General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?

Message started by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 10:56:54

Title: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 10:56:54

Thanks to every one that helped me withthe last problem I had. Seems to be fine now.
However recently I have noticed that there seems to be a hell of a vibration on the frount end i assume as i can feel it through the handle bars abd foot pegs, maybe this has been there all along and ive only just noticed but is there a possibility that theres a problem?
Also she seems to feel like shes missing from time to time even when warm but weve checked the plug and its okay.
Now this bit couold be where the paranoia comes in because the gears feel clunky (she hates going into 1st when shes going a little too fast which is understandable and so she crunches to let me know that shes unhappy could this have caused a problem?) and she dosent seem to pull as well as I thought she did before. Im new to this all so it could be my inexperience or paranoia, please honestly tell me what you think.
My last bike was notorious for problems so I watch for any with this one and you know what its like when you watch for a problem, you normally convince yourself there is one. :'(

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by verslagen1 on 04/09/08 at 11:28:22

So, what did you do to fix the last problem you had?

How many Kilo's?

Bad vibes? How bad?  Bad enough that if a cup of water were placed on the handlebars the water would fly out?  Or just stir it?  (that idea just came to me, got to try it out, was thinking harley bad or shaft bad)

And "not pulling as well as before", before what?

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by bill67 on 04/09/08 at 11:33:50

  You could check air in tires,run some carb  cleaner in the gas,maybe your driving it faster,It does vibrate at higher speeds

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 11:38:32

Dont quite know what we done to fix last problem. We cleaned carb and fule lines and filters etc ( not that there appeared to be anything there) and its fine.
I think if i put a cup of water on the handle bars then it would fall over.
A couple of days ago she pulled very well but she doesnt appear to have as much power. Half the problem is I dont quite know how fast (MPH) I should be getting up to in each gear as I havent got a clue and im a bit of a nuts rider.
What does how many kilo's mean? :-[
She just passed an MOT yesterday, so it cant be anything too bad.

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by bill67 on 04/09/08 at 11:43:01

   You don't need to go very fast in the gears at all it's got a lot of low end power

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 11:47:17

Thanx but im always being told that im changing gear too early, but i find the engine so noisy that I tend to chamge gear as soon as it starts what i call getting noisy but what other people call going through the rev range (i think). :-/

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by bill67 on 04/09/08 at 11:53:44

  manual says shift at 20 30 40 50 km      12 19 25 31 mph

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 11:59:03

Thanks , they all seem a little low? or am i reading it wrong?

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by joebothehobo on 04/09/08 at 11:59:30

so long as youre not lugging the engine, or shifting so early that you can hear and feel the piston jerking up and down before it smoothes out, i would doubt its your shifting style thats causing your problems (real or imagined). when you say "noisy" is that just normal engine noise, or some sort of clicking or grinding etc?

what was the last problem?

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by bill67 on 04/09/08 at 12:01:45

 Your reading it right

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 12:07:25

Normal engine noise its just the way i describe it being a women with a loud noise intolerence.

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by bill67 on 04/09/08 at 12:09:32

 Do you have a loud muffler.the oil all right right

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 12:29:49

Whats lugging the engine mean?

The last problem was that she was starting to die on me suddenly after about 8-10 miles she would start bucking and dying, at first when i changed down a gear and then up she was fine but after a bit when you changed down to change up she died completly, she wouldnt start at all untill you put her onto reserve or PRI and pulled choke out. :-/

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 12:36:25

I dont know about the muffler, Im going to check the oil in the morning. Do you think it could be the oil?

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by SavageDude on 04/09/08 at 14:32:31

All the symptoms that you described is normal for this type of bike. As my bike get older (more mileage on the engine) the more vibration I'll get on the handle bar and right foot rest. Shifting all the way down to 1st should only be done if you travel less than 10 MPH; otherwise stay in 2nd as long as you can and take off from there. Tapping sounds and squeaking front brake are normal.

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by vtail on 04/09/08 at 14:49:02

The Dying might come from the vacuum petcock not working well. If it runs un Pri then that could be the problem unless you don't have anough gass in the tank. Make sure oil level is in the middle or slightly above in the sight glass with the bike upright on level surface(Check this by putting bike in 1st gear so it will not roll, get on right side on knee while holding bike upright with right hand and handbrake applied)
Is vibration at speed (Tire imbalance) or also when you just rev it while standing still?
Noise? Checked your valve clearance lately?
Also do not shift into First unless almost to a stop, like  below 3mph.
Checked the timing gear tentioner?

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by Max_Morley on 04/09/08 at 15:07:03

In my experience with my Savage, there should not be much vibration at all when it is right.  I do not know what they do for a MOT inspection, but tire air pressure is an easy and good first check, then the 4 long bolts that clamp the engine in the frame need to be checked along with the 3 in the head stay under the gas tank. If any are incorrectly torqued it will allow too much vibration. An out of round or out of balance tire will cause bar and front end vibration.  Let us know if you find any of the above as a problem then we will continue the list. Max

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by Ed L. on 04/09/08 at 16:02:58

Could be a  loose spoke or two in the front wheel, just take a small piece of wood and tap each spoke. Listen for a twange, if you get a dull clunk you have a loose spoke.

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by Trippah on 04/09/08 at 16:11:15

Other thoughts, besides of course, Welcome.  What was your previous ride?  The Savage/ LS40 is NOT for the sports bike headset.  This is a lazy boy, slow easy shifts up through the range at about 10 mph intervals. if you are doing a lot of engine braking by downshifting, don't.  On sport bikes, engine braking is part of the fun; but the Savage will get confused.  Vibration is a part of one cylinder bikes, so indeed see if it happens throughout the throttle range and then when moving..keep us informed and good luck, by the way how many miles on the beastie? ;)

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by viper on 04/09/08 at 17:19:21

I agree with Max But when you check the engine mount bolts back them out first. They feel tight but the locktite is stopping you from getting the correct feel. Back them out one at a time clean use fresh locktite and retorque to spec. I have also seen a vibration from the exhaust.
loosen the bolt at the frame the clamp at the headpipe and the engine flange. move the head pipe arround with your hands then retorque starting at the engine and working down the system to the frame mount. Your just trying to realine the exhaust system. And yes they do have some vibration one cylinder engines come with that option at no ex. charge. The more you ride it the more you get the feel.You will find many concerns are normal.(The key word was many)
Ride on Ride Safe

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by jk on 04/09/08 at 20:23:41

I look at is as having one of these with wheels...

The vibrating belt, not that handsome woman.

I've lost five pounds already! ;)

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by FreeSpirit on 04/09/08 at 20:52:24

4B4A49544D4E4F1612210 wrote:
I look at is as having one of these with wheels...

The vibrating belt, not that handsome woman.

I've lost five pounds already! ;)

Well,you said you wanted to lose a few pounds.... Maybe the Savage is just accomodating your wish ;)

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by FreeSpirit on 04/09/08 at 21:16:14

I'm wondering if you have a owners manual! Do you and did you read over it good ?
But it shouldnt "normally" die or choke down unless youre out of gas.......right guys??

And are there any problems with wrong grade of gas? :-/ That I'm not sure about!

Hopefully it's something simple :)

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/09/08 at 22:45:34

The problem with dying has dissapeared after cleaning carb and fuel lines and filters but thank you for your suggestions for this. I havent read the owners manual for two reasons, 1 the manual I was given with the bike is for older models and i have already identified many differences between the two and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO not technical minded so wouldnt undersatnd what I was reading.
The bike I had before this was a Honda CM125 so im not into sports bikes but she was quite an old bike and had a lot of clowns for owners that messed with bits that in my opinion shouldnt have been touched unless you had a degree. Every one has given good suggestions which I will get someone who understands to check for me and I will keep you up dated. It could well be that I am looking too hard for problems and ultimatly finding them.  :-*

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by joebothehobo on 04/09/08 at 23:18:41

from the guys on NPR's car talk:

"By "lugging," we mean that the engine is struggling to accelerate. How would you know it's struggling? Because when you step on the gas to accelerate, it doesn't go faster. It might bog down, it might buck, it might lurch. And you might get noises from the engine, like pinging or knocking. If any of those things are happening, you're going too slowly to be in fifth gear, and you need to downshift."

So, if your vibration is really intense when you shift up and smoothes out when you roll on the throttle, it might be because you're shifting too early. for example, if your engine speed drops below your idle speed when you shift up, you're almost definitely lugging the engine. I'm not sure if thats the problem though.

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/13/08 at 00:38:45

Just thought i would update you all on the latest saga.
Being a very untechnical person I didnt have a clue where to start looking for the problem or the oil or the right pressure in the tyres.
Asked my partner to go save the day and look for me.
He moaned bitterly saying there was nothing wrong with the bike and it was in my head, but i managed to nag enough for him to go and check for me muttering that the oil and everything was okay as he went through the door.
15 minutes later he was back looking rather sheepish, the oil was so low that when refilled she managed to swallow the best part of 4 liters (and a new filter) and the frount tyre only had 11 PSI in it and the back only had 20 PSI which apparentlly wasnt enough.
I havent taken her out since her top yet so dont know if this has solved the problem but I have a strong feeling that I wont be having problems any more.
Will let you all Know.
Thanks for the info everyone with out it i wouldnt have known what to nag him to check.
I know i appear a little dizzy but me and technical stuff dont mix. ;D  

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by PhilM on 04/13/08 at 01:10:33

313932283D373D5C0 wrote:
...she managed to swallow the best part of 4 liters... 

4 litres would be far too much. She only needs 2 litres when you do an oil and filter change.

If he has put in 4 litres you will need to drain some out. Use the sight glass (bottom of engine on right side) to check the level.

There is a good article in the tech section -;action=display;num=1099572561

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by bill67 on 04/13/08 at 03:55:49

  Mentaka you don't appear dizzy to me at all I have three daughters. ::)

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by demin on 04/13/08 at 05:51:01

Whoa,do what PhilM said,drain out about 2 litres.When you check the oil the bike has to be straight up,and down.NOT on the sidestand.If you run it like that you will have a serious mess or worse.

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/13/08 at 23:07:47

The manual says that she will take more than 2 litres, so why not fill her up to the max?
I dont mean to question your knowledge but I dont understand.
What would happen if I ran her with too much oil in? :o

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by PhilM on 04/14/08 at 00:37:46

2C242F35202A20410 wrote:
The manual says that she will take more than 2 litres, so why not fill her up to the max?
I dont mean to question your knowledge but I dont understand.
What would happen if I ran her with too much oil in? :o

Too much oil will increase the pressure inside the engine, which is likely to cause various seals to blow and can cause other damage. Also, you may get sprayed with hot oil!

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by Lazy Old Rider on 04/15/08 at 05:58:15

3C343F25303A30510 wrote:
Thanx but im always being told that im changing gear too early, but i find the engine so noisy that I tend to chamge gear as soon as it starts what i call getting noisy but what other people call going through the rev range (i think). :-/

It depends whos telling you!
The Savage is a Torque,y Thumper, now a Tuperware Power Ranger revs a lot and Changes later.

I think that as Long as she "takes up", when you twist the grip then you are in the "Right Gear". No Twist left to Low, no response too High, if you follow me.

If you follow me i am the Slow one ;D

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by T Mack 1 on 04/15/08 at 06:37:35

447C7D7859140 wrote:
[quote author=2C242F35202A20410 link=1207763815/15#29 date=1208153267]The manual says that she will take more than 2 litres, so why not fill her up to the max?
I dont mean to question your knowledge but I dont understand.
What would happen if I ran her with too much oil in? :o

Too much oil will increase the pressure inside the engine, which is likely to cause various seals to blow and can cause other damage. Also, you may get sprayed with hot oil!

The bike is a low oil pressure bike. It would take more than just too much oil to blow a seal.  Actaully, there aren't that many selas anyway (low trech engine...) .

Too much oil will cause more splash when the crankshaft comes down.  That will cause more oil vapor which will come out the breather.    Definitely would get to be a messy outcome.    

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/16/08 at 00:47:54

Well ive riden the bike everyday for the last 3 days with the oil being at the level that it was at and i havent had any problems.
Some one left this feed for me but wheres the breather and how would i notice oil vapour?
'Too much oil will cause more splash when the crankshaft comes down.  That will cause more oil vapor which will come out the breather.    Definitely would get to be a messy outcome.'
Thank you to everyone for your help. She seems to be okay at mo but will let you know. :)

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by T Mack 1 on 04/16/08 at 03:11:24

515952485D575D3C0 wrote:
Some one left this feed for me but wheres the breather and how would i notice oil vapour?
'Too much oil will cause more splash when the crankshaft comes down.  That will cause more oil vapor which will come out the breather.    Definitely would get to be a messy outcome.'

The Breather (also call crankcase ventilation) is a rubber tube that comes out of top of engine and goes to air box (air filter housing).  On the bottom of the air box is a drain tube that hangs down from the bottom of the bike.   It has a cap on it.  

Put a pan  under the tube, remove cap and check how much oil comes out.  

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/16/08 at 14:30:24

Ahhhh will try it and let you know thanx. :o

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by firsts40 on 04/16/08 at 19:33:09

I shift at around 15, 25, 35, 45, and my 06 S40 seems to run very smooth at those shift points.  I have close to 9500 miles on it.  Vibration on mine is not that bad at all.  As far as engine noise goes, yes, I can hear the engine because I have the stock pipe and it is quiet.  
I am not as mechanically inclined as most others on the site, so I don't know what to tell you about your vibration.

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/16/08 at 23:16:13

T MACK 1 -
Ive done as you suggested and pulled the plug on the breather pipe.
Yuk !
I had about 1/2 to 3/4 of an egg cup full of clear slimy oily liquid.
Does this mean there was too much oil? and if there was fluid in there does that mean that anything else could be damaged?
Mind you I dont know when that breather pipe was last checked as ive only had the bike about 6-8 weeks.
Also a strange thing happened this morning, completly unrelated i think but wondering if you knew anything about it?
I went to start bike to go to work as normal (she usually starts very well with a small amount of choke for our british spring).
Switched electrics on as normal, pulled in clutch, went to start and nothing. Had a strong neutral light. But there was no noise at all, not even the engine trying or the electrics, nothing.
I stood there completly perplexed, bottom lip quivering, then I started fiddeling with the high and low beam and the indicator switch, just making sure all was off or one as it should be. Thought id give her one last try and hey presto she turned over first time.
What happened? :-[

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by steely on 04/17/08 at 05:18:00

Mine has an occasional issue where it does the same thing yours did.  I have to fiddle with the kill switch to get it into exactly the right position, then it will start.  I think it may be dirty contacts in the switch.  I just have not had it apart to clean them yet.  I find that when it does that, I can hold down the starter button and move the kill switch just a little towards off.  It will usually fire right up then.

The first time it did it I was 250 miles from home in the middle of nowhere.  Talk about unnerving...

Title: Re: Am I killing my bike or am I being paraniod?
Post by mentaka on 04/17/08 at 06:23:10

Thank you Steely I will try to get my long suffering partner to check the connections and clean the contacts. I just hope it dont happen to me when im that far away from home, my bottom lip wont quiver, I would be a sobbing heap on the floor. Im crap with stuff like that, Im very easy to upset when it comes to problems with that i cant fix and being too far from home. Bit of a whimp really.

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