45-50 mph down the road, cause you don't have your face shield on....but hey, it's your head, your cash, just my 2 cents... :-/

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/10/08 at 21:21:36

7A51535B58515D5D5542300 wrote:
...Obviously i'm going to need a helmet
... "cool" look... don't die or destroy my face...look like a dork
Since you don't state where you are at, not obvious.  Half the U.S. population live where helmets are purely optional.  NEVER dress or do to please others (except for your spouse.)  If you think a helmet will protect you stop riding now -- well over half the people who died riding motorcyles were wearing DOT approved helmets.  A helmet offers a marginal improvement is collision survivability which is totally negated if you ride faster/more careless.  IMHO, if you wear a helmet to "not die" and/or to "not destroy your face" you should not be riding.  If you have a collision the odds are that you will be hurt.  If you are not willing to accept being hurt then you must avoid collisions at all costs -- which means not riding.

A helmet adds weight to the head in return for protection to the head.  You, and only you, should decide how much weight you are willing to endure for how much protection.  As others state, a FF helmet/shield is rather neat if you ride where flying bugs are a problem.  Striking a flying beetle at 60 mph is painful at best.   Above 30 mph raindrops become solid and try to poke holes in your face.

The straps of a half helmet cause increased wind noise.  IMO, a half helmet is useful for complying with the law and not much else.  IMO a half helmet is the stupidest dorkiest thing you can wear while riding a motorcycle -- if you give a rats' pattouie about what other's think; which you should not.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Seth on 06/10/08 at 21:45:10

...[/quote]well over half the people who died riding motorcyles were wearing DOT approved helmets.  A helmet offers a marginal improvement is collision survivability which is totally negated if you ride faster/more careless.  IMHO, if you wear a helmet to "not die" and/or to "not destroy your face" you should not be riding.  If you have a collision the odds are that you will be hurt.[/quote]

I do agree with your statement that helmets offer little protection in a collision, however, you do have to consider laying the bike down...over the front, it's iffy, off the back or to the sides, it will do a lot more to protect your head than not having one or a half shell...of course, if you get your head run over after you come off the bike by a car, then yeah, you're kinda screwed on that one! ;D

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by KWKaletta on 06/10/08 at 22:44:04

I have a full face modular.  First week I was riding a large bug hit the face shield.  I was going 55 mph the bug ??? All I know is it hit me hard enough to actually move my head.  If I was not wearing a helmet I would have wrecked..... :-/

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Jay on 06/10/08 at 23:05:17

You asked what we wear. For the record I wear a full face.
You've been given a lot of good, useful information here. The most important being to do what YOU are comfortable with, and what will suit YOUR riding conditions. Take only the risks you are comfortable with, and be considerate of your loved ones. Be inconsiderate of what anyone else, besides your loved ones, thinks of your choices.
As you mention you are also new to motorcyling, may I humbly suggest you take a MSF riders course. It will be the best money you have ever spent.
Ride safe,

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by KwakNut on 06/11/08 at 07:00:10

I wear full face on my sports bikes and open face on cruisers, mostly because I only ride low-ish speeds round town on the naked framed bikes.
Must admit I enjoy the feel of the wind in the face and round the ears at low/medium speed on a warm day - I have a chromed WWII German helmet which would offer hardly any protection but is really comfortable, let lots of air through, and makes me laugh.  If our laws weren’t so strict, I’d just wear goggles or wraparound shades in good weather for local trips.

I know there’s still risk of accident at low speed, but I balance the risk against the pleasure – if I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t throw my leg over a bike in the first place.

Weight and level of protection/crash survivability were mentioned above.

I'm yet to notice the weight of a helmet for comfort.  As for crash protection, yes, a lot of people still die when they get it wrong on a bike, but helmets aren’t designed to prevent you being squished under a truck, they stop you from getting brain damage when you head bang the tarmac coming off - the foam lining is designed to absorb those kind of shocks, and what they prevent is brain damage from low speed tumbled where people go over the bars or high side the bike and plant their head onto the road.  Those sideways knocks cause bleeds which kill or disable, but with shock-absorbent polystyrene helmet inners, a lot of people are laughing and riding today who would be dead or in wheelchairs otherwise.  

I also have had at least 3 helmets deeply scuffed from where I’ve been down the road, in tumbles at 40, 60 and over 100mph from sports bikes, and in each case it’s just been some paint and fibreglass, not flesh, that’s been left on the tarmac.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by bill67 on 06/11/08 at 07:09:00

 If helmets didn't work football players wouldn't use them,thats the way I see it.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/11/08 at 07:24:15

My preference, so far, is a 3/4 Scorpion with a full face shield.  The shield flips up easily for ventilation when stopped at a light on a hot day, or if going thru a neighborhood at 30 mph.

I'm biased to 3/4 because you have unrestricted peripheral vision.

Also, the full face shield protects from the nasty big bugs - I've hit them.

Saying all of that, I may try a modular.  I would like the chin area protection.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by misterdub on 06/11/08 at 08:19:53

Thought I'd throw in my $0.02 as another extremely new rider.

I'd love to get a half helmet or something smaller.  I agree that the wind rushing past my face would be awesome.  Since I started riding regularly, it's been 90-100 degrees daily but I wear a full-face helmet.  Why?  I kind of figure my chances of a low speed wipe out, especially while I'm still learning/growing my abilities and figuring out the abilities of my first bike, are higher than normal right now.  It's still a risky activity but I'd like to minimize my risks as much as possible.

If you decide to buy a full face, I strongly recommend shopping around extensively.  Travel to several dealerships/shops and try on as many helmets as you can.  The first few I put on were horribly uncomfortable for my head shape (very big and round).  Even the high end ones (Shoei, Arai) I tried made me feel like I was cramming my melon into a vice.  After trying on multiple models and multiple brands I found one that fits like a glove and is very comfy.  Every head is different, so just go with what works for you.  It took me three stores and umpteen helmets before I found one that didn't feel hot, stuffy or cramped but it was well worth the search.  I barely notice it while I'm riding around.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/11/08 at 08:25:43

Misterdub -

What brand did you buy?  I have the same problem - big head<g>.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by photojoe on 06/11/08 at 09:20:19

We did an overnight in Philadelphia last week, took the car as it was a hospital visit. Walking around the city during our spare time, I began to see riders sans helmets. I forgot that in PA. you could ride without a lid. It brought me back to the old days when I started riding, some 27 years ago in NY. A pack of us used to ride down the Parkway in NJ, hop on the ferry to Delaware, remove our helmets and ride through Delaware, into Maryland. A very liberating experience for a young man riding in a state with helmet laws.

I couldn't agree more with going to a shop to try on lids. Myself, I'm wearing a 1/2 helmet with goggles at night or when it's cold, but must admit that I'm close to buying a 3/4 with full visor, or even full face for highway riding. The modular's look interesting as well.

Yes, I still seek that liberating feeling of riding without a helmet, and will always support the riders right to choose, but I kind of like my face the way it is. Then again, at 102 degrees yesterday, I don't know what would be more dangerous, wearing a full face would seemed to have had been a suffocating experience, perhaps causing a rider to pass out.

So yes, as mentioned, its a personal decision that only the rider can make. There's nothing wrong with owning a few helmets  to choose from depending on the ride you're going to take.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by misterdub on 06/11/08 at 10:00:33

202F2329222F24282F382D2F384A0 wrote:
Misterdub -

What brand did you buy?  I have the same problem - big head<g>.

The Scorpion EXO-400 XXL.  They run a size smaller than the other brands I've tried.  When I tried on the Shoei, I was swimming in a XXL but the XL was too tight.  The EXO-400 XXL fits very snugly without feeling like a vice grip.

Also, they have interchangeable cheek pads which was a big selling point for me (since like I said, I have a very round head).  But as yet, I haven't needed to buy them.  I let the helmet break-in like the guy in the shop said and the cheek pads are perfect now.

Without sounding like an ad for them, it's very comfortable and seems to have pretty good ventilation.  I've read they're a little noisier than Shoei or Arai but I have no personal point of comparison (this is my first helmet) so it's perfectly acceptable to me.  And I've been wearing them in the 90-100 degree weather we've been having in the DC area as of late and I sweat but the wicking liner does as advertised and keeps me dry, so I don't really notice the heat at all.  Again, not sure how this "wicking" compares to others but I love the helmet.

Edit: One more thing to note about the noise, I'm also still in "local road" mode.  I haven't ventured out onto highways yet, so I've only hit 45mph.  Not sure if there would be a big difference between that and highway speeds but I thought I'd mention it.  If you look around online, noise is really the only complaint I've found about the Scorpion.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/11/08 at 10:12:57

Misterdub -

Thanks.  I have the Scorpion 3/4, size XXL, and it's very comfy too.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by sjaskow on 06/11/08 at 10:56:21

I wear a full-face and I was really glad when one of these caught me just above the left eye on the way home from work Monday.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by dropoutjohn on 06/11/08 at 11:00:40

487974797C7176180 wrote:
[quote author=7A51535B58515D5D5542300 link=1213125006/0#0 date=1213125005]...Obviously i'm going to need a helmet
... "cool" look... don't die or destroy my face...look like a dork
Since you don't state where you are at, not obvious.  Half the U.S. population live where helmets are purely optional.  NEVER dress or do to please others (except for your spouse.)  If you think a helmet will protect you stop riding now -- well over half the people who died riding motorcyles were wearing DOT approved helmets.  A helmet offers a marginal improvement is collision survivability which is totally negated if you ride faster/more careless.  IMHO, if you wear a helmet to "not die" and/or to "not destroy your face" you should not be riding.  If you have a collision the odds are that you will be hurt.  If you are not willing to accept being hurt then you must avoid collisions at all costs -- which means not riding.

A helmet adds weight to the head in return for protection to the head.  You, and only you, should decide how much weight you are willing to endure for how much protection.  As others state, a FF helmet/shield is rather neat if you ride where flying bugs are a problem.  Striking a flying beetle at 60 mph is painful at best.   Above 30 mph raindrops become solid and try to poke holes in your face.

The straps of a half helmet cause increased wind noise.  IMO, a half helmet is useful for complying with the law and not much else.  IMO a half helmet is the stupidest dorkiest thing you can wear while riding a motorcycle -- if you give a rats' pattouie about what other's think; which you should not.[/quote]

paladin, i was really impressed with you statements concerning, "a helmet will not keep you from dieing and if your concerned about dieing, then don't ride a motorcycle", but your little tirade about 1/2 shells at the end makes me want to punch you in the face.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/11/08 at 15:32:44

2C3A2738273D3C22272026480 wrote:
paladin, i was really impressed with you statements concerning, "a helmet will not keep you from dieing and if your concerned about dieing, then don't ride a motorcycle", but your little tirade about 1/2 shells at the end makes me want to punch you in the face.

You're welcomed to do so, but be warned that I have never fought 'fair'.

I am curious as to what you consider a "tirade" and what part you take such objection to.

The wind going past the straps next to the ears do cause considerable noise.  When I crossed the state line and could remove the beanie I was also able to remove the ear plugs.  Statement of fact.

I would think that it is obvious that the 1/2 helmet AKA DOT Beanie is simply something to comply with the letter of the law while being as small and light as possible.    It might not be obvious to others, so I prefaced that with an IMO (In My Opinion.)   The protection of a beanie is marginal at best.  You drop and slide with a beanie and if your head is sideways you'll grind your ears off, face down slide you can kiss your face goodbye.    A goatskin WWI style aviation helmet would likely provide more protection.   A 3/4 helmet is only marginally heavier and provides a lot more protection -- which is probably why the cops wear them instead of beanies.

As for being dorky looking, again IMO and so stated.  And who CARES what other people think about appearances.  If I had a choice I sure as heck wouldn't be wearing one!

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by dropoutjohn on 06/11/08 at 22:12:27

pardon me if i have missunderstood... you stated that, "IMO a half helmet is the stupidest dorkiest thing you can wear while riding a motorcycle." after a few of us have stated that we wear em'. this inspired my comment. maybe you are saying that ALL helmets are stupid looking? i suppose i would agree with that... your right about how a person should not give a rats ass what others think of their clothes, thats why i wondered why the hell you would make such a judgement on 1/2 shells right after you said it!

whatever, i can be a bit brash sometimes. sorry. really. i had a bad morning.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/08 at 22:38:33

77464B46434E49270 wrote:
The wind going past the straps next to the ears do cause considerable noise.  When I crossed the state line and could remove the beanie I was also able to remove the ear plugs.  Statement of fact.

As for being dorky looking, again IMO and so stated.  And who CARES what other people think about appearances.  If I had a choice I sure as heck wouldn't be wearing one!

In case you missed this, he wears one.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by dropoutjohn on 06/12/08 at 09:30:41

and i'm sorry he has to wear one. he probably never wore one till the 90's when cali instituted the helmet law. i was there, it sucked. sorry paladin, really. as i was typing my reply to you, i was telling myself not to do it...

btw, in hawaii we don't have to wear one (if your legal) but the DOT 1/2 shell meets the minimum requirement of my girlfriends law of "you want it? then you will wear a helmet."

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/12/08 at 14:15:42

Yeah....   I just would hate to give anyone the impression that the half helmet has anywhere near the protection of a FF or even a 3/4.    IF you are wearing a helmet for skid/impact protection you'll be wanting at least a 3/4, or what was a full helmet back in the early '80's.  If you are wearing a helmet to please others, the half helmet is the lightest least bothersome.

The dorkiest look is the guy wearing a full face helmet, t-shirt, shorts, and sockless tennis shoes.  Anything that means the helmet actually saved his life will have him wishing he was dead.

I am not anti-helmet.  I did wear a helmet pre-mandatory -- when and where I so choosed.  City streets, where the ability to see and hear everything that is happening around me is top priority, I do not need the obstruction of a helmet.  Collision avoidance take precedence over collision survival.   Dirt riding, where falling is normal, always a helmet.  Highway, especially where the bugs fly, a 3/4 with face bubble (the flat shield bumped my nose.)  Also wore a day-glow orange denim jumpsuit that I had for hunting.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by KwakNut on 06/13/08 at 02:20:39

685954595C5156380 wrote:
 City streets, where the ability to see and hear everything that is happening around me is top priority, I do not need the obstruction of a helmet.  Collision avoidance take precedence over collision survival.  
Dirt riding, where falling is normal, always a helmet.  
Highway, especially where the bugs fly, a 3/4 with face bubble
I really have to agree with the point on visibility, and priority of avoidance over survivability.  I'd much rather see a car over my shoulder and avoid it than fail to see it because I'm looking through the tank slot of a full face helmet, and later have to convince myself to be thankful the same helmet then saved my brain.

When riding sport bikes with full face, I've mostly had Shoei helmets which have a wide aperture and good vision. I had an Arai once and it was like looking through a telescope - sometimes had to let go of one of the bars to look over my shoulder.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/13/08 at 05:40:54

First & second bikes I totalled, no helmet. First one, IF I had been wearing one, I woulda died. Landed on Right side of my head, floded it over so hard it cracked 3 vertebrae, I recently discovered. A helmet would have been a fulcrum, badly broken neck, the result.
Second one, no head injuries at all, but the hematoma from breaking the Ducati bars on my Kawa 750 in the soft spot of the thigh, torso intersection landed me in the hospital for 4 days. Doc was afraid I might lose my leg, so I was in for observation. I walked a mile or so to a friends house after the crash & hung out a few hours before goin to the ER, I was young,, yea, I remember.
The last total I had, was wearing an HJC modular. Slammed my face in the back of a pickup truck cab after hitting the drivers side. He was turning left & was unable to not hit him. The chinstrap pressed in so hard it took 3 weeks to swallow normally. Split my upper lip.but, when I woke up, I called friends & helped load the bike on the trailer. Helped tie it down & waited about 9 hours to go to ER. Any design helmet other than full face protection & I would have been a major medical emergency or worse.

Helmets? They can kill, they be a non issue, or they can save great pain or death. Ive been thru 3 major crashes, 2 no helmet, 1 with. YOU do what YOU believe is best for YOU as soon as you are done gathering information.
Me? I wear leather chaps when its 100+ degrees & a long sleeved shirt, heavy cotton & a helmet, full coverage, & gloves.

In the end, Ya pays yer money & ya takes yer chances. I hope the decision you make is the right one. No one really knows what that is.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Jonny_Chicago on 06/13/08 at 13:33:23

I don't wear a helmet. But if I did, I would get one of these:


Da*n Justin o guy, your tuff.  Three crashes with no helmet and still riding. Nice!

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by rigidchop on 06/13/08 at 18:52:57

i always considered the bug hits and stains in your teeth, a rite of passage for mc riders.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/13/08 at 19:51:55

6A717F717C7B707768180 wrote:
i always considered the bug hits and stains in your teeth, a rite of passage for mc riders.

Bug hits don't bother me, but different people have different tolerance levels.  Scraping a little skin off may also considered to be a rite of passage for a rider -- or something too trivial to mention.  We all have our own individual level of acceptance of risks versus benefits.  

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Texas-1-lunger on 06/13/08 at 20:07:10

I ride without one in Houston i't really doesnt matter what you wear you probably will not survive and if you did the car jamed up your a$$ will finish you off. The way i see it I could have been shot in the head everyday I was in Iraq and if its my time its my time.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/13/08 at 20:17:07

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
First & second bikes I totalled, no helmet.....
The last total I had, was wearing an HJC modular... Any design helmet other than full face protection & I would have been a major medical emergency or worse.

People stating what they have survived with or without protection is of little value without the matching imput from those who did not survive.  For that we can look at statistics -- which are inconclusive.  Helmet preference depends on your state law, and your personal bias.  Me? I'm a no compromise type of guy, all or nothing.  IMHO, if you choose to wear a helmet, a modern full face gives the way to go.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Texas-1-lunger on 06/13/08 at 20:23:37

when I do wear one its a Skull cap So i'm more aware of my surroundings

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Starlifter on 06/14/08 at 08:41:52

When I see someone wearing a full face I think "smart", when I see a skull-cap I think "dork".

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/14/08 at 09:36:29

012633203E3B34263720520 wrote:
When I see someone wearing a full face I think "smart", when I see a skull-cap I think "dork".

I'm trying to figure out what ATGATT is. :-? Hint?

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Mr 650 on 06/14/08 at 09:38:15

Dorks wear all that sh!t, & instead do not ride in summer, because it is too hot.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by forrest on 06/14/08 at 09:57:16

What difference does it make?  Isn't one of the reason we ride is for our individuality?  So who are you to judge what another rider wears?

This thread was doing ok for a helmet thread until a couple of posts ago.  

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by verslagen1 on 06/14/08 at 10:16:12

1024333305263F243F22560 wrote:
I'm trying to figure out what ATGATT is. :-? Hint?

All The Gear All The Time

Anybody that says dork can't be too cool  :P

I don't care what you wear as long as I don't have to get a shovel when you spill.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by ALittlebird on 06/14/08 at 10:41:59

Personally I think I look like  a dork no matter what I have on but I don't care. Just got my full face helmet for the road trip. WOW!!! Going highway speed is now easy. I knew it would be a difference but had no idea how much. Coming off the highway and sitting at a stop light is no fun but that's the way it goes.

How do those guys ride at 70 mph with no helmet, jacket or long sleeves?  I certainly can't. And I don't feel right on the interstate without full leathers. Are they actually able to see when they stop or do those glass eyeballs self lubricate?

My preference is for full face, full leathers. But that's just me.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/14/08 at 13:58:48

0430272711322B302B36420 wrote:
I'm trying to figure out what ATGATT is. :-? Hint?

"All The Gear All The Time."

It means that you are to ride with full protection -- motorcycle boots, motorcycle pants, motorcycle jacket, motorcycle gloves, motorcycle helmet, all with abrasion resistance and armor and padding -- ALL the time.  That three minute run to the corner store?  Add ten minutes to gear up.  

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/14/08 at 14:27:03

666B4E53534B42454E5543270 wrote:
....How do those guys ride at 70 mph with no helmet, jacket or long sleeves?  I certainly can't.
It's real easy -- you hop on the bike and ride.  It is all a matter of what you are willing to tolerate.
Last Sept. 12th I rolled out of Los Angeles, t-shirt, beanie, goggles.  It was a balmy morning so the leather jacket was packed in the left saddlebag.  When I crossed into Arizona the beanie came off and was stowed between the windscreen and handlebar.  Did 570 miles the first day, about 510 the second.  SPF-45 to block the sun, goggles to block the wind, about as close to heaven as you can get this side of death.

I ride the bike to be out in the elements.  WHY would I want to cover up?

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by ALittlebird on 06/14/08 at 15:49:50

So you do have self lubricating eyeballs.  :)

You're one of my heros - you didn't laugh when I asked if I could make a 2000 mile round trip on the Savage - but I still don't see how you do it.

I don't think I like wind that much. I'm sure I'll still have the lovely smells of the outdoors though which is great. Roses, freshly mown grass and skunks.  Love being out of a cage!

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by sockmonkeygirl on 06/14/08 at 15:58:43

I read the link Gort posted (near the beginning of this post) and it was very interesting.  I also like to use webbikeworld as a resource for helmet reviews

I, personally, have a open face HJC that I like, and I bought a full face for  riding in the evening or in cooler weather, and since it is so comfy, I may just use it daily.  It's a Scorpion exo 400.  Super nice helmet, and excellent pricing.  I also purchased a Bell Sprint, but that helmet was awfully uncomfortable (didn't help that I ordered one size too small)  The Scorpion really did it for me.  Comfy and felt light.  Didn't squish my ears like the Bell helmet did.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by forrest on 06/14/08 at 16:03:48

Good for you Paladin.  Do you ride without eye protection?  If we didn't have a helmet law I'd occasionally ride without.  As it stands I have a shory, that I wear most of the time, and a ff HJC that I wear when it gets below 30 or that I know that it's gonna be raining hard.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Bear_Rider on 06/14/08 at 16:23:17

5B64202326160 wrote:
Dorks wear all that sh!t, & instead do not ride in summer, because it is too hot.

No. Those with the maturity to realize they call it "pain" for a reason wear that stuff.  ;D

I'm old enough and heal slowly enough that a simple road rash can lay me up for some time. Why should I refuse to shift the odds when it is so easy to do so?

Even though I am older, my brain is still agile enough, and my point of view flexible enough to adopt technological advances. I don't wear leather here in the Nevada summers. Mesh is a great innovation.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/14/08 at 16:41:05

666F7272657374000 wrote:
Good for you Paladin.  Do you ride without eye protection? ...
Rarely, and then only slowly.  The key to safe riding is to observe everything around you.  This is difficult to do if your eyes are watering from dust or wind.  Prefer goggles for riding, clear or smoked, but also have safety glasses in clear and smoked, and wrap-around sunglasses.  The higher the speed, the greater wind protection is needed -- glasses are marginal above 50, but then, I rarely travel above 50 given my daily commute has a max speed limit of 40.

Road rash, broken bones, etc. all heal.  Eyes don't.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Jay on 06/14/08 at 19:31:08

Guys, guys, guys, (and gals)

This thread is teetering on the edge of taking a nasty turn. Everyone seems to have pretty strong feelings about THEIR level of protection. The original poster on this thread was looking for information, or consensus. Only he knows for sure.  In the end, everyone has to make the choice that he/she feels best suits them, and keeps Johnny Law off their back.

Perhaps it's best if we consider this issue to be like motor oil and toothpaste. Let's celebrate what we have in common; a love for riding and a love for our Savages. :)

Ride safe,

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Texas-1-lunger on 06/14/08 at 19:40:43

Well said. I concur.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/14/08 at 20:14:34

38332B3E226363520 wrote:
Guys, guys, guys, (and gals)

This thread is teetering on the edge of taking a nasty turn. Everyone seems to have pretty strong feelings about THEIR level of protection. The original poster on this thread was looking for information, or consensus. Only he knows for sure.  In the end, everyone has to make the choice that he/she feels best suits them, and keeps Johnny Law off their back.

Perhaps it's best if we consider this issue to be like motor oil and toothpaste. Let's celebrate what we have in common; a love for riding and a love for our Savages. :)

Ride safe,

Thanks for mentioning the gals :)
I was almost smart enough to completely stay out of this topic though ;)

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/14/08 at 20:17:25

4E475A5A4D5B5C280 wrote:
Good for you Paladin.  Do you ride without eye protection?  If we didn't have a helmet law I'd occasionally ride without.  As it stands I have a shory, that I wear most of the time, and a ff HJC that I wear when it gets below 30 or that I know that it's gonna be raining hard.

I tried to ride without a helmet one time....well I did,but never again.

I had so many tangles in my(long) hair I almost never got them all out ::)

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/08 at 21:11:28

ASince I included the particulars, including that the first crash, WITH a helmet woulda sure killt me, I figure my input is well balanced.
The second crash, I managed to not hit my head, but was hospitalized when I broke the handlebars with the thigh/torso area.
The third crash, YES HJC Modular, my face slammed into the cab corner, No helmet> No face, maybe dead, certainly critical, SO, what did we learn>

A helmet CAN Kill you, it can make NO Difference at all & it CAN save your  LIFE, so, YOU do what YOU want. Ive lived thru all 3 & I wear a helmet,  HJC modular.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Paladin. on 06/14/08 at 21:33:54

Getting back to Jack's original post:

... new to riding in general.  Obviously i'm going to need a helmet, but i'm torn about what to get.

... cap for that "cool" look, but part of me wants
... full face helmet so i don't die or destroy my face
.... What do you guys recommend/prefer.....

So what do we have?
1.  New Rider.  Given that being a new rider is a factor in motorcycle accidents, a helmet is probably a good idea.
2.  Cool look, or better protection?  Let's look back at "1.  New Rider.  Given...."

What we do or prefer is immaterial.  What would you recommend for a new rider?

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/14/08 at 22:17:30

I've gotta vote full face.  Get used to handling the machine and watching out for yourself without the distraction of being pelted by bugs and stuff.  Tolerance to that can be acquired after you achieve some degree of skill as a rider.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/08 at 00:15:28

If someone wears glasses, the modular helmet, or flip up as some call them, is, IMO, the waaay to go. PLus, if ya feel a sneeze coming on,,, I sometimes just flip the front up & go on in the store, or whatever Im doing. IF its gonna be a short trip, I get tired of taking it off, putting it on,

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by verslagen1 on 06/15/08 at 07:57:21

I have a full face, and yeah pita with glasses.  Modular will be my next helmet.  My B-I-L has one and is really conveinent.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by 1LUNGR_Brad on 06/15/08 at 09:02:20

Lookin at gettin a skull cap just because it is back roads to and from work and we have a "helmet law". On the highway though, full face, no questions asked. Its better than scraping your brains of the back of a soccer moms caravan because she was on a cell phone and didn't care to look for the motorcycle coming up on her left.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Ed L. on 06/15/08 at 10:32:38

Well sometimes you need the gear no matter how dorkie it makes you look, here I am in full gear
and this is why I wear all that stuff
cause I have four just like this one.
Gear on a motorcycle is optional but you need all you can get when messing around with them. Just wanted to lighten it up a bit ;D

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by ALittlebird on 06/15/08 at 11:14:56

Ed, beekeepers are the best kind of dork! Hope your bees stay healthy!

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by rigidchop on 06/15/08 at 11:57:13

i knew this would turn into another debate, thats why i posted the way i did in my first post. i dont mind a debate, but it ends up straying off course, from the original question.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Ed L. on 06/15/08 at 13:24:18

Just Bee happy while riding and hope you don't get a bee in your helmet, bee it full face or otherwise. I don't know what all the Buzz is about beecause it's your own choice, just bee safe ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by ALfromN.H. on 06/15/08 at 16:29:40

A friend of mine says he will never wear a helmet because he knew someone that was riding and a bee flew in his helmet and he wrecked. So now my friend says that he will never wear a helmet because of that. by the way, the guy that wrecked is still alive today because the helmet that caused him to crash also saved his life. My friend that says he will never wear a helmet also says that he will never ride without leather boots (he was wearing sneakers at the time and came over to my house on his bike). I don't pay alot of attention to anything he says anymore.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/15/08 at 17:25:57

That's kind of like saying you'll never go to the bathroom again because you know someone that was sitting on the throne when an earthquake hit and the towel bar hit him in the head.  Sounds like your pal might have already taken a sharp rap on the old noggin, with that kind of reasoning. ;D

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Todd Perry on 06/15/08 at 18:22:23

474140425F5942432D0 wrote:
That's kind of like saying you'll never go to the bathroom again because you know someone that was sitting on the throne when an earthquake hit and the towel bar hit him in the head.

Or my mother, who used to claim that she woudn't wear her seatbelt because it kept her from getting out of the car in a hurry during a crash.....

Two tickets (NY State cops) finally convinced her, but that's a different story.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by forrest on 06/15/08 at 18:48:04

So Jackhammer, have you decided yet?  Like Paladin hinted a full face might be a better choice to start out and then make your own decision if you want a second helmet.
Happy riding!

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by nhgader on 06/15/08 at 18:50:32

I live in N.H. and wear a full face helmet although we have no helmet law.

My decision was based on my experience as a skier. I am a highly competent sker and always wear a hemet on the slopes. I consider those who don't either amateurs or just plain dumb. I've taken some pretty good falls on the slopes and have been happy to have had a helmet on.

Seems pavement would be more unforgiving than snow!!! :(

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/15/08 at 19:00:42

6C594E4E456E683C0 wrote:
[quote author=474140425F5942432D0 link=1213125006/60#70 date=1213575957]That's kind of like saying you'll never go to the bathroom again because you know someone that was sitting on the throne when an earthquake hit and the towel bar hit him in the head.

Or my mother, who used to claim that she woudn't wear her seatbelt because it kept her from getting out of the car in a hurry during a crash.....

Two tickets (NY State cops) finally convinced her, but that's a different story.[/quote]

Although seat belts and helmets are really two different subjects....I have taken care of children who were in coma's due to "seat belts" and my friend had a wreck without a seatbelt on and the insurance adjuster said he would have been killed if he'd had a seat belt on....the impaction through him to the other side of the truck,which saved his life,due to the drivers side was caved in.He walked out of the accident with NO injuries.Other than a mild concussion,which he got over quickly.

I just wanted to mention this,being that all accidents are not the same.I'm sure seatbelts have also saved lives.

So,to each their own. It is in fact "Your Life".

I WILL wear a Helmet,but Trust more in my guardian angel who is always with me ;)
I also know we all have different ideas and feelings/standings on this subject(Helmets and seatbelts).
(And...I am truly sorry for getting off the original question!!!! I do apologize)

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by Savage_Rob on 06/16/08 at 05:28:37

I wear either a 3/4 or FF (usually FF) helmet whenever I ride.  I don't consider myself a dork because I choose to wear protective gear but if it makes you feel better about yourself to call me one, suit yourself.  I ride in all seasons and my gear changes somewhat with the anticipated environment.  I use gear because I believe it offers me much better protection in the event of a collision/slide/etc. than I would otherwise have and I'm willing to sacrifice a little comfort for what I consider to be greatly improved safety.  I'm not out to convince anyone else to wear gear or not.

What we do or prefer is immaterial.  What would you recommend for a new rider?

Having just read the post containing the above quoted text, I have to agree with the sentiment, though personal opinions about safety choices will obviously play into this.  For a new rider, I would recommend at least a 3/4 helmet.  A FF with the LS650 means tilting your head down slightly when checking the speedo (due to its placement) but I don't do that often and it's a quick look anyway.  As mentioned previously, a modular helmet seems to have some excellent points but, never having worn one myself, I can't speak from experience.  Whatever you decide, try the helmet on in the store and walk around with it on while you browse other stuff in the store.  You'll get a better feel for whether it's comfortable for you than just a quick on/off check.  If a helmet is comfortable, you'll be more likely to wear it.

Title: Re: helmet preference
Post by forrest on 06/16/08 at 17:51:23

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