General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)

Message started by DianeS. on 10/27/06 at 18:42:04

Title: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 10/27/06 at 18:42:04

Hi!  Last winter, I actually managed to take my bike out to run it every 2 - 3 weeks all winter long. I'd only gotten the bike on Oct. 30th, so I was extra keen to ride it as much as possible despite the Canadian winter.   Anyway, I did put stabil in the gas tank & keep it topped up, drain the carb, park the bike tires onto wood and off of the cement floor - but that was about it.   I didn't pull the battery at all - and it fired up fine each time.  (I think it's still the original battery from 2000)  Oh, and my garage stays above the freezing point all winter long.

So, my question is:  is it harmful to ride the bike every few weeks in the cold temps. and have it sit in between idle?  A guy at a bike store told me it was actually better to store the bike and not ride it - due to condensation etc. from the bike being cold, then driven, then cold etc.  Think he said it would cause more rust to accumulate faster?  I don't want to do the bike more harm than good, but the thought of storing it for 5 - 6 months seems sad.   Comments? ???

If it isn't harmful to run the bike every so often, in the winter temps. = I'll probably just do that again this winter.  If not, I will buy a battery tender, pull the battery, and do a full winterization on it.

I appreciate your input!!!! ;D


Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by barry68v10 on 10/27/06 at 19:21:38

Any vehicle is better off being used than stored, the more you ride it the better!  Don't let that mean ol' dealer scare you off your bike! >:(

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by sluggo on 10/27/06 at 19:26:52

the machine doesn't know it's cold outside.  ride when ever possible.   ;D

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by thumperclone on 10/27/06 at 20:42:10

here on the west slope of the rockies  i ride every day i can when there is no ice(black or otherwise) on the roads..bought my 05 (thought it was 06) last feb..ridden every good  weather day( read no ice) since..over 5 k on od, new tires already.. all i can say beyond this is..
"ride baby ride"!!!lifes too short to keep suzi  in the carriage house... 8)
the" ski bums" are on the slopes as we speak...

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by mickthelimey on 10/27/06 at 22:09:30

It was 35 degrees this morning,I went for a 30 mile run,it was a little brisk to say the least.
I was thinking of storing the bike indoors,but every time that old sun peeks out I want to ride,I know I would feel bad if I got all the pre storage ritual done and we have a little warm spell,I have decided not to winterize, I can dress acordingly when it's cold,but here in Oregon we get a goodly amout of rain,and january feb, usually bring the odd snowstorm,so I will play by ear this year and see what happens,when it gets real cold I will put my baby in my living room,maybe hang some orniments and tinsel on it  ;) then I can put some ribbon on it and emagen that you know who paid a visit,
because after all I have been a good boy ::)

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by thumperclone on 10/27/06 at 22:43:02

B.T.W. read this somewhere....40 mph@ 40 deg F = 28 dress for the ride...

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by bentwheel on 10/28/06 at 05:06:47

Your mechanic was right. When you put your bike away during Canadian winters, resist the temptation to start it occasionally. Condensation definitely forms after you shut down a warmed engine in the cold weather. The engine and the exhaust system will gather moisture at certain winter weather conditions, don't add more by starting it.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by necropsy on 10/28/06 at 05:55:16

I'll second what bentwheel and the mechanic say. But I have to admit, that I don't store it properly, I just can't resist the temptation for five long months. Give the oil a good flush in the spring just before riding season, would be a good idea

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by barry68v10 on 10/28/06 at 07:27:35

Condensation definitely forms after you shut down a warmed engine in the cold weather. The engine and the exhaust system will gather moisture at certain winter weather conditions, don't add more by starting it.

At the risk of starting another "oil debate" thread...
That's exactly why it's important to use an oil with a good detergent package.  Problems due to moisture are EXACTLY what rust inhibitors and buffers are designed to eliminate.  As far as moisture in the exhaust pipe goes, I don't see that as a major concern.  It takes a while for the pipe to rust out as its coated with carbon deposits and is cheap/easy to replace.  Besides as long as you heat the engine up enough when you start it to vaporize the condensation caused by initial startup, moisture collection is minimal anyway.

Tearing the bike down to individual parts and packing them all in cosmoline is the best way to make your bike last longer, but what would the point of that be?  You bought the bike to ride, so ride it...
On the other hand, if you know you won't ride your bike thru the winter, certainly don't just start it, let it idle for a bit and shut it down.

Another thing I'd recommend is running some type of fuel stabilizer thru the bike so if it's gonna sit so you don't have to worry about bad gas destroying stuff.  I run fuel stabilizer/carb cleaner in pretty much every tank of gas.

Recap:  good oil and fuel stabilizer and don't worry about a thing, ride it whenever you can.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 10/28/06 at 15:51:34

Thanks for the input!  Stilll not sure which was to go.

By the way, last winter I never just started it  and shut it down, I only started it if I could take it out for a 15 - 20 minute ride around the neighbourhood.   Yet it was enough to keep the battery charged and not need to pull it out of the bike, or buy a charger.   Plus, our garage doesn't go below freezing, so that likely is a good thing in terms of condensation.   Like others have said, I'd hate to store the bike, and then see many possible biking days go by.

Whether I ride it all winter or not, I always do a full oil and filter change in the spring, and get the bike serviced.  Plus, I use stabil and keep the gas topped up, and drain the carb.


Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by franch on 10/28/06 at 18:36:27

why doesn't your garage go below freezing ?

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by HeresPaco on 10/28/06 at 19:11:22

Diane, you're doing just fine the way you store and ride your bike when you can.  You're also WAY ahead of most everyone with the life time on your battery, Ha!

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 10/29/06 at 07:22:42

franch:  Our garage is very well insulated, and we put an addition above it - so I'm assuming the heat from the house and addition are enough to keep it above 0 C.
If needed, we have a small space heater too, but last winter it was fine.  Now it's cooler closer to the doors, than towards the back, but the bike will be parked at the back of the garage, once we clean it out enough.

That's also why I figured that if I rode the bike every few weeks, and it got condensation in it, it would be ok because the temp is warm enough.  Not like it's going from very hot, to temps in the minuses.


Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Trippah on 10/29/06 at 11:46:53

DianeS- 'm with you, ride it when you can, the condensation issue is for very brief turn on/turn off.  You get up to opperrating temps with  15-20 minute rides.  Enjoy when you can, i hope this winter is similar to last year.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by markv on 11/21/06 at 10:37:50

Ride Diane! I'm in Canada too and I do. As long as you can be out there long enough to do at least 10 miles or so it will be hot enough that condensation won't be an issue. The precautions you are taking are just fine. There's too much paranoia around, just get on your machine and enjoy it the way the Engineers who designed it intended. You can be sure they validated it in cold weather climates! Have fun.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Trippah on 11/21/06 at 14:35:54

Hi DianeS..Rode to work yesterday..too much frost this am..hereit is Nov 20/21st..only three to five more months of this cold crap. ;D

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by mavrik on 11/21/06 at 18:17:47

Hi Diane: I live close to you in Ptbo, my bike doctor/dealer told me to "Store it, don't ride it in winter what are you nuts". ??? So I had it winterized. They did it.I have the battery on a trickle charger.

It's my first winter with Suziq so I took his advice, I am kinda sorry now because we have had some really good days I coulda gave her hell. I am now forced to take my agressions out on my drum kit. :-[

I store her indoors. I sit on her occasionally, crack a beer and wonder "what if" as she leans over so sadly next to the hot tub :'(

I will NOT winterize again. I was a real noob this year.

I now realize the dealers agenda, winterize your bike pal and these new ATV's we just got ;D

Question to the Savages if I put my battery back in and ride her are there any special rituals I must also do? Cheers

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Steve530 on 11/21/06 at 20:13:36

Hi Diane,

I just want to point out that it is possible to have condensation above freezing.  However, since your garage does not go below freezing, you will not have ice forming on your bike.   :)


Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Fido_the_Cat on 11/21/06 at 20:50:32

Experience is the best teacher, harsh in it's reality. I have missed several weekends lately to get a good run in. So this past weekend I took the bike on a 6 hour trip (two hours in a warm resturante) in Northern PA. I dressed properly, wore leathers, and saw scenary that is beyond my ability to put in words. To me that's what it's about.
I don't know the particulars of the effects of bitter cold Canadian weather on equipment. But I know why I ride and I have to aggree with some of the wisdom of this site......
Ride On. Enjoy! And use your God Given Sense about when to ride. Lots of good sense here. Seems to me your already there.
Mavrik- Sorry to hear of your (Ahem) situation. You could take this time to get to know Suziq. Maybe some MODS if your feeling risky. She could only benefit from a partner who knows here well enough to liberate her from the "winterization" experience put upon her by those who wish to exploit her at any opportunity. Free Her MAVERIK!!!
I don't know what they do to WINTERIZE , other than over charge me.  

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by justin_o_guy on 11/21/06 at 21:57:18

Ya know, you could get all worked up & make sure you didn't "Hurt your BAAAYbeeee" by mothballing it & pickling it & treating it like a Lambourgini worth a few hundred thousand $$$, ORRR You could treat it like YOU own it & respect it & take care if it reasonably WHILE you Enjoy IT!  I read several posts about oil; changes & how to keep an engine alive, one I liked was ( Google "oil bible" ) As long as ther engine runs long enough to heat the oil well enough to rid itself of the condensation it doesn't hurt it any more than riding in summer. I Think that's what it said. If you read it & get something else from it, well,, I can be wrong! Anyway, if it is safe to ride & you are brave enough to get out in it, Go for it!The bearings in cars are the same as in that bike. I have seen a Savage with 85,000 miles on it. Those engines are built tough. Enjoy your bike, sensibly. Change the oil& think about how it needs to be treated, be responsible based on your own research. Dealers may well have an agenda or just choose caution( restricted actions) over solid decision making based on knowledge instead of fear. Nobody can blame a dealer/ mechanic for damage if the dealer/ mechanic advises against riding in winter. Have fun, be safe.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Bulwark on 11/22/06 at 04:02:28

I live in New Brunswick and just got my first bike yesterday, a 2006 GS500F.  Im so riding it whenever the roads arent full of ice.

Our winters have been odd the last few years with the snow not lasting more than a week.  It snows then warms up.  Then snows again then warms up.

So as long as the roads are clear and there is no ice/black ice about Ill be on them.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Guido on 11/22/06 at 15:08:28

25 degrees in the mornings here this week and still riding to work. Leather chaps, jacket, gloves, neck gaitor, and full face helmet. As long as there isn't any ice or snow, I'm ridin!! All of my co-workers have already stored their bikes. The looks on their faces when I ride in is priceless! Bunch of sissies!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by TVR on 11/22/06 at 17:42:37

Was 72 today. Did have to wear a long sleeve t-shirt though..... ::)

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Starlifter on 11/23/06 at 14:00:58

Warm here today in Michigan (for late November). Still riding, but soon will come the day where by rider's instinct I will know that until come April it's down time.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 11/23/06 at 19:14:06

Thanks for all of your input!!!  

Well, the temps. here have been a lot milder than usual, but in the mornings it's been below zero and I haven't been on my bike this week, but I'll see what it's like in the morning Friday.  I have to admit, I'm kind of a chicken to ride my bike, if I have to scrape frost off of the car windows to take my kids to the sitter's house, because the roads likely have the same icy frost on them.  Definately don't want to slide on any black ice!!! Yet, when it warms up by 10 degrees over the morning, I get ticked off for not riding the bike into work.
As it was, I saw several bikers out this afternoon.

I'm still planning on riding it throughout the winter months, maybe not the hour to work (each way), but at least for a 15-20 min. run around the neighbourhood to keep the battery charged up.  

Mavrik, last winter I did the winterization (oil change, drain carb, and top up fuel with stabil etc), but whenever I rode it in the winter, I would top the gas back up with a can in our garage.  I didn't pull the battery out, nor do I own a battery tender.   So, chances are you wouldn't need to do much prep at all to fire up your bike and ride it, if you want to.

Matter of fact, I haven't winterized my bike yet this season because the temps have been mild, and I know it won't go below 0 in my garage.  I guess one of these days, I'll put some stabil in the gastank etc - when I get some time.

Oh, I have noticed a lot more grit and stuff on the roads, that I will avoid if I bike tomorrow.  Plus on my own road, there's a lot of mud from farm tractor tires too.  There's a few places near my work where they've had road construction and I've spotted some gravel too.
I always keep an eye out for road hazards when I drive my car, so when I take the bike I'll know what to what out for.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Savage_Rob on 11/23/06 at 21:10:33

If I was in your place, I'd keep a fuel can in the garage for the bike (which you have) and keep that fuel treated with sta-bil.  The bike will run fine with that and you won't Need to worry if you get caught with her garaged for several weeks either.  Also, keep your bike on a battery tender once every 3-4 weeks... otherwise, just ride when you feel safe doing so.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 11/24/06 at 17:13:48

Thanks for the advice Savage Rob.

I did ride today since the temps. were above freezing when I checked outside.  The roads looked slick in spots, so I was a bit nervous, but I got to work without sliding at all.  It was a bit chilly though, even with my winter gloves and balaclave underneath my FF helmet.  
I seem ok for the first half-hour, and then the chill sets in a bit.  Guess I need to add more layers.  The temps. went up to about +8 Celcuis by the pm, so the ride home was much nicer!!!!

I will put stabil in the tank tomorrow, when I go to fill it back up with gasoline.  I also want to give it a good washing.   The forecast, surprisingly enough (remember I live in Ontario, Canada) is still very mild for most of next week, so I'm planning on riding it more.

As for a battery tender, I don't own one - but I was looking at them a few weeks ago in the store.  Our regular battery charger may be suitable, but I haven't checked it out yet.  I believe the battery is the original one from '2000 and it's been fine so far.  I never charged it at all last winter - and the occasional ride in the winter seemed enough to keep it charged up - which was nice.  


Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by HeresPaco on 11/26/06 at 01:39:32

Hey hey hey.. it's like spring here in central NY State and I don't have to work this week!   hmmm... home chores or riding, riding or home chores....  :P  well duhhh!

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by loopedguru on 11/26/06 at 06:36:18

DianeS. wrote:
Thanks for the advice Savage Rob.

I did ride today since the temps. were above freezing when I checked outside.  The roads looked slick in spots, so I was a bit nervous, but I got to work without sliding at all.  It was a bit chilly though, even with my winter gloves and balaclave underneath my FF helmet.  
I seem ok for the first half-hour, and then the chill sets in a bit.  Guess I need to add more layers.  The temps. went up to about +8 Celcuis by the pm, so the ride home was much nicer!!!!

I will put stabil in the tank tomorrow, when I go to fill it back up with gasoline.  I also want to give it a good washing.   The forecast, surprisingly enough (remember I live in Ontario, Canada) is still very mild for most of next week, so I'm planning on riding it more.

As for a battery tender, I don't own one - but I was looking at them a few weeks ago in the store.  Our regular battery charger may be suitable, but I haven't checked it out yet.  I believe the battery is the original one from '2000 and it's been fine so far.  I never charged it at all last winter - and the occasional ride in the winter seemed enough to keep it charged up - which was nice.  


Nice Diane!!!

I've ridden the last 3 days without fail.  I am so glad the weather has been fairly nice the last week.  I am also glad you created this post being that I am across the bridge from you and will be experiencing the same type of weather at just about the same time.  I haven't put Stabil in the tank yet.  I've had some people tell me to run it, while others have warned me against it.  It is a gorgeous morning so I'll probably be riding the "Tangerine Dream" to church shortly.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 12/08/06 at 18:06:10

Hi again.   Well after a few weeks of above normal temps. we've had some colder temps, and icy roads.
Yet, it's supposed to be + 6 celcius on Sunday, so if the roads are dry I am hoping to ride the bike.  I think the last time I was on it, was Nov. 24th, so it needs a good run.  I have yet to charge the battery, so I want to run it soon, so it doesn't sit for too long.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by mavrik on 12/08/06 at 18:58:26

Thanks Dianne, it's way too COLD to ride now. Minus 15 today. I have lost my window of opportunity until spring.

Too much salt on the roads now for me, it's my first year riding. Gotta find the time for some mods. Still looking to get the muffler upgrade and a sporty seat.

I wanna join a riders club in the spring do you know of any local ones? Cheers Merry Christmas :D

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by necropsy on 12/08/06 at 22:01:11

DianeS. wrote:

Yet, it's supposed to be + 6 celcius on Sunday, so if the roads are dry I am hoping to ride the bike.  I think the last time I was on it, was Nov. 24th, so it needs a good run.

I was able to ride off and on uptil Nov. 29. Then the snow started and hasn't let up since. Easily a good foot of snow up here in Barrie. Even if it does make it to +6 Sunday, I fear it won't melt enough snow to allow an opportunity to make a quick cruise. Best I'm hoping for is a chance to give the bike a wash, since I squeezed every last minute of rideable weather out of this season riding. I don't wanna leave that crap they spray on the roads up here, to sit on the poor girl all winter.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by necropsy on 12/08/06 at 22:11:43

mavrik wrote:
I wanna join a riders club in the spring do you know of any local ones? Cheers Merry Christmas :D

I've heard nothing but goods things about the Southern Cruisers.

Plenty of chapters through out southern Ontario.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 12/09/06 at 18:39:43

Mavrik:  I joined the Southern Cruisers this year, and they are a family friendly group.  I'm sure they would have a chapter up near  you.  I only made it out for one ride - but I have young kids so it's difficult to just take off for a group ride.  Plus, my hubby likes me home here.   The Southern Cruisers did a quite a few shorter or longer rides, and some weekend events too - if you like to do that.

Necropsy:  Yes, I heard that Barrie was getting more snow.  We don't have much snow here (Lindsay), but like you I'm going to see if the temps. are high enough tomorrow to dry the roads.  The highways looked good today - it was my own road that had some wet sections or sand.    According to the Tor Star, the temps are supposed to be above freezing during the week, but my hubby said that the local forecast wasn't so great.  So, we'll see what happens.  I mean, I wouldn't risk the hour commute each way to work on the bike (in case of a sudden snowfall), but for a quick ride locally - I'd go out.  I rode a fair bit last winter, and never had to charge my battery. ;D


Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Bulwark on 12/10/06 at 05:41:52

Im in Moncton NB.  We have a bit of snow but this week its suppose to warm up.  In fact the roads are prolly dry today so I guess Ill be on them with my new GSF.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 12/12/06 at 20:46:01

Above freezing temps here in Ontario, Canada, so it looks good for riding the bike to work on Thursday! :)
It's calling for rain tomorrow and Friday though. :(

I rode last Sunday, and althought there was snow on my driveway, the main roads were fine.  It was awesome, with the beautiful sunshine!!!!  I was so glad I had ventured out - because I was very close to chickening out when I saw the snow on my driveway, but my bike went over it without even slipping!!!  Thank you Metzler tires!!!! ;D  

I've seen a few other bikers out lately as well - I guess that I'm not the only one who hasn't winterized my bike.  Yet, when the temps are @ +6 - it seems great  to ride, with decent warm clothing.


Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 12/30/06 at 15:55:12

Just popping in to see how any of the winter riders are doing.  

I rode my bike to work and back a week ago, and now we have colder temps and a bit of snow on the ground.  
Yet, by mid. week it looks like the roads will be dry enough to ride  though the temps. will be just @ +3 degrees celcuis.  I've seen other bikers out too - so it's certainly been an amazing december for riding.  Bet the skiiers, ice-fishermen, and ski-dooers are ticked off though!!  The lakes around us certainly aren't frozen.

Anyway, happy riding for those of you who are still out and about.  ;D Happy tinkering, or drinking or whatever you folks who've stored your bikes!!! ;D

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/30/06 at 17:14:11

:( Still grounded here in St. John's, Nfld. ... hasn't gotten much above -10deg C (approx. +11deg F) here over the past few days ... though not much snow and the roads are dry and ice-free ... went to a Biker-bash last nite and none of those hard-cores have Ridden (one was out X-mas Day though and another swears he's goin' out on New Years Day regardless of the temp. as long as it isn't snowing!), but my wife did see a couple of Bikes on the go yesterday!

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 01/01/07 at 19:47:57

In Ontario, it was nearly +10 C. today, but hubby and I were busy building a bunch of shelves for our upper room so I didn't even leave the house.  On Wednesday it's supposed to be @ +7 C. and only 5% change of precip. so I think I'll ride the bike to my doctor's appt. and get an hour run each way.

I find if the temps. are below +10 C. I get a bit cold on the bike after about 1/2 hour of riding, but I have winter
gloves and some better layers now underneath my leathers which helps.

I think in a few days I shall pull the battery to see if it's a maintenance free one, or one I need to top up.  I haven't had any problems with the battery, and it was last charged in March when it was serviced at the shop.
But, I shouldn't leave it too long.

Happy riding folks!!!

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by geo on 01/01/07 at 22:38:39

Get out of the North!
I had a very comfortable ride on Dec 31 here in the Orlando area. I ride all winter. Sometimes I actually have to wear leather.

We need a frost bad! There is no other way to get rid of the crab grass and termites. Pray for Florida to FREEZE!

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by YonuhAdisi on 01/02/07 at 14:16:52

geo wrote:

We need a frost bad! There is no other way to get rid of the crab grass and termites. Pray for Florida to FREEZE!

In other words you want Hell to freeze over?

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I lived in Florida for a while and I understand what the temps and humidity is like.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by barry68v10 on 01/02/07 at 16:47:41

Still riding my bike to work EVERYDAY in Baltimore.  Looks like this will continue thru next week! ;D

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 01/02/07 at 19:12:47

As for living in the North - I am used to it, and don't think I'd like living where there was no snow at all.  I just like having four distinct changes of seasons.  Yet, the extremely mild weather is a big teaser for me since it has been great for riding the bike, and doing projects outside. ;)

I do find that each winter, it seems to take me longer and longer to get used to the really cold weather.  But my daughters and I have new skiis and snowboards to use on our hills, so we do need some snow.  Plus my five year old wants me to help her build a snowman.  ;D

I'm sure other Canadian bikers in southern Ontario are just amazed at the lack of snow this winter.  We even set a record of +9 celcuis on New Year's Day.  Yet, we could be buried in snow soon...

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by geo on 01/02/07 at 21:09:05

Remember global warming?
It's coming back. Greenland will be green again.
You will be able to ride all year naked. ;D

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Savage_Rob on 01/03/07 at 05:53:56

geo wrote:
Remember global warming?
It's coming back. Greenland will be green again.
You will be able to ride all year naked. ;D

LOL, that was just Viking marketing.  Call the green island Iceland to discourage too much immigration and call the cold and icy island Greenland to encourage settlement.  I've always loved that.

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Tammi on 01/03/07 at 07:45:50

I'm a Minnesotan checking in.

(I don't know exactly where DianeS lives in Canada, but there's a good chance that I actually live farther north than she does.)  ;)

Anyway, I've had my Thumper for two winters now. My last ride in '05 was on November 15, and my last ride in '06 was on November 24. I winterized my bike both times.

I believe in winterizing my Thumper, but with the mild winter we've been having so far, I could have ridden Thumper for a full month after I winterized her.  :(

Next year, I'm not going to winterize at the first cold stretch. My goal will be to ride into December.

Cheers. Tammi

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by Trippah on 01/03/07 at 19:14:23

Hi- Here in central Massachusetts it was almost 60 F. today, ran errands from 4-5pm, just started getting nippy after sunset.  Now if i can only find the 07 sticker I was supposed to put on the license plate. ;)

Title: Re: Ride in winter - or store? (I live in Canada)
Post by DianeS. on 01/03/07 at 21:19:05

Tammi:  I live about an hour northeast of Toronto, but I've been in Windsor which is a place where part of the US is actually north (lol). ;D

Geo:  Riding naked - me???   Ha!  That'll be the day.   ;D

Trippah:  I had to find my license sticker too - but that was in November.  I knew I should have put it on immediately after I got it from the licensing bureau!

Anyway, I would have ridden my bike over two hours today (to an appt.) but it wouldn't start.  Turns out the battery had a cracked cell cover - not bad for likely being the original OEM battery from 2000.  So... instead of riding, I ended up buying a replacement battery.  
Tomorrow, once the new battery is charged and installed, I'll go for a testrun.  The temp. is supposed to be + 8 celcuis (@ 46 F).  Works for me. ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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