General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Running funny

Message started by ALittlebird on 06/09/08 at 15:52:38

Title: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/09/08 at 15:52:38

Savage is running funny to me  so I need the experts' opinions.

Took her in for her before trip service. They were supposed to do it Wednesday so dropped it off Tuesday night. Called Thursday and they hadn't done it - call on Friday. Called on Friday told to pick her up on Saturday. Had a friend drop me off 11 am Sat and of course they hadn't started on it. Luckily I had a book - it was 94 degrees out and I wasn't walking 5 miles back home.

When I took it home it seemed rough but I was hot and tired and didn't think about it much.

Today I went to go to work. It tried not to start then died. I had to pull the choke to start it - odd since I hadn't had to do that for at least the last 6 weeks or so. Ran for a min, pushed the choke it and it died. Had to start it again with choke pulled out a notch. Went to the post office on the way to work came back wouldn't start without the choke. SHeesh! The ride to work was really rough. Thumpa much heavier and louder and the vibrations at 30 mph are like I get at 65-70. It's been running so smooth!!

Went by the mechanic on the way home. It shouldn't be doing that. Duh! No explanation but if I wanted to I could leave it. Well he finally noticed that there was water in the gas he drained off. HUMMM. I've been saying that. So I brought it home I've got it on prime over night and I will drain the bowl before I leave for work to see if I can get it out without draiining the tank.

The other suggestion was to put 2 capfuls of isopropyl alcohol in the tank as well. Haven't done that without your thoughts.

If it's been sitting out on their lot for 3 days in 94 degree heat rather than in my garage would it all of a sudden run that hard? I know it will run worse in heat and we have really got it bad right now.

To be honest I don;t think they lifted the tank and looked at the plugs on Saturday when they were forced to do the work. I do know they changed the oil!

Thoughts anyone? I leave in a week and I sure don't want trouble.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by rigidchop on 06/09/08 at 17:38:09

maybe the idle needs turned up

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/09/08 at 17:51:10

Did that this morning when it first started. Didn't seem to make a difference.

Also forgot to mention when they went to put on the vista cruise - turns out they didn't have the right size anyway after saying they did - they snapped the throttle tube.

They jury rigged it and said it would be fine until I got back then they'd put on a new one.  :-?

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/09/08 at 19:46:39

777A5F42425A53545F4452360 wrote:
So I brought it home I've got it on prime over night and I will drain the bowl before I leave for work to see if I can get it out without draiining the tank.

Thoughts anyone? I leave in a week and I sure don't want trouble.

Generally speaking, not a good policy.  I've heard it said that this could wreck your brand new oil change.   Since this bike seems to be so simple, and so few things can go wrong with it, there's a chance the problem is in you carburetor.  If the carb lets the gas through overnight, your oil is going to be thin and stinky by morning. :'(

I know gas is grossly expensive, but I think I'd either run it through or drain it and replace it.  Most likely the latter.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by verslagen1 on 06/09/08 at 20:11:17

I hope you meant that you're draining it into a bucket and replacing with new.

Their service is typical of people who don't care or are overconfident.

Which is why we generally do our own service.

seems to me you already got trouble.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/09/08 at 21:04:54

I was doing what they told me to do. Great.

Now I'm not only incredibly concerned but downright scared that I can't make this trip and I'm down to the wire.

They are long time mechanics and seem to care. They certainly know I am going on a long trip solo but I also think there is some of that stupid female thing going on.

I'd love to do most of my own maintenance if I could find someone to show me. I am fairly mechanically inclined nut the thought of sitting in the garage with nothing but the Clymers is at best a little daunting.

Unless I got water in the tank from the last fill up and it was bad gas I'm not sure of. But the running hard and loud is a carb problem? It all of a sudden decided to crap out on me?

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/09/08 at 21:22:31

There was a bike rally here this weekend,tons of bikes everywhere.

About 8 in front of me pulled into one of  the local gas station,the one where I got bad gas and had to do a complete tune up on my Jeep after getting gas there.I hate that service station now. ::)

Anyway as they were filing in line to get gas,I wanted to say STOP,dont get gas there!!! But I was on my way to work and late.

Anyway,with the bad gas,my Jeep would,what I call,choke down and almost die going down the road.

I didnt know if I'd make it home. I was told it was the gas I put in it.

What do you guys think? The gas?

Could ALittlebird have the same problem?

It did take a couple of days before the bad gas made my Jeep almost shut down.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/09/08 at 21:27:23

Plus, in the future I want to do what Sandy/Jason did(I think he did this)....get a old bike and learn to work on mine through the old one.

I thought it was a good idea :)

That way,especially if you break down on the road,you'll know a little more.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/09/08 at 21:59:14

I agree but it's not in the budget right now and the way things are  going it might not be.

Unless I could find a rich sugar daddy to make it all better.  ;)

I should be asleep right now but my anxiety level has just sky rocketed and i can't manage it.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/09/08 at 22:15:52

616C4954544C4542495244200 wrote:
I agree but it's not in the budget right now and the way things are  going it might not be.

Unless I could find a rich sugar daddy to make it all better.  ;)

I should be asleep right now but my anxiety level has just sky rocketed and i can't manage it.

Well,if it's the gas that is the problem....then one of the guys needs to tell you how to fix the problem ;)

Do you just drain the gas and refill with good gas,or do you have to do something else? Huh,guys?

I have found though not to worry too much,most things are simple to fix!!

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/09/08 at 22:29:22

I saw several interesting things here!

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/09/08 at 23:43:01

Isopropyll isnt good in the tank. Ive -put denatured in, to capture water, but I wouldnt today. Theres better ways to go about that. I would drain & put in fresh. How did ya get water in?

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/10/08 at 02:10:00

I don't know how the water got there. Either in the gas I pumped or in one of massive storms we had last month. But then I' d have had a problem sooner if it was a storm and it was getting in the gas tank through the cap. And it's been fry for a couple of weeks.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by bill67 on 06/10/08 at 04:03:07

  Letting bike sat over night and then real hot the next day can cause condensation in the tank I would try seafoam in the gas,otherwise I guess to drain tank and put new gas in.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by Trippah on 06/10/08 at 04:47:04

Drain tank (you should be able to do it through the petc--k, maybe the bottom of the carb also, put in new gas and ride for a while..see what happens.  Its the quickest and cheapest fix, esp if it works. I hate to mention it, but taking out the spark plug and cleaning it (assuming its brand new) might be a second level of intervention.

I don't think enough water could get in through a gas cap.

Years ago I was told, and it was unfortuneatley correct at least once, do NOT stop at a filling station if the delivery tanker is there, the sludge etc that collects at the bottom of the tank is stirred up and mixed thoroughy with new gas and it takes a while to settle.

In the don't do what I did column, pay some attention when pumping gas,   I grabbed the deisel and filled up the car.  Very expemsive fillup.
DUH!   >:(

And most importantly, relax and have a great trip..we will all be with you in spirit. :) :)

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/10/08 at 04:54:51

I think I would look at the bill/receipt and if it's itemized, tell us what all they did in this "service."  It sounds like something didn't get put back together right, if it ran fine on the way there and rough on the way home.

If you are convinced it is bad gas, get rid of it.  See Savage Wahine's write-up on cleaning the carb.  I believe that is where there is a good photo of draining the tank.  Basically, you just remove the fuel line from the carb, stick the end in the spout of a gas can, and turn the petcock to prime.  Then drain the carb as well and fill 'er back up.  If that doesn't fix the problem, we'll take it from there.

There are guys in here that can fix your bike by remote control.  As for having nothing but the Clymers to stare at, you are much more fortunate than that.  I have yet to pick one up.  I downloaded the one online, but I've only looked at it a couple of times.  The write-ups on this site, with photos, and advice in "people speak" have set me safely on the proper path several times.

I gotta get to work.  Good luck, and I'll be checking in tonight to see how it's going for you.  I'll bet you're smiling by then.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/10/08 at 09:26:17

Drained the bowl this morning but didn't see any water. Had the devil of a time getting it started. Didn't want ot start in normal or prime position or with chock pulled one notch. Engine would turn over but no throttle. Finally did get it on normal setting - had to set the idle a little higher since it didn't want to idle.

You know they did snap the throttle tube and did a temp fix on it - would that cause some of the problems with the bad gas?

I will drain the tank tonight or have them do it on the way home. Hopefully that is all it is. I got it from a station that is heavily used although I won't go there again.

Still running rough on the way to work.

It is cooler this morning so heat wasn't a factor.

I looked at the bill - doesn't look like they did much of anything. Changed the oil and a T/C check but I'm pretty sure they didn't pull the tank and check the plug.

This is why I have always done things myself. I will learn as quickly as possible.

2 hours sleep last night so I'm a little buggy at work. I really need to get out of Louisville and make this trip on more than one level. Will post more this evening after they drain the tank. They screwed up they can drain it.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by verslagen1 on 06/10/08 at 10:46:32

not knowing exactly what they did to the throttle cable makes it hard, but that could be whats wrong with your idle setting.  Who knows, could be the whole problem.

If they messed with the plug, could be an issue too, replace it.  A few have had problems after replacing the plug and fixed it with a new plug or reinstalling the old one.

And I'd do a SW carb clean (can't hurt)

Since you got a new problem after they worked on it, they should be responsible for fixing it, or at least what they broke.

If you're desperate for a throttle cable, I bought a collection, might have one.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/11/08 at 16:46:31

I'm back... it looks like the problem was at least 98% bad gas with water in it. I looked back at my records - I'm anal retentive on some days - and noticed the last time I had water issues I'd gotten gas at the same Speedway. It's a high volume station but there is something up.

Seems to be OK now. I'll ride it hard the next few days and see if anything shows up.

Thanks Verslagen for the throttle tube offer. They have fixed it to be fine until I get back. Supposedly. Then they will put on a whole new one. If they don't I'll pm you for a price.

As long as the weather tames down I'm going on the trip. I'll have to watch that carefully since it's not been good the direction I'm going and it doesn't appear to be slowing down.

If the right size VIsta Cruise comes in before I leave they will get that on for me - that's how they snapped the throttle tube. Perhaps ti was waiting to go anyway. Who knows.

No one seems to understand just how badly I need to make this trip. I'm past ready.

Thanks everyone. Hopefully I'll be on the road next Tuesday with a big grin on my face.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by FreeSpirit on 06/11/08 at 17:06:21

Wow....interesting,the station where I got water in gas was.....a Speedway station!!!!!!!!!!

I do not get gas there anymore.

Glad you got it fixed!!!!!
(hope you have!)

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/11/08 at 17:37:43

Oooo, now that's really interesting!! Perhaps it's in the tankers delivering the gas.

Bad enough we have to pay $4 a gallon - worse when it's not good.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/11/08 at 17:46:52

My grandpa loves to tell stories about his trucking days.  One is about an old coot that pulled up to the pumps, got out, and told the attendant "Just put straight gas in her.  I'll add my own water when I get her home." ;D

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/11/08 at 18:43:06

Ah, the good old days. Sad when we have to pay this much for gas and no one comes out anymore to clean off the windscreen or ask if we'd like an  oil check. it would take the sting out of the price if I actually got service.

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 06/11/08 at 18:46:56

Yeah.  I feel like I'm getting "serviced" every time I fill up.   But I'll bet that isn't what you meant, huh?

Title: Re: Running funny
Post by ALittlebird on 06/12/08 at 02:16:25

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