General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> HELPPP! tranny problem

Message started by drunpakhtun on 04/20/07 at 19:07:38

Title: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/20/07 at 19:07:38

BROTHERS, helpppp
my bike is stopped working i heard wat i thought was clutch chattering everytime i got on the clutch and then eventually the bike would go no where even wen i kicked it into gear. I changed clutch and still no luck
-the bike starts up fine,
-the bike clicks down into first from neutral all right, wen i release the clutch n give it some throttle it doesnt move, it rolls very slowly.
-When i'm of the clutch in first at a stand still the bike doesnt stall out!
- wen i was pushing it wen it was turned off it was making a clicking type of sound.
HELP PLEASE, the weather is gettin nice and this is torture!

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by tbalam on 04/20/07 at 19:25:45

first guess is that when you put the basket back in and tightened the nut down you bound it up. someone else had a similar problem. Was the basket tight when you put the springs and release plate on. I think this is an internal problem such that you need to take the cover off and figure out what is binding.

did you do anything to the cable and is there a little free play on clutch handle?

Not trying to be a smart as, but I assume you put the clutch springs back in.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/20/07 at 19:32:00

ye the basket was on tight, the nut was on good, the washer was bent up, text book. there is very minimal play w/ the clutch cable, its adjusted just teh way it was b4 wen it was up n running fine. LOL ye the springs r, n bolted down w/ the right torque specs.  I'm confident the clutch is in rite, i'm just scratching my head tryin 2 figure out wat it could be

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by verslagen1 on 04/20/07 at 19:55:06

I remember that too.

Something to do with the clutch rod or the lever not being in the right place.   ;D

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by justin_o_guy on 04/20/07 at 20:02:51

Look at the clutch plates, Are they pressed tight against the most outside part of the clutch? Is there any slack in the plates? Did you have trouble starting the 4 bolts that secure the part that goes on top of the springs? If so, the basket may be trapped away from where it needs to be.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/20/07 at 20:46:32

hey, i'm sorry i'm not sure wat u mean bout are the clutch plates pressed tight against the most outside part of the clutch.
matter of fact ye i did have trouble gettin the bolts 2 go in on top of the springs, i kinda had 2 muscle it so the threads could catch.
wen installing all the plates they seemed to be going in smooth n alright, i didnt notice any space, everything was snug.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/20/07 at 20:48:32

verslagen, are u talking bout the clutch push rod that goes in between the 4 springs? that part is in correctly.
were u refering to sumthing else?

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Reelthing on 04/20/07 at 21:09:47

Hard to tell from the post - you worked on the clutch because it was makeing a clattering and after you worked on the clutch were the symptoms different?

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by tbalam on 04/20/07 at 21:32:56

when everything was put back together, i.e. basket, springs, release plate, was there any play in the plates? The plates should have absolutely no play in them at this stage. If there was then something is trapped.
I think that was what Justin was sayin'

Sonce the cable and everything are good then I would say take it apart and double check everything. I know when I did some work on mine a couple weeks ago, the inside thrust washer slipped out of the way, I would have sworn that it was all done right, and I tore it apart about 4 times trying to figure out what was up. In this case the clutch wouldn't release but you get the idea.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by slavy on 04/20/07 at 23:05:28

Take the clutch springs out and readjust the pressure plate/ usually just some wiggling with palm is enough/. Make sure that the groves align and it presses on the plates when pushed with the palm of Your hand.
Put the cover back and check the clutch. If everything is good, install the exhaust.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by justin_o_guy on 04/21/07 at 00:26:36

Yea, I'm sorry, I was unclear. Let me try again. If ya look down at the top of the clutch basket,you will see the clutch plates, they are kinda yellowish if I remember right. The side near the engine has a gap between the last clutch plate & the end of the clutch basket, to allow room for the clutch rod to drive the clutch carrier back & disengage the clutch disks, by compressing the springs. If the basket got trapped against something, then the springs are compressed now, without even pulling the cable, so When you got done, did you have to tighten the cable up? Was there a lot of slack in it? Are you sure the cable is in the slot, behind the clutch lever ? Reason I ask is, Mine got out of place last time I was in there. Found it before i fired it up, but sure didnt have to. It could have caused me some hassles.. Hope this helps,

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Kropatchek on 04/21/07 at 03:35:37

Read in the other( German) forum that you can install the gear behind the clutch basket reversed, possible??

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by justin_o_guy on 04/21/07 at 03:57:56

I looked at that when I wasin there. I couldnt tell that it would be a problem if I did get it backwards. I saw no lines on the circumference, or dots on a tooth to show "Outside" vs inside. I dont remember it being asymetrical in any dimension, tho, it may well have been.Maybe I just got lucky, I had a 50/50 chance.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Greg_650 on 04/21/07 at 07:46:01

drunpakhtun wrote:
hey, i'm sorry i'm not sure wat u mean bout are the clutch plates pressed tight against the most outside part of the clutch.
matter of fact ye i did have trouble gettin the bolts 2 go in on top of the springs, i kinda had 2 muscle it so the threads could catch.
wen installing all the plates they seemed to be going in smooth n alright, i didnt notice any space, everything was snug.

Red Flag!

What do you mean that you had to muscle it to get the bolts on the springs?  Why?

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/21/07 at 09:36:22

the clutch is in fine, it doesnt go in gear i kno because
A. it doesnt stall out after kicked into first
B. even wen the bike is turned off and is in first, i can roll the bike with minimal force with out pulling the clutch it.
C.  i hear clicking sounds wen pushing the bike

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/21/07 at 09:37:25

ye i took the clutch apart and put it back together, everythin was good, no spaces, no play between anything, spring bolts went in no problem

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by tbalam on 04/21/07 at 09:44:16

obviously it could be a tranny problem, but unlikely. something is not adding up, but I am out of ideas.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Greg_650 on 04/21/07 at 10:07:51

drunpakhtun wrote:
the clutch is in fine, it doesnt go in gear i kno because
A. it doesnt stall out after kicked into first
B. even wen the bike is turned off and is in first, i can roll the bike with minimal force with out pulling the clutch it.
C.  i hear clicking sounds wen pushing the bike

Wait a are clouding things up.  Not even logical.

You take a clutch apart and the tranny goes to crap?  Come on.  You aren't seeing the obvious.  If the clutch is screwed, you can roll it around in gear all day long.  

Just because it doesn't look like it's in gear...How do you expect the engine to do anything if it is disconnected from the transmission?

You already said you had to muscle 2 of the release plate screws, and that's not right.  Red Flag!

You put some plates in there wrong or you messed something up.  How about the wave washer or that #1 friction plate or the spacers?

BTW - "kicking" it into gear might give you tranny problems though.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by verslagen1 on 04/21/07 at 10:20:45

I'm glad this guy's having such a problem.  It's going to make it easy for me to put mine back together.  Thanks for all the great pics greg.

If I recall correctly, sometimes the plates can hang up on the basket.  Makes it hard to have a picnic.   ;D

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Greg_650 on 04/21/07 at 10:27:39

verslagen1 wrote:
I'm glad this guy's having such a problem.  It's going to make it easy for me to put mine back together.  Thanks for all the great pics greg.

If I recall correctly, sometimes the plates can hang up on the basket.  Makes it hard to have a picnic.   ;D

Taking advantage of the situation?  Ha :P

The clutch can be a real handful to juggle around and lining everything up in the basket can be a challenge, too.  Got to get the spring seat and wave washer with the #1 friction plate in first...

Sure the plates can get hung up, but one things certain...if you have to force it together, something's wrong.

The assembly order, except the plates is shown above.  I've got one for the plates too...just haven't uploaded it yet.

I have good closeups (I think, anyway) on the CD I'm assembling...(shameless plug :P)

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Greg_650 on 04/21/07 at 10:33:28

Here it is.  On the CD they are full screen size or suitable for framing ;D

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/21/07 at 10:44:47

bro, the clutch is in rite, i did it twice now, everything went in smooth n lined up correctly.  
let me clear up the problem cause, i apologize if i was unclear.
it started wen i was riding i thought i heard clutch chatter, clicking sounds, then eventually the bike wouldnt go into gear.  I would put it into first let of the clutch and give it some throttle and i would roll slightly. I changed the used clutch (which didnt seem to be worn down to much but i figured its most likely the problem) and replaced it with brand new everything, did it twice just to make sure i didnt do anything wrong, and wen i gave it a go, same exact problem as before.  So now im left at the position i am now, forcing me to think  a tranny problem. i guess i'll take it apart see if anything is chewed up, bent or broken.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Greg_650 on 04/21/07 at 10:56:19

Dude, going back in there is your only option, anyway.  

If you have a tranny problem...same.

Good luck.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Max_Morley on 04/21/07 at 11:17:13

"i thought i heard clutch chatter, clicking sounds, then eventually the bike wouldnt go into gear.  I would put it into first let of the clutch and give it some throttle and i would roll slightly."

To me, clutch chatter is more of a on/off slight engagement/disengagement of the clutch w/o changing the lever position. Would have a feel that could create some sound alsoas it unloaded loaded the drive train parts. I'm thinking about problems others have cited over the years and one that comes to mind is the front pulley loose on the transmission output shaft. Also if the belt is way to loose it will slip over the teeth on the pulleys, that would give chattering type effect. The transmissons are pretty durable unless abused and then a worn/bent shift fork (or fork groove)  would prevent gear drive dog mesh and maybe let it try to pop ouot and then re-engage. Lets hear more from you about the original problem and what you have positively eliminated as possibilities. Max

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by drunpakhtun on 04/21/07 at 11:22:22

hmmm more about the original problem
the clicking sounds would only come wen i'd i got off the throttle, not wen i would accelerate.  It would also come wen the clutch was pulled in.  then it just got to the point where i could click into gears but the bike wouldnt go anywhere nor would it stall out.  
i'm gonna take apart the left side casing and start inspecting it w/ the clymer manual, i'll update u guys as soon as i see something tonight

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by justin_o_guy on 04/21/07 at 11:41:38

Based on what Max said & your description of the prob, I would spend just the few minutes necessary & grab an 8mm socket & wheeel that front pulley cover off & see if the tranny output shaft is spinning in it.. Wouldnt that be the sweetest, easiest solution?

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Kropatchek on 04/22/07 at 09:50:59

justin_o_guy wrote:
I looked at that when I wasin there. I couldnt tell that it would be a problem if I did get it backwards. I saw no lines on the circumference, or dots on a tooth to show "Outside" vs inside. I dont remember it being asymetrical in any dimension, tho, it may well have been.Maybe I just got lucky, I had a 50/50 chance.

Look very close to the picture Greg posted. The oilpump driving gear can ( and Murfy will) be installed in reverse. The teeth have to be closed to the clutch basket

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by justin_o_guy on 04/22/07 at 10:10:28

So you are saying the center is dished to one side? & if reversed, the teeth will be more toward the center of the engine & away from the clutch basket? IF it's wrong, then iot wont go together right? If thats true, then I spose I got it right, cuz its goin down the road quite nicely.. & I got lukkeeee.. Bout time!

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by verslagen1 on 04/22/07 at 10:26:06

Hey Greg, don't forget the oil pump gear engagement pin.  Clymer made a point of mentioning it.   ;D

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by Kropatchek on 04/23/07 at 02:53:21

justin_o_guy wrote:
So you are saying the center is dished to one side? & if reversed, the teeth will be more toward the center of the engine & away from the clutch basket? IF it's wrong, then iot wont go together right? If thats true, then I spose I got it right, cuz its goin down the road quite nicely.. & I got lukkeeee.. Bout time!

Another way of checking the correct placement of the oilpump driving gear is that when positioned incorrectly is that is does NOT drive the oilpump driven gear.

Title: Re: HELPPP! tranny problem
Post by justin_o_guy on 04/23/07 at 04:41:15

Well, I have seen the oil slosh in the window, so I know it's being pumped, that & I have over 100 mioles on the work, so, either the oil is pumping, or this is a very special little engine & it doesn't need oil,,Naah,, I dont think that's it,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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