General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Done, and never again!!!

Message started by islandwahine on 09/02/07 at 21:29:45

Title: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/02/07 at 21:29:45

Well I guess I'm happy that's it's over. And yes in hindsight it was not tooooo bad, as long as you don't count not being able to get the forks off, getting the Allan bolt off, yanking on the fork to get the seal off, etc, etc.
Putting it back together was almost easier, except that I occasionally got confused with the sequencing of things, and that I didn't realize till later what the darn PVC pipe was for.
So yes if I had to do it again I could, but would I ???????
I am going to keep the PVC pipe and the wooden rod that I carved out to fit the inside rod to which the Alan attaches.
Just in case..............
Here's a pic of my messy garage, and my 1/2 bike and parts.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by murphy77 on 09/02/07 at 21:47:06

Hi islandwahine,

Now that's a job, I didn't even feel like tackling. I think you're well on your way to becoming a " get dirty " savage mechanic  ;)

Very impressed and now it's my turn  :-/ because of you >:( just kidding.

Nice job...Dennis

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/07 at 00:41:40

Care to explain why the cookware is in the garage floor?
Thats a fine looking work area. Looks like a well organized aproach. ( But the cookware does kinda throw me)

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/03/07 at 01:27:19

I couldn't think of where else to put the oil from the forks. I was going to measure it, and use it as a guideline for how much oil to put back in when I was done. But Max told me after I had done that, how much oil to put back in.
So now I have to find something else to put it in and bring it to the recyclers.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by franch on 09/03/07 at 04:52:53

what type of fork oil did you end up using ?
gotta love those repairs where you use kitchen stuff !

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/03/07 at 11:52:03

I couldn't find the 30 weight, so I used 20 weight.
Actually, it steers so much easier now for some reason.
I'm not sure what having new oil and seals would have to do with steering though.
I lucked out with what I ordered from BikeBandit.
It was a spur of the moment thought that I ordered new oil seal springs along with the oil seals and dust seals.
As it turns out, the springs were the culprits. Totally rusted out inside the fork, an causing rust spots on the fork stems, thereby ruining bot the oil and dust seals.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Strafford_Guy on 09/03/07 at 12:04:00

Wahine if you don't mind what was the total cost of restoration? In the Clymers manual it states that you could have used Dextron ATF or SAE 15W fork oil. I am not sure of the cost of fork oil but tranny fluid is not all that much.

Thanks for the information.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/03/07 at 12:22:52

I think I paid about $50.00 at BikeBandit for 2 oilseals, 2 dust rings, and 2 oil seal clips, including shipping (which was only $6). I bought the Fork oil at a local bike shop for $12.00 (1 quart was just enough), and the PVC pipe which was $6 cause they would not let me buy just 2 feet, so I ended up with 10 feet. Left the remainder 8 feet at the store, wouldn't fit in the car. I also had to buy a solvent, used brake cleaner which worked real well, and some loctite (total $15)
I had the 1 1/4" wooden dowel left from when I did the seat riser which I used to keep the rod from spinning while tightening the Alan bolt. I also had some grease left to use for the front wheel.
So in total about $83. Not too bad

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Strafford_Guy on 09/03/07 at 12:31:16

$83.00 seems like a  good deal. Did that include the springs? I noticed in the post that you had mentioned that the springs were shot. The reason I am asking is there is a lot of things I want to do over the winter. I just don't want the down time right now and I am trying to read enough on this site to feel comfortable breaking the bike down and putting it back together.


Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/03/07 at 12:58:49

Nope I did not replace big springs, it was the little spring clips that hold the oil seal down that were totally rusted out. I don't know if my big springs were fine,they looked like it, so I put the old ones back in.
Check out BikeBandit, they are really reasonable and have it shipped to you in days, real fast!

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Strafford_Guy on 09/03/07 at 13:04:47


Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by thumperclone on 09/03/07 at 14:49:07

if shes single someone needs to snag her!!! :-*

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by demin on 09/03/07 at 14:54:37

Long way for a date though ;D

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by LANCER on 09/03/07 at 15:02:06

The first time I decided to change the fork oil on mine, I was just a tad surprised to find that the forks had virtually no oil in them at all.  It looked as if someone had put oil in them the check to make sure that they worked, then drained the oil for shipping.  When the dealer took the bike out of the crate and  prepped the bike at time of purchase, the forks were never checked, never had a drop of oil added at all.  Nothing like good old customer service........ >:(

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/03/07 at 15:17:51

Did you ruin the springs by riding without oil in the forks?

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/03/07 at 15:22:42

thumperclone wrote:
if shes single someone needs to snag her!!! :-*

That is the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time, but I come with baggage! 2 teenage kids! LOL
I can already tell you that I'm not an easy person to be with, too moody, selfish, stubborn, like things my way, etc. I would not recommend myself to anyone!! Unless you want a headache!   ;D
Also I like being alone when the kids are at their dad's (who lives around the corner), hate to share my free time.
All in all a bad idea!

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 09/04/07 at 09:56:01

islandwahine wrote:

That is the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time, but I come with baggage! 2 teenage kids! LOL
I can already tell you that I'm not an easy person to be with, too moody, selfish, stubborn, like things my way, etc. I would not recommend myself to anyone!! Unless you want a headache!   ;D
Also I like being alone when the kids are at their dad's (who lives around the corner), hate to share my free time.
All in all a bad idea!

That kind of self deprecation will just make us want you even more, you saucy little wench!  :D
Nice job on the forks though. Something I should tackle this winter.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Dr_Jim on 09/04/07 at 10:44:33


Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/04/07 at 11:37:40

Yep, I think my bike if it had been somewhere on the mainland, would look a lot better then it does now!
Not being able to get parts quick is a killer.
That's why I'm not looking forward to doing the carb, I know for sure there are parts that are going to need to be replaced. So basically my bike will be sitting here without a carb, unusable until the replacement parts come in.  :'(

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Rockin_John on 09/06/07 at 15:42:39

Rogue_Cheddar wrote:

That kind of self deprecation will just make us want you even more, you saucy little wench!  :D

You left the "r" out of wrench. ;)

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/06/07 at 18:27:06

Rogue_Cheddar wrote:

That kind of self deprecation will just make us want you even more, you saucy little wench!  :D

Not sure how to respond to this  :-X

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/06/07 at 18:28:23

Rockin_John wrote:

You left the "r" out of wrench. ;)

Yeah I think wrench is definitely a better description of me then wench!!  ;)

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by jkhulon73 on 09/16/07 at 13:14:00

Just started changing the seals on mine about... 10 minutes ago.

Wish me luck as I'm still trying to decipher exactly how I go about lowering the front end...  :o

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/16/07 at 13:43:52

What do you mean lowering the front end?
Taking the forks out?

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by jkhulon73 on 09/16/07 at 13:45:41

islandwahine wrote:
What do you mean lowering the front end?;action=display;num=1187872966

Sorry the link ain't purty  ;)

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by jkhulon73 on 09/16/07 at 17:49:06

Well, that was fun...  >:(

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/17/07 at 01:21:25

jkhulon73 wrote:;action=display;num=1187872966

Sorry the link ain't purty  ;)

OK now I remember!

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/17/07 at 01:21:48

jkhulon73 wrote:
Well, that was fun...  >:(

Are you done?

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by jkhulon73 on 09/17/07 at 03:31:50

More or less... I was almost done when I d@mn near cut my finger off as the cap popped out and the top spacer shot up, catching my index finger between it and the handlebars. Not pleasant. And when that happened, I started dancing around like a coked-up monkey with his tail on fire, knocking over just about everything in the garage, including the cup I had put the fender bolts in- I have no idea where they went. I finally found some in my toolbox that would fit but by then, I was too aggravated (and not to mention in pain) to finish putting the front wheel back on. The only reason I'm up right now is an excrutiating migraine (and my girl is up, getting ready for her commute)

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by FreeSpirit on 09/17/07 at 03:35:41

jkhulon73 wrote:
More or less... I was almost done when I d@mn near cut my finger off as the cap popped out and the top spacer shot up, catching my index finger between it and the handlebars. Not pleasant. And when that happened, I started dancing around like a coked-up monkey with his tail on fire, knocking over just about everything in the garage, including the cup I had put the fender bolts in- I have no idea where they went. I finally found some in my toolbox that would fit but by then, I was too aggravated (and not to mention in pain) to finish putting the front wheel back on. The only reason I'm up right now is an excrutiating migraine (and my girl is up, getting ready for her commute)

What do you take for migraines? I have them sometimes. They are worse than the worst toothache!!
Hope you have something good to take.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by jkhulon73 on 09/17/07 at 06:47:32

FreeSpirit wrote:

What do you take for migraines? I have them sometimes. They are worse than the worst toothache!!
Hope you have something good to take.

I don't get 'em that often, so I don't keep any of the 'good' stuff on hand. Usually a couple of Advil gel caps will knock mine down to a subtle headache and allow me to function, more or less. If I'm not expected to go anywhere or do anything, I'll take a vicodin- doesn't do much for the pounding in my head, but when it kicks in, I don't really care! The one that woke me up this morning has subsided enough I can finish putting the wheel back on.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by islandwahine on 09/17/07 at 10:41:37

jkhulon73 wrote:
More or less... I was almost done when I d@mn near cut my finger off as the cap popped out and the top spacer shot up, catching my index finger between it and the handlebars. Not pleasant. And when that happened, I started dancing around like a coked-up monkey with his tail on fire, knocking over just about everything in the garage, including the cup I had put the fender bolts in- I have no idea where they went. I finally found some in my toolbox that would fit but by then, I was too aggravated (and not to mention in pain) to finish putting the front wheel back on. The only reason I'm up right now is an excrutiating migraine (and my girl is up, getting ready for her commute)

I"m sorry that happened to you, but at the same time glad, because it looks like I wasn't the only idiot.
When I was screwing the cap back on, I thought I had the threads already caught, and because I was using one of those wrenches you can size, I took it of the cap to reposition it, when the whole darn cap popped up and hit me smack in the forehead! Didn't get a migraine though (hard head) just a bump!

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/07 at 04:32:20

Mentioning problems like this can be a real help for those who will follow. Sorry for your pain, but maybe others will read about how easy it is to get slapped & avoid it.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by jkhulon73 on 09/18/07 at 04:41:59

If other people can't learn from my mistakes, then I'm a total failure (because I sure as Hell don't pay any attention  ;) )

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Tim_Krantz on 11/08/07 at 13:36:14

   Just to pass on a tip, if you are just changing seals, you don't have to dis-assemble the forks themselves. You have to remove the forks, caps&springs,keepers that hold the seals in. Then extend the forks,fill with oil(no springs), put the caps back on and jack the fork to compress it. The seals will just push out. BTW use lotsa rags around the seal, cause some oil will come out under pressure.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/09/07 at 07:03:28

jkhulon73 wrote:
More or less... I was almost done when I d@mn near cut my finger off as the cap popped out and the top spacer shot up, catching my index finger between it and the handlebars. Not pleasant. And when that happened, I started dancing around like a coked-up monkey with his tail on fire, knocking over just about everything in the garage, including the cup I had put the fender bolts in- I have no idea where they went. I finally found some in my toolbox that would fit but by then, I was too aggravated (and not to mention in pain) to finish putting the front wheel back on. The only reason I'm up right now is an excrutiating migraine (and my girl is up, getting ready for her commute)

No one likes "I told you so", so let me just offer this little shameless plug...

...if you had the "Savage Companion Photo CD Version 2" then you would have seen this photo before you tried to remove the fork cap.

Considering all your pain, blood loss and missing bolts, having the CD, a 1 1/16" socket and removing the handlebars might have been well worth it....

I've done it both ways.  Here's the easy one ;D

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by bill67 on 11/09/07 at 07:21:56

 You don't have to take off handlebars off to take fork bolts off. thats makeing a big project for no reason.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/09/07 at 07:27:22

bill67 wrote:
 You don't have to take off handlebars off to take fork bolts off. thats makeing a big project for no reason.

You mean fork "caps".  And he didn't make the project bigger?

It's up to you.  You can use an open end wrench and fight it if you chose.  That's fine.  Good excuse not to have a socket anyway :P

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by bill67 on 11/09/07 at 07:30:36

 I can take the fork bolts off and put back on in 2 minutes.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/09/07 at 07:47:30

bill67 wrote:
 I can take the fork bolts off and put back on in 2 minutes.

Show me.

They are fork caps, not bolts.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by bill67 on 11/09/07 at 08:03:40

 Fork cap bolts.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/09/07 at 12:45:49

bill67 wrote:
 Fork cap bolts.

Photo please.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by bill67 on 11/09/07 at 12:56:21

 greg     You have more trouble with motorcycles and snowmobiles than anyone I know. ;D

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/09/07 at 13:02:27

bill67 wrote:
 greg     You have more trouble with motorcycles and snowmobiles than anyone I know. ;D

I have more trouble because I work on them more.  

Now, don't make statements that you can't back up.  Prove what you say.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by bill67 on 11/09/07 at 13:09:22

 Only thing works on you is your mouth :P

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/09/07 at 14:40:45

bill67 wrote:
 Only thing works on you is your mouth :P

Very good.  I'll just wait for your Topic in the Tech section.  

Until then I think it's obvious who is running their mouth.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Rockin_John on 11/10/07 at 21:40:47

bill67 wrote:
 Fork cap bolts.

Bolts? Please... Fork cap PLUGS... maybe. But with an o-ring on them for a seal; "bolt" is not even a logical description of that part:

Part #21.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by bill67 on 11/11/07 at 00:58:45

 Somebody should tell Suzuki they think they are fork cap bolts.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/11/07 at 04:40:49

Rockin_John wrote:

Bolts? Please... Fork cap PLUGS... maybe. But with an o-ring on them for a seal; "bolt" is not even a logical description of that part:

Part #21.

Bill is just being silly :)

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by bill67 on 11/11/07 at 04:59:50

 John be sure to plug in your fork caps before your next ride.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/11/07 at 06:15:08

Hey John...check out the Tech Section.  Bill has posted an interesting new topic there.  Most helpful.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Rockin_John on 11/12/07 at 23:43:33

Savage_Greg wrote:
Hey John...check out the Tech Section.  Bill has posted an interesting new topic there.  Most helpful.

Drat! I didn't get there in time... I was out tightening my fork cap plugs! ;)

But I'm sure anything bill had to say was of great importance.  ::)

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Trippah on 11/13/07 at 04:53:55

Ye gads...
We aren't even snow bound yet..TV writers' strike got ya down?? ???

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/13/07 at 05:07:14

Trippah wrote:
Ye gads...
We aren't even snow bound yet..TV writers' strike got ya down?? ???

Naw.  But I did want to see a Broadway musical :P

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Rockin_John on 11/13/07 at 08:48:49

Trippah wrote:
Ye gads...
We aren't even snow bound yet..TV writers' strike got ya down?? ???

Nahhh... TV watching only lasted for a few years with me as a little kid. Then I took it up again as a young adult for a couple of years when cable first got big. Other than that, I've been too busy with women; playing music; or playing with big boy's toys to bother much with TV. Even with 100+ channels, with rare exceptions, television is a wasteland.

Title: Re: Done, and never again!!!
Post by Savage_Greg on 11/13/07 at 09:18:21

Rockin_John wrote:

Nahhh... TV watching only lasted for a few years with me as a little kid. Then I took it up again as a young adult for a couple of years when cable first got big. Other than that, I've been too busy with women; playing music; or playing with big boy's toys to bother much with TV. Even with 100+ channels, with rare exceptions, television is a wasteland.

Me too.  I only watch movies on TV, with the rare exception of a Star Trek or CSI which are all reruns anyway....

Hey.  I wonder if the writer's strike is also gonna affect things like WWE.  Whatever will the Undertaker or John Cena do without all their brilliant dialog? :P » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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