General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Snorkel???

Message started by Mussolini1996 on 07/03/07 at 21:47:27

Title: Snorkel???
Post by Mussolini1996 on 07/03/07 at 21:47:27

OK, so I have my seat taken off and i'm just about ready to "desnorkel" my air box.
If I do this, will I most likely need to up the air/fuel mixture to help with backfiring?
Does this mod really make much of a difference?
I'm guessing it just allows more air in, but a real noticebale difference?
I'm still debating on a drop in K&N or the RC1250. If I use the RC1250, where do most people place it, right under the gas tank off of the carb.
I'm kind a neat freak and I like to keep my vehicles clean, so I'm worried about getting water into the intake, when I'm cleaning my bike, either way from desnorkeling or by adding a RC1250 filter?
Are there any adverse effects to either of these mods?

Title: Re: Snorkel???
Post by steelwolf on 07/04/07 at 20:22:27

I don't know about cleaning but I can tell you that a frog-strangler T-storm @ 60mph will not hurt it. I was the one who needed the snorkle. And suit of armor for the hail.

Title: Re: Snorkel???
Post by vroom1776 on 07/05/07 at 07:55:51

no probs with rain.  you will ahev to reconfigure the battery box a little to make the kn pod fit.

Title: Re: Snorkel???
Post by serowbot on 07/05/07 at 15:14:53

If you don't do a k/n filter, free flow muffler and rejet the carb, you probably don't need to desnorkel and will not see any improvement in performance.  Freeing up the breathing will only help if your bike needs it and stock it really doesn't.  I don't see a difference in my bike snorkel either way and I have done all the mods.
 The mods did make a difference, desnorkel didn't.  Some people are seeing improvement on modded engines though, or at least they think they are.  Might vary with the type of mods.
If you aren't planning on doing all the mods (intake,jets,exhuast) I wouldn't recommend doing anything.  It's kind of a package deal. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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