General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Firs Bike Question?

Message started by roshlio on 05/06/08 at 13:01:07

Title: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/06/08 at 13:01:07

Hi everybody:) it might be old and bit of dumb question for you all, but I am in confusion :-/. Finally I got chance to get a bike and I don't know what is a good starting bike. I really intend to ride it a lot on highway for probably cruises to about 1000 miles or so. I like the Suzuki S40, but I am reading a lot of mixed reviews on it and how suitable save it is for highway cruising and also the backfiring situation and all adjustments to it. I mean i plan to buy a new one, does it mean that I have to repair a brand new bike and how good is it for long highway cruises. Another option is the Vulcan 500 (but bit more pricey). What do you think?

Thank you

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by Oldfeller on 05/06/08 at 13:17:38

Have you gone to the dealership and simply sat on the two different bikes for 10 minutes each, reaching out for the grips and fingering the controls?

What did you learn?  Did you move the handlebars and put your feet on the foot pegs (one foot at a time, please -- falling over is embarrassing enough in when done in private)

Which bike feels better to you, and why?


Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by Reelthing on 05/06/08 at 13:19:37

Neither are very good for 1,000 mile highway road trips – no offence and all but you’re not either if this is your first bike – however you’d be far better off to get one of these bikes and spend a good many hours ridding secondary and back roads.  

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/06/08 at 13:32:42

1231393B383131382F5D0 wrote:
Have you gone to the dealership and simply sat on the two different bikes for 10 minutes each, reaching out for the grips and fingering the controls?

What did you learn?  Did you move the handlebars and put your feet on the foot pegs (one foot at a time, please -- falling over is embarrassing enough in when done in private)

Which bike feels better to you, and why?


Thank you for your reply.
I have sat on the S40 and feels pretty comfortable as positioning my body, however I have not ridden one. As for the Vulcan I haven't had the chance to. What should I be looking for?

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by T Mack 1 on 05/06/08 at 14:36:27

As for bikes,  You may want to look at a Honda 750 V-twin. It's a nice first bike.  Enough power to move you fine, but not too big.  A friend has the Spirit model (VT750DC) and is fairly nice. It has taller gears for highway driving.  On the highway his will go better than my Savage.  But,  in town, it is a little slower.  We both would rather "work" on the LS650.  

One thing we should warn you about.  Highway driving means 60-70 mph winds hitting you for a good long time. (EVER STAND IN A HURRICANE OR TROPICAL STORM??) It can wear you out.   Make sure the bike you buy has a windshield.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/06/08 at 14:43:58

354C2C00020A50610 wrote:
As for bikes,  You may want to look at a Honda 750 V-twin. It's a nice first bike.  ...... It can wear you out.   Make sure the bike you buy has a windshield.

What about the backfiring?

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by T Mack 1 on 05/06/08 at 14:49:45

Hmmmmm .....  I didn't notice his backfiring......

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by Robertomoe on 05/06/08 at 18:45:46

backfiring is a simple tuning issue

simply put, the savage is a little small for the superslabs and one cylinder can only move up and down so top speed isnt the Savage's forte.  Have you looked at Intruder 800's?

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/06/08 at 19:14:44

704D404750564D4F4D47220 wrote:
backfiring is a simple tuning issue

simply put, the savage is a little small for the superslabs and one cylinder can only move up and down so top speed isnt the Savage's forte.  Have you looked at Intruder 800's?

Not really, but I am trying not to spend too much (not that i dont want, but rather dont have) and bigger bikes are quite pricy...for first bike or I am wrong?

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by bill67 on 05/06/08 at 20:22:51

   For the money s40 is hard to beat,maybe you want like bikes some people get a bike and then quit riding never get another bike.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by thumperclone on 05/06/08 at 21:21:15

i looked hard at the vulcan 500 when i bought my s40 06 in feb 06.. sat on the vulcan seemed ok put the kick stand down and loked close at the bike..noticed the chain was starting to show signs of rust as were the fork caps nuts ...went to the suzi dealer and bought the s40 sight unseen...never looked back.. :D will be turnin 10k miles soon and have had no problems..  
rear tire lasted lil over 5k
battery didnt make it thru second winter(my fault,lack of fluid)

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/06/08 at 21:26:54

534F524A574255444B484942270 wrote:
i looked hard at the vulcan 500 when i bought my s40 06 in feb 06..

That is interesting:) thank you, cause most oficial reviews rate the vulcan higher,,,but yet ,,
How is the S40 performing for you on the highway? at what speed can you  cruise with it?

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by thumperclone on 05/06/08 at 21:33:35

vulcan will blow the ls away if thats what you want   hgwy dont know how to compare  ive only been on 65mph 2/4 lanes does fine 130 miles round trip..backed down after 85 my ol butt aint got the hair it use to,,,,,,,,,

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by FreeSpirit on 05/06/08 at 22:55:25

Some people just buy a used Savage(cheaper) to learn on and then move up to a bigger bike.(or decide they like it and keep it)

You could probably sell the Savage fairly easy or trade it in on a bigger bike.

Just a thought.

I took some time and sat on lots of bikes before buying my helps in making the decision.I went from knowing very little to knowing more of what I wanted.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by rpgpgmr on 05/07/08 at 05:33:22

If this is your first bike, you're better off going with a used bike at less than 800cc.  Trust me, you're gonna lay it down.  It's gonna fall over and you're gonna scratch it up.  I think a used Savage is perfect for you to start with.  At the dealership they're gonna try to sell you the bigger bikes, duh.  If you're truly a newbie, then there's a good chance you're gonna hurt yourself on the bigger bikes.  Takes a while to get used to the balance and weight.  I'd have to agree with Reelthing, 1000 mile highway trips are just asking for trouble at this stage.

However, if we can't convince you otherwise.  Look at the Suzuki Boulevard C50T.  It's fully dressed (for highway trips), fuel-injected, liquid-cooled, and light for an 800cc bike.  Cost is pretty reasonable too for a new bike.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by mornhm on 05/07/08 at 05:36:00

I've put in quite a few miles on both a Savage and on a Vulcan 500 (my son is currently commuting on the Vulcan - I sold the Savage).  

Either MC is a good starter MC (cruiser). Can you do multiple 1000+ trips on either? Sure but they probably aren't the best choice for those kind of trips, but any of the big touring or sport touring MCs are not good choices for a first MC - really they're not good choices for first MC's - did I say that the big tourers and sport MC's are not good choices for first MC's?

As others have pointed out, the backfiring is a non-issue with proper tuning. I tuned it out with stock components.

Here's my take on a heads up comparison. Remember these are my opinions - for fit, I'm 5'8" and 200 #s, I do all my own maintenance.

Easiest maintenance - Savage hands down.
Initial cost - Savage
Best gas mileage - Vulcan by a bunch - it often gets over 70 mpg when I'm riding always over 60 - my wife and son claim to get better, but I don't have an overall average. I got ~52 mpg average on the Savage.
Best cold weather starting - Savage
Best highway - Vulcan
Confort - Vulcan
Fit and Finish - Vulcan
Best look - I'd say the Savage got the most attention from knowledgable riders - never heard anything negative said about either.
Best web presence - Savage (don't discount this it really helps when something goes wrong or maybe isn't perfect)

For a starter MC I don't think you'd go wrong with either.

If you have any specific questions about either, throw them up and I'll try to answer them.

By the way, the main reasons I (we) still have the Vulcan and not the Savage is that the Vulcan was voted more comfortable by my wife and sons and the gas mileage. The Savage would have been my first choice to keep, but I don't have room for three MC's. There are trips when I'm only going a couple of miles that I wouldn't mind having the Savage back (I almost never get to ride the Vulcan anymore).

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/07/08 at 05:49:54

484A5D4A5D57483A0 wrote:
If this is your first bike, you're better off going with a used bike at less than 800cc.  Trust me, you're gonna lay it down.  It's gonna fall over and you're gonna scratch it up.  I think a used ....

Thank you for the advise. Te only thing that concerns me about used bikes is that I do not know much about bikes, repairs and maintenance, so if something is not alright I will have to go to mechanic (and they can chop my head off with prices) and even then I would not know if they did the proper job. A new bike at least is new and have some warranty on it. I do not know, what do you think?
Otherwise i ams sure I will drop it. The reason I mentioned th long trips is not that I am going to jump on sth like that right away but eventually, I wold like to do it , and was wondering if the bike is good for that, or i have to plan eventually another one.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by rpgpgmr on 05/07/08 at 06:07:41

Well I'm in the same boat as you on that one.  I am FAR from a mechanic.  I'm a computer programmer and systems analyst.  That's the only thing in this world that I'm any good at.  ;D  I bought my S40 new (and I LOVE IT don't get me wrong), but I wish I'd bought a good used one.  I've laid it down twice and scractched it several times due to rookie mistakes--only been riding a year.  Spent $$ replacing what I've screwed up that I wouldn't worry about if it had been used.

I bought the service manual and found this wonderful site a couple of months ago.  Since then I've been doing my own work and it's not NEARLY as hard as I thought it would be.  The people on here are very knowledge and willing to help.  I'd have to say it's the best Web support of any motorcycle.  Do not underestimate the importance of that.

Note:  I've come soooo far in riding in just a year because of the S40.  It has gotten me out of situations that I'm sure would have been terrible accidents--if not fatal--on a bigger, heavier bike.  It is unbelievable how well it maneuvers for a newbie.  I have no doubt that the Savage was the best choice I could have made for a first bike.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by joeh100 on 05/07/08 at 17:37:26

I bought a new S40 in November.  My first bike.  But if I knew then what I know now... or if I had it to do over again.

I would have bought a USED s40 or a ninja 250.  Actually I want a sportsbike now but that's just my preference, and I didn't know that until I got some experience.  You don't really know what you want until you get a little experience.  Buy your first bike as something you're probably going to sell soon.  

Don't buy new.  Your going to take a loss driving it off the lot.  You might drop it.  Your going to pay more for insurance.  You'll need new tires in no time.  Etc...

Don't buy a big first bike.  If I knew how much I didn't know when I first started riding.  YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF!!!  If I bought the bike I want now when I first started riding I would be dead now.  

I've already outgrown this bike, and I want a bigger bike.  It amazes me how big this thing seemed when I first rode it and how small it seems now.  It feels like I'm on a scooter, and I'm a small guy.

Don't get me wrong.  The s40 is a PERFECT beginner bike.  It's not a weak bike either.  I've ran mine on the freeway a few times with no problem.  It will also tear up the twisties better than just about any cruiser (but not one sports bike  :-/).  

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by Sandy Koocanusa on 05/07/08 at 18:12:07

Roshlio, you said you don't know much about bikes, repairs, and maintenance.  If you can hold a wrench, you can find all kinds of people on this site to tell you which way to turn it.  So far, I haven't had to do anything that you couldn't accomplish with a $20 wrench set from Walmart, a screwdriver, and a $10 spark plug wrench.

I bought a used 1987 Savage.  A new one would have been shinier, but I think that is the only real advantage.  If it's worn out or broken, it can be fixed, and chances are with this bike YOU can fix it.  If you can't, then the $3500 you save buying an older bike will pay for a lot of repairs.

I'm certainly no expert in the field, and can't compare it to other bikes, but I am LOVING my old thumper.  I don't regret for one second buying the used bike.

On the highway issue:  My bike will cruise at 70 mph, no sweat.  I haven't tried it on the freeway, and probably won't.  There is nowhere I want to go that is hooked to a freeway.  

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/07/08 at 21:01:15

7B796E796E647B090 wrote:
Well I'm in the same boat as you on that one.  I am FAR from a mechanic.  I'm a computer programmer and systems analyst.  

Thank you that is good to see somebody walking the same shoes :)

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by FreeSpirit on 05/08/08 at 00:00:20

I really dont understand the problem some have talked about with expressway's!

Not that I would like riding on them as a new rider or need to ride on them that much,but....

I know women who ride on the expressways on a Savage and a smaller bike(Virago 535) and they never mention having any problems :-/

One of them drove my bike home on the expressway and it didnt even have a windshield at the time! She did mention it would have been nice to have a windshield on it,but no big problem.

The one with the Savage has had it for 10 yrs. The other lady has only been riding for a year.But she is a very good rider.

I thought it was pretty gutsy to jump on a unfamiliar bike and take off on the expressway on it.Right?

But I think riding for the first time is just something you have to get used to.....and I wouldnt have wanted to start out on a bike too big for would have just been more intimidating ;)

You can always learn to work on up ,etc. No big deal. You gotta start somewhere :)

BTW-The Lady that rode the Virago 535 did trade up recently for a Intruder 800 and loves it.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by roshlio on 05/08/08 at 20:12:18

0C382F2F193A2338233E4A0 wrote:
I really dont understand the problem some have talked about with expressway's!

Not that I would like riding on them as a new rider or need to ride on the

Thank you that is encouraging:) And thank to you all guys:) You are very helpfull.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by Gary On A Savage on 05/08/08 at 23:46:43

If I can add 2 cents worth... buy what feels comfortable and safe to you.  I've recommend the savage to all my friends.  It's a great bike.  But some people want a different look, different brand, different whatever.  But don't buy BIG just because 1) every one else does or 2) you have an ego problem.  The chances are high of having an accident in your first few years, especially if your riding something too big for you to control.  Stay in the 800 or less range.  And make sure you can handle the size of the bike.  Push it you feel like you're going to drop it?  Then it's too big.  Get something you can handle...grown into it...enjoy it...then think about getting something bigger when/if your experienced with riding.  

DON'T LET THE DEALER SELL YOU A BIG BIKE.  He doesn't care if you can or can't handle it.  He only cares if you can pay for it.  (Most of them anyway).  I was in a dealership a few years back looking for a bike when the salesman told me he wouldn't recommend anything less than an 1100 (Honda or Yamaha).  Said I wouldn't be happy with a lesser bike.  Well, he was wrong.  I'm happy with my Savage.

I did just buy a bigger bike this week, a Honda Shadow 1100 ACE.  FREAKIN' BIG BIKE for only an 1100.  600 lb thing (that's 250lbs more than my savage) that I keep hoping I don't drop every time I push it in or out of the garage.  Taking it through the curves or driving on the street still makes me nervous.  My Savage is a sweet bike compared to it.  And you know what... the Savage runs just as good on the freeway after doing the chain conversion.

All the bikes mentioned can easily run the freeway.  It's just a question of how fast and how far.  There is no perfect bike...they all have their own personality.  And the savage is one of the best running, easy to maintain, easy to modify, easy to ride bike I've had the pleasure of sitting on.  I love my new Honda 1100, but it's a beast.  The savage is, well a savage, and I'll never part with it.  It's just too fun to jump on and run through the hills...or to work on and change around when I'm bored with it.

For what it's worth....

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by FreeSpirit on 05/09/08 at 00:42:32

Dealers....OMG....I had never ridden a bike before and they tried to sell me a big Suzuki Classic(cant remember which one it is) but he said,dont let anyone tell you that you cant ride whatever you want to!!

He knew I had never ridden before!

I could barely lift it off the kickstand :o Seems like it weighed over 500lbs.

Needless to say,I didnt buy anything from him.

I admit the bike was gorgeous,but really...for a beginner!

I did like the Vulcan 500 though....and still do! Seems like it weighs a little more than the Savage.(Can't remember but glad the picking a bike days are over,I sat on a bunch of bikes ;) It was a little stressful though...I finally just took the plunge and picked one and I'm happy with it!!

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by joebothehobo on 05/09/08 at 02:04:19

I'd just like to reiterate, MOST motorcycle accidents happen at intersections. Guess where there aren't any intersections? The freeway. Its hard to get anywhere over 5 miles away in LA without taking it, so most (80%) of my savage riding is on the freeway and I've had no problems that a windshield, a comfy seat, and maybe some highway pegs wouldn't solve.

Riding 500-mile days is a different beast altogether though. The savage can handle it. The real question is can you?

As for what to buy and what not to, buy used and buy small. There are so many things you can do really wrong in your first couple weeks riding (laying down, horribly disobeying break-in rules, stalling over and over, etc.) that arent such a big deal with an older bike. And you just gotta start small. Riders are trained, not born.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by skrapiron on 05/09/08 at 05:10:32

Either one will make a fine 'first bike'.  Both have advantages and disadvantages over the other.

The Savage is much lighter than the Vulcan.  When you drop it (notice I didn't say if? Thats because its a common rookie mistake.) the Savage is light enough for even a small person to lift back on its wheels.  (ask my wife about that.  I think its her duty to drop every bike I buy in the driveway within 24hours of bringing it home!).  It is VERY easy to maneuver, very easy to ride at slow speed and very easy to park.

The Savage is a much simpler bike.  Its single carb and single cylinder cuts the maintenance in half.  It is super reliable (especially the newer S40s).  The Savage has a simple belt drive which requires no maintenance other than occasional tension adjustments.

The Vulcan has a wider, more supportive saddle.  It will still give you monkey-butt, but not as quickly as the Savage will.

The Vulcan (despite its smaller displacement engine) will comfortably cruise at 70+mph.  The Savage will also run that speed, but above that feels like it is going to shake itself apart.  If you have to ride on the interstate for long periods of time, the Vulcan is a better choice.  The Vulcan also returns 60+ mpg where the Savage gets 55+.  Not a  huge difference, but a difference nonetheless.

You can't go wrong with either bike.  Both are competent small cruisers that WILL handle a 1000 mile trip with little problem.  (you'll be plenty sore half way there, but you can always sit on pillows when you get to your destination.)

I chose the Savage for its light weight and ease of maintenance.  I ride 5 days a week for work and haven't regretted it once...

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by klx650sm2002 on 05/10/08 at 02:39:12

My first bike was a RD 125 LC it weighed 212lbs dry and did 99mph down hill with the wind behind, never could crack the "ton"

Clive W  :)

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by Texasphotographer on 05/11/08 at 17:00:03

The 2005 S40 is my first bike.  So far, I have logged 997 miles on it with most of the trips short ones.  However, to give my wife a mothers day present, I got out of the house and took a nearly 175 mile ride with my club.   My bottom is worn out.  Bike performed very well, only long distances and a 69 year old body on the S40 do not do very well.

Although I have only been riding about 6 weeks I am starting to think about a larger bike more suited for longer rides.

Title: Re: Firs Bike Question?
Post by rpgpgmr on 05/12/08 at 06:55:02

TexasPhotographer, try the seat mod in the Technical Documents.  Only costs a few bucks (literally) and about 5 minutes of your time ... makes a world of difference!  I believe it was the angle of the seat that was the problem, not the seat itself.  Still wanting a gel seat and/or a bigger one, but this is a 100% improvement.  I have a V-Star Classic and I will take the Savage any day over the V. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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