General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)

Message started by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 13:29:36

Title: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 13:29:36

Got the carb out!
I ended up having to take out the battery, and remove the top cover and loosen the battery case. The carb wouldn't budge! Now it's out, and I'm removing the top 4 screws on the carb when I noticed Clymers said to mark the position of the throttle clamp. I'm looking at the picture and see this hairclip looking like gadget. Well, my carb doesn't have one. is that normal??
I got to the needle part (which supposedly falls into your hand!) I don't see one, do you?
Here's a picture.
When I took out the diaphragm it had a needle looking thingy attached to it, I'll take a picture.

this is the diaphragm, and there is a needle attached to it.
It doesn't look like the needle in Clymers though.
I'm at a loss.

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 15:47:20

never mind, it's the jet that's supposed to come out. got it.
still. looks noting like the picture!

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/07 at 16:23:19

Hey, all youse smart guys, whats the wet looking stuff on that diaphragm? Is it oil? Is that a problem?

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 16:28:19

Yes it is oil, wanted to ask how to get it off.
Also, does it look like I got everything?
Can I dump the carburetor in the carb cleaning solution now? (
I'll clean the rest one thing t a time, so I don't get the parts mixed up!

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by bill67 on 09/30/07 at 16:35:44

I guess you would wipe it  off be careful not to ripped  or tear it l

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 16:43:50

Can I use dish soap?

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by bill67 on 09/30/07 at 16:49:30

i think so

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 17:19:10

Now even I can see the difference between the two.
I don't think the original pilot had holes in it. (

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by barry68v10 on 09/30/07 at 17:24:01

Don't worry about oil on top of the diaphram.  It will keep it soft and protect it.  If this message is too late, dish soap won't hurt it, but I'd put something on it to keep it from drying out and cracking over time.

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by Max_Morley on 09/30/07 at 17:58:14

The holes are there, just throughly plugged, thats why you had to run with the cold enrichment valve (AKA choke) on. It will be a different ride when you are done.  Max

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 18:05:32

Max_Morley wrote:
The holes are there, just throughly plugged, thats why you had to run with the cold enrichment valve (AKA choke) on. It will be a different ride when you are done.  Max

You think I should forgo the spacermod? Or just try it seeing the carb is all the way apart anyway.

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by Max_Morley on 09/30/07 at 18:12:26

Max's 96 did not repsond well to taking it out, I put it back in and it runs fine and has since 99. I'd make one change at a time, just clean it for know and adjust the idle mixture and see how you like that. Max

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by FreeSpirit on 09/30/07 at 20:38:39

IW, why is your carb clogged up? Or what is wrong with it?
You'll be a bike mechanic by the time all this is done,or at least know how to fix anything on your bike :-)

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 23:03:03

I have no idea why the pilot jet was so clogged up!
But it isn't anymore.
I'm going to change the title of this thread!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 09/30/07 at 23:24:39

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o IT RUNS!!!  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
:D :D :D :D :D :D I'M SO HAPPY!  :D :D :D :D :D :D
I put everything back together again after I cleaned it any replaced the old jets with new ones.
I was afraid to start it (had the fire extinguisher ready).
Clutch in, pressed the started, cough, cough-cough, cough, vrooooommmm!!!! Yeah!!!!  ;D
I messed with the idle and pilot screw a bit till it sounded about right and took her for a ride.
What a difference, the way she reacts when you give it some gas! Just about popped a wheeley!
What I did notice is that it backfires occasionally while riding (it normally only does it when I turn the engine off). Maybe needs to be fine tuned a bit. But never once did I have to pull out the choke!

What an ordeal though, sure hope to never have to do this again!
After I saw how bad the pilot jet looked I decided not to do the whole spacer mod, but I did run one side of it over some  fine grit sandpaper a while, just to get a smidgen off of it.
Maybe now I can take her into the mountains one weekend!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/07 at 23:51:24

I would really like a pic of your tools. I want to see just how much stuff it takes for someone to accomplish what you've managed. Maybe you could manage to get in a pic ONCE??
Your diagram is such a great idea. I just can't say enough. Congratulations. Sure made me happy to see it went so well.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/01/07 at 00:06:30

justin_o_guy2 wrote:
I would really like a pic of your tools. I want to see just how much stuff it takes for someone to accomplish what you've managed. Maybe you could manage to get in a pic ONCE??

I got quite a few tools, I admit, some women collect shoes, others purses, I collect tools  ;D.
I actually took pictures of the whole ordeal, but wanted to ask sluggo if I should post them in the tech section with instructions.
I'm too tired now though, some other time!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by PerrydaSavage on 10/01/07 at 00:27:59

Please post pics in the Tech Section Is.wahine ... ya done good! Back pats for you!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by rigidchop on 10/01/07 at 05:37:51

yeah good job. and on the first try. i know i've messed up so many things on the first try. but if you take your time(like you did) it normally works itself out.again good job.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by LANCER on 10/01/07 at 05:47:01

You did very well indeed, and the big diagram organizer was great.  This is a pretty big job when you do it for the first time, but after a few rounds with it you will get to where you can take it out, take it apart, change jets or clean, etc, put it back together and reinstall...and do the entire thing in less than an hour.
Not only that, but you will have fun doing it!!   ;D

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by Reelthing on 10/01/07 at 05:49:06

Back pat from me to - that's quite a task - mighty stained pilot jet for sure - looks like the type with out holes - your bike has got to feel much better - now that you understand the workings and have a clean carb you really don't need to pull it again to slim down the white spacer to raise the needle a little - pull the seat, tank, and you have enough room to remove the cap.diaphram and tune that midrange if you need to - good job.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by skatnbnc on 10/01/07 at 06:10:59

Wahini - that rocks with the pictures, and I am so glad you took the time to do that. Thanks!  :)

I eventually will be doing the same thing and have already found the photos on the forum work much better for me than the diagrams in the Clymers manual. I like seeing actuals more than 'perfect drawings' that don't match what you are looking at.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by thumperclone on 10/01/07 at 07:18:12

suggest you install a clear fuel filter,i found one for thumperclone that has pink element can see any carp easily

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 10/01/07 at 07:47:07

thumperclone wrote:
suggest you install a clear fuel filter,i found one for thumperclone that has pink element can see any carp easily

So that's where fish oil comes from, stupid carp swimming in the gasoline! I doubt they make good eating though.   :D

I don't know why, but when I read this, it reminded me of the old B.C. comic strip where Clumsy Carp would stick his head in the stream and exclaim " Clams got legs!"  

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by SteveRocket on 10/01/07 at 08:36:17

Well done, you did a great job I hope you feel very proud of yourself.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by Max_Morley on 10/01/07 at 09:38:52

Max says great job !!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/01/07 at 09:55:02

thumperclone wrote:
suggest you install a clear fuel filter,i found one for thumperclone that has pink element can see any carp easily

I ordered a new filter from our Suzuki dealer almost 2 months ago, he still hasn't gotten it. I'd like to support our local stores, but I think I'm going to have to cancel his order and order it online.
What's the brand name for the one you used, and where did you get it?

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by Max_Morley on 10/01/07 at 10:28:41

Max saks, do you have a Briggs and Stratton Dealer, they will have them and probably cheaper.  Look in Yellow pages for small engine repair shops, lawn mowers etc.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/01/07 at 10:42:40

Looks like we only have 2 engine repair shops here, one for marine and one for car engines. The marine engine repair might be my best bet. I can probably find it online too.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by murphy77 on 10/01/07 at 11:46:33


I'm like totally trippin on you. That's fantastic, you not only have the guts but the drive to get things done and in proper fashion.

I  commend you for a job WELL DONE!!

Where can I find a girl like you ?  :P  ;)

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/01/07 at 12:00:44

murphy77 wrote:

Where can I find a girl like you ?  :P  ;)

I don't know Murphy77, but normally if a gal sees a red little devil it's a sign to stay the h_ll away from that person! LOL (just kidding). I sure would hope I'm not the only woman who does stuff like this. Actually I know skatnbnc does too. I think if you look around you'll see there are plenty of us. I think most guys run though, cause we're kind a intimidating at first.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by murphy77 on 10/01/07 at 12:11:00


" Intimidating " to say the least, but I think it's too cool. Have fun and ride safe.  :)

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by jkhulon73 on 10/01/07 at 12:11:03

I really wish my girl could/would get into this kind of stuff. For years, all she's heard was how she was "stupid" and could "never do anything." I'm slowly chipping away at that mentality, but she draws the line at engine repair. Which sucks, 'cause I could've really used a hand yanking the engine this morning...

Bottom line, I applaud you. Two thumbs, way up!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by grandpa on 10/01/07 at 12:47:27

Island - make sure you get a filter for an engine that does not have a fuel pump, ie lawn mower or even an outbord motor so long as it doesn't have a fuel pump  ( such as our bike). When I ran a 'Zone store, I had guys come in looking at the car inline clear gas filters because they were cheaper than at a small engine shop. They knew everything and would come back wanting a refund when the gas stopped halfway through the tank. The only fuel pressure we have is the weight of the gas. The less gas, the less pressure. Car fuel filters have too fine of a filter to flow without a pump. Just FYI!!

PS - a big hand clap for all your work!! My wife will only put gas in her car at a full service gas station!!! I need to do my forks but have been a little leary!! You have shamed me into getting it done, with a spacer and some fork gaiters!! I have no excuse now!!!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by demin on 10/01/07 at 14:59:09

Congrats.Who needs MMI to learn how to fix bikes? ;D

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/01/07 at 15:19:09

demin wrote:
Congrats.Who needs MMI to learn how to fix bikes? ;D

What does MMI mean?

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/01/07 at 15:20:40

Thanks for the great compliments! I'm tongtied!  :-X

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by Strafford_Guy on 10/01/07 at 17:11:06

Great Job! I know you picked up the jet set from Lancer, what size 55 pilot and what size main did you go with?

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/01/07 at 19:18:29

I went with the 55 Pilot, and changed the main to 150. The old one was 145. I didn't want to change too much too fast.
I took her out for a ride today, and she runs great without the choke pulled out, but I'm noticing an irregular gas flow.
I don't think it's my imagination, but it seems to ride in waves. Rhythmically almost. Got to figure out now what's causing it. I can hear the engine go like it too when it idles.
Hmmmmm... Never ending is it??

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by demin on 10/01/07 at 19:37:52

MMI:Motorcycle Mechanics Institute.(bike school) ;D

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by mark_k on 10/07/07 at 06:23:51

Wahine - Read your post, and noted that you took only a whisker off of the spacer during your jetting mod. If the surging is occuring at approx 1/4 - 1/2 throttle, you may still be running a bit lean at the needle. There is a great post on the carb tuning, but for a synopsis, the pilot jet and idle mixture screw control 0-1/4 throttle, the needle valve influences the central 1/4 - 3/4 throttle and the main jet influences the 1/2 - full throttle. These are approximates. So if it idles fine, but surges at 1/4 - 1/2 throttle, you may still be lean at the needle. (It is the "needle thingy" attached to the diaphragm). You can either sand down the white spacer or can swap it with nylon washers to make it adjustable and just add or remove washers to change the thickness.

I am in the process of adjusting mine again as the weather is changing here in the midwest. I am starting to run a little lean as the air is cooler.

Congrats on the jet mod. With a little more practice - Like Lancer said, you will be able to pull the tank and seat, change jets and have it back together in less than an hour.

Hint: put a little plumber's silicone grease on the rubber tank supports, it makes it easier to slide on and off.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/07/07 at 19:32:21

Yes next time I'm gonna try and just take the top of the carburetor and leave the rest on.
I wouldn't mind taking the tank of so much if I didn't need to take the darn petcork off and empty the tank! That's just a pain in the neck!!

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/09/07 at 10:58:16

I finally put up the post in the technical documents.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by mark_k on 10/09/07 at 16:20:59

IW - With a light application of silicone plumber's grease to the rubber supports that hold the front of the tank, I can now remove the tank without having to take the Petcork off. After you disconnect the vaccum line, the fuel line and the speedo cable, you lift the rear of the tank while at the same time swinging it to the left side of the bike. The petcork moves around the frame and saves you quite a few minutes in tank removal. I still drain the tank before I remove it just to prevent spills.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/10/07 at 01:43:53

I'll try it! Don't know if I can get to the rubber tank supports without removing the tank, but I guess I can put it on after for future ease.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by Savage_Rob on 10/10/07 at 06:22:00

islandwahine wrote:
I'll try it! Don't know if I can get to the rubber tank supports without removing the tank, but I guess I can put it on after for future ease.

You can't get to them without removing the tank but you don't have any need until then either.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by mark_k on 10/19/07 at 07:42:38

Sometimes I keep a little written list of things I want to do or mods to make when I have to have things torn apart for other reasons. I put it with the parts or supplies and when I already have things torn apart, I can add the mods.

A recent example was my truck. I wanted to paint the calipers, but waited until I had to do the brakes, then when I had the calipers off and pads out, I painted the calipers and brackets. Saves mucho time on the mod and barely adds time to the normal job.

Title: Re: HELP!!!! Where is the needle?
Post by verslagen1 on 10/19/07 at 09:00:59

islandwahine wrote:
Can I use dish soap?

I used dish soap on mine, at neighbors (who's always wrenching on something) recommendation.

Also (and no one's mention it) you need to clean the slide.  That black stuff is varnish.  Clean off with 600 paper till shineny.  Make sure no knicks or it will hang up in bore.  I sware I got a few extra mpg's after cleanning mine.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/19/07 at 11:31:53

If I end up opening up the carb again I will do that, right now I don't want to touch the darn thing for a long, long, long, time! ;D

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by bill67 on 10/19/07 at 12:35:20

Try some carb cleaner in the gas like Seaform works in gas and in your oil to clean motor too.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/19/07 at 22:47:50

bill67 wrote:
Try some carb cleaner in the gas like Seaform works in gas and in your oil to clean motor too.

Actually, I was told by the guy in the bike shop not to use that stuff, he said that it cuts the life of the rubber components in the carb a lot. He said the carb in a car is different and it's good to use, but not for a bike. I'm not sure how knowledgeable he was, but it kinda does make sense.
Even the carb cleaner I used said not to use it on plastic or rubber parts.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by bill67 on 10/20/07 at 06:49:02

I have been useing it for about 7 years now. I get it at my dealer who sold me a bike in1974 .Try it you will like it.  Seafoam.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by bill67 on 10/23/07 at 06:22:25

I called the Seafoam co. It will not hurt the rubber in carbs or motor. It is very good.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by islandwahine on 10/24/07 at 18:53:47

bill67 wrote:
I called the Seafoam co. It will not hurt the rubber in carbs or motor. It is very good.

I stopped by Checkers Autoparts today and saw a bunch of the seafoam cans right on the counter. I bought one.

Title: Re: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! (changed title!)
Post by bill67 on 10/24/07 at 19:12:55

Look seafoam up on the internet it will tell you about it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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