General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> S40 Boulevard Webpage

Message started by skepticalnewt on 05/21/07 at 06:55:39

Title: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by skepticalnewt on 05/21/07 at 06:55:39

I wrote up a webpage about my S40 Boulevard.


Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/21/07 at 07:06:20

I'm glad you enjoy the bike and I'd like to personally thank you for your write-up of the folks here.  I think you summed this community up pretty well.

Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by hutch on 05/21/07 at 07:23:30

Ditto on the summary of this forum. And I would personaly like to thank you for the last statement about scary "looking" bikers not being what they look like. If only that would catch on. The heavy boots and leather are there for a reason. The patches and pins are there to make statements like bumper stickers or trace your travels like the stickers you see all over motorhomes. Same idea, different canvas. After 40 years of riding maybe things are changing.   Hutch

Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by mavrik on 05/21/07 at 08:28:13

Hey Newt great page.

When we ride in a group and stop for coffee/gas or whatever most people are freaked out.

The old biker mentality the 1% who have created the image of rape and pilage terrifies people.

I guess I have to admit, if I saw 25 bikes pulling in somewhere I used to get the h*ell out of the way. But since I ride now it's sort of an instant brotherhood.

Funny story we had a ride on saturday 3 hrs north, the town was closed down for a chrome and shine show, old cars bikes anything unique was on display.

My little Savage got alot of attention:

Is that a single?
Man that's a small bike
Can you keep up with these guys?
etc etc etc

when we hit the gas station I fill up 6.75 for me
The Harley's bigger Suzuki's and Kawasaki's were all over 23.00

Even my own club can't believe that little Savage, cheap to run faster than them up to 60mph and it handles great.

I was thinking of getting a bigger bike next year but now I'm not sure now.

as far as this site I LOVE it ;D. I have learned so much here  it's the best

Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by drharveys on 05/21/07 at 08:51:11

You expressed my feelings for this bike exactly!  Only difference is, I bought it so my wife can ride it, as well as having a second bike for when my daughter and son in law come to visit.  As for the wife, she's signing up for motorcycle training -- we'll see if she likes riding.  I know she enjoys day rides, but no longer finds pillioning all day on the interstate to be much fun.  Come to think of it, I'd rather save my energy for the twisties, too!

Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by skatnbnc on 05/21/07 at 09:27:47

Yes the biker stereotype is alive and well. I get the OPPOSITE reaction when people see me (see photo link) and find out I ride. "You don't look like a biker!!"

Well who does?  Each biker is different, and our main similarity is that we love/live to ride.

I am a grant manager and do 18th century living history events. I'm sure there are plenty of others on the forum who have wildly different backgrounds, but we all love our thumpers!

Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by mavrik on 05/21/07 at 14:50:03

[quote author=skatnbnc link=board=RubberSideDown;num=1179755739;start=0#5 date=05/21/07 at 09:27:47]

I am a grant manager and do 18th century living history events. I'm sure there are plenty of others on the forum who have wildly different backgrounds, but we all love our thumpers!

Guess what I do?

I sell know a girls best friend

I wear a suit all day,nobody can believe it when I gear up for riding.

Freaks em' right out, Ihave only been riding for about 12 months now but I LOVE it


Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by Savage Librarian on 05/21/07 at 15:04:25

mavrik wrote:
I am a grant manager and do 18th century living history events. I'm sure there are plenty of others on the forum who have wildly different backgrounds, but we all love our thumpers!

Guess what I do?

I sell know a girls best friend

:D I think I have both of you beat.

I'm a children's librarian.  I spend my days reading children's books, doing crafts, singing songs, and playing with puppets.  The looks I get when I throw my leg over the bike at the end of the day are always priceless.

And skepticalnewt, I think you hit the nail on the head about this forum.  This is a great place...except it's not really a place, but it almost is...kinda...

Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by ALfromN.H. on 05/21/07 at 15:30:03

Nice write-up Steve. I couldn't have said it better myself. I love my little thumper. Some HD people look at it funny but when I blow them off the line they re-think their first impression. I might get a bigger bike someday  but until then, I'M HAPPY!!!!


Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by skepticalnewt on 05/22/07 at 05:31:11

Thanks guys.


Title: Re: S40 Boulevard Webpage
Post by Scottwerty on 05/22/07 at 15:41:54

Great write-up Steve. Sums up everything about this little bike.  Keep on thumping
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