General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!

Message started by Beatduck on 06/21/07 at 23:15:09

Title: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Beatduck on 06/21/07 at 23:15:09

Hi everyone!
I'm a new rider, I just finished the MSF course this past weekend, got my endorsement Monday and have been riding nonstop all week!!
300 miles since Mon!! Sweet!

I'm a proud new owner of a 2005 S40 (Though I wish it still had the Savage moniker, I'll explain later). I actually got the bike a week before the class.
That was agonizing!! Having the bike staring at me for a week!
Once everything was in order we were off. Short trips around the neighborhood, then back roads around town, smaller less busy roads outside of town, even a few highway exits at slow times. Still avoiding the main drag here in town during peak times, lots of traffic. As they say, "I'm crazy, but, I'm not stupid!"
Having a great time with the bike. I love it! I fits me so well (not a tall person), and perfect for the type of riding I'm looking to do.

I normally drive a large van and was looking for something to get around in that was more economical. I kicked around the idea of getting a scooter, and, after looking more into it, I said "Just get a bike! You know you wanna!".
After that it was bikes on the brain!
I researched as much as I could about it and came across the Suzuki, and well, you probably know the rest of the story. I saw it in white and it was all over!
Ain't love grand!
(I REALLY lucked out that there was one so new (2005, 2400 mi.) in the town just north of me!)
Plus we have 2! Suzuki dealers in town, and a independent repair shop that stocks Suzuki parts.

I wanted to especially thank this forum which I came across before I got the bike.
You all have been a wonderful resource in not only helping me decide on getting the bike, but, to feel really comfortable with it. Like I already know it so well!
In fact, the first time it back-fired I smiled really big! "Yup! She'll do that".
I'll be getting to those mods (carb, exhaust) sometime soon, I was a mechanic for many years, so, should be no problem. but for now, stock is just fine!

Again, Thank you so much for the information and the dedication you have to this bike.
I don't think I could have made a better choice!

When people ask me what that bike is I say it's "Half a Harley"
Half the motor,
Half the weight,
Half the TROUBLE,
and Half (more than) the PRICE!!


OK like I said here's me and my bike (note the name of the street I live on! NO KIDDING!):

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by BCman on 06/22/07 at 00:46:02

Welcome Beatduck,

As you have discovered, this is a great site with lots of resources.  The members are friendly and willing to help with any advice or problem solving.  Price and the simplicity of design were big factors in my decision to buy a Savage.  Most of my riding buddies are Harley owners and I often use the 'Half a Harley' expression myself.  Ride safe.  8)


Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Kropatchek on 06/22/07 at 02:34:23

Beatduck wrote:

When people ask me what that bike is I say it's "Half a Harley"
Half the motor,
Half the weight,
Half the TROUBLE,
and Half (more than) the PRICE!!

Dont't forget:  Twice the fun.

Welcome to THE Savage forum

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Savage_Rob on 06/22/07 at 05:47:32

Welcome to the site and congratulations on your new bike!

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by vroom1776 on 06/22/07 at 05:51:20

Right on!

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by justin_o_guy on 06/22/07 at 07:20:00

The folks at the clothing stores rarely have anything stylish that fits me. The guys at the Suzuki shopp did. That bike fits you very well. The seat height is right & you look comfortable.

I hope those nickers arent your riding clothes. Scraped paint & dented tanks are unfun, but scraped bodies & dented flesh really suck. I ride in leather chaps, regardless of heat, & an old( like 17 years?) winter jacket, leather & insulated & lined, because Ive seen what happens when the unexpected happens.When I have the $$ I will get some how weather gear that breathes. People get hurt in a major way.  

Welcome aboard. I see why you wanted the Savage lable. I imagine you could knock the Boulevard off the tank & apply some decals from another year. Some yeras had neat designs.
You REALLY just walked by & looked at that thing while you took the course? You have much more restraint than I. But, then, I have no license & havent taken the course.I guess I am a scofflaw.

Oh, BTW, mine is a white, 05 S40.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by ladyonasavage on 06/22/07 at 07:39:46

Sweet!  I like your helmet too, matches the bike perfectly.  I just got a new windshield with more coverage, so now I can use a smaller helmet too ;D

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Beatduck on 06/22/07 at 08:21:50

Thanks everyone!
I'm sure I'll get to it all eventually, but, feel free to direct me to any good posts or outside articles that I might like.

OK, so I snuck it around the block a couple times...... and that actually helped me with the couse as far as getting a feel for the bike and low speed and clutch work. I trained on a GZ250. Not to brag, but......OK I aced it! 100% on both written and riding! Of course, after the class I ran through everything I had learned again with my own bike.

I ride in jeans usually, or army pants. I do have chaps, but....Florida is brutal, and we are in our 11 month season of summer. Excuding one month that we like to call RAIN. Nightime is not so bad. quite nice actually.
Helmet and gloves always, earplugs, and, I have a nitro mesh jacket.
Full helmet soon.

I do have a windshield and bags for it but I like how it looks without.
I put them on soon to get a feel for how it is with them on.

Any thoughts about how to get a feel for passengers?
I'm not in any rush, but I should look to learn.
I figure I'll find someone light and durable, pad them up real nice and go!  ;D
Much later though.

Lots more to come, I'm sure!

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by mornhm on 06/22/07 at 10:48:48

Before you get a rider get some miles under your wheels solo (I think a couple of thousand at least). Then learn how to ride as pillion so you can explain it to someone else.

Enjoy your new MC.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by smokey02 on 06/22/07 at 12:22:12

check here for some
Motorcycle Passenger Rules

also you can google "Motorcycle Passenger Rules"
thats how I found the two above

I waited till I had several thousand miles before I took my wife along,
got her a full helmet and armored jacket.

The main differences that I noticed are:
Balance - especially turning, starting, stopping.
Acceleration - takes a bit longer, and I try not to frighten her.  ;D
Brakes - takes longer to stop, be careful.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Beatduck on 06/22/07 at 12:54:31

Yeah. Not going to attempt it in quite a while. No worries.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Starlifter on 06/22/07 at 20:06:34

Wow, you have my bike! A 2005 S40 pearl white. Love this color!

The Boulevard logo will grow on you. It starts to look kind of classy after a while.
Welcome aboard, ride safe, and enjoy.

PS Move up here to Michigan. It's going to 49 tonight. We are in the 11th month of winter here.  ;D

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by SpeedyG on 06/23/07 at 09:34:05

Congratulations!  I'm a new S40 owner too.  I almost bought the white, but at the last mintue decided to go with the blue.  

I've been getting tons of info here.


Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by viper on 06/23/07 at 17:53:15

Welcome this site is great . I'm 1st time owner of a one lunger love it 2006 s40 move north if you don'tt care for lotsa heat here in Pa we have 4 seasons Almost winter Winter Still winter And Road const. Enjoy you ride

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by sluggo on 06/23/07 at 22:15:30

no matter what suzuki calls it, it will always be a savage.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Beatduck on 06/23/07 at 23:28:23

Thanks for all the replies!!!
Whew! Trying to touch up on reading all the posts!
I'm sure I'll be commenting more soon.
For now, just taking it in.
Opened up the low speed mix on the carb, nice. No bluing.

I'm really mad at lady that had the bike before me. She lived right near the Gulf, and I don't doubt she got some salt water on it.
Little bit of rust and corrosion on some points. So I'm battling that. but it's cleaning up good. The chrome is ok, but there is already a good amount of pitting on the engine covers. Bummer. I'll get some detailed pics up soon.

Other than that, haven't ridden/drove anything but the bike all week!
Big Harley town here. It's cool to have them wave then do a double-take like: "What the hell was that?"  :D


Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by justin_o_guy on 06/24/07 at 03:12:07

Pitting on engine covers? Check"Black & Bling" in the tech section. Tha'll keep you busy for a few minutes.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by drharveys on 06/26/07 at 18:01:50

I'm definitely in favor of proper riding gear.  For warm weather riding, look into the armored vented/mesh textile stuff.  I'm a big fan ever since I nearly passed out from riding in a midwest summer in full leathers!

Enjoy the new bike -- you made a great choice!

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by praetorian on 06/27/07 at 18:09:13

Congrats on the bike and the excellent score on the MSF, that is one of the safest things you can do in this lifestyle.  

2nd safest thing you can do it ATGATT - All The Gear, All The Time.

I live on the coast in North Carolina.  Temps here in the summer get the same as in FL.  I ride with riding boots, Fieldsheer 4 season mesh pants, Joe Tocket Phoenix mesh jacket, Power Trip perforated leather gloves and new Sporpion EXO-400 helmet (had an Arai till Father's Day).  Only time I get hot is sitting still in heavy traffic.  I am actually cooler with the jacket on then with it off.  The jacket channels air around the torso to help keep cooler.  All are armored.

Just some thing to think about.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by DepotMan on 06/27/07 at 20:58:56

Hi BeatDuck
I also just finished my training class.  Went by the DPS
today and passed the test.  I have a 07 White S40.
Only got to ride for about an hour today because of
flooding.  I live in the Dallas area.  Just cant wait for the


Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Beatduck on 06/27/07 at 23:04:05

Thanks again everyone!!
Been lucky (or not lucky, depending whether you're a rider or a plant) with the rain so far. I saw all that rain in Texas today looking at the weather.
Good to hear about so many people taking the class. I know I've been talking about it a lot.

500 miles down!! I've been riding everyday. Should probably get to work here soon.....

Cleaned up some of the aluminum like suggested, 400, 600, 1000, wool, never dull, brasso.
Don't have a wheel, so it's rub, rub, rub.

Found a easy way to stay cool, don't stop.  ;D
I know.... it was just fun to say.....

Had a question about med./long trips.
I start a new thread.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Beatduck on 06/27/07 at 23:28:46

Help! I can't type!!!! :P

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by serowbot on 06/27/07 at 23:38:26

 108' today here in Tucson.  I grimace a bit before sitting on the seat, at the lights I try not to put my feet down on the pavement in case my boots melt to the road, air feels like a blowdryer when your movin'.  Valves ticking a liittle...feelin' a little woozey.
 But it's a dry heat.  
 Members in Phoenix and Yuma are gonna' call me a wussy.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by justin_o_guy on 06/28/07 at 17:21:43

praetorian wrote:
Congrats on the bike and the excellent score on the MSF, that is one of the safest things you can do in this lifestyle.  

2nd safest thing you can do it ATGATT - All The Gear, All The Time.

I live on the coast in North Carolina.  Temps here in the summer get the same as in FL.  I ride with riding boots, Fieldsheer 4 season mesh pants, Joe Tocket Phoenix mesh jacket, Power Trip perforated leather gloves and new Sporpion EXO-400 helmet (had an Arai till Father's Day).  Only time I get hot is sitting still in heavy traffic.  I am actually cooler with the jacket on then with it off.  The jacket channels air around the torso to help keep cooler.  All are armored.

Just some thing to think about.

Are the pants overpants, to wear over jeans? I dont want to have to go in a bathroom to change when I get to the store.

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by azjay on 06/29/07 at 06:42:28

serowbot wrote:
 108' today here in Tucson.  I grimace a bit before sitting on the seat, at the lights I try not to put my feet down on the pavement in case my boots melt to the road, air feels like a blowdryer when your movin'.  Valves ticking a liittle...feelin' a little woozey.
 But it's a dry heat.  
 Members in Phoenix and Yuma are gonna' call me a wussy.

no name callin here, you're out there riding in the heat with us, 108*, 114*, does it matter? ITS HOT!!  8)

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by jpsagaser on 06/29/07 at 21:25:20

Just wanted to jump on this thread instead of starting my own....just got my first bike/Savage today!  I grew up riding a '68 Honda Dream that my dad had back on the farm.  Finally got out of the navy and have enough time to own my own.  Glad to be part of the community!

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by PerrydaSavage on 06/30/07 at 02:16:39

;D Welcome aboard Beatduck and jpsagaser! This is the BEST community on the WWW ... great folk here and we all love the same thing (Suzi's "Wonder Lump" LS650!!) 8)

Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Beatduck on 06/30/07 at 04:28:54

Welcome to your new addiction! Jspagasser.

Can't write much now, I'll fill you all in soon.
Still reading, (when not polishing... :P) working backwards, reading the ones that sound interesting or have good tips like "Ribbed rubbers for my chubby!" on pg.139. HAHA. oh! even better! There's a pun in there!


Title: Re: New Rider, New Bike! New! New! New!
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/01/07 at 08:30:10

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